The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 20, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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II * !
Goes Into Effect on that Road
Next Sunday.
Trains Most Affected nro the One from
Omnha nt Noon and Those Leaving
for Bonestcel nnd Long Pine Short
ly After.
IKrom Tlnirmliiy'H Dnllv ]
The long oxpcctod and much spec
ulated upon now I line card ROOM Into
effect on the Chicago and North weal-
em railroad next Sunday. Contrary
to ovpootalloim there are no material
cluuiKOH of tlmo HO far aa Norfolk IH
ooiicoi ned The Ki'ontoHt change In
In the Hoiu'Mlcul piiHuongor , now ar
riving al the .turnsInn ! at 11:55 : a.m. ,
which iindor HID now Huhodnlo will
not nrrlvo until 12:115. : llomalnlng
there Iwonty mlnuton for dinner ,
the train will Innvo the Junction for
lloMOHtuol al 12r : > n , and will leave the
u-to\Mi | depot at 1:05. : Thin makoH
the Honosloul train fifteen mltiuloB
later nut of the city dopnl than now.
Tito Long Pine paHi'Hiigor , which
niakoH I'onnoctlon here with the Bono-
fllool train froth Omaha , will leave the
Junction imdor > tlm now Hchedulo at
1 o'clucU Instead of 12:20. :
E The Deadwood fast freight , No. 119 ,
will arrive at the Junction from the
eiiHt at 10:55 : a. m. , Instead of II
o'clock. The leaving tlmo for the
west will ho the muno as now , 12:30 :
p. in. Freight No. 01 from the west
will arrive at the Junction at 7 p.
m. Instead of ( i-l5. : Some of the
freight trains are Hcodnlod to arrive
and depart from the now freight
yards Instead of from the Junction.
One nilnutu changes nro made In
freights No. 39 , Til10 , 02 and 11G.
The morning train for Omaha
will depart at the same old tlmo , 0:03 :
from the up-town depot and 0:30 : from
the Junction. There IH no change In
the time of the Black Hills train ,
which will arrive from the east at
7:30 : and depart at S o'clock. This
train will hereafter make regular
slops al Clearwater , where It has
only been stopping to leave passen
gers. The train from the Black Hills
will arrive at 12:20 : the same as now
and depart at 12:10. :
Mr. Tyler Tello of the Progress of the
Plans for the New Norfolk Hos
pital for the Insane.
The following letter from State
Architect .lames Tyler , Jr. , to Hurt
Mapos of this city concerning the
statutes of the plans for the Norfolk
hospital for the Insnno. nnd the pros
pects for the early letting of the con
tract contains a little additional In
formation to Unit secured by W. M.
Robertson at Lincoln , and gives a
few reasons for the delay In visiting
Norfolk. It is ovldont that the pro-
limlnnrioa to the robnlldlng nro well
In hand and that there will bo some
thing doing on the hill as early as
the weather will permit In the spring.
Following is the loiter :
Lincoln , Nob. , Nov. 17. Mr. Rnrt
Mapea , Norfolk , Nob. Dear Sir :
Yours of the llth , hint. , at hand. I
wish to suy that It was my Intention
to bo there on the tlrst of this month ,
but the repair work on all the build
ings of the state , which I have to see ,
oven to the llttlo details , have kept
mo very busy to get thorn In before
the cold weather sets In.
I can sny that I have made a good
showing ; the steam nnd plumbing
have kept mo at the penitentiary , Mil
ford and Grand Island. I am working
on the plans and will have them ready
so the contractor can llgnro on them
January , 1901.
I understand that the board Is com
Ing up soon. One reason that I have
not been up there Is that my railroad
fare and expenses are not provided
and as I have to wait for my salary
for 1C months , It makes money mat
ters tight.
Trust yon will look at this in the
right light and understand the clrcum
stances In which L am situated. You
can toll your people up there that wo
are going on with the plans.
I will have the board take up the
matter of expense , thanking you for
the kindness you and your people
have shown , I am ,
Yours Very Respectfully ,
James Tyler , Jr.
