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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
p/tl / H is reported that Uonoral Urlbo- Urlbo Is recruiting IIB ! name prepar atory to another campaign that will bring him before the people of the world , The Sioux City .Journal llnds that Mr. llrynu may ho consoled with the thought that , though the reorganizes may capture the approaching national domocratlo convention , Nobrnnkn maybe bo depended upon not to give the can- illdato named HH electoral vote. Nebraska won out In the diplomatic contest with Kansas and there IB moro than ono enthusiast who llrmly believes It la n good omen for the winning of a big victory on the grid iron when the two teams llnnlly meet to give a trial to their muBcular pow er and alorlnoHH. Stand up for Ne braska. Fremont Is trying for a now can ning factory , and the push that usually characterizes the Fremont business Internals of that city when they go after an enterprise of that kind , loads to the belief that the canning factory will bo located there if it proves a do- Irnblo location and the promoters have Biiindont money to back thorn. The Monroe Looking Glass boaatB of nine prohibition votes in Monroe township , Platte county. The Looking Glass In n prohibition paper and the nine votes probably represent its In fluence In Platlo county. The Look ing Qlnss Htlll carries the party ticket as a heading to Its editorial column nnd election has boon over almost two weeks. It is a wonder , In this day of shrinking - ing stocks nnd calamity among Iho trust magnates , that the man has not arisen and claimed to having been Iho original to assort that the trust mies- tion would sotllo llself nnd full to Iho ground of Us own weight. That ap pears to bo nboul what Is happening nnd the statesman who made the re mark should get up in mooting and claim all the honors accruing. A bill has boon Introduced in con gress , not only looking toward giving the able-bodied poor of America free farm lands , bill establishing them In houses and with other convenience ! ) for carrying on farm work. It Is a llatlorlng , if radical proposition and will have the entire approval of a largo number of people who would ho desirous of a complete establishment on a farm by the government. The people of this country have boon so busy looking at the develop ment of little Panama from a stale to an Independent republic , that they have Inum giving little conslderallon to the Turks and their rovolllng op- orallons , yet it Is learned that the inhuman program In that country Is still In progress nnd Hint men , women nnd little children nre being submit- todto the most appalling cruelties. * fc . _ . With Nebraska at the head of Iho ir corn growing states , and with Iho granaries bursting with other cereals , nnd the stock ynrds full of sleek well > | fed cattle and hogs , nnd nn abundance ' of all the nocessllles and luxuries of i llfo Ihero Is no reason why Thanks giving should not be observed by ov- cry man , woman and child In the stale , with calamity a spectre so far 5 * In Iho dlslanco that none but the most ] i posslmlsUc have any Idea thai 11 Is [ In exlslanco nt nil. ! t is n good year I ' to feel thankful and stand up for No- I ; J braska. If the republicans had decided In favor of the Nicaragimn route for an Isthmian canal the democrats would have cried for the Pnnnma route. It Is the perversity and stubbornness of the domocrallc nature to bo ns far oft as possible from anything that Is or 1 has boon favored by the republicans. The real animus of the democratic position , however , is undoubtedly to delay or thwart the republican canal program in its entirety nnd thus pre vent the hearty applause of nil the big railway corporations of the United . States , who have loss use for nn isth mian canal as far ns their business Interests nro concerned , than hns n > cnt for two tnlls. i Roprescntnltvo Crumpackor has ro- inlroduced Iho bill providing for n re * duclion of the congrosslonnl represen tation from southern stntes whore the negro vote hns been eliminated in whole or in part. It would certainly seem n fnlr proposition that if the negroes should not bo permitted to vote it would bo unfair to permit their being counted as a basis of represen tation for the white politicians who refuse them the right of franchise which is accorded by the constitution. The negroes should cither bo permit ted to oxorclso the rights of American citizens , or not counted to give the democrats increased representation. The American Economist Is one pub lication , at least , that does not pro pose to submit to the passage of the MIlU NOHKOMC NEWS : FRIDAY , NOVBMHBR 20,1JI03. cclproclty treaty with Cuba nt an iroRunt constituted without a protest , rhu ICcoiioinlut liaR lioon ono of thu ililoRt ami inoflt pornlBtont ndvoealos > f the high protective tariff that has > ouii favored by the ropubllcaiiH for yearn and It lookn upon the roclproo- ty program as merely a now guise 'or free tradu , and looking at It In | IH ! inannur It IH opposed to