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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1903)
Panama wants that canal though she has to tight for It. Ohio might about as well have gone republican unanimously , and had something to feel Rood about for sev eral yeara. H didn't snow , hut there was n lioavy frost and no doubt a few polit ical aspirations were nlppod some lu the hud and others In the scar and yellow leaf. IXxlgo county Is slowly redeeming Itself. LiiHt year It gave Thompson majority of 171 , whllo this year the fusion majority as evidenced by the vote for Hulllvau. was hut 80. Platte county , always democratic , made a llttlo extra stunt , compliment ary to their homo candidate and It may prove that Mr. Sullivan's ma jority there will prove a record-break er. If all of Mr. Dryan'H hopes were placed on Tom Johnson It Is about the rudeat shock ho has yet sus tained during his political career- that brutal republican majority In Ohio. The majority for Judge Darnes IB steadily climbing upward as the re turns come In , and It would not be surprising If It reached nhovo 1G.OOO by iho tln.e the votes are all counted and tabulated. Hanna , whoHo surname Is Mark , la evidently not without honor In his own country. It would make oodles of fun for the republicans to some day run him for president against Tom Johnson. The North Platte country has been honored by the election of Its candi date for supreme judge and this sec tion of the state will keep right on assisting the south Platte men as often as there Is occasion to do so. Wayne county shows about as great contrasts In return as did IMs county. Ono republican carried the county by a majority of SGI. Judge Uarnoa got It by 207 , and yet three democrats were elected , ono of them by a majority of 181. J. C. Kckor , editor of the Wlnaldo Tribune , Is out to the coast for his health and Mrs. Editor has charge of the prlntery during his absence. Ho kas loft a worthy substitute In charge ami the paper shows but llttlo dovl.i tlon from the course It pursues when the editor is at homo. Nebraska will evidently not bo very far behind Ohio when It comes Umo to support Roosevelt for pros ! dent next year. It may not ho able to roll up as largo a majority for tin. ticket , but Us electors will be as firmly for the republican nominee for president as are the Ohio electors The News has on Us exchange lln ft number of city ovenlng papers , none of which gives the news of the recog ultlon of the now Isthmian republic by this government , recorded in The News' telegraphic columns hist evenIng Ing , showing the superiority of the homo publication as a dlsscmiuato of news whllo it is news. Colorado hna finally come In onto the cold and elected a republican can dldato for supreme judge. It Is abon the last of the western states tha were floated out ou the free sllve wave to got back under cover , ant there is some assurance that it wll stay In line for the republican na tloual ticket next year. The fuslonlsta appear to have hat no better success In attempting t ( marshall the ministers and anti-sa loon forces against the repuhllcai candidate than they have had in the pasc when they attempted to dofca the republican candidate by massing the Retail Liquor Dealers associatloi and tholr followers against the candidate didato of the opposition. There appears to bo a suspicion abroad as well as at homo that PresIdent Idont Rooosovclt , or at least the mom fcers of his cabinet , had moro than an intimation of what was about to happen on the isthmus. This may possslbly bo the trump card that the administration hold in Us hand dm ing the canal negotiations. If it wa it was cleverly played and takes the trick. The Tammany victory In Now Yorl is evidence exclusive that tub / country's metropolis has become tired of anything that savors of re form , nnd the people there are clam orous for the wide-open , froo-llconso rottenness that has established Tarn many BO firmly in the hearts of some .of the countrymen of that organlza Uon. It was qulto fitting that th most demonstrative part in the olec tlon celebration should have taken place In the Tenderloin district Till- - ) NORFOLK NEWS : 1 MU DA Y , NOVBMHBR U , H103. hero nro the toughs and outoanls of Now York society. Now It ( lioro IH anything else stand- \\K \ \ In the way of the United States lulldlng I" " ) owning u fillip caiml hroiuh the Isthmus , It has but to mki ! Itself known to ho disused of s quickly anil oinphntlcally UH has ioon the Colonihlan opposition to the lovoiimnt. There IB no question 1ml hat the now ropnhllo will favor the anal , IIH the canal will ho the big- est part of the now Kovornmont wliou oniplotod In ix coininorclal way. The 1'unliH ) college toani IH schod- lied for a game today , hut It IH not irohahlo that the inoinhorH of the cam will ho moro Rhakon ,11 p nnd inilHod , or inoro of thorn killed , than lappetied In tho'train wreck thoothor ay lu which they were mixed up. f they coino out with fewer casual- k'H there will ho a well grounded bo- lef among the inoinhurH of the