TI1M NOHKOUv NKWS : KKIDAY , DKCRMHKK 11 , J)0 ! ) Postofike and Two Saloons Were Robbed. HIGH CARNIVAL WITH TOUGHS. Money , Stamps and Budge Required to Satisfy Dlxon County Burglars. A Lincoln Crook Confesses that he Robbed the Pleasantdale Bank. Newcastle , Neb. . Dec. 8. Special to The News : Burglars hold high carnival hero last night and appeared to have things about their own way. The postofllco was entered and n number of stamps and some money taken. The two saloons wore next touched up , the tills robbed and some of the goods taken. The safe In thd postofllco was crack ed and $225 In cash and a number of money order-blanks taken. At Dougherty's saloon $5 In money nnd several boxes of cigars were se cured , and In Munsoy's saloon the thieves got ? C. Though explosives wore used in blowing the postofllco safe , no ono In the town heard the report and noth ing was known of the operation of the burglars until Postmaster O. A. Dul ler came down early In the morning to make up the mail. Ho discovered the door was off his safe and his money gone. Sheriff A. II. Maskcll of Dlxon county , who resides In Ponca , was notified and a search for the cul prits instituted. Tracks in the snow of ono man Indicate dicato that possibly there was but one robber , although this Is hardly prob able. These tracks lead off down the railroad. Two suspicious characters were seen boarding the train for Sioux City. The police In that city have been notified. Confessed to Robbing Bank. Lincoln , Dec. 8. Three crooks were captured and locked up by the police this afternoon. After being subjected to the "sweat box" one of them con fessed that ho was concerned In the Plcasantdalo bank robbery which took place some weeks ago. MISSING GIRL HAS BEEN LOCATED Miss Beulah Thomas of York , Who Has Been Absent for a Week Found at Blair's Home. York , Neb. , Dec. 8. Special to The News : Miss Beulah Thomas , the pret ty girl whose mysterious absence has kept the people of this town in a tur moil of uncertainty and apprehension for a week , has finally been located at Blair's house. It was the general opinion that she had been kidnapped because of what she knew as a witness in an import ant case , and the country has been searched high and low by citizens and officers for her. At the time of the kidnapping Blair was suspected , because tl\e girl was a prosecuting witness In the criminal case against him and her testimony was. necessary to convict Blair. Bloodhounds were put on the girl's trail , but to no purpose. The neighbors kept Blair's house under close surveillance , and last night a search was made , Miss Thomas being found in a room of the upper story. Blair was arrested and taken to the York jail. The Thomas girl says she was kindly treated by Blair , but closely guarded. The farmers of the vicinity of the Blair homo threaten to storm the York jail and to lynch the prisoner. NEW GRAIN TARIFF PUBLISHED Great Western Announces Rate That Will be Put In Effect From Omaha East. Omaha , Dec. 9. The Chicago Great Western yesterday published Its new grain tariff It was first announced that the road would haul grain from all Ne braska territory to St. Paul and Min neapolis at the rate of 8 cents for corn and 9 cents for wheat , on which the local rate to Omaha was 10 and 12 cents , or better , respectively. Kansas QltibClaimed tlmt this rate would create ; JjjksgOj.jv tlii as a grain center. Trafllc f nager Stohr and President Stlckney have amended the rate , so that the now tariff , effective December 10 , reads : "Tho 8 and 9-cent rate to Minne apolis and the Mississippi river will apply on all shipments originating in Nebraska on and north of the line of the Burlington , beginning at Platts- mouth , thence to Louisville , Ashland , Crete , Exeter , Inland , then north along the Hall-Hamilton county line to the Platte river , and all Nebraska points north of the Platte river. All other Nebraska territory will take the 13 and 14-ccnt rate to Minneapolis and Chicago. " On grain originating south of this boundary line and sent to Omaha , the rate will bo 13 and 14 cents re spectively to Chicago or to