f THE NORFOLK NKVVS : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1908. _ J Oscar Mansfield Met Death Under the Wheels. HE WALKED OFF A MOVING CAR. Cnrs Passed Over Him nnd Hln niuht Arm Was Cut Off , Skull Frac tured and Otherwise Injured Cor oner's Inquest this Afternoon. MadlHon , Nob. , Nov. 12. Special to Tim Mown : Oscar MuiiHlloliI , brakeman - man on the Union rnclllc , wan Iflllntl lioro ill 12IO : ! this morning by falling from hlu train and being run ever by tliu oni-H Ho wan working on tlio ox- tnx freight which loft Norfolk shortly nftor 11 o'clock last night for Coliun- tiuH. llo WIIH an oxlrn man from the main line , was about U2 yearn old nml wna n hrothor of the Hwltchman at Columbus. .1. A. Mansllold. The extra wan plc-klng n | ) nix loadu Of grain from the Hlilo track at thin station and the onglno had pulled Ihoin out and had thrown thorn down the main line to the train. MatiHllold was OH top of the cum rhlhiR Ihoin In. llo got on the third car from the oiul and was going to the end car. llo sot the brakes as ho wont , so that the earn would not hit the train too hard , and evidently when ho reached the lant car ho wan under the Im- Iirosnlon that there wan another car Ahead of him and ho walked off , full- Jug to the track below. The . earn imsaod over bin body , and when found ho was dead , liln right arm had been cut off , his Bltull fractured and ho was badly crushed about the chest. Ho fell junt before the nix cars ntrnck Uio balance of the train , and they were coming with Htich force thatono of the cnrs was derailed when they B truck. The coroner has boon notified of the accident and ho will bo here to hold an Inquest nt 1 o'clock thlu nf- t'onioon ENTIRE BLOCK IS DESTROYED , Buslneus District of Albla , Iowa , Con sumed by Fire at an Early Hour This Morning. Albla , Iowa , Nov. 12. Special to The News : At an early hour this morning llro destroyed an entlroblock , In which were located the best bust ness houses of the city. The loss Is estimated at $ ; 100,000. ARE COMING TO NEBRASKA , Colorado Miners , Thrown Out by the Strike , Seeking Employment on Railroads of This State. Lincoln , Nov. 12. Special to The Kown : Many Colorado minors whc nro out of employment because of the strlko which prevails all ovor- thai stain , are coming into Nebraska Many of tbom are sucking work on the rallrondn. SPLINTER PUNCTURED HIS EYE , Little Bon of W. E. Launp Meets With n Distressing Accident , Probably Costing the Sight of an Eye. Oakdalo , Nov. 12. Special to The Nuwu : An accident occurred here last avoning which will probabl > causa the llvo-year-old son ofV. . 13 Launp to lose an oyo. JMr. Launj was splitting kindling wood and the llttlo hey was standing by watching Mm. Suddenly a splinter ( low fron beneath the axe and struck the bo > squarely tu the oyo. A physician was inunodlutoly summoned but ho couh glvo no encouragement that the sigh of the eye could bo saved. The splln tor appeared to have penetrated the eye ball. Th llttlo follow stiff urn great dual of pain but Is bearing bravely under his allllctlon. ANOTHER LAND PROPOSITION , Congressman Burke Would Pay the Indians a Lump Sum for the Rosebud Agency. Washington , Nov. 12. Hepresonta tivo Ilurko hold a long conference yes tcrday utti'rnoon with Indian Cbmmls slonor luut'fl. relative to the bill look Ing for the opening of 50,000 acres of land In Gregory county , South Da Itota. Mr lltirko proposed that the government pay the Indians a lumi sum for their lands , based upon $2.5 per aero. Commissioner Jones be llovea that the Indians should receive $5 per * ure. THE LIMIT OF THE LAW. Unusual Jail Sentence Upon a Lyncl Young Man. Lynch. Neb. , Nov. 12. From a Staff Correspondent : Something which approaches the limit of th law BO far as county Jail sentenc tinder the statutes of Nebraska Is con CErned , wits dealt out here yosterda afternoon when Ed Cowell , a youn tnan , was tried before a jury , wa found guilty of assault upon an oh tnan , und was given olghty-nino day In the county jail for the offense b Justice Sanders. Cowoll , It seems , beat Mr. Thur roan , a. man seventy-five years olc pretty badly up , on November C. Per onal tronlilo hotwoon thorn brought t. Cowoll will appeal the caso. Lovl Wulln wan also up for assault ml Job WollH for destroying timber , 'ho Jury wan out for several hours. The artoHlan well which was struck ere n short tlmo ago in gushing orth a magnlllcont Mtronin of warm vator. Hlectrlc lights will bo run by H force In three towns. The tamper- turo of the water remains Htoadlly nt ( > degrees. The sky wan darkened during the flornoon by a pralrlo flro which iirniMl on the other Hldo of the Nlo- irara rlvor. Lynch IH exceptionally