team hat a train wreck IH far moro hrntal linn the average game at football. Tennessee and Kentucky appear to mid oxcliiHlvo poHltlonn In regard to ho killing of people In a political Ight thin year It waH a quiet election n other portions of the country , but Ceutueky could not afford to p.iss bye o favorahlo an oiportunlty for HUB- alnlng her reputation with the shooi ng IroiiH. The fltato should ho lifted > ut of the inai * and placed among the annllml Islands , then the good peo- ) lo of the country would solid mission- arloo to civilize thorn. People of thlH vicinity who have icon going to Omaha and Lincoln to rado , or have boon patronizing the catalogue houses further cast are be- ; luuliiK to lluil out that Norfolk haw Hpleudld Inducements for thorn to ( cop their money nearer homo where t will do thorn and their neighbors inel frlonds moro good. The Norfolk nerchants are boglnnlg to realize that they have a Held for effort right at their doors and are meeting the do- namls with stocks and prices that cannot hut appeal to those who have boon contributing to the wealth of eastern merchants. Lancaster county was out for Harnos early In the campaign , and delivered lit in the usual republican majority , or a llttlo bettor. Judge Barnes had boon In the capital city often enough as commissioner of the supreme court , to glvo thorn n taste of that acquaintanceship whlcl the people of bis homo county enjoy joy , and they soon realized that ho was the right man for the place am voted accordingly , regardless of the fact that 0110 of the republican papers pors , perhaps unwittingly , furnishet the fiuslonlsts what they regarded a their choicest campaign literature early In the campaign. It is now to bo hoped that the fu slonlsts will never again spring th excuse for their defeat that on ac count of the line weather their voter were busy in the Holds and would no take time to vote. The weather 01 election day was far from lino. Th farmers did not work lu the Holds On the contrary they turned out t < the polls and voted the ropubllcai ticket , as they should. The fuslonlst must needs concede that the farmer are the intelligent voters and are no going to vote the fusion ticket whlcl promises them nothing , and worl against the republicans who have don much and promise to do much mor for the common peoplo. South and Central America hav records lu the revolution line tlm are remarkable , hut nothing to excel col the remarkable- celerity \\ii1 which Panama has thrown off th Colombian yoko. The Isthmus lssuo ( Us declaration of Independence Tucs at six o'clock Thursday ovonlnt ? , forty Colombian forces wcro wltlulrawi at six o'clock in the evening , forty eight hours later , leaving the rohol In complete control of the situation The very next day , being less than three days since the revolutionist first declared their Independence , th United States , the greatest power 01 the western continent , gave oHlcla recognition to the now republic am It was thereby Installed as one o the nations of Amorfca. Such n record is one that might bo calcn lated to make the forefathers of thl country turn In their graves. Thoj fought for their liberty for elgb years , while the Panama patriot did the thing up brown Insldo o three days. It Is a record hi the ro\ olutlonary line that Is astonishing oven In those days of swift things America not only has the swlftcs horses , the swiftest sail boats am the fastest railroad engines , but 1 now lays claim to the swiftest revo lutionists. The people of the worh who ndmlro speed and alacrity \vll ho compelled to remove tholr hat to the patriots of the Isthmus. Wo have no objection to a do moro serious than that It is not mot est In Us play. Now that nlcptlon Is over and the xrltomotit has cleared away the poole - lo of the state should continue to land up for Nebraska , at least until now Hies , ! ' . K. Martin thinks that there Is aim lu ( Jlload , his Ilattlo Creek En- orprltto Bays : "Thank heaven It's ver for a year. Lot'o devote our line to applying salvo to the sore pots. " It appears that the people of the ow Panama republic have had many nd sulllclont reasons for desiring In- epondenco from Colombia since the ortunos of the Isthmus were united vlth the now republic In 1821 , when ndcpcndenco from Spain was so ured. The football boys of the university are keeping Nebraska where It prop- rly belongs nt the head of the col- imn. It Is not'only at football that Nebraska and the university excel , mt tholr victories * ro merely Indic ative of what Nebraska push nnd iluck can accomplish. It will probably take congress sev eral days to get under a full bead of team , but the fact that a national campaign Js near at hand will un- louhtcdly furnish an Incentive for naktng the extraordinary nnd regular csslon as Interesting as possible rom a political standpoint. The par- y loaders will attempt to BCO to It hat they have Issues growing out of ho sessions that will bo of value dur- ng the campaign next year. The war correspondents are busy , ust now , building a torrlllc conflict over