The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 25, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    Had West Point Financiers on
the Go Some.
Traveling Musicians Thought to be
Burglars In Disguise and Every
Bank Official Was Summoned Down
Town at Midnight to Protect Vaults.
West Point , Neb. , Dec. 19. Special
to The News : An Individual of this
'town , made exceedingly mellow by
oft repeated and copious Imblbatlous
of the sparkling timber fluid , created
n panic among the bank officials of
this City at a late hour last night by
Informing them that there were bank
robbers In town and there was Immi
nent danger that the bank building
would bo entered , the vaults blown
to smithereens and the currency cart-
9d away , If they did not have a care.
The suspicions of the mellow Indi
vidual were aroused by the appear-
nncff In a saloon of a couple of trav
I ] eling musicians whom ho at once dc-
cldeti wcro bank burglars traveling
Incog. Ho went to a telephone and
took possession of the system until
he hail rung out of bed at their re
spective homes each bank president
and each bank cashier of the town and
each came prepared to Immediately
war with a uantr of fearless rnbbnrs.
and came on the double quick. The
warning was sent In about midnight
and the warm beds of the bank of
ficials wcro especially comfortable at
that hour , but with the funds of the
bank Involved lost no time In getting
to town and preparing for a vigorous
Prcsldtnt Win. Steuffcr of the West
Point National , and ex-state treasur
er , and his cashier , J. W. Shearer
were summoned with the rest.
President n. F. Kloko of the Ne
braska State bank was called , and his
cashier , George Engler came down
with his eyes protruding and sweatIng -
Ing great gobs of moisture at the
threatened assault on his ability to
cope with robbers or anything else
coding down the pike.
. A. Black of the First National
got on his clothes In a hurry , while
his cashier , Chris. Hlrshman. who
lives some distance in the country ,
came tearing in on horseback as
* though the entire financial integrity
or the town depended on his alertness.
Once thoroughly awake , the banking
house wcro slow to again woo a desire
for repose and some of them decided
to make a vigil of the balance of the
night , for fear that the liquor in the
man might prove a true prophet.
General Colby Says that the Ex-Gov
ernor and Other Officials Knew
Conditions of His Accounts.
Beatrice , Neb. , Doc. 19. General
Colby , In a statement given out here ,
says that Ex-Governor Ezra P. Sav
age and other state officials know the
condition of his accounts , and that
his possession of the blanket money
appropriated by the legislature was
no secret.
Ho had held a conference with Governor -
' ernor Savage regarding the disposi-
l tlon of the fund , and It was decided
Filial the adjutant general should re-
It as a reserve fund In the event
a winter campaign.
'Decision of Supreme Court Calls For
Settlement of Judgment For
Lincoln , Dec. 19. The supreme
ourt has granted the writ of man-
\rnus prayed for by the Journal
jimpany of Lincoln directing the
jimmlssloners of Boyd county to
bvy a special tax to satisfy a Judg-
faent secured by the company against
the county , for printing , some years
ago. For a number of years the
county board of Boyd county has re
fused to pay the Judgment and to
levy a tax therefor.
Two Dozen Men at Work Gathering
Crop that Is from Twelve to Four
teen Inches In Thickness.
West Point , Nob. , Dec. 19. Special
to The News : The annual ice harvest
has commenced in West Point , P.
Brady having started a force of twon-
tw-four men at the work of cutting
the frozen water in chunks nnd stor
ing it in the various ice houses and
vaults of the city.
The ice is from twelve to fourteen
inches thick nnd of fine quality , owing
to the continuous freezing weather
thalMias prevailed.
Hosedalo , Neb. , Dec. 19. Special to
tfTho News : The * parsonage of Iho
rt Mission church is completed nnd Is
wi credit to the neighborhood.
> ' The Rosednlo school will close De
cember 21 for the holidays. Begin
ning with January 4 the following
branches will bo taught : Reading ,
arithmetic , grammar , history , physiology
elegy , spelling , civil government ,
book-keeping , elements of agriculture.