the re- iiilillcmi party establishing a proce- lout for reciprocity treaties that may ( mult In undoing the fabric of pro * ectlon to American Indimtrlun and \morlcan labor that ban huruloforo icon a deep-seated ropnhllcan policy. The republican national commlttuo H to itHHomblo In Washington on Do- utnhor 11 and 12 , on call of Senator lanna , to name the place for holding the republican national convention and to take other preliminary slops ownrdH the opening of the national campaign. The call for Ihls meeting ndlcatcH that there IH not much time to elapHO before the pro-convon- Ion campalgiiH will be on In full ilnsl , but that to precede the ropubll- : nn convention appoarfl altogether Ikoly to bo very tame and one-Hided. I'lio party IH Bnllsflod with I'roRldent loosovoll , with the exception of a few who have boon training with It , mil they do not appear to bo strong inougli to cut much figure In the choice that will bo made by the dele gates. Some of the democratic brethren have evidently mlRRod their cue In regardto the program of their party regarding the now republic of Pana ma and Its prompt recognition by the United States government. They seem Inclined to jubilate with the common run of Americans over the prospect that the Isthmian canal IH now likely to bo completed , when the loadorn of their party desire It to ho strlcetly understood that the In dependence of Panama , the recogni tion of the republic by tills govern ment and the prospect for an early agreement whereby the construction of the canal can hogln Is anything hut right and proper. Theoso who have therefore gone abend and shot off their mouths or permitted their real sentiment to direct their pens either bo compelled to crnwllsh grace fully or Bhow that they are not In har mony wth their party on at least ono question. In the future they should ho careful not to permit their oxhu- boronco to got the hotter of their dis cretion and should wait until their leaders have had time to Inform them on the true democratic position on public question. ? . It Is announced from Washington that the democrats will oppose nn > canal treaty with Panama , and the members of that party express the belief that they will muster votes enough to defeat such a treaty with the now republic. In taking such a a position the democratic senators will undoubtedly have the endorse ment , and the assistance If necessary of every trans-continental line of railway In the country and all of the companies Interested In trans-contl nental tratllc. These roads are the largo interests In opposition to the Isthmian cainl. and there Is snbstan tlal ground for the belief that It was their Influence that defeated the ca nal treaty In the Colombian congress If , therefore , they can secure the ah of the democrats In defeating nego tlatlons with Panama they will ho highly gratltled , beyond a doubt How the democrats will make It rlgh with the people who will bo bonollttet by closer trade relations and cheaper rates between the Atlantic and the Pacific Is a matter for conjecture and that they will shortly bo dodging the position they have taken is a well founded belief with many re publicans. The World-Herald's Washlngtoi correspondent Informs It that In al the discussion that has como np ro gardlng the democratic program dnr ing the present session of congress ono hears nothing of the currencj Issue , and the sliver question is nh solutely ignored , and yet It is but i short time since that Mr. Uryan am the democratic congressmen and th democratic editors and democratl orators and politicians were Insisting night and day and all the time Urn unless the country was immediate ! given the free and unlimited colnag of silver at the sacred ratio of 1C to 1 without the aid or consent of an nation on the face of the earth , the and wo and everybody should b aUn to pavipers and the grand ol man. Uncle Sam , would bo grovolln In the dust before Europe craving crust of bread for his poor , starvin children or words to that effect , ye In a few short months it has bee so emphatically shown thatthoconntr did not need their sort of remedy Urn they have been kept busy for som time sidestepping the question t prevent a killing rather than th kuock-outs that they have suffore from the people. Lord Kitchener IH another to llnd 10 game of peace more dlsaHtroim inn that of war. If winter Btayn away until the peo- lo have coal In their bliiH there will u no winter before next Bummer. There are those who believe that t -will be impoBHlblo for Omaha to ecomo established an a grain mar- ct , until the nndlHpntablo evidence f fact IB thriiHt upon them , Perhaps Kansas will permit No- raska to play Us scrub team on the rldlron , If the university boys run hort of a gamu they might Inquire regarding the posHlbllltleB of uncli n amo. The momborH of the W. C. T. U. vaut a hearing at Washington before . Is decided by congroHB , on the ad- Ice of army olllclnla to restore the nnteon to the men In the Hold and on duty. The regular session of congress will bo In session the llrst Monday