prosperous bin season and IH onjoylng good rowth. The people nro happy ever mHpocts for the now rural route , rim stores here are all substantial ml well stocked. WAYWARD FOR SOME YEARS. Story of Frank Schuky's Arrest From His Home Town. Marshal Kred Mack received word rom Norfolk Sunday that Frank Schnkoy was wanted there by some tallies on a warrant charging him vlth thi'fl. Sunday ovonlng about 5 t'clock Mack located his man nnd ilacpd him In the city Jail for safe cooping and notlllod the authorities it Norfolk to that effect ami on Mon- lay Countable J. H. Conloy arrived uid took the accused to Norfolk. The dory as told by Conloy Is to the olToot that Schukoy , who IB only 1 ! ) cars old , together with a companion > f Norfolk were caught stealing var- ous small articles around town nnd i warrant was placed In his hands or their arrest. Schukoy's compan on was caught by the olllcors In Nor 'oik the same day hut Frank made ils escape to Newman Qrovo. Ho van closely followed by Conloy for several miles but Schukoy's horse irovcd the speediest nnd most on lurablo animal. The accused is a son of August Schukoy , who Is well uiown here as an honest and hard working farmer , and ho was in town it the tlmo of his son's arrest. The toy has boon a wayward son for a uiinbor of years and It became neces sary Boino three years ago for the jithor to oxpoll him from homo and glvo him his tlmo. How bad Frank was is not really known by us and wo never hoard of him stealing or getting into trouble boforo. Newman Orovo lloportor. INTERESTING EXPERIENCE. Ncllgh Man Returns From Extreme Northern Canada. Merrltt Gary returned Tuesday 01 last week from his summur's trli through the McKonxlo river basil and other portions of extreme northern orn Canada , On his return ho spciv n couple of weeks In the western per tlon of the Black Hills. His oxporl onces have been many and varlcc among the Indian tribes of a rcgloi rarely penetrated by a whlto man Especially Interesting Is the largo amount of data gathered In regard t ( the working of the Hudson Hay com pany , the largest commercial corpor atlon In the world and under whoso ausplei's ho traveled. It scorns tha the modern spirit of cominorclallsn has taken a strong hold upon the Northwest territories within the pas few years , and with the building o the two transcontinental lines o : railway now projected , the Canadlai Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific the southern portion of the region at least , will gradually emerge fron the anclont regime of the "Company1 and assume modern conditions. Mor rltt leaves for Washington , D. C. Friday to rcsumo his duties in the department of agriculture. Nellgl Yeoman. Mrs. J. H./Baker. Died , on Tuesday morning , Novom her It , IHOII , Mrs. J. H. Baker , agcc 55 days , two months and 11 vo days The funeral services were held Ii the M. 12. church Thursday afternoon Hov. J. J. Klopp preaching the funeral noral sermon. After the services litho the church the remains wcro laid to rust In the I. O. O. F. cemetery northeast of town. Sarah ISlston was horrt In Hartholamow county , Indiana August 28 , 1848 , was married to J. II Hakur In Stark county , Indiana , Maj 7 , 1SC8. Wight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Uakor , six are living nnd two dead. The family came t ( Hurt county In September , 1SS3 , am lived thuro ton years. In 1S93 thoj came to this county and settled ii Hooslor Hollow , where they llvei until January , 1902 , when they movot to Stanton. The deceased was a member of the Christian church am a noble Christian lady. For sovora years she has boon ailing and deatl was caused by a complication of dis cases that bailled the skill of physl clans. To the bereaved husband ant children wo extend our heartfcl synipaunes. Tiioy nave lost tno uoar cst friend on earth , ono that canno bo replaced. In the glorious otornltj they may meet her again and the re union will bo as joyful ns the parl Ing waa painful. Stnnton Register. A Most Brilliant Wedding can never bo hold without the mos superior sort of stationery. Engravoc Invitations , announcement cards , "a homo" cards and all of the other features turos which make a weddingtho tlmo of a girl's lifo which she remember longest , Just exactly right The Now takes prldo In the work which i turns out and those who need any thing In the way of very high grade work will do well to wrlto for earn plea. Nebraska Senator's Property Now in Flames. EIGHT BODIES ARE RECOVERED. There are Others Within the Flaming Mine At 4:30 : O'clock Friday Af ternoon the Charred Remains of Eight Had Been Carried Out. Virginia City , Mont. , Nov. 01:30 : p. n. Special to The NOWH : The Kcar- ago in I no