The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 15, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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W. N. HUSK , Vnbtlkhrr.
[ KBtnbllnhml 18S7. ]
tiny except Sunday. Hy cnr-
tier per week , IB cents , lly Norfolk
poatomco delivery , per year , 18.00. lly
tnnll on rural rout * * nnd o\ttntto of
Norfolk , per yenr , 13,00.
Wie Newa , ICntnbllithod , 18R1.
The Jiilliiiiil , OHliibllnliotr , 1S77.
JO very Frldny. ny mnll per year , ll.SO.
Rntereil r\t the jiostofllce ixt Norfolk ,
K b. , ns ( leconil clnitN mnttor.
Telephones : Kdltorlnl Dopnrtrnont ,
No. 22. HiiMiicxB Olllco nnd Job
IlooinB. No. 322.
\Vliiih'liono IH niiw quoted ut fiii-
000 u ton. The demand Unit CIUIRGH
the price IH nnt visible.
The Norfolk inunlcliml pot should
bo boiling before that of the nation
or the Htato bcghiH to Hlniinor.
Leap your Is now considerably more
thnn a week nlt | , but thuro hnn not yet
boon a pnnlc In t lie matrimonial mar-
Evidence IH accumulating that the
domocratH will endeavor to inuko the
IipiUoMlco frauds ono of the paramount
Issues \unlos3 Romuthlng bettor IH
ovolyed very Bhbrtly , ,
A west Virginia mlno inanagomont
nnnouncoH a reduction of twenty-five
cents a ton In the price of the fuel at
the in I no , alleging over-production. It
It IB likely that the reduction
.will bo noticeable- when the product
reaches the bins of the consumers.
A ( lurry has bcon caused In the
camphor market by the refusal of
Japan to permit the exportation of the
product , most of the world's supply
coming from that country. If It
comes to doing without camphor to
see the light thcro are u largo num
ber of patrons of the druggists who
would prefer to have the camphor.
If Memphis can stir up BO much ex
citement over n city election , result-
Jng In the shooting of several men and
the stealing and burning of ballots ,
what may bo expected to happen In
that town with u national contest on
this fall ? It would seem thatcertain
cities and states , as well as certain
people , should bo denied the right to
Hocauso a woman of the Philosoph
ical society at Omaha laughed at a
statement of the hotel manager that
lie believed air. Hryan to have been
elected In 1SOC , the society has bcon
forbidden the UBO of the hotel parlor
which has been heretofore used for
thotr meetings. The manager should
not make humorous remarks and then
get angry because they provoke laugh
The pope has expressed his disap
proval of low-cut gowns and desires
that they should not bo worn at so
cial functions that are attended by
cardinals and other prelates. Great
excitement has been aroused In
Homo's social circles , especially among
the ladles of the diplomatic corps ,
though why thcro should bo excite
ment over the efforts of the pope to
regulate the fashion toth at extent , the
dispatches do not state.
Cigarettes are moro dangerous than
the people who use them may suppose
A half-smoked one the other day do
htroyed a factory at Detroit , Mich ,
and the loss was estimated at $ GO,000
Resides this one of the employes was
seriously and perhaps fatally burned
It proved a most expensive smoke , but
the follow who had the few whiffs o
tobacco did not sustain the damage
and will probably insist on continuing
the use of the little nicotine roll , re
Uncle Sam continues to do busl
ness as a government at n profit am
If a few moro years are added to the
record the country will take a strong
lead over any of them In the condl
tlon of Its finances. Since July the
surplus of receipts over expenditures
has been $8,433,037 , and it Is estlmat
ed that by the first of next July the
surplus for the fiscal year will nebo
bo far from the twenty-million mark-
As long as the condition of the go\
eminent finances continues to sho\\
this healthy tone there can bo no fea
of any very disastrous panic for th
people. With the government on
good sound basis nothing but tempo
rary financial difficulties will bo pos
slblo with the peoplo. The govern
ment continues to bo the greatest dls
trlbutor of money and It can keep a
it whether the great corporations am
tnists continue to do business or not
as long as the receipts can bo mad
to exceed the expenditures.
The sun shines , the warm wind
blow nnd the mercury works Us way
up to the top of the thermometer li
Nebraska but It can't seem to bllz
zard , nnd those who insist on having
these features on their weather ment
, will needs be compelled to move bacl
to Now England , or refresh themselves
by recalling the Incidents of the storm
that swept across the country sixteen
earn ago , tomorrow , and which Booms
> iiavo boon the last of the breed of
Nebraska bllxznrdH. Meanwhile the
reat majority of Nobrnskaim are con-
out to lot It go at recollections and
njoy the superior brand of winter
llmato that Is on tap ,
A Cincinnati wife locked her bus-
land In a room to keep him homo but
ho husband was desperately Inclined
o visit the city and started to Jump
) iit of the window. Seeing that ho
vas determined the busy little help-
nect signified her consent by giving
ilm a Hhovo. Now ho Is so badly
irulsed that ho cannot leave the
IOIIHO. Illustrating that Homo wives
ilways manage to bo obeyed and have
heir way.
