THE NORFOLK NtiWS : FRIDAY , JANUARY 8 , 1904. THE NORFOLK NE\VS Wt N.- HUSK , rnblUhrr. DAILY. ( Kittnbllvhed 1887. ] Every < 1ny except Buntlny. Iiy car- rler per week , 16 cent * . Ily Norfolk pontortlco ilnllvory. per yenr. .00. Hy mnll on rurnl route * nml oiitnulo of Norfolk , per ycnr. 13.00. , MT.I'.Kl.Y NUW.t-JOIIllNAI. . " > hB Newd , rc tnlll lioil , 1881. The Journnl , cutnlillalieil , 1887. ICvery Frlilny. Hy mnll per yenr , Jl.BO. Kntereil nt tbo pontolllco nt Norfolk , Neb. , na seconil cliiRH mnttor. Teloplionc : Kdltorlnl Dopnrtmcnt , No. 22. lliifllnenn Olllcn nml Job Ilooms. No. 328. Norfolk nml north Nobrnskn Imvo been doing Homo leaping without wall- liiK for n lonp year , but they will keep It up. , Now IB the tlmo when tlio people of Norfolk nro drawing tbolr breath bct\yoen riiHlicn anil planning to boost the city Htlll further toward HH cor- ( tnln tlopUny ) , IIH the metropolis of north Nebraska. It la a .good Plan to nuvor innlio aNew Now Ycnr , resolution unloflB you are llrmly determined to Uoop It. Hvory time u person , nmkos if resolution nml bronkH It ills , character IB 'weakened 'just that much. North NobrnHUa IB In It aH u crop producing Btnto * with a liarvcHt that IB not exceeded by BtateB of older settlement and larger development. Stand up for NobriiHkn and watch her ainoko when she IB fully developed. It nmy bo dllllcult for everyone to remember that thlB IB 1301 , but the woman who him been repeatedly passed by Cupid , may bo depended upon to remember It without any gront tax on her remembering powers. Hoportu from Florida and Califor nia Indicate nn unusually largo crop of oranges and lemons , which will bo pleasing Intelligence to people of all parts of the country , all of whom use more or less of the acid fruit crop In Hcason. If Senator Dietrich aa easily es capes conviction on u bribery clmrgo B ho did that of conspiracy ho may yet confound his enemies by emerg ing from the court with a bettor and cleaner character than ho was over conceded to POSHOSB. Lincoln's Improvements for the year ' 1901 ! , according to'tho State o.lurual , amounted to $575,000. Norfolk's Im provements amounted to $750,000. A dlfferenco of $175,000 In favor of Norfolk ; a difference in population of over 50,000 In favor of Lincoln. Now that Panama Is ready and willIng - Ing , the Inlluences that want no canal across the iBthmus will lobby an arm or two off of the American congress , but it Is believed that the Bontlmont of the people IB with President Roosevelt velt and congress will not ilnro refuse to act. Norfolk hns grown throe-quarters of n million dollars' worth In the past yenr. It is just a starter for a greater Norfolk and the people of the country nro advised to keep their eyes open for something doing here from this tlmo on if only the people of the city wll ! unite on some plan and push. Norfolk's prosperity showing of nearly three-quarters of a million dur ing 10011 Is good enough for a town of its size , and It will only take a few more years like it to place It In llrst rank behind Omaha and Lincoln. The people hero have faith that It will take such rank in a few years and If there are an > ' to doubt It they may sit back and watch the smoke of the optimistic hustlers. Senator Platt has given it out that bo as well as other party lenders of New York , is for Hoosovelt. This will prove a Uampener for those who have been- attempting to make the people of the west believe that Now York and the cast Is dead sot ngnlnst the president. With Now York and all the other northern states except Wall street for the president ho will bo nominated and elected that's a certnlnty. New Englnnd hns experienced the worst blizzard It hns known since 1S9S , while Nobrnskn hns hail sun shine , balmy weather and very little snow. The same country had a dis astrous drouth the past summer. If people will continue to live In such a godforsaken country when there Is so much room in Nebraska they should not expect our sympathy. Nebraska Is feeling too good all over to weep with those who weep and would much prefer to laugh and enjoy Its glorious privileges , but if they really need the aid of the people out hero N they have but to make their wants known. Meanwhile stand up for Nebraska. The World-Herald makes a prosper ity showing for Omaha that Is as grat ifying to the people of the state as it is to the residents of the state's me tropolis. The Omaha manufacturing record shows a total of $215,583,050 , compared with $176,275,000 for 1902 , nnd hn Inc'rense of Ifi i per cent over 1901. 