The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 11, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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    'I I I It1 flJMIMU il KII.IU'U. 111)11 , xr
Flndlnjr In the Case of William
Tragedy of Young Man In Tckamah
Is the Snddost Affair Ever Known
In Burt County and Family Have
Sympathy of All Citizens.
JKroin Tni'filiiy'H
Tho. tragedy at the Paddock Immo
on Silver Crook InHt Friday Hint
eniiHt'd tlio utitlmnly death of William
Pnddock. who wna shot liy hln fatlior ,
caused the donpoHt Horrow In ( hln city
anil surrounding country of anything
( tint ever occurred horo. Itvan ( ino
of thoflo deplornblo doodw ( hat makes
It a p'Unfnl ' duly In record. It o tln-
gnllCliod a 'lU ' . 'Ijp ' alul ul" < ' " '
| H
dies ; TindoepfHt tiyinialiy | | goon
otilitn" ( ho mother , Hlstor anfl two ro-
ifta'li\litg \ brutlKirH. inoro onH'Qljilly | to
the mother who In ( moil , and foohlo ,
whoj aH'Hl.lPlidlng TIjifiilcBKlvliij ; with
hqr daughter at Norfolk whun the Had
affair ocrnrrod and wan notllli'd by
telephone , lint did not lunrn the worst
until nho nrrlvud thu next day lu'coin-
punloil hy her daughter. She IH now
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
HrodkH In thlH city , prostrate with
grluf. The I. O. O. F. ledge of thlH
city , of which deceased WIIH noble
grand , lininodlatoly rendered all an-
slstanco possible. Committees were
npppolntcd to take charge and guard
the homo In the country until the
HOIIH , Riifus .1. of Now Orleans and
Isaac W. of Morgan City , La. , could
reach lioro. They were advlHod by
wire but Rnfus was In Now York City
on biiHlnesH and had to return to
Now Orleans heforo ho could c'omo ;
ho IH expected today ( Friday ) .
The body was broiihl by Undertaker
Smith to ( Ills city thu night of the
Inquest and embalmed , and ttlneo
then has boon taken by the Odd Fol
lows to tholr reception parlors whore
It has boon under guard and could ho
viewed by his many friends. The fu
neral will ho under the nunplcoH of
the lodge and will bo hold at the
opera IIOIIHO Sunday at 11 n. in. , Kov.
R. M. L. Briulon , Presbyterian ovan-
gollut , and Rev. .1. 1) . Kerr , pastor of
\ the Presbyterian church bore , both
of whom were very Intimate with the
deceased whllo ho was a Htndnot of
llollvuo colbjgo , will conduct the ser
vices alul the interment will bo made
in the Tokamiih cemetery.
As to the cause of thlH sad affair
that llllH HO many hunrtH with uncon-
Holnblo grief , can best bo understood
by the testimony that was taken nt
the coroner's Inquest conducted by
Dr. .1. C. Sward of Oakland , which Is
an follows :
Wo , the undersigned jurors , upon
oath do say , that on November 27 ,
11101 ! , that the said Win. L. Paddock
came to bin death hy a shot gun In
the hands of and tired by Soloman
Paddock with t'elonoiis Intent , said
shot was llred In the homo of Solonmn
Paddock , In Silver Creek township ,
In the county of Hurt and state of No-
In witness whereof the said jurors
Imvo hereunto set tholr hands this
28th day of November , 1H03.
A. M. Anderson ,
C. W. Davidson.
Clms. A. Snow ,
Chan. G. Clark ,
II. I. VanNostrnnd ,
F. L. C < xk ) ,
Burt County Herald.
