The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 29, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    C )
J , W. Bovcc Tells of Lectures
nt the State Meetings.
Perfect Ear Contrasted With Tbnt
Which Was Imperfect Lecture and
Demonstrations of Value to Orchard-
late Trimming of Treeo.
Norfolk , .Ian. 2fi. I wont to Lincoln
to attend the twenty-one or HOIIIO of
that number of state aBRoclatloun as
sembled on the state farm between
.lanua'ry 18 and 23. I put In all my
tlmo there and the meeting of the
corn breeders association was of OB-
poclal Interest and profit to mo. The
expert Judge , Shanol , wan from 1111-
noln. In bin addresn ho had three sain-
plo earn of corn as specimens , one
supposed to bo objectionable , the
other an Improvement on the tlrstand
lastly what ho considered an approaching
preaching the Ideal of perfection under -
dor the now Impetus to develop Hood
corn. The supposed perfect oar wnB
eleven Inches long , seven and one-
half Inches In circumference , and In
color a duop yellow. The grains In
the row wore mtpposed to bo of the
same sl/.o. The only approach to ta
per commenced one and one-half
luchoH from the tip of the ear. Tlioro
was suppoHod to bo no doproHslomt or
creases between gralnfl or rows of
grahiH , the ear forming a perfect cyl
indrical Hhapo. The tip of the cob was
filled with grains the Hamo as other
parts of the cob , yet ho said the grow
ers wore not BO tenacious about that
us they wore a short tlmo ago. The
butt end of the cob had a foundation
uf grains up to the stem on which It
grow. The Idea of the specialist Is to
fix In bis mind the Ideal ear and grow
to that. The Hpeclmen ear was Hold's
yellow dent. The specialist claims
nn advance of fifteen bushels per aero
over the former methods.
I think there IH something In the
movement and shall , carefully watch
the development until 1 am convinced
I gave HOIIIO of my time to the moot
ing of the state horticultural society.
There was a lecture and demonstra
tion on trimming apple trees which ,
to mo , was very forcible. The lec
turer had cut from his orchard vari
ous knots that demonstrated defective
methods of pruning. One knot showed
a limb cut four Inches from the tree
at the base of which was aiv enlarge
ment. It was stated that If the cut
ting had boon done at the base or In
the enlargement , nature would have
healed the wound.
Other specimens showed where
largo limbs bad boon cut oft the wound
had turned dark and had perished
away , leaving holes and threatening
death to the tree. Ills Idea was to
take a young tree with ono center only
and trim to shape a perfect tree from
said center , and having tops of apple
trees ho there demonstrated his Ideal
tree. Having two limbs and wishing
to remove one , ho said to cut It par
allel to the limb loft and as near as
possible to that limb , so that nature
would heal entirely over the wound.
Ho had specimens to show that It
could bo dono. Then many of us amateurs -
atours , ho said , would cut a limb off
horizontally across the limb , when
they should bo cut obliquely , and when
cutting a small limb It should always
bo cut Just above the hud. I did not
see or hoar anything there so Impres
sive as that demonstrated lecture.
J. W. Bovco.
Ice In This Vicinity Is Adding About
a Quarter of an Inch Every Six
The Icemen , of course , arc shaking
hands with each other and smiling
smiles of satisfaction on account of
the severely cold * weather that holds
this section of the gloho tightly In its
arms Just now. This Is their tlmo to
laugh. Every hour of the day and
every hour of the night Is putting mon
ey Into tholr pockets. The weather
works while- they sloop and when they
wake up In the morning they find ,
when they saw down Into it , that they
can see what they saw not on the
night before. Tholr crop of solidified
water has increased and they are
worth moro Ico. Hut regardless of the
fact that the weather has lurked
nronnd the twenty-bolow-zero mark for
three whole days , and hasn't once
sneaked up above the minus-ton point ,
the crystallization of Ice in the ponds
has not taken place In such very rapId -
Id stylo. During the past two days it
has been adding to Itself at the rate
of about ono inch In twenty-four hours.