Now that the senate has confirmed
ho appolntii/nt of n minister to Pan-
ma It has rccoKiilgoilfcUio now ro-
mbllc Irrevocably. TlW Vote was
hlrty-clght to Hlxtoen/fiud/nno / / demo-
rut voted with the republicans , so
hat the opposition to the president's
novument In reoognl/Ing the now
government has some good and strong
upport , nnd If ho' IH ( to bo censured ,
n the future tub senrtto will nccessar-
ly bear a'slittrd pf/tho blumo.
1 \ N. Morwln IH the envy of n
argo number of newspaper men of
Nebraska , Ho has loft the sanctum
> f the Heaver City TlmoH-Trlbunofor
a while and has gone to Washington
o rub up against the great men of
ho nation as Congressman , Norrls'
irlvato secretary , nnd ho will doubt-
CHH como homo fully Inspired. Ono
if bin first acquisitions of knowledge
n the capltol city was that Its coats
il for every time ho spits on the Hlde-
valk. It Is something of a deprlva-
Ion to forbid n Nebraska newspaper
nan to spit , but Mr. Mcrwln utinoun-
cos that ho has almost forgotten how.
The Atlanta Constitution Is fearful
hat the democratic senators and con
gress will load the party Into a mighty
loop pit from which It can never hope
o emerge , If they continue In oppo
sition to the Panama canal treaty.
The Constitution speaks for a lot of
southern democrats who would rather
forsake the principles of Hryan , Jefferson -
forson and democracy than to have
the building of that canal interrupted
) r Interfered with. The question Islet
lot stronger In the north than In the
south , but there are a largo number
of republicans who feel the same way
ibout U , still they do not fear that the
democrats will over have an oppor
tunity to take the place of the admin
istration in Its support.
If Nebraska Is to continue In firsl
class financial condition , especial ! }
In the rural districts the farmers am
townspeople will have to cease their
contributions to the fakirs and con
fidence men who will willingly take
a generous share of the state's pros
perlty and cash and glvo not a thing
In return. Incidentally In a legitimate
business way Nebraska should keep
all the money.possible at homo , which
can bo done by patronizing homo
merchants , homo manufactures and
homo enterprises. Dollars that are
sent to the Chicago and Now York department
partmont stores may never again bo
counted in Nebraska's cash balance
and to the credit of the banks , As
long as the money Is In the state It
can bo counted as a portion of the
finance of the state and the chances
that It will again return to the hands
of the furmers are about ten times as
good as they would bo if sent out o
the state at first hand. To bo main
talncd as a state with money and
credit It will bo necessary for the pee
pie to oxorclso wise judgement in the
disposition of the money at their dls
posul , and it Is not wise judgement to
send it out of the state for things that
can bo bought at home.
Senator Hannn has again dcniei
that ho is a candidate for the repub
lican presidential nomination , but that
does not seem to prevent his beint ,
urged for the place by the democrats
and other politicians who have no ad
miration for Roosevelt , nnd it will bo
a wonderful temptation to make his
boom bigger than ever on the occa
blon of his re-election to the senate
today. Four years hence It may b
possible that the republican part }
will heed the democratic ndvlco am
nominate and elect Senator Hanna to
the highest office in the gift of the
people , but this year they canno
consent to the turning down of Roosevelt
volt , who has given eminent satlsfac
tlon in most respects , and cspeciallj
they cannot see their way clear to
assist the trusts In administering a
rebuke because the president will node
do what they think right and prope
as between largo capital interests an
the Interests of labor nnd the people
Ho has made a record along this Un
that tfio people very much admlro , ant
the probabilities nro that the democratic
cratic leaders are afraid that ho ap
preaches too close to the ideal of th
common democratic voter to admit o
any possibility of a democrat's elec
town has a legislature with It to
( cop up the Interest In the new spa *
ors , and In politics.
Anyway U Is not unlikely that Sen
ior Dietrich will bo moro careful of
ilu business transactions In the future
vhllo Ills name Is on the senatorial
my roll ,
The society women of modern Homo
ro breathing easier. It Is now an-
lounced that the pope was merely
old tig when ho suggested that they
night use more goods In completing
ho upper portion of their gowns ,
Those who are looking for fresh
nsplratlon from air. IJryan , by rea-
on of his trip to Huropo , are not like-
y to bo disappointed. Ho never yet
as been known to disappoint the peo-
ilo who have expected much and
pontaneouH oratory to How.
