The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 18, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MARCH 18 , 11)01 ) ,
Name Candidates for the City
Council Election.
The Democrats Named , Also , the Del
egates Who Will Assemble In the
Democratic City Convention To
[ From Tuesday's Dnlly. ]
The democratic ward caucuses
were held last night for the purpose
of selecting delegates to attend the
city convention which Is to bo hold
in the city hall tonight and to place
In nomination candidattcs for city
The First , Second and Third ward
rJ caucuses were hold In the city hall.
tl August Pllger was chairman of the
First ward caucus and August Slot-
fen secretary. August Brummund ,
who has served as councilman from
the ward for a number of terms , was
placed In re-nomination and the fol
lowing wore chosen to represent the
ward at the city convention tonight :
Oscar Uhle , C. H. Krahn , August
Stoffen , Arthur Peter , Chas. Dugan ,
Gust. Nltz , Otto Ryland.
At the Third ward caucus J. II.
Hulff was chairman and Chester A.
Fuller secretary. C. B. Durland was
placed In nomination for the ofilco of
councilman from the ward and the
following wore named as delegates
to the city convention : John Friday ,
J. H. Ilulff , Herman Gerecko , Dr. A.
Bear , Chester A. Fuller , C. S. McCas-
Hn and J. C. Stltt.
From the Second ward Carl Zue-
low was nominated for councilman
and the following delegates named to
the city convention : W. G. Bonier ,
Carl Zuelow , H. C. Matrau , Carl
Wilde , F. J. .Tamer , August Brum-
mund , W. A. Ahlmnn , M. Singer and
Carl Shnlz.
The Fourth ward caucus was at
the store of W. C. Roland. J. C.
Spellman was re-nominated for the
position of city councilman and the
following delegates were chosen to
the city convention : F. W. Koorber ,
J. C. Spellman , W. C. Roland , J. S.
Burnett , O. B. Walker and Michael
The republicans will hold their cau
cuses tomorrow night and the city
convention Friday evening.
Officers are Called up to Collect a
Doctor's Bill.
[ From Thursday's Dally. ]
At 3 o'clock this morning a num
ber of officers of the law in Norfolk
were hauled out of bed to levy an at
tachment upon the property of a citi
zen departing. The fellow gives his
name as J. Dick. He is a Russian.
A doctor had a bill for $00. Ho bad
a couple of horses attached and Dick
dug up $10 besides giving note and
chattel mortgage. Then ho was al
lowed to go his way.
Was Opened in Probate Court at
Madison During Afternoon.
[ From Wednesday's Dally.l
Madison , Neb. , March 15. Special
to The News : The will of the late
G. A. Lulkart was opened In probate
court today. The following disposi
tion of his property is made :
"I desire that all expenses of my
funeral and the administration of my
estate and all of my indebtedness be
paid out of my personal property un
less my legatees and creditors agree
that my debts shall be assumed by
the legatees to save loss by forced
sale. If the personal property be in
sufficient I authorize my executors
to sell so much real estate not other
wise bequeathed to pay all my debts ,
"I bequeath and give to my son ,
Edwin H. Lulkart , bank stock of his
own choosing from any bank In which
I may hold stock , to the amount of
$5,000. Said amount is not to bo
fixed at par value , but the amount of
stock he shall thus receive shall be
fixed 'by the market value or so much
as will sell for $5,000. Said bequest
is in part of the return for the money
which my son has owned and given
to my estate and shall stand In set
tlement thereof. If I otherwise make
settlement with him before my death ,
then this claim shall bo void.
"I bequeath and give to my three
daughters , Lillian , Stella and Cora
Lulkart , my Insurance policy of $10-
000 , in the Ponsylvanla Mutual Life
Insurance company If the same shall
be in force at the time of my death ,
, share and share alike.
Y/ "I bequeath and give all my proper
t jT ty remaining , personal and real to ,
V * my beloved wife , Anna M. Luikart.
> "I appoint my wife , Anna M. Lul
kart , and my son , Edwin H. Lulkart ,
my executors on their bond , without
adldtlonal securities.
G , A. Lulkart.
Bishop Williams in Norfolk.
The Right Reverend A. L. Williams
D. D. , Is making a visitation of Trin
ity parish and Is the guest of Rev. J
C. S. Wellls.
Barber Shop Renovated.