Between Saturday and Sunday It froze
for seven inches beneath the surface ,
but since that tlmo so much protect
ed Is the water down deep it has
only frozen a quaiter of an inch in a
whole half dozen hours. There Is ono
happy feature about it , though , and
that Is the fact that the ice which is
now being automatically manufac
tured will not bo disgraced with any
honey-comb qualities. It is blocked
Into the very solldest sort of transpar
ency , and will bo easy to keep so long
us It Is kept hard.
Norfolk Boy Arranges For a Match
Against Man at Deadwood.
Tommy Sullivan Is Just now arrang-
Ing for a BO In Deadwood. Ho will
probably Umvo In a Any or two for Unit
point to ( Ufonil ) his tltlo In lightweight
honors nntl to keep np the roputatlon
whloh ho IIIIH tlnm fur hold good for
Norfolk. Tommy Is In excellent form
for the bout. Ilo IB very clover and
very fust. Those who Raw hlH exhibi
tion the otlior nlBht womlor how HO
fiiHt u llKhtor rould biivo located In
it Nebraska city of thin size. Ho IH
the original Tommy Sullivan of Brooklyn -
lyn nnd IH open to moot any fighter
In the Htiilo of fifteen ponndH moro
wulKht. Tommy IB west beciumo ho
got 11 llttlo out of trim but IIO'H goi
ng buck again Into the flnofit of form
nnd cun whip nnylhliiK of IIH ! slzo thin
HldO Of thO MlHHlHHlppl Of lllH OWI1
wclBbt. Ho bent English , the Sioux
City lad , to a llnlHli.
City Attorney Koenlgsteln Sorveu No
tlcoo for Labor Cornmlsnloncr Dusb
on Norfolk Pioperty Owners.
City Attoinoy KoonlKBtoln IH Just
now serving notlcon on the owners
and iiBontH of ownorH of Norfolk'H
throo-Htory buildings that huvo boon
iHHiiod by CommlHHlonor of Labor Hort
HiiHli of Lincoln , requiring the erection
of IIro OHcapoH and Iron stairways.
After the Horvlco of tboBO notlccH
the owners will bo given Hlxty days
In which to comply with the law , and
It IH probable that they will proceed
at once to iniiku the necessary Im
provements to the bulldliiBH without
a ncod of legal procoHHOB. A copy
of the law accompanloH the notices ,
together with planH and HpuclllcatloitH
for the erection of the roipilrod work ,
ind application blankH for permlHulon
from the labor commissioner to pro
ceed with the ImprovomontH.
According to CoininlBHlonor Bush's
Interpretation of the jaw there are
four buildings requiring IIro oncnpoH ,
and ho ban made the following do-
mntulH from the owners :
For the Marquardt block One single -
glo leu-proof wroiiKht Iron or stool
balcony and Btalr lire escape with
stand pipe , at the roar of the IIOIIBO ,
and one double , Ice-proof , wrought
Iron or Htool tire escape on the weat
side of the building.
For the Cotton block one double
leu-proof wrought Iron or stool es
cape IH required on the west sldo of
the building.
For the Mast block a double escape
IB required to connect with the ban
quet ball In the rear of the building ,
and an Iron or steel stairway Is asked
to lead from the Masonic ball ante
room to the roof of the second story
of the building.
Throe escapes are required of the
Oxnard hotel , of nbout the same con
strnctlon as those required for the
three-story buildings.
Murphey , Murphl , Murphay and Plain
Murphy In Scramble to Answer
the Telephone.
It was only an Innocent telephone
message but It created a commotion
resembling a football rush In the lobby
of the Oxnard this noon , and resulted
in the dislocation of a man's ankle.
"Mr. Murphy wanted nt the telephone -
phone , " sang out a boll boy as ho
passed through the lobby.
There was a wild scramble for the
boy by no loss than four men balling
from widely different parts of the
United States , and each of whom rec
ognized the name as his own.