Miss Halo of Battle Crook was
Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Moses has returned from
visit with her parents at Crotghton.
O. A. Williams of the firm of Jack
son & Williams of Nollgh was a Nor
folk visitor Thursday.
J. M. Colemnn was In the city 01
business from Cody yesterday , re
turning on the night train.
E. R. Spragno of Elgin Is In the cit >
on his way homo from Sioux City
whore ho went with a carload o
The Ladles' guild will meet tomor
row afternoon with Mrs. Leonard a
2:30. : All members nro requested to
attend as there is work to bo done.
The dance given by company L las
night In the Marqnnrdt hall was vor >
well attended and proved highly enJoyable
Joyablo to those who wore present
Company L linn a reputation of glv-
iiB highly enjoyable dancing parties
nd that of last night wan no excop-
Ion to tlio rulo.
i-H , M. P. Hultor of Chndron Is vis-
thiK lior nlHtor , Mm. S. V. Dunn.
IrH. .Suiter's llttlo girl will receive
lodlciil treatment whllo hero from
no ( if the Norfolk doctoiH.
Lincoln Stnr : The men of the
iIolhodlHl church of Norfolk raised
oino money for the church by ncrv-
ng a mnii'cookod ouppor , hut It looks
Ike a mighty had precedent.
The fiont axle of a f.irmor'fl wagon
oavlly loaded with bouts , Htmppml In
wo yesterday on Main Htront and the
aoclmrliio roots woroHcattorodbroad-
Ht over a considerable section of
lie street.
Charley MJlillItT hack team was
rlghtonod by the parade of the Ton
s'lihtH In n lir ) : Unom company whoti
10 hand and "Carrie Nation" turned
onth on Second street mid decided
o do a runaway Htunt of a few blocks ,
'hoy were caught before any partlc-
lur damage WIIH ilono.
Norfolk dnoH not HCCIII to bo healthy
or plmiihoni. IL. . llomho han boon
Ich for Homo months with typhoid fein -
in * nnd recently W. 11. Utah has'boon
eiiitlnud to bin hoiiso with grit ) . Ho
oetH to bo able to take ) euro of the
rozon pipes of the town , however ,
> y the tlmo of the next freeze up.
If pastors of the churches will re-
toiiihar that The News doslros to pub-
lob Sunday announcements tomorrow
or the boncllt of Its rural route road-
rs , and Rend mich notices to the of-
Ice by noon , they will confer a favor
lot only upon the paper hut upon the
eoplo living near Norfolk who are
ntorcstod In these matters.
The entertainment by the Rohokah
Odd Fellows lodge last night In the
Odd Follows hall was thoroughly ap
roclnted by the Odd Follows and their
nmlllcs In attendance nnd It perhaps
s only the forerunner of future en
oynblo entertainments of like char-
ictor. Games and dancing furnished
umiRomont and cholco refreshments
voro served.
The dray team of O. A. Rlchoy wont
ute the ditch In front of the Fair
Uoro Thursday noon and the strng
glos of the liorscx resulted In tholr
lecomlng tangled up In the harness
o the extent that the harness was
) adly ruined before the animals were
oleascd from their predicament. Mr.
{ Ichoy considers himself fortunate
hut the horses came out of the tangle
The chicken plo dinner given by
ho ladles of the Congregational
ihurch In the vacant room In the Pa
cific block was n decided success.
The chicken plo and the other "Hxln's"
vlth which the guesls were served
voro fair samples of the excellent
llnnors that prevail In Congregational
lomos of the city , and a great crowd
mtnml/.od the Hpread. When the re
olpts arc figured up It will bo found
hat the ladles have netted a nice
sum for tholr treasury.
