The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 05, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Wt N. IIU8I3 ,
1887. ]
Hvory tiny except Hiimlny. Hy cur
rier pnr week , 15 cent * . Iiy Nor/oik
poatotnce delivery , per yonr , 18.00 , ly
mail nu rural route * anil outalilc of
Norfolk , per your , 13.00 ,
The News. KMubllnhAcl. 1881.
Tlio Journiil , ( mlalllilioil , 1877 ,
iQvery Krlilny. Iiy mall per year , Jl-BO.
Kitterml nt the poatoinoe at Norfolk ,
Meb. , ni second olnnn matter.
T \eilioiieii | : Kdltorlnl Department ,
No. 12. UimliioHs Ollleo unil Job
Jtootnc , No. 323.
Kvory politician should not speak
nt once for the honor of boiiii ; the
head of Iho Norfolk city goNorutnont
after tlu ) coining campaign ,
If iho republicans of Nebraska nro
nllly enough to listen to the demo-
crntlp "Bio 'oinl" It will plcaso Mr.
IJryun anil his party liniuonsoly.
Wanted to know why It IH that
n ponum at once jumps to tlio conclu-
nlon that u man Is a tough who IH
noon wabbling n clcurctto around In
hlR lips when ho talks ?
Tlioro IH a siwplclon. that Alfred
SorciiHon IH oltlior too honest or hav
ing too much fun with tlio powora
that would ho , to ever ho inado the
United States senator from Nebraska.
Everyone that Is attracted hy
something lively Is Invited to come
to Norfolk anil watch It grow during
the coming season. The sight will
bo worth anyono'H tlmo.
Murat Ilalstead IH convinced that
W. U. Hearst Is the logical candidate
of the democratic party hut Is not
quoted as saying that ho Is to bo the
logical president of the country.
With Lake Michigan frozen tip It
certainly offers no attraction to the
pleasure seeker who likes to ho
rocked In the cradle of the deep or
lloat upon the glassy mirfaco of the
If you have n llttlo money and are
In doubt about the investing of It ,
place It In a north Nebraska farmer
or town property and rest , assured
that the returns will bo highly satis
Rod Oak , Iowa , Is said to pososss
citizen whoso personal mentions arc
put under the head "real estate trans
fers" because ho Is BO dirty , and his
barber In stirring the soil has gained
the distinction of being an agricul
If J. Adam Bedo of Minnesota keeps
up his record in his matronly efforts
as well as ho did In his maiden
speech , his constituents may bo ex
pected to exact almothlng hotter of
him than to represent his district In
the liouso of representatives.
Maryland , with her democratic ma
jority on Joint ballot Is still in n
deadlock over a choice for ft United
States senator , indicating that the
members of that party are as slow
nt reaching an agreement as are the
the republicans in the same situation.
This is an off season for the game
wardens too cold to sit on tlio banks
of the creek and fish , and not alto
gether Inviting for the man with the
gun. Meantime the wardens and
deputy wardens will take n well de
served rest and prepare to nab the
early violators of the game laws when
spring opens.
Congressman 13edo of Minncsot ? .
Is cr'.lia-l witn . ' 'voting a facts
in-o l ! ) mlnorlt' < jt'lp of tuo ho-iao
of -seulativos ; thnt WP J so effect-
irnlly lubricated w : .h humor tint hU
preoratlon brought forth ho.nrty ap
plause from the democrat * us well as
the republicans Th pub'1. ' : v.-Ulkeop
nu ; - > on Uode in u" > : ir : c
The counsel of a Chicago black
mailer Is endeavoring to Induce him
to plead guilty and take his modi
cine. Klther the blackmailer has a
a counsel who is Ignorant of the pos
Blbllities afforded him , or Is of the
kind that should bo Induced to prac
tice in every court in the land. There
are too many attorneys who nro ready
to tnko the case of a man whom
they know to bo guilty and secure
his acquittal at nil costs.
