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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1903)
THE NORFOLK NEWS ; Fill DAY. "NOVKMMRK in , 190 . 11 f British Delegate Proposes Inter national Federation of Labor. UNIVERSAL UNION SUGGESTED. Plan Is Received with Cheers by Del * egates at Boston Who Favor Work ing Arrangement Between British and American Federations. Boston. Nov. 12. The plan for nn Inlernalloiial Inbor federation vns en thusiastically received b the conven tion of the American I-Y'deralloii of La bor This International alliance was yroposed by James O'Orady , fraternal delegate to the federation from the cabinet makers and upholsterers of Croat Hi-ltaln , who urged that the la boring element In England and Amor- lea work together In harmony. Dele gate O'Oradv's plan was supported by James Simpson of Toronto , a member of the International Typographical union. The morn'ng session was enlivened fcy heated debates on the seating of Delegates Steel and Guild of Cleveland and Delegate Ernest Holim , represent ing the Central Federated union of New York City. In each case It was decided to postpone action. COTTON MILLS CUT WAGES. Managers at Fall River Order Ten Per Cent Reduction. Boston , Nov. 12. Honoris from the ffitjnters of the cottou mill Industry throughout New England Indicate that the announcement at Fall Illvor that a 10 per cent reduction In wages had been decided upon by the cotton man ufacturers there , to go Into effect Nov. 23 , has caused general uneasiness , duo to the belief that an equal reduction at other places Is Inevitable. It Is conceded that this will bo the case In Rhode Island and eastern Connecticut and it is thought other cities in east- crn Massachusetts may follow the ex ample set by Fall River , though their cases are somewhat dissimilar. In Torrington the Carr Manufactur ing company bas already ordered a 10 per cent reduction , and while the mill men at New Bedford , Lowell and Lawrence are reticent concerning their plans , they admit that the condi tion of the cotton market is all against the manufacturers. This Is believed to be equivalent to saying that a wage reduction is something to be seriously considered. Representatives of tbo labor unions Sn Fall River and other cities do not appear to anticipate any concerted ac tion on the part of the unions in op position to the new schedule. While not admitting the necessity for so sweeping a reduction , it is doubtful If any considerable number would join In a fight with the mill agents at this time. Although the outlook at Fall River from the operatives' standpoint is a rather gloomy one , It should be remembered that the new schedule is really a return to the conditions exist ing two years ago when an advance was made by the manufacturers. CHICAGO STREET CAR STRIKE. General Suspension Is Decided Upon by Union Men. Chicago , Nov. 12. A general strike of the 3,000 employes of the Chicago City Railway company , to take effect at once , was decided on at a mass meeting of the men. This decision was reached after a controversy that has lasted for three weeks between the representatives of the union and the management of the railway. Numer ous conferences have been iield in an ffort to adjust the difficulty by arbi tration , but without satisfactory re sult , and the decision to strike was endorsed by the men. The demands of the union were for a wage In crease of 25 per cent , recognition of the union and several other minor concessions. The company. It is said , has several hundred men In readiness to take places of the strikers and will endeavor lo run the cars with non union men. SMALL OPERATORS SETTLE. independent Mines Make Terms with Colorado Strikers. Pueblo , Colo. , Nov. 12. An Increas ing number of the Independent coal aulncs are one by one making terms with the strikers and this cannot but have an influence with the two princi pal operating corporations. The San Juan Coal company of Agullar has agreed to every demand except th 20 per cent advance. A compromise on this point was finally effected at 10 per cent. Trinidad , Colo. , Nov. 12. It is re ported here that negotiations are pending between the Colorado Fuel and Iron company and the Victor Fuel company and the operators in this district whereby a settlement of the difficulties may be reached before the end of the week. V ORK OF NATIONAL GRANGE. Recommendations and Suggestions of National Master Jones. Rochester , N. Y. ( Nov. 12. The first business session of the National Orange , Patrons of Husbandry , was opened by National Master Jones. Ev ery national officer was present. National Master Jones , in his au- aual address , stated that the growth of tbo order had been moro rapid In the past year than over before in Us history. Ho urged the extension of nature teaching la the public schools. "Agriculture , " he said , "Has not enJoyed - Joyed an equal degree of prosperity with manufactures and other Industri al and commercial enterprises In the JDnlted States. Farmers are losing their relative position In the we.