Machinery Played Out nt Power Stn-
tlon , But New Dynamo Hns Dcen
1 Ordered and WIN Soon DC in.
Nollgh , Neb. , Dec. 10. Special to
The News : This city was In darkness
last night owing to the giving out of
of IQIIIO of the oloctrc | light machln-
[ oryflpA new dynamo has been ordered ,
hutf It will perhapsjtib a "coupleof
nights hoforo It arrives and the sor-
3lco Is restored. Monnwhllo the bust-
net.s men and , residents of the city will
b'o comyo tptj to around and
dlg uu tliu j > U > VWP that have- boon
dls.eafjM1 * AijSrf" * } , dealrablo con
dition to 'it jjrogYtisslve people who
Imvo been used to modern methods of
illumination , but there is no fault be
ing found with the company ns it is
well understood that accidents are
bound to happen , and the same ex
perience has been had in ether cities.
Cattle Feeding.
Nollgh. Nob. , Dec. 10. Special to
The News : T. I ) . Hurd of Central
City , who is feeding 1.200 head of cat
tle hero , arrlvod In the city yesterday
to look after his feeding Interests.
Mr. Hurd's feeding industry provides
n ready local market for the farmers ,
for tholr corn and other feed and his
choice of Nollgh for a feeding point
is well appreciated here.
Young Couple Married at Omaha Yes
terday and Will be Home Tonight.
Pllger , Nob. , Dec. 10. Special to
The News : Carl Mathowson , a leadIng -
Ing dealer In agricultural Implements
at this place , and Miss Jennie Mun-
gor , daughter of GoorgoMunger , who
owns the Pllgor elevator , were united
In marriage nt Omaha yesterday and
will he homo tonight , A big reception
Is being planned for their welcome as
both are well known and popular In
micli'ty circles lioro. The hrldo Is a
nlt'co of .Indgo Mnngor of Fremont.
The groom at ono tlmo was night
clerk at the Oxiiard hotel In Norfolk.
Planning for Christmas ,
Pllgor , Nob. . Dec. 10. Special to
The NUWH : Among the Christmas
foHtlvltlos plannud for this place will
ho trees and programs at both the
Uapthit and Methodist churches , which
are anticipated with much pleasure
hy the little folks.
Sioux City Police Dcllcvc They Have
One of the Men Who Cracked
the Safe.
Slonx City , In. , IJoe , 10. In 1-Mwin
( iordon , who gnvo a half do/.cn ether
ulluHus hint night , whun caught' by
UoiimlHimiu .MoPoiigiil and Dotoctlvo
M-HincJuT'thtujiollcq hollovo they
liuvo I'l U'tolMffilvrH ' who enicko.l . ,
tllO pOnLollieO HlllOnt , NoWCllBtlo ,
Noli. ( JbVdjin WIIH caught whllo drunk JJ.ieo HtroqCtind the railroad
u'HhV ftltd told so' many oonlllctlng
loal l | < n WIIH locked nji.
TJiuVipltro ) liuil boon on thu lookout
| nnd a partner when Shorlff
tI of I'onca wlrod to catch two
imjii , HiiHiieolod of being the cracks-
inon. The inon jmniiod off the Omaha
passenger which arrlvon lioro at 30 ! !
o'clock In ( ho forenoon , near the old
Heap factory , and kept hidden all
Shurlff MaHkolt of I'onca was prcrt-
cnl whun Gordon was put through
the Hwoathox , nftor being given ton
days for driinkonoHs , and declared
later ho WIIH almost curtain the potlco
had caught ono of the burglars.
"I tracked two niun from Newcastle
to 1'onon by footprlntH In the HIIOW , "
said ho. "Ono of the inun were over-
HhooH anil the othur were about No.
10 HhocH without rubliorH. The fol-
IOWH arrlvod early In I'onca and
hoarded ( ho train for Slonx City.
ThlH follow Cordon bought a delect ;
IIH ! partner , a Hhortor man , did not.
Gordon took a Hunt In the front of
the Hinokor and the ether follow Hat
In the rour until the train entered
Slonx City , when the Hhort man getup
up and IIH ho passed Gordon whisper
ed wnnothlng. Hoth K < 't ' 1 > and
jumped oil the train near , the soap
fiu'lory. The braUotimn , ' t who had
hoard of the Hafo cracking , watched
the inon ulosoly anil gave us n good
doHcrlptlon of Gordon. "
The Reappearance of Bculah Thomas ,
Supposed to be Kidnapped , Does
Not Clear Matters.