The teacher niul school board hnvo
tnkou n lively Interest In the work
niul hope to nmUo the next term as
successful as the preceding has been.
The Mission Suiulny school IH pre
paring n program which will bo ren
dered Friday evening , December 25.
The number of pupils unrolled for
the fall term In the Hosedalu school ,
was foity-slx. Those whoso names
appeared on the roll of honor for the
term were : Annlo llowman , Ellen Nel
son , Annie Nelson , Nolllo Shercr , John
Sheror , Magglo Koloy , Alvlra Nelson
and Herman Sheror.
Miss Dorothy Satnnclson IH homo
for a visit.
Mr. Odluml 1ms just completed his
now residence.
Nebraska Senator Was Arraigned
This Morning and the Trial Set
for January 4.
Omaha , Dec. 19. Special to The
News : Senator Charles II. Dietrich
was arraigned before the federal court
here this morning and pleaded not
guilty to the Indictments filed against
The date of the 'Crlal was fixed for
January 1.
The senator announces that ho will
attack the "conspiracy Indictment"
and show It up In Its true light.
Farmers' Mutual Bank at Kennard
Burglarized and Robbers Make
Kennard , Neb. , Dec. 19. Special to
The News : The Farmers Mutual
bank was dynamited here last night
and $3,000 secured. The robbers es
caped without arousing the town at
Star-Journal Buys List and Good Will
of Herald.
Ainsworth , Nob. , Dec. 19. Special
to The News : Quite a business con
tract was consummated by which the
Star-Journal , a republican paper ,
bought the subscription list anil good
will of the Ainsworth Herald , a pop
ulist paper. The Herald has been
discontinued. Otto McU gets the
press to publish the Western Ranch-
man. George A. Miles , editor of the
Herald , will seek a new field for his
Insurance Auditor Says That Men
Above that Age Cannot be Ac
cepted by Fraternal Orders.
Lincoln , Dec. 39. John L. Pierce ,
insurance commissioner of the audi
tors' office has just ruled that no one
over fifty-five years of age can join
a fraternal order and be accepted un
der the laws of the state.
The majority of the orders will not
accept members of this age , but some
of thorn have done so and Mr. Piorce's
decision will have a bearing on these
Jury Awards Flossie Forbes Damages
In the Sum of $800.
Ponca , Neb. , Dec. 19. District court
Is In session and the jury have re
turned a verdict finding the defendant
guilty in" the case of Flossie Forbes
vs. Davis Contour. This was an ac
tion in which Chief Davenport of
Sioux City and Mra. McGibbons wore
the star witnesses for the defendant.
The court fixed the amount requiring
defendant to pay plaintiff in the sum
of ? SOO. Miss Forbes was represen
ted by County Attorney C. A. Kings-
bury and W. D. McCarthy , while J.
V. Pearson , F. A. McMaster and D.
A. W. Perkins appeared for defend
ant. The case was strongly con
tested and the verdict gives general
satisfaction to the public.
Several Important cases arc yet to
bo tried and the term promises to be
the longest one for several years.
Isaac Noyes Is Dead.
Elk City , Neb. , Dec. 19 Special to
The News : Isaac Noyes , formerly
state senator , died hero this morning
of pneumonia.
Lynch Man III.
Lynch , Neb. , Dec. 19. News has
Just reached Mrs. n. C. Murnan , Jiving
about seven miles south of Lynch ,
that her husband , who loft a week
ago for Omaha for treatment for ap
pendicitis. Is found to bo incurable
and that paralysis had struck the
stomach. Murnan Is n well to do
ranchman and the whole community
sorrows in the receipt of the news.
Walters' hotel , which was partly
destroyed some time ago by fire. Is
being rebuilt , and will again resume
business about January 1.
Gcorgo W. McColm of Boldon , Nob. ,
Is here visiting this week with his
brother-in-law , W. M. Tonner , and
will leave the latter part of this week
for Sioux City , where ho will take n
position with the Tollerton & Stetson
company as grocery salesman In this
To Launch Nebraska In 1905.
