The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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o lie lnul Hindu tip his mind when tin *
first sure IIIVH of tlio crash tluslii'il
over tin1 wires , llln llrst act as a | i < ior
man would bu to set Kvclyn free. It
would wave her the embarrassment of
breaking the cn HKi'incut herself and
nlso do away with nny possibility of
n stormy , emotional Interview between
He had heard her say onee that she
disliked violently expressed einoilon.
It was on his yacht one August day
off I'lne ellff. She wan dressed all In
white , Rome simple , costly affair that
milted her clear white face and the
dark brown eyes that seemed no much
nt variance with her bright blond hair.
% 4 % %
j ; 1y J &J1
So cool and sweet and proud she was
that , looking nt her , he had wondered
whether she ever was like other girls ,
If she ever cried , the real old fashioned
cry that conies from n helpless heart
And now ho was glad that she was
the other kind. At least she would
not suller over his trouble. Of course
Bhe had loved him In a way. He set
bis teeth and faced the cool , fresh
spring wind that blew across City Hall
park. They had both been young and
wealthy and proud of each other. The
engagement had occurred as a matter
of course after his father 'had admit
ted him to the firm as a partner.
And now It had all gone up In smoke.
He hardly realized how as yet , but ho
knew enough of the fate of others , to
eee ahead only ruin and wreckage and
Insolvency for the old Orm.
A flower seller stepped hi his way ,
with a smile of good fellowship.
"Vi'lets-flvc n bunch ! "
Shirley frowned and theii paused.
She loved violets. He had sent some
to her every day for months at 75
cents a bunch , great , purple , single
petalcd beauties heavy with fragrance
and hothouse loveliness. These were
double and small and a deep blue. Ho
smiled grimly and bought u qunrter's
worth. He was n poor man now.
Miss Whltworth was at home. He
was ushered Into the smaller reception
room , the one In old rose and gold that
Evelyn liked best. He used to Imagine
her there In the brocades and powder
cd hair of the sun king's reign. All
that sort of thing seemed to suit her.
She had not heard yet. Of that he
was sure when she entered and greet
ed him. There was the same cool ,
ewcct grace In her manner , the easy ,
well bred content In her eyes , as she
emlled nt him , her betrothed husband.
He did not give her the ilowers , but
held them , the poor little scanty clus
ters , with n bit of cheap silver foil
wrapped around their stems. They
floemed so out of plnce here In her en
"It is like spring , Is It not ? " she
ealil. "Don't you want to drive through
the pnrk with me ? I have Just ordered
Iho carriage. "
He raised his head to make some
careless , conventional answer when
suddenly the longing swept over him
to end It all and get away , nwny froit.
her clenr , dnrk eyes and Uie delicious
hnrm of her presence. She had never
Boomed so beautiful and dear to him
as now.
"I can't go , " ho hurst out In a reck
less , boyish fashion. "Evelyn , the old
firm hns gone up In the Yntes crash.
'JPlio governor's nearly ready for the
eulclde act , nnd I why , wo haven't
got enough left solid to keep you In
flowers nnd theater boxes for a year.
'And I came to sny goodby. "
She snt very quietly nnd looked nt
the violets.
"Aren't they pretty ? "
He laid them on the table and
"They seemed a fitting symbol of the
ntate of affairs. I got them In City
llnll park. They were 5 cents a bunch. "
She rose and crossed to the tnblc ,
tier bock half turned to him as aho
7nised the violets to her fnco.
"I am glnd you thought of them.
tThoy are a symbol of remembrance. "
The solitaire on her loft hand spar
kled brightly among the violets , and
Shirley's face hardened as he won
dered who would place the next one
there. He rose , feeling dull and help
That IB all , 1 think , " he Bald. " 1
only wanted to tell you llrst so that
you might be spared any scene or emo
tionalism. "
Still she was silent , lie looked at
her with eyes full of pain and pride.
Another Milltalre was sparkling on the
petals of the violets , and while he
gazed It was joined by many , lie
stared at them awkwardly as he real
ized that she was actually crying. Itul
why ?
"Don't , dear ; don't do that , please.
I said you were free. "
lie had not meant to , but some way
just for the last time lie was holding
her hands clo-o to bin lips anil looking
down Into her brown eyes eyes that
seemed strangely soft and lender
through their mist of ( earn.