n December , HO that it will bo short hrlft for the extraordinary session. Another message from the president will bo duo with the regular session. It IB probable that some of Mr. iryan'd most brilliant political mat er will continue to make Us appear- nco In the Commoner each week , lo has undoubtedly left a good and apablo man in charge of the work. With Cuba and Java producing 45 > or cent of the world's output of ngar , it would seem fair and proper hat the boot sugar Interests of this country should demand some sort of irotectlon from the competition of ho Poarf of the Antilles. Canada may take all of the Alas- can cold waves If she wants to , and ho boundary commission or the \morlcan public will not say a word. They are likely to slip across that Ino anyway , and Canada might as well have them llrst hand. The people of Nebraska are sorry to lose the Indian summer weathoi they have been enjoying since the early September frost , but they are consoled with the thought that oven low they are not getting the worst n the weather man's assortment. Perhaps the democratic editors ire mainly displeased because Col nnbla was not permitted to jump mto little Panama and make n war out of It that would glvo them col nmns of exciting reading and blood curdling war stories for many months Wlh Thanksgiving only about a week away , and the price of turkeys continually going up to a point al most out of sight it remains for the average man to bo thankful that ho does not have to purchase turkeys In order to keep from starving to death. Twenty Canadian boot and shoo factories have closed down on ac count of trouble with their workmen So far as heard there are no Unltei States factories turning out the same sort of merchandise who are wearing mourning for their Cami dlaii brethren. Colombia has drawn Its war blnf and Is now endeavoring to cajole Panama Into renewing the relations that formerly existed between the two countries. Their plea for peace comes rather late , and It Is doubtful If Pan nnm will even listen to the ropre sentatlons of the Colombian cmis sarles. David U. Hill has ducked completely pletoly out of sight and while there may bo a question as to whether o not ho is still a democrat the Sioux City Journal thinks there is at prosen no chance to question the assertloi that he is a still democrat , and tha Is among the wonders of the twcntiotl century. It Is reported from Washington thn the democrats , or many of them , have decided to support the Cuban rcclp roclty treaty after recommending n few amendments. Tboro must bo som mistake about it , or perhaps they are anxious to get It out of the way , so they may have some fun out of th republican canal program. The Nebraska boys made Kansa look sick when it came to a sho\\ down on the diplomatic contest tha was sprung preceding the footbal nnio and Kansas was made to lool moro slcklsh than over after the gam was over. Not only that but NebrasKa Ka has wound up the Kansas reputa tiou as a corn producing state by ox cecdlng her yield per acre. It is ilgurcd that ono of the reason for the unpopularity of the Low nd ministration in New York was the dl Igonco of the administration In collect ing delinquent personal taxes. People plo do not like to bo forced to pa their debts , and a debt to the govern lent Is hardest of all to meet and ho vho would collect those obligations uist risk his popularity. People of Nebraska should buy ur overcoats and felt boots and con- Inue to stand up for the state. It as a record In the corn list that Is econd to none , and In many other ospocls It Is the best state in the nlon , oven though It in In the path f those cold waves that como down rom North Dakota occasionally. Little Panama Is not BO much as o area uiicl population , hut feels bat It can afford to laugh nt the hreats of Colombia to send an army o reconquer the republic , If only Uncle Sam will prevent the landing of troops on the coast. It realizes hat the United States Is n big rlond and will endeavor to retain he good will of this country. Colombia proposes to fight Panama , ) Ut If she does she will probably have n care riot to como as near to a scrap with Uncle Sam as she did at the tlmo 'anama was making her first kick to got loose from the South American country. Colombia has made n num ber of expensive errors recently , but t will bo the error of her llfo If she decides that she can afford to go on o war with the United States of America. Some of them are already out with ho startling announcement that congress - gross has met and done nothing. In a short time It will bo qulto the proper thing for those opposed to .ho majority In congress to report .bat congress has done nothing as soon as It Is possible to got a wire from the cnpltol convoying the Information mation that the speaker's gave ! has ! allen , the moro prompt the state ment , the moro likely that It will bo true , beyond dispute. The Fremont Herald-Leader , dem ocratic , Is early In the game with George L. Loomls of that city as a candidate for congress on the ticket represented