The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 27, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Plorco County Lender Is the
Intent to spring a piano contest , and
being now In the locality , It stands
oxcelent chances of being n winner.
There nro n lot of persons prepar
ing to bo thankful that they have the
time nnd opportunity in see tlm Ne
braska-Illinois football game nt Lin
coln ,
The homuhias thrust the Cuban bill
on the attention of the senate and now
the congressmen will have tlmo for
play while the senators put on their
thinking caps and get active.
Nebraska Is bubbling over with en
terprise and progress , despite the
troubles that have worried Wall street
nnd the endeavors of the laborers of
the east to make trouble for tholr em
ployers. It Is a good state to tlo to
nnd many of us are hero to stay.
The protective tariff Idea Is said
to bo growing In ICnglnnd , and just In
proportion as It appears to become
stronger the democrats are strength
ening tholr opposition to the policy.
Kngland would find cause for hilar
ious Jubilation If , at the tlmo It adop
ted a protective policy , the United
States should go to n free trade bnsls.
There would not bo a question as to
the direction In which tbo world's
prosperity would swing.
If , as General lloycs says , there Is
likely to bo n repetition of the Uoor
war In South Africa , over the Isthmus
matter , It will bo safe to assume that
the people of I'ntmmn should repre
sent the Boors and the Colombians
5 *
the Isthmus. The Boors were fightIng -
Ing for their republic nnd the people
of Panama will do the same I' ' It
comes to question of light or again
bo absorbed by tbo country that re
fused to grant them either their
rights or prospect of future develop
Now that President Roosevelt ,
Governor Mlckoy and Mayor Hazon
have each spoken to the people of
Norfolk and urged that they observe
Thursday as a day of thanksgiving ,
It devolves upon each father and
mother to Issue such proclamation at
tbolr own fireside and see to It that
tbo day Is observed In the manner In
which It Is Intended to bo observed.
There Is not n person In town , It Is
safe to say , who has not some reason
for thanksgiving and they should
show It In some manner.
With a squad of United Santos war
vessels maneuvering round about the
Isthmus of Panama with guns that
can practically cover every approach
to the little republic and an apparent
determination to use them In case
of necessity , It Is just possible that
Colombia will have some hesitancy
In proceeding against the little repub
lic. It might bo n picnic for Colombln
to engage in a war with the llttlo re
public , but If It Is understood that
some of Panama's big friends will
have to be reckoned with It Is pos
sible that the South American gov
ernment will think twice before It
In the future the United States
should bo careful not to get In n
plnco whore the national honor de
mands that the country shall open
its gates to the products of some
other country that will moot In com
petition with the products of the
American farmers nnd wage earners.
It Is conceded by many opposed to
the measure , that the Cuban reci
procity treaty may bavo boon neces
sary because of the events growing
out of the war with Spain and the
establishing of a republic on the Is
land , but there are not a few who
will hope that it Is tbo last measure
of the kind congress will bo asked
to pass at least until they have had
nn opportunity to test the results of
the law , made for this occasion.
It would cause a good many people
ple surprise , If not grief , should It
turn out that Edward Rosowntor
would bo chosen to succeed Senator
Dietrich , but there are n largo num
ber of people who , while they do not
admlro the man or appreciate his In
dependent and progressive spirit ,
would bo compelled to concede that
if tbo state should receive the same
amount of publicity ns the Boo editor
gives himself , It would bo n good
thing. It Is probable that Mr. Rose-
water's self esteem Is just the quality
required by Nebraska in the senate.
Certain it is that some strong man
will need to bo the avowed candidate
of the republican party If It is desir
ous that the next legislature should
bo republican. The state needs n
man of action , nnd one of clean moral
chnractor , and the people will insist
on such a man.
Another evidence of the progress
of Nebraska is the interest being tak-
on 11 the exporting biiHlnoHH by the
millers of tlm Htnto. It IH not ItmR
allies that millers considered they
wore doing tholr whole duty and
handling all the business ( if which
they wore capable If they supplied
the domnnilH of a circumscribed local
Hold. They were not long In learning ,
however , that their Hold was larger ,
and they commenced to draw business
from distant parts of tbo state , then
from other states , nnd now they are
determined to get after the business
from foreign countries. While this
trade expansion will bo of benefit to
the millers thomnolvoH , It will also
add to the valtio of the products of
the farms providing them with a
broad market and a steady demand
for their produce. It Is not Improb
able that when the Held Is developed
that tlioro will bo a higher prlco for
grain , and In thus providing n broad
er mnrkot and higher prices , the vnluo
of the fnniis Is certain to advance and
other property with thorn. If other
Intel osts provo as enterprising as the
millers In reaching out for business
the future of the state is nsured.