St. Paul and Minneapolis. The same rate ap plies from Kansas City , if the grain is shipped there. Grain men believe that Omaha will got much of the grain from this territory , because It Is nearer the ultimate shipping points , even though this city is placed on a parity with Kansas City in the mat ter of rates. The amendment does not affect the proportional In effect off the Union Pacific. All grain from the I'nlon Pa cific will take the S and 9-cent rate as heretofore , but that from other lines will bo governed by the fore going rates. BREAKS THE RECORD. Strolled Down to Field and Loaded Up In Three Hours. Fremont , Neb. , Dec. H. Frank Yen- noy , a farm hand employed by F. Miller , a Saunders county farmer , claims to have broken the record for corn husking one day last week. He hitched nil his team , drove one mile to the Held , husked fifty bushels and drove back to the barn In three hours nnd forty-five minutes. The husking was done at the rate of fourteen bushels to the hour. At the price of three cents per bushel , paid this year , Yennoy Is making between Jt.GO and $5 per day and claims to bo nblo to keep It up. REPORTED HMIIOK OF TIME County Superintendents of Flllmore and Cheyenne Counties Report In Time to Secure Apportionment. Lincoln , Nob. , Dec. 0. The county superintendents of Flllmoro and Cheyenne counties did not wait for Superintendent Fowler to go after them with a mandamus to compel them to Hie their reports in order to get In on the apportionment of school moneys , but came up bright and ear ly with the documents. While the apportionment is larger this month than it was last December , It Is not larger than it has been In recent years. Owing to the rapid maturity of sale contracts for school lands dur ing the last two years , over $700.000 of the permanent school fund , which returned Interest at the rate of six per cent , has been Invested In bonds which bring in three per cent , and the appportlonmont consequently de creased. BUSINESS CHANGES. Two Pioneer Merchants at Randolph Dispose of Stores. Randolph , Neb. , Doc. 9. Two im portant business changes have just icon made In Randolph , whereby two of the pioneer firms of the town re tire from active business pursuits. Huol Hros. , who have been In busi ness here slnco the establishment of the town , have sold out their largo lardware store to Messrs. S. W. Mosher and .1. L. Chapman of this city. II. DoUow , proprietor of the 'Leader" general store , has sold the mslness to IJ. Cunningham of Wayne county. Nebraska Missionaries. Tecnmseh , Neb. , Dec. 9. Word has ) een received that Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Pickott , who left for the Philip pines to become missionaries In Luzon zen , have arrived at Manila and will soon bo at their ultimate destination. They are under the Christian Mis sionary society , and will bo away sey- jn years. Investigating the Allen Fire. Omaha , Doc. 9. The responsibility for the death of the firemen who lost their lives in the recent Allen Broth ers fire Is being investigated today by a coroner's jury. Four attorneys , representing the Interested parties , are participating in the inquest. County Attorney English Is conducting the examina tion. City Attorney Tom Leo is look ing after the city's Interests ; .T. C. Kiiisler appeared for the Ames es tate , owners of the burned building , and Lyle Abbot represented relatives of the dead firemen , That a number of damage suits will follow , as a result of the Investi gation , seems probable , as the testi mony thus far produced would tend to show that the building collapsed , more because of faulty construction than from the effects of the fire. Canal Board In Deadlock. Fremont , Neb. , Dec. 9. Information from New York Is that the board of engineers appointed to decide the power canal project as betweeen Fre mont and Columbus seems to bo hope lessly divided. Ono member favors Fremont and the other Columbus. It is certain that a third man will have to be chosen , so that a majority of the board may settle the matter. The engineers have been in ses sion for several days. Most of the tlmo they have been