- * , and production of the nation It Is the duty of this order and of every farmer to Investigate the causes that have contributed to this condition and aid In their remedy 01 removal wherever found. " The national master recommended leglslatlo * for the further extension of free rural delivery , postal savings banks , the election of United States senators directly by the people , a con stitutional amendment giving congrosH power to regulate corporations and combinations , enlarging the powers of tbo Interstate commerce eommln- slon , enactment of pure food laws and a ship cannl connecting the Missis sippi river and the Great Ijikes. The importance of highway Improvement was especially dwelt upon. Saloonkeeper Assassinated. St. Louis , Nov. 12. While reading a paper In his saloon , Frank I ) Feo- ley was shot and Instantly killed and his assailant , In csnplng , shot and seriously wounded Uartender Albert Wagner. Rough Rider Is In Trouble. Oklahoma City , Nov. 12. The ter ritorial governor has reported to the district cour' ' findings recommending the dismissal Irom olllco of City At torney S. A. C. McGlnnls and O. C French , deputy territorial live stock Inspector. The charge against each Is corrupt practices and specific cases are cited In the report. McGlnnlBwas a captain In the Roosevelt Rough Rid ers during the Spanish war. Train Backs Into Street Car. Pueblo , Colo. , Nov. 12. Five per sons Injured and a considerable damage ago to property was the result of a switching train backing into a street car. The street car was going at a high rate of speed and the train run nlng about six miles an hour. The Injured : R. S. Ryan , Mrs. Thomas Trucman. Mrs. Reed , J. II. Hlllyard Farrls Nemer. Fatal Explosion In Hotel. Rldgctown , Out. , Nov. 12. An ex plosion of a small gas plant in n hotel hero was attended with fatal results G. W Atkinson , traveling ropresenta tlve of the London Advertiser , was Instantly killed , and C. B Weir , a boarder , died of his injuries. Flvo others were injured. The hotel was completely wrecked. A Paradox Kxplalncil. Why does not a man weigh a pounr more Immediately after eating a pouiit weight of food ? A little reflection wll readily explain this apparent mystery During the process of mastication , tie glutition , etc. , certain imtseles are brought into active play , and the exer else of any muscle necessitates a tern porary waste or. us tissues , nnii a cer tain amount of carbon Is eliminated and passed off during tlie course of the menl. This loss however , Is trilling as compared with Unit due to respiration and iK'rspiratlon , both of which nre Increased during the various operations of making a menl. The length of time one may take to consume a pound of food makes but little difference to those losses , for If It is eaten leisurely there is but slight increase- respiration or perspiration , whereas if it is hurried through both are abnormally accelerated. Hence by the time the pound Is eaten the con sumer has lost appreciably In moisture and carbonic add. He AVON UN ( Mm ( iriiiidfnllicr. Of ull > genealogical curiosities the one set forth belijw is probably the oddest u singular piece of reasoning to prove that a miinmay be bis own grandfather ! Here It is : There was a widow ( Anne ) and her daughter ( Jane ) and a man ( George ) and his son ( Henry ) . This widow married the son , and the daugh ter married the father. The widow was therefore mother ( In law ) to her bus- band's father and grandmother to her own husband. By this Inibfound she had a son ( David ) , to whom she was , of course , great-grandmother. Now , the son of a great-grandmother must be grandfather or grandnncle. to the per son to whom his mother was or Is great-grandmother , but In Ibis Instance Anne was great-grandmother to him ( David ) ; therefore David could not be other than his own grandfather. of Mfe In Ancient The reckless prodigality with which In ancient Egypt the upper classes Kqimndered away the labor and lives of the people Is perfectly startling. In this respect , as the monuments yet re maining abundantly prove , they stand alone and without a rival. We may form borne Idea of the almost Incred ible waste when we hear that 12,000 men wore occupied for three years In carrying a single stone from Elephan tine to Sals , that the canal of the Red sea alone cost the lives of 120,000 Egyptians and that to build one of the pyramids required the labor of 300,000 men for twenty years. A Ilemnrlciible River In Spain. There is in Spain a