"Hut don't you know how could
you think" Her voice was low and
broken. "I don't want to be free. "
His hands tightened over hers , but
he could not speak Of course she did
not understand what he had told her.
He must be strong and save her from
"Why do you make me say It all ,
Jack ? " She hesitated , waiting , then
went on : "I don't care about the linn
or or anything except you. U only
means a fresh start , and you are young ,
and and won't It be easier to start to
gether , Jack ? "
lie released her hands.
"You're awfully good to me , " he
said. "Hut you don't understand what
It all means , dear ; you can't. It will
take years to build up again , and you
can't be married to a poor man. "
She was laughing up at htm through
her tears.
"You foolish , foolish boy I Don't you
see ? It wasn't the money. Did you
think that was all that mattered ?
Don't you know that night on the
yacht ? I was steering , and you put
your arm around me and kissed me
and called me your pilot , and I prom
ised to be your pilot for life ? Don't
you remember ? And nothing has
changed , only a little money. I am
still your pilot , am I uot ? "
She held out her hands pleadingly to
him. Hut ho closed his eyes and stood
With lifted head and clinched lists
praying for strength for her sake until
suddenly ho felt her arms around his
neck and her hair brushed his cheek.
"I won't be given up , " she said. "I
won't , I won't. You ought not to even
suggest It now when you need me
most , and and I love you. "
There was a tap on the door a few
moments later.
"The carriage , Miss Whltworth. "
"Presently. " Miss Whltworth's voice
was happy and smothered somewhat.
She drew away from his arms nnd
gathered up the scattered violets.
"The darlings , " she said , " 1 love them
best of all I"
Cllflllod Hit"
In certain parts of New Guinea wal
laby , n species of kangaroo , are vcr >
plentiful , and the traveler in search of
sport linds the pur.sult of them an ex
citing occupation. Wallaby steak Is a
refreshing change from canned meats ,
and the natives are only too glad to
have the remnants of the carcass. A
writer In the Hiuhiilnton tells an amus
Ing Incident connected with the ani
He had been ashore In one of the
sparsely populated regions of the coast
and secured , four wallaby , an ample
supply for the whole party , native
guides and servants included. Hut he
found that although wallaby is re
garded as such n delicacy that no
trouble Is considered too great to obtain -
tain It none of the native boys In the
party would touch It.
This was a mystery until one of them
explained that they had been trained
In childhood In the belief that If they
ate wallaby before reaching a certain
age It would stop their growth.
These boys all belonged to the part
of Ilia country where wallaby arc few ,
and one can Imagine the crafty old
folks seated round the festive pot and
winking at one another as the young
people declined the succulent dainty.
Those who see an unwarrantable de
ception In the fostering of such a IK > -
llef on the part of the young people
must ask themselves If they have
never told a child that "two pieces of
pic will make little folks sick. "
When Kalstaff boasted that he was
not only witty himself , but the cause
of wit In other men , he thought of him
self more highly than he ought to have
thought. The very fact that ho was
witty prevented him from the highest
efficiency In stimulating others In thnt
direction. The ntmospherlc currents of
merriment move Irresistibly towurd n
vncuum. Create n chnrncter altogether
destitute of humor and the most slug
gish Intelligence Is stirred In the ef
fort to flii the void.
When wu seek one who Is the cause
of wit In other men we pnss by the
Jovial Fnlstaff and come to the proter-
nnturnlly bcrlons Don Quixote. Hero
we hnvo not the chance outcropping of
"the lighter vein , " but the mother love
which the humorist finds Inexhausti
ble. Don Quixote , with n lofty grav
ity which never for nn instant relaxes ,
sets forth upon his mission. Ills is a
soul Impenetrable to mirth , but ns he
rides ho enlivens the whole country
side. Everywhere merry cyca nre
watching him , boisterous laughter
comes from the stables of vlllngo Inns ,
from cnstlo windows highborn Indies
stnllo upon him , the peasants In the
fields stand gaping nnd holding their
sides , the countenances of the priests
relax uiul even the robbers salute the
knight with mock courtesy. The dull
est Ln Mnnchnn is refreshed nnd fools
that he belongs to a choice coterie of
wits. S. M. Crothers In Atlantic.
Hlniil > liM-fill , Tlmt'N All.