P. T. Murphoy of Now York made
so much haste that ho slipped upon
the smooth floor and was helped tea
a convenient chair , having twisted
his ankle ; at the same tlmo T. S. Mnr-
phl of Philadelphia dlsontaglcd him
self from a mass of newspapers , and
bumped unceremoniously into the ro
tund person of Mr. Michael Murphay
of Houston , Texas. These two glared
ferociously at each other as they
rushed sldo by sldo for the 'phono ;
meanwhile .Tames W. Murphy of Pco-
rla , 111. , rushed from the dining room
and tumbled over the excited boll boy ,
who had thus far successfully dodged
the various Murhys who had answered
his call.
After the gathering of Mnrphys had
been pulled apart , and apologies ex
changed , a tall individual wearing a
broad rimmed sombrero hat perched
on the back of his head , who had ev
idently viewed the scene with Interest
and amusement , sauntered up from
the cigar stand. Ho took the memo
randum from the boy's hand , and , af
ter glancing at it , turned to the Mur-
phys present , and remarked : "Tho
message Is evidently for mo. I'm
Tim Murphy. If you'll wait a minute
I'll answer the telephone and then , ns
'I'm from Missouri' I'll bo glad to have
you show mo the way to the bar that
wo may drink to better acquaintance. "
"We'll wait , " said the Murphys In a
Cured After Suffering 10 Years.
U. F. Hare , Supt. Mtama Cycle &
Manufacturing Co. . Middlotown. O. ,
suffered for tea years with dyspepsia.
He spent hundreds of dollars for med
icine and with doctors without receiv
ing any permanent benefit. Ho says ,
"Ono night while fooling exception
ally bad I was about to throw down
the evening paper when I saw an Item
in the paper regarding the merits of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded
to try It and while I had no faith In
it I felt bettor after the second doso.
After using two bottles I am stronger
and better than I have been In years ,
and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure to my friends and acquaintances
suffering from stomach trouble. " Sold
by all druggists.
C. E. Burnham , Banker at Til-
den , Talks of Norfolk.
"There Cornea a Time In the Life of
Every Town of Norfolk's Size , "
Says He , "When Petty Jealousy
Must be Laid Aside. "
C. 13. Uurnham , the Tlldon banker ,
who was In Norfolk on business , offers
a suggestion to the commercial club
of Norfolk which might bo very easily
developed and which would no doubt
bring ultimate results to the city
which could bo secured In no ether
way. The Idea IH for the commercial
club , which IB already In existence , to
get together and hold rcgulor moot-
IngH for the purpose of developing the
outside retail trade.
"Tho Hold Is open to Norfolk , " said
Mr. Uurnham , "and only awaits de
velopment. "
"Tlioro comes a tlmo In the llfo of
every town of thin size , " continued
the banker from Tlldon , "when all
potty Jealousies must bo laid aflldo And
when the city Itself must go outfor the
blggor business that awalta U. The
tmo | has come already , It Booms tea
a man up a trco , when this city should
got together on definite plans for goIng -
Ing outside of this llttlo circle that
It now controls , and getting Into the
Hold of the now northwest which be
longs to Norfolk by all that IB right
and which will bo only too glad to
come to Norfolk If a llttlo effort la
exerted In the way of an Invitation.
"Norfolk has a locaton which can't
bo beaten. Situated In the hub of a
great wheel of railroad tracks which ,
an the spokes , branch out toward the
east , the south , the northeast , the
west and far Into the northwest. And
all of that country which Is reached by
these ribbons of stool that stretch Into
the now northwest , are naturally as
much drawn to Norfolk as Is the vil
lage of Arlington to Omaha or Ponca
to Sioux City.
"Tho trade IB already there to bo
; ot. It Is a great retail Hold which
Is right now being developed. Norfolk
can have It because self-Interest and
Bolf-lntorcst rules the world will advise -
vise the people of that territory to
como to Norfolk. The trains are run
ning Just right. Wo can como into
Norfolk from Tlldon , for Instance , ate
o o'clock In the morning or at noon
and can got hack at either 1 o'clock
or at 8 In the evening. Wo can save
just exactly twenty-four hours in time ,
which means something to the people
of llttlo towns and to people of the
rural districts Just as it docs the
broker In Wall street , and wo can
save , besides $7.80 railroad faro for
the additional round trip from Norfolk
to Omaha.