York , Neb. , Doc. 10. The mystery
of the disappearance- Bonlah Thom
as , Instead of being cleared by her re
appearance , IH deepened.
.lohn Blair , In Whoso house she
was found , HayH that she came there
at 0 o'clock on December ,7. This
the nlllcors say Is untrue ; that she
IIIIH been there several days , but not
the three weeks that she was miss
Blair did not kidnap the girl , as ho
was in church at the tlmo she dis
appeared. The olllcors Hay that Hho
loft homo voluntarily and spent all
but the last few days at a certain
place , which they decline to name.
They also any that Blair persuaded
her not to prosecute the case for
criminal assault , which comes up
next week.
Blair Is hoJtJ .o.u the charge of se
creting a witness. There will prob
ably bo no prosecution on the charge
of abduction. Blair has a hearing on
The girl It nt homo now.
Death at Nlobrnra.
Crelghton , Nob. , Dec. 10. Special
to The News : Word has been re
ceived hero of the death of Chas. Mar-
ahnl ! of Nlobrnra who passed away at
! : ! ! this morning , nftor a sickness of
but a few days from li\or trouble. The
funeral will be hold Saturday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
The deceased leaves a family of
a Vjll'ft and seven children to mourn
his loss. Ono h'f < the sons , William , is
the nowj uporlptqndont-olect of Knox
Coroner's Jury Unable to Determine
Cause of Fire.
Omaha , Dec. 10. The coroner's
jury which hold the inquest into the
death of the four firemen who lost
their lives In the Allen Bros. ' lire , re
turned a verdict as follows :
"William Imrmester , II. C. Golds-
borough , Leroy Lester and William
Barrett came to tholr deaths at 90S
and 910 .Tones strcot , in the Allen
Bros. ' warehouse , in the city of
Omaha , county of Douglas , on the
morning of November 23 , between
3:30 : and 4 o'clock , as a result of the
collapse of the building , caused by
lire. From the evidence wo nro unable -
able to determine the cause of the
tiro. "
Just as the verdict was handed to
Coroner Urailey the ambulance , bearIng -
Ing the charred skull and chest , all
that remained of the body of William
Barrett , drove up to the morgue ,
where the Inquest was being hold.
Ono man carried the remains into
the room In a shoot , whore they were
within sight of all present.
Evidently George W. Norwood
ofBoyd County.
Letter from Durland Trust Company
Lends to His Identification Circum
stances Indicate that It Was a Case
of Suicide Polcon on His Person.
( From Weilnrmlnv'fi Dnllv 1
1 ho hotly of uii unknown mini was
found near the li. & M. railroad track
a half mlle south of David City yestor-
duy morning by a son of A. C. dear-
hart. whoKo farm was nearby. The
cot oner was notified and took charge
of the body. The only means of Idon-
intention WIIH a loiter on the miui'ii
person written by the Durland Trust
company of this city and ddresfK-d
, to George \V. Norwood ' of UvVf
The letter , wiiH./.ljitnd . K
iHUil , and Inquiry ivt > thiifi {
the Information thai It was .
a notlllcalloii of Ititurltft , duo. Tie |
company holds n mritlg'iig6'oii''hid
Norwood plneo near Lynch , but air. '
Norwood had not liboif"fcoilndlfi\ ) \ ; y-
inont , and merely t/io" / ' Vnal'IVO' ' - -
payment was duo.lie was not "por-
( .onally known at the otllco.
The coroner also found a purse
containing nine cents , which was all
of the money found ; a silver watch ,
nn Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows' badge , on which was engraved
the Initials G. W. N. ; pocket knife ,
a hunch of keys and a memorandum
book which Indicated that ho was a
business man. Ho was well dressed
and had on a fur overcoat. In the
memorandum book two entries , dated
December 0 , 1903 , read , "Dear Maud ,
good-byo ; Nellie , good-bye , " which
would Indicate that milcldo was In
tended. A bottle containing a quan
tity of poison was also found on IIH !
person which would tend to substan
tiate the suicide theory.