Lincoln , Dec. 21. The battleship
Nebraska will bo launched In Septem
ber , 1905. Advices received from Se
attle have led Adjutant General Culver
to conclude that the probable date
will bo September 25.
Creighton Boy has/a Peculiar
Slipped and Fell on the Little Instru
ment and the Doctor 'Had Difficulty
In Removing It Any Greater Depth
Would Have Dcen Fatal.
Creighton , Nob. , Dec. 18. Special
to The News : Floyd Wakely , a
Creighton school boy ten years of ago
was stabbed almost to the heart with
a lead pencil while coming homo from
school yesterday , and Is thankful that
he is nllvo today.
It was 0110 of the most peculiar
accidents ever heard of. The lad
carried a lead pencil In the pocket on
the left sldo of his vest. In coming
homo from school ho slipped , bin feet
went out from under him and lo fell
heavily on the pencil. The usually
harmless llttlo Instrumcnl penetrated
his clothes nnd ran Into his side , be
tween his ribs , to the depth of about
an inch.
The point penetrated was right over
the heart , and had It gone but a llt
tlo deeper the vital organ would have
been penetrated and the boy Instantly
A physician was summoned nnd 'it
required considerable strength to
withdraw the pencil. The wound was
dressed and the llttlo follow la get
ting along very nicely this morning ,
thoroughly convinced that the pencil ,
If not the pen , Is mightier than any
any sword ho has over been up
August Ncbring , Seventy Years Old ,
Dies of Heart Trouble.
WInsldo , Neb. , Dec. IS. August
Nehrlng , a man seventy years old ,
was found dead in a shed. Heart
trouble Is Biipposed to have been the
cause. Ho had lived hero two years.
Big Preparations are Being Made for
the Festival at Madison Next
West Polnt.-Neb. , Doc. 18. Special
to The News : The West Point Lie-
der-Kranz held a very Interesting
mooting here last night. Officers for
the ensuing term wcro elected , Hov.
Joseph Hueslng being made president.
The meeting was attended by forty-
live enthusiastic members. Arrange
ments are being made for their big
entertainments during the comftig
winter and next summer , and great
preparations are under way for the
festival which is to bo hold at Madi
son in the good old summer time.
Warnervllle Lads Start to California
on Long Trip.
Warnorville , Nob. , Dec. IS. Special
to The News : Two 10-year-old boys
ran ajvay from school Tuesday noon
and walked as far as Madison on
tlwlf way to California. They woio
overtaken by their parents in the
ovcninjj and brought back.
Lodge at Albion.
Albion , Neb. , Dec. 18. Special to
The News : The local lodge of the
Knights of Pythias at this place had
biff doings here Tuesday evonlnn
and early Wednesday morning. There
wcro four candidates taken Into the
order and several took three degrees
in the lodge the same evening so that
by the time all of them were put
through It was Wednesday mornlg.
U. A. Baldwin , Thos , A. Thompson ,
II. W. Porter and W. O. Terry were
the new members that wore Initiated.
Grand Chancellor Phillips was In at
tendance and Grand Keeper of Rec
ords and Seals Love was also pres
ent. These high dignitaries added
pomp to the occasion and a festive
board was spread at the Terry cafe
on Fourth street real late In the
George D. Moffat of New York Is In
terested in the Western Deposits
of the Fuel.
Lincoln , Dec.IS. . George D. Moffat
of Now York Is anxious to tesl the
product of the Nebraska peat beds
and is confident It will rank well up
with the European article and that
of other sections of the American
continent. Peat has been known to
exist in Nebraska for several years
and there arc several largo beds of
which can bo made a source of im
mense revenue to Its owners , but the
posslbilty of the development of
the Industry has failed to attract ns
It should. ' 1 ho state university Is
anxious that the peat beds bo Inves
tigated and Is willing to render any
assistance possible. The following Is
the substance of a letter received
from Mr. Moffat by Prof. Harbour :
"I am Indebted to you for your es
teemed letter of October 29 , which
would have had an earlier reply , but
for the fact that I have been away
from my desk. Several geologists
from different states are to send mo
samples of peat gathered In their re
spective states , nnd It Is ray Intention
to send It to Europe to have It treated
have U packed
'nnil shipped on to my ad
dress In Now York , I will Htiind Iho
t'.vpuiiHO and will nlmi meet any fur-
( her cxponsoB of taking It to Europe
lo have It treated.
