The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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OPTICIAN Ono who mnnufno-
tnroa or deals in optical
OCULIST A physician who pretends
tends to euro eye diseases ( ? ) .
who Understands thu eyes ,
their defects , nnd their rein-
tion to Huinnii Ills.
Dr , Marquardt ,
Ophthalmologist ,
SAVING MONEY : The Elkhorn
Building & Savings Association issnes
stock payable at the rate of $1 per share
per month. Shares can bo withdrawn
nt any time.
T. E. ODIORNE. Secretary.
Fancy Needle Work Artistically
Done t All Varieties of Silk for
the Embroidery j * Sofa Cushions
in Pretty Patterns „ * Apcucy for
Buttorick Patterns J * Manicur
ing , Facial Massage , Hairdress-
iug by Specialist .2 * Glasses in
Needle Work jit jt j * j * jt
Mrs. J. Schwartz
Misi Ella Schumacher , Assistant
130 South Fourth Si. NORFOLK
* " > ' f Up-to-date
: T Tailoring
There's the
YOUR money gets awny
iii so many different
ways that "yon hardly
know where it goes to. " Yon
have too many things to think
nbont to keep posted on the
prices of good , honest shoes.
- * - > , Yon have to depend largely
upon what the dealer tells
yon , nnd fully one-half of
them know nothing about
shoes , when it comes to wear
ing qualities. Wo have made
the shoe business n life study ;
that is one reason onr shoes
nro so mnch better than others.
All of onr shoes nro made np
to wear nnd bring yon hack
again for more. Wo are nl-
wnys studying to mnko onr
shoes wear and fit better. Come
in nud look over onr styles.
BTAPEKHORST & CO. , Proprietors.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as re
corded for the 24 hours ending at 8
a. in. today.
Maximum GO
Minimum 27
Average 38
Total rainfall for the month 72
Barometer 30.00
Forecast for Nebraska : Fair to
night and Saturday. Rising tempera
If you want the choicest cigars and
tobaccos , go to Henry Haaso's.
Newly Elected Supreme Judge
is at Home.
The Judge Feels Especially Grateful
to the Voters of Madison County for
Their Loyalty , and to The Dally
News for Its Help.
Supreme Judge J. B. Barnes , elect
ed to the highest judicial position
within the gift of the people of Ne
braska on last Tuesday returned to
his homo In. this city last evening
from Lincoln whore" ho had been on
olllclal business.
When seen by a reporter for The
News In his olllco this morning ,
Judge Barnes was busy opening a
slack of telegrams and letters piled
high on his desk , which bore to him
the congratulatory mcssngesof friends
throughout the state and country at
When nsked for a statement , Judge
Barnes said : "You may say for mo
that I am very much gratified over
the result of the election and I am
especially grateful to the voters of
Madison county for the magnificent
majority which they gave mo without
my having spent n single hour In
campaigning among them. I also wish
to state that I heartily appreciate
the great support of The Dally News
throughout the entire campaign. "
The judge estimates his majority nt
between 8.000 and 10,000. He was es
pecially pleased with the honor which
was done him by the voters In his
old home , Dlxon county , whore ho ran
away ahead of the ticket.
Above the desk of his stenographer ,
whore she has pasted them , are many
ridiculous cartoons made by demo
cratic papers upon the judge. You
might just keep those , " said the judge
to his stenographer , "they're too rich
to throw away. "I feel , " he went on ,
speaking of the muddy campaign that
the World-Herald has conducted , "like
the general who , after the war , said ,
'Well , now let's have peace. ' "
A baby hey was born this morning
to Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Stuky , South Fifth
L. L. Rombe , who has been very ill
with typhoid fever , nnd who suffered
from three relapses with the disease ,
is now very much better. His little
daughter , Gertrude , was quite sick
with the same Illness.
Ono of the jolllost parties of colored
people that has been held within that
circle In Norfolk for a long time , was
a feature at the home of Miss Myrtle
Gains , cast of the Junction , last even-
Ing. Miss Myrtle was eighteen years
old nnd her friends celebrated the oc
casion merrily. Singing and dancing
were features. Many pretty presents
wore received.
Mrs. Thos. J. Bolt has returned
from her sad mission to Mnrslmlltown ,
Iowa , where she wont to bury her hus
band live weeks ago. Since the fu
neral she has been visiting with the
relatives of Mr. Belt and the friends
who have kiiown him and honored
him for years. Mrs. Belt will continue
to make South Norfolk her home , for
the present nt least.
Rev. W. Haresnape , with his wife
and three children , has arrived In
Norfolk from Long Pine and Is set
tling his family In their new home at
South Norfolk , ho having purchased
the homo of Conductor W. Hurlbert.