here , owned by Senator Mil an ! of Nebraska , Is burning , Klght lodlus have been removed so far. OthurH are within the llamlng mine. TRAIN CREW BLOCKS STREET. Conductor In Fremont Is Arrested for Switching Carelessly. Fromont. Nob. , . Nov. 11. The fro- Itient violation of the city ordinance vhlch prohibits the blocking of streets standing frolght trains led to the irrest of a Union Pacific conductor it 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Of- leer Martin caused the conductor to iccompany him to the police station vhoro a conference was hold with Chief Daughorty. In consideration of i promlHo to bo moro observant of the ordinance In future , the conductor was released without complaint bo ng drawn up against him. Ho re turned to his train and wont out with t. BOY KILLED BY HIS BROTHER , Two North Platte Boys Were Playing With a Rifle and Its Accidental Discharge Kills One. North Platte , Nov. 11. A llttlo boy named Obcrst was killed by his broth er here this morning. The boya were playing with a 22-calibro rlflo , when it was accidentally discharged In the hands of one. brother , killing the other Instantly. MAY NOT PLAY KANSAS GAME , Unless Bender and Wilson are Al lowed to Play , Game Will be Called Off. Lincoln , Nov. 11. Bender and Wil son , members of the Nebraska foot ball team , have been protested by Kansas for the game Saturday on the ground of professionalism. Kansas gathered evidence that the men re colved snlnrles last summer ns members bors of the baseball team , hence un der the Chicago conference rules thoj are Ineligible on college footbal teams. The protest may result In call Ing off Saturday's game. The controversy over Homier and Wilson Is nothing now nnd has been the subject of correspondence botweoi the two universities. Last week Chairman Condra of the football committee mitteo received a letter from the Kan sas athletic board asking about the eligibility of the two men. Professor Condra wrote back Saturday that he had personally investigated their con ditions and found that they were li a position to playthat they had played against the conference teams this year without protest and Insisting that they play Saturday. There Is no willingness on the part of the Nohrns kn managers to "back down" am Chairman Condra said this afternoon that unless Captain Bender and Wil son arc permitted to play , that the game will bo declared off. The Irony of comparative footbal scores is well illustrated by the ro suit of the Chlcago-IIaskcll Indiai and the Nwbruska-Knox games. Nebraskans braskans arc greatly pleased over the showing made by the redskins on the homo grounds of Stagg's men , whei In the second half , they outplayed the maroons. The score of 17 to 11 seems to represent the relative strength o the two teams , and in this case the victory of Nebraska over Haskell , 1C to 0 , means a good deal for the Corn buskers. Taking Into consideration this fact Nebraska has n bettor team than WIs cousin , for Chicago defeated the Mail Ison team. But considering that Wis cousin defeated Knox by n larger score than did Nebraska , the Corn buskers are Inferior to Wisconsin Comparative scores do not count for much , but Nebraska supporters take courage In the fact that Haskoll gave the Chicago men a hard rub ; am also that Indiana defeated Illlnlos 17 to 0. Iowa now has an Idea that 1 can defeat Illinois and in case it docs Nebraska certainly has a cinch to finish the esason without a single de feat. Berg's Sweet Laxative Chips have no equal for biliousness or constlpa tlon. They do not gripe but move the bowels gently and easily , cleans Ing the liver nnd the effect gives strength to the glands , preventing a return of the disorder. Prlco 10 and 25 cents. Klesau Drug Co. Write This Down in the book of memory : there is no such thing ns n harmless cough , Ev cry cough is n warning of a confidence that goes from bad to worse unless It Is remedied right away. Opium-laden medicine is a delusion. Allen's Lung i Balsam cures the worst of colds. It ! clears the bronchial passages , BO that the lungs got plenty of air. Why not got a bottle today ? JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Chamberlain's Stomach .and Liver Tablets. When you feel dull nftor eating. When you have no appetlto. Wliun you have n bad taste In the nouth. When your liver In torpid. When your bowels nro constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel billons , They will Improve your appetite , leaiiNo and Invigorate your stomach , mil regulate your liver nnd bowols. 