"I shall sail for Europe thin after'
noon , but my secretary will remain
hero and attend to Hiich matters. 1
think II will ho of great IntoruHt lethe
the people from your state to HCO that
peat can ho converted Into a commer
cial article , and thorn Is no doubt In
my mind that a very profitable Indus
try can bo worl < ed up out of the arti
cle which Is now lying dormant. "
Held Joint Meeting.
West Point , Nob. , Dec. ! ! > . Special
to The News : Huv. ,1. Phillips , grand
chancellor Knights of Pythias of Ne
braska , was here last night to pro-
sldo over a joint session of ElUhoru
ledge No. UU and West Point ledge
No. Bl , the meet lug being hold for
the good of the order. After the busl-
IIOHS of ( he session was transacted ,
the members were HOI-VIM ! with a ban
quet In their ledge hall , and the entire -
tire evening was passed very enjoy-
New York Uses 50,000 Xmns Trees.
.Now York , Dec. 17. According to
estimates by a number of leading dual-
ors fiO.OOO Christmas trees will bo
used In Now York ( his season. Tim
prices range from 7fi cents ( o $ Ufi.
Nearly all of the trees rome from the
Mnluo foroHt.s. There Is a good de-
maud also for evergreen rope and mlH-
tleloo and holly , which Is being sent
( o the metropolis In largo < | imntli"f ( (
from points as fardlstantnsTomioHsco.
A Victory to be Proud of.
Is the final and absolute euro of a
sore throat , In which the rawnetm and
lendernc'sa have been spreading dan
gerously near UIOHO guardians of life ,
the lungH. The luxury of a sound
Lhroul and lobust lungs IH most keen
ly enjoyed by people who , having nnf-
I'ored all the consequences of "a lit
tle cold , you know , " have been rescued -
cued from mlsoiy and danger by Al
len's Lung ISiil.sain.
IJr. Wriixor'H Troutmi'iit.
Syrup for the blood ; Ccrato for ekln eruptloiiB.
Our Friends , the Druggists.
11 Is a pleasure ot testify to the gen
erally high character of druggists.
Hut bccaiiHo of a few exceptions to
the rule , It is necessary to caution the
public to bo on guard against liulla-
Lions of Perry Davis' Painkiller. Sec
that you get the right article , the
soothing , helpful painkiller that was
used in your family before you were
born. Don't bo tal ! < od Into biiyiuj ; a
mibsliutute. There Is but one pain
killer , Perry Davis.
Cold Comfort 'From Doctors.
Doctors say neuralgia Is not danger
ous. This Is poor consolation to a
sufferer who feels as If his fuco ware
pierced with hot needles and toin
with a thousand pairs of pincers.
A word of adtico ( o him : Stay in
doors and use Perry Davis' Painkiller.
The blessed freedom from pain which
follows this treatment cannot bo
told. There Is but ono Painkiller ,
Perry Davis' .
Berg's Sweet Laxatlvo Chips have
no equal for biliousness or constipa
tion. They do not gripe but move
the bowels gently and easily , cleans
ing the liver and the effccl gives
strcngtli to the glands , preventing a
return of the disorder. Price 10 and
25 cents. Kicsau Drug Co.
How to Prevent Croup.
It will be good news to mothers of
small children lo leant that cioupcan
be pi evented. The first sign of croup
is hoarseness. A day or two before
the attack the child becomes hoarse.