"It strikes mo that now is the tlmo
for Norfolk to get Into the now terri
tory that has been opened up. Once
there was an attempt at , a wholesale
grocery distributing point bore. The
Hold was too limited to warrant it
But now a section has boon opened
which is vast In its bounds and It would
seem that such a move now might bo
made a success. "
Warden Beemer Will Take Measures
to Prevent the Distribution of
Opium to Prisoners.
Lincoln , Jan. 20. Warden Beemer
has made arrangements for the Instal
lation of a wlro screen in the chapel
of the state penitentiary , where the
convicts are permitted to sco visitors.
Its purpose is to keep callers from
passing opium nnd ether forms of
"dopo" to the convicts. Hereafter all
visitors will have to bo content to talk
to the convicts through the screen.
Under the practice in vogue during
the past thcro was no obstacle In the
way of wholesale transfers of the drug
to the prisoners. No pretense was
made of searching visitors , it is said ,
because of the obvious dlftlculty of the
task of doing it effectively. In this
way a person with largo quantities of
the drug , concealed on his person
might easily pass the guards and the
turnkey , when It might bo handed to
the convict designated to receive It.
Fremont Is Proud of Her New Depot
and Mayor Wolz Was on Hand
Early to Obtain Souvenirs.
Fremont , Nob. , Jan. 20. The now
union station was occupied by the
Northwestern Sunday evening and by
the Union Pacific at an early hour
yesterday morning. The first train
running Into it was No. I eastbound ,
on the Union Pacific , which arrived at
7:25. : Mayor Wolz was the only Fro-
mentor on hand to sco it como in ,
nsldo from hack drivers and station
By the time the Northwestern trains
from Lincoln and Bonosteol pulled In ,
a number of citizens wore at the sta
tion. The train men and passengers
looked considerably pleased as they
dismounted from the cars and walked
across the smooth brick platform to
got to the now depot.
Mayor Wolz secured a couple of sou
venirs of the opening In the shape of
the first two tickets sold from the
union station. Ho bought ono to
Omaha over the Union Pacllls and an
other to Hooper over the Northwest
ern. Of course ho did not use either
ono , but has put them away as memen
toes of a conspicuous event occurring
during his administration.
Nebraska Grown Lemon ,
Table Hock , Neb. , Jan. 20. Mrs.
Helen Smith of this place has raised
n lemon which scorns quite a curiosity
In Its way. It IB called a "giant" of ll
kind by those to whom It has been
exhibited. It measures , ono way ,
twelve Inches In circumference , the
ether thirteen and ono-half. There
were several blossoms on the tree ,
but ono developing fruit , however.
Many Brlbco.
Sioux City , Jan. 27. Six witnesses
yesterday afternoon and today Jn the
trial of Edwin Anderson , former cap
tain of police , for bribery while In of
fice , told of six different occasions
when they said they saw J , II. BIgo-
low , prosecuting witness , pay Ander
son money.
When Your Joints are Stiff
and your muscles sere from cold or
rheumatism , when you slip and sprain
a Joint , Btraln your sldo or bruise your
self , Painkiller will take out the sore
ness and fix you right In a Jiffy. Al
ways have It with you , and use it free
ly. Avoid substitutes , there is but
ono painkiller , Perry Davis' . Prlco 25
and 50c.
Fatal kidney and bladder troubles
can always bo prevented by the use
of Foloy's Kidney Cure.
Klosau Drug Co.
Saved From Terrible Death.
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbltt
of Bargorton , Tonn. , saw her dying
and wore powerless to save her. The
most skillful physicians and every
remedy used , failed , while consump
tion was slowly but surely taking her
llfo. In this terrible hour Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumptldn
turned despair Into Joy. The first
bottle brought Immediate relief and
Its continued use completely cured
her. It's the most certain euro In the
world for all throat nnd lung troubles.
Guaranteed bottles nOc and $1. Trial
bottles free at Leonard's drug store.
A Very Close Call.