The Washington correspondent of
the State Journal regards the rumor
that A. R. Curzon , late collector of
the customs in Porto Rico , would become -
come a senatorial candidate for the
place of Senator Dietrich as a huge
Joke. It may be , but there are \\n- \
doubtedly a largo number of pollti
clans in the state who were at first
inclined to tnko it seriously and it
was no laughing matter with them.
This is the day set by the almanac
for the ground hog to appear on the
scene and either assert his rule over
the weather , to the end that spring
shall immediately dawn or retire to
Ms humble couch and permit the
weather man to hnvo his nny for another -
other alx weeks. Whether ho takes
up the Hcoplor or not the people may
rest assured of one thing and that IH
that the country will contlniio to ho
provided with weather BUlllolont unto
Its nuodR.
Although the Norfolk uprlng elec
tion Is duo heforo the president , sena
tor , governor , congressmen and others
are placed In nomination , somehow
the question of who shall bo mayo. * ,
the city clerk and the rest doon not
seem to bo receiving the attention of
ho politicians In the same dcgroo an
ho later ovontH , The probability Is
hat there will ho a Hhort campaign ,
nit It will undoubtedly prove llvo'y
enough while It lasts , and the adu'ln- '
Htratlon of the city's affairs l.i q"lto
Ikely to hu an satisfactory as usual
after the battle Is over.
Norfolk Is , of c'iiir o , grallllod over
the prospect of souring an additional
cottage at the hospital for tlio insane ,
undo possible by reason of the Hlump
n the prlco of material since the np
miprlntlon WIIH made available. How
ever , it IB to ho hoped that the state
loard will no longer delay action In
the hope of putting another cottage
nit of the fund. It in risky In that
material might take n move upward ,
and not only the cottage gained might
ho lost but others In addition. Some
of the Norfolk people are sporty
enough , but they do not Ilko to BOO
the state board taking chances or
this proposition , and It will not con
vlnco them that there Is juHtlflcatton
for further delay In the matter of get
ting action toward the rebuilding of
the hospital.
It Hhould not require the opening
of a valuable Indian reservation to
bring n I1 ( ) ( l of HOHern ! Into north
Nebraska and southern South Dakota
Iho coming spring or Bummer , hut
that will bo the means of attracting
the attention of prospective settlers
to ono of the best estates In all out
doors , The magnificent crops that
are grown at profitable prices , the
Hplcndld stock that IB raised and fattened -
toned , the healthful cllmato , the
abundance of opportunity , nnd above
all the low prlceH at which the land
is hold should Induce the lullux of
numerous Immigrants , and it will bo
surprising if the do not como , There
are acres and acres of doslrablo land
In this part of the country that nro
awaiting the development of the prac
tical or scientific farmer that can bo
miido Into a lucrative homestead , and
the prices nro so reasonable as to bo
almost a free gift to the men who
will take advantage of tlio opportu
nity afforded for Investing In n farm
homo In a country that is certain to
develop wealth rapidly. The export-
once of these already hero Is capable
of duplication by the settler with the
right kind of aggressiveness , and the
results of the future will prove their
Some towns seem to have n happier
faculty than others for getting
things they go after and they are
sincerely envied by all other towns ,
who would Ilko the same enthusiasm
nnd the same unanimity to prevail
In the interest of the town when there
is something offered for the advance
ment of the town that Is worth striv
ing for. Nollgh , with her ambition
to own n public park , Is an Instance
that may well bo envied by nil other
towns In the state , largo or small.
A proposition was made whereby No
llgh could acquire n tract of land ad
joining the city for park purposes.