No marks or bruises have boon dis
covered to indicate that ho was struck
by a train. Coroner Sample telephon
ed the bank at Lynch and was in
formed that a man by the name of
Oorgo W. Norwood lived about one-
half n mlle from Lynch , also that Nor
wood was away from homo at this
Telephone Line Completed.
Nollgli , Nob. , Dec. 10. Special to
The News : The North Antelope Tel
ephone company has completed its
line from Nollgh to Brunswick and
the service has been opened to the
public. This gives direct telephone
communication for the people of north
ern Antelope with the county scat ,
and Is an improvement that will bo
much appreciated by the people of
Brunswick and vicinity as well as the
people of this city.
Meets the Grain Rates.
Omaha , Dec. 10. The Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha an
nounced yesterday that a tariff had
boon issued , effective December 1C ,
amending its proportional to Minne
apolis and St. Paul to correspond with
the amended rnto of the Great West
ern. Other lines arc expected to net
within a few days.
The Milwaukee announced that Do-
coinbor ID a proportional tariff of 13
and 11 cents , with a minimum through
rate of IS and 21 cents , would take
effect on its line to Chicago.
The work of realigning the Ne
braska rates has begun , and Omaha
will bo placed on equality with Kan
sas City.
A Union Pacific Passenger Train Met
With An Accident nt Columbus
Fremont , Nob. , Ucc. 10. Passenger
train No. 4 on the Union Pucltlc ,
known as the Atlantic express , pulled
Into Krcniont at 12:20 : yesterday afternoon -
tornoon In a considerably abbreviated
condition , and six and one-half hours
later than its usiinV'tlmo. ' It was nil-
HUH three of Its mail cilrfc as the1 re
sult of an accident' ' at Cohunjbns in
which they were derailed and loft-
behind. The ditching p.f those cars
was not responsible , , , fpr the greater ,
part of the delay , as the train . [ \\jaSj
several hours Into when 'it ' roaclic
The accident took place in the
yards at Columbus as the train was
coming into town at a speed of
eight or ten miles an hour. A loose
Journal on the second car behind the
engine caused a wheel to run off the
track , and the next two cars were
also pulled from the rails. The slow
rate at which the train was traveling
saved any of the passengers from In-
The mail was taken from the
ditched cars and transferred to pas
senger coaches. No damage was suf
fered by the engine or passenger
cars , and by using another track the
train was enabled to proceed on its
way after an hour's delay. A wreck-
lug outfit was sent from Omaha and
during the afternoon it was engaged
In replacing the three derailed cars
on the track.
Alnsworth Lodge Officers.
Alnsworth , Nob. , Doc. 10. Special
to The News : .Tho R. N. of A. met
in their hall Monday night and elec
ted the following officers for the en
suing year : Oracle , Blanche Wil
Hams ; vice oracle , Agnes llanna ;
chancellor , Ada Gould , roconJor ,
Anna Mlll6r ; receiver , N llla Sellers ;
marshal , Clara Miles ; assistant mar
shal , Uiu Peterson ; Inner sontlnol ,
Angola Souls ; outer sontlnolr W. II.
Snow nt Ncllgh.
Nollgh , Neb , , Dec. J0.Spoclal to
The News : Snow began falling hero
at an early hour this morning and is
coming down steadily and with no
wind , offering possibilities to those
who enjoy sleigh riding and coasting ,
and giving the country an approved
Christmas appearance.
Annual Meeting In Grand Island Prc-
aided Oved By President Win
ter of Norfolk.
Giand Island , Noli. , DQC. 10. The
organisation of the county comnilK-
and'super vinors WIIH called In
annual KOHHOII ) In this dty Miyinit/liolii'jtio ) | ) llr t to take nlaco
llivJ.liill'county's now court house.
ii'.Ulhtti cimi't JIOUHO IH not altogether
omilotod | , [ lint temporary furniture
wo. * iiovlJel ) | ( ( and the largo and elegant -
gant court room makes an excellent
imwlllIK ' place- . President Winter of
Norfolk called , the mooting to order.