Hurt Mupcs Is arranging to put a
Htcnm heating plant In his building
hat will heat the Hoffman & Violo
urnlturo sloro and the store of the
N'orl'olU Shoo company. The plpo will
> o attached to the holler that heats
the Mast block and the Hayes Jewelry
store , nnd the tenants will pay a cer
: aln sum each month for tholr heat ,
: > nt It Is considered that It will bo
cheaper and bettor heat than indlvid-
ml plants could furnish. It is ox-
liocled lo have the arrangements com
[ ilctod before the holidays.
Wo may bo able to get the bool
cnso out where wo can use It after
The dignity nnd reverence of the
Senior shows up well at their class
The freshmen net as If they had
boon In the high school for years am !
practically owned the wholething. .
It is understood that the seniors
act like freshmen at tholr class meetIngs
Ings nnd still they expect us to respect
spoct them.
Any way the Freshman class Is It
If ono song has anything to do wltl
it. "The Dutch Company Is the Best
Company. "
Three essays are required of eacl
pupil during his senior year. The
tlrst Is duo on the Friday before the
Christmas vacation.
Some of the girls of the froshmai
class don't seem to nppreclatao the
fact that pupils are supposed to enter
tor the room from the side door.
The Janitor thinks pupils migh
have a llttlo moro care about thho
way they regulate the heat. It seems
that they open the windows with th
heat coming full blast
Any one In the room as the five
minute boll rings at noon would wonder
dor what class was coming In fron
Miss McCoy's recitation room. Tlv
Freshmen girls go In there the very
last thing and got help on tholr a !
gobra problems.
Wo have several buyers for goo
farm lauds. If you have anything In
this line to offer for sale , list then
with us and wo will sell thorn for you
Wo have some excellent bargain
to offer In Oklahoma , Texas , Kansa
nnd Nebraska lands nnd ranches.
Call and see us.
Q. R. Seller & Co.
Norfolk , Nebraska
. .ooks for Relief From the
Supreme Court.
-Its Recent Trial Attracted Attention.
Prosperous Alnaworth and Ita Cat.
tie Interests Long Pine and Its
Attractions Bassett nnd Newport.
AltiBWorth , Neb. , Nov. 19. From a
Itaff Correspondent : Up In the conn-
y jail at this plnco Is ImprlHonod
ho noted Fred M. linns , whoso recent
rial atlractod so much attention
hroughoiit the fllale. Ho Is awaiting
ho dectalon of the supreme court by
vhlclt huVIIH granted a stay. Mr.
Inns Is confident that ho will bo
granted a now trial and thai , In such
vent , ho will ho acqultlod nnd again
undo a free man.
Kvorylhlng about Alnsworlh tolls
f the healthy condition of this sec-
Ion of the Htato and the clltzdns nro
iroHporoits In a highly grnllfylng
nilDr. Supported by a country
vealthy In Its herds the llncst herds
lint the grass of Nebraska pralrlcu
m > duct the business end of this
community Is now , as over , thriving ,
'orlmpa no other section of those
imnd plains sends such bcof to the
.ablos of the moat-eating world ns
bis , the heart of the cattle country.
The people of this town have ono
ulvantngo over their eastern neigh-
> ors which Is worth noting and which
cannot ho appreciated without first
coming hero. On these cold wintry
nornlngs , Alnsworth folk are permit-
cd by a kind fortune nnd the science
of morldlans to sleep just ono hour
ongor than these of Long Pine , and
still get up at the same time. This
s duo to the fact that the tlmo
changes at Long Pine from central to
western so that going west you leave
ng Pine an hour before you arrive
and then sot your watch back to rec
oncile the trouble.
An Ideal Resort In Summer and no
Less Attractive In Winter.
Long Pine , Neb. , Nov. 19. From a
Staff Correspondent : Just 133 miles
west of Norfolk on the Northweslcrn
road , Long Pine Is the terminus of
that portion of the Norfolk division
over which the train crows run , for
t Is hero that railroad men who have
faithfully drawn their heavy tinlns
up the long grade , got off nnd hand
: holr cars to fresh lots of drivers who
lake thorn westward.
