The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 13, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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    Tim NORFOLK NEWS ; PHI DA V , NOVKMBIUR 53 , 1)3. ! ) ( )
W. N. MUSIC , IMitilUhrr.
tlCstablUhed 1887. ]
Ktcry tiny cict'pl Hmulnjr. lly onrrlpr i > or
wool , I ) iviil * . lly Norfolk iNiMiittlrnrinllvnry ,
per yrwr , HUM. lly mull nil mint roiiliw inul
ouUUlo of Norfolk , i < r yonr , f.'l.m.
The NOWH. KfltnlilUheil. 1881.
The Journnli KMnbllMied , .
Mvory Krldny. lly mull jior > nur , l.ou.
Knteroil nt the pontollloo at Noifolk ,
Neb , , nn Hcoonil ohms tnaltni.
Telephones ! ICilltorlnl Department.
Ho. 22. llimlnoKH Olllco inul Job
Itonmn. No. 322.
Nebraska IB onu of the host states
in the union for the hardworking p < x > r
ninn to tlovelop riches.
It may not bo ngrtn'ablo , ordlnnrlly ,
t liavo a blurt called , uiul people
shonlil not blulT , nn Coloinbln did on
the canal nmttur and KUIIHUH In regard
to tbo Saturday football game.
Mr. llryan In kept alnumt UH busy
denying that ho IH a rnnilldntu f6r
nfllco of president an IH Mr. Huniui ,
mid ho IH not yet out of tbo woods.
It IH nlnioat 'safe1 to but that will boone
ono of the llrHt questions ashed dom-
ooracy's whilom Condor when ho
stops out of the , boat on the other
sldo of the big pond.
The establishment of a grain mar
ket In Omnha which appears to have
been Inaugurated auspiciously , means
moro than the moro development of
Omaha. If that city Is successful lit
creating a grain corlor there It will
bo of value to the grain grower and
grain dealer not alotio In Nebraska
but throughout the west. It Is to bo
desired that Omaha's grain nmt'Uot
nhall bo substantial and prosperous.
Minnesota Is having some oxclto-
inont over the opening of n reserva
tion nt Hod Lake , but there will bo
more doing when the llosohud reser
vation opens In South Dakota , If congress -
gross can but see It that way. The
fortllo section at the end of tbo
Northwestern extension has attracted
unusual attention and there are many
people who are fully determined to
try for a claim when the opportunity
presents Itself.
The Colombians are evidently not
pleased with the trend of events and
are blaming their president for the
situation that confronts thorn. Pres
ident Mnrrnquln may have bad a
share In the negotiations that have
resulted disastrously to Colombia , but
the legislators of the people undoubt
edly deserve a share of the blame
that Is being thrust upon the presi
dent. Inasmuch as time cannot bo
turned backward and original condi
tions restored , the Colombians might
bettor forglvo and forget.
All the savages do not live In the
west. Seventy high school girls of
Baltimore attacked a classmate whom
they accused of tale-bearing and al
most scratched the life out of her.
It was In the fashionable part of the
city , too. Had It boon In the Canni
bal islands the people would have at
once contributed toward sending them
another missionary to teach them
what was right and proper. A tale
bearer may bo and frequently Is cor
dially despised , but there are few
who will consider that the Haltlmoro
girls gave this ono just the deserved
sort of treatment.
The common people are not taking
time to lay awake nights und gener
ate enthusiasm over Mr. Hryan's trip
abroad. That Is getting a little to
near to being plutocratic to please
them and they are not to bo blamed If
they are easting their eyes about
for another leader , less plutocratic
now but who may bo the recipient
of blessings similar to those now en
joyed by Mr. Urynn If he will but
take up their cause and battle for
their rights In a manner that will In
sure like prosperity to that to which
Mr. Bryan has attained slnco ho was
advanced to the leadership.