The matter was not thrust upon the
town board to deal with but the In-
Individual citizens got to work ener
getically and through cash donations
and by making a carnival that paid
and entertained at the same time the
money necessary for the purchase of
the land was soon In hand. After
possessing the land the same influence
once was sot at work toward improv
ing the park , and the report of the
secretary and treasurer of the park
committee has just recently been
made , showing a commcndablo state
of affal.-s. Prom the carnival of last
fall the committee received $059.05 to
bo expended toward improving the
park. Of tills amount $239.97 was
spent toward the park Improvements
made last season , and there remains
In the hands of the treasurer $737.74
to bo expended toward making the
park ono of the finest In the state
during the coming summer. In the
statement given the public no finon
clal showing Is made of work contrib
uted , but that there was a largo con
trlbutlon may bo realized when It Is
known that men and teams wore at
all times at the command of the com
mittee and ono firm alone contributed
the work of twenty-three men ono
day nnd twelve teams for four and
one-half days. With Its park well
taken care of It may bo expected that
the Nollgh enthusiasm will burst out
and show Itself in other directions
Northa Nebraska is proud and en
vlous of Neligh.
In Uio selection of Editor A. W.
I .mid of the Albion to bo president of
the Nebraska State I'ress association ,
the editors composing the ausoclatlon
have been exceedingly wise. No No-
liratdm editor will hear the honor with
greater dignity , nnd none will make
a more popular president than the
chief of the Albion News Htaff.
Thursday IH now the date Hot for
HuHula'H pollto note to bur adversary ,
when "by your leave" and "moat high
mlghtlnoHB" may ho oxpccted to bo
worked overtime. It Is expected thnt
the reply will bo very docile and peni
tent In tone , nnd that Japan will feel
Ilko kicking horHolf for over BO much
an contemplating war against ouch an
humble nnd generous competitor.
The now Bccrotnry of wnr Is nt
leant qualified to direct the affairs of
the army in the Philippines , and
up to date that Is the most Important
point of American military activity.
His experience In the eastern archl
pollgo also qualifies him for the other
dutloB of the now ollico for If ho is
competent to direct affairs In the
zone of greatest activity , ho is like
wise competent to guide In matters
of less Importance concerning the
How can Senator Dietrich hope to
fnro hotter at the hands of hln com-
pcorH than he would at the hands of
the federal court in which ho was
first tried ? They may not bo quali
fied to nioto out a sentcnco to equal
that of the federal court In the event
of his guilt , hut the Ignominy will ho
far more cutting If they 11ml that he
IIIIB been wrong. Perhaps , however ,
ho IIIXB nrrnngod to head off the Inves
tigation In some manner similar to
that with which ho headed off the
proper adjudication of his case In
the federal court.
Senator Dietrich has succeeded In
Interesting n committee of his col
leagues In conducting an Investiga
tion , but their findings , It Is very
evident , will not servo to convince the
people of his stuto that ho should bo
returned to the senate for another
term. The Investigation of the com
mittee may result In his acquittal , but
the federal court would have cleared
his character just as effectually If
his attorneys had given it a chance ,
and a thorough airing of the matter
at homo would have been the thing
If the allegations of corruption are
The Lincoln school board has given
authority to the teachers In that dis
trict to thump the kids when they
refuse to behave. Moral suasion and
the chalking down of black marks in
notable Instances have been found to
ho totally lacking In desired results.
The country Is becoming civilized
rapidly but It has been found that the
old-time pedagogues who pounded In
discipline , If not rendln" , 'rltln' and
'rlthmotlc with a good , supple birch
were not entirely lacking In good
judgment and humanity has not yet
outgrown the need of n llttlo punish
ment that hurts ,
A patient and long suffering public
that has had reports regarding Mrs.
Maybrlck hurled at them by the col
umn for the past flvo years will sin
cerely hope that the case may ho
definitely determined ono way or an
other , and if the British courts and
officials release her from prison , it
will bo n matter of satisfaction If
they enforce the decree that she shall
not appear on the stage , the lecture
platform , write a book or otherwise
make herself conspicuous. It may bo
expected , however , that the courts
cannot prevent her being Interviewed
by numerous reporters for numerous
newspapers , and Umt she will con
tinue to bo a newspaper feature for
several months following her re
When standing up for Nebraska It
will bo well to remember that the
state not only lends in the small num
ber of Illiterate people In Its borders ,
but thnt it stands third best in the
number of deaths per thousand of
population. Nebraska's death rate
is given at 7.11 , while the famed
health resort states of Colorado nnd
California are not In the same class
at all , Colorado's death rate being
13.70 and that of California 15.15.