Mayor Cleury , niado an address of
welcome , In which ho cordially expressed -
pressed the pleasure of the people of
the city In the opportunity to enter
tain the county olllclals of the state.
Secretary Falter of Plattsmouth en
rolled a number of now members.
Hut little more than organl/.atkm and
preliminary work was attempted , the
association adjourning until 0 o'clock
tomorrow morning. No formal pro-
giam has been arranged. The various
matters of Interest that will bo dis
cussed will bo debated and acted up
on Informally.
The object of the organization Is
to bring about better legislation as to
roads and bridges and revenue and It
Is felt that considerable has boon and
more Is to bo accomplished , particu
larly now In the matter of legislation
affecting road improvement.
Will Dedicate New Song.
Lincoln , Dec. 10. "Nebraska , " the
now state song written by William M.
Mnupln , music by William O'Shoa ,
will bo formally dedicated Friday
evening lit the executive mansion in
the presence of the state olllccrs and
the Invited guests.
Repudiates Alleged Interview.
Lincoln , Dec. 10. Special to The
News : Senator Dietrich has repu
diated the alleged interview In the
State .lonrnnl and the Now York
World , outlining the plan of defense
ho will follow In the coming Investiga
tion before the federal grand jury.
Arrested for Abduction.
Chicago , Dec. 10. Special to The
News : Simon Soigel was arrested
today charged with the abduction of
the sovcn-year-old daughter of Lewis
Andras ns she was entering the Goethe
public school yesterday morning. The
abduction Is supposed to have been
instigated by the fatlior of the child ,
who is divorced from his wife.
Spends Thanksgiving in Keya Paha
The governor ate turkey at Camp-
hells , near Norden. He made the Her
ald a call while on his way to visit
his son Harlau , on the ranch. The
labors and worries seem not to have
affected him for ho is heavier than
when ho took office , and the same
cheerful optimist with a kindly word
for all. Flo Informs ns that there will
bo no need of a special session of the
legislature to make a now revenue
law ns the ono made at the last ses
sion has been passed upon favorably
by the supreme court commissioners
and will no doubt bo declared consti
tutional by the court Itself. Spring-
view Herald.
Peruna Almanac in 8,000,000 Homes.
The Peruna. Lucky Day almanac
lias become a fixture in over eight
million homes. They arc to bo ob
tained n ( , , any flrst class druggists'
Tree. 13o sure to inquire early. The
100 > almanac is already published , and
'tho ' supply will soon bo exhausted.
Do .not put it off. Get ono today.
1 Report From the Reform School.
.T. G. Gluck , superintendent , Prunty-
town , W. Va. , writes : "Aftor trying
all ether advertised cough medicines
wo have decided to use Foloy's Honey
and Tar exclusively in the West Vir
ginia reform school. I find it the
most effective and absolutely harm
less. " Sold by Kicsau Drug Co.
The Lone Star State.
Down in Texas at Yoakum , is a
big dry goods firm of which Air. J.
M. Haller is the head. Mr. Hallor on
on of his trips cast to buy goods said
to a friend who was with him in the
palnco car , "Hero , take ono of those
Little Early Hlsors upon retiring and
you will bo up early in the morning
fooling good. " For the "dark brown"
taste , headache and that logy feeling
DoWitt's Little Early Risers are the
best pills to use. Sold by Kicsau
Drug Co.
Foloy's Honey and Tar positively
cures all throat and lung diseases.
Sold by Klosau Drug Co.
A Frightened Horse.
