THE NOKKOL1C NEWS : FRIDAY , KEBHUAH.Y . 5 , 11101. w lr That is What the Man From Washington Thinks. BILL TO GO THROUGH SENATE It Is Confidently Expected That the Senate Will Have Passed It Before Saturday Night Rush of People Is Already On Expect 75,000. Yesterday's Northwestern trnln which imsseil through Norfolk to Bonostocl , carried Special Representa tive'Uackua ' of that place from Wash ington , where ho had been In the In terests of the Rosebud reservation bill , back to his homo In Gregory county. Mr. Backus was In Washing ton the other day when the Rosebud bill went through the house of repre sentatives and ho predicts that be fore Saturday ulght It will have passed as safely through the scnuto of the United States. It Is hoped that the bill may oven bo passed at the senate's session today. Having once passed through that high body of the country's lawmakers , nothing will remain In the way of opening up the Rosebud reservation of 416,000 acres of choice land , except the signing of the bill by President Rooosevelt and It Is thought by the Boncsteel man that the chief execu tive favors the measure and will ap ply his name the minute he gets sight of the paper. I "Tho Ulll went through the house without a rlpplo of objection , " said v Mr. Backus In speaking of the suc cess which ho and Mr. Lucas have had In Washington , together with Congressman Burke and others who have been boosting hard for the passage - ago of this measure which means so much to Gregory county and to the entire new northwest. "Everybody seemed to bo heartily In favor of It and I confidently expect that before next Saturday night the bill will have passed the senate as easily. It may oven como sooner. " May the Month. At the beginning of the fall , things looked far more dubious for the openIng - Ing of the reservation but now that they have brightened up and the bill Is actually being taken through the halls of legislation , there seems every prospect In the world that the openIng - Ing will soon take place. Mr. Backus oven goes so far as to state that ho thinks the drawings for those 416,000 acres of free land will bo held in May. Expect 75,000 People. "Few people can realize what a mammoth Influx of humanity will re sult the minute thattaNdzflletaoslnhr opened , " remarked a Northwestern ofllclal who was In the same car. "We look for fully 75,000 people Into the Bonesteel country as soon as the land * J. { Is thrown open to the outside world. I don't see how wo arc over going to ] take care of the traffic , but that is what wo earnestly anticipate. " Rush Now On. "In fact , " he continued , "tho rush has already begun. Every day right now we are hauling a large number of people up Into that territory for the purpose of being on the ground floor. " And to substantiate his state ment the railroad official pointed to over a dozen men In the same car who had bought tickets from different points east for the end of the railroad. Last Government Drawing. "You see It Is the last chance that the people of the United States will have at a drawing of free government land of this sort. Look at the masses of people who went down Into Okla homa. What was a vast prairie on ono day had developed into a real living city by the next. Besides that , the Rosebud has so long been adver tised and the people have for so many moons had their eyes upon it , that the minute they are allowed to get Into the game , they will rush Into that country by the tens of thousands. "Why every man I meet Is going to take in that drawing. It isn't a small per centago of them , mind you , or oven a large one It is everybody you meet from the shores of the Mississippi to the sago brush of the far west. Why It Is actually astound ing when you ask people if they are - going up. 'Going ? ' they say. 