In 1001-2 the United Kingdom of
Great Britain Imported goods to the
value of $701,351,071 , inoro than was
exported. During the same period ,
the United States exported morchan
dlso to the value of ? 28tir.2G24 ; more
than was brought Into this country ,
Hero Is the strongest argument pos
slble that Great Britain would like to
swap conditions with the United
States by adopting n protective tnrlff.
And the reason is just as good why
the people of this country should bo
Interested In keeping tbo balance on
tbo right side of the ledger. Uy keep
ing the money of the world coming
this way It Is easy enough to see
ho.v the prosperity of the people maybe
bo maintained , but If the time comes
when the money will bo going out
Instead of coming In there will bo
hard times In spllo of everything that
can be done to keep them off. The
majority of the people are well sat-
Idled that In the republican policies
la the best assurance of prosperity
and It Is not to be questioned that
Hoosovelt will bo re-elected next year
by onq of the strongest votes ever re
corded for a republican candiadto.
The attention of the World-Herald
la called to the fact that not a repub
lican paper In the state appears to
have been nor Is now supporting Mr.
Dietrich for re-election. If the rail
roads always name the republican
candidates , and named Mr. Dietrich
first for governor and then for sen
ator there Is every reason to suppose
that they have an Inlluenco with at
least a few of the papers of the state
which should now bo doing tbolr ut
most to defend the man put Into otllco
by them but there are none. On the
contrary nearly all of them are en-
gnged In picking out a successor for
the present Incumbent of the senator
ial chair and not a few are urging
that the strongest and best man In
the party should bo chosen for the
Important position. There are a
largo number of editors and politi
cians who are desirous that Mr , Diet
rich should be able to clear himself
of the charges made against him ,
but ere as sincere In hoping that his
successor will bo a man of high moral
tone , possessing the qualities of a
stateman and that ho will bring Ne
braska to the front In the high coun
cil of the nation.
The looks of the average exchange
In this state would cause n person
to believe that there Is n paper pub-
' ( shod somewhere for everyman man ,
woman ami child In Nebraska , but It
is an erroneous Impression. U is pos
sible , however , that tlioro nro more
papers published , population consid
ered , than In any other state In the
union. Every town , nearly , supportIng -
Ing a postolllco , n blacksmith shop ,
and a grocery , has Its paper. Wo nro
a literary people and 'it speaks well
far our Intelligence that wo like to
keep up with the doings of the world ,
and particularly with the movements
of tbo people of the Imemdlato vicin
ity. Many families hnvo from three
to n dozen pnpors coming to tholr
homes every week , nnd not n few tnko
three or four dallies , and they rend
them all , and not only find pleasure
in so doing , but gain valuable Informa
tion tbat they could acquire In no
other manner. Most of those reading
the dally and weekly press , save many
times the cost of subscription through
tholr ability to locate the choice bar
gains offered through Us advertising
columns ; also by being Informed on
Investments tbat are right , and
through being posted on frauds that
are not tenderly treated by the average
ago newspaper nnd whom they can
dodge through tbo Information con
voyed by the press. Nebraska
has many institutions of which It may
well bo proud , but it is possible that
there Is no greater matter for pride
than the well patronized , readable
newspapers that are found in the
house of every Intelligent , enterpris
ing family of the state.
If you HOC u headline , "Tho Turks
llnvo Lost. Their Heads , " you need
not nt oiico conio to the conchiHlon
tliut there In inoro nnil startling IIOWH
from tlm lanil of the nullnii not nt
thIB season of the your.
It IH now lint n Hhort tlntu until
Phanhsglvlng , and there nro still n
largo nuinbor of funillloH who Imvo no
prospect of being able to dig down
In tholr itockotH and find the price
: > f u turkey with which to grace thulr
Anyway the people of Nobrafllm
hnvo tbolr wenlhor and clean , pure In
vigorating air to bo thankful for , but
Homo of thorn Ilnd that the inoro No-
briiHUa air they luke the greater Is
their appotlto for something IOHS
The Sioux City Journal bus looked
over the record and fliulfl that the
sonata ban done nothing In open sos
slon except receive Smoot petitions
and Carrie Nation. Hvon that la a
good deal inoro than should bo asked
of an ordinary set of men.
It Is said that the turkeys tbat re
tain n reasonable amount of tbo neck
have now followed the price up and
are roosting HO high that tbo avorngo
family who has not yet supplied the
center piece for their Thanksgiving
dinner may bo compelled to fall back
on pork and beans or liver.
If everyone will but listen to the
calamity wallers , and bollovo them
n ml become discouraged , quit Invest
ing , and quit buying , there will bo cal
amity Hiiro enough , but fortunately
there appear to bo about a dozen op
timists to every pessimist In tbo
country , and with this advantage ,
the prosperity of the land can never
bo phased.
If congress does decide to Invite
Cuba to become a portion of this
great country , it will not bo obliga
tory for that government to accept
the Invitation , In fact tt Is first doubt
ful If tbo Invitation will bo accepted ,
and It Is further questionable If tbo
people of the country would approve
of such an Invitation being given.
I'orbaps the real Inspiration for
Colombia's opposition to the Panama
canal Is that by digging through tbo
Isthmus South America will no longer
have connections with North Amer
ica. The two continents will bo sep
arate and distinct , and the southern
continent does not like tbo idea of
severing all connections with the
good and enterprising slice of coun
try to tbo north.
It Is easier to earn money than to
borrow It.
About the worst thing tbat can
happen a man is to bo appointed on
a committee.
An Atcblson love affair has reached
that state where every one Is call
ing "Time ! "
Criticism Isn't much better than
gossip , having the same family blood
in its veins.
When a woman is a leader of society
her husband bas more sympathy than
she knows about.
Are unhappy married couples more
numerous than formerly , or are they
talking more about It ?
Nobody was over as proud as a
colored man with a gun , ami a half
dozen cottontails dangling to his belt.
Wo have never been robbed by
sure-enough thieves , but wo bavo
been robbed many times by schemers.
A woman's Idea of a good joke Is to
have the baby make Us father a lot
of trouble when It Is loft In bis care.
A certain smart citizen of Atchlson
Is still popular , but people do say ho
bas been shrinking a good deal lately.
A man not only bas trouble with
bis own hair coming out , but the wo
man's which comes out on his shoul
As a reporter , wo confess that when
the weather Is very cold , wo remain
longer in a warm olllco than Is nec
There are lots of pangs In mother
life. One Is when the baby's foot begins -
gins to get large , and Is no longer a
A man called at this office today
and referred to a number of small
children who were living with a wid
owed father.
When blamed for something you
didn't do accept It. If you pass It on
to the right shoulders you are blamed
There Isn't anything finer than the
prldo parents take In their children ,
or anything more pitiful' when the
children don't deserve It.
What has become of the old fash
ioned spit ball that struck the right
person In the right spot , and no one
would ever toll who sent It ?
An unmarried man perhaps may
think that the greatest thing In the
world Is love , but the battle scarred
veteran of matrimony thinks It Is
When a stranger calls on us wo
never drag him around and Introduce
him to the "business men. " A strang
er never likes It , and the business
men don't like It.
An Atchlsou girl Is so away up In
tbo world that slio finds fault with
the meals on a dining car. Heretofore
a on a dining car has been re
garded by Atchlson people as an event.
It means something when a woman
picks 4i piece of lint off a man's coat ,
nit nothing more Is left to bo said
when ho notices a hairpin Is dropping
out of her hair , and pushes It up.
Nonsense rhymes bavo become tire
some but hero Is a good one : There
was a young man of Clyde , who at a
funeral was espied. When asked
who Is dead ? "I don't know , " ho said.
'I only came for the ride. "
A woman will visit Atchlson short
ly who claims to bo working for the
good of the people , but she really
works for her pocket all the time.
There nro so many Isucs and Isms
that wo arc afraid to name her , but
you will know her.
An Atchlson man has patented a
device for getting rid of bores. When
n bore meets him on the street , nnd
bnngs on forever , the man says :
"Thoro goes a woman I want to get
away from. You. will please excuse
me. " The bore usually laughs good
naturedly and says : "All right ; you
bet 1 know how that Is. "
An Atchlson young man recently
called on a young lady to whom he
was engaged , and was arrested for
trespass. There nro believed to bo
many other cases of trespass in the
city , and there Is every indication
tbat they need the attention of tbo
police. What Is the difference be
tween going on a man's promises and
stealing coal , and going on the place
to burn up a man's coal in his own
stove. ? A man who entered a man's
house and stole food would bo arrest
ed. How about It when the young
man enters the front door and eats
Dutch lunches and keeps the ojd man
awake until midnight ?
The Lancaster Guide , edited by B.
F. Spencer , has suspended publica
tion. In a long valedictory , It says :
"There are so many conflicting Inter
ests that wo dare not print the news.