Running Ilka mad down Uio street
dumping the occupants , or a hundred
other accidents , are every day occur-
ences. It behooves everybody to have
Catarrh begins with n stubborn cold in the head , inflammation or sore
ness of the meinl > rane or lining of the nose , discharge of mucus matter ,
headaches , neuralgia and difficult breathing , and even in this early stage
is almost intolerable. But when the filthy secretions begin to drop back
into tlie throat and stomach , and the blood becomes polluted and the
system contaminated _ , , . , , , . . ,
I had n continual handaoho , my clioahs Imd grown
by the cntnrrhnl pois purple , my HOBO wna always Btoppod up , my breath
on , then the sufferer Imd a Blckonlnff nml dlBRUBtlntf odor , and I coughed
InccBBiuHly. 1 hoard of B. 8. S. und commenced to UBS
. . . . , what , a tt und after tukinir several bottles I wna ourod and
disgusting and Sicken- have never elnco had the itllKlitoRt symptom of th *
1i , . .l7n . ' diBOIlBO. MlBH MAIIY Ij. BTORM ,
itlir rVllnt-rll 'a
disease Catarrh . ko.
ing is. worthwoat Oor 7tu and Felix SIB. , St. Joseph , .
It affects the kidneys
and stomach as well ns other parts of the body. It is a constitutional
disease and ns inhaling mixtures , salves , ointments , etc. , nrc never more
than palliative or helpful , even in the beginning of Catarrh , what can
yon expect from1 such treatment when it becomes chronic and the whole
system affected ? Only such n remedy ns S. S. S. can reach this obsti
nate , deep-Seated disease and purge ttie blood of the
catarrhal poison. S. S. S. purifies and builds up the
diseased blood , and the inflamed membranes are
healed and the excessive secretion of mucus ceases
when new , rich blood is coining to the diseased
ts , and n permanent cure is Hid result.
S. S. S. is guaranteed puiely vegetable and in' iqduihla remedy for
Catarrh in all stages. Write if in need of mcdiual jtdvkoi tiriv'ill : cost
you iioUiiapuj p , UfaSW/fTSI
a reliable salvo Jiandy , there's
none as good as Huckien's" Arnica
Salvo. Burns , cuts , sores , 'ecvpina and
pllos disappear quickly , jmilcr Us
soothing effect. 25c at Leonard's
drug store.
A kidney or bladder trouble can
always bo ciiro-l by using Foloy's Kid
ney Cure in time. Kicsau Drug Co.
Westward the orb of glory takes Its
way , Wisconsin Is the state , you hoar
everybody say , It's made Itself fa
mous by ono great stride ; Rocky
Mountain Tea has niado its name
world-wide. The Klesau Drug Co.
A Thousand Dollar's Worth of Good.
A. II. Thurnos , a well known coal
operator of Buffalo , O. , writes : "I
have boon afllicted with kidney and
bladder trouble for years , passing
gravel or stones with excruciating
pain. I got no rollof from medicines
until I began taking Foloy's Kidney
Cnro , then the result was surprising.
A few doses started the brick dust
like flno stones and now I have no
pain across my kidneys and I feel
llko a now man. It has done mo a
.jil.OOO worth of good. " Sold by Klo
sau Drug Co.
A Costly Mistake.
LJhindors arc sometimes very ex
pensive. Ocasslonally llfo Itself is
the price of a mistake , but you'll nev
er bo wrong If you take Dr. King's
Now Llfo Pills for dyspepsia , dizzi
ness , headache , liver or bowel
troubles. They are gentle yet thor
ough. 25c at Leonard's drug store.
Boy's Life Saved From Membranous
C. W. Lynch , a prominent citl/.cn
of Winchester , hid. , writes : "My little
boy had a severe attack of membran
ous croup , and only got relief after
taking Foley's Honey and Tar. Ho
got relief after ono dose and I fool
sure it saved the life of my boy. " Re
fuse substitutes. Sold by Klesau
Drug Co.
Don't be imposed upon by taking
substitutes offered for Foley's Honey
and Tar , Klesau Drug Co.
Good for Children.
The pleasant to tpko and harmless
One Minute Cough Cnro gives Imme
diate relief in all cases of cough ,
croup and lagrippe becanso it docs
not pass immediately Into the stomach
ach , hut tnkos effect right at the
seat of the trouble. It draws out the
Inflammation , heals and soothes and
euros permanently by enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life-giving
find llfo sustaining oxygen to the
blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of
Delia , Tex. , prescribes It dally and
says there Is no bettor cough remedy
made. Sold by Klesau Drug Co.