"Yes. " said Mrs. Wordsworth , "Iho
family l most IntcrcHllng. John
dances divinely , Tom wings tike an an
gel , David In a famous footballer , Su
oatum paints with great taste. "
"And Henry ? "
"Oh , Henry ! Well , he's a ralher dull
sort of a fellow , you know. He only
works and supports the others. " Chicago
cage Journal.
"Here's an account of a big land
slide. " said the new reporter. "Undei
what head sh\ll I put It ? "
"Put It with the real estate trans
fers , " said the city editor , as he wrote
"Continued ou the forty-fourth page"
In the middle of a four line paragraph.
No ! So tulct. |
Mrs. Muggins Your husband dresses
rather quietly , doesn't he ?
Mrs. Hoggins Humph ! You ought
to hear him sometimes when he can't
llnil his cellar buttonl-lMilladelphla
Trni1 liiivi * . "
Mllly-I'm writing to Dolly. Have
you any message for her ?
Tlllj-Whnt ! Writing to that horrid
cienture ? Well , give her my love.
Some persons do llrst , think after-
wind and repent forever.-Seeker
Cntarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications , an they can
not reach the seat of the disease. Ca
tarrh Is a blood or constitutional dis
ease , and In order to cure It you must
lake Internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure Is taken Internally , and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
not a tpuick medicine. It wns pre
scribed by one of the best physlclnns
In this country for years nnd Is a
regular prescription It is-composed
of the best tonics known , combined
with the best blood purlllorfl , acting
directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two Ingred
ients is what produces such wonderful
results In curing catarrh. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Props. , Toledo ,
Ohio. Sold by all druggists , price 7C > c.
Hall's family pills are the best.
For a Bad Cpld ,
Tf you have a bad cold you need n
good reliable inedlclno llko Chamber
lain's Cough Huine'ly to loosen and
relieve It , and to allay the Irritation
and inflammation of the throat and
lungs. For sale by Klesau Drug Co.
A Remarkable Case.
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold , deep-seated on the lungs ,
causing pneumonia , is that of Mrs
Gertrude 13. Fenner , Marlon , I ml. , who
was entirely cured by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. She says ; "The
coughing and straining so weakened
me that I ran down In weight from
1-18 to 02 pounds. 1 tried a number of
remedies to no avail until I used One
Minn to Cough Curo. Four bottles of
this wonderful remedy cured me en
tirely of the cough , strengthened my
lungs and restored mo to my normal
weight , honlth nnd strength. " Sold
by jcicsau Drug Co.
Hrings red blood back to your faded
cheeks , restores the fire nnd vim of
youth. That's what Rocky Mountain
Tea will do. 35 cents In tea or tablet
form. The Klesau Drug Co.
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs
and colds ; reliable , tried and tested ,
safe and sure. Klesau Drug Co.
A Good Name.
From personal experience I testify
that DeWitt's Little Early Risers nre
unequalled ns a liver pill. They are
rightly named because they glvo
Strength and energy and do their
work with case. W. T. Easton , Boer-
no , Tex. Thousands of people are us
ing these tiny little pills In preference
to all others because they are so
pleasant and effectual. They cure bil
iousness , torpid liver , Jaundice , sick
headache , constipation , etc. They do
not purge and weaken , but cleanse
and strengthen. Sold by Klesau Drug
Nusiil Cixtnrrh quickly yields to treat-
incut by Ely's Cream JJahn , which in ngreo-
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nohtrils , cleaiiBCS nnd hcids the whole Bur-
face over which it diffuses itself. DriiKgihtB
sell the GOc. fiizo ; Trial size by iniiil , 1 < >
cents. Test it and you uro buro to continue
the treatment.
To ftccomniodato those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhnl troii-
lilei , the proprietors prepare Cream llnhn in
liquid form , which will bo known ns Kly's
Liquid Cream Halm. Price including the
praying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies Iho med
icinal properties of the solid preparation.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness is responsible for many
a railroad wreck and the same causes
are making human wrecks of sufferers
from throat and lung troubles. But
since the advent of Dr. KIng.s Now
Discovery for consumption , coughs
and colds , even the worst cases can
bo cured , and hopeless resignation is
no longer a necessity. Mrs. Lois
Cragg of Dorchester , Mass. , Is one of
many whoso life was saved by Dr.