by the Herald-Leader. It IH some tlmo before the campaign opens , but if there Is any virtue Jn the saying that the early bird gets the worm , Mr. Loomls should un doubtedly capture the honor of mak ing the race for congress on the democratic ticket In the Third dis trict. Carrie Nation on the stage Is the Carrie Nation that many people have considered her. She made a name with her hatchet crusndo and has boon more than busy since raking in the notoriety of the kind and the monetary emoluments that would seem to be justified by her action in a cause that should never bo subor dinated to moro personal ends. She must have been more than ordinarily light headed to bo induced to close her meteoric career as a character on the stage In a theatre. A bill has been introduced in congress - gross to glvo the carriers on rural mall routes a salary of $900 n year the present wages being but $ GOO. In comparison with the work and respon sibility exacted from other employes by the government a $000 salary is none too high for the man who braves all sorts of weather and provides his own conveyance to furnish the farm ers with their mall. At this salar > the rural routes may not bo profitable to the postolllco department , but that Is no reason that the govornmen should ask men to work for a more pittance above expenses. It is apparent that the democratic editors are convinced that the rocog nltlon of Panama as a republic was just as serious a breach of govern mental honor , as was the failure o the American government to ntonco grant Independence to the Filipinos If the democrats had been in powo It Is possible that they would have sent a message of congratulation with all speed to Agulnaldo , am stood for the Independence of his government , while to the preslden of the Panama republic they wouli have said , "Scrap It out , old man and if you prove yourself a better man than the other follow , wo may decide to recognize your govern mont. " A western man has advertised in Now York for an ear , cgreelng to paj $5,060 to the man who will part'will one of the ornaments on the sldo o his head to make up the delinquency In the rich man's physiognomy so thn ho may marry the lady of his choice Many have nsreed to part with ono o two ears If necessary for the consld oration. Had the advertisement hue wider publicity , it is probable that a small army of men would have vohm toorod their ears. Five thousand dollars lars is n lot of money to some men and as long as the sense of hearing remains there are not n few who wouli part with the moro outer showing o such hearing for a consideration o that amount. NEIHIASKA WANTS STATESMEN. The Indictment of Charles II. Dlot- Ich , Nebraska's senior rcprcsonln- Ivo In the United States senate , by ho federal grand jury In session at Omaha , on three counts charging ilm with bribery in connection with ho Hastings postofllco Is n serious natter , whether ho is proven guilty r not. It brings Into bold and start ing relief that nt least the state Islet lot ably represented In the senate of ho country. With few exceptions It eoniH to hnvo boon the policy of the tate to send men having abundant ) olltlcal pull , rather than men of eal ability who might develop states- nanshlp that would have the admlra- Ion of the country nt largo. Nebraskans linvo looked with ad- nlratlon on the records of such men IB nialno , Hoar , Allison , Cockrell , Morgan , Platte , Halo , Fry , Aldrlch , } ullom and others who have boon lonored by their respective states line and again , and who , by their vise and judlclqus statesmanship iavo boon the admiration of the peo- ) lo of the entire country. Nobrnskn ins never been represented by such men. Manderson gave fair service , > ut never proved n. statesman to at- ract the attention of the country ; vhon Thurston was chosen ho was thought to be the very sort of man who was needed by the state for the ilgh ofllco , but ho proved n lament- iblo failure. Allen perhaps approach ed nearer the desire of the people than any man the state over chose , Hit unfortunately ho was on the wrong sldo of the political fence to mnko his efforts count and was ex- ; > cctcd to support the vagaries of ils party. As it was ho kept the state before the public and the same might bo said of IJrynn when ho was In congress. They had real ability and the push and vigor necessary M urge the questions they championed on the attention of congress and the people. It Is true that Dietrich was a ser : of accidental choice , rising to iho position through a scries of accidents , but that should not excuse the people ple and the makers of candidates from exercising care in the future that men of worth should bo named. Dietrich was named for governor when there was thought to bo no chance of electing a republican to the position and at the same time Savage was named for the lieutenant governorship. Neither had the abil ity required for the positions , but they wore willing to make the race and the delegates to the convention were agreeable and they won out Then when it came to choosng