'Phono nro figures thnt show n mihstnntlnl growth of Omnha as n mnnufncturlng center nnd are of Im portance to every Individual of the Htuto ns representing the stnte's me- tropollB In the light of n worthy market - ket for the raw products of this nnd other states. It Is to bo hoped that bUHlness will continue to BIOW ) an In crease In manufacturing lines. In the Jobbing lines all other records have been emphatically broken , last year's btiRlncBS being placed nt $101,387r > 00 , whllo thnt of 1902 wns $00,300,000 , Hid 1901 $7:1,300,000. : The per centngo < vf Increase for 1003 over 1902 Is 11'4 , and tlm Increase of 1903 over 1901 IB 3S91. It Indicates a marvelous growth nnd Is but an Indication of the In crease of business to the merchants In Omnhn'a territory. Colombia wants Undo rfnnl tju- clare that ho IB a thief and put I'aiiii- ma back , which your undo Is not Just Inclined to do ho would sooner fight. If he bad Pnnnma , and bad taken hoi , there would ho some pithto the Col ombian argument , * bttClA < ) ama 1 no more In bis poHnesHlun than It It ) In the hands of any other government that acknowledged ItB sovereignty. All that this government has done Is to tnko n stand that should have been taken long ago nnd prevent the dis turbances that hnvo Interrupted the Isthmian trnfllc of this nnd other coun tries during the yours that have pitBHod and If Colombia does not like this attitude she can acquire additional trouble by shooting a few times nt representatives of this government. The refusal of the Colombian repre sentative to participate In the white house reception was meant as a pro test against the action of the adminis tration , hut It will require some more pronounced move than Unit to mnko this country war with tlio South American republic. A war Is not sought , but neither will Colombia's demands be compiled with to prevent hostili ties. Tboy will need to bo satisfied with something less radical. STAND UP FOR NORFOLK. The News pleads for a more thor ough co operation of tlio business In terests of Norfolk. It hints thnt the spirit has been palpably and harm fully lacking In that city. Wo do not know to what extent Its claim Is true but It goes without saying the best way to .promote tlio Interest of the public Is to sink selfishness and all pull together for the common good. Fremont has long made this Import ant discovery and the practice of the bettor way has been productive of good results. It has been a long tlmo Hlnco Fremont Interests have suffered from frnctlouallBiu. One good pro- preventive has been the existence of n commercial club thnt hns done much toward cementing the business men of the city. The Nowa might perform a valuable service for Nor- Norfolkby harmonizing things. Fre mont Tribune. The News would like nothing better than that the business men and prop erty owners of Norfolk should take their Inspiration from the business Interests of that city. As the Tri bune says , there Is no factionalism there In evidence. Norfolk men have got together on occasions and always with results , but In Fremont they have got together nnd keep together all the time * nml the city Is being benefited. The latest evidence of their powerful co-operation Is the swing of the Platte river power canal Fremont's way , hut the city Is full of evidence of such co-operation. It has thousands of dollars Invested In man ufacturing enterprises thnt never would hnve been secured but for the spirit of unity nnd progress thnt Is shown there every dny nnd nil the tlmo. It cannot bo said that there is any business man or sot of business men in Norfolk who are not Inter ested In the advancement or develop ment of the city ; there are no enmi ties and no jealousies as far as Is known ; the business men are on gen erally cordial terms and they nro pro gressive nnd enterprising In their own way , but they lack In united no tion to mnko their Ideas nnd nmbl tlons successful. Knch has been sat isfied to build up his business in his own way and has done something that counts in a degree , but they will never realize what they have lost through lack of co-operntlon on the snmo lines until they have tried and proven Its success. There should bo a permanent or ganization , nnd there the suggestions of every business mnn with nn Idea for the advancement of the dty's In terests should receive the serious consideration of every other business man , and the best should be acted upon. The commercial club should bo re vived , regular meeting nights named and every business man In the city should take membership and attend the meetings. When wo do this the rest will bo easy. Stand up for Norfolk. 1 The Norfolk of ten yenrfl hence will not know the Norfolk of the present If the people tnko hold nnd push , nnd The News Is confident that every cit izen will do bis share when the Btart Is made. The Boclnllstfl hnvo llkowloo se lected Chicago as their convention city for 1901 , but they cannot hope that It will remnln n good mnscot city nfter the ropubtlcniiH liavo held their meeting. After the democratic editors nnd politicians have linil severnl montlm In which ti ( llx the mutter up to suit themselves It Is Intlmnted thnt the voters will hnvo something to Buy regarding the cnndldntes and the next president. It IB evident that If there Is any attempt made to swing the state of Nobrnska away from Prudent , Roosevelt velt It will not have the fw'nctlon or connivance of the Lincoln republl cans , and they are the most numer oils , numbers considered , of any re publicans their size In the state. The milk men nt Sioux City nro hav Ing their wares submitted to the test provided by the law and seven of them have been found