The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 13, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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    TUB NOKFOMv NKWS : FHIDAY , NOVEMBER 18 , 11)08. )
Many Building Operations Have
Been Postponed.
Millions Doing Spent at Brooklyn
Navy Yard and Remarkable Change
Dclng Made Getting Ready for
the Tiger's Reign.
Now York , Nov. 13. Now York has
had trouble of Its own in the matter
of getting up now buildings because
of the strikes from which tbo city
has been suffering for tbo past sev
eral months. Despite all this , however -
over , there nro several Improvements
under way that will , within the next
two or three years , add greatly to
the magnificence and Importance of
the city. Fashionable apartment and
tenement house operations have
been the most pronounced feature of
the building activity since the settle-
mentor the strikes , but there are
several elegant now office buildings
In prospect , with a few palatial pri
vate residences In the faslilonablo
\ districts and another theatre or two
Across the bridge millions of dollars
lars are being spent at the Brooklyn
Navy yard and within the next few
months a remarkable change in tbo
appearance and efficiency of the yard
will be noticed. Among the Improve
ments will be a new dry dock which
will cost $1,200,000 and which Is ex
pected to bo tbo largest and host
equipped dry dock In tbo country
for repairing battleships. Although
tbo improvements will make possible
the more rapid construction of ships
and greatly faclllitato repair work ,
the fact remains that tbo area of
tbo yard Is entirely too limited for
the growing needs of the navy-
It Is doubtful If there Is a nuslcr
man In New York today than Dis
trict Attorney William Travors , le-
romo. If plans which ho has on foot
carry , any Impression that may have
been formed that Now York Is to bo
a 'wide open" town after January 1
when Tammany Hall takes possession
of the city again may bo removed
Immediately. That Mr. Jerome will
bo a thorn In tbo side of the Tiger
administration in case of policy of a
"liberal enforcement" of the laws Is
already apparent. Mr. Jerome as
serts that he will keep nfter the
gamblers and dives and further an
nounces that a number of Now York
i millionaires have confidentially pledg
ed whatever financial support bo
may need for the success of his work.
After the horse show tonight so
ciety will run down to Lakewood forever
over Sunday. The season , which
promises to bo very lively at the
fashionable resort , opens tonight and
awag'gor people from all parts of the
conntry have been flocking there for
the past few days. The Now York
contingent will bo large and fash
ionable. Ono of Lakowood's attrac
tions that appeals not only to Now
Yorkers , but to strangers as well , Is
its accessibility to New York. An
hour and a half on the fast trains
that one can attend the theatre or
J opera In Gotham , and yet ho may
have his own bed to sleep in with
the balsam of the pines to invite his
It has been a long time since so
many cases of pneumonia have been
reported at the various hospitals In
this city. A very prominent physi
cian informs your correspondent that
Vbo majority of such cases at this
"time of year may bo traced directly
to the poorly heated fiats and apart
ments. Landlords and agents put
off the heating of flats to the last day
and the result is that many cases of
pneumonia are developed. The resi
dents of the west side seem to suffer
most and It is expected that the
board of health will bo called upon
to take action In the matter.
Long Beach , L. I. , which It Is re
ported that the United States govern
ment is thinking of purchasing for a
submarine station Is one of the pret
tiest spots around Now York. It
has many natural advantages , being
located on Gardiners Bay where al
most every year the warships are
stationed for practice. It Is about
three miles in length.
Much Interest has been aroused
among Now York militiamen over the
possibility of the mllltla regiments
of the United States being placed up
on a basis of pay In a manner whlcl
would comply with that allowed by
the United States government to
men In the regular army. It Is under
stood that a bill will bo Introduced a
the next session of congress whlcl
will embrace the proposition to do
this. The local guardsmen are unanl
mous In their approval of such a
A keen observer of things foml
nlno will notice that a great deal o
brown Is worn by fashionable womot
of Gotham. A member of the Fou
Hundred states that the color Is af
footed out of compliment to Mis
Alice Roosevelt , who has suddenly
Tcored from her favorite blue toth
sow russet brown. Miss Koosevol
is very popular In Now York soclet
and her unassuming manner ha
on for her many friends. Desplto
or strenuous llfo she has not taken
n tbo looklof the older girls of the
mart set.
The opinion held by many that col-
ego students love fun nnd college
antes more than work Is losing
; round every year. Few people real-
y know bow hard many students
vork during tbo vacation mouths to
arn their tuition for tbo next term.
A report just Issued by the Columbia
Indents shows that during the sumner -
nor vacation this year Columbia boys
arned a total of ffil.lOUW. This Is
in Increase of over $10,000 over last
After all the great flro which re-
eutly destroyed tbo Bowery section
) f Coney Island might prove a bios-
Ing. The lllmsoy wooden structures
hero wore a menace to the public
afoty and had the llro occurod in
ho summer tbo loss would have boon
ar greater. Some of the owners of
ho three hundred structures swept
iway have already begun now build-
ngs on the old sites , all of which
ro to bo constructed of fireproof ma-
crlal. A now corporation known as
he "Wonderland Company" Is plan
ning an amusement palace to rival
bo famous "Luna Park" which ho-
amo famous the world over last
General Francis V. Greene , police
ommlssloner , Is being talked of as
lead of the committee that will su-
lorvlso the construction of canals ,
irovldcd for In the bill for that pur-
> ese and recently approved by pop-
ilar vote In this city. It is not like-
y , however , that any steps will be
akcn In the near future to put into
effect the canal enlargement. Indeed
t is stated on good authority that
10 bonds will be issued or work done
icforo the opening of the legislature
n January. After that winter condi-
ions would In any case delay work
intil next spring.
The discovery that the channels In
> Jew York harbor are being slowly
nit surely blocked by tbo tons of
llrt and refuse that are being dumped
nto the water daily by scores of
scows , is not pleasing to the shipping
) eoplo and residents of New York ,
n tbo very path of vessels within a
adius of three-fourths of a mile
southeast and cast of the Sandy Hook
ightship , there are now only six to
seven fathoms of water , where there
ised to bo 11M : and 1C fathoms , as
narked on the United States chart.
The supervisor of tbo Now York barer -
) or , at the suggestion of the pilot
commissioners , is making an investi
gation of the matter.
13 < liiirtto | 1 > y Precedent.
For example of how men may live
and act according to precedent there
can be no bettor reference than to the
lord chamberlain's office in London.
There In quiet rooms day after day
men learned in state etiquette , court
dress and royal functions reach down
heavy volumes to see what was done
on such and such an occasion. Beauti
ful pictures showing with minute ex
actness tbo details of the court costume
under various circumstances are ready
to their hands.
Is the shah of Persia coming ? Is the
kaiser soon to arrlv6 ? Is the king go
ing to receive the monarch of Slam ?
Is one of the royal prlnccst es to be
married ? Whi'ii any of these events
happens , the officials at the lord cham
berlain's office know exactly what to
do. And if some point should crop up
which has not been raised for a cen
tury or more they have the faithful
official records as to what was done on
the hist like occasion.
A CtirloiiN Clock.
In one of the chief watchmaking es
tablishments in Xurlch theie is to be
seen a remarkable curiosity in the way
of watch or clock making. The time
piece is In the form of a ball , which
moves imperceptibly down an inclined
surface without rolling. Tin ; length of
this Inclined surface , which is sixteen
Inches long , Is accomplished from top
to bottom in twenty-four hours. Then
the ball only needs lifting to the top
again. This extraordinary timepiece
has no spring and therefore needs no
winding. The hands are kept In mo
tion by the sliding along an Inclined
plane. London Globe.
Ileforc MnrrlnRe.
Fuddy There would be fewer un
happy marriages in the world If men
and women would try to find out each
other's disposition during courtship In
stead of doing their best to deceive one
Duddy Yes , I guess there would be ,
as you say , fewer unhappy marriages.
In fact , there would be fewer mar
riages of any kind , I guess. Boston
In the rtnrlc.
"So he kissed you , did he ? "
"Yes. "
"I'm astonished ! "
"So was I. You see , he mot ine in n
dark corner of the piazza , ami"
"Oh ! In n dark corner ! That ex
plains It. " Chicago Post.
All the gospel in the world can be
boiled down into a single precept Do
right now. I have observed that the
boy who starts In the morning with :
determination to behave himself til
bedtime usually gets through the da >
without a thrashing. Churles Dudlej
Weaver Poetry is something that la
born in some one. It cannot be ac
quired. The making of poetry la a gift
Benvcr So Is the disposing of. it , BO
far as I bavo had any experience.
A Dlt of .Early Nebraska History Written -
ten by a Pioneer that Is of More
than Ordinary Interest.
The following recently appeared In
lie Nobraslm City Tribune , nnd will
to of Interest to the curly nettlei-H of
lit ) part of tbo citato. Kentn-Uot-ooH ,
van for many years u trailer with tlio
'awneiw anil a frequent vlnltor to
bio section of tbu Htatu :
"While RpcnUIng upon this Indian
nbjoct a little matter of blntory collected
ected with this Htato and particular-
y with the Platte rlvor coition to tbo
ilnd. A Mm. I'latt.wbo Htlll HVOH
i Oburlln , Ohio , anil who WUH one
f the llrst white perHonn to he. In
lila .section of the country tolls about
. In May , 1S51 , tbo piiHsngo of the
tuiiKaH-NohriiHUan bill by rongroHH
live thlR country a little Rhnplngaud
I/.lug up. MI-H. 1'latt bad been here
lieu a do/on years , being l\rnt \ lo
ated Just acrosM the MlsHouri river
ppoHlto where Nebraslm City now IB
t a Hcttlement called ( .union , which
VUH her maiden name. Mrs. 1'latt
ays : "When Mr. I'latt ami I went
o the I'awneo mission Htatlon by
eiiuuHt of tbo missionaries of the
American board who wore laboring
here , to act aa teachers under gov-
rnmcnt , and co-operato with them
n their work , wo found no such word
s Nebraska In tbo geographical vo-
abulary of that section , Wo were
n the C.roat American Desert , In
lint portion known as tbo Indian tor-
itory , and through It la/.lly rolled a
iroad , shallow stream , named by the
"Vouch trailers , Lit IMatto , and called
y the Pawnees , Keats-kot-oos , ( Flat
Vntor. ) When our Indian friends
vlshed to give Mr. I'latt a name , and
voro told by the whites that his
aino accorded with that of the
' "Yoiiclinmn's rlvor , they called him
< eats-kot-oH and the name lives In
hat region today. Hut south of the
and claimed by the Pawnees laid
hat occupied by tbo Otoea , and to-
vards its eastern boundary a stream
vent rolling and gnrgllug over Its
ocky bed with such a sad plaintive
one , it suggested to the poetical mind
f tbo Indian that the waters were
seeping , and the named the stream
s'ebratbka ( Weeping Water ) hence
ho name of our state , Nebraska
Mint tbo sound of 'th' is in tbo or-
ginalsord , I was assured by the son
> f a missionary who lived among the
Otocs some years and spoke their lan
guage lluontly. Hut the language of
hose petty prattle tribes was not re-
luced to writing , and we who labored
unong them and spoke their tongue ,
could sympathize with .loaqulnn Mti
er , who deplored that the musical
3-da-ho ( accent on the second syllable )
> f bis boyhood's love , was changed
> y tbo white man Into tbo discordant
-da-ho ( accent on the llrst syllable ) ,
vhon wo found that the soft Pawnee
accent on the ilrst syllable ) was so
spelled and accented as to bo pro-
lounccd Pawn-eo ; when the sweet
lowing O-ma-ba was changed to the
eng drawn out O-may-baw , and the
charming Ut-ta-wa coarsened into Ot
a-way. How can the mistakes bo
remedied ? "
A New Book Descriptive of Omaha Is-
ued by the North-Western Line.
One of the most attractive railroad
publications that has been soon in
quite a while Is the booklet doscrlpt-
vo of Omaha , Council Bluffs and
South Omoha , now being distributed
jy the passenger department of the
Chicago and North-Wostcrn Uy. It
a a very interesting publication , glv-
ng a mass of information as to the his-
; , civic and commercial growth
of tbo cities named , all gotten up to
excellent taste , handsomely illus
trated and bound in an attractive
The North-Western Line Is to be
complimented on tbo spirit evidenced
: n producing this publication , which
it is to bo hoped will bo of much value
to those cities to whoso Interest the
little volume is dovotcd.
A copy of the book may bo secured
on receipt of 2-cont stamp sent to II.
C. Choynoy , General Agent , 1401 Par-
nam St. , Omaha.
A. J. DUNLEVY , Mgr.
Fred .Raymond Presents His
Comedy Success
PRICES , 35 , 50 and 75 Cents.
flarquardt Block.
Ladles have Wednesday
Afternoons Exclusively
Interesting Letters from
Catholic Institutions.
In every conntry of the civilized
world thi ) RUtorH of Chnrlty nro known.
Not only ilo they
THE mill later to the
and Intel-
spiritual -
Icotual neodH of
GOOD the charges com
mitted to tbolr
WORK. euro , but tboy also
minister to their
bodily needs. With HO mnny children
to take care of nnd to protect from
cllinato and disease , thc o wlso and pru
dent sisters havn found 1'ornim a novor-
falllng safeguard.
A letter recently received by Tr. ) Hartman -
man from Sinter Deatrlx 11. CulIain-JIO
W. Thirtieth street , Now York , roads
as follows :
" I cannot say too much Jnpralsoof
Pcruna. Hlght bottles of It cured
me of catarrh of the lungs of four
Caie of Mn. J , JA Vanfeli of Wnchtittr , Kv. .
compltttlv cured bv I > D fi afttr 7 uecki' ap
plication. She hail lufftrtil Jl/tten veari.
Fifteen years' tortures of her
terrible skin disease stopped in a
few weeks , Not a" blemish re
mains on the patienti
We hereby certify that full particulars
shown as regarding this case conclusively
prove that the sufferer as shown in tlm
photo , taken before treatment , was cleared
of all taint of the disease by D. D. D , the
wonderful new prescription for skin affec
tions.Vo have never known anything more
wonderful in medicine than thu work of
this remedy , Cases cured since we have
been handling it have fully equaled the
record of it shown us before taking it for
It can IKS depended upon fully. Price , $1
per bottle. Money refunded in all cases it
not satisfied with results after trying a bottle
tle of it
years' statutlnn , anil I would not hnvo
been without It for anything. It helped
several Slaters of coughs and coldn
and I hnvo yet to find one casa of ca
tarrh that It docs not curo. " Slstcr
From a Catholic Institution In Cen
tral Ohio comes the following recom
mend from the Sister Superior.
11 Boino yearn npo a friend of our Innti-
tullon recommended IOUH Dr. IIiirtiniui'H
I'orumv nH mi oxcolH-iit romoily for the
Influenza of which -\vo then hud novornl
CUHCH which troatoneil lo bo of a Hurloim
" Wo began to HBO It and experienced
Bitch wonderful romillH Unit nlnco thun
I'onumhns bccomo our favorllo inc-dl-
clno for influenza , catarrh , cold , cough
and bronchitis. "
Another recommend from a Catholic
Institution of one of the Central
States written hy the Sister Superior
reads as follows :
"A number of yearn ngoour attention
was called toCr.IIurtman's Peruna.and
then wo IIRVO lined It with woi > -
lUirful romillH forirrJi > , ( ! otiulm ; , < 'ol < lii ntiil
( 'iitnrrhiil ( llHuiiHOfl of the himd unA
" For grip nnd vrlntar oalarrh c poo-
hilly It , him hctmof grout tutrvU'o lo tlf
Immvtmi of Ihln lUHtlttitlon.
All Over the United Stiitos USB }
Po-ru-im for Cntarrli , '
Dr. Hiirlimm rwHvim ninny lolon (
trout Cuthollu KlHtnrritiUovnHlin Dulled
HluloH. A recommend rorontly r -
eetved from a ( lullmlli ) liifllltiilUin la tlm '
SoulhwcHt nmdmiH follow * :
A I'loiuliKtiit ninlliiirHiiiMTliii-Hiiyni '
" I oim toritlfy from i > xj > nri-nr | i to the
oflU'lminy of INiruna IIHOIIO of tlm very
boHt inodlclni'H , nnd it given inn plunmiro '
toudd my pruhio to that of llmiiHunda
who have used it. ] j"or ynniK 1 nurture * '
with oatnrrh of the Htomnrh , nil romo-
cllns proving VRlmilntifl for relief. Last
HprlngI wont toColnrndo , hoping to b
bonofltoil by a ohango of ollmulo nnd
whllo there a friend ndvlsod inu to try \
1'oruna. After lining two ! * > ( I li-n f found
inyHolf very inuoh Improved. Tim r - !
maliiHof jnyold dliumno being ixiw BO \
Hllghl , I ooiiHldor inyBolf ourcil , yet for 1
a whllo llnUmd toconlluuo the n o of '
1'oruna. I nm now treating nnothor '
patient -with your inodtcliiu. Who has '
been Hlclc with inalnrhv unit troubled .1
with leucorrliiua. I IIIXYO not n doubt '
that u euro will bo upeodlly unnoted. " 4
These are samples of let tors received }
hy Dr. llartinan from the various \
orders at Catholic Sisters throughout I
the United States.
The naincH nnd nddronsoH to them ) lob- ,
tern hnvo boon withhold from rcHpcoi !
to ( ho KlBtorn but will bo furnlHhcd upon t
roquoHl. I
Ono-hnlf of thodlnonROfl whleh aflllc * i
mankind uroduo to HOIIIO eiilurrliul do- ?
rnngemctit of the mucoim memhnmp ,
lining HOIIIO organ or JIUHMII O of llift
A remedy that would not Immediately
upon the consented mueonH membrunp
ruHlorlng It to HH normm. Hlulo , would
coiiHequently euro nil thi'Ho dlKCOHCH.
Catarrh IH catarrh whuiuvcr loomed ,
whether It bo In the hi-ad , throat , lungu , i
Htomaeh , kldneyH , or jiulvlc orgunn. A
remedy tluvt will euro H in ono location
will euro it In all loealloiiH. .
If you do nolrecelvo prompt nnd natla- \
factory rcHitllH from the iiho of 1'cruun ,
wrlto atonco to Dr. Ilarlman , giving &
full Htatomont of your ease , and ho will
bo pleased toglvo you hl valuable ad-
vleo gratis.
Address Dr. Hurt man , Pronldont of
Tim llnrtmun Sanitarium , Coluraba %
You want to build a barn.
You want to repair the roof ,
You would like to fix the
fence ,
You would add to the old
wood shed.
You would use wood of any
kind for anything
4 W * Let the Chicago Lumber Company
434j figure with you. They're progressive.
4 ?
4) 4) N. B. DOLSEN , Manager.
'Phone 91. NORFOLK , NEB.
* * * * * * * * *
L ! Oil
Sweetwator Eock Spring.
Scranton Hard Coal.
'PHONE 81. rii
The Citizens National Bank.
OAl'ITAi , , iffiO.OOO. Sl'lU'l I'S , $10,000.
Ituy anil Soil Kxclmiik-o on tills Country nrul nil parts of Kur i > o. Fnrm Loniio.
( 'Am , AHMCHV. . II. JOHNSON TIIAH. 8. Ilnimii : K. Mclvius C M. SWAXI
Get What You Ask for at. . .
ALL ORDERS nro Filled Promptly and with Ciiro. Onr
goods are FIRST-GLASS in every particular. We know pre
cisely what is wanted by our customers.
We Aim to Give You the Best Value for Your Money ,
South Side flnln St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone No. 41.