Long Pine , which Is an Ideal resort
n summer , Is no less attractive ! dur
ing this frigid season of the year.
With much doing to keep things live
ly , this point looks good to the vlsllor
lust now.
Bassett , the Capital of Rock County ,
Is a Business Place.
Bnssotl , Nob. , Nov. 19. From a
Staff Correspondent : When the men
who drove over the plains along the
101 khorn valley stopped ono night to
camp at this pretty spot and next day
decided to stay right there and await
for future developments , they had tholr
good eyes working well. Today the
site which they selected Is the county
scat of Rock county , and as flour
ishing a town as you could wish to
find In a day's journey and Its name
Is Bassett.
Not many years ago there was ono
building hero and only ono. Now
there Is every sign of a llttlo city
with metropolitan improvements. Bas
sett is illuminated with a gas whoso
brilliancy Is good to look upon. The
buildings are substantial and the
streets are lined with them.
There is some prospect of a rural
route out of hero which will take In
Mills , and it Is to bo hoped that the
men at the head of the movement
may bo successful. According to G.
W. Wilkinson of Mills , an old Boyd
county man , the line will very likely
be cstablshcd.
It was Mr. Wlklnson's homestead
that formed a nucleus for the town ol
Perry , which was at onn tlmo suggest
ed as a railway terminus.
A good deal of fun was created by
the purchase of n horse by W. M ,
Colfax yesterday. Ho bought ono an/
Imnl and at night there were a pair
In the stable that belonged to him
They call It a "horso" on the seller
Newport Has Had an Unusually Pros
perous Season.
Newport , Neb. , Nov. 19. From n
Staff Correspondent : Located
score of miles to the eastward from
the dvlslon terminus of the railroad
and supported by ono of the flnosi
sections of liny lands and cattle graz
Ing fields within the borders of the
golden rod state , is a town which is
Just now glad to bo alive and which
from the looks of Its splendid windows
and buildings has n right to bo. This
Is Newport , the greatest hay ship
ping point in the United States. The
season just passed has been an un
usually good ono for the territory 1m
mediately surrounding this plnco am
the business men , together with their
stock growing friends nro enjoying
the peed effects of It now. Many well
to-do stockmen In this vicinity Intend
to feed through the winter nnd to
await bettor market quotations.
Dnvu Marr was here from Emorlck
L , II. Hutor of Nollgh wan down hero
m business Tueaday.
llalscr Werner has built a now of-
Ice at his Implement shop.
Sam Goodman was down from
Meadow Orovo the first of the week.
Ceiitrnclor ) Chas , Werner nindo a
islncHH trip to Meadow Grove Tues-
Mrs. Gregory Wilkinson was hero
mm Norfolk Saturday visiting rel-
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hnbokost went
e > Chlcage ) Thursday for a visit with
F. .1. Halo , who has boon very sick ,
s out again on the street and shaking
muds with his frlonds.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Staltonherg ,
who Hvo north of Meadow Orovo ,
were shopping In Uattlo Crook Satur-
Friday Goo. S. llerry received 8,000
load of sheep from "Wyoming , which
IP Is going to feed oil his ranch norlh
> f town.
Mlrs. W. II. Ilolf , who was confined
to the room em account of sickness
for nearly two weeks , Is. getting bet-
: er again.
Sam Kurptgowolt of Madison was
visiting here this week with his sons
Leopold and Carl , who Hvo north of
the river.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Sehlnck last Wednesday. Mrs.
Schlack Is a daughter of Mr. Loeschor
of Norfolk.
Fred Melnecko wont to Vordlgro
Monday for a visit with John E. Hall ,
with whom ho Is Interested In lands
In that vicinity.
"A paper like the Norfolk Dally
News Is a credit to the city of Nor
folk and this part of the country , "
said ono of your subscribers the other
Chas. Flares Is the Inventor of a
curtain eyelet nnd has applied for a
patent. Chas. thinks that In the near
future ho won't have to patch harness
any moro.