to bo violating the law by selling a product that did not como up to the test. If this thing goes on the city milkmen will bo com pelted to sell milk , rather than chalky ! water. Whllo the "gold bug" democrats are forging to the front In the prelim Inarlcs of the party to the coming campaign , the Ilryun faction has not yet unfurled the white ( lag , and the clash nt nrms Is probably scheduled for Inter In the season probnbly about the tlmo the state conventions begin to meet. The enthusiasm with which the democrntlc editors nnd polltlclnns nro booming Mnrk A. llnnna for the re publican nomination for president lends to the belief that they consider him closely related to the famous E. / . Mark , and they realize too well thnt President Roosevelt Is not of the sniuc family. Under the now administration In New York It Is alleged that drinks are much easier obtained on Sunday than they were formerly , and a largo reason for the big Tammany victory Is thereby disclosed. Hy the tlmo the national campaign Is on the people of the metropolis will again have become - come weary of the wide-open policy , beyond a doubt , and will show their regret at the first opportunity by help ing to Increase President Roosevelt's plurality. Nebraska will sympathize with her sister state , Iowa , In the loss she has sustained In the damage to her mag nificent state cnpltol building , but the Hympnthy Is not ns keen ns It would bo If it were known thnt the Hawkeye people would become bankrupt there by. It Is the sort of calamity thnt Is to bo expected where n neighbor puts on more nirs than others cnn nfford. Had Iowa possessed a building like the one at Lincoln the loss would not hnvo been nearly so large. President Roosevelt has mapped out a very comprehensive program for the guidance of congress In the Pannmn canal matter nnd if there Is not a speedy ratification of the treaty It will bo neither the fault of the new republic on the Isthmus nor of the chief executive of the oldest nnd most progressive republic In the world. A vote of the pcoplo of the country would undoubtedly show thnt they would bo favorable to the president's policy by n mnjority npproxlmntlng about two to one. If In view of this sentiment congress can afford to turn down the proposition- dally with the treaty It Is doing so at its own risk. Hero's to a now Norfolk a town that Is more than a local trading point ; a town thnt will bq the trndlng point for the people of the country and the towns surrounding who In sist on a more metropolitan market than their town can furnish and who will continue to go to the cities on the Missouri and farther unless Nor folk rises to the emergency and fills the sphere that Is Its by location nnd by rights. Norfolk hns the required bnsls for development ; It depends largely on Its citizens whether or not it will develop. The News Is hero to help along toward thnt development to nil Its nblllty. If there nro any suggestions from the business men that will help along in the work It Is hero to receive them. It Is only one of ninny business interesto thnt cnn bo aided by such development. It Is the opinion of the writer that the town cnn bo advanced more rapidly and securely by the reorganization of the Commercial club , with every business Interest represented and its continuous maintenance to boost Nor folk along. Norfolk has a good class of business men but they nro not thoroughly united to advance the In terests of the town. Right now Is the tlmo to unite and do something. What say you ? NI3W FIELD FOU NORFOLK. In another column Is printed an article from the Napcr News which , If It Indicates one thing more than another , Is that Naper , as a represen tative live town of north Nebraska , ileslres closer business relations with Norfolk , and the same Is undoubtedly rue of other towns tributary to this : lty , which Is about 7G miles nearer o them than Is Sioux City and 120 nlles nearer than Omnhn. It will , of course , tnko some tlmo for Norfolk to develop from a local trade town , nto a city caring for the metropolitan wants of the pcoplo of the section of the state north and west , but such a lovolopmont Is sure to como. nnd whether It comes sooner or later will lopend largely upon the business men and property owners of tlila city. That It will ono day bo the gateway to the wealth of the country to the west and north Is sincerely bollovod by those who hnvo tnkcn a perspec tive vlow of the now Norfolk the Norfolk of the future. The Nnper editor regrets thnt the Norfolk merchants hnvo not Informed the people up that way what they carry In stock as do the Omnha and Sioux City merchants. They may be imrtly to blame for not being In closer touch with the people of the tributary country , but largely they are not. Up to within a short tlmo ago they have not had the medium through which to reach the people that the arger cities possess , and this was ono of the greatest considerations that In fluenced The News to enlarge Its scope , offering such n medium toward the development of Norfolk. It Is not possible that the business men will at once see the full Importance of