, Colombia may wish that It had an
other opportunity to say a word or
two on the canal proposition , but the
door has been closed to that country
on that proposition. Their legislators
dallied and bluffed around about the
matter too long , and the United
States Is not required to look toward
them further for their opinion on
the matter. It Is anticipated that
with the trafllc that the canal will
bring to Panama that country may
reasonably hope to bo a bigger factor
down there than the mother country
over dared hope to become. It Is
the fortune of war and Colombia has
none but herself to blame if she took
hold of the worst end of the deal.
If , as reported from Washington ,
the Union Pacific railway company
will throw open thousands of acres
, land held by it to the settlement of
the farmers and stockmen , coincident
with the opening of the Rosebud res
ervation , there will bo an Inducement
for Immigration from the east to the
west that has not been experienced
\p \ recent years. These lands have
been Increasing In value during re-
K ' >
rout years and If the system of Irri
gation established by the government
will water those unctions that have
Insutllcluut natural molsturo , there
IH every reason to bollovo that the
efforts of the people of the east to
secure farm homes In the west will
be spontaneous and general.
A Turkish artist who made a cartoon
teen of the sultan has been sentenced
to 101 years In prison , during which
time ho will have ample time to ro
lled ou the enormity of his sin , and
perhaps develop a pure and contrite
spirit. While the clvlllr.ed world will
look ou this punishment an moro ser
ious than the crime would seem to
justify , many of the people would
not bo sorry to have HOIIIO of the
cartoonists on the yellow Journals of
both parties who slander the great
men submitted to some ort of pun
ishment that would at least Induce
them'to draw their picture stories
more mildly. The cartoon is not a
necessity that could not bo dispensed
with where It applies to personali
ties. The word picture caricatures
are sulllclontly severe to answer all
purposes , and there are not a few
who will continue to admire Governor
1'onnypackor's attitude on the ques
tion , regardless of his unpopularity
among the newspapers of Pennsyl
The Columbus board of education
has adopted a set of resolutions re
questing the mayor of the city to see
that the law prohibiting the sale of
cigarettes , cigars , tobaccos and liquors
to minors Is strictly enforced. It has
been found that many of the public
schools of that city are addicted to
the use of tobacco and It is proposed
to stop it if possible. The laws nro
certainly strict enough If they are but
enforced. There Is nothing manly in
the use of tobacco and the boys who
are overly anxious to ncqulro the
habit will find in later years that they
have made the mistake of their lives ,
as It Is degrading , morally , physically
and Intellectually. If boys must
learn to use tobacco there Is plenty
of tlmo after they have completed the
course of the public schools , then , too ,
they will not bo setting a bad example -
ample to other boys. If dealers in
tobacco will not observe the laws they
should bo prosecuted. There is a
lot moro harm In selling tobacco to
minors than there Is In other matters
that receive greater attention from
reformers sometimes.
The unsympathetic farmers of the
west and south are so busy adding up
long columns of figures a task which
employs them far Into the night these
days that the doleful cries from
Wall street go utterly unheeded.
They are trying to puzzle out Just how
much of the ? 2C > 00,000,000 that the
enormous crops promise to yield Is
going Into their Individual pockets.
They have got so far along In their
calculations that their wives and
daughters are already negotiating
with the piano agent , the sowing ma
chine vender and the piano lamp
man. Steam heat and electric lights
will probably follow the last addition.
The estimates show that It Is rea
sonable to expect a corn croo worth
on the farm $1,035,000,000 , a cut Mn
crop worth $575,000,000 , a wheat crop
worth $192,000.000 and an oat trop
worth $275,500,000. These total $2-
377,500,000 , and no account is taken of
the various other products.
The crop records of some of the
Individual states for this year are'
amazing. The lead scorns to bo hold
safely enough by Nebraska , with Its
15,000,000 bushels of wheat , which
should yield ? : ! 3,25,000 ! ; 222.-120.000
bushels of corn , yielding $100,000,000 ,
and 53,000,000 bushels of oats , worth
probably $18,581,000 ; a total of nearly
$162,000,000. This Is money enough
to give every resident of that fortu
nate state $112. Kansas Is a close
second In the running. Its crops are
great enough to give each man , wo
man and child within Its borders $115.