a senator , Governor Dietrich was a sort of compromise choice and was elected. The time has come , however , when good strong men should be placed in the high olllces men who may be trusted , men of high moral tone men of ability , men who will make themselves and their state name and fame , and wo have them. They ma > not have the "pull" necessary to ele vate them to office but the" people should insist that they be selectee' out and elected. Our own W. M Robertson is such a man , but unfor Innately perhaps , ho is located In a town and section of the state from which was chosen at the last elec lion a judge of the supreme court Socttonallsts will say that this part of the state has had all that Is Its due , disregarding the fact that Nebraska braska needs a Robertson , regardless of where ho lives or what party be represents. Ho has ability , Is broadminded - minded and level-headed , and with him on the floor of the senate ho would bo heard from and Nebraska would have a now place in the esti mation of statesmen and the people of the country. Ho has opinions on public questions and is not afraid to express them and furthermore can make his points in a manner that will appeal to his hearers. Then there Is Congressman Burkett , who has been mentioned for the po sition. Ho has given capable service In congress and is a young man who may develop the statesmanship that will bring them high in the ranks of statesmen. Mr. Burkett would bo a vast Improvement over anyone who has lately represented Nebraska in the senate. Edward Rosewater is another who would ably represent the state and see to it that Nebraska was kept on the map In the opinion of bis com patriots and the people of the country at largo. He has the qualities of a statesman , and 'above that ho has the goahcadltlveness and the vigor that would make the state recognized. It Is realized that ho has woodsfull of onomles , but it is mainly because of his independence and assertive ways. Ho is not dearly loved in any part of the state , because ho bows to no man or sot of men , but bo Is the kind of n man who would represent the state and bo recognized on the floor of the senato. There may bo and undoubtedly nro other men in other parts of the state Proverbs > - "When the butter won't : come put a penny in the churn , " is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to- work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul sion. It is like the penny in th& \ milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphitesy especially prepared for delicate- ' 7 stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste- and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat ment. We will send you the penny , / . t1. , a sample free. He sure that this picture In the form of a label is on the wrapper of e\cry bottle of Emuhion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE , . 409 Pearl St. , N. Y. . 500. and ? i oo ; nil t'ntirc- ! . who would ably servo in the high official position , but they should first bo proven. There should be no more accidents. The state has had a sur feit of accidents , and of men with iBsney and political pulls , but no- ability. It is up to us to search the- state over for n Hoar , or an Allison , or a Cockrell. Wo have them and everything else should bo subordinate- to their election. Let morality , abili ty , statesmanship , count when it comes to choosing Senator Dietrich's successor. It Is high time that Ne braska should be represented. ATCHISON GLOBE.SIGHTS. People are saying today that the- mud Is "knee deep. " Ever see mud. knee deep ? Of course a cur dog cannot he- blamed for his breeding ; but ho Is. a cur just the same. What we would like to know is 1C the man who has buried two wives , hopes to moot both of them in heaven. \ It Is every father's secret belief that If It were not for his influence , his wife would have their sons cro cheting. A good many people believe In the- still hunt. There Is much to be said , however , in favor of the old brass band way. If you heft a farmer's pumpkin era a woman's baby , hand it back with > the remark Ibat It is the heaviest f you ever held. Wo have often wondered what a preacher says when his wife asks him if he loved any woman before- her. Toll the trnlh ? Ilinls to the boys : If yon want to make your mother's heart swell with prldo , cat your cake with n fork when company is present , as If you were- used to it. it.Your Your Hair "Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor , and soon my hair stopped coming out. " Miss Minnie Hoover , Pads , 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair , but that is no reason why you must go through life with half- starved hair. If you want long , thick hair , feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor , and make it rich , dark , and heavy. JI.OO i bottle. All druifliK. Jf } < mr druggist cannot supply > ou. eenil us DIIU dollar nnd o wlUdxtirei * joua bottle He smuiiml i'i\o the name o ( your ncaiest express otlice. Aililtom. J. t. A Viit : CO. . Ixiwell. Muus