going over math ematical calculation and comparing the advantages of the two projects. So far , there have been no develop ments that are discouraging to Fre mont. YAHR IS YET ALIVE. Was Shot Through the Stomach With a Heavy Charge of Shot. Deadwooil , S. D. , Dec. 9. With an opening entirely through his body , largo enough to admit a hand , Ernest Ynhr , who received a charge from a shotgun through his stomach , is rapIdly - Idly getting well. The danger from the wound in the Intestines has entire ly passed and It is now known that ho will llvo. There Is doubt , however , as to whether ho will have the perfect use of his limbs. Part of his hip bono was blown away by the charge of shot and the surgeons dressing the wound took out most of the crumbled bono. They are dn hopes that what was loft will reunite , although it is expected that much of this will work out. 11 Range Rider Named Cummins Killed by Companion. SKULL CRUSHED WITH A CLUB. Dennis Walker Struck the Dlow and Then Escaped on His Pony Pre sumed that the Men Had Quarreled. PhyslclniiB Operated In Vain. Alllanco , Nub. , Dec. 7. A range rider named CmnmliiH , In thu employ of Hartlott Hlchanls , tlio Nebraska cuttle IIiir | , was killed by a compan ion , OonnlH Walker , nt the Spiulu ranch near Klltnvorth , Sheridan coun ty , Tlio Htory of the killing , an told by tluiHO near the two mi'ii when the fatal blow was Htruolt , IH that Cum mins was HlttliiK with his hack toward Walker , who crept up behind the vic tim and dealt him a heavy blow on the head with a club. Walker then mounted Ills home and nought refuge In Illght. What were the Incidents which led to the murder are not known here , but It IH presumed tlio men had quarreled. dimming wan at once taken to Ells worth and brought on a train to Al liance , whore Drs. Hollwood and Hot- tlchelm found that his skull was brok en , the fracture pressing down upon the brain. Trepanning was resorted to and the Nkull raised. Although the operation was successfully performed Cummins continued to grow weaker and Dually passed away at noon. Men on horseback are scouring the country In pursuit of Walker , but It Is not known hero tonight whether ho lias boon taken. From what can bo learned there Is a possibility that should Walker bo taken ho will bo lynched. Hunch Foreman DoFranco , who came to Alllanco with Cummins , says he Is not able to give any Information concerning the affair , as the spot whore the quarrel teen place was sonic distance from his headquarters and ho did not have time to Investi gate the case before starting for Al- lance. It is learned that the dead man comes from Virginia , but little else s known of him. liartlctt Richards , owner of the Spade ranch , Is now at his Callfor- ila homo. INTERPRET NEBRASKA USURY LAW Construction On It Is Placed by the Supreme Court of the United States. Washington , Dec. 9. The United States supreme court reversed the de cision of the Nebraska supreme court n the case of the Schuyler National wnk against George Thrush and ) thers . The bank was charged with taking usury. Thrush and his wife wore debtors to the bank tft the amount of $5,000 , inil gave a note to draw VI per cent nterest. This rate Is usury In Ne- > raska. Thrush asked for a conipu- .atlon of the Interest. If this were granted , the Interest being counted is payment of the principal , the note would have been reduced to $200. The state court adopted Thrush's plea. The finding of Justice White of the supreme court is favorable to the contention of the bank that the case comes under the federal law , and that the Interest could not bo compu ted as principal payments. Justices Urown and lirowor dissented. Arrested for Beating His Wife. Pierce , Neb. , Dec. 9. Sheriff Hen Tones went out near the Wayne coun ty line yesterday afternoon and ar rested Charles N. Anderson , a farmer Ivlng Pierce county , who Is charged with cruelly beating his wife. The warrant was sworn out by the father of Anderson's wife. Anderson has ) een In the habit of coming to town ind getting drunk , and then going ionic and beating his wife. A Victory to be Proud of. s the final and