river called the Tlnto , which has very extraordinary qualities. Its waters , which arc as yellow as a topaz , harden the sand and petrify It in a most surprising manner. If a stone falls Into the river and rests upon another they both become per fectly united and conglutlnated In a year. It withers all the plants on Its banks ns well as the roots of trees , which It dyes of the same hue as Its waters. No fish live in its stream. She Gnemed night. "Did the spiritualistic medium tel ) you anything that was true ? " asked the willing believer eagerly. "Oh , yes , " replied the hard headed In dividual. "And that was"- "That I spen my money foolishly , which was right. You see , I hod paid to hear her tell me that. " Cincinnati Times-Star. Sa. . Don.ingo Hard Pressed by the Revolutionists. 8HCLL JUOT MISSES POWELL. American Minister Narrowly Escapes Death During Bombardment Ger man Warships Arrive and Land Force of Marines , Now York , Nov. 12. A dispatch from Santo Domingo says the attnrU on the city by the revolutionist * which began last Friday In still In force. The InmirgentH attacked I ho outposts with small arms and also de livered a rather heavy shell lire , The government , however , sueeeeded In r polling the attack , although with run sldernblo loss The losses of the rev olulioiitatfl worn slight Some forolrn luiiH'oinlmtimtH were killed. During an attack Sunday afternoon nn Insurgent shell passed within a few feet of Mr. Powell , the Amorli an minister at the legation A KOI tie was mndu by MO government troops Lut they were ambushed and com pelled to retlro within the walla. l -iv- ing their dead and wounded on the Held. Held.The The city Is closely besieged by thn revolutionists and commerce Is par nly/ed. Firing around San Domini ? " continues. Many shelH are fnll'im ' into t e city. The Oerman warships Panther and Gazelle have landed a force of marines. Gould's New Tidewater Line. New York , Nov. 12. OMlclal outline of George .1. Gould's plan for building a new tidewater line from St , Louis to New Orleans was made public In an application to list $12,242,000 St Louis , Iron Mountain and Southern thirty-year bonds , which represent that portion of the authorized $50.000. 000 which have been sold Mr. Gould recently estimated the total cost of these improvements at between $ -10 , 000,000 and $50,000.000. Usher Convicted of Manslaughter. Cedar Rapids , In. , Nov 12 The Jury in the case of Joseph Usher charged with the murder of William Garrity , returned a verdict of man slaughter. Garrity worked for Usher and was killed the night of May 20 Usher pleaded selt-defenso. Foloy's Honey and Tnr for coughs and colds ; reliable , tried and tested safe and sure. Klosau Drug Co. Physicians Prescribe It. Many broad minded physicians pro scribe Foloy's Honey and Tar , as they mvc never found so safe and reliable ii remedy for throat and lung troubles ; is this great medicine. ICIesau Drug Co. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications , as they can- lot reach the seat of the disease. Ca- .arrli is a blood or constitutional dis ease , and In order to euro it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken internally , and : icts directly on tbo blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was pro scribed by one of the best physicians n this country for years and is n regular proscription It is composed of the best tonics known , combined with the best blood purifiers , acting illrectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingred ients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for .estlmonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co. , Props. , Toledo , Ohio. Sold by all druggists , price 75c. Hall's family pills are the best. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine llko Chamber lain's Cough Romerty to loosen and relieve It , and to allay the irritation and inflammation of the throat and lungs. For sale by Klcsau Drug Co. A Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold , deep-seated on the lungs , causing * pneumonia , is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fonuor , Marion , Ind. , who was entirely cured by the use of Ono Minute Cough Cure. She says : "Tho coughing and straining so weakened mo that I ran down in weight from 1-18 to U2 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used Ono Minute Cough Curo. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured mo en tirely of the cough , strengthened my lungs and restored mo to my normal weight , health and strength. " Sold by Klesau Drug Co. Brings red blood back to your faded checks , restores the flro and vim of youth. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents in tea or tablet form. The Klesau Drug Co. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh j they dry up the Bocretioiis , which adhere to the meinbrano and decom pose , canning a far moro serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants , fumes , smokes and snuifB and uio that which cleanses , soothes and heals. Ely's Crtam Balm is such n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size trill bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the COo. size. Ely Brothers , fiO Warren St. , N.Y. The Balm cures without pain , docs not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itboll ' over an irritated and angry surface , rclicv- ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Kly's Cream Balm you ore armed gainst Nasal Catarrh and Hay Povcr. A Good Name. From personal oxnorlonco I testify that DoWltt's Little Early Risers are unequalled as a liver pill. They ore rightly named because they give strength and energy and do their work with ease. W. T. Easton , Boer- no , Tox. Thousands of people are us IIIR thoHo tiny llttlo l > llln In prufuroiuui to nil othorn boonuno Ilioy nro HO pleasant and offuctnal. They e.uro till- lousuoss , torpid llvor , jaundlco , Hick houducho , coiiHtlpatlou , otu. They do not purfsu and \ve.akon , lint eloiinso and HlrwiKlhon. Sold hy Kluflau Drut ; Co. Dlsnstrous Wrecks. In responsible for many a railroad wreck and tbo HIUMO causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from throat and lung troubles. Hut Hlueo the advent of Dr. Klng.H Now Discovery for consumption , coughs and colds , oven the worst cam's can bo cured , and hopeless resignation In no longer a necessity. Mrs. Lois Crugg of Dorchester , Mans. , IH onu of many whoso llfo was saved by Dr. King's Now Discovery. Thin great remedy Is guaranteed for nil throat and lung diseases by Asa K. Leonard , druggist. 1'rlco fiOc and $1.00. Trial boll leu frco. Cured of Piles After ' 10 Years. Mr. C. llauey , of ( Jonuvn , O. . had the pllos for Id yours. Doctors and dollars could do him no liuitlni ; good. DoNVIIt'HMteh Ha/el milvo eurod him permanently , liivaluahlo for cuts , liiirns , hrutsos , Mpraliis , laeuratlous , < < c/.oma , tetter , salt rheum and all other skin diseases Look for the niuno DoWItt on the package all othorH are uhc > ap , worthless countor- feltH. Sold hy Klesau DniK Co. A Pollccmnn's Testimony. .1. N. Patterson , nlKlit policeman of Nashua , Iowa , writes , "Last winter j I had a had cold on my limns and j tried tit least a half doxeu adverllsod i couih inodlc'InoH and had trealmeul I from two physicians without getting any boiielll. A friend recommended Koloy's Honey nud Tar and two thirds of a boltlu cured mo. It consider It the greatest cough and lung medicine hi tbo world. " Klesau Drug Co. Miss Annlo Kuland , Lllllo Falls , Minn. " 1 like Rocky Mountain Ton , very much , will not bo without It. " Greatest remedy on earth for suffering women. 35 centb. The Klosau Drug Co. A Scientific Discovery. Kodol Dyspepsia Cnro does for the stomach that which It IH nnablo to defer for itself , even when but slightly ( Un ordered or ovor-lonclc'd. Kodol Dys pepsia Cure supplies Iho natural Julcos of digestion and does the work of Iho stomach , relaxing the nervous leiislon , while the Iiillamiued muscles of that organ nro allowed to rest ami heal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cat and enables the stotuaeh and digestive organs to transform all food Into rich , red blood. Sold by Kiesaii Drug Co. Foloy's Honey ami Tar always slops the cough and heals the lungs. Refuse substitutes. Klesau Drug Co. W. A. llorron of Finch , Ark. , writes , "I wish to report that Foloy's Kidney Cure has cured n torrlbln case of kid ney and bladder trouble that two doc tors had given up. " Kiesau Drug Co. Doesn't Respect Old Age. It's shameful when youth fullu to show proper respect for old ago , but just Is the contrary In the case of Dr. King's Now Life pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe and Irrespective of old ago. Dyspepsia , jaundice , fever , constipation all yield to this perfect pill. 2T > c at Asa K. Leon ard's drug storo. There Is no cough medicine so pop ular as Foloy's Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates or poisons and never fails to euro. Klesau Drug Co. Anxious Moments. Some of tbo most anxious hours of a mother's llfo are those when the 111- tlo ones of the household huvo the croup. There Is no other medicine so effective In this torrlblo malady as Foley's Honey and Tar. It Is a house hold favorite for throat and lung troubles , and as It contains no opiates or other person. It can bo safely given. Klesau Drug Co. A Runaway Bicycle Terminated with nn ugly cut on the leg of .1. U. Orner , Franklin Grove , 111. It developed n stubborn ulcer , unylold- j Ing to doctors and remedies for four years : Then Hucklon's Arnica Salvo oured. It's just as good for burns , scalds , skin eruptions and piles. 