The District of Columbia is the lowest
of all , having a rate of 22.83 per
thousand. There is where the strenu
ous social life Is at the limit , and the
showing should bo ono to dampen the
ardor of the most enthusiastic nsplr-
ant for congressional honors at the
hands of his fellows.
The Alnsworth Star-Journal exposes
poses a now fake and warns the rest
of the country to look out for him.
His modus oporandl , according to the
Star-Journal , Is as follows : "Ho
strikes a town and locates the host
attended church services. As soon as
the pastor hns pronounced the bene
diction ho falls over in a nt. This
enlists tlio sympathies of the peoplo.
On the Inside of his coat Is pinned
bin nnmo and the homo of his roln-
ttvoH , with the Injunction that If ho
should dlo In ono of the fits the < pco-
plo should have his body sent homo.
Ho finally recovers and pulls the leg
of the congregation for money enough
to got back home. It taken about ? 20.
Ho nearly always gotH that much each
Sunday. Ho then ptilln out for another -
ether town to have another fit the
next Sunday. "
The statement from the state or
nithologists that a campaign Is under
contemplation the object of which will
bo to Interest the schoool children
and ether hoys and girls In the pro
tection of the birds of the state , will
bo gratifying news to all bird lovers
and these who realize the value of
birds to the farmers and gardnors In
the destruction of noxious Insects. That
something can bo done along this line
In the matter of education and the enforcing
forcing of wholesome laws Is ovl
donced by the states further cast. In
Cambridge , Mass. , It Is said that the
squlrrelR which Inhabit the trees In
the parks and along the streets nro
so tame that they will play with the
children and nro almost domesticated
petH. In another city the squirrels
are being fed bushels of nuts to keep
them from starvation. It can bo Im
agined thnt squirrels would stand but
llttlo show for existence In Nebraska
and other western states , whore It Is
the first Impulse of the boys to kill
anything nllvo , and make miserable
what cannot bo killed. A reform that
can bo worked in the cast can as
suredly ho worked In the west whore
the children are not less Intelligent
and capable of being taught to dis
tinguish right from wrong In these
matters. A notable progress Is being
made In this matter In Nebraska.
Boys are being taught to think twlco
before they will kill or wound one
of the sweet songsters of the pralrlo
state , and the tlmo may como when
the birds will bo as safe from harm
In the west as are the squirrels and
birds In the cast. A movement made
and directed hy the state society hav
ing a largo amount of knowledge on
the subject would no doubt hasten
that tlmo and It Is to bo desired that
In the not far distant future the small
hey would as soon think of directing
the missile from his slingshot or his
air gun at his baby brother or his
sister , as he would nt the choicest of
nature's babies.
. This Is a billion dollar country In
some ways , but not In others. It Is
a billion dollar country In the ono
matter of corn , when the crop , In
1902 , was of greater value than $1-
000,000,000 , but In the matter of the
national debt it is not. According to
the latest statistics from the depart-
men of commerce and labor , the corn
crop and the national debt are run
ning a race the corn crop of 1903
falling to the value of $952.808,801 ,
while the national debt fell to $925 ,
011,037. The comforting assurance ,
however , Is that with prudent admin-
istratlon of Internal and foreign af
fairs the national debt will continue
to fall , while the development of the
country , the Improved methods and
Increasing energy of the farmer will
attend to the Increase of the corn
crop , to say nothing of the other crops
of hay and wheat , of oats and tobacco ,
cotton and sugar.