Coughs , Colds and Constipation.
Few people realize when taking
cough medicines other than Foley's
Honey and Tar , that they contain
opiates which are constipating be
sides b61ng unsafe , particularly for
children. Foley's Honey and Tar
contains no opiates , is safe and sure
and will not constipate. Sold by Klo
sau Drug Co.
One Hundred Dollars a Box
Is the value II. A. TisdMe , Summer-
ton , S. C. , places on D Witt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. Ho snys : "I had the
piles for 20 years. I tried a\awr 'U.-
tors and medicines , but all teiicd ex
cept DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo.
It cured mo. " It is a combination of
the healing properties of Witch Hazel
with antiseptics and emollients ; re
lieves and permanently cures blind ,
bleeding , itching and protruding piles ,
sores , cuts , bruises , eczema , salt
rheum and nll. < diseases. Sold by
Klesau Dr g Cp , , , .
Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and serious trouble In your system is
nervousness , sleeplessness , or stomach
ach upsets. Electric Bitters will
quickly dismember the troublesome
causes. It never falls to tone the
stomach , regulate the kidneys and
bowels , stimulate the liver and clari
fy the blood. Run down systems ben
efit particularly and all the usual at
tending nchos vanish under its search
ing and thorough effectiveness. Elec
tric Bitters Is only 50c , and that is re
turned if it don't give perfect satis
faction. Guaranteed by Asa K. Leon
ard , druggist.
A Timely Topic.
At this season of coughs and colds
it is well to know that Foloy's Honey
and Tar is the greatest throat and
lung remedy. It cures quickly and
prevents serious results from n cold.
Sold by Kicsau Drug Co.
Fight Will Be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing
their cars against the continual re
commendations of Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption , will have
a long and bitter fight with their
troubles , if not ended earlier by fatal
termination. Road what T. II.
of Iteall , Miss. , has to say : "I.asl
fall my wife had every symptom of
consumption. She took Dr , King's
Now Discovery nftor ovoryiliing clso
had failed. Improvement came at
once and four bottles entirely cured
hor. " Guaranteed by Asa K. Leonard ,
druggist. Prices 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free.
Nellie Fuller , Denver : "My face
was full of pimples and blackheads.
Rocy Mountain Tea has driven them
away. People hardly know mo. I'm
looking flno. " 35 cents. The Klesau
Drug Co.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests all classes of food , tones and
strengthens the stomach and diges
tive organs. Cures dyspepsia , indi
gestion , stomach troubles and makes
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Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worn
out tlssus , purities , strengthens and
sweetens the stomach. Governor G.
W. Atkinson of West Virginia says :
"I have used a number of bottles of
Kodol Dyspspsla Cure and have found
It to bo a very effective and , indeed ,
a powerful remedy for stomach ail
ments. I recommend It to my
friends. " Sold by Kicsau Drug Co.
Why suffer with indigestion , dyspepsia -
popsia , gastric , Irregularities , stomach
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will make you well and keep you
well ? 35 cents. Kiesau Drug Co.
.Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry \ip the secretions ,
which ndhcro to the membrane and decom
pose , causing n fur inoro serious trouble than
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ing inhalants , fumes , smokes and suuifs
ana aso that which cleanses , soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such tv remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
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mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
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The Balm cures without pain , does not
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ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balin you nro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Povor.
In ull 1(8 ( stages.
Ely's ' Cream Balm
demises , soothes nnd heals
tlio diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drhcs
n\\ny a cold In tlio bead
Cn-iini Itiilnt Is placed Into the nustrils.epreads
over the membrane and la absorbed. Ilellef Is Im
mediate and a euro follows. It Is not drying docs
not produce BIH ivlng. Larjje Size , flo cents at Drug
gists or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS , CO Warren Street , yen York
are the most fatal of all dis
Guaranteed Remedy 4.
or moneyorefunded * Contains
remedies' ' 'tecog-nized- emi
nent physicians as the best for
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PRICE 50& and $ { ,00.
A ;
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60 different games all new
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