The Reed barber shop has been
completely renovated. New electric
light chandeliers have been Installed
new compressed air apparatus ant
new fixtures.
'he Deadly Effect of Ungodliness and
the Power of Salvation.
[ From Wednesday's Dnlly. ]
A bright song nnil pralso service
characterized the evangelistic sor-
Ice lust night. The chorus In doing
plcndlil work nnd tlio two horns mid
lolln are rendering valuable assist-
anco. Mr. Lyon took occasion to
commend The News for ItH full re-
) orta of the meetings and emphasized
ho power of the printed page when
ised for good. Much Interest Is ovl-
lent In the cottage motlugs through
out the city for tomorrow morn Ing.
Here are a few of the sentences
rom last night's sermon : "Tho
addest fact of human history Is sin.
t Is sin that has caused nil this old
vorld's sorrow. It Is sin that makes
ho sleepless nights and troubled
lays , that seams and scars the face
) f earth with the warring of her
children. The ono great message of
ho preacher Is salvation from sin.
"That the wages of sin Is death Is
nanlfest through all human experi
ences. Sin is death to spiritual of"
ect. It is death to conscience and
ho higher feelings. It is possible to
eject so long Cod's offer of mercy
hat finally all deslro for salvation
leparts. In a peculiar sense the un-
mrdonablo sin Is the sin that don't
vant to bo pardoned. The most
ilarmlng spiritual condition Is to be
come past feeling.
"There are different ways of deal-
ng with sin. Some love sin and
lold It as a precious morsel beneath
he tongue. Others are sick of sin
) iit seek the wrong way to be rid of
ts guilt and power. Not by pcnanco
> r philanthropy or rituals can salva-
Ion bo gained. Do not deceive your
self that there is no such n thing as
disease and sin , that it is only a
nontal slate. Sin is not a flgmontof
ho Imagination , it is an awful real
"In contrast with man's false meth
ods of dealing with sin mark God's
euro for sin. For ho hath made him
o be sin for us who knew no sin ;
hat ho might be made the righteous-
loss of God In him. ' Man whitewash
es his sins but God washes his sins
vhite. Though man may seek to
cover bis own sins they come again
o view. Bo sure your sins will find
ou out. But when God blots out
'our sins they are blotted out for
ever. "
This evening Mr. Lyon will speak
on the "Children of God , " or , "How
may I know that I am a Christian ? "
J. C. Mardis Has Arrived to
Superintend Work.
Within a Few Days the Nebraska
State Hospital for the Insane ,
Which Has Been so Long Planned ,
Will Begin to Loom up.
fFrom Thursday's Dally. ]
The Nebraska State Hospital for
the Insane will begin to loom up on
the hill northeast of Norfolk within
a few hours. J. C. Mardis , represent-
ng the Capital City Brick company ,
jas arrived from DCS Moines to su
perintend the work of constructing
.ho new Institution. Ho Is at present
at the Oxnard hotel.
State Architect Tyler is expected
: o arrive in Norfolk today and will ,
with Mr. Mardis , go over the ground.
The plans of engineering and of
building will bo sot forth in a definite
way and then the dirt will begin to
Mr. Mardis had nothing in a def
inite way to say for publication this
morning. His plans can not be laid
out until he has talked with the state
architect. He expects to bo here several
oral months.
There Is a case of blondlned hair
In town that is making the dogs howl.
The wickedest thing an Atchlson
man ever heard of was a woman who
drank whiskey.
Church pillars arc mighty proud
when people from other denomina
tions attend their church affairs.
If a woman book agent wears skirts
that rustle loud enough , no woman
will close her doors against her.
All story books make women out
to be better than men , probably for
the reason that women are the ones
who buy them.
Some day when a dressmaker Is
seen on pleasure bent during a busy
season , the women who catch her at
It , will mob her.
Wo know Dan Anthony very well
now ; but after ho is elected to con
gress , we'll bet ho won't speak to us
It does make a difference.
When a man reaches forty-five , ho
should cut off a lock of his hair so
that he can prove to his grand child
ren In years to come that he once had
When there Is a dust storm , and a
woman gets caught out In It , she
moans that It Is only a few days since
she washed her hair and now It haste
to bo done all over again.
Man From the Rosebud Objects
to the New Terms.
Regradless of How Much They Re
ceive It Is Said That They Will Get
Away With nil the Cash and With
out Much Benefit Either.