Henry Stolnnlgor slarted for Penn
sylvanla Tuesday to see his old father ,
who Is 88 years of age , and other rel
atlves. Ho has not been home forever
over thirty years.
L. Flower has occupied John Nel
son's residence In east Battle Creek ,
and fllnco the death of his wlfo Mr.
Nelson Is making his home with II.
II. Kllbnrn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smolok , who
were running a restaurant several
months , left Tuesday for Atkinson ,
where they are going to take up their
domicile protein.
A monument was erected on the
late A. C. Oilman's grave in Hie Union
cemetery Tuesday. Mr. Oilman was
an eld and well known soltlor and used
to live north of town In Dry Hollow.
Frank Wheeler of Plattsmonlh Is
the guest of his brother George
L. II. Cm-berry will glvo the young
people a dance in his now barn Frl
day evening the 20th.
Members of the M. B. A. will give
a dance and oyster supper In their
lodge room Thursday evening the
Mrs. O. M. Moore has returned from
a visit to Hastings and is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. O. D. Munson.
School district No. 25 has obtained
the "Union Sunday School" organ and
now the teacher nnd pupils have music
There will bo n special mooting of
Iho M. B. A. lodge Tuesday ovenlni ;
the 24th , when Frank Scott , director
and S. S. Hayman , state manager ,
will bo present.
Rooms for rent , heated and well
furnished. Gentlemen preferred. 308
South Fifth street.
I have a car of fancy apples In the
old Elseley building opposite the Oxnard -
nard , that will bo sold for 75 cents to
$1 per bushel. They Include North
ern Spy , Baldwins , Greenings and
sweet apples.
J. Adlor.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications , as they can
not reach the seat of the disease. Ca
tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis
ease , nnd in order to cure It you must
take internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure Is taken Internally , and
nets directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
not a quack medicine. It was pro
scribed by ono of the best physicians
In this country for years nnd Is a
regular prescription It Is composed
of the best tonics known , combined
with the best blood purifiers , acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingred
ients is what produces such wonderful
results In curing catarrh. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Props. , Toledo ,
Ohio. Sold by all druggists , price 75c.
Hall's family pills are the best.
There Is no cough medicine so pop
ular ns Foloy's Honey and Tar. It
contains no opiates or poisons and
never fails to cure. Klesau Drug CeDe
Do yon feel mean , tired , fagged out ,
all run down , no llfo ? Why not take
Rocky Mountain Tea ? Makes you
well and keeps you well. The Klesau
Drug Cc.
Anxious Moments.
Some of the most anxious hours of
No disease causes so much bodily discomfort , or itches , and burns like
Eczema. Beginning often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads , followed by pustules or blisters from which n gummy , sticky fluid
oozes which dries nnd scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It ap-
cars on different parts of the body but of tcncst upon the back , arms , hands ,
ace , an is n
torment jn IQOO orloncol nt times patches on the In-
oldo of my hands that itched and burnoel , causing ;
times , especially at much discomfort. As tlmo wont by H
rre > -worse , nnd I wan convinced tliet
night or when over I WIIB attllotod with Eczomn. I con-
heated. sultoel Bovaral physician * anil n num
The of Jtczc- ber of snoclaHiits , uud used several ox-
cause - torniil applications , rooolvintr but
ma is a too acid and sllicht temporary relief. In lobruary
I decided to trr S. 8. S. , and in loss than
general unhealthy
month I experienced achnnffo for the
a HlUiibii * wAiw iw ijw" " * "
dition of the blood , bettor , and by Mixy all symptoms had
The terrifying itching disappeared , and I found myself entire
ly cured , and have Imd .nonreturn ol
and burning is pro the disease since. AV. P. I3H.USII ,
duced by the overflow ManatfT StooUnian'n Advortislnff Aitonoy.