"I stuck to my engine , although
every Joint ached and every nerve
was racked with pain , " writes C. W.
Bellamy , a locomotive flroman of Bur
lington , Iowa. "I was weak and pale ,
without any appctlto and all run down.
As I was about to give up , I got a
bottle of Electric Bitters , and after
taking it , I felt as well as I over did
In my llfo. " Weak , sickly , run down
people always gain now lifo , strength
and vigor from their uso. Try them.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Asa K.
Leonard. Prlco CO cents.
A Life at Stake.
If you but know the splendid merit
of Foloy's Honey and Tar you would
never bo without It A dose or two
will prevent an attack of pneumonia
or la grippe. It may save your lifo.
Klesau Drug Co.
Domestic Troubles.
It Is exceptional to find a family
where there are no domestic ruptures
occasionally , bvt tbcso can bo lesson
ed by having Dr. King's Now Lifo
Pills aroum' Much trouble they save
by their great work in Stomach and
Liver troubles. They not only relieve -
liovo you , but euro. 2Bc at Leonard's
drug store.
Drying preparations simply dpvel-
op dry cntnrrh j they dry up tbo secretions ,
which nclhoro to the membrnno and decom
pose , causing n far moro serious trouble than
tbo ordiunry form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants , fumes , smokes nnd snuffs
ana use that which cleanses , Eoothcs and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tbo bead
easily nnd pleasantly. A trial eizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists soil the
GOo. sizo. Ely Brothers , GG Warren St. , N.Y.
Tbo Balm cures without pain , does not
irritate or cnnso snoozing. It spreads itself
over nn irritated nnd angry surface , reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Unhn you nro ariuod
against Nasal Catarrh and Uny Fovor.
The prevention of consumption Is
entirely a question of commencing the
proper treatment In time. Nothing
Is so well adapted to ward off fatal
lung troubles as Foloy's Honey and
Tar. Klesau Drug Co.
Month After Month
a cold clings to you. The cough seems
to tear holes in the delicate tissues of
the throat and lungs. You lose weight
and you wonder If you are threatened
with n discaso you scarcely dare to
name. Are you aware that oven a
stubborn and long-neglected cold Is
cured with Allen's Lung Balsam ? Do
not spend more of your llfo In coughIng -
Ing and worrying.
Wonderful Nerve.
Is displayed by many a man endur
ing pains of accidental Cuts , Wounds ,
llrnlses , Burns , Scalds , Sere foot or
stiff Joints. But there Is no need for
It. Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo will kill
the pain and euro the trouble. It's
the best salvo on earth for Piles , too.
25c at Leonard's drug store.
The many friends of H. G. Hausan ,
Engineer , L. E. & W. R. R. , at pres
ent living In Lima , O. , will bo pleased
to learn of bis recovery from threat
ened kidney disease. Ho writes : "I
was cured by using Foloy's Kidney
Cure , which I recommend to all , es
pecially trainmen who are usually
similarly affected , " Klesau Drug Co.
Pretty Miss Nelllo Ilascomb ,
Omaha : "I owe my good looks and
health to Holltstor's Rocy Mountain
Tea. Have fullly regained my
health. " 35 cents , tea or tablets.
The Klesau Drug Co.
Pneumonia and La Grippe.
Coughs cured quickly by Foloy's
Honey and Tar. Refuse substitutes.
Kiesau Drug Co.
Miss Lena Denningcr of That
City is Successful.
Both Contesting With Their Wonted
Ardor , Madison and Humphrey
Made a Brisk Ending to the Voting
and the Prettiest of All Is After.
Madison wins the contest ; Miss
Lena Donnlnger of that city , together
with her theater party of five others ,
will occupy box "B" nt the Audito
rium when Tim Murphy and Miss
Dorothy Sherrod present "Tho Man
From Missouri. " The contest closed
at 12 o'clock sharp. The vote stood :
Miss Lena Dennlngor , Madison..7,400
Miss Celia Pedersen , Humphrey. 1,100
It was a great contest. Never has
ono boon spiced with bettor spirit.