the Panama secession question , n which they have already mixed the United States and a number of the governments of South Africa. Fearful naval mil land struggles arc ilroady mapped out , but Inasmuch as 10 hattlo has taken place , It may bo .hat the entire war will end as did the ono between .Inpan and Russia without a shot being exchanged. The democrats who urged McKlnlcy to war against Spain In the Interests of Cuba and urged the prompt recog nition of the new republic , are now criticizing the present administration for Its prompt recognition of Panama It Is clear that the democrats novot can bo satisiled with the actions of a republican administration , and further thor than that the people and the ad ministrations appear to care but very little whether they are or not , soloiif , as the action of the government Is as nearly right as possible. The democrats have their eyes glui'd on the returns from the Tnm many victory In Now York as an omei of good to their cause during the com Ing national campaign. They shouU not lese sight of the fact , however that Mr. Hryan spent the greater par of his time in Ohio , and those wlu are gleeful over the Tammany victory must needs Ignore Mr. Hryan as any thing of a leader , or If ho Is still con sldored a leader they cannot consist ently base their forecasts of the com Ing light on anything but the returns from Ohio. Mr. Hryan and his favor Ite , Tom Johnson , were sat down 01 hard In the Ohio tight and had llttlo or nothing to do with the Tammany victory In Now York. The World - Herald's enthusiast ) over the Tammany victory evidently gets the bettor of its judgment and 1 stated that It was distinctly demo cratlc. The democrats have the con sent of the republicans to take al the joy possible from the New Yorl municipal election. It was Mr. Dry an's exclamation , "Great Is Tammany and Crokor Is its prophet , " that con trlbutcd largely to his defeat during his latest battle , nnd the republicans would llko nothing bettor than to have the democrats follow Tammany during the fight next year. They fee reasonably certain that the majority of the voters of the country cauno bo induced to stand for nn ndmlnls tratlon that will bo permeated witl Tammanyism , and will bo controlled by the element of which Tammany is composed. The democrats would like nothing bolter than to make it appear tha Mr. Hanna desires the overthrow o President Roosevelt and wishes to bo nominated for the first place on the republican ticket It is to bo hopei that they will bo doomed to dlsap polntmout. The party at largo is sat isHed with Roosevelt and , with Mr Hnnim as chairman of the natlona committee and perhaps a future pros Identlal possibility , they will have nothing to fear regarding the out como. Mr. Hanna would lake an aw ful drop , however , in Iho esllmallon of his party , should ho consent to fall in with the democratic desires and permit his name to stand as a candidate for the nomination In oppo sition to President Roosovolt. Sus plclon would at once point to the fac that the Ohio senator is being urged or the place by Iho largo money In terests , nnd combinations that Pros- dotil RooBovolt has oppoBcd. Of course nothing whatever will bo atlsfactory to Sonalor Morgan and his pnrllsans regarding Iho slluntlon nt I'auama. They might have done dif ferently and again they might not mil they been in power , as it is there Is only ono course open for a party lacking an Issue and that Is to < Ick and kick hard all the tlmo. A few might bo turned against the ad- illustration in that way and every Ittlo counts to a party so deeply in llstress. If if they only had the support of the Colombians in the mat ter or If they had but had the votes oi the KIllplnoB to count on during tholr anti-expansion program , results night have been different and might yet ho different , but fortunately or tnfortunatoly they could not got in the votes of the people of the east and may not bo able to vote the pco- plo of Colombia when they most need horn. There nro n lot of people in nnd about Norfolk and throughout the state who nro likely to run amuck of the game laws. When U was mown that the open season was on , there were many who considered that there was a wide open license , that they might kill , eat and sell indis criminately. This Is a mistake. There are still restrictions Imposed > y the game law that operates to the advantage of the game birds and for those desiring the moro sport and the gamy birds for tholr table. The law states that there shall not bo trnfllc in the game birds , and those who sell or purchase pralrlo chickens or quail are laying themselves liable to prosecution under the laws of the stato. It Is understood that violations have boon frequent In this vicinity nnd there are many who have violated lated the provisions of the law In Ignorance of the law , but they should Inform themselves. Dr. Lyman Abbott says that If a Catholic priest should dare attempt to toll his people how to vote the protestant element of the town would bo in llamed with indignation , and yet It is quite