Rev. Mr. Haresnape Is the recently
elected pastor of the Second Congre
gational church , and will bo ready
to occupy the pulpjt there next Sun
Birthday Party.
Miss Mary Leo Hayes , little daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott Hayes ,
entertained a number of friends yes
terday afternoon nt the Oxnard In
honor of her third birthday.
Surprise Party.
A jolly surprise party was given
last evening at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Gaylord , Phillip avenue ,
Jn honor of Miss Nora Joungo of Os
mend and Miss Mabel Whltln of Bat-
tie Creek. Miss Jounge will leave
the city tomorrow for her home. Mer
riment was made with many good
games and toothsome dainties to cat
ended the fun.
Euchre Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol G. Mayor enter
tained a largo company of friends at
their homo on the corner of Madison
avenue and Tenth street last evening
in honor of their sister , Mrs. Simon
Mayer of Lincoln. Six-handed eu
chre was the feature of pleasure for
the evening. At this Mrs. D. Mnthow-
son took the first prize for ladles ,
winning In a cut from four others ;
Mr. N. A. Ralnbolt won In a cut for
first gentleman's prize and Mr. J. S.
Mathowson , in a tie , won the shout
ing prize. In the service of refresh
ments , which was exceedingly pretty ,
Ice cream was uniquely brought on in
tiny , dainty flower pots with a carna
tion blooming fragrantly In the cen
ter of each , for the guests. Mrs. May
er will bo again nt homo this after
noon to a company of ladles.
Number of Voloii C t
run JiiniiK or THI : Sri'iii-.Mi ; COUHT
Jt.lm II , Ilnriu'H. Hop
JohnJ. Snllhnn. Ocm. , 1' . 1
( loo. I. Wrlxlit , I'ro
L * . ( 'lirUtlniinoiithoo
ClinrlcM S. Alli-n , Hep
Wllllum ( I. Wlilliniint , HIM.
Wlllliim A. Join' * . li ) in. , P. I
Dr. irnt : > i > l I ) . Wi-iKT , li ) > in.I' , I
( ! . A. ItnrUr. I'ro
It. V. Mulr. Pni
T. 1' . UppiiiriiH , Sou
K.S.iltnii - , Hot !
Jolin 1' . llojil. Hop
DotiKliiH C.DIIIK , lli'in , , I1 , 1 ,
( on Coi'STi Tni\Mitiiiii- : :
I'lirlKtoplu.r . Scliiivlniul , Hep
TIlOH K . llllllMMI , Drillti I' . 1 >
I'OII'Ot'SrvCl.UHK (
.liuniis 8. Cm I In , Hc |
Kinll Wliili-r , Dim. , I' . I
Kllll CIINTSlII.HllT -
.1. J. Clcini'iitu , Hep .
( In.Y. . I.IIM-.V. Di'lii. , I' . I
1'ou ( OHM * .irnuK-
( \ K. Kleoloy , Hop
Win. ltnlr , Dun. , I' . I
Win. 11 , DowlltiKi Hop
C.V. . ( 'nun , DDIII. , P. I
I'nit CI.KIIK on in : UisiuicrCoiiiiT
W. II. Kli-lil , Hop
\Vlllin I , Stirk , Doin , P. 1
Con t'oi'NH ' ANMI.HHOK
J , Ij. HyiioarHi.n . , Hep
T. I ) . 1'ivoi'o , DOIII. , P. I
I''lH ( ' ( IfMI ( OIIONllt
II. I. . Klndml , Hop
V. ( I. .Silllnr , 1)0111. . P. I
1'OU Cll NT * SrllM.lOll -
W. 11. IO\M. , Ho |
W. P. Tlmtoli. Doin , P. t
Foil < llM ) UlMMIHH ONI'.ll , 2nd DlHTIIH'T
( U'lll-Kll H. Mllltll Hnl
! ' . U. Uiaiilz , Do P. I
Increased Republican Majority
Shown by the Figures.
Judge Barnes * Majority Is the Larg
est , Except One In the Past Seven
Years on the Head of the Ticket.
Change of 566 Over 1897.
The olllclal returns published today
show that Madison county Is inoro
strongly republican than over before ,
nnd yet , In npltc of. the largo repub
lican majorlticH there Ig almost a
complete reversal In favor of two of
the democratic candidates Winter
for clerk and Hates for judge.
The largest majority Is for W. H.
Lowe , republican candidate for Biir-
veyor , 'IS ! ! , while that for Clements ,
republican , for sheriff , is a very close
second with 481. In the case of Emll
Winter , fusion , for clerk , there was
almost a complete reversal , ho receiv
ing the third largest majority on the
county ticket , -108. Winter was a second
end term man , had transacted the
business of his office acceptably , and
was popular with the people , which
perhaps accounts for his showing.
