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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1903)
Till' ' ! NORFOLK NKWSj FHIDAY , NOVICM131311 0. M)03. ) Son of Carl Rrichc Hurt but Not Killed. STOVE IS SHATTERED TO DIT8. Hole Torn Through the Roof and Joists .ire broken by the Force Os car nicclic Wna Mixing Chemicals When the Accident Happened. \Vltli the Ullolion slovo shattered Into lilts no ono of which IH bigger than a dollar ; \vltli a hole toni through the roof of thn house * hy Urn torrlllc foroo of tlio explosion ; \vHli three Joists Hpllnt < < n < il and Hunt , broken , Into HID I'ollur , I ) turn r Rlocho , who lives several inlloH south of Norfolk on First street , and who WHH In tlio tnldsl of tlio whole frightful accident , IK Hllll allv , Mr. Rlooho IIUH a moving pleturo nw chlno with which ho wan preparing to give a lltllo ( 'iitortalnnionl In ! IH ! own homo. Ilo manufactures ( ho gnu for hlH InHlniinont and In preparing tlio chemicals created an. explosion > vilcli | KliooU tlio wliolo IIOIIHO and which , inarvoloiiHly enough , did not Instantly Itlll tlio chemist. AH a ro- wilt , ho Is wearing a hadly cut arm tmd IK severely hruhiod In Hovoral pnrtH of hlti body. It KOOIIIH that when 0110 chemical TTIVH mixed with the olhor an oxploidon resulted , OHPIIIWHH acting according to dlroutloiiH and IH unahln to oxlaln | the niyntorioiiH effect. Ilo had nilxod I ho Ingredients before and had nuvur boon troubled. "Not a particle of tholdlehon Htovo , " snld liln father , Carl Rlocho. ono of the ItoHt known fannofH In thin section of the country , "remains unbroken. It wna hattorod Into fragments about tin Inch mumre and the hole In thereof roof and the breaks In the Moor toll the tale of vlolonco hotter than wordH can describe It. " TUESDAY TOPICS. II. .1. Ciiulttold Ifl In the oily from KHHOX , Iowa. August Haancli linn completed a line now burn on bin farm near llattlo Crook. The NVodnowday clnh will moot to morrow afternoon -vlth Mrs. W. II. Huttorllold at 2 o'clock. \V. M. Kalnholt IIUH accepted a po sition In the Norfolk National hank , and began his work Tuesday morning. Martin Raasoh IIUH returned to Lin coln to resume his university work' , aftar visiting his paront.s anil casting n vole at the polls. Uov. Father llaloy ofVayno ; llov. Father Muonleh of Atkinson and Hov. Father 1'etlach of Vordlgro are guests of KatherValsih at the Catholic par sonage. Mrs. T. ,1. Morrow ontortalnod a company of lady frlonds Saturday afternoon - tornoon In an Informal manner and will bo at homo to another company tomorrow aftornonn. There are a largo nnmhor of can dldato.s hol'oro the people today who would much rutbor got wet than to ho hurled In snow , and to thorn the weather - or may ho far from disagreeable. Mrs. 11. V. Sldler loft this morning for Iowa where she will visit with her parents' until her son , Fred , Is roaily to leave for Chicago when she will accompany him to that city and make that her homo. llonry llnnso has purchased the ci gar store formerly condnctod by Frank Sledschlag on Norfolk avenue between Third and Fourth streets. Mr. llaaso intends to renovate the building , remodel - model It throughout and put ! n a now line of choice tobaccos. A soft track at Crolghton on the Bonostoel branch of the Northwestern was cause for sending a wrecking train up the line Tuesday afternoon , in anticipation of trouble which might happen if the soft spot was not re paired. The train left Norfolk at IrSO , ahead of the passenger , so that It might , tlx the rails before the regular train came along. Water is causing the damage. Gossip of Football. There are now only four contenders for championship honors in the west. Last Saturday's contests leaves Min neapolis , Chicago , Michigan and Northwestern still in the fluid. How ever , it does not seem likely that Northwestern will win out as she