A Dea Molnoa iyoiinK > an has bo-
onto crazed by Tending "Hamlet , "
and there are some people who will
maglno that ho might bo bottter able
.ban a sane person to get the full
ueanlng of the melancholy prince's
character as outlined by the bard.
Now that Norfolk Is In line with a
loosovclt club , the president's nom-
nation and election may not bo se
cure , but the people who are In the
club feel better for It and It will un-
loubtcdly bo a small factor toward his
success at the convention and at the
A Lincoln lawyer bollovca Unit the
leclslon of the court In the Dietrich
case has the effect of creating "an
open season for the sale of post-
olllccs. " It Is so very Indefinite as to
cngth and bounds , that after this no
ono Is likely to take chances of hit
ting Just the right dates.
Russia has at least been convinced
that an open door In Manchuria Is a
iccesslty and If the trouble between
Russia and Japan amounts to nothing
moro to the advantage of the far east
and the countries concerned than the
opening of Manchuria to business it
will have served to a good end.
The coal man occasionally has a
kick coming on the weather , but the
Ice man never. When It Is too cold
to sell Ice his crop Is making , and
when It Is too warm to help out his
supply ho Is soiling. The coal man
occasionally finds the weathorentlroly
against him , but oven ho can bank on
business In the future.
Someone prophecies a cold snai
some time between January 20 am
February 1. It will not bo surprising
If such a condition should happen to
prevail about that time. Up to date
January hasn't been doing anything
but act like atarch or early April , bn
no ono has been deceived Into setting
out tomato plants or planting corn :
Nebraska weather is coming In jus
the proper variety and In alopathic
doses. It Is beginning to bo taken as
a sort of myth that a storm of the severity * -
verity of that which happened slxteoi
years ago , should Ilnd Its way eve
the Dakota lino. History , however
conllrms the story whether It Is sup
ported by recent weather features o
There are states that envy Now
Jersey's laws that are advantageous
for the formation of trusts and cor
poratlons , and would favor like ar
rangoments. It Is a matter for con
gratulatlon , however , that such states
are few and far between. The others
would prefer to see the Now Jersoj
law changed , or the state moved of
the map.
Hut for the organization of Roosevelt
volt clubs throughout portions of the
country , ono might almost think tha
the president was lacking In friends
because the stupendous efforts are al
most all being directed to tearing the
president down. His friends , however
over , will make themselves mnnlfes
In good time , and they will bo fouiu
to bo thicker than sand burrs in a
melon patch when It cornea'to ' count
Ing the votes.
What has become of those Nebrask
coal mines and oil wells , dlscovero.
last year , that were to prove of sue'
material benefit to the peopio of tli
state ? They have probably gone thread
road of all similar reputed discover
Jes , and there will bo nothing for th
people to do but to await a new giis
of rumors In order to experience tlm
oxhlllratlng feeling of having tbcl
hopes raised to bo gradually quletet
later on by a letting up of the report
from the well's mouth , until the sVrj
Is finally forgotten.
Postmaster General Payne report
that the excess of expenditures eve
receipts In his department during th
past year were only $1,500,044.73
which Is more than a million less than
the estimated deficit at the commence
ment of the year. As long as the heai
of the department can come that fa
Insldo of his allowance for carrying
10 letters and postal cnrds and pa
ct's of his people , there will probably
o no kick coming , but really the peo-
lo would bo better pleased If It
otild bo so managed that the receipts
vould cover the expenditures. They
ko the accotnodatlons of the depart-
lent , but would like the business to
lake some profit.
With the opening of the Rosebud
enervation by the present session of
ongress , there would bo an iiifiplra-
Ion toward the development of this
ountry next spring , the like of which
ins not been known since Nebraska
vas first settled. Not all cf the ( level-
> pmcnt can be confined within the
enervation boundaries , but part of
t Is certain to spread out and north-
rn Nebraska will realize In greater
legreo than any other adjoining terrl-
There were Jpjs Ujnn , fifty U. S.
narlnes at Panamawhpn , ) the rovolu-
Ion took place that severed the Isth
mus from Colombia , but to hear the
alk of the Colombian representatives ,
and their admirers in this country ,
ho supposition would bo that
mlf of the American army and
mvy were down there to assist
ho revolutionists In breaking loose ,
t Is possible that the Colom-
> lans were nfrald that this govern-
might bo back of the revolutionists ,
but that would not Justify the state-
nent that this country took an active
> art In the revolution , and the fear of
consequences that might bo Inspired
should not bo deemed cause for censure -
sure or a fight.