There Is no doubt of the wealth of
the United States. Franco is rich
so rich that she was enabled to pay
to Germany the enormous indemnity
demanded by Bismarck , and nblo to
pay it without seeking ether re
sources than the patriotism an.l the
hoarded wealth of her Industrious and
economical peasantry and bourgeoise.
But France , today , is staggering under
dor the enormous indebtedness of
$5,850,312,892 , and not ono of her
crops , nor any ten of them , would
equal In value the amount of her na
tional debt , while that of the United
States Is more than balanced by the
ono corn crop of 1903 , notwithstand
ing that value fell below the value
of the crop of 1902.
The aggregate value of the crops
of the United States In 1903 was
$1,7-10,300,209. The aggregate bank
clearings were $114,000,000,000 , the
total volume of money In circulation
was $2,449,108,418 , the Internal com
merce was In excess of $22,000,000-
000 , the total bank deposits were
$9,315,000,000 , of which savings banks
held $2,935,000,000 ; the exports were
$1,481,080,127 , with a balance of trade
in favor of the United States of
This Is not a billion dollar country
In the matter of a national debt In
the matter of crops , and mamifac
tures , and commerce , and banking ,
and products and exports , It is n
multlbllllon dollar country , nnd is
still growing. Cincinnati Coramor
clal Tribune.
The news that the house of repre
sentatives hns passed the bill opening
the Rosebud Indian reservation to
settlement will bo gratifying intelli
gence to the people of north Nebraska
and South Dakota. This Is n fair cm-
plro that has been devoted by n gen-
proiw government to n people that
have not appreciated its value but
have jealously clung to their rights
as guaranteed to t'lciin by the laws
of the country , It has .long been de
sired that this valublo estate should
ho thrown open to the people who
will till it and bring out Its wealth
for a common humanity.
If the senate and President Roosevelt
velt will now do their share towards
making those acres available to the
public , the people of this part of the
country will endeavor to show them
how rapidly and effectually n prop
erty that has long been as nature loft
It will bo converted Into a territory
of usefulness and prosperity. The
wide-awake American agriculturalist
will go on with his horses nnd his
plows nnd quickly turn thnt waste
Into productive acres seeded to grain
and producing food for thousands of
The law opening the territory to
settlement has been a long tlmo In
getting this far , and It Is to bo hoped
that Its final passage will ho at an
nccelerated pace nnd that before
spring opens the reservation may ho
nvnllnhlo to homesteaders.
By the action of the lower house of
congress n now precedent Is estnb-
Hshcd In the opening of Indian lands
to the public , and ono that will bo
calculated to overcome many delays
and vexations. Why It has been nec
essary to secure the consent of these
dusky wards to such disposition of
the lands that they hold , any more
than It is necessary for a father to
consult his minor children before dis
posing of his homo has long been an
enigma by many students of political
economy nnd ndmirers of right nnd
justice. If the Indians would but use
the lands to their best advantage
there might bo nn argument as to
why they should hold them continu
ously , but not only do they refuse to
cultivate them , but their numbers are
decreasing so that they do not longer
require such large area , should they
employ them to their best advan
tage. Few will find fault' with the
new precedent In dealing with the na
tion's wards.
Since Wall street controls and regu
lates prices and since it is there that
control of facilities and great com
binations are gained , and slnco the
government Is the wealthiest organi
zation in the country nnd represents
the most people , would it bo consid
ered entirely silly to suggest that the
government might do worse than to
bo represented in Wall street , and
there secure control of some of the
Important Industries of the country ?
Such a movement might not bo pos
sible under the constitution and or
dinary civil government might not a
prove , but It would seem that such
a movement would have its advan
tages. In a quiet way the government
Is undoubtedly now represented to
some extent , but there would bo much
to gain for the government and the
people If each president was empow
ered to select ono of the keen finan
ciers to represent the government
openly either as a department or cab
inet official. With the wealth of the
country behind him this department
could be made a powerful factor on
the street and the people would bo
protected from scheming operators
who stop at nothing when they have
nr end In view.