The $2,500,000,000 which these crops
of corn , cotton , wheat and oats prom
ise to yield Is sulllotent to give each
citizen In the United States about $33.
Now York Sun.
The Bee reproduces from the Now
York Sun a timely article reviewing
the crop situation In the west and
calls attention to the fact that our
unsympathetic farmers are so busy
adding up long columns of figures
representing the yields of their fer
tile acres that the doleful cries from
Wall street go utterly unheard.
What is particularly gratifying in
the Sun's review is its concession to
Nebraska of the first place In the list
of prosperous agricultural states for
this year. "Tho lead , " It says , "seems
to bo held safely enough by Nebraska
with its 45,000,000 bushels of wheat.
which should yield $33,215,000 ; 222-
420,000 bushels of corn , yielding $100-
000.000. and 53,000.000 bushels of
oats , worth probably $18,581,000 ; a
total of nearly $152,000,000. " And It
adds : "This Is money enough to
give every resident of that fortunate
state $142. "
Is It any wonder that , with those
conditions at homo , Nebraska should
bo comparatively unconcerned at re
ports of shaklness In the eastern
money markets. The foundation of a
nation's prosperity rests upon Its food
producers and If the great grain and
wheat bolt of which Nebraska Is near
the center Is sound to the core , the
dangers of stock exchange speculation
cannot go far beneath the surface ,
With the farmers of this section so
strongly fortified behind crops which
can bo readily coined nt the mints
Into hundred cent dollars the Import
ance of these western states In the
world's business affairs must bo cor
respondingly enhanced , The homo
market is always regarded an the best
market for American manufacturers
and thu best part of the home market
for this year will bo found In Ne
braska and the surrounding states.
The western farmer constitutes the
most effective present demand for
all the standard products of mill and
factory , to say nothing of having the
money to pay their hills as soon as
they become due , and as a consequence
quence the west should bo worth
cultivating Just now by the business
Interests of the ontlro country.
Omaha Bee.
It never makes you feel any bet
ter to give up.-
It takes longer to do everything
than you expect.
There are plenty of good boys ,
Ever hear n boy complimented ?
Some people keep on finding fault
forever , and never got anything dono.
Every man has too many sign posts
up pointing to the good deeds of his
An Atchlson boy who Is compelled
by his mother to churn , calls It "bus
iness. "
So a wedding dross Is white , the
average man doesn't know , or care ,
what It Is made of.
The doctors finally got Ingalls Gale
right ; after five operations , ho is the
stoutest , fattest man in town.
It Is a good plan to occasionally
take your troubles to some one who
will point out that you are to blame
for having them.
At this season of the year , a wo
man can't claim that she has nervous
prostration unless she Is too nervous
to turn a pancake.
The legislature should dccldo : If
a man has a weak stomach ; have his
wlfo and daughter n right to sit and
oat mince pie right In front of him ?
When you speak of your friends
you are perhaps too enthusiastic.
And of course you abuse your ene
mies moro than they deserve ; every
body does that.
Kvory time there is company , Mrs.
makes statements which cause Mr.
to gulp with surprise , yet no ono
would dare to state that women are
not moro truthful than men.
When a girl goes to work , she
thinks It so disgraceful that the entire -
tire world Is shocked. But ns n mat
ter of fact , the world Is only shocked
when she does not go to work.
When you go fishing or hunting ,
conditions are never right ; It was
too dry for the dogs to work , or there
was too much wind. But It never
occurs to people that fish and game
are scarce.
Dr. Boyle , pastor of the PresbyterIan -
Ian church , says ho is afraid to take
off his clothes and go to bed nt night ;
his wife Is making a rag carpet and
ho caught her looking closely at his
everyday suit.
There are certain people who nro
always insisting on the town secur
ing a store that will give goods away.
Of course such a thing is Impossible ,
and these who advocate It fail to do
modest reform work that is practical.