( From Wednesday's Dally. ]
"I don't know how much the Indian
lights association known about real.
i\ lug Indians , aside I rom the gradu-
tes of the Carlisle Indian school , "
aid a visitor In the city from Fairfax
oday , "but 1 do know that In trying
o raise the price of the Rosebud
eservatlon to $5 an aero , tlu-y are
ot helping the Indians. An Indian
oosn't know the value of money Ho
vlll spend all ho has , regardless of
ho amount , and that foolishly.
"What's more , In trying to take a
lomostead a man who paid $5 an aero
ouldn't got along for the first three
cars without sinking $2,000. Ho
ouldn't como anywhere near making
living. It Is a lot of hard work. You
uivo to have tools and horses and
mins. It Is no snap. At the end of
Ivo years he's lucky If he's played
oven , and bo's spent a period of drud
gery to make ends meet. The price
s too high. "
C. A. Nash was In Norfolk from
1-3. H. Lulkart of Tlldcn was In the
Ity today.
W. E. McCord was hero yesterday
'mm Albion.
O. E. Coylo was In the city from
Merco today.
John Ward of Newman Grove was
a city visitor.
G. H , Reese was In the city over
light from Pierce.
E. C. Biggins of Fairfax , S. D. , was
n Norfolk yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sullivan were
u the city from Lincoln.
W. O. Smith came down on the
morning train from Fairfax.
T. M. Campbell and W. II. Graben
vero in the city from Brock.
Robert Lynn , banker at Spencer ,
was In the city today on business.
Tomorrow is St , Patrick's day and
ho "wearln * o' the green" will bo
ho popular departure.
Mrs. C. C. Taylor of Nellgh is a
guest at the homo of her daughter ,
Mrs. M. J. Romlg. She is accompa-
iled by her little granddaughter.
Some of the wcalher propncts are
> remising a blizzard for tomorrow.
The weather man will have to hurry
f ho Is successful In generating a
storm period that will enable it to
consideration as a buzzard.
The Oxnard hotel has a new kitch
en In course of construction , a now
range on the way , now bath rooms
hroughoiit the house , a new , dark
green shade of paper on the walls of
ho dining room and a coatlne of
vhito on the office skylight.
Two Norfolk girls have a new Idea
which Is bringing them good results.
Miss Watts and Miss Gruell are
originators. They are selling chances
on a trip to St. Louis or $15 in
money. The tickets range from ono
cent to $1.10. The gross receipts will
give them enough for their Ingenuity
and the patrons the fun of the game.
Miss Marie Wainwright will enter
tain at the Norfolk Auditorium to
night In Shakespeare's "Twelfth
Night , " and one of the best opportu
nities of the season Is presented the
people of Norfolk for seeing a strict
ly high class entertainment. Miss
Wainwright's performance at the
Boyd theater in Omaha received wor
thy attention on the part of the crit
ics and Norfolk may bo considered
fortunate in that she and her com
pany consents to give a performance
here. ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Rcc'-ard ' left
Norfolk this morning for their new
homo In Los Angeles , Cal. They have
made Norfolk their homo for a great
many years and during that time
( hey have formed friendships ii ( the
type that can never bo forgotten. _ At
the train this morning quite a crowd
of the old friends and neighbors gath
ered to bid the departing Nebraskans
God speed upon their journey west
ward. It was a hard goodbye to
speak and a touching farewell , with
al. Mr. Reckard will bo employed in
the street car manufacturing shops
of Los Angeles.
Complaint has been made tha
those making use of the city dump
ing ground on South First street are
not complying with the laws and reg
ulations governing the tract. The
city owns five acres near the river
that may bo used for the disposition
of truck and rubbish , and It Is pro
vided that the stuff dumped there
shall not bo deposited closer than 100
foot to the highway. Instead of ob
serving this , rubbish Is now being
dumped Into the highway , the team
sters finding It convenient to dump
their loads out along the road with
out driving Into the plot that ha
been set aside for the purpose. Th
officers have taken note of this procedure
ceduro and propose to stop the prac
tlce. They propose to make an ex
ample of the violators of the law.
