The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 18, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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    'I III * ' NJMI/liMI If MMUrtf. 11III I. Ir
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Decision of Supreme Court in
Important Case.
Question Raised on a Mandamus Case
form Douglas County , Involving
Right to Levy a Special Tax Pre
vious Decision by Commissioners.
Lincoln , Dec. 1 , I p. m. Special to
The News : The supreme court In
HOHnlon hero this afternoon , handed
down a decision sustaining the new
Htato revenue law. The question of
validity was brought against the HOC-
tlon lmHslng | a special tax against
the foreign Insurance companion do
ing business In the state , and this
section was uphold by the court an
well as all ether sections.
.Much Interest was shown In > the
ruling of the court nnd many people
have been awaiting this decision' slnco
It was understood that a ruling would
bo handed down today.
History of the Case ,
The revenue law Is the one passed
by the recent session of the legisla
ture , changing the method of nssnss.
Ing and collecting the state and coun
ty taxes , and providing for the elec
tion of a county assessor lo have su
pervision of the work in each county ,
instead of the assessing being done
by precinct olllcers ,
The constitutionality of the law was
brought to the attention of the su
preme court on a mandamus case from
Douglas county , regarding the method
of assessing and taxing Insurance
companies. This point had already
6 boon ruled upon by division No. 3 of
the supreme court , commission. The
only opinion given that the ontlro law
must fall was written by Commission
er Dulllo who explained that the In-
iiiirauce sections alone were faulty ,
but bollovos that this fault Invalidates
the ontlro law , which ho admits to bo
otherwise perfect.
Opinions of Commissioners.
An extra tax of two per cent upon
the gross earnings of foreign Insur
ance companies doing business In the
Btato was Imposed by the now law ,
and the two other commissioners not
ing on the case hold that whllo this
invalidated the particular section referred -
forrod to , the law in all ether respects
was perfect.
The decision lias boon awaited with
much Interest by the people of the
atato , especially by largo corpora
tions doing business In the state ,
who had particular reason to know
whether or not the law would , be per
mitted to stand.
" "Especially interested in the deci
sion were the men chosen at the re
cent election to the ofllcos of asses
Bor In every county , as their olllco and
salary has been involved by the ques
tion of constitutionality.
Commissioner Dulllo , democrat , hold
that the law was Invalidated. Com
missioner Lotion , republican , hold
that whllo the Insurance tax clause
could not stand , the balance of the
law would bo operative. Commission
er Klrkpatrlck , populist , holds that
every section of the law Is valid ami
practical. "
Farmer Who Lost Three Relative's
Loses a Test .Case.
Tecumseh , Dec. 15. The jury In
the case of Ephralm Xuhlko against
the county for yo.OOO damages for the
loss of his son has returned a vordlct
in favor of the county.
Last May Xuhlko was sick at a hos
pital in Lincoln. Ills wife lived near
Sterling and decided to drlvo to Ster
ling In order to catch a train for Lin-
coin. The streams were badly swol
len by.tho heavy rains , but she , with
her brother. Mr. Harms , and her 5-
year-old son , started for Sterling.
In crossing a bridge near Sterling
the driver cither drove off the end of
the culvert or Into a bad place and the
wagon was overturned against ri wire
fence and the three persons were
drowned. Mr. Xublko sued to re
cover f5,000 for his son. intending to
make it a test case.
School Funds are Ready.
Lincoln , Dec. 13. Superintendent
Fowler has received the reports ol
the school census of the several coun
ties of the state for 1903 and the
proper apportionments of the torn
porary school funds will bo made with
in the next few days. The work has
boon retarded by the failure of the
several county superintendents to re
port promptly. The last reports were
received Saturday morning and the
work of figuring the apportionment
by counties began at once.
Italian Trio Orchestra Says That Man ;
are Cutting It Out This Season.
Will Soon Quit.
"Tho people of north Nebraska an
not dancing this year ns they rcall ;
ought , " says A. Lugrotta , manager o
the Italian trio orchestra which make
its headquarters In Norfolk during th
winter months. Ho reports that :
vast percentage of those who lmv <
> had delight In the light fantastic gild
iltirlng aniHons past , nro thin year cut
ting out the waltz and two ntcp ami
ns a romill there Is llttlo doing In the
inimical lino. 4.10 orchestra antici
pates but a fmv more days of service
and will leave about the mlildlo of
January or sooner ,
Dulldlno * at Spencer.