25o at Asa K. Leonard's drug store. Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken severely sick with kid ney trouble. I tried all sorts of med icines , none of which relieved mo. Ono day I saw an ad. of your Kloctrlc Bitters and determined to try that. After taking n few doses I felt re lieved , and soon thereafter was en tirely cured , and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of rheumatism , neu ralgia , liver and kidney troubles and general debility. " This Is what B. F. Bass , of Fremont , N. C. , writes. Only 50c at Asa 1C. Leonard's' druggist. Do you feel mean , tired , fagged out , all run down , no llfo ? Why not take Rocky Mountain Tea ? Makes you well and keeps you well. The Klesau Drug Co. He Could Hardly Get Up. P. II. Duffy of Ashley , 111. , writes : "This is to certify that i 1'avo taken two bottles of Foloy's Kidney Cure and it has helped roe moro than any other medicine. I tried many adver tised remedies , but none of them gave mo any relief. My druggist recom mended Foloy's Kidney Cure and It has cured mo. Before commencing Its use I was in such a shape that I could hardly got up when down. " Klosau Drug Co. DON'T bt. ' . ruOLED' Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TE Mode only by Madison Medl cine Co. , MaJIfun , Wll. I keeps you well. Our tr d mark cut on each i'rlcc , 35 cents. Ntvur ol In bulk. Accept no jubitl A k iour SMES THE LIF The most loulliHoniu and icpulsivo of nil llvinjr tiling J the .serpent , niitl the vilest and iiiosUlegT.uliiitfof nil human iltsc.iscM is ; Conlng-ioua Illooil Poison. The KIM pent iiiks its faiig.-i into the ami almost instantly the poison thioiiuV the entire body. Conlng-ionM Illood Poison , beginning- with u passes little ulcer , .soon contnniinatca eveiy diop of lilood ami spreads throughout the whole system. Painful swelling appear in the Bruins , a red rash and copper ( eoloied splotches hicak enl the on body , the month and throat become ' ' ulcerated , and the hair nnd eye hi own fall out ; hnL symptoms me . mild computed lo \vielchcdiics.siiudHulTcriiitf that come in the latter .stuge.n of the disease when it attacks the hones and mote vital putts of the hotly. It JM then that Contagions Illood Poison is .seen in nil its hidcons- ness. The deep enlinjf abscesses nnd sickening ulcets nnd Illinois show the wholesystem ; is eoimpted and poisoned , nnd unless lelief comes soon this set pent disease tightens its enils nnd eiushes out the life. The only antidote for the awful vjuisn \ . s. S. It is n.ilnro'a romatly , composed - posed enliiely of vegetable ingwlieiits. H. S. 8. destmys eveiy vestige of the poison , purifies the blood and temoyes all danger of tiaiiHtuitting the awful taint to otheis. Nothing else will do thin. Sluing mineinl lemrdies , like meieiuv and potash , dty up the .smes and diive in Ihe disease , but do not CM ire peimnneiitly. Send for our limm1 tieulmenl bunk mid \viitens if in need of medical advice or iiiluim ilion. This will eosl you nolhiiig. TtlC SWIfT SPCCtFiC CO. , AT1JINTA. GA , Nasal In nil Ely's ' Cream Balm ! Hid ' illncnxnl nuiiilirillio llciirrarntiirrliniiililriu'ii ntuiy n tulil In the liunil quit hi ) . . - Cinint llulm Injilnccil Inlntlic iinMrilnHirnnli | ! OUT Iho tiH'iiihrmio unit liuilinorl > l Hclloflnllu- nmllntonmlnciirnfullonti. Itlmmt ttryliiK 'l"t' ' mil itrmliicu miiT/liitf. l.nrn Hl/o , HO ccuiU at DttiK- tlBl ; or liy null ; Trial Hl/o , in ri'iitn. Itl.Y IIHOTIIKUM , fid WurrcnHtriTl.Nrw York arc the most fatal of all dis eases. cm cvcKDNEY | c IM fill HE I 6 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the vest fo ? Kidney and Bladder troubles * PRICK 50c. and $1.00 , * W. H. IJUOIIOLH. President. Norfolk A LUX. HHAH , Vieo Prc'HlcUmt , I J5. W. HUT/i , Cashier , IV V National Bank The Oldest Established Dank in Northeast Nebraska. I . ; . Capital , $100,000,00 , Surplus , $20,000,00 , DOCS Huy Jmd Hells jKxolmiiKO. IntorcsHt Puid oil TIIIIO DupOHlts. DruftN and Monuy Hanking Business onio soidon anypoint in Kuropo. A ; ; ( } umirildtemiiHliip ] and I'oniliii P.isHUKu.UiiHiintHH Tranmiotod. niHKOTOHS A. H13AK , P. P. HANLON , l'HALI5. ' ] . W. II. HUOHOL55 , \VM. XUTH , N. A. KAINMOLT , S. S. COTTON. TO California or Ore'gon ' $25.00 rrEVERY DAY DAILY PACIFIC UNION DAILY ) TOURIST TOUSIST CARS CARS DOUBLE BERTHS $5.00. AccomodiitioiiH provided for all clusso.s of paosenRors. ] BE SURE YOUR TICKET BEADSOVER THE UNIONPACIFIC. j J Full liirnrinntlnn cliosrf illy fimilsliocljon nitiillcatlon to J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent. . .TRY THE. . Daily News Job Department FOR FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING.