The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 20, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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    ! < * -
Carries Fifty No. 3 Shot in His
Back and Hands.
Ono Old Duck Llca at the Point of
Denth Because of n Row Over Cards ,
Another a Drokcn Rib nnd Six
ty-Five Will QO to Omaha Monday.
Nlobrarn , Neb , Nov. 11. From a
Staff OorroHpondnnt : With Ilfty No.
8 liind tihotH pli'rc'lni ; both hlH InuiilH
nnd gashing the renter of IIH ! back ,
Bmllli Whlpplo , an Indian on tlio Santee -
too rouorvatlon , Ili'a at Iho point of a result of an all round row
In which MOHOHVhtpplo opened llro.
The trouble came over a game of
cards at the rosorvatlon. DoHlihm the
torrlblo Bhootlng of Smith Whlpplo ,
Can-in Whlpplo was almost beaten
to donth and Is mifforlm ; from a brok
en rib and olhor Horloiia wonnilH.
Hnd Dccn Drinking.
The Indlaim had boon drinking and
Amos Xlmmcnnnn wnn tiUo arnmlod.
MOHOH Whlpplo , the man who did the
Rhootlng , Is In jail and will bo taken
to Oinahti before the grand Jury on
Monday. Slxty-llvo Indians as wit
nesses will bo taken , also , and they
will occupy a special car.
Captain H. J. Young , chief of the
Indian police , arrested the shooter ,
who Is u cousin of Captain Young.
U. S. Marshal Allen of Omaha was
hero and drove ever ty the reservation
to learn the particulars.
Bids nro to be Opened by the Govern
1 * ment January 1.
Nlobrnra , Nob. , Nov. 1-1. From a
fitnft Corrospondunt : JamoB Car-
voy Is here taking depositions upon
the land of deceased Indians.
The land of Indians who have
dlod on the Pouca and Santco agen
cies Is to bo sold by tlio government
to the highest bldijors. For the pur
pose of certifying to death , Mr. Gar-
voy has como and a number of the
Indians wore hero yesterday to glvo
There Is some good land In tlio lot
nnd somu lively scrambles are al
ready on for the choicest acres. Bids
are sent to the government nnd will
be opened January 1.
Four Spnns are About Finished but
Work May be Delayed for Material.
Nlobrarn , Neb. , Nov. M. From a
Staff Correspondent : The now bridge
ever the Nlobrara rlvor six miles from
lioro Is fast uoarliig completion under
1 Foreman T. W. Trowbrldgo's super
vision. Already three OS-foot spans
are done and a fourth will bo llnlsltod
the llrst of next week. After that It
Is thought that material will delay for
como time.
Nlobrara Notes.
The now brick yard here Is now
turning out tlrst clnss pressed blocks
of clay nnd at a fast rate. All now
machinery has boon put In and It Is
thought there Is a good Hold for the
4- output.
4r The mill here Is running full force ,
turned by the power from Nlobrarn's
very Mtparlor artesian well. Twenty-
five hundred gallons of water turn
out every minute.
The NIobrnrn Valley bank hns Just
moved Into Its handsome now build
ing on Main street. This is a beau
tiful structure , two stories high , and
mndo of fine fnco brick. The furnl-
turo Is as handsome as anything In
If. north Nebraska.
August Wagner Dies nnd Three Other
Members of the Family nre Sick.
Another Case In Town.
Pllgor , Nov. II. Special to The
Mows : August Wagner , a highly re-
ApoctM young man 20 years of ago ,
died Thursday night of typhoid fever ,
nftor an Ulnos s of Uiroo weeks. The
fimoral will bo hold tomorrow after
noon at 1 o'clock from the Methodist
Church and Interment will bo In the
Pllgor comotory. Three1'others of the
family , who live In the eastern part
of town , a sister and two brothers ,
are prostrated with the sumo disease.
The father dlod sovornl yenrs ago nnd
August has been the nmln support of
the family. They own the mill but it
hns not boon operated for some tlmo ,
and bo has boon working at what ho
could got to do.
Chaa. Kowo Is also sick with typhoid
favor , nnd has boon for two weeks.
Mart Mella Kills a Large Grey Eagle
Saturday Night.
Last Saturday while Mart Molla and
a few friends were out hunting coons
on the llsand west of Grotna , Mart
caw a largo bird perched on n trco
which bo thought wns n largo hoot
owl. Ho shot at it and brought It to
( Jio ground. But what was his sur
prise to find that It was a largo groy
oaglo. Ho brought the bird to town
Saturday nnd Its wings measured
seven fool nnd ono-fourth inch from
Up to Up. The eagle Is a bird very
rarely seen In this part of Nebraska.
Wo bollovo this ono that Sir. .MeJln
killed is the first over killed in Sarpy
county. The bird was not torn at all
t !
by the uliot nnil IH tin elegant spec !
ini'ii of thu imtlonnl eagle.
I'atny McDonald piirolmsoil It mid
IIIIH until It to Onmliu to n tnxldormlst
where Itvll lie inoiintoil. HoslilontB
of tliu 1'latto anil Hlkhorn bottoms
say that they Imvo noticed a pair of
thoHU hitgo lilnlH for Bovcral days Hy
ing down there and It Is proHiimod
Hint tlio ono Mr. Molla shot was om-
of those. Mart has tlio honor of being
Ihu llrnt man to over kill an eagle
In Western Sarpy. They also got a
largo fat coon that nninu night. Tlio
hottoin snoms to ho proficient In all
hinds of Kami ) thlfl year. A few
inoiiUiii ago u largo animal resembling
a pnntlior wan soon down the rlvnr
mid now thin oaglo. U IH Raid that
Ilio hunters of the YollowHtono Gun
club , who tire camped on an Inland
want of town nro keeping n Bhtirp look
out for the niato of the dead onglo ,
and will try to got It. Hut wo bollovo
that Mr. Mollu can root onny , for the
tauii'ls will not bo taken from him In
a long tlmo , If ovor. ( Jrotna Broo/o.
Greflory County Ploncern Return from
Visit to Homo of their Youth.
Fairfax. S. 1) . , Nov. 1C. Spoclal to
The NOWB : Mr. nnd Mrs. U. N. Plpor
rotuniud last evening from tliolr visIt -
It to Ohio. This IB tholr first visit to
the homo of tholr youth In forty years.
Mr. IMpor In ono of Gregory county's
oldest settlers , having moved to the
county from Wood Lake In the year
W. H. Day Is building n Inrgo addi
tion to hlB rosldonco.
Mrs. M. B. Stnrchor has boon on
the olck list for the past Week but Is
reported ua bolng much bottor.
Among the Sunday visitors from out
of town were Mr. Kroil Matoushokand
MlBS Sanders , Mr. .lohn Barnes , of
Spencer , Nob. , Jndgo Maxnm , nnd
Kdltor Armstrong of Butte , Nob.
The Francla Croon Co. are here and
expect to ontortaln us at the opera
HUUBO thin wool ; .
Game Will be Played Saturday With
Bender nnd Wilson on the Tenm ,
Affidavits Sent.
Lincoln , Nov. 13. The university
of Nebraska and Kansas have settled
tholr differences growlngoutof the pro
testing by the Jawhawkers of Bender
and Wilson , Nebraska players , and the
football elevens representing the two
Institutions will moot on the gridiron
at Lawrence.
This happy conclusion to the con
troversy was reached after It seemed
almost certain that disagreement
might load to a permanent rupture of
athletic relations.
Nebraska's llnal decision was tol-
uphoncd to the Kansas board which
was that the two Nebraska players
charged with professionalism had re
futed the allegation In affidavits and
that Kansas should withdraw the pro
test If the game was to bo played.
The board at Lincoln received the
following message from Lawrence :
"Under the circumstances wo waive
objections to playing Homier and Wil
son , but still request the affidavits , "
In response Nebraska wired as fol
lows :
"Will come. Affidavits on way. "
The Nebraska board has Issued a
atnti'inent of the dispute , and hoping
for amicable athletic relations In the
With the Holiday Two Weeks Away
the Birds are Now Selling at
Twenty Cents a Pound.
Omaha , Nov. 10. Judging from
present Indications the Thanksglv
Ing turkey Is going to cost a little
more this year than over before.
Although It Is yet a little early In
the season to Judge accurately , loca
commission men say that all reports
Indicate a decided shortage In the
supply. A few turkeys are coming In
but not In sufficient quantities to lower
or prices.
With the exception of last season
which was a high year for turkeys
the birds In the past have usually soli
for about 12 cents per pound alive
or 1C cents per pound dressed. Las
year the supply was short and prices
went as high as 18 conta for the
Thanksgiving trade.
This year , with Thanksgiving al
most two weeks off , turkeys are al
ready retailing at 20 cents a pound
While prices usually increase as
Thanksgiving approaches , yet loca
commission men are of the opinion
that the present prlco la so prohlb
Itlvo that It will reduce the demand
to such an extent that prices will no
advance to more than 22 cents n
the most.
Protesting Jayhawkers Endeavoring
to Take Honors from the Corn-
buskers Otherwise than Bluff.
Lawrence , Kas. , Nov. 14. Spocla
to The News : The Kansas-Nobras
ka footbnll game Is on this nftornoo
before the largest crowd over bofor
assembled on the homo grounds t
watch n contest of lootball.
The Nebraska team and the crow
that accompanied H wore given
noisy demonstration by the Knim
people and fioro Is every IndlcaUoi
that the battle will bo hard fough
and Interesting.
You Hear
the Sign
They All Call B. W. Jonas a
Wizard For Fair.
How a Man Named Allen and His
Bride , Who Were in Butte From
Anoka , Were Bothered by the Cruel
People at the Oxford Hotel.
[ From Momlnv's Dnlly. ]
"That man Jonas , " said a commer
cial traveler of Lincoln who came
In from the north nnd Sundayod in
Norfolk , "Is about the best ever in
his line of business. He's the follow
who stands at the general delivery
window at the postolllce and ho Is
certainly a wonder. Ho has a repu
tation all along the line with the
boys nnd If ho isn't Just the best there
Is In the state I don't want a cent.
"Three weeks ago I came Into
Norfolk for the first time. I called
at the window and got three letters.
Then I wont away and he didn't see
mo again until today. I walked Into
the office , followed the long line Into
place and finally got up to the win-
dow. Without a minute's hesitation
Mr. Jonas called mo by name nnd
said , 'Hero are two letters for you. '
He had never seen mo In his llfo but
onco. It had been three weeks in
the meantime and thousands of other
strangers had passed that window.
I bad heard of him on the road
among the boys , but I really didn't
take much stock In tholr stories.
"The boys toll mo that he will pass
through n hotel corridor and will
spot every man In the room by his
"Mght name even men whom bo has
'lover ' seen but once and that in the
rush that Is always on at the general
delivery department. Why in towns
out in the country I have to toll them
my name every single week and that
nan Is n wizard if there over was
one. "
One On the Groom.
A. II. Winder , n well known trnv-
> lor out of Norfolk who soils shoes ,
'irlngs a good story from Butte , Nob.
' nst week , on Friday night , there
as a imwly married couple up at
lutte. Alien was the groom's name
ml that was the bride's name too ,
t a matter of fact , Mr. and Mrs.
Mien were up from Anoka nnd had
mio to Hutto on their honeymoon.
phey stopped at the Oxford -hotel.
luring the supper tlmo some of the
oys In the corridor thought of a
chomo nnd stole the wedding H-
.onse which Mr. and Mrs. Allen had
carefully rolled up nnd put among
tholr lugnagp. A blank paper was
( substituted. Allen , by the way , had
forgotten to register when he came
In. Along about midnight and the
night was cold ono of the travelers
who was waiting to take the 'bus for
Auoka. was unanimously elected night
clerk nnd It appeared to bo clearly
Ills duty to go up nnd llml out the
man's name so that .ho might bo ac
curately registered on the book.
Allen wanted to know If he'd have to
register that night. "That Is the rule
of the house , " said the newly ap
pointed night clerk , "and besides
there Is some question as to your
marriage license. " So Allen came
down In the cold , cold air and reg
istered. Then ho went to produce
his license and drew a blank. Ills
face turned pale and ho knew not
what to do until the Joke was ex
plained nnd It wns called ono on the
new married man.
She Was Playing With Matches and
Her Clothing Caught Fire With
Fatal Results.
Tobias , Neb. , Nov. 13. Special to
The News : A little girl by the name
of Eido was playing with matches this
morning , when ono of thorn was ig
nited , her clothing caught lire and
she was so badly burned that she died
shortly after.
No Wonder He Is Insane.
A writer In the Port England Mir
ror , a newspaper published by luna
tics In an asylum located at Gra-
hamstown , South Africa , gives the
following reasons for his detention :
" 1 met a young widow with n
grown stop-daughter and the widow
married me. Then my father , who
was a widower , met my stepdaughter
ter and married her. That made my
wife the mother-in-law of her fathor-
ln-lnw , and made my step-daughter
my mother and my father my stop-
son. Then my step-mother the stepdaughter -
daughter of my wife , had a spn.
That boy was , of course , my brother ,
because ho was my father's son. Ho
was also the son of my wife's step
daughter and , therefore , her grand
son. That made mo grandfather to
my step-mother. Then my wlfo had
a son. My mother-in-law , the step
sister of my son , is also his grand
mother , because he Is her stop-son's
hllrt. My father Is the brother-in-
law of my child , because bis step
sister is my wife. 1 am the brother
of my own son , who Is also the child
of my stop-grandmother. I am my
, i' „ . { , i , ot' , my wlfo Is
my own child's aunt , my son Is my
father's nopbow , and I am my own
Havlicek & Gross1 Store Rob
bed of $600.
Robbers Traced to the Peyton Ranch ,
Southwest ofVerdlgre Sheriff Joins
the Trailers This Morning at 9
O'clock and Will Help in Search.
Crelghton , Neb. , Nov. 1C. Special
to The News : Burglars broke into
the general merchandise store of Hav
licek & Gross at Verdlgro about 2
o'clock Sunday morning and carried
oft a lot of valuable goods of the firm.
An early estimate of the loss made by
the company ds that not less than ? GOO
worth of silks and other valuable
goods were taken from their shelves.
The Oakland bloodhounds were tel
egraphed for as soon as the robbery
was discovered and they arrived with
their trainer yesterday and were at
once placed on the trail. The track
of the robbers was followed as far as
the Peyton ranch , southwest of Verdl
gro last night and there the traitors
rested up.
Deputy Sheriff John L. Burns , who
was elected sheriff at the last election ,
was summoned and left Creighton at
an early hour this morning , expecting
to Join the posse at tlio Peyton ranch
at 9 o'clock , when the search will bo
continued and it is hoped to have the
thieves apprehended before night.
Magnificent Work of Nebraska's Cap
tain Saved Defeat and Won Vic
tory at Lawrence.
Lincoln , Nov. 1C. Johnnlo Bender
and his cornhuskors were given a
warm greeting when they arrived
homo from Kansas and the student
body received them with open arras.
Captain Bender Is distinctively the
here of the university today for It was
ho who won Saturday's game against
the old time enemy Kansas. The
line plunging and the yards gained
stand In the .Tayhawkors' favor but
Captain Bender saved the day and
" nnn mom tbo Nnbrn kn boys return
with a no-scoro victory.
At ono tlmo Kansas had the ball on
the two-yard line and only by a mar
velous brace \\.is . the goal kent c'oir.
Bender caught a Kansnn who had
dashed for sixty yards down the field
mil who. It sonmod. hid an Inevitable
touchdown bnforo him. With a ( ly
ing tackle the husky little Nobrnsknn
nailed the runner and saved the day.
Again on a trick play , when the game
wns nearly done , Bender dashed
through the mass of players and made
a wonderful run , scoring for his team.
Perry of Norfolk alternated at right
tackle with Robertson.
A Little Loss
of strength and flesh , llttlo barking ,
obstinate cough and a llttlo pain in
the chest may not moan galloping
consumption , but they are signs that
prudence will not neglect. A few
doses of Alllen's Lung Balsam cause
a free discharge of mucus and so \
loosens the cough. It heals the In
flamed air passages and all Its work
Is accomplished without a grain of
People Believe In It. I
It ha been cynically said that any
thing can be sold by advertising now-
n-dnys. This is not so. Many l
nionts have been advertised but only
one Perry Davis' Painkiller has
stood the test of sixty years' use. To
day Its popularity is greater than
ever nnd Is based not upon what any
body says but upon what the remedy
does. There is but ono painkiller ,
Perry Davis * .
are the most fatal of all dis
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles *
PRICE 50& and $1.00.
Sold by Klesau Drug Co.
A FREE game inside
each package of
Lion Coffee
GO different games.