'Why of course I'm going. It doesn't cost anything to try and I'vo just as good a chance as anybody else to win a bunch of land. To bo sure I'm going , * up just the minute it is opened. ' ' Where Will They Sleep ? ' "I don't see what on earth the people ple of Gregory county are over going ' to do with those people when the rush comes on. There aren't hotels enough In the state of Nebraska , hardly , to take care of the crowds that will como this way and if there Isn't a little hit of lighting for feed and bat ting for beds , I don't want a cent. Even on that excursion up the line on September 12 , there weren't enough beds In Bonesteol to take care of the people who had como to see the reser vation , and the stores wore lined with strange sleepers that night. And if a crowd like that would go up for a look at the earth several months be fore there was anything definite In the way of n prospect for opening , what kind of a crowd would you ex pect when the real drawings are begun - gun ? "They toll mo , " , went on the railroader reader , "that there Is already a floatIng - Ing population of over flfty strange people In Bonosteel every day right now. Sonio of the cltl/ens there , who have gene in and helped make the town , have been devoting a good share ot tholr lives for a long tlmo In get ting ready for this rush which Is about to come. Means Much to Norfolk. "Of course , " ho said , "tho opening ot the reservation will mean a great deal to Norfolk. It will mean moro to Norfolk , perhaps , than It docs to any of the towns which are right In the territory. It will mean the openIng - Ing to this city of n vast amount of retail trade which will bo positively brand now. It will mean the opening up of a territory for Norfolk which ought to support a city ot consider able size. And of course Norfolk can't help taking advantage of It when It comes although there Is a great , great deal of it already that ought to count very much and no doubt docs , " NORTHWESTERNTO HAVEREVENGE Report Says That They Will Build West From Hastings to Counter act Burlington Move. The Nebraska State Journal pub lishes the following on the authority of a Northwestern railroad man : "If the Burlington railroad falls to build the connecting link with the Great Northern from Sioux City to Ashland this year , it will be because the Northwestern has been able to frighten It out of the undertaking with threats of tin extension of Its own line from Hastings to Denver. Olllclals who know the Insldo of the situation have given the Information privately that an ultimatum of this kind has been laid down by the latter road and that It will bo adhered to. "Ever since the announcement was made that the Burlington intended to build the Sioux Clty-Ashland line , the Northwestern has been up in arms against what It considers an Invasion of Its territory. The new line would run close to the Minneapolis & Omaha west of the Missouri river and below Norfolk would almost parallel the main line of the Northwcstern's Ne braska & Wyoming division. The ob ject of the Burlington Is not so much to secure local business as to provide a gateway to Lake Superior , but the Northwestern looks upon any building scheme in northeastern Nebraska as direct aggression upon its rights. "If the Burlington should persist In its Intention to build the connecting link , the starting of work upon It will be the signal for the Northwestern to begin the extension of its Hastings line west to Denver. The construction of a Denver line by the Northwestern would have its effect on all other west ern roads and probably destroy the balance existing among them. On this account , It Is not unlikely that pressure will be brought to bear on the Burlington by the Union Pacific and the Rock Ilsand to abandon Its project. "Tho question resolves Itself Into this form : Will the Burlington bo benefited more by the Sioux Clty-Ash land line than it will bo injured through Northwestern competition into Denver ? Another query that sug gests Itself is this : Would not the Northwestern welcome an opportunity to build westward upon any pretext , In order that It might become Inde pendent of the Union Pacific ? " G , A , LU1KART SUFFERS PAIN His Wounds , However , are Healing Nicely and No Bad Symptoms Have Developed. No unfavorable symptoms have thus far developed in the case of G. A. Lulkart , who is still in a precarious condition. Ho suffers a great deal of agony from his many wounds. Yes terday Mr. Luikart was restless until 5 o'clock In the afternoon when bro mide , which ho had been given at noon , took effect and quieted his nerves. This morning some of the stitches were taken out of the wounds , which shows that they are in good condition. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofllce at Norfolk , Neb. , February 2 , 1901 : Mrs. Maggie Brown , Miss Grace Case , A. B. Dillon , John Elfgren , Miss Minnie Folletz , Mrs. Hultz , Miss Fan nie Mohll , Miss Joslo Miller , Mr. R. E. Miller , Mr. Cecil Miller , A. J. Mil ler , Miss Elsie Nan , Miss Nellie Nel son , Miss M. E. Smith , Albert Sum- morvllle , Mrs. George Tyler. If not called for In fifteen days will be sent to the dead letter office. Parties calling for any of the above please say , "advertised. " John R. Hays , P. M. FUNERAL OF FIRE VICTIMS. Four Bodies In One Casket and Two In the Other. Council Bluffs , In. , Fob. 4. The funerals - orals of the mother and flvo children of the Chrlstensen family who lost their lives early Tuesday morning in the fire that destroyed their homo at Council Bluffs , will bo held at 1:30 : o'clock this afternoon. The family will bo burled in two caskets. Ono will contain the bodies of the mother and the baby , Httlo 5- month-old Peter , and the other will hold the corpses of the other four children. The services will bo hold at the Scandinavian Baptist church , the pas tor , hto Rev. Ed Rydoback , officiating. A good ad. will do It. Farmers Living Southwest of City arc Petitioning. HAVE NOW ABOUT 100 SIGNERS The New Route Will Cover a District Which Has Not Yet Been Traveraed By the Government Mall Delivery Less Than 25 Miles Long. There Is a strong possibility that another rural mall route out of Norfolk may bo established In the near futuro. Residents of the district southwest of the city which Is not now traversed by any one of the government lines of delivery , are anxious to have a service from Uncle Sam similar to that which tholr neighbors are ro- celvlng and they are going after the matter In a thoroughly organized man ner. Already a petition has been circu lated and no less than 100 names have been placed upon It. Burrol Reed Is one of the patrons whoso farm would bo on the line of travel. "It would go south on Thirteenth street , " says ho , "and would traverse the section in which llvo a largo number of people. The route would not exceed twenty- llvo miles In length. " There are now four routes out of Norfolk. They have proven wonder fully successful In many ways and those farmers who nt first were not heartily In favor of them , are now be coming fast friends to the system and are cvon boosting for its promo tion throughout the agricultural dis tricts. The rural carriers are ubout us hard worked people as the next In- dusrlously Inclined these days. Out early In the morning , no matter how cold the wcathor may bo , they drive over their territories of some twenty- live miles apiece and never return until the afternoon. They servo tholr patrons faithfully and are becoming absolute necessities In the life of every community. Ono thing that ought to bo reme died Is the pay that these men re ceive. They are obliged to furnish their own horses and wagons ; they nro compelled to wear government un iforms ; they do nothing else , to speak of , for Incomes , and they do not receive compensation of the prize package sort for their labors. Yodler Concert. Rcilhofor's Tyrolean Yodlors and Concert company of Bavaria will be at the M. E. church Friday , Feb. 12 , at 8 o'clock p. m. and will glvo an entertainment. Following Is a speci men program : , Part I. Yodling march , quartette. Greeting , zither solo. "Tho Holy City , " quartette. Mountain flutes , duo. A Sunrise in the Alps , Franz Rellhofer , the mimic , Imfer- sonatlng prominent people. Part II. Am Woerther See , vocal waltz. Alpine violin solo , Franz. Contralto solo , Miss Wallio Gruber. ber. Xylophone solo. Hunters' march , yodllng quartette. Evening Bells , zither solo , Miss Kathie Kirchmler. Echo in the mountains , yodllng solo , Theresa Rellhofer. Finale : Medley , popular American airs , quartette. Instruments : Original mountain flutes , zithers , xylophones , bow zither , Alpine violin. Impersonations : George Washing ton , Admiral Dewey , Napoleon , Bis marck , Ex-President Harrison , Ex- President McKlnloy , General Logan , the man who wrote "TararaBoom De-ay , " old man , "The Miser , " Jew , etc. Prof. Charles II. Seaver , principal Middlebury academy and Wyoming High school , Wyoming , N. Y. : "Tho