Static .1 A , Kansas City , Mo.
through the glands and
pores "of the skin of the fiery poisons with which the blood-current is over
loaded. While external applications , such as
washes , soaps , salves and powders aresoot hing and
cooling they do not enter into the blood itself or
touch the real cause of the disease , but S. S. S.
docs , and purifies , enriches , and strengthens the
thin acid blood nnd cleanses and builds up the general system , when the
skin clears off and Eczema with all its terrifying symptoms disappears. ,
Semhforour free book on the Skin and its diseases. No charge for
medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , GA *
a mother's llfo are those when the llt-
tlo ones of the household have the
croup. There Is no other medicine
so effective In this terrible malady as
Foley'H Honey and Tar. It Is a house
hold favorite for throat and lung
troubles , and as It contains no opiates
or other person. It can bo safely
given. Klesau Drug Co.
He Could Hardly Get Up.
P. H. Duffy of Ashley , 111. , writes :
"This Is to certify that ave taken
two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure
and It has helped mo moro than any
other medicine. I tried many adver
tised remedies , hut none of them gave
me any relief. My druggist recom
mended Foloy's Kidney Cure and It
has cured mo. Before commencing
Us use I was In such a shape that I
could hardly got up when down. "
Klesau Drug Co.
Foloy's Honey and Tar for coughs
and colds ; reliable , tried and tested ,
safe and sure. Klesau Drug Co.
Physicians Prescribe It.
Many broad minded physicians pro
scribe Foley's Honey and Tar , as they
have never found so safe and reliable
a remedy for throat and lung troubles
as this great medicine.
Klesau Drug Co.
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the
stomach that which It is unable to defer
for Itself , oven when but slightly dis
ordered or over-loaded. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure supplies the natural juices
of digestion and does the work of the
stomach , relaxing the nervous tension ,
while the inllannned muscles of that
organ are allowed to rest and heal.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what
yon eat and enables the stomach and
digestive organs to transform all food
Into rich , red blood. Sold by Klesau
Drug Co.
Miss Annie Enland , Little Falls ,
Minn. "I like Kocky Mountain Tea
\ory much , will not bo without It. "
Greatest remedy on eartli for suffering
women. 33 cents. The Klesau Drug
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Jinlm , which is ngrco-
nbly nroumtic. It is received through the
nostrils , cleanses nnd honls the whole sur-
fnco over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
soil the COc. size ; Trial size by mail , 10
cents. Test it and you nro sure to continue
the treatment.
To ncconmiodato those who nro pnrtial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarr/ial trou
Ma , the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form , which will bo known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Ualtn. Price including the
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Foloy's Honey and Tar always stops
the cough and heals the lungs. Refuse
substitutes. Klesau Drug Co.
A Remarkable Case.
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold , deep-seated on the lungs ,
causing pneumonia , IR that of Mrs.
Gertrude E. Fenner , Marlon , Ind. , who
was entirely cured by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. She says : "Tho
coughing and straining so weakened
mo that I ran down In weight from
148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number pf
remedies to no avail until I used One
Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of
this wonderful remedy cured mo en
tirely of the cough , strengthened my
lungs and restored mo to my normal
weight , health and strength. " Sold
by Klesau Drug Co.
Brings red blood back to your faded
cheeks , restores the flro and vim of
youth. That's what Rocky Mountain
Tea will do. 35 cents In tea or tablet
form. The Klesau Drug Co.
For a Bad Cold.
If you have a bad cold you need a
good reliable medicine like Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to loosen and
relieve it , and to allay the Irritation
and Inflammation of the throat and
lungs. For sale by Klesau Drug Co.
W. A. Herron of Finch , Ark. , writes ,
"I wish to report that Foloy's Kidney
Cure has cured a terrible case of kid
ney nnd bladder trouble that two doc
tors had given up. " Kiesau Drug Co.
Doesn't Respect Old Age.
It's shameful when youth falls to
show proper respect for old age , but
just Is the contrary In the case of Dr
King's Now Life pills. They cut off
maladies no matter how severe and
Irrespective of old ago. Dyspepsia ,
jaundice , fever , constipation nil yield
to this perfect pill. 25c at Asa K. Leon
ard's drug store.