'rlco L'5c per box. Kor sale by ICIcsau ) rug Co. \ Driving Out the Enemy. These are the days of colds , sharp and sudden , attacking throat and ungs , nnd lending to consequences > no does not like to think about. \vold further oxixmiro and flght the enemy of health and comfort with 'orry Davis' 1'alnklllor the family stand-by for sixty years. It conquers a cold In n day. Sco that you get the rlKht article. There Is but one Pain- dllur , 1'orry Davis' . SPECIALIST OF REPUTATION , Years of Special Practice Affording Excellent Opportunities. FACTS WORTH MENTIONING By Dr. Caldwcll. ' Several years ago while in private iractlco , I thought It wrong to advor- Iso , Hlmply because I had been told so and had not had experience enough : o know bottci > After a while I dis covered a valuable plan of treatment n certain cases , and fortunately ob tained a largo number of patients , enough to fully test my plan anil [ irovo its success. I thereupon prepared - pared a lengthy paper upon the sub ject and read It before the state med ical society. What was the result ? A half a dozen members took the lloor to say what the treatment had been for a hundred years back , and to claim that the old treatment , though unsuccessful , should bo con tinued , notwithstanding that the now treatment had bean successful. I thought differently and continued to use the now method , nnd made remarkable - markablo cures of cases that had been pronounced incurable. My bus iness increased rapidly as each per son that I cured told some friend , who came in turn nnd was cured. Each patient advertised mo n little. What then ? In that largo city there were not moro than 400 cases of the kind. I cured every case that came to mo and then had nothing to do except the ordinary business of n local physician. I knew there were hundreds nnd thousands of others elsewhere , who might bo cured if they only know ; nnd I advertised. Cured hundreds of others and I have advertised over since. I have re lieved moro suffering , cured moro pa tients , made moro people happy , nnd done moro good generally because I have told the people what I can do , and I shall go on with the good work as long ns my strength will permit. I advertise because I hnvo some thing worth advertising. I have made myself competent by years of spec ial study and experience , and by the expenditure of largo sums of money. Uy advertising I place before the people ple- the facts which enable them to Know what 1 can do. I thereby rencb thousands , who , given up by local physicians or unsuccessful } ' treated , give themsovos up as incurable. I euro thorn and thereby enlarge my Hold of usefulness. Uy no other way than advertising could those people have known that they could bo cured. Every thrifty nnd prosperous busi ness In life , save those of law and medicine , advertise freely. Lawyers do not , for they _ only use in business what others have made for them years beforo. They only do what has been written. " " "Regular" doctors do not advertise for the same reason. They have nothing new , nothing which someone else has not written or told them of , they get their know ledge from the books. A man may read medicine until he Is blind and then know nothing of it. To be suc cessful ho must apply his own mind. Make his own researches , and to do , that he must have room and oppor' tunity. Ho must have cases , hun dreds of them , and compare results. If bo does not do this ho is a ma chine without novelty , skill or In genuity , still plowing with a wooden plow , still traveling on foot or horse back , and ignoring the advantages of steam , living but not learning. The same Is true of a lady doctor. llolow you will find published the names and addresses of some of the recent cures that I have mado. These people's allllctlons wore , under the ordinary physician's care , considered hopeless , and no prospects for a euro : Mrs. Kato Schall of Albion , Neb. , cured of catarrh of head nnd stomach. Mrs. William Zuorg of Blue Vale , Nob. , cured of nervous heart and female disease. Mrs. J. E. Connelloy of Akron , Neb , , cured of cnncer of long standIng - IngMrs. Mrs. Augusta Seydon of Ponder , Neb. , cured of nervous liver and stomach disease. Mrs. Ella Scochmnn of Wayne , Nob. , cured of rheumatism , female disease and skin disease. John Harper of Columbus , Neb. , cured of heart disease , stomach and liver disease. Emma Stnlko of darks. Neb. , cured of skin disease , heart trouble and dropsy. A. 0. ONO , A. M. , LL. D , , Pros , , Omaha , I Pnor. A. J. LOWRY , Prlnc. KndorsedbyFlrstNat'l . Hankand businessmen. $10.000 in Koll Top Dusks. Hank Fixtures and N ) Typewriters. Students can work for board. Heml for free catalogue , bound In alligator. Driest ever published by a. Huslness Collete. . ReaU It and you will auond the N. U. C. A DISEASE 1 SCROFULA WE INHERIT. Scrofula manifests itself in many