yodlers gave general satisfaction , and I've heard nothing but praise. An other time they would fill our hall , I am sure. " At the M. E. church , Feb. 12. BATTLE CREEK. Conrad Werner , who will move to his homestead which ho has recently taken in Lyman county , S. D. , the com ing summer , has rented his farm south of town to John Dlnkel. Albert Campbell of Petersburg vis ited at the homo of Henry Stoltenberg nt Blakely Sunday. It Is reported that Owen O'Neill has rented his 440 aero farm , a quarter of a mlle south of town , to W. F. Rcavls for $1,000 cash. Al. Ommerman of Norfolk was a business visitor to Battle Creek Fri day. day.Arthur Arthur Parsons , who lives four miles north , lost fifteen head of cattle from corn stalk disease last week. Mr. Maher , who went to Portland , Oregon , about three weeks ago , on account of the sickness of his mother , has returned and reports his mother well again. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Slckel Friday. L. Flower , who Is running the Blue Front livery barn , is going to have a big horse sale on Saturday , the 20th. A little boy made his appearance at the homo of Mr. and Mrs , II. R. Ly- man Saturday. S. II. Thatch has bought the Mark Scssler property on the creamery road for $1,500 and InUmtlii to occupy It soon , routing hln ronldonco near the L. B , Baker lumber olllco to Munclo llacklor. Ed. DlorHdnrf visited with hhi pa rents nt Norfolk Sunday. James Cassalrt of the Platte Center roller mills , wan visiting with rela tives hero the first of the wook. llowoll A very of Tllden visited with ruliitlvi'H here Monday. Elmer Marsh and Harry Reavln will start Friday for a pleasure trip to California and other states on the Pa cific coast. ( loo. S. Berry shipped two double- deck carloads of fat shuup to the Omaha market Monday. Ono of your subscriber ! ) said when 1m got his Monday dully that It was very newsy and that ho would not bo without The Norfolk Dally News If It cost as much money again. Rev. J. Hoffman on Sunday at the Lutheran church announced the be trothal of Mr. August lloltorf of Hoi- stein , la. , and Miss Kathorlno ( lliiniU of this place. Mlko Plouzek returned Monday from Omaha , his brother , Joseph , who has nerve troubles remaining ( hero far treatment In a hospital. Tuesday , for the Ilrst time , August Steffcn had use for his now hearso. Station Agent W. C. Day got a now assistant Tuesday In the person of a son of Carl Wilde , of Norfolk , his former - mor assistant , Peter Krugor , being transferred to Brlstow. THURSDAY TIDINGS. G. M. Mitchell of Dlxon wan here for the night. T. F. Memmlnger was In the city from Madison. George J. Podell of Wlusldo WIIH hero over night. 11. C. Hanson of Vordol was In Nor folk this morning. J. J. Gnrgorgor was In the city over night from Wayne. Ellis Kowlck of llosklus was In Norfolk last evening , Churlos Vollmers was in the city last night from Stuart. Florence M. Nowhall was an early morning visitor in Norfolk today from Tllden. W. A. Cunningham of Nlobrara ar rived In the city on business this morning. O. A. Nelson of Wlnnetoon was In the city yesterday on business. There will bo a social session of the Ladles guild on Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the homo of Mrs. N. J. lloag- land. land.The The members of the Omaha Rescue Homo auxiliary will meet at 3 o'clock Friday , February 5 , at the homo of Mrs. J. L. Beach , 1103 Madison street. Everybody Invited. Company L , N. N. G. , has decided to put on a homo talent play , "Where Was Thompkins ? " under direction of Mr. Willis Dunlap. It Is planned to give the production on Monday night , February 15. It Is said that the Cedar telephone company has made arrangements to connect with the Petersburg local telephone company and as soon as the weather will permit a line will bo run to Elgin. This wllj glvo con nection with Elgin , O'Neill , Cedar Rapids , Newman Grove , Oakdale , Ne- llgh and Tllden. O Nasixl Catarrh quickly yields to trcnt- tnont by Ely's Cream Jinlm , which is agrco- ably nromatlc. It IB received through the nostrils , cleansed and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the GOc. Bizo ; Trial nize by mail , 10 cents. Tout it and you ate uuro to continue the treatment. Announcement. To Accommodnto