There are so many different notions
about everything , and so many ways
of Inflicting punishment , that we do
not dare print an opinion. Therefore
wo have concluded to suspend tbo pa
per and engage In farming. A farm
er can express an opinion occasion
ally without being boycotted , for the
reason that the people don't hear
about It. " Wo are afraid , too , but we
will bo excused for saying that there
Is a good deal In Brother Spencer's
An enemy that fears yn Iz not a
very dangerous one.
I don't know what Iz the most do-
llslius to bo pralzed or to be plttyed.
Miners , az bad az they are , are bet
ter citizens than spendthrifts are.
We kan trace most ov the joy and
sorrow in tills world right back to
The purson who Is really devout
doesn't hnv to hunt for a church to
worship In.
Civil war iz like a light in n family
It never waz known to bo thorough
ly healed yet.
Extravagance begets poverty , and
poverty begets so many children that
they all havn't got names.
A dandy Iz an Individ' 'al whozo
usefulness could run through with ,
and then have the fit ov hiz clos.
Yu kan Judge more ov a man's kar-
akter from hiz eye than from onny
other organ ; next to that comes hiz
Often the great mistake Iz to make
the boy fit the profoshun Instead ov
making the profeshun fit the boy. In
this way wo loose good taylors and
git very common lawyers and klergy-
Mankind nro a race of coquettes ,
burning for temtasbun ; oven vlrtow
herself luvvs once In a while to flirt
with the devil.
Books won't edukato a man enny
more than n gun , powder and ball
will got him venison , unless ho knows
how to load and fire.
Tharo are two kinds ov men that
fear makes pbools ovv them tlmtnro
nfnuio ov nothing , and them that are
afrado ov everything.
One-tenth part of the labor and
anxiety that men display to acquire
fame on earth would establish their
reputashun In heaven forever.
The more a man learn In this life
the more bo dlskovers his Ignorance :
life ain't long enough to educate a
man to the full extent of hiz abllltys.
Mankind won't learn from the ex
perience ov each other ; every lioddy
Iz anxious to see how near he kan go
to the mule's heels without being klkt.
There never waz tin estate yet but
what a spendthrift who * understood
hihlzznczz could run through with ,
and they hnv many years ov an or
dinary life to bo dependent and mis
erable In.
Itumor hax n thousand tungs , no
The very poor haz no friends , nor
oven relasbuns.
Tharo never wuz n wlzo man yet
who wax a wicked one.
Thozo who luv mutiny seldom luv
mnythlng else az mutch.
The misfortunes that we bring on
ourselfs all hav double teeth.
I would rather llv In a wilderness
than hav n bad man for n nnbor.
Tbo lowest sent may not bo the
most pleasant but Jt Iz generally the
Sum people nro not hnppy unless
they nro in pursuit ov something Inv
If yu tnko rumntizm out ov old age ,
thare Isn't much of ennytblng else
to brag on.
The most generous men wo hav
are often the hardest ones to collect
a debt from.
I doubt whether onny man yet
over spent a whole day ov unalloyed
Good and cvul go cluss by each
other now , just az they did In the
garden ov Eden.
It Iz a grate art to play the phool
well ; good phools arc the scarcest
things In the market.
Obstinacy looks well enough In a
mule or gatepost , but It Iz neither or
namental nor iisophul In man.
Mankind won't profit by experience ;
the world makes a , many blunders
now az It did before the flood.
It iz a fakt , I bolcavo , tbat man
kind will get sicker ov enny thing
else quicker than they will ov fight
Thare Iz nothing quite so tedus az
the man who tels yu the same old
storys over again every time he
meets yu.
The tung Iz the only member ov
the boddy wo hav kumplcto kuntrol
over , and still It Jz the one that nmks
us the most trouble.
Stilt Wnlkurn ( if Frniice.
In the south of Franco stilts are a
necessity to the people , who are mostly
shepherds. They must walk on stilts In
order to oversee their vast ( locks of
sheep as well as to pass through the
These shenlierds men. women and
children walk continuously on stilts
from six to eight feet high. These
stilts are merely fastened to the feet.
Sometimes the stilts have uprights
reaching as far as the knees and bound
firmly to the legs.
Generally these shepherds and shep
herdesses carry lonn poles , whidi they
can use olthor as balancing poles or as
supports very long canes , as It were
reaching to the ground. They become
so expert In stilt walking that It is no
unusual sight to see a shepherdess
striding along on stilts that raise lior
elx feet above the urnund. with her
balancing pole strapped to her bad ;
and her hands busily knitting socks for
buslmnd. son or brother.