ways. Swelling of the glands of the neck anil throat , Catarrh , weak eyes , white swelling , offensive sores nml ab scesses , skin eruptions , loss of strength and weakness in muscles nnd joints. It is a miserable disease nnd traceable in almost every instance to some family blood taint. Scrofula is bred in the Scrofula appeared on the head of ray Rrnndcliild when 18 llttlo only month * bone , is transmitted old , nnd eproad rapidly ever her body. from to child The dlBoaso tioxt attacKed the oyoa ana parent , wo feared nho would lese her nlprht. Eminent - the seeds arc planted in inont physicians were consulted , but infancy nnd unless the could do nothing to relieve the llttlo In nocent. It wan then that we decided to blood is purged and pu try 8. 8. S. That medicine at onoo mad * rified nnd every atom of a Bpoody and complete cure. Bho is now a yountr lady , and has never had a si en the taint removed Scrof of the ula is sure to develop nt BEB 150 South 6th Street. Salluu , Kan. some period In your life. . , . . . , No remedy equals S. S. S. as a cure for Scrofula. It cleanses nnd builds up the blood , makes it rich nnd pure , and under the tonic effects of this great Blood Remedy , the general health .improves , the digestive organs are strengthened , and there is n gradual but sure return to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the joints and glands is carried off as soon ns the blood is restored to a normal condition , and the sores , crup- _ lions , and other symptoms of Scrofula disappear , fi. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and harmless ; an ideal blood purifier and tonic that removes all blood taint nnd builds up weak constitu tions. Our physicians will advise without charge , all who write us about their case. 13ook mailed free. THE SWifTSPECIFIC CO. , ATLANTA , AHTI- DYSPEPTIC i" i"u Arc n Positive Cure for Indigestion , Constipation , Faivcrs , Foul nnd weak Stomachs. A notcddoctor of Chicago stntcd that he believed n f > 0c. box ol Slocum's Worm Cake would give more relief than fT)0 worth of ordinary doctor's fees. Price SOcts. by mall ony- | R. v. SLOCUM .725 W. North Avenue , Chicago , III. YOU MUST NOT FORGET That wo are constantly growing in the art of making Fine Photos , and our products will al ways bo found to embrace the and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing. -x THE NORFOLK BUSINESS COLLEGE THIRD YEAR. Conservative Management , Thorough Equipment , * Commodious Rooms , Superior Instruction. Fvill Business Coxirses. It will pay you to attend this School. No va cations. Enter any time. Address , C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb. FARM LOANS i 7. Lowest Rates. X W , J , GOW & BRO , i I NORFOLK , NEBRASKA. t Money on Hand. 4 ! FARM LOANS | 4 * AS. A. MoKlU , M D. O. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate OhicogoMeriuary College. Assistant State Veterinarian. Office : Brunson's Livery , South Third Street 'Phouti 185. TEN GENTS BUYS A Threa Months' Subscription to Cbe industrial Citnes AND MINING RECORD with which is given free as a premium Two Splendid Maps of Thunder Moun tain Mining District and of Southern Idaho , showing all the mines and all the important claims , a ho routes , railroads and wagon roads. The Industrial Times is a monthly of 16 big pages which give accurate in formation regarding the movement of industrial and mining enterprises. Its regular subscription price isone dollar per * year ; but a trial subscription is sent for three months for ten cents , including the maps. These are the only accurate maps of Thunder Mountain and are alone worth several times the price charged. Address THE INDUSTRIAL-TIMES 253 BROADWAY. NEW YOM Hog ; Cholera CURED By SNODDY REMEDY CNO TO GERRARD & 2EIGLER , AQT. LOOKIMQ QIAO Ornci MONROE , NEB. , F t FRBB BOOK lining ALL ABOUT IT. fiURES A GOLD IN ONE DA < CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS , IWfWI \ BROMO QUININE THIS BIONATUHB MUST Al'PEAH ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE ' ii " M An abiolut * ipecldf ind intl-ieptlc pr p rctlon for ill klndi of SORE THROAT. BIMPLY A OABOLE. PERFECTLY HARMLESS , A inr eur for liosrenei , TonillltU , Qulmr. In lmcd , Ulorited end CiUrrhil Sor.Thro.t. A preventive of Croup , Whooping Ccuirh u * Diphtheria. runirrmo HEAI-INO - nooTniN Knaorwd br tb Moil Eminem Throat Bp lEl- lit * In the country. Baonlfl 1 * k pt In T i7 home , I rlc IS OentOJ Vrg U dlolaa Co. . I > i Uolovt , Iowa. KIESAU DRUG COMPANY. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Scientific A tinnrtnomelr lltustrntMl wepklr. lamest rir dilation of atir nrlentlUo Journal. WraTi ts IUN , Hranch Ottife. tigj V HU Wa.hl" " " n' .