absolute euro of a sere throat , in which the rawness and tenderness have been spreading dan gerously near those guardians of life , ho lungs. The luxury of a sound .hroat and robust lungs Is most keen- y enjoyed by people who , having snf- 'ored all the consequences of "a lit tle cold , yon know , " have been res cued from misery and danger by Al- en's Lung : Balsam. Dr. Wenv r' Treatment. Syrup for the blood ; Cerate for skin eruptions. Our Friends , the Druggists. It Is a pleasure ot testify to the gen erally high character of druggists. But because of a few exceptions to .ho rule , It Is necessary to caution the mbllc to bo on guard against imlta- .Ions of Perry Davis' Painkiller. Sco that yon get the right article , the soothing , helpful painkiller that was ised In your family before you were jorn. Don't bo talked into buying a substlututo. There Is but ono pain- tiller , Perry Davis. Cold Comfort From Doctors. Doctors say neuralgia is not danger ous. This is poor consolation to a sufferer who fools as If his face were pierced with hot needles nnd torn with a thousand pairs of pincers. A word of advice to him : Stay In leers and use Perry Davis1 Painkiller. The blessed freedom from pain which fallows thin treatment ) cannot ho told. Thok'd I } ) but onq Painkiller , Perry Davis1. Ilors'n Sweet Laxative Chips have no equal for biliousness or emiiitlpa- lion. They do not grlpo but move the bowels gently ami easily , cleans ing the liver nnd the effect gives strength to the glands , preventing a return of the disorder. Price 10 and 2G cents. Klowui Drug Co. How to Prevent Croup , 1 It will be good mnvs lo mothoni of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup la hoarsi'iiesH. A day or two before the attaclt the child becomes lumntn. This Is noon followed by a peculiar rough cough. ( ! lve Chamberlaln'H Cough Remedy freely as soon as the child becomes hearse , or ovoii after tin1 rough cough appears , and It will dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and auxlHy maybe bo avoided. This remedy IH used by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fall. It Is , In fact , the only remedy that can always bo depended upon and that Is pleas ant and safe to take. For salu by the Klcaau Drug Co. Ir. Wonvcr'n Hyrup I'lirlflci the blood ; Cernto ( ointment ) fur tlio akin. Do you feel broken down and does your system need nourishment ? Just take Rtan-Kr-VIno tablets , the world's greatest remedy for the nerves , brain and blood , and watch results. Klo- sau Drug Co. By Bribing the Nerves with opium n cough may bo slopped temporarily , but the Inllnmmatlon of which the cough Is a symptom goes f i out bad to worse. Do not waste time and money on delusive "cough mixtures. " Homelier that Allen's Lung HalHam does not merely put the nerves to sleep. It gets right down to the root of the ( rouble and so cures oven deep Heated affec tions of the throat and lungs. SPECIALIST ( REPUTATION , Years of Special Practice Affording Excellent Opportunities. FACTS WORTH MENTIONING By Dr. Caldwell. Several years ago whllo In private iractlco , I thought It wrong to iidvor- Isc , simply because I had been told so and had not had experience enough to know bettor. After a while I din- ovored a valuable plan of treatment n certain cases , and fortunately oh- allied a large number of patlonlH , enough to fully test my plan ami irovo its success. I thereupon pro- larod a lengthy paper upon the sub- cot and road it before the state mod- cal society. What was the result ? V half a do/on members took the leer to say what Uio treatment had teen for a hundred years back , and o claim that the old treatment , hough unsuccessful , should bo con- .inued , notwithstanding that the now reatmcnt had boon .successful. I thought differently nnd continued to iso the now method , and made ro- narkablo cures of cases that had u'on pronounced Incurable1. My bus- ness Increased rapidly as each per son that I cured told KOIIIO friend , who came in turn and was cured. Oaeh patient advertised mo a little. What then ? In that largo city there were not more than ' 100 cases of the clnd. I