Reveals Tluit "I'e-ru-na Is Calculated to
Tone up ( ho System , Restore the Func
tions and Procure Health. "
Prof. L. J. Miller , Into Professor of Chemistry and Botany of the High Schoo
of Ypsllantl , Mich. , writes from , ' ! . ' ! 27 N. Clark Street , Chicago , 111. , im follows :
"As povural of my frluniln have spoken to mo of the favorable rc'HiiltH obtainoc
through the USD of Poruna , i-Hpuclully in CIIHCH of catarrh , I examined H mom
thoroughly to learn Itrt contontH.
"I found H composed of extracts ot burin and Imrlsn of most valuable medlclniL
qualities combined with other ingredients , d < llcately balanced , calculated lo tone
up ( ho system , restore the funotioiiH procure health.
/ consider Pcruna one of the most skillfully anil scientifically prcparei
medicines , which the public can use with safety nnil MCCC&S.I'ROF. . L. J
Free Free
Stupendous Offer Made by a Well
Known Philadelphia Firm.
Thousands of persons In all oectlont
of the country have been healed
by this wonderful discovery.
Every educated person has heard
of Radium , Its wonderful powers and
icallng qualities have occupied page
after page In the Metropolitan publi
cations. Almost everybody knows
that It Is the greatest remedy that
God ever gave to Buffering humanity.
Disease germs of every description
flee before It they cannot stand the
contact. Wo have such faith In our
proposition that wo guarantee abso
lutely to cure you. What Is more wo
will glvo you a written contract to
that effect. This offer has never been
duplicated. Fill out the blank below
and mark the malady from which you
are suffering and recelvo by return
mall Information that will bo worth
hundreds of dollars to you. Ask any
banking firm regarding our respon
Free Offer Free Offer Free Offer
812 Drexel Building
Philadelphia , Pa.
Sirs : Kindly send mo free of
coat Information regarding your
Radium treatment and your won
derful remedy "Radios. "
City - . . . . . . . ,
State „ .
j Disease „
CU11K 1'OK
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and jileo ant to
HHC. CimUliis DO In
jurious drui ; .
It U quickly absorbed.
Guca Htllcf atoncu.
It Opcne and Clcnnecs
Allays Inflammation.
Ilcnla and 1'rotccU the Mombrnnc. Restores the
Bi'iues of Tanto and Smell. Ijir e Szi | > , 60 cents at
Druggists or lir mall ; Trial Slzo , lOcuiti by .all.
ELY mtOTUKKS , 68 Warreu Street , New Yoi *
Constipation and Flatulency
Cured In n day with Drake's Palmetto Wine.
Every reader of this i > apcr should send postal
card lor free trial bottle to Druko Formula
Company , Chicago.
Cutnrrh quickly yields to trent-
mont by Ely's Cream lialm , which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils , cleanses and heals the whole sur
face over vhich it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the GOo. size ; Trial fd/.o by mail , 10
cents. Test it and you arc sureto continue
the treatment.
To Accommodate thobc who txro partial
to the use of atomizers iu applying liquids
into the nnknl jmssugcs for catarrhnl trou.
lltt , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form , uhlch will bo known M Ely's
Liquid Cream Bidm. Price including the
praying tube in 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. 'I'Jio liquid form embodies the Died-
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Lulu Stanhope , St. Louis : "I used
to have a horrid complexion. I took
Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea and
am called the prettiest girl In the
city. " 35 cents. Kiesau Drug Co.
Mtnll.N up (1i > HOih | II. ItldKuwny , Hoorotnry
of ( ho Ainrrli-nii Anti-Trim ! Hoclolyf
lloH the fiillnwliut It'llur from ( ho
( Irani ! Cnutntl llnicl.HI. I'atil , Minn. !
"It IH wllh great plniiHuio that I < m >
rnii IVriiun IIH
MU ImncHl ini'ill-
lo ( lii all It
ohiluiH. I have
II Hcvorul
and know
of iinlhlni : Ihiil
HO com
pletely , nnil at
the Hiuno tltno
bulldM up Iho
11 luivo rec
ommended It l < i
ii ituiuliKr of my
frlnulH mid nlwnyH feel ( hut I do them
Borvlce fur 1 Know how HiillHfnolory the
* ulln Invin hilily are , I only wlrdi
every fnmll.y hud a bottle It would mtvo
niiicliHlcKuoHrtullddoctor lilllH. " , lontpli
11. Uldgcuny ,
"IVel llcllur Tluiii fur Kl o Yrum. "
Mr. .lauicH H. Tiiylur , HoborlH , I ml. ,
wrllcH !