Bates , the fusion candidate for judge ,
went in with 371. He has served sev
eral terms in the office acceptably and
his friends throughout the county arc
The closest race on the ticket was
between the two candidates for cor
oner. Kindred , the republican nom
inee , winning out on the official count
over Sailer , by the margin of eight
votes. The next closest race was be
tween Kynearson and Preece for as
sessor , the republican candidate get-
tliiK a majority of 80.
Judge Barnes' majority of 301 was
a llattorlng compliment from his
neighbors and friends , being the larg
est majority for the head of the tick
et , except one , since 1890. The real
significance of the vote , however , Is
shown whan It Is considered that
Judge Sullivan , the present fusion
nominee , carried the county for his
first term by 205 , the present vote
showing a change of 500 for Barnes.
The change In political sentiment Is
responsible for this in part , hut the
greater share of the credit is due to
Judge Barnes * personality and the
energy of his numerous friends.
The following are the majorities
since 1890 :
1890 Majority for the republican
presidential electors , 153.
1897 Sullivan , fusion candidate for
supreme judge , 205.
1898 Poynter , fusion , for governor ,
1899 Reese , republican , for su
preme judge , 80.
1900 Republican presidential elect
ors , 370.
1901 Sedgwlck , republican , for su
preme judge , 270.
1902 Mickey , republican , for gov
ernor , 231.
1903 Barnes , republican , for supreme
premo judge , 301.
GnmMliitf the WurMt Vlcr.
Of all the vices to which men are ad
dicted gambling is undoubtedly the
worst. Gambling has n worse effect
on the mind and conscience even than
drink. The Inveterate gambler cannot
remain honest ; ho docs not remain hon
We talk earnestly to the young man
with the gambling habit because many
Hiicli young men are strong In ability
and character and would render good
service to the world if they could use
their enorgk's properly.
The gambling instinct is a perverted
form of ambition , the most dangerous
of human put-versions. Every young
man who has genuine strength should
think about gambling from his own
point of view , and his own pride should
give him reasons for stopping.
If you wunt success In life yon should
want It as a result of your own clTortH.
not as the result of any ni-clih'iit. The
Humbling Instinct IH weak IIH well an
vk'loiiM. It Is self Indulgent and con
temptible ; It represents the ( lcnlre to
get sonu'thliig for nothing. New York
Mr. and Mrs. H. Gorccku have re
ceived an Invitation to the marrlago
of a former Norfolk man , Mr. ( Jeorge
Reynolds , which Is to take place In
Seattle tomorrow evening. MIssLuoy
Doming Is the bride. They will heat
at homo at (520 ( Minor avenue , Seattle ,
after November 15.
$10 Reward Offered.
Lost A handsome fur robe which
I recently purchased from I'nul Nord-
wig. I paid $9 for it and will glvo
anyone who finds It $10 reward. Lcava
I have a car of Now York apples In
bulk on the Union Pacific track
Northern Spies , Baldwins , Russets
and ( irlmcH Golden , which I will sell
nt cheap prices from the car. Call
at the Bee IIlvo. J. Adler.
Ralph Cuplin went to Alnsworth
Saturday to visit his mother.
Ralph Miller returned Wednesday
from a month's visit In Omaha.
The dance given by the Modern
Woodmen Friday evening of last
week was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Snider are re
joicing over the arrival of a bright
baby boy at their homo west of town.
"Clramp" Powell of North Vcrnon ,
Intl. , Is visiting his daughter , Mrs.
O. IX Mnnson. Mr. Powell Is eighty-
eight years of age , weighs one hun
dred and ninety pounds and says ho
"feels fine. "
The following precinct olllcors were
elected Tuesday : Justices of the
Peace O. A. Sleeper and J. 05. Cup-
lln ; constables II. R. I'orrlngton
and G. M. Carleton ; road overseer In
district No. ! ) II. J. Morris ; road ov
erseer In district No. 1(5 ( Hell McGin-
The Head Walters.
Joe Kelly nnd his merry bunch of
IkadVflltors were at the Auditorium
last night and there wens no com
plaints about the menu or the ser
vice. Fun that's all there was to it ,
but there was plenty of that to make
a meal. Kor anyone to find n plot
In the piece would bo enough for a
line or thirty days in jail on bread
anil water. There was no meat to
the bill It was all plo and cake and
ice cream and cream puffs that the
head waiters brought on.