cured every case that came to mo and then had nothing to do except the ordinary business of a ocal physician. I know there were umdreds and thousands of others elsewhere , who might bo cured If .hey only know ; and I advertised. Cured hundreds of others and I have idvorttsod ever since. I have re- loved more suffering , cured more pa tients , made more people happy , and lone more good generally because I mvo told the people what I can do , and I shall go on with the good work is long as my strength will permit. I advertise because I have some thing worth advertising. I have made nysolf competent by years of spec- al study nnd experience , and by the expenditure of largo sums of money. Hy advertising I place before the peo- > lo the facts which enable them to enow what I can do. I thereby rcaoi- thousands , who , given up by local ) hyslclans or unsuccessfuly treated , give themseves up as Incurable. I iuro them nnd thereby enlarge my leld of usefulness. By no other way ban advertising could these people lave known that they could bo cured. Every thrifty and prosperous busi- iess in life , save those of law and nedlclne , advertise freely. Lawyers lo not , for they only use In business what others have made for them years before. They only do what has ) oen written. "Regular" doctors do not advertise for the same reason. They have nothing now , nothing which someone else has not written > r told them of , they get their know- edge from the books. A man may read medicine until ho Is blind and then know nothing of it. To bo suc cessful ho must apply his own mind. Make his own researches , and to do .hat ho must have room and oppor tunity. Ho must have cases , him- Irods of them , and compare results. If he does not do this ho is a ma chine without novelty , skill or In- gcnnlty , still plowing with n wooden ) lo\v , still traveling on foot or horso- mck , and Ignoring the advantages of steam , living but not learning. The same Is true of a lady doctor. Ilolow yon will find published the names and addresses of some of the recent cures that I have made. These people's allllctions wore , under the ordinary physician's care , considered hopeless , nnd no prospects for a euro : Mrs. Kate Schall of Albion , Nob. , cured of catarrh of head and stomach. Mrs. William Zuorg of Blue Vale , Nob. , cured of nervous heart and female disease. Mrs. J. B. Connolloy of Akron , eumatism Is Not a SKin Disease. 1 Mos1t.Vcolc ! lmvc n" ilcn tlmt rlteumatlHiii U contracted lllco a cold , tlmt the ilniiip , chilly n r iwiieltnlra the muHclcH ami j iiitn and causes the Icrr b ncliea and pains , or that t i Bomethln , ; like a nkln ( llscuse to be ubb.Ml away with I ' ni mentor drawn out jv 111 plantm ; but Khiieiiintlmii orlj.lmilcs in the bloml nn'l ! Dy Urea , or Uiic Acid , nnirritatliif r cmtscjl ; , corroding imimin that nettles in iuu ck-H. hlllltnnililllnrvr..n , , , . , . . . ' " " nild WtCHCM mill UlBlilinrn'J jHiiiin iiL-cuiiiir in uiii ( iisticssing ( lisciiitc. Hxposure to bml weather or midden chllliiiL' of the body will ImMcn nil at tack of UhcunmtlHin after the blood nntl Hystcm arc in the rif-ht condition for It to develop , lint hnvo nothing to do with the real true enusca of UhenumtlHiu , which are internal and not external , Unimctitn , plnstcrs nml runbliiK will HomotimoH rednco the Inflamma tion and swelling and OIIHO the pain for a tlmo , but fall to relieve permanently because they do not rcnch the scat of llowllnir Oroon , Kjr. About rj ynnr HRO I wim nttuokod hv nonto rhiiunmtiiiin In iny HliouUlnm , nrnm nml IOITH Jmlow the kiini ) . 1 ooulil not I'rtlno my nrm to Odiiil ) my hnlr. Doolorn urnnorlboU fnriunforovnr two montha without Klv- IIIRinn nny rallnf. IBIIWU.M. M.mlvnrtliioil itnrt ilualilnil totry It. Immoillnloly I coin- iiiiinonil UN tmn 1 foil hnltnr , unil rnmarknit tninollinrtlmtlwiiHRlniUlmilntlHiitfoiind pliln rollaf. 1 onntlmioit UN linn niul nm ontlrnly wnll. 1 will nlwiiyn fnol dooplr liilnroNtoi ! In Din BIIOOOHH of H. I ) . 