Spencer , Neb , , Dec. 10. Special leThe
The News : Work on the Krottor &
Co. Implement bullillng ban boon very
slow , owing to the cold weather. The
John Dally residence also goes up
slowly on account , no doubt , of the
same condition , as no matrimonial
news has been heard of and John Is
an unmarried young 'Inan.
L. Holmes , a prominent young blacksmith -
smith , Is putting In a now floor at
his shop , which will greatly ndd to
Attorney Genornl Prout Has Not Made
up His Mind.
Lincoln , Dec. 10 , Attorney General -
al 1'routMn"still considering the matter '
of thorlogallty of the 1 per cent com
mission retained by county treasurers
foVcollecting tM& moneys which go to
constitute the permanent school fumlM1
The decision of the attorney general
will not bo handed down for sovoraj
days. In the meantlmo the county
treasurers will continue to retain tholr
commission from the money collected
and will forward the remainder to the'
state treasurer.
Mr. Austin States That There Is no
Truth In the Rumor Sent Last
Sprlugvlow , Neb. , Doc. 15. Spocla
to The NOWH : William Austin states
that there Is no truth whatever In the
story that his Ifi-yoar-old daughter lias
eloped and asks that the correction
ho made In The Nows.
The story of the olopmont of Miss
Austin appeared In The News am
other state papers last week under another
ether dale line. The news of her dls
appearance was first published In this
paper In a telegram from Sprlngvlow
On the following day Information was
wired from n neighboring town tha
trace had boon found of the missing
girl , that It looked like an olopmon
and that a prominent young man o
the neighborhood figured conspicuous
ly In It. This Is the part which Mr ,
Austin states Is without foundation
and this , upon ills authority , is al
Member Is Amputated , but Attending
Surgeons Have Doubts.
Illalr , Nob. , Doc. 15. At 1:30 : yes-
onlay afternoon as the south-bound
.vay freight No. 15 on the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail-
ivny was leaving the station at Do-
Soto , live miles south of Blair. Olf-
'ord , the 12-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Tucker , ran out from
luhlnd the water tank and tried to
ump on the train when he slipped
nider the wheels , which ran over the
ntlro length of ills right leg , cutting
iff the toes and part of the foot of his
eft leg. Doctors Bedal , Stewart , Pal-
nor and Robinson were called by tol-
phone from IJlnlr and amputated the
eg at S o'clock last night , taking It
off close up to the body. In company
with ether children the boy was re-
urnlng homo from school and stopped
: it the station until the train passed.
Us recovery is doubtful , as ho Is
bought to bo Injured internally.
One Farmer Has a Broken Leg , An
other is Injured Under a Corn
Albion , Nob. , Dec. 1C. Special to
The News : This city has boon the
site of a series of accidents In the
ast two days. Yesterday morning
whllo Mr. John O'Neill , ono of Boone
county's pioneer residents , was out at
: ls farm northeast of town ho was un-
liltchlng his team and when ho had
the same partly unhitched a steam
engine which they were using to run
a corn shelter in that vicinity whistled
and frightened the horses and they
started to run. Mr. O'Neill succeeded
In getting them under control but they
made a short turn and upset the wagon
which was loaded with posts. Ho sus
tained a broken leg which will lay him
up for some tlmo.
Yesterday evening whllo Mr. Ora
Cave was fixing something on his corn
shelter his team started up and the
machine ran over him. Ho received
several Injuries which might prove
Manager Who Books Norfolk's PlayHouse -
House Will Enter Field at Capital.
Council Bluffs , la. , Dec. 1C. A. B ,
Boall , who left for his home in Sioux
City last night , announces the acqui
sition to the Bcall-Baer theatre cir
cuit of the Midland opera house at
Fort Dodge , Iowa. Mr. Beall stated
while in the city that ho expects soon
to add to his circuit by the lease 01
erection of n theatre at Lincoln , No
braskn. His company now controls
eleven theatres , located in Sioux City ,
Council Bluffs , Sioux Falls , Ynnkton
Mankato , Minn. , Fort Dodge , nnd othoi
towns In Minnesota , Iowa and Soutli
cssic Lane of Homer Runs
Away With Yankton Boy.
'wo Youthful People , Bent on Marry
ing Ono Another , Start to Make
Their Get Away and Plan to Be Mar
ried In Dakota City , But Are Caught.
Ilomor , Neb , , Dec. 10. Jessie Lane
if this place , aged 18 , eloped with
Vlbort Dlncen of Yankton , S. D. , aged
7 , and were caught In Sioux City Just
is they stopped off the Milwaukee
rain. They were making ft getaway
rein the groom's parents.