This is soon followed by n peculiar
rough cough. Give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy freely as BOOH as the
child becomes hoarse , or oven after
the rough cough appears , and It will
dispel nil symptoms of croup. In
this way nil danger and anxiety maybe
bo avoided. This remedy is used by
many thousands of mothers and has
never been known to fall. It Is , In
fact , the only remedy that can always
bo depended upon and that Is pleas
ant and safe to take. Kor sale by the
Kicsau Drug Co.
IJr. Woiiver'B Syrup
Parities the blood ; Cerate ( ointment ) for the tkin.
By Bribing the Nerves
with opium a cough may bo stopped
temporarily , but the Inflammation of
which the cough is a symptom goes
from bad to worse. Do not waste
tlmo and money on delusive "cough
mlxlures. " Hemobor that Allen's
Lung Balsam does not merely put
the nerves to sleep. It gets right
down to the root of the trouble
and so cures oven deep scaled affec
tions of the throat and lungs.
Years of Special Practice Affording
Excellent Opportunities.
By Dr. Caldwell.
Several years ago whllo In private
prnctlco , I thought It wrong to adver
tise , simply because I had been told
so and had not had experience enough
to know bettor. After a whllo I dis
covered n valuable plan of treatment
In certain cases , and fortunately ob
tained a largo number of patients ,
enough to fully test my plan and
prove Its success. I thereupon pro
I TAl'lC WOKM. Aicii Positive Cuic for Iiidigrslioii ,
Constipation , IVim-rn , Foul anil wvaic
Stomachs. A uotnliloctorof Chii'iigc *
nti\tcd that lie liclii'vcil a fide , box o |
Slociun'.H Worm Cnke would give
mot i : t clicf I linn fM ) wet ( h of 01 diunrv
* WORMS , ' doctor's fees. Price 50co ( , by innll
n. v. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III.
That v\o nro coiiHtanlly rowin in the nil of
making Kino I'holos , and out * proiliii-Ls will al
ways bo found to ombrat'o the
and Newest Slykvs in Cards and Finish Wo also
carry a line line of Moldings suitahlo for all
kinds of framing.
Conservative Management ,
Thorough Equipment ,
Commodious Rooms.
Superior Instruction.
F\jtll Business Courses. |
It will pay you to attend this School. INo va- I
cafions. Enter any lime.
Atlilrusa ,
C. II. BRAKE. Norfolk. Neh. t
Hired a lengthy paper upon the mill-
led and road It hofnro the Hlulo mod-
cal Hocloly. What was the resultV
A half a do/on momliprH took the
lour lo Hay what the treatment had
icon for u hundred years back , and
.o claim that the old treatment ,
hough unsuccessful , should bo can-
JMiicd , notwithstanding that the now
.rcatinonl had boon micronsill. ! I
.bought dllToronlly and continued to
iso Iho now method , and mudo ro-
nmrliablo cures of CUHO.H that had
icon pronounced Incurable. My bun-
IIOHH inuicased rapidly an each per
son that 1 cured told some friend ,
who came In tuin and was cuiod.
Cach patient advoitlsod mo a llltlo.
What then ? In thai largo city there
were not mom than 100 cases of the
dnil. I cured every onto that came i
o mo and then had nothing to do l
except the ordinary business of a
ocal physician. I know tlioro woioi
itindrods and thounandn of others '
olHOWhoro , who might bo cured If
.hey only know ; and I advertised.
Cured hundreds of others and I have
idvortlsod over since. I hnvo 10-
loved more suffering , cured moro pa
tients , made moro people happy , ami
IHIIO moro good generally because I
luivo told the people what I can do ,
nnd I shall go on with the good work
as long as my nlionglh will permit.
I advertise because I hnvo some
thing worth advertising. I hnvo mudo
myself competent l > v years of spec
ial study and experience , and by the
expenditure of large Hums of money
My advertising I place before the pee
pie the facts which enable them to
< iiiow what I can do. I thereby roiifi-
thousands , who , given up by local
physicians or unsuccossfiily treated ,
give tliomsoves up as incurable. I
euro 'them and thereby enlarge my
Hold of usefulness. Uy no other way
than advertising could tlit-so people
have known that they could ho cured
Every thrifty and prospurous busi-
IIOSH In life , save those of law and
medicine , advortlso freely. Lawyers
do not , lor they only URO In business
what others hnvo made for thorn
years before. They only do what has
been written. "Regular" doctors do
not advertise for the same reason.