0. nlna * It did inn no innoli Rood. an lath ut. MHH. AIIOM UOHTON : meinnihie. H. s. 53. cures KheunmtlHui bmmse it attacks it in the blood , and the Uric Acid poison is nuiitinli/cd , the flliii'ijlnh cir culation Mliiiiilntcd and quickened , and soon the sys- cm la purified nnd cleansed , the nchinj ; muscles and JointM are relieved of all irritnlinjj matter and a Initlni' cure of thiH mont jmlnful dlHoaH' < effected. U mailed ffer nn j-SoStiifr ; ; ! rSmicKcSii ; ! s-s&rKSi - ! TH SW/FT spccmc CQf ATLANTA. GA. ANTI- . DYSPF.PTIO TAl'K WOUM. Area Positive Cine for Indi cstioit , Constipation , Travels , I'oulmd WCIIK Stonmdifc. A noted doctor of Chii-agu stilted that he liclievrd a C > ( ) e. box ol Slocum'.H Worm Cake would ijivc moieu'licf than T > ( ) worth of 01 dinarv doctor's fees. Price SOcl.s. by mall ony- | R. v. SLOCUM 725 W. North Avenue , Chlcnno. III. YOU MUST NOT FORGET Thul \ \ < im constantly tfniwin in the art of making Kino IMiotos , ami our produ- will al ways be round to omhraoo the and Xou'cst , Styles in Cards and Finish Wo also carry a line line of Moldings snitahlo for all kinds of framing. i. THIRD YEAR. Conservative Management , Thorough Equipment , Commodious Rooms , Superior Instruction. Fxill Business Ccmrses. It will pay you to attend this School. No va cations. Enter any time. Address , C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb. Nob. , cured of cancer of long stand ing Mrs. Augusta Seydon of Ponder , Nob. , cured of nervous liver and stomach disease. Mrs. Ella Scochman of Wayne , Neb. , cured of rheumatism , female disease and skin disease. John Harper of Columbus , Neb. , cured of heart disease , stomach and llvor disease. Emma Stalke of darks , Nob. , cured of skin disease , heart trouble and dropsy. Write This Down In the book of memory : there Is no such thing as a harmless cough. Ev ery cough Is a warning of a confidence that goes from bad to worse unless It Is remedied right away. Opium-laden medicine is a delusion. Allen's Lung Balsam cures the worst of colds. It clears the bronchial passages , so that the lungs get plenty of air. Why not get a bottle today ? FARM LOANS Lowest Rales , W , J , GOW & NORFOLK , NEBRASKA. Money on Hand. FARM LOANS TEN GENTS BUYS A Three Months' Subscription t Cbe Industrial Citnes AND MINING RECORD with which Is given free as premium Two Splendid Maps of Thunder Moun tain Mining District and of Southern Idaho , showing all the mines and all the important claims , also routes , railroads and wagon roads. The Industrial Times is a monthly of 16 big pages which give accurate in * formation regardinp the movement of industrial and mining enterprises. Its regular subscription price isonedollarptr year ; but a trial subscription Is cent for three months for ten cents , including the maps. These are the only accurate mapi of Thunder Mountain and are alone worth several times the price charged. Address THE INDUSTRIAL-TIMES 2U MIADWAY. HEW YtM A GOLD IN ONE DA' CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS THIS SIC3.VATUUU sirsT Ai'i'i.tii : ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE An ( biolutt iptcllle and intl-ieptle prtp * arillon for all klndi of SORE THROAT. BIMPLT A QABOLB. PEBFEQTLY HABHLE8S , A ure cur * for ItoarJtntfi , Tonillltl * . Qulniy , In atned , Ulctrated and Catarrhal Sera Throat. A pretentlv * ol Croup , Whooping Cough and D.phthcrla. I'lmiFYINQ HRALINO fiOOTHINO Endorsed Ij ihe llott Eminent Throat 8p olal > ltd la the country. Ihonld b kept In ererr bomo. 1'rlce B Cent * . , M dlclne Co. , Dot Uolaet , Iowa. KIESAU DRUG COMPANY. ' 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS - r COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone tending n nkclrli nnd ilfdcrlntlnn majr OuicUIr ascertain our opinion frvu whether nn Invention la I'rohnbljr ' r'ltrntnlilo. Cuntmunlrn- tloiiKiiiricllyrontlilcntlal. HANDBOOK on rutcrta out fre . Olile t aitenrr tor nituriiii ; piitcnts. I'alent ! ! taken tRrouKli .Munu A Co. rcceUe nallce , wllliout cliaruc , luthu Scientific fiiiiericaii * A Imndsomclr Illuttrntod wceklr. ' ton of anr clontldo Journal , n-rnn. o o Tiwrs : four months , fl. Bold b jail newsdealer * . MUNN gCo.3610 " , New York Branch Oltiro. IBS V PU Wn.hlimton. 1) . U.