Up north , every winter , there go
to waste ninety billion tons of Ice.
If some man of enterprise would ship
this ice to market , it could bo sold
at two dollars n ton , thus realizing
one hundred and eighty billion dollars
every year. Just think of It !
Two boys had a fight today , and It
came about In this way : A boy wearIng -
Ing long pants approached n boy
wearing short pants , and inquired :
"Do you wear short pants yet ? " The
boy wearing short pants made no
other response than to bit him a
An Atchison young man has been
found entirely acceptable to the very
devout parents of his girl. In asking
for their daughter In marriage , ho
said that bo would "enjoy the thought
through llfo that Mary would have
tbo legal right to bo the ono waiting
for him at heaven's gate. "
Church Whlto says that during the
war , when ho lived nt Hainesvllle ,
Mo. , a union army passed through
tho'town following Old Pap Price.
There lived In Halnesvlllo a woman
who had a little dog named Trip.
This woman , in common with other
citizens stood nt her gnto as the sol
diers marched by. Trip was barking
furiously nt the soldiers , who were
heavily armed , and who had been
living for a year or two on nothing
but powder and bullets. But Trip
was not afraid of them , and kept on
barking ; Indeed , ho finally showed a
disposition to attack them. "Trip , "
his mistress said , "don't bite the
army. "
A live , energetic , up-to-dnto mer
chant who was sleeping during the
Sunday morning service , was started
by the following words In n lou'd
voice , "Brethren , why stand ye here
nil day Idle ? " and unconsciously an
swered , "Because they don't adver
tise. " Newman Grove Reporter.
If there wore a few moro Mahood
families In tMn f'ctlon the nmdomy
would not lack fir student" . Three
of the boys nro now attending on the
bill , whllo a sister 1s planning to
commence. The mother of three
such steady young men , all ambitious
to get an education , must feel that
her life has not been n failure , as she
sues the result of her Influence and
training in the exemplary lives of
her sons. Nellgh Yeoman.
An opossum , an animal rarely found
in these parts , was captured Monday
night in a very peculiar manner1. It
came to grief whllo Investigating the
contents of a swill barrel on Mr.
King's place by the creek in the north
west part of town , getting into the
barrel and being unable to get out.
It was alive , however , when taken out ,
and proved to be n genuine old opossum
sum , full grown but very poor. It was
Inter sot at liberty. Oakdalo Sentinel.
Articles of Incorporation for tbo
National Syrup and Preserving com
pany wore filed In the office of the
county clerk Wednesday. This was
formerly the Sioux Beet Syrup and
Preserving company of South Sioux
City , the plant of which was recently
sold under a mortgage held by Abel
Anderson of Sioux City for $17,000.
Ho bid the plant In for $20,000 , the
original cost of which was over
$90,000. The Incorporators of the
now company are : John D. Gllmore ,
Henry Bradshaw and Sherman Nel
son. The now company Is capital
ized for $200,000. There Is no ques
tion but what the plant will pay if
properly managed. Dakota City
An ordinance was filed with the
village clerk. Win. P. Warner , Friday
by the Sioux City , Homer and South
ern Electric railway , asking for u
nlnoty-uino year franchise to operate
an electric road through this place.
The right of way asked begins on
Fourteenth street at the north limit
of town just west of the cemetery ,
and runs to Broadway and then west
to the west line of town. The com
pany agrees to run cars each way
from hero to Sioux City every two
hours. The fare from hero to Sioux
City will bo ten cents ; to South Sioux
City , five cents ; and to Homer , ten
cents. The ordinance will bo con
sidered by the board at a mooting
set for Monday night. Dakota City
There are some people who do
not seem to bo satisfied with Ne
braska's soil and have a desire to go
somewhere else. These people
would not have been satisfied In the
garden of Eden. John Bridges and
Chris. Donahoo last spring rented a
few lots in the west part of the city
and planted a number of them to po
tatoes. The ground they planted to
potatoes was about three and a half
acres. They sold off this ground
$210 worth of spuds and have fifty
bushels each in their cellars for win
ter use. They afterwards planted
the same ground in turnips and will
have a good crop , but not as largo
as the ono they raised last year , for
they did not plant until rather late.