They had arranged to cross the
Ivor to Dakota City and bo married
ind from there expected to go to the
lomo of the girl's mother near Homer
'or 4)10,1 ) honeymoon.
Escorted to the station the young
nan was locked up and the girl told
die might go. s
"Novor , " she declared emphatically ,
seating herself outsldo the cell where
icr lover had been locked.
Not Like Dolly Hertz.
"I will stay by Bert to the last. I'm
no Dolly Hortx I know her who
turned down the Indian Aloe Payer
ind married that John Harnott. Bert
lias left his homo for mo nnd I'll not
go back on him now. "
Told she might bo charged with
kidnaping , she glanced up shyly at
the strapping youth who stood grin
ning near her , and said : "You hear
that , Bert ? Looks like you were kid
naped , doesn't it ? I guess you can't
scare me. "
"Lick My Old Man , Too. "
"Bettor charge mo with kidnap
ing , " suggested Dincon. "I'm big
enough to kidnap her and lick my old
man Into the bargain.
"Darn my old man anyhow , " ho
continued , disgustedly , ns ho paced
back and forth In his perplexity. "A
week ago ho said to mo , 'Quit going
with that girl , Jessie Lane , or leave
homo. Which will It bo ? ' And I
said : 'Mo for the girl , ' and loft homo.
I ain't boon back In a week. I collec
ted enough money to buy us tickets
to Homer , where Jessie's mother lives ,
nnd wo started away. And now what
docs the old man wnn't to butt in
or ? "
Both Bert and Jessie declared their
ittlo romance had suffered only a
temporary halt , but it would go to
finish if hearts courageous and de
termined wills could overcome the
unreasonable objections of Mr. and
Mrs. John Dincon of Yankton , S. D.
Dlnoen pore is the foreman of the
Milwaukee round houso. IIo learned
> f the elopement nn hour after it hap
pened , and ho lost no tlmo in notify-
ng the Sioux City police.
Son Only a Kid.
"Stop that couple ! " ho bawled over
the 'phono. "My son Is only a kid
and I don't want him marrying that
Lane girl. "
All the way from Yankton to Sioux
Ity Dincon and the girl were fearful
they would bo pulled off the train
whenovr it reached a station. They
lotormlncd upon the elopement last
night , when the boy had succeeded in
getting enough to buy the tickets and
pay the preacher. Shortly before
train time they got into a closed car
riage and rushed to the depot , having
barely enough time to secure the tick
ets. With the transportation safely
in his pocket , Dlneen hurried the girl
to a scat In the day coach and sat
near her whllo she strove to conceal
her Identity oy pulling a fascinator
over her face.
"I know the old man would got on
to me , " said Dlneen , "and so I was
expecting wo would bo caught before
wo could get across to Dakota City.
Wo intended to bo married there.
Every tlmo wo got to n station I
crouched down in the scat and Jessie
huddled In a corner. "
Saw Bluecoat Looming Up.
"Wo breathed a little easier when
we got near Sioux City , although Bert
said hero was where wo would bo
troubled , if anywhere , " Interrupted
the girl. "When wo came out the car
door and saw that policeman standing
there Bert said , 'It's up with us. ' And
I know it was. I felt like I wanted to
run but I wouldn't leave Bert no
more than I will leave him now. If
his pa takes him back to Yankton ,
I'll go too. "
"I know that Dolly May Hertz the
ono that eloped with the Indian Alec
Payer , " she said remtnlscontly. "It
was Just like her to go back on Alec ,
after ho had tried his best to marry
her and was willing to go to Jail for
her and then she married that John
Harnett. Dolly's living over nt Soutli
Sioux City I hear and Is unhappy al
ready. Good enough for her. "
Was Away On a Visit.
The girl was visiting her married
brother , Mahlon Lane , at Yankton ,
when she met young Dlneon , who
worked for the railway company ,
fell in love nt once and decided to
marry. But the parents of her lover
objected and Bert left home. The
girl's mother lives on a rented farm
near hero. She Is a widow. Ono son ,
Carl , lives with her.
Patients Who Were Very III , Recover ,
Krotter to Chicago.
Anoka , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Special to
The News : W. R. Beydler , manager
of the Wm. Krottor Lumber company
of this place , has been off duty for the
past two weeks nursing his wlfo nnd
llttlo son during n very serious at
tack of scarlet fovor. At present both
are improved nnd Mr. Boydlor has re
turned to his work. F. R. Stearns of
Stuart , who was bore to fill the va
cancy made by Mr. Boydlor , has re
turned to bin homo.