tliobo who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nnnal passages for cntarrhal trou- llet , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form , - whichwill bo known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of iho uulid preparation. Winter coughs are apt to result In consumption If neglected. They can bo soon broken up by using Foloy's Honey and Tar. Kiesau Drug Co. Foloy's Honey and Tar cures the cough caused by nn attack of la grippe. It heals the lungs. Kiesau Drug Co. Four doctors said I would die of stomach troubles and appendicitis ; three packages of llolllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea made mo well and healthy. Daniel Winston , Burlington , Vt. 35 cents. The Kiesau Drug Co. Mothers can safely glvo Foley's Honey and Tar to their children for coughs and colds , for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Kiesau Drug Co. A Cure for Eczema. My baby had eczema so bad that Its head was a solid mass of scabs , and its hair nil came out. I tried many remedies but none seemed to do any permanent good until I used Do- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The ecze ma Is cured , the scabs are gone and the llttlo ono's scalp is perfectly clean and healthy , and Its hair Is growing beautifully again. I cannot glvo too much pralso to DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Frank Farmer , Bluff City , Ky. In buying Witch Hazel Salvo look out for counterfeits. DoWltt's Is the orig inal and the only ono containing pure Witch Hazel. The name , E. C. Do- Witt & Co. , is on every box. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co. Advertising when the busy season is over , is the buslncss-llko way of bringing results. Then Is the tlmo that a business man can Introduce WHO WAS BEFRIENDED A PASTOR BY AN EMPEROR SAVED BY PE-RU-NA. Hoy. IT. Rtul > onvollof Elhhorn , Win. , In pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran 31. Jnhn'H Church of tltul plucu. Kov. Hlubonvoll in the poH oHHor of two billion irc'HdtiIcil to him by T'mparor William of Oormiiny. Upon the Jly leaf ot ono of lie bllilon the Emperor him written in liln own handwriting a text. 'i'JilH honored piiHlor , In a rucont Inltnr to The Poruniv Modlrlno Co. , of Colum bus , Ohio , Biyn concerning tholr famous catarrh remedy , 1'oruna : The Pcrunn Medicine Co. , Columb'is , Ohio. . ) Gentlemen : I hail hcmorrPingcs of the tangs for a long lime , and all despaired of me. I took Pcrunn and was cured. It gave mo strength and courage , and made healthy , pure blood. It Increased my weight , gave mo a healthy cjhr , and I feel well. It Is the best medicine in the world. If overdone kept Pcrunn In the house It would save many from death every year. " II. STUBENVOLL. Thouaandfl of pcoplo have catarrh who would bo tnirprlHud to know It , hociuiRo It hat ) boon called Homo othur iiumu than aturrh. The fact IH catarrh In catarrh wherever located ; and another fnol which IH of equally ( rrc-ut , Importance , Is thai Poruua euros uuturrh wherever located. his business to the people and re ceive attention. Better Than Gold. "I was troubled for uovural years with chronic indigestion and norvoiis debility , " writes F. J. Green of Lan caster , N. II. "No remedy helped mo until I began using Electric Hitters , which did mo more good than all the medicines I over used. They have also kept my wlfo In excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are Just splendid for female troubles ; that they are a grand tonic and Invlg- orator for \yeak , run down women. No other medicine can take Its place In our family. " Try them. Only GOc. Satisfaction guaranteed by Leonard , the druggist. Grandpa "I feel like a. youngster , like a youth of 20 , young , strong and healthy , I lay It all to Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. " Good for the aged and liillnn. 35 cents , tea or tab lets. The Klosau Drug Co. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. II. Hagglns of Melbourne , Fin. , writes , "My doctor told mo I had con sumption and nothing could bo done for me. I was given up to die. The offer nf n free trial bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump tion , induced mo to try it. Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. Klng'w Now Discovery. It surely save my life. " This great cure Is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Asa K. Leonard , druggist. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottles free. A Nlflht Alarm. Worse than an alarm of flro nt night Is the brassy cough of croup , which sounds like the children's death knell and It means death unless some thing is done quickly. Foloy's Honey and Tar never falls to give instant re lief and quickly cures the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P. L. Cordler of Man- , nington , Ky. , writes : "My three year old girl had a severe case of croup ; the doctor said she could not live. I got a bottle of Foloy's Honey and Tar , the first dose gave quick relief and saved her life. " Refuse substi tutes. Kiesau Drug Co. Kidney complaint kills more people than any other disease. This is duo to the disease being so insiduous that It gets a good hold on the system be fore it is recognized. Foloy's Kidney Cure will prevent the development of fatal disease If fakcn in time. Klcsau Drug Co. The most reliable preparation for kidney troubles on the market is Fol oy's Kidney Curo. Klcsau Drug Co. An Early Riser. A strong , healthy , active constitu tion depends largely on the condition of the liver. The famous little pills known as DoWltt's Little Early Risers are easy to act , they never gripe and yet they are absolutely certain to pro duce results that are satisfactory In nil cases. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co. Mysterious Circumstance. Ono was pala and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference ? She who Is blushing with health uses Dr. King's Now Llto Pills If you do not. derive prompt and faetory results from thuiiHoof Peruna , writoiitoiico to Dr. Ilarlman , giving fiillfttaloiminl ot your CH.HO und he will bo pleased to glvo you hlH valuable ad- vlco gratis. AddroHH Dr. TTarlmnn , 1'rcsldont of The Harlman Sanitarium , Columhiu , O , to maintain It. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good di gestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 2Gc at Leonard's drug store. Susan Whatever causes facial er uptions , cause black heads and plm- ploH. Would advise you to stop cat- Ing sweets. Take Holllstor'H Rocky Mountain Tea. Makes the skin soft and beautiful. 35 cents. The Klcsau Drug Co. Have You Indigestion ? If you have Indigestion , Kodol Dys pepsia Cure will euro you. It has cured thousands. It Is curing people every day every hour. You ewe It to yourself to give it a trial. You will continue to suffer until you do try It. There is no other combination of til- gestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol docs both. Kodol cures , strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by Klesau Drug Co. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost ending fatally , starting a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. H. Ornor , Franklin Grove , 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklon's Ar nica Salvo had no trouble to euro him. Equally good for burns , bruises , skin eruptions and piles. 2Cc at Leonard's drug store. Foley's Honey and Tar Is best for croup and whooping cough , contains no opiates and cures quickly. Care ful mothers keep It In the house. Kiesau Drug Co. TIM : CATARRH cum : von B ! Uaey nnil j > Iea nnt to rimCuntniua no In Jurlona Unit ; . It ID ( illicitly abeorbcd. ( Jives llcllcf at once. and CleaneesL _ , , _ _ It Opena , - , - AlhyalnflammatUm. the Nasal lanaciPfJI * H 'l\l ' \ Ill-Mi/ Ileiils and I'rotccU the -Mcmhrane. Itotorcs the Boiueu of Taste and Smell. Largo SZe | , 60 cents at DniL'clsts or liy mail ; Trial Sl/e , 10 ccntu by all. KLY UHOTlIKItS. So Warrea New York. JlK Pneumonia follows La Qrlppo but never follows the ueo of Honey and Tar It itopi the Cough and heals th * long * . Prevent * Pneumonia and Consumption. UK. a. VAGUER , ot 157 Oigood 81. , Chleaia , wrlteit "My wlf had laKrippa and UUft her with a Tory bad cough on bar Inntf DON'T 3E i-uOLED ! Take the Re.iulnc , original FtOCKY MOUNTAIN TEA MnJu only by MatlUon Medl cine Co. , ftladlion. WIs. It keeps you well. Our traJe mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sol4 in bulfc. Accept no jubitli u tute Ask your (