They luivo jiolhlng now , nothing
which someone else has not written
or told them of , they get their know
ledge from the books. A man may
read medicine until ho Is blind and
then know nothing of it. To bo suc
cessful ho must apply his own mind
Mnko his own researches , and to do
that ho must have room and oppor
tunity. Ho must have cases , hun
dreds of them , and compare results
If ho docs not do this ho is a ma
chine without novelty , skill or In
genuity , still plowing with a wooden
plow , still traveling on foot or horse
back , and Ignoring the advantages of
steam , living but not learning. The
same Is true of a lady doctor.
Delow you will find published the
names and addresses of some of the
recent cures that I have mado. These
people's afflictions were , under the
ordinary physician's care , considered
hopeless , and no prospects for a
cure :
Mrs. Kato Sclmll of Albion , Nob. ,
cured of catarrh of head nnd stomach
Mrs. William Xuorg of Hluo
Vnlo , Nob. , cured of nervous heart
and female disease.
Mrs. .1. 12. ConnoIIoy of Akron.
Nob. , cured of cancer of long stand
Mrs. Augusta Soydon of Ponder ,
Nob. , cured of nervous liver nnd
stomach disease.
Mrs. Kiln Scochman of Wayne ,
Nob. , cured of rheumatism , fomnlo
disease nnd skin disease.
John Harper of Columbus , Nob. ,
cured of heart disease , stomach nnd
llvor disease.
Emma Stalko of Clarks , Nob. , cured
of skin discntso , heart trouble and
Write This Down
In the book of memory : there is no
such tiling ns a harmless cough. Ev-
ei > couih Is \\ntnlngofa confidence
that goes from bad to worm ) unless It
In remedied right away. Oplum-'idon
medlclno Is a dolurlon. Allen's Lung
Hnln.ini cures the worst of colds. It
clems the bronchial passages , so that
the lungs get plenty of air. Why not
get n bottle today ?
Do you fool broken down and dooa
your Hyntom need nourishment ? Just
tnko Man-Er-VIno tablets , the world's
greatest remedy for the nerves , brain
and blood , and watch results. KIo-
mm Drug Co.
S : c
. ! . tcwal Rales , , j.
w , j , oow &
iionroLX , NEBRASKA.
Money on Hand
An absolute ipccllle and anti-septic prtp-
aratlon ( or all kind ) ol
A "lire cur * ( or Ifoaritnci * , TonillltlJ , Qulnijr ,
In amed , Ulciratet ] and Catnrrlul Sera Throat.
A proentlve ol Croup , Whooping Cough tn3
Endornd br the licit Eminent Throat BpsoUl-
litilo thocouotr/ .
Bhcala b kept In ercry homo. Fries ZS Ccntfcj
JUarjr U dlon | Co. , IJei lloluo , low * .
Anyone ncnrilng n xKct < h nnd rtr rrlntion mny
OiiU'kljr iixortnm our opinion free nrtlicr un
liiTpiulnii 1 imitmWy r ilPMt'iliM f . mmnnlrn-
lloiuiitrlctlyrontldcntlnl. IIAN'JOOO" < n I'm tuts
gi'ia f too. ( illicit iiL'ciiry U r n iirin luitentx ,
1'iiti'iiiB taken tlirouuli Minui v Cu. receive
tjaeM nctke , w'Umut ' tlmruu , In the
A handsomely Illustriitoil weekly. I.nrtost rlr-
culm Ion of ny nclemlB. ) Journal. Terms , (3 n
your : lour months , ft. bold bynll iH"v ileilcm.
MUNN&Co,36tBroal ( New York
IlranchOillivt. i'XV e w.-v. . . „ „ n C