The Auditorium was packed. Not
n better house had turned out this
season. And they all laughed Joyous
ly. Joe Kelly , the pipe dreamer , was
the limit. Very droll was Joe. Ho
was good fun when ho blow the nnto
mobiles off his hand but fish were his
hobby. Ho liked boneless Ice cream
nnd llsh's feet best of nil. Jack VIn
cent and William A. Inman did the
Percy and Harold stunt In good form
and I'/.y.y Cohn was clever enough. Low
Kelly , as the detective , was a versa
tile hey who took well. Ho took ev
erything ho could got. Bert Wain-
wrlght nnd his Indies sang como
catchy hits of song. J. Edward Pierce
with n magnificent voice , and Marie
Hoslyn were well received. The af
fair concluded with a huge burlcsquo
on the modern "War Drama , " which
brought out the full strength of the
A Girl From Sweden
which comes to Norfolk soon , as Its
name would indicate , has for its prin
cipal character a Swedish girl. She
is a young girl of eighteen who has
been orphaned after coming to Amor-
lea , and the thcmo of the play deals
with her heart story. Incidentally wo
will have the eccentricities of a typ
ical Irish woman of middle- ago and
of the witty and garrulous kind
Cliliiiunini , just such a one IIH Is found
In every town In the northwesl , and
two different types of the Indian to
day , as well as n young Swedish boy ,
playing Important parts In the plot.
Music , song and specialty features are
n abundance , and a most capable
company In the wtvoral characters.
'A (5lrl ( From Hwodon" should attract
i largo audliMice hero.
The Young Ladles' ( Jood Time club
gave n gala diinco at Iho opera house
in Hallowe'en.
Mr. and Mm. Rufus Day , who were
ecently married , arrived Wednesday
from Missouri Valley for n visit with
ils brother , Station Agent Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox and baby
started Tuesday for Los Angeles , Cal-
fornln , where they are going to lo
In Hnttlo Creek precinct the demo-
tops elected the precinct ticket. It
was different In Highland.
Dr. I. K. Daniel returned Sunday
'rotn Des Molnes , Iowa , where ho was
nterested in a medical Institute sev
eral months.
Mike I'lou/.ek was visiting with his
parents In Schoolcrnft over Sunday.
T. S. Cook drove to Norfolk Satur-
lay on business and ruturned the
next day.
John Cat ron wan down from Tlldcn
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Wolf of Hadar
were visiting hero Sunday at the
homo of their daughter , Mrs. W. H.
Mrs. C. A. Hedman Is on the sick
list this week.
W. II. Splllner of West Point has
purchased the Henry Stinger 1GO
iicro farm three miles east of town
for $8,000.
Judge John U. Ilnrncs , Commission
er Goo. D. Smith and Justice Henry
Ncuwerk were the only republicans
who carried Highland product , on
on election Tuesday.
Cards are out announcing the be
trothal of Miss Kate Clandt of Battle
Creek and Mr. August Holrorf of Hol-
Creek and Mr. August lloldorf of Ho-1
In a letter to Herman Hogrofo , John
Winty.el of Lincoln announced the
death of his wife who had been sick
but a short time. Mr. Wurtzel for
merly lived hero for some years , he-
Ing In the stock food business , and Is
well known In this vicinity.
Henry Merry of Elgin visited hero
Sunday with relatives. Ho went
homo Monday to do the right thing
by the right party In Antelope coun
ty on Iho third.
The best butter in town at
the 13ee Hive.
Fresh Eggs at the Bee Hive.
The I3eo Hive pays 20c pet
pound for butter and 20e pei
dozen for eggs.
Headquarters for groceries
at the Bee Hive.
The place to buy your ap
ples is at the Bee Hive
Northern Spies , Baldwins
Kussets and Crimes ! ( . ! olden
Wo sell apples by the bushel
and you will find the right
measure. When you buy ap
ples by the barrel you pay foi
8 bushels and only got iU.
\ K
In 1 ( k
* {
Superior to any local
$ tailors' best , at prices
jj inferior , is what we
J\ \ can do for you at *
i The
3 ! Star
1-i l-l-t I-1 { | - | i-t-I-l-i | l-l-l-i--M- |
There Are Two Sides I
to every inieHtimi , lint
there in mi qiH'Hlion ( lint
eye dcfcolH d c H ( < r v o
pniiiiit ] nllciiliiin.
HMIlll -l-l-l-l I i t I I t t ! Htr
IIAH 111 I.N
Under the nuw ownership a
Oomph to New Service has bcon in-
stiiMcd , Every modurn convenience ,
New Carpets ,
New Decorations ,
New Rirnlture.
C. H. VAIL , Manager.
Undertakers and Fmbalmers ,
BoemlcniB Illk. . Norfolk Avnnno ,
v tT lT'
You Run Risks
to carry money about with you. Sav
ing money is easy after yon begin.
Yon should save a little ropularly by
depositing it In the Norfolk Dulldlue
and Loan association.
C. B. Dili-land , Sec.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Wo want everybody to
examine the line of
$ wo nro handling. They
* , are the best over.
are not had either. Wo
' . , ' have them to fold like
J n pocket knife.