keeping their advertisements before the people nor will they lenllzo at once the Importance of this trade to themselves and the city , but since the now News was offered they have been branching out in a most commendable manner and the results to many of them have been so gratifying that they may bo depended upon to keep It up'continually and their develop ment will bo large , though It may not bo ns swift ns they might wish. Al ready those who have taken note of conditions are remarking that many more pcoplo from the near-by country are stopping at the hotels and restau rants than formerly , nnd it is hollered that they will continue to como in In creasing numbers as the city develops and fills the Held that it Is so well fitted by environment and railroad facilities to occupy. The Naper mnn hns already noted thnt Norfolk prices are ns good as they are In either Omaha or Sioux City , but he Is the only one , and when the majority of the people find this out they will continue to como hero as long as they can do better. Nor folk certainly has the advantage of being able to save the people on freight and ynssengor fare , being so much closer than either Omaha or Sioux City , and with those advantages there are certain to bo some Inrge business interests built up hero with the proper amount of push nnd enter prise. Norfolk merchants would un doubtedly find It profitable to use .some of the advertising space that the weekly papers throughout north Nebraska hnvo for snlo. This Is done by Omnhn , Sioux City nnd Lin coln merchants to re-inforco the me dium that they have In their dally papers , and undoubtedly with good re sults. Hy the installation of Its noon edi tion , giving the people later news than they can got from either Sioux City or Omaha , this paper has taken the Initiative townrd building up n grenter Norfolk. There wns a somewhat - what selfish interest in the movement In thnt The News felt It could occupy a larger field than the city could fur nish , and in the meantime cnaole it to give Its readers bettor'service , but through It the business interests have the opportunity to expand that they have needed , and If the time does not come when a largo share of the trade that passess through Norfolk to the cities on the Missouri , will bo headed off and stopped here It will be a matter - tor of surprise. It will be to the Inter est of north Nebraska to mnko Nor folk a city , rather than to contribute to the development of Omaha and Sioux City , and they will assist as soon as Norfolk makes It apparent that money can bo saved by buying here , a work that has already been entered upon by several of the mer chants. With distance against them , Omaha and Sioux City cnn no more compete for trade In the territory tributary to Norfolk than Chicago can kill off Omaha nnd Sioux City , by underbid ding them , neither cnn the newspa pers by any possibility get their news to the people of this section sooner than The News does. It will bo a long winter nt least February Is one day longer. U can snow In Nebraska , but It hasn't bllzzarded at least not yet. Perhaps n law should bo adopted compelling the Irish comedians to wear asbestos whiskers. The thing Is getting pretty exciting about the edges of Hussla arid Japan , whether a real , genuine war results or not. The Sioux City Journal Intimates that the political pot may have boiled jver and caused the bln/.o at the Iowa capltol building. Norfolk cannot help but grow. ThU Is assured by reason of Its location and environment , but It can bo helped to grow If the citizens make It a point to see that It does. What's In a name anyway ? Look at what they did to n man doing business In Friend. Friend appears to bo des titute of friends as far as this one merchant Is concerned. Perhaps the { attention of those anx ious to protect the public from disas ter will bo next attracted to the rail roads that have boon having such nu merous and terrible wrecks. Norfolk takes off Its hat to Supreme Judge .T. 11. Darnes. He Is the one Norfolk citizen who hns aspired testate state honors and received them. It Is confidently predicted that his ser vice to the state will be a matter of pride to everyone who honored him with their support. The hen appears to be In no danger of overdoing the thing when eggs are selling for six cents each In the east , almost as much as the hen herself was worth a few years ago. The poul try and egg business has developed wonderfully In recent years , but the demand appears to bo keeping up a long lead ahead of the supply. If all of the other lines of Americnn manufacture are represented by n growth In Great Britain similar to thnt of the boot and shoo trade it Is little wonder thnt a system of protec tion Is desired there similar to thnt employed here. Ten years ago the boot and shoe business with England wns represented at $2,1 G9 worth. Last yenr the same Interests got $2,013,890 worth of business from the mother country. It Is remarkable that so many ex- senators make their stake after hav ing served their term in congress Win. E. Mason is the latest to acquire a valuable piece of property