The complete unconcern with which
these country folk make their way
along on stilts Is astonishing. One
might almost say that the children
have stilts given to them Instead of
cradles. Washington Star.
Miixlral TOUCH.
A stringed Instrument suspended In
n favorable position near a pianoforte
will sound when tones corresponding
to the open strings are produced on the
pianoforte. The volume of the answer
ing tone will depend upon the atmos
pheric conditions , the quality and color
of the persuading tone and the sensi
tiveness of the responding material.
There Is a familiar anecdote told of a
famous tenor who by singing the tone
that was consonant with that of a
wineglass could make the glass shiver
so violently that It would fall to pieces.
It Is because of this tonal sympathy
that the cause of a harsh , rattling
tone flint may suddenly appear In a
pianoforte Is detected with dillleulty
Though It may appear to be In the In
strumont. It Is often far away and may
come from a loose globe or pendant on
a chandelier. Even a key In a door has
been known to be the guilty cause.
Tin * Cry For Help.
From the cradle to the grave the cry
of mankind Is for "help , " We are all
In search of a physician , some one who
will help us , some one who will In
spire us give us a remedy , point us
the way. Not the poor and the sick
alone , but the rich and the strong , are
crying out for help. Sometimes It Is
the doctor we want ; sometimes It is
the banker ; sometimes It Is tbo clergy
man. And yet the doctor , the banker
and the clergyman are human , and
they nre crying for help nlonc with
When you can't cat break
fast , take Scott's Emulsion.
When you can't eat bread
and butter , take Scott's
Emulsion. When you have
been living on a milk diet and
want something a little more
nourishing , take Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a 4
great fattener , a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues , not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them allr
bone , flesh , blood and
For invalids , for con '
valescents , for coasumptives ,
for weak children , for all
who neeo1 flesh , Scott's
Emulsion is a rich and com
fortable food , and a natural
Scott's Emulsion for bone ,
Hesh , blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free sample. .
Ik sure that this pidurc-
In the form of n labtI i on
tli wraoperofvery bottle
of Emulsion you Iniy.
409 Pearl St. , N. Y.
_ 50c. and $ i i
tne rest of us. Those whom w. thlnlr
the strongest are weak , and those
whom we think the weakest are strong.
We cannot stand alone. We all need
help. We must help one another until
the end. Schoolmaster.
Tin 1'li.VNlclnii.
A popular Impression prevails that ,
the physician , by reason of the privi
leges conferred upon him by the state.
If. In the absence of an adequate rea
son for not so doing , required to respond
spend to all calls to render professional
services. This Is clearly erroneous , ex
cept where the physician has already
undertaken the treatment of the case-
or except where he Is an ofllcer of the-
government charged with specific du-
tits which be thereby violates.
On the IllKli SI-UN.
At the bow of the steamer sit the two-
happy young people.
"How sweet It seems tonight ! " sighs
the girl. "How sweetly solemn Is the-
view spread before us ! Even the sea
seems to be sleeping as it lies so placid
ly ahead of the boat. "
"Yes. love. " agrees the young man.
"It Is asleep In front of the boat , but
It Is a wake behind. " .ludgo.
\othliiK llmm-nimlo. \
Mrs. ( indillo I see you're going Infer
for society. Has your daughter made-
her debut yet ?
Mrs. Nnrltch Well , I should say not.
SIu > not all them things made to order
In Paris. Philadelphia Prous.
Kl\lii ( lie Illume.
"The trouble ain't witli the farm , "
said the old man. "If the farm didn't
have to do anything but support Itself ,
It could be made to pay. but It don't
seem to be able to carry the burden of
us livln * on It. so I reckon we're to
blamo.-CliIuago Post.
osng nil Opportunity.
"The curtain goes up at 8:1. : . so we'll
be just in time. "
"But If we have a box it really seems
n shame to be so punctual. " Mrooklyn
Some peon' " nit you to give thorn
everything fi nothing , including your
life , your liberty ( your labor ) and your
niin ulf of linnuinosq Scbnnlinnstpr.
C/ .
"My wife had a deep-seated cough
for three years. 1 purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
large size , and it cured , her com
pletely. "
J. H. Burge , Macon , Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs , all
coughs , except deep ones I
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
Three iliei : 25c. , JOc. , Jl. All dranliti.
Coniult your doctor. If lie say * take It.
then do m lie laji. If ho lulli y < m not
to take It. then don't take It. lie " " " " .
Leate It with him. Wo are willing.
J. C. ATEH CO. , Lowell , Mail. V