The hundred bushels of potatoes can
bo sold nt any tlmo for $85 which
would make $295 those gentlemen
got off this three and one-half acres
of ground this season. Last year
they did almost as well but did not
have as much ground under cultiva
tion and raised cane for a part of
the second crop and sold It for n good
price. They only put in fourteen
days labor on their whole crop. Who
can make a better showing for Ne
braska soil with the same amount of
labor ? Nebraska City Nows.
Take Ytmr Time
Here is an example that Is worth re-
uieiuberlug and following. Horace
Fletcher writes of an experience that
he had while traveling ou a railway
with the proverbial twenty minutes
for dinner in which to satisfy a labor
ing man's appetite. There was au ex
cellent array of good things on the
lunch counter to eat and drink , and
from these he made a selection rather
than attempt the regular dluucr. He
chose plump ham sandwiches , creamy
inllk and a large piece of plo. The
twenty minutes was ample time for
disposing of sandwiches and milk ,
while ho had the pie put In paper to
give epicurean enjoyment ou the train.
He says :
"If I had put the pie and sandwiches
and the milk into my stomach in seven
or eight minutes , which , by actual ob
servation , Is the gluttonous rate of dis
patching a station meal , I would have
lost two-thirds of nutriment , moro
than one-half of taste and taken on
twenty-four hours of discomfort , pos
sibly Inviting u cold and creating an
'open door' for any migrating microbes
that were lloatlng about In uiy atmos
phere looking for strained tissue or
fermenting food in which to build their
disease nests. "
Observation proves that you cannot
get more nutriment Into your stomach
than salivation prepares , "gulp" though
you may , but you can take in a load of
disease possibilities In trying to force
or evade proper salivation. Cooking
\ nt v
The Norfolk Daily News * r Jj
An Up-toDate Newspaper for
North Nebraska .
Six months ago The News was what
Is known In the parlance of the craft
as a strictly local newspaper , with
but a limited circulation outside the
city of Norfolk. While It thoroughly
covered the local field , It paid little
attention to telegraphic news and
consequently was not of general In
terest outside of this city. During
the past half year The News bas been
promoted to an entirely different class ,
and the claim Is made good that It Is
a newspaper In the strictest sense of
the word. While the local Hold Is
still thoroughly covered , the special
telegraphic service which was Inaug
urated early In the summer and bas
since boon augmented by an up-to-
date market report and a service by
telephone covering tbo whole north
ern part of the state , makes It the
paper to bo rolled upon for the very
latest news throughout this part of
The ono o'clock edition which was
Inaugurated a few weeks ago , con
tains the morning market reports
from Chicago and South Omaha up
till the hour of going to press. It also
contains all the Important news that
is gathered from north Nebraska
during tbo morning by wire , a full
associated press report in abbreviated
form covering tbo night service and
the latest telegraphic matter from all
over the world up till the minute the
forms nro locked.
This makes a service for the lines
out of Norfolk with which no news
paper can compote. Norfolk Is the
hub of a geographical wheel. Five
railroads radiate from tbls center and
on every line Is an afternoon train
which carries the first edition of the
paper to Its readers. On the same
trains north and west are carried the
morning papers from other cities so
that The News Is given an advantage
of about ten hours in telegraph mat
ter. The man In Bonostecl or In No-
llgh gets bis stock market and grain
reports for today early In the after
noon and is able to ship accordingly.
The morning paper brings him only
yesterday's report. And the morning
telegraphic matter Is ahead of any
thing that the people east as far as
Fremont , northeast to Sioux City and
south to Columbus are able to get
until the evening papers get to them
The flvo o'clock edition Is for the
city circulation and for the rural
routes. It contains telegraphic matter -
tor received up till the hour of press
from all over the world. It is prac
tically four hours later than any other
evening paper which can reach the
city and it contains the same news ,
largely , which is published in the
morning editions of outsldo papers
next day.