Mr. Bates' llttlo son who has boon
so 111 , has so far recovered that Mr.
Bates has returned to his duties.
Wm. Krottor took the train at this
place Sunday morning for Chicago.
Nov. S. F. Sharploss of Norfolk
preached hero Sunday morning nnd
Wm. Whltln , manager of the Nye ,
Schneider , Fowler & Co. , loft on Sun
day morning for a week's visit nt
Battle Crook , Mrs. Whltla and chll <
dren having preceded him a week bn
' ' !
ll >
A. A. Langston , Falls to , End Life by
Cutting His Throat or ShootIng -
Ing Himself.
Fremont , Nob. , Dec. 15. A. A. Lang
ston , AVho trlod to commit suicide about
three months ago by cutting his throat
with a pleco of glass , made another
unsuccessful attempt this morning ,
llo llrst tried to cut his throat with a
pocket knife , but the knlfo was dul
and his knowledge of anatomy rather
deficient , and Instead of severing an
artery ho only made several jagged
wounds below his right ear , which bled
profusely and were painful. IIo thcr
decided to try the gunshot route , or
account of his being a little more sure
In Its results , lie sat down on the
side of a bed , placed n target rlllo be
tween his knees , with the muzzle
against his forehead and discharged
the gun with his foot. Instead of the
bullet crashing through his skull , ow
Ing to the gun slipping a llttlo , It slm
ply scratched the top of his forehead
The report of the gun aroused his
family , who found him sitting on the
edge of the bed , the rlflo at his side
blood trickling from the wounds Ii
his neck , and thoroughly disgusted a
the failure of his third attempt to
make away with himself. Ills friends
and former business associates think
he Is mentally unbalanced and has
boon so much of the time since his re
tirement from the Fremont Cldor com
pany , of which linn ho was a member.
Mrs. Ellen Pratt , One of First Settlers ,
Was Burled There.
Atnsworth , Neb. , Dec. 15. Special
Ellen Pratt was hold at 10 o'clock yes
terday morning from the residence of
her son , Daniel Pratt , Rev. Gcarhart
of the Congregational church offciat-
Ing. Mrs. Pratt died at the home of
lior son. She leaves two sons and ono
laughter to survive her. Mrs. Pratt
was born In Limerick , Ireland , and
ivas a Catholic by faith. She was ono
of the first settlers of Ainsworth and
leaves many friends to mourn her de
Accident May Result Fatally.
Leigh , Neb. , Dec. 15. An acci.lont
occurred hero which may terminate
in the courts. Jacob Jundl , a pros
perous farmer , was in town all day
inul together with a neighbor , drank
freely. About 10:30 : in the evening
Tundt started home. About 11:30 : his
team was found on the outskirts of
town with only the running gear of
the wagon and no driver. Searching
parties were at once started out and
It was not until 9 o'clock the next day
that ho was found , and that was about
a mile on the opposite side of town
from whore ho lived. Tracks in the
snow showed that ho had driven sev
eral miles before ho was thrown outer
or upset. The weather was very cold ,
the thermometer registering within a
few degrees of zero. Mr. .Tundt was
sitting In the middle of the road in
an unconscious condition and the at
tending physician says that ho is suf
fering from concussion of the brain.
It is reported that his chances for re
covery are poor. There is talk of ac
tion against the saloonkeepers who
sold him the liquor.
Mrs. John Moll of Washington County
Meets With a Painful Accident.
Hooper , Dec. 16. Mrs. John Moll ,
wife of a WaatypgHjiii County farmer
living six miles cast pf Hooper , had
both of her feet badly scalded in an
accident that occurred at her homo
yesterday morning. A quantity of
boiling water was upset BO that her
shoos were filled with it , and before
they could bo removed the members
were severely burned with the hot
Mrs. Moll was engaged in picking
geese at the tlmo and had the water
In n pan sitting on the stove , ready
for use. It chanced to bo too close to
the edge of the stove , and n move
ment caused it to fall off , drenching
her foot with the scalding water.
Mrs. Plumer Succumbs to Heart Dis
ease Before Doctor Could Arrive.
Petersburg , Neb. , Dec. 15. Special
to The News : Mrs. Plumor , an aged
and respected rostdont of this place ,
died very suddenly yesterday of heart
failure and her funeral will bo held
tomorrow afternoon.