Norfolk Is attracting now and more
favorable attention every day from
the people who visit hero and those
who read of Its achlevmcnts. It Is
) roparlng to manifest Itself as the
: atoway to the now northwest and
will bo a factor In the upbuilding of
the country. It occupies an enviable
advantage In a rich and growing sec-
Jon and people cannot como to Nor
folk without becoming cognizant of
the fertile territory surrounding and
they cannot como Into the territory
without realizing the value of Nor
folk's location. It Is expected that
during the coming few years the city
will develop amazingly and the city
refuses to bo disappointed on this
This is the day sot for Senator Hanna -
na to re-enter the senate with a rec
ord vote , and It will bo surprising if
those who have been booming him for
the republican presidential nomination
do not receive fresh inspiration , by
the achievment that has been fore
casted ever since the votes were
counted in his homo state. The repub
llcans have a majority of twenty-five
in the senate , and a majority of sixty
six in the house , making a total major
ity of ninety-one on joint ballot , am
It is expected that the senator will receive
coivo every republican vote In the legislature
islaturo , while the democrats mlgh
just as well make It unanimous , as
they can only muster fifty-two of the
one hundred and forty-three votes 01
Joint ballot. The two houses tire
scheduled to ballot separately this
afternoon and jointly tomorrow.
Wayne county offers to the state the
service of John R. Manning , who is
a candidate for commissioner of pub
He lands and buildings subject to the
action of the republican state conven
tion. This has been talked of fo
some time , but upon inquiry of Mr
Manning ho hesitated to announce his
candidacy until after consulting fur
ther with friends. He has boon nrge <
to be a candidate and gives It to the
press now that ho is in the hands o
his friends who assure him of a strong
support. Our attention has beei
called to it that in all of its htotorj
this corner of the state has never hac
an official in the state house , at leas
from the republican party , and i
would seem that this should bo takci
Into consideration at this time whei
the "south Platto" and the state house
"deputies" are trying to gobble the
cheese uncut , air. Manning has nove
asked for an office yet served the
county as commissioner by appoint
ment one term about fifteen years ago
and was a member of the state senate
In 1S89 , ono term , just before the pop
ullst enthusiasm swept the polltlca
map of the state. As state senator ho
was for the people and saved the state
largo sums by his good business qual
Itles. Ho came to Wayne county li
18S2 and engaged in farming am
stock feeding and breeding , having
six hundred acres of land and oftei
two thousand head of stock upon It
However , the financial crash of 1892-C
deprived him of much of his hare
earned fruitage of his early labors am
n further misfortune attended him in
the loss of his good right arm , bu
knowing no such thing as "failure" ho
has turned the energy of his youth to
the garnering of political honors tha
seem to bo well earned. Wayne conn
ty always feels honored by the fact o
a resident aspiring to a representative
place In our state's political flrmamen
and a loyal and hard working delega
tlon will assist In directing his cam
palgn. The people of the county per
sonally regard Mr. aiannlng very high
ly and his friends hero and through
out the state are doing everything In
its behalf that seems advisable To
iroporly launch our county's candl-
ate. Wayne Republican.
Congressman Drlggs should have
md the legal advice of such inon as
Cowln and Batty.
It Is supposed that If thcro had been
but ono democrat in the Ohio leglsla-
uro ho would have voted for some
other man than Senator Hanna , just
or the supposed policy of the thing.
Nebraska Is not in It this year with
naugurals and legislatures but she
vlll bo occupying her field worthily
by next winter , when Ohio , Iowa , and
ho others will have nothing bettor
o do than look on.
The Nebraska City Tribune knows
t Is said and generally believed that
a "soft answer turneth away wrath"
but Is of the oplnjon that the czar
nado his so altogether soft and mushy
hat the Jap is fully justified In keep-
ng his mad up.
The Russians and Japanese have up
o date had more use for a well load
ed dictionary than for fully equipped
arsenals , but as they run short of this
sort of ammunition , the moro likely
t appears that they will draw on that
contained In the arsenals.
The Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune
finds that several thousand of the
residents of that city are suffering
from the grip , and not only that , but
that a wall of water thirty miles long
and more than nine feet high threatens
to como down and engulf the city.
In view of this showing who would
not prefer to live in Nebraska ?
Senator Tlllman has lost confidence
n Ohio as a debatable ground for the
two great parties. In view of the re
turns from the late election the sen
ator is no doubt fully justified , but
his party will probably forget this
statement before thd next election
and will go right ahead and claim the
state for democracy with apparent
The Falls City Tribune made its
bow to the public last Friday. It is
republican In politics and twelve
pages of four columns each is Its size.