the customary thing In some portions of the country forprot- estant clergymen to deliver political discourses from the pulpit , as did an Omaha minister on a recent Sunday. If Jtjs right for other ministers to talk politics , surely broad falrmlnded- ness would not attempt to forbid a Catholic the same right. If the conn try has reached that state of advance ment where It Is necessary for the pulpits to ho made political platforms every minister has a llko right to glvo his views on the political questions of the day. No ono will question the right of a minister to speak out on questions of sound morality and pur Uy In politics , but the people will in sist that they should ho very certain that they are doing what Is unques tionably right If they espouse the cause of any party from the pulpit. Nothing is more to bo desired from a republican standpoint than that the extraordinary session of congress and the regular session to follow shall serve to unite the republicans , but there Is fear lu more than ono republican heart that there will bo dissensions that may lead to a rup ture. It cannot be expected that the American sugar Interests will stand idly by and see the doors of the Am- merlcan markets thrown wide open to receive the sugar of Cuba without attempting to prevent the plan , and so many republicans have taken n stand on the other side that it can not bo expected that they -will give in to the representations of the sugar interests in this country that the American market should bo for the American producer. It Is to bo hoped that the matter of the reciprocity treaty might ho adjusted without u conlllct , and there may bo a way , If there is , In the interest of republl can harmony It should bo found and followed. President Roosevelt should enter the campaign next year with a united party back of him to glvo him energetic support , but there wl'l ' ho some of his support that will bo half-hearted , though it does not be come positively antagonistic if , in the efforts of congress to aid the sugar planter of Cuba , the American beet grower and sugar manufacturer Is crippled. If there Js a demand that will bo profitable to both , and if all the profits accruing are not absorbed by Havomoyer , or the other sugar refiners , then there will bo llttlo oh jectlon to the carrying out of the reciprocity program , but if the homo Interests are crippled there will bo a decided sentiment against the pol icy , both by those directly Interested nnd those who ndmlro the tlmo honored policy of the republican party of protection for the horrr In dustrles , and particularly these that are just obtaining a foothold. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Dig men make mistakes , When a man's whiskers begin to fade ho should do something. After n woman passes forty , and lier cares grow lighter , she passes Into n second glgglchood , When a woman says she Is only liuinan In talking to n man , she ex- [ iccts to bo contradicted. Two Atchlson women nro taking the same kind of baths : Ono to get fat and the other to get thin. When nn Irishman tries to skin an other Irishman , neither man gets any thing out of It except a lot of talk. The average man's idea of good luck is to go to bed at night with the assurance of no work next day. Wo believe It is possible to over come antagonism to anything sooner than to dislike the word "environ ment. ' " Society note from Kansas City : the swell guys no longer cut horses' tails off ; they now tie them up in esthetic bows. An Atchlson man has a joke on his wife ; she has been gone away a month and ho gained seven pounds on res taurant meals. The scoop hats the women are wearIng - Ing arc hnve-to-hollor hats ! Women wearing them can't got near enough together to be heard unless they hol ler. You have this to bo thankful for if you nro in the humble walk of life , if over you have a bilious spoil , the people will not bo bored by bullcttiris about it. When a man puts his wife on the train to go on an extended visit , ho takes longer nnd more interested looks at the woman ho passes on his way back homo. We would hate to bo a milkman and have to devote our ability as an ac countant to keeping track of some women's milk tickets. When the women in a church re mind a preacher that he has told that story before , ho may as well begin to look for a now field ; ho is grow ing unpopular. We haven't tried to find out how old Ann Is. There ire several Atchl- son women whoso ages wo are moro Interested in. True politeness does not consist en tirely in saying "Good morning" fre quently , and shaking hands as often as possible. In these troubled days of finding help , it is correct to call a girl "an old family servant , " if you had her as long as three weeks. A brakeman , In speaking of an ac tress with Tim Murphy who forgot her lines , says she broke In two , and knocked out a draw head when she came together. We have noticed that the present from rich kin at a wedding will bo found on the piano In the parlor , while those from the poorer kin are displayed In the dining room. An