in a Cal ifornln gold mine. The person who is looking with a longer eye to wealth than to honor would much prefer to bo an ox-senator than one in active service of his country , gauging his desire by the ex-senatorial record Most of them succeed in getting some good and easy thing after leaving the senate , and the record of one coming to grief In a poor house is yet to bt mnde. It is said that In Manchuria there are vast coal fields nnd naptha lakes the extent and value of which have never yet been estimated. This is almost sufficient Inducement for Nebraska braska to enter into competition will Russia for a share of the territory If there Is one thing that Nebraska needs more than another it is an ox elusive supply of coal and oil , and 1 might bo advisable for Governo Mickey to send an expedition to the far cast to see if It would not bo pos slble to annex a portion of Manchuria and deposit It in the western part o the state. Norfolk is the only town east of the state line and west of the' Missour thnt appears to have an opportunity of building up a midway market fet tue people to the north and west In the northern section of the state , am that Is the destiny that is being picked out for It by its friends In the tributary country who are as anxious for Its development as the people o the city Itself. It Is only a question of time when much of the business that now passes through to Omahn Lincoln or Sioux City , will bo boh here , and that time will soon come 1 the pcoplo of Norfolk will ndopt some woruablo plan for the development o the market. It Is evident thnt some enforcomen of the anti-cigarette laws will bo nee essary if the boys are to bo kept fron acquiring the habit. During the flsca year of 1903 there was an increased use of the little "coflln nails" to the number of 357,213,103 , the totnl num ber used during the year being 3,251- 883,300. A largo part of this increase can bo accredited to the boys who are under ago and for whoso protec tion from the habit many states have adopted rigid laws. Nebraska hns such a law hut the case Is yet to bo heard of whore an enforcement has been attempted , and the law though Salt pork is a famous old- "ashionetl remedy for con sumption. " Eat plenty of jerk , " was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 fears ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea Dehind it is that fat is the oed the consumptive needs most. Scott'sEmulsionisthemod- ern method of feeding fat to 1 the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats , especially areparcd for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way , which is often the only way , is half the battle , but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is sorrfe- thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophos- 3hites in Scott's Emulsion : hat puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. Be sure that this picture In tht form of a label is on tlie wrapper of every bottle ot Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE , CHEMISTS , 409 Pearl St. , N. Y. 500. and $ i ; all druggists. new is rapidly taking a place with those which are merely Incumbrances on the statute books. It is evident that a number of the people of Nebraska are cognizant of the valuable aid that may be given by the department of forestry toward the foresting of the state and the plant ing of orchards and groves. In the annual report of Forester Pinchot it Is shown that twenty-three have asked the aid of the department In making plans and arrangements for the plantIng - Ing of trees , and the report further shows that each person who asked such aid was given it , and that they covered 190.80 acres. Only four states exceed this showing , Kansas leading in the number of applications for gov ernment suggestions , and Massachu setts being first in the area included In the plans. Most of the plans pre pared wore for farm wood lots. It is to be hoped thnt an Increased num ber of Nebraska farmers will Invoke the aid of the department In planning V for groves and wood lots during the coming year. The government makes no charges for these suggestions and Is only too glad to have the Informa tion at its command available for those who need and desire It. How's This ? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions nnd fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his linn. Waldlng , KInnan & Marvin , Wholesale Drugglts , Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally , acting direct upon the blood and mucuous surfaces , of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Coughing I was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once , and am now in perfect health. " Chas. E. Hartman - man , Gibbstown , N. Y. It's too risky , playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be gin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Three iliei : lie. , SOc. , J | . All druulsti. Coniutt your doctor. If lie iav > take It . * " then ilo ai be ia > i jf | le .JW to take It. then rtou't take iVSSoSri " u * knOWI' Leaio Itwltlililin. We , 2 "llllnV ' J.C.AYEUCO. . Lowell , Man.