It brought out the stuff that two of
the most substantial llttlo cities in
Nebraska are made of. They were
both "game" until the end. And the
prettiest , feature of It all came when
the balloting had been finished.
Rare indeed is thcro strife of any
sort which ends as admirably. Madi
son , having won , was satisfied with
her victory. Tlioro was nothing of
the boast about it. Her citizens had
made the fight with wonted ardor and
they had been successful. And In vic
tory they wore whole-souled and hear
ty , withal. Mayor Clint Smith , of
Madison , arrived in Norfolk on the
freight from the south , shortly after
1 o'clock. Ho found that the game
was dono. Ills city , witn his energy
and enterprise as a pusher , bad turnei
out winner In the ballots' battle. Hum
phroy , with as plucky a hand as over
guided the reins of a contest of any
typo , had made a telling vote and an
effective one. And so , when the
smoke had cleared away , Mayor Smltl
called up Humphrey over the long dls
tunco telephone and said :
"Is this Mr. Anselmo ? "
"Yes. "
"Mr. Anselmc , I should like to have
Miss Cella Pedersen , who was so for
mldablo u candidate against us in this
contest , accept nn Invitation from the
city of Madison to como to Norfoll
with a theater party for Tim Murphy
and to occupy a box as our guests
We want to tell you that you gave us
a hard rub and wo want you to know
that wo hope our foollngs of friend
ship may bo oven stronge'r than they
have ever been before. Wo want Hum
phrey to bo represented in box "A,1
and hope that wo may all enjoy meet
Ing in the theater as wo have in the
theater contest. "
And with accustomed spirit in reply
ply , displaying that rare ability to take
defeat with the same smllo which vie
tory might bring , the Humphrey man
whoso efforts In the contest wore so
availing , answered the mayor of Mad
ison :
"Thanks , Mr. Smith , " ho said. "On
behalf of Miss Pedersen and of the
people of Humphrey who were interested
estod , I take pleasure in accepting
your invitation. Wo will all see Tim
Murphy together. I congratulate yoi
upon your winning. "
And so it will bo an audience thor
oughly representative of that grea
section on the Union Pacific railroad
between Norfolk and Columbus , whlcl
will greet Mr. Murphy In his initla
Norfolk appearance.
Miss Denningcr , whose popularity
is attested by the victory to whicl
her friends have brought her , will oc
cupy the prize box , "B , " together wltl
five friends whom she may select
And In the box Just opposite , with five
of her friends , Miss Colla Pedersen
to whom the loyalty of her many
friends must over bo a source of su
preme satisfaction , will sit. It wll
bo a night which the Auditorium may
feel proud of , resounding as it wll !
with a cordiality that shall cemen
Madison , Humphrey and Norfolk al
three together forever.
The Finish.
The finish was exciting. Morning
mails brought votes from both Hum
phroy and Madison. Tbo two cand
dates had stood about oven bofor
that. The telephone boll was kop
constantly ringing during the fore
noon. Late In the morning , 1,200 vote
came In from Madison. At ton mln
utes of 12 a Madison man called up.
"Cast1,500 votes for Miss Donning
or , " ho said.
At five minutes before 12 , Mr. An
solmo called up from Humphrey.
"Cast 3,000 votes for Miss Pedersen
son , " ho said.
The noon whistles blow and the con
test was ended. Then the countin
commenced and the result was known
shortly after 1.
Because of the lateness with which
many trains are running this week ,
It is considered tlmt vo bo on tbo safe
sldo both thoaier parties , that from
Madison , will do well to como to Nor
folk on the morning freight rather
than to risk the passenger in the oven-
Ing. The passenger is duo at D but
If it is late , they would miss a great
deal of the pleasure of the perform
. Just One Minute.
One Minute Cough Cure gives ro-
llof In one minute , because It kills
tbo microbe which tlcklea the mucus
membrane , causing the cough , nnd at
tbo same tlmo clears the phlegm ,
draws out the inflammation and heals
and sooths the affected parts. One
Minute Cough Cure strengthens the
ungs , wards off pneumonia and Is a
mrmlcsa nnd never falling euro In nil
urnblo cases of Coughs , Colds nnd
Croup. Quo Minute Cough Cure la
loasant to take , harmless nnd good
like for young nnd old. Sold by nil
A Vest Pocket Doctor.