A Good Name.
From personal experience I testify
that DoWltt's Little Early Risers are
unequalled as a liver pill. Thrty- are
rightly named because they' ' glvo
strength and energy nnd do their
work with ease W. T. Eaaton , Boor-
no. Tex. Thousands of people nro us
ing those tiny little pills In preference
to all othorg because they are so
pleasant mrl effectual. They cure bil
iousness , torpid liver , Jaundice , sick
headache , constipation , etc. They do
not purge nnd weaken , but cleanse
and strengthen. Sold by Klesau Drug
Not a Sick Day Since.
"I was taken severely sick with kid
ney trouble. I tried all sorts of med
icines , none of which relieved me.
One day I saw an ad. of your Electric
Bitters and determined to try that
After taking a few doses I felt re
lieved , and soon thereafter was en
tirely cured , and have not seen a
sick day since. Neighbors of mine
have been cured of rheumatism , neu
ralgia , liver and kidney troubles and
general debility. " This Is what B. F.
Bass , of Fremont , N. C. , writes. Only
50c at Asa K. Leonard's' druggist.
A Runaway Bicycle
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
log of .1. B. Orner , Franklin Grove , 111.
It developed a stubborn ulcer , unyield
ing to doctors and remedies for fjuir
years : Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve
cured. It's Just as good for burns ,
In the world. " Klesan Drug Co.
scalds skin eruptions and piles. 25e
at Asa K. Leonard's drug store.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness Is responsible for many
a railroad wreck nnd the same causes
are making human wrecks of sufferers
from throat and lung troubles. But
since the advent of Dr. Klng.s Now
Discovery for consumption , coughs
and colds , even the worst cases can
be cured , and hopeless resignation Is
no longer a necessity. Mrs. Lois
Cragg of Dorchester , Mass. , Is one of
many whoso llfo was saved by Dr.
King's New Discovery. This great
remedy Is guaranteed for all throat
and lung diseases by Asa K. Leonard ,
druggist. Price 50c nnd $1.00. Trial
bottles free.
Cured of Piles After 40 Years.
Mr. C. Haney , of Geneva , O. , had
the piles for 40 years. Doctors and
dollars could do him no lasting good.
DeWltt's Witch Hazel salvo cured him
permanently. Invaluable for cuts ,
burns , bruises , sprains , lacerations ,
eczema , tetter , salt rheum and all
other skin diseases. Look for the 1
name DeWltt on the package all \
others are cheap , worthless counter-
felts. Sold by Klesau Drug Co.
A Policeman's Testimony.
J. N. Patterson , night policeman of
Nashua , Iowa , writes , "Last winter
I had a bad cold on my lungs and
tried at least a half dozen advertised
cough medicines and had treatment
from two physicians without getting .r *
any benefit. A friend recommended *
Foley's Honey and Tar and two thirds
of a bottle cured mo. It consider it
the greatest cough and lung medicine
f I' > 4 1 A'N TE.S P
on t ' , oJlton Medi '
0. II 'in' s ut , \\1. It
. . > yu tvell. Our traie
nil k it o.i each jiurkn : < . - .
iMce < s CT'f. Nertnli |
in liuil. . . \ccrpt no
cum : rou OVS I "
O/ - C i
Ely's Cream Bain ,
Kaey and pleasant to
Dee. Contalus no In
jurious druc.
It la quickly absorbed.
Gives Hellcf at once ,
It Opens nd Cleanses
the Nasal rastagci. Pfll RIlVi U IT A ft
Alhys Inflammation lUULl 'N M L AU
Heals and I'rotects the Membrane. Restores tlia
Senses of Tnsto nnd Smell. LarKe Size , 60 cents at
! 7'W Slzo' 10 cenis SnSBlf
, ea Warren Street , New Yorfc ,
are the most fatal of all dis
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by eminent -
nent physicians as the best fof
Kidney and Bladder trouble * .
PRICK 50 = . and $1.00.