A physician was summoned as soon
as her condition was known , but she
died before he could reach the house.
Little Fellow was Either Killed
or Frozen to Death.
After He Had Been Gone all Night ,
the Lifeless Form of the 13-Year-
Old Son of Patrick Murphy Was
Found Seven Miles North of Stuart.
Stuart , Neb. , Dec. 15. Special to
The News : The 13-year-old son of
Patrick Murphy was found dead at
7:30 : o'clock this morning , seven miles
north of Stuart.
IIo loft homo at 7 o'clock last night
to ride to.a neighbor's house and it
Is thought ho was thrown off and
either killed or stunned and frozen.
Wedding invitations and announce
ments , engraved or printed , at The
News office.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests all classes of food , tones and
strengthens the stomach nnd diges
tive organs. Cures dyspepsia , indi
gestion , stomach troubles and makes
rich red blood , health and strength.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worn
out tlssus , purifies , strengthens and
sweetens the stomach. Governor G.
W. Atkinson of West Virginia says :
"I have used a number of bottles of
Kodol Dyspspsia Cure and have found
it to ho n very effective and , Indeed ,
a powerful remedy for stomach ail
ments. I recommend it to my
friends. " Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
Don't bo Imposed upon by taking
substitutes offered for Foley's Honey
and Tar. Kiosau Drug Co.
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless
Ono Minute Cough Cure gives imme
diate relief In all cases of cough ,
croup and lagrippo because it does
not pass immediately Into the stomach
ach , but takes effect right at the
seat of the trouble. It draws out the
Inllammatlon , heals and soothes and
cures permanently ) 'y enabling the
lungs to contribute pure Hfo-glvlng
and life sustaining oxygen to the
blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong o ;
Delia , Tex. , prescribes it dally am
says there is no bettor cough reined }
made. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
A Timely Topic.
At this season of coughs and colds
it Is well to know that Foloy's Honey
and Tar Is the greatest throat ant
lung remedy. It cures quickly am
prevents serious results from a cold
Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
A Frightened Horse.
Running like mad down the stree
dumping the occupants , or a hundred
other accidents , are every day occur
enccs. It behooves everybody to have
a reliable salvo handy and there's
none as good as Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. Burns , cuts , sores , eczema am
piles disappear quickly under its
soothing effect. 25c at Leonard's
drug store.
A kidney or bladder trouble can
always bo cured by using Foley's Kidney
noy Cure in time. Kiesau Drug Co
A Thousand Dollar's Worth of Good
A. H. Thurnes , a well known coa
operator of Buffalo , O. , writes : "
have been afflicted with kidney am
bladder trouble for years , passing
gravel or stones with excruclatlni
pain. I got no relief from medicine
until I began taking Foley's KIdnoj
Cure , then the result was surprising
A few doses started the brick dus
like flno stones and now I have nc
pain across my kidneys and I fee
like a new man. It has done me c
$1,000 worth of good. " Sold by Kie
sau Drug Co.
Coughs , Colds and Constipation.
Few people realize when taking
cough medicines ether than Foley'
Honey and Tar , that they contalt
opiates which arc constipating be
sides being unsafe , particularly fo
children. Foley's Honey and Ta
contains no opiates , Is safe and sur
and will not constipate. Sold by Klo
sau Drug Co.
One Hundred Dollars a Box-
Is the value H. A. TisdHe , Summer
ton , 3. C. , places on DwWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve. He says : "I had th
piles for 20 years. I tried mam 10
tors and medicines , but all tailed ex
cept DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
It cured me. " It is a combination o
the healing properties of Witch Haze
with antiseptics and emollients ; re
lieves and permanently cures bllm
bleeding , itching and protruding piles
sores , cuts , bruises , eczema , sal
rheum and all skin diseases. Sold b
Kiesau Drug Co.
Foley's Honey and Tar positlvel
cures all throat and lung diseases
Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
Drying preparations simply develop
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions
which adhere to the membrane ) nnd decompose
pose , causing n far raoro serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid nil drj
ing inhalants , fumes , smokes and snuff
and nio that which cleanses , eoothcs auc
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n rented
and will euro catarrh or cold in the Lenc
easily and pleasantly. A trial eizo will b
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell th
50c. size. Ely Brothers , GO "Warren St. , N.\
The Balm cures without pain , does no
irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads Use
over nn irritated nnd angry surface , relieving
ing immediately the painful inflammation
With Ely's Cream Balm you nro nrrnoi
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Fight Will Be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closin
their oars against the continual re
commendations of Dr. King's No\
Discovery for Consumption , will hnv
a long and bitter fight with the !
troubles , if not ended earlier by fata
ermlnatlon. Read what T. R. Boall ,
f Boall , Miss. , has to say : Last
all my wife had every symptom of
onsumptlon. She took Dr. Kings
after everything else
\o\v Discovery
Improvement cnmo at
iad failed.
nco and four bottles entirely cured
or. " Guaranteed by Asa K. Leonard ,
rugglst. Prices 50c nnd $1.00. Trial
ottlos free.
Dayton , Ohio , Mrs. Mary Simpson :
Everything disagreed with mo nnd
aby until I used Rocky Mountain
'ea. Now baby sleeps and grows
Iko a weed. " 35 cents. The Kiesau
) rug Co.
"I was troubled with constipation
nil stomach troubles , lost flesh ; my
omplexlon was ruined ; Rocky Moun-
aln Tea brought back my health and
omploxlon. " Mary Allen , St. Louis.
5 cents. The Kiesau Drug Co.
A Costly Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very ox-
icnslve. Ocasslonally Hfo itself is
he price of a mistake , but you'll nev
er bo wrong if you take Dr. King's
Now Llfo Pills for dyspepsia , dizzi
ness , headache , liver or - bowel
roubles. They are gentle yet th6r-
ough. 25c at Leonard's drug stocp.
Why suffer with indigestion , ays-
popsla , gastric , irregularities , stomach
roubles , when Rocky Mountain Tea
vlll make you well and keep you
veil ? 35 cents. Kiosau Drug Co.
The Lone Star State.
Down in Texas at Yoakum , is a
big dry goods firm of which Mr. J.
M. Haller Is the head. Mr. Haller on
on of his trips east to buy goods said
to a friend who was with him in the
> alaco car , "Here , take ono of these
, lttlo Early Risers upon retiring and
you will bo up early in the morning
'eeling good. " For the "dark brown"
taste , headache and that logy feeling
DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers are the
best pills to use. Sold by Kiesau
Drug Co.
How's This ?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years ,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his llrm.
Waldlng , Klnnan & Marvin ,
Wholesale Drugglts , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken int
nally , acting direct upon the blood
and mucuous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75
cents per bottle. Sold by nil drug
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your system is
nervousness , sleeplessness , or atom ?
ach upsets. Electric Bitters will
quickly dismember the troublesome
causes. It never falls to tone the
stomach , regulate the kidneys and
bowels , stimulate the liver and clari
fy the blood. Run down systems ben
efit particularly and all the usual at
tending aches vanish under its searchIng -
Ing and thorough effectiveness. Elec
tric Bitters is only 50c , and that is re
turned If It don't give perfect satis
faction. Guaranteed by Asa K. Leon
ard , druggist.
Mary : Sponge .the pimples with
warm water. You need a blood tonic ,
would advise you to take Rocky
Mountain Tea. It drives away all
eruptions. 35 cents. Kiesau Drug Co.
Report From the Reform School.
J. G. Gluck , superintendent , Prunty-
town , W. Va. , writes : "After trying
all ether advertised cough medicines
wo have decided to use Foley's Honey
and Tar exclusively in the West Vir-
glnla reform school. I find it the
most effective and absolutely harm
less. " Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
Boy's Life Saved From Membranous
C. W. Lynch , a prominent citizen
of Winchester , Ind. , writes : "My little
hey had a severe attack of membranous -
ous croup , and only got relief after
taking Foley's Honey and Tar. He
got relief after one dose and I feel
sure It saved the life of my boy. " Re
fuse substitutes. Sold by Kiesau
Drug Co.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madison MedU
c-ie Co. , MudUtin , WIs , It
keeps you well. Our tradt
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Ncvsr noli )
In butk. Accept no aubjtl-
. . . . tiite A k vour Oructr'il '
In all lie stages.
Ely's ' Cream Balm4
cleanses , soothes and bcala
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold In the head
quickly. .
Cream JJnlm Is placed Into the nostrils.epreadj
over the membrane and Is absorbed , llellet Is Im
mediate and a euro follow * . It Is not drying docs
not produce sneezing. Large Size , 60 cents at Drug ,
gists or by mall j Trial Size , 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS , 58 Warren Street , New York.
are the most fatal of all dis
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles *
PRICK SOc , and $1,00.