IClng's Now Discovery. This great
remedy Is guaranteed for all throat
and lung diseases by Asa K. Leonard ,
druggist. Price GOc and fl.OO. Trial
bottles free.
Cured of Piles After 40 Years.
Mr. C. Hanoy , of Geneva , O , had
the piles for 40 years. Doctors and
dollars could do him no lasting good
DoWitt's Witch Hazel salvo cured hhr
permanently. Invaluable for cuts
burns , bruises , sprains , lacerations
eczema , totter , salt rheum nnd nl
other fikln diseases. Look for tin
name DoWltt on the package al
others are cheap , worthless counter
felts. Sold by Klesau Drug Co.
A Policeman's Testimony.
J. N. Patterson , night policeman o
Nashua , Iowa , writes. , "Last winter
I hud u had cold on my IIIIIKH and
tried at least a half do/en advertised
iiKli medicines and had i.-catmnut
from t\\o physlelaiiH without geltlng
any honellt. A friend recommended
Koley'H Honey ami Tar and two thirds
( if a botllo cured me. It consider It
Hie greatest cough and lung medicine
In thu world. " Klosau Drug Co.
MHH | Annlo Kulaud , Ultlu Kails ,
Minn. "I llko HocUy Mountain Ten
very much , will mil hollhout It. "
Ureatost remedy on earth for milTerlug
women. ! ! fi cents. The Klesau Drug
A Scientific Discovery.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cum does for the
-stomach that which It In unable to defer
for itself , oven when but slightly dls-
nnlored or over-loaded. Kodol Dy -
pepsin Cure supplies the natural juices
of digestion and does the work ( if thu
stomach , relaxing thu nervous tension ,
whllo the inllamined musclus of thai
urgan lire allowed Id rest and heal.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what
yon eat and enables the stomach and
digestive organs to transform all food
Into rich , red blood. Sold by Klesan
Drug Co.
Koloy's Honey and Tar always stops
the cough and heals Iho lungs , llofnso
substitutes. Klesan Drug Co.
"W. A. Herron of Klnnh , Ark. , writes ,
"I wish to report that Koloy's Kidney
"are has cured a torrlblo case of kid
ney and blnddor tronblo that two doc
tors had given up. " Klcwni Drug Co.
Doesn't Respect Old Age.
It's shameful when youth falls to
Uiow proper respect for old ago , hut
iusl is the contrary in the cnso of Dr.
King's Now hifo pills. They cut off
'imladles ' no matter how severe and
irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia ,
lanndlce , fever , constipation all yield
to this perfect pill. 2r > c at Asa 1C. Leon-
ird's drug store.
There Is no cough inedlclno so pop
ular as Foloy's Honey and Tar. It
I'ontaliiH no opiates or poisons and
never falls to cure. Klesan Drug Co.
Physicians Prescribe It.
Many broad minded physicians pro-
icrlbo Foloy's Honey and Tar , as they
have never found so safe and reliable
a remedy for throat and lung troubles
as this great medicine.
KieHiiu Drug Co.
Anxious Moments.
Some of the most mix-tons hours of
i mother's life are those when the lit
tle ones of the household have the
croup. There Is no other inedlclno
-i ( ) effective in this torrihlo malady as
Koley's Honey and Tar. It Is a house
hold favorite for throat and lung
troubles , It contains no opiates
or other person. It can bo safely
given. Kicsau Drug Co.
A Runaway Bicycle
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of .1. I ) . Orner , Franklin Grove , III.
H developed n stubborn ulcer , unyield
ing to doctors and remedies for four
years : Then Hucklen's Arnica Salvo
cured. It's just as good for burns ,
scalds , skin eruptions and piles. 25c
at Asa K. Leonard's drug store.
Not a Sick Day Since.
"I was taken severely sick with kid
ney trouble. I tried all sorts of med
icines , none of which relieved mo.
One day I saw an ad. of your Hlcctrlc
Hitters and determined to try that.
After taking a few doses I felt re-
Ely's ' Cream Balm
. . . . . . nnd i > lea ant to |
Me. Contains no In
jurious ilrtiL' .
U U quickly absorbed.
( Jives Keller at once.