Another feature of the progress
made Is in the circulation among the
rural route people. Today the farmer
has as many advantages as anyone
in the city. Ho has his telephone , his
daily mall service and all the rest.
Ho can enjoy his daily paper Just as
much as his literary brother who has
lived In town all his life and what's
moro ho can afford It today whore
dozens in town might not
The result of the development by
The News Is that It has como to be
recognized everywhere In Its territory
as the latest newspaper and ono ex-
cluslvo In Its matter. It Is read by
everyone of any prominence In all
of the towns that it visits and when
once they have read It they are friends
. t. it. . ? % ! % ? ! * ? % ? ! ! -I * ! . I- ! > T ! ! ! * ! - T ! %
always because It Is clean , up-to-tho-
mlnuto and reliable.
To the advertisers , on this account , ,
the paper Is much moro valuable than * >
it over could have been before. It
covers practically three fields , tho-
ctly , the rural routes and the outsldo-
towns very thoroughly. Just such am.
advertising medium has long been :
needed by many business houses IB
Norfolk and the results show that It
Is perfectly practical ,
Twenty-Four Hours Scoop.
As a striking Instance of what Is be
ing done In a telegraphic way by thl
paper , President Iloosovolt's messaga
was given to readers of The News who >
live north of Norfolk on the Bonostool
branch of the Northwestern railroad ! ,
Just exactly twenty-four hours aheadC
of any other paper on earth. Ifc
scooped all other papers just sovoa
and one-half hours more than a hair
a day for persons living west of Nor
folk on tbo main line of the North
western ns far as the Black Hills. .
The News carried the president's mes
sage to every town between this city
and Fremont all the way from seven *
hours , at Stanton , to ono hour , at Fremont -
mont , ahead of Its publication to them
in any other journal. The same scoop-
applied south to Columbus and north
east to Sioux City.
The president read his message at
noon on Tuesday. Before 1 o'clock
tbo ono o'clock edition of The News
was on trains headed for Its patrons
In every one of flvo directions. No >
other paper coming into the field couldt ,
possibly compete with it.
The Lightning Work.
As President Roosevelt read his-
speech It was clicked out over tho-
wires. With lightning rapidity known
to ono who has been In the midst era
a dally newspaper bedlam , the sen
tences were cast into type and locked !
Into their forms so that within less-
than an hour after tlyj words had left
the lips of the president In Washing
ton , his lines were put into print br
The News and carried to every towK
within many , many miles and all of
that In this far off , wild and westera
No train going to Bonesteol wilt1
leave again until Wednesday after
noon , taking the same report las
Omaha and Sioux City papers into
that section Just one-seventh of a.
week behind time.
The people of north Nebraska and !
the section of South Dakota Into *
which the Northwestern leads , aro-
getting to feel that they are independ
ent. They no longer need to depend ;
upon Omaha or Sioux City or Chicago
for their general news and they , to
gether with The News , are taking a
pride In establishing a news service-
which Is ahead of anything else that
can bo given this territory from any
locality In this or any other state.
M. Nichols , Stockman From Foster ,
Tells of His Experience Thus
M. Nichols of Foster , the wolE
known stockman , n-as in Norfolk
Thursday morning on business. "J
am immensely pleased , " said Mr.
Nichols , "with the service wo are
now getting In The News : The 1
o'clock edition reaches mo at about
2 o'clock and gives all of the tele
graphic news up till that hour. Al
ready the market reports , which are
twenty-four hours later than I can.
possibly get In any other paper , have
saved me a good many times. It Is.
the finest feature In up-to-the-hour
news service that wo have ever been
able to get. People all up the line
feel the same way about It , too. "
. . .
Moaey in Your Pocket
* See us when in need of
* * Shipping as we do , direct from our own mills , wo are
* * prepared to moot all competition and save you money.
* * All Kinds and Sixes.
J. K. BOAS , Manager.
'Phono 52.
* < *