Government ownership of public fa
cilities has long been a dream of
certain politicians , but in this way
the government could control without
the largo investments that would bo
necessary if ownership was contenv
plated , and who is there who would
object to becoming Interested In
stocks of which the government has
the controlling interest. It has been
asserted that the immense comblna
tlons of capital would continue until
all Interests are controlled by ono
or two able financiers , when they
would either become the government
or the government would bo com
pelled to take their power from them
in the interest of the public. The
government is the source of legal ten
der , why should It not bo a leader In
the financial Interests of the country.
No better Investment of the govern
ment funds could bo made , than get
ting a controlling interest of the
Standard Oil company , the United
States steel corporation , the leading
coal mines , nnd coal cnrrying roads ,
and other largo interests.
The matter has been loft in the
hands of the men of great wealth
but It would not necessarily curtail
their field if the government should
decldo to enter the field. Their
profits would bo just as secure ,
though the government roprcsontntlvo
would undertake to see thnt there was
no longer any highway robbery per
mitted , nor would it bo permlssablo
that the small holders should bo sub
jected to a squeeze but anything in
Consumption is a human
vcccl flourishing best in weak
.mjs. ; Like other weeds it's
asily destroyed while young ;
vhen old , sometimes im-
Strengthen the lungs as youj
/ould weak land and the
. 'cccls . '
'ccclsyill disappear.
The 'best lung fertilizer is
kott's Emulsion. Salt pork
> good too , but it is very hard
o digest.
The time to treat consump-
ion * is when you begin trying
o hide it from yourself.
Others see it , you won't.
Don't wait until you can't
.leccive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
it isn't really consumption so
much the better ; you will soon
'onret it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once , but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
ment you will win.
Scott's Emulsion , fresh air ,
rest all you can , eat all you
can , that's the treatment and
that's the best treatment.
We will send you
a little of the Emul
sion free.
He sure that this picture In
the form ot a label n on the
wrapper of every bottle ot
L'mulsion you buy.
Chemists ,
409 Pearl St. , N. Y.
qoc. and Si : all druggists.
the way of legitimate profits would
accrue to the government the same
as any other holder of stocks , and the
control of the public utilities would
bo In hands where they would bo safe.
If congress contemplates a further
law concerning the regulation of the
trusts , this suggestion might offer
some possibilities toward the adjust
ing of a knotty problem.
The presbytery nt Wilmington , Del. ,
hns declared "guilty of unmlnlsterlal
and unchrlstianliko conduct" the Rov.
Robert A. Elwood , who , just previous
to the lynching of the negro George
White , preached a sermon from the
text , "Should the Murderer of Miss
Helen Bishop bo Lynched. ' * He was
punished by being cautioned to bo
more careful In the future , which Is
assuredly mild enough If the sermon
had the effect of inciting the people
to lynch a fellow with a black skin.
He was indiscreet , evidently , and If
he over recovers from the rebuke ad
ministered by his fellows , may bo ex
pected to be very careful In the fu
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications , as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only one way to euro deaf
ness , and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucus lin
ing of the Eustaclan tube. When
this tube Is inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing ,
and when it is 'entirely closed , deaf
ness is the result , and unless the In
flammation can bo taken out and the
tube restored to its normal condition ,
hearing will bo destroyed forever ;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh , which Is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness ( caused by
catarrh ) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars free. F. J. Cheney & Co. ,
Toledo , Ohio.
Sold by druggists , 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation.My Lungi
An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad cough. My friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me promptly. "
A. K. Randies , Nokomis , 111.
You forgot to buy a bottle
tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral when your cold first
came on , so you let it run
along. Even now , with
all your hard coughing , it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
Three ilio : 25c. , SOc. , SI. All druttliti.
Consult your doctor. If lie lays take It ,
then do as lie myi. If lie tell * you not
to take It. then don't take It. Ho knows.
Leave It with him , Wn uro wlllliii : .
J. 0. AYKIt CO. , Lowell. Mall.