It Oiiena and CIC IIBCB" _ , _ . . . m >
tlio Na &l I'M-aRei. PQI D IN H EAD
* *
Allays Innammatlon. *
He.ile and 1'rotccU the Membrane. Itextorcg tne
Bennea of Taito and Smell. Large Sre | , 60 ccnt at
UruL-gUtaor by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cent * by mall.
ELY BUOTUEltS. M Warren Street. Ne y York.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by Madlton Medl >
cine Co. . Mudlion , WU. U
keeps you well. Our tr d
mark cut on each pickagr.
Price , 35 cents. N v r * olij
In bulk. Accept no jubitr
tut * A V vnur
are the most fatal of all dis
cm cvc KI ° NEY CJIBE IM
rULCl o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized bv emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICK SOc. and $ UXX
Moved , ami noon Iliorcaflnr w.ui on-
tlrnly cnroil , anil liavo not neon a
HC | | < liny Hlnco. NoliililiofH of mlno
hnvo boon cm cd of I'luMimatlHin , neu
ralgia , liver ami Uldnoy ItonlilcH ami
Konnral dolilllly. " TlilH In what II. K.
HIIHH , of Kiciiionl , N. ( ! . , wrllcH. only
5l ) ( ! nt Ami K. l.enimrd'n'
Ho Could Hardly Get Up.
1' . II Huffy of AHhlcy. III. wHUm :
"TlilH IH to coillfy Hint I hnvo talu-n
two linilloii n | l'nli < ) 'H Kidney duo
and U linn liclicil | UK- mine Hum any
oilier medicine. I tried many udvor-
INCI | | remedlcH , lint none of them iavo ;
me any rollnf. My dniKHlut iccoin-
mended Koley'H Kidney Cure nml It
IIIIH cured me. lleforo comniimcliif ;
UH IIHO I wan In mich a tiliupo that I
could hat illy Met up when down. "
Kleiian DI-UI ; Co.
On you feel mean , tired , failed out ,
all iun doun. no life ? Why not take
Undo Mountain Tea ? MnkoH you
well and lieem | jmi well. The Klumui
Those who have ever felt its keen , ciitlinu pains , or witmsswl the Intense
fTcinitf of others , know that Rheumatism is toitnre , and that it is right
ly called "The Kill } , ' < > f 1'ain. "
All do not.siideralike. Some arc suddenly ( seized with the most excrucia
ting pains , and it KCOUIS evciy muscle and joint in the body was bciiiK torn
asunder. Others fed only occasional alight pains for weeks or months , when
n sudden change in the weather of cxposuie to damp , chilly winds or night
nirlnitiKSon n ficice attack , lasting ( or days i > eihaps , and leaving the patient -
tient with a weakened constitution or crippled and dcfoimcd for nil time.
Au acid , polluted condition of the blood is the cause of every form and
variety of Rheumatism , Muscular , Articular , Acute , Chronic , Inilaimnatory
nml Sciatic , and the blood must lie purged and putified hcfoie there is nn
end to your nchcs and pains. Kxtcrual applications , the use of liniments anil
plasters , do much tow.u d temporary iclicf , bntsuch treatmentdoes not reach ,
the real cause or cleanse the diseased blood ; but S. S. S. , the jjrcatest of all
blood pmificisand tonics , docs cure Rheumatism by nntulolintf and neutraliz
ing the poiaonoua acids and building up the weak and sluggish blood. It in
safeandu-liablciiiallfornisonUieumalism. Itmakca
the old ncd ! blood rich , nml the patn-tortiircd mus
cles and johilsaieielievcd , the shattcicd nerves nre
made strong , and the cnlircsyslcm is Invigorated and
toned up by the use of tlilo great vegetable remedy.
If you have Rheumatism , wiiteus , and our physicians will furnish with
out charge nny information desired , and we will mail free our book or
W. II. HUOIIOLX , ProHidont.
ALEX. HEAR , \ricn President. J
K. W. HUTO , OaHhiiir.
* "uaflfe.
The Oldest Established Bank in Northeast.Nebraska.
Capital , $100,000,00 , Surplus , $20,000,00 , !
DOCS 3 General Buys Jtml SollH JICxcliunKi. IntoroHt Paid
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_ i. ? uli information cheerfully fiirnUlKxl'oM application toj .1 "
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Daily News Job Department