Never in the way , no trouble to cary -
y , easy to take , pleasant and never
nlllne In results are DoWHt's Llttlo
2arly Risers. A vial of thcso llttlo
illls In the vest pocket Is n certain
junranteo against headache , bilious-
ICBS , torpid liver nnd all of tbo ills
esultlng from constipation. They
onlc nnd tsrongthen the liver. Sold
by nil druggists.
Stop It.
A neglected cough or cold may lead
o serious bronchial or lung troubles.
Don't take chances when Foloy's Hon
ey nnd Tar affords perfect security
rom serious effects of a cold.
Klesau Drug Co.
n Bed Four Weeks With La Grippe. \
Wo have received the following lot- J
or from Mr. Roy Kemp of Angola ,
Ind : "I was In bed four weeks with
a grlppo nnd I tried many remedies
and spent considerable for treatment
with physicians , but I received no ro-
lof until I tried Foloy's Honey nnd
Tnr. Two small bottles of this medi
cine cured mo nnd now I use It ex
clusively In my family. " Take no
substitutes. Klesau Drug Co.
Children Poisoned.
Many children are poisoned and
made nervous and weak , If not killed
outright by mothers giving thorn
cough syrups containing opiates. Fol
oy's Honey nnd Tar is a safe nnd cer
tain remedy for coughs , croup and
lung trouble , nnd is the only promi
nent cough medicine that contains no
opiates or other poisons.
Klesau Drug Cn ,
Young men Trust thyself , mnko
your heart vibrato with an iron string.
Make yourself a man among men.
Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will
do the business. 35 cents , tea and
tablet form.
The Kicsnu Drug Co.
What's In a Name.
Everything is in tbo name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salvo. E. C.
DoWltt & Co. of Chicago some years
ago discovered how to niako a salvo
from Witch Hazel that Is a specific
for Piles. For blind , bleeding , itching
and protruding Piles , eczema , cuts ,
burns , bruises nnd all skin diseases
DeWltt's Salvo has no equal. This
has given rise to numerous worthless
counterfeits. Ask for DoWltt's the
genuine. Sold by all druggists.
I navs no taxes I navs no rent.
Often busted without a cent ;
But n king among men from dis
ease I'm free ,
'Tis bettor than wealth Rocky
Mountain Tea.
The Klesau Drug Co.
if I
By the use of the now
Geneva Rotuescopo and
Optlmlmoscope combined
with a thorough scientific
knowledge of the subject ,
I am prepared to give iny
patrons the benefit of the
latest and most approved
methods of fitting glasses
Glasses Fitted
After the tests wo make
will give perfect satisfac
tion to the wearer.
Consultation a.nd
Examination Free.
Dr. W. B.
. . . Vail.
1 uKe the genuine , original
Made only by Madison A1edl
clns Co. , AUdiiun , Wlj. It
keeps you well. Our trade
murk cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never .ioli |
in bull ; . Accept no jubjti *
tute Auk iour drucitlst.
In all Its etagcs.
Ely 's ' Cream Balm
cleanses , Boothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drics
away a cold in the head
Crcmii Ilnliu Is pbccd Into the nostrils , spreads
cnor Mio munbrnno nuil i al sorbcO. Kcllcflslm-
meillfitoand tt euro follows. It In not drying docs
not produce cmcilng. Largo Size , 60 cents at Drug
gists or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents.
WA imOTIIEKS , BO Warren Street , New York
Pneumonia follows La Grippe
but never follows the use of
and Tar
It itopi the Cough and heals the lungi.
Prevent ! Pneumonia nnd Consumption.
M . Q. VAOHRB , of 157 Oigood St. , Chleaio ,
wrltMi "Mi wlfa had la grlppo andUUrt her
with Terr bad cough on bar lunn whloh
Voun'i Hoxxi AND TA * < mi d oompUUlr. " -