Atchlson woman feels that she Is entitled to wear the red ha'dge of courage ; she faced a room full of women - men at a party she gave recently and Informed them that the Ice cream had given out. An Atchlson man who had a big field to pick from , finds that ho has made as bad a mistake in the son-in- law ho picked out as if ho had per mitted his daughter to have a free band. Two-thirds of the applause given to "The Man Prom Missouri , " was given when a swear word was used. People should really quit applauding a swear word on the stage , or quit frowning at it when they hear it on the streets. A certain Atchlson man , when ho wishes to cast his horoscope for the day , plays a slot machine the first thing in the morning. If ho gets three cigars , the horoscope Is a good ono ; if ho gets only ono , ho expects a good many drunkards to bother him before night. An engagement that was announced a month ago has already resulted in 40 pairs of stockings , two dozen tow els , four dozen handkerchiefs and nu merous other gifts for the bride , and nothing but the question , "Do you think you can afford to get married ? " to the groom. Wo suppose that when n man pre cipitates himself into St. Peter's pres ence , with marks of a rope around his neck , St. Peter knows that ho has lived in the countrv , and hung him self in a barn. Dut when the man's hair is soaking wet , it means that ho was n city man , and took the bath tub route. An Atchlson young man had a head ache , and the alarm of his best girl whoso Imagination pictured him on his deathbed , was illy concealed. The girl's father had an attack of pneu monia , but the daughter decided that Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con sumption. "Eat plenty of pork , " was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago. Salt pork is good if a man. can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott'sEmulsionisthemod- ern method of feeding fat to > the consumptive. Pork is too- rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats , especially v prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way , which is often the only way , is half the battle , but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some thing about the combination : of cod liver oil and hypophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be. sent free upon request. lie sure that t'iU picture in the form of a label is cm Hie wrapper of cvry bottle of. nuiulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOVVNE , . CHEMISTS , 409 Pearl St. , N. Y. oc. nnd Si : all ilrt" * ! It was nothing to worry about ; that doctors always exaggerate tht.igs. Girls' secret societies are Begin ning to adopt initiation ceremonies that sound like imitation of the boys. The Sigma Zeta fraternity of the Kan sas City , Kan. , high school last night took a candidate to a soda fountain , , and compelled her to Pay for Drinks for All of the Ten members. Then they escorted her home , and made her smoke a cigarette. A reporter employed on the Daily Blade , wrote the following testimonial for a cereal food : "I purchased a package of Like It , after seeing it advertised in the Blade for several months. I never buy on article of any kind that is not advertised in the Blade. I don't know that it is doing : mo any good , but it is not doing mo any harm , and it is advertised in the Blade. " The Atchlson barbers received a. letter today from the Kansas City bar ber who charged a customer eight dollars for tonsorial work during the carnival there. In the letter the Kan sas City barber defends his position. Ho says the jay said he had come from a small Kansas town , and want ed to take in the city , and , as ho de sired to take It in right , he wanted to be made as pretty as possible. The jay told the harbor to use all the aids to beauty ho know of. Thereupon , the barber put the jay in the chair , and dyed his hair and eyebrows , steamed him out , cut off his whiskers , trimmed his long locks , shaved his neck , powdered and roughed his face , painted his lips , blackened his eye brows , and put a llttlo cute piece of court plaster on his cheek. When tha jay got out of the barber chair , ho had been transformed from a hay seed to something that was meant to just naturally set the girla crazy. The Kansas City barber has a delicate sentiment regarding the high calling- of the barber trade , and ho submits to the world that art should never bo subjected to the vulgar question of oxponso. Coldi " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breaihe. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , and it gave me im mediate relief. " W. C. Layton , Sidell , 111. How will your cough be tonight ? Worse , prob ably. For it's first a cold , then a cough , then bron chitis or pneumonia , and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Three ilies : 25c. , 50 . , 'JI. All drn ltti. Comult your doctor. If he lari take It. than do ai lie j , Ir he telli you not to take It. then don't take It. lie knowi LeaTe It with him. \ \ > are wjillnc. < J. 0. AYEUCO.j'Loweil.SIail.