M am ut Iho prcHonl limn oullroly
well. I can cut uuything I mci uld.
I look llvo ItoltlcH of I'oruim , mill feo.1
belter now ( hull I have for llvo yenrH.
I have doclored with other dixilorH oft
and on for llflcon yoiirri , HO I I'lin reeom *
mend jnur mcdlolno very highly for
Hlomnch liouhliun 1 liilso great pleimuro
In thanking you for your free mlvlcu
and I'orunn. " JIUIIOH H.TayUir.
"I Illljoy my MoalH ni I Kuril to. "
Mr..I. W. I'rltchiird , Wolf Luke , Ind. ,
wrllcn :
" I am pleased to liny that I luivo heuit
cured of catarrh of Iho iitninuch by I'o-
runu. I could hardly eat anything that
nireed with mo. lluforo I would got
hulf tbiough my muni my utomucli
would till with gns eaiiHlug mo much
dlHtrcNH and unploiiHunl fooilngH for nil
hour or two after ouoh meal , Bui ,
thiinkH to your 1'oriinii , I urn now com
pletely cured , ivnd can out anything I
wnnl t" without any of the dlHlrcHHlng
HymplouiH. I emi now enjoy my moiilH
IIH I UHcd ( o do , nnd Ills nil duu to Dr.
Hurl limn nnd IIH ! wondurful inedlciuo ,
"It biiH boon ono year Hluco I wna
cured , nnd I am nil O. If. yet , HO J know
I /un cured. " J. W. Prltehiird.
DyHpepsIn lu u very common phuno of
Hiiminer cntnrrb. A remedy Ilial will
cure culnrrh of ono locution \ \ III euro It
iinywhcic. I'orunn eureti entuirh wher
ever lot'iitm ) . That It In n prompt nnd
periiiniiunt euro for catarrh of the
Htomiich the nbovo lolturs IcHllfy.
If you do not dortvo jirompl MX ! nutls-
fnctory remillH from the imo < if I'oruna ,
i-llo nt once Ui Dr. Ilurtimiii , giving a
full Hlnlomunt of your CIIHU mid ho will
be ploiiHt'd to give you hlH vuliinblo ml-
vlco grul IB.
AddrcHH Dr. Ilnrtmun , I'ruHldont of
The Ilnrtmun SunlUrluiu ,
Kansas City , St , Louis , Ft. Smith , Little Rock ,
Memphis , and the World's ' Fair ,
The famous Health and Pleasure Resort , HOT
SPRINGS , ARK. , and all points East , South
east and Southwest.
For descriptive andillnht iitort pamphlets , books on the tueiMft'erpi t states ,
maps , folders , etc , write the passenger and ticket agent at Omaha. I
TOM IIUGIIKS , T. P. Agent. T. F. GODFREY , P. & T Agent.
8. E. Comer 11th and DouglaH , OMAIIA.NKBB. S
An ibsolut * ipecldc ind ntlptlc pr p *
ration for all kind * ol
A ture cure for llonrier.e , Tonillltls , Qulruj- ,
In 'imtd , Ulc.ritcJ end Catarrhil SoroThrocjt.
A pre\entlv of Croup , Whooping Cough ia4
Kndorud t > r tbo Moit Umlnenl Tbroat SpMlal-
liti In tbo country.
B&onM tx kept In CTorj homo. Price C5
l ) rjgc Uedlolno Co. , Uri ilolnet ,
Happy , Healthy Children.
Any child can take Little Early
Risers with perfect safety. They
are harmless , never grlpo or sicken ,
and yet they are so certain in re
sults that robust constitutions re
quiring drastic moans are never dis
appointed. They cannot fall to perform -
form their mission and every ono
who uses DoWltt's Little Early Ris
ers prefer them to all other pills.
They cure biliousness. Sold by all
Raw or Inflamed Lungs.
Yield quickly to the wonderful
curative and healing qualities of
Foley's Honey and Tar. It prevents
pneumonia and consumption from a
hard cold settled on the lungs.
Klcsau Drug Co.
Cough Settled on Her Lungs.
"My daughter had a terrible cough
which settled on her lungs , " says N.
Jackson of Danville , 111. "Wo tried
a great many remedies without ra-
lief , until wo gave her Foley's Honey
and Tar , which cured her. " Refuse
substitutes. Kiesau Drug Co.