Orra R. Ross and Walter C. Ray are
the publishers. They start with a
good advertising patronage , and the
paper Itself Is a model of neatness
while the reading matter Is interest-
Nebraska opposition to President
Roosevelt appears to be so small and
Insignificant that it Is extremely dif
ficult to locate it , even in the ranks
of the fuslonlsts. A lot of them who
have never voted the republican tick
et , will have to bo shown a good and
strong man and a good and strong
reason , if they nro to bo convinced
that they should not vote for the pres
ent chief executive at the coming elec
tlon. There are hundreds who are nol
so bound by party ties that they wil
not vote to endorse a man who has
had the stamina and ability to stam
by the people in several Instances
where their rights have been threat
cned by the classes.
The Nebraska newspaper men , republicans
publicans , as well as democrats , do
not appear inclined to take off theh
hats and give the Nebraska yell over
the victory secured by Senator Diet
rich In the federal court. It Is con
ceded that Is was a splendid maneu
ver on the part of the senator's law
yers , but it was a long ways from
clearing him in the minds of his con
stitnents. It is good court tactics al
ways , for the attorneys to beat a case
at the earliest opportunity and thus rule
It off the docket , but when the case is
won as early in the proceedings as
was this clearance of Senator Diet
rich , there remains the suspicion that
a full review of the accusations might
not have shown an entire innocence
of the charges on the part of the defendant
fendant , and those who are rejoicing
with the senator over his escape are
very few.
Dunn's review of trade for the year
1903 gives the people of Nebraska an
other reason to rejoice In that the fall
ures In this state are away down in
the list in numbers and amount of li
abilities as compared with eastern
states , also that Nebraska failures
wore less numerous and less oxpon
slvo than during the year preceding
In fact the showing is moro creditable
to the west than to the older states
of the east. As the Review has it
"Minnesota reported three times ns
heavy liabilities as In 1902 , but Nebraska
braska and Colorado offset much of
this by making most encouraging ex
hlblts. " Nebraska's failures for the
year are given at ninety-seven , will
liabilities of less than half a million
or In exact figures , $334,200 , while for
1902 the failures In Nebraska were
100 and the liabilities $1,004,430 , nnd
that was considered a year of mucl
prosperity. The Nebraska failures
are designated as follows : aianufac
turcs eleven , liabilities $20,873 ; trad
"Whcti the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn , " is an old time dairy
Droverb. It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.
When mothers arc worried
oecause the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
ay give them Scott's Emul
It is like the penny in the
milk because it wqrks and
Dccausc there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat
We will send you
the penny , / . c. , a.
sample free.
Be sure that Mi picture in
the form oi a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle ol
Emulsion you buy ,
Chemists ,
4Q9 Pearl St. , N. Y.
SQC. and It.oo ; all druggists.
ing eighty-three , liabilities $312,395 ;
other commercial three , liabilities
$938 ; banking two. With the sit
uation that confronts Nebraska at the
beginning of the now year there is
every reason to believe that there will
be as good a comparative showing at
the end of this year as there was dur
ing the past year. The bank deposits
are largo and healthy , business is
good , farmers have largo reserves of
grain , live stock and money , and the
prospects for crops during the coming
year are as good as could bo asked
this early In the season. Merchants ,
judging by local conditions , are hav
ing success In disposing of their ac
cumulation of winter goods and the
prospects are that they will have a
ready demand for the spring and sum
mer goods that will soon be exposed
on their shelves. There Is a general
feeling of confidence in the future
and in comparison with results fur
ther east , this fooling appears to be
fully justified. For such comparison
It is not necessary to go further east
than Iowa , whore the failures for 1903
are given at 318 , with liabilities
amounting to $1,839,751 , while for
1902 in the same state the failures
wore 271 , with liabilities of $1,519,302.
Further east the showing was less fa
vorable than In Iowa.
How's This ?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years ,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his lirm ,
Waldlng , ICInnan & Marvin ,
Wholesale Drugglts , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally , acting direct upon the blood
and mucuous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75
cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
"My mother was troubled with
consumption for many years. At
last she was given up to die. Then
she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
and was speedily cured. "
D. P. Jolly , Avoca , N. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it , Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until you have "consump
tion. If you are coughing
today , get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
Three tliei : 25c. , 50c. , tl.
Consult your doctor. If lie iayi take It.
then do i lie tuyi. It he telU you not
to take It. then don't take It. lie kuowi.
Le te It with him. We are willing.
J. O. AVEIl CO. . Lowell. Mall.