had a very narrow escape with Illinois. Wisconsin also claims a look In but is not regarded as being serious. The Chicago Tribune has the following .solution of the situation : "If Chicago beats Michigan nnd Wisconsin defeats Minnesota nnd Northwestern , Chicago will ho the only unbeaten team. If Michigan beats Wisconsin and Chicago nnd WIs conaln wins its two big games , Mich ignn will bo the only team with a clenr record. If Minnesota heats Wis consin. Michigan heats Chicago , and Wisconsin heats Michigan and North western , Minnesota will bo the lead er. If Northewstern beats Wisconsin , Wisconsin beats Minnesota and Mich igan , and Michigan beats Chicago , Northwestern can claim first honors. This last looks like a long shot , but those four nro the only possibilities for any team to show a score sheet unmarred by defeat. An unbroken scries of victories for Wisconsin , with u defeat for ( . 'hlrago on Thansglvlng day , would give Curtis' team a chance to claim llrHt rank. Other comhlnn- tloim of deefulH and victories would roimlt In various ties. " Never WIIH the value of the drop kick heller dnmniiHtratod than It wan last Saturday In the Chlengo-WlHcon- HII | famo. ; Although Chicago WIIH un able to croHH WIscotiHln'H goal line aim pulled Ihn game out handily by a Mcoro of 15 to fl. All of Chicago's polnlH were made on drop kick goals from the Hold. Today there are no drop kickers of ability , with the pos- Hlhlo exception of DoWltt. of Prince ton' and KclierHiitl of Chicago , and I hero HoeuiH to ho a tendency to al low thin method of Hcorlng to die out. In the dayH gone by the drop kicking of Pat O'Day of WlHcoiiHln , HorHchhorgor of Chicago , and IlndHon of the Indiana played a largo part In Hie Una ! Hcoro. In ICngland drop kickIng - Ing hi given Iho preference over pnnl- Ing. It IH reported that Leo nurd Slnkos , Iho great Kngllsh player , yearn ago dropped a goal against Scotland with Iho wind which wan SO yards. LYNCH. Dr. and Mrs. Ira were Lincoln vis- Horn thin week. Win. linker , of linker , was down the first of the week. Mrs. Win. Weltof Norfolk , came up Sunday to visit her Hlater. Mrtt. .1. ItliiHH. and HOO the now hoy. MHH ! Cora Cobb und llltlo HlHtor , lOdmi , caino down from Honesteol Sun day and are staying at C. C. Irwln'H. Miss lOdmi IH also attending Hchool. Mrs. Clara HogHhoad , of Stanton , came up last Friday to visit with her daughter , who Is teaching near Gross , and also a sister , Mrs. Win. McKonsoy. Joe Melona IIUH had the IIOIIHO that ho erected on the lot hack of Louis PoHplHliol'H Hhop moved east onto the lot north of the old Canning properly. 10. 13. Nlcolls and F. A. Drown returned turned Monday from Missouri , where Mr. Drown purchased 200 acres of land and will move down there at onco. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Post started Sun day for Montosano , Wash. , where they were called by a telegram announcing that his brother-in-law , n Mr. Voman , had boon accidentally shot. Cioorgo A. Mohr and Miss Dolphin Murray were married at the homo of Iho bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Murray , In Lynch Tuesday mornIng - Ing In the presence of the relatives and frlomlH of Iho contracting parties , Itev. Muller olllclatlug. About twenty-one of the ladles of Lynch at tended an at-home party at L. .1. Wolgol'H Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Welgel's sister , Mrs. A. A. Logan of Crolghton , who Is vis iting there this week. A very pleas ant time Is reported. Married : At the home of .Indgo Sanders Sunday , Oct. 25. Mr. Win. Johns of Cedar county , this stnte , to Miss F.dlth Stnll of this place by Jus- lice Sanders. The happy couple started for Cedar county , their future homo , Monday morning taking with them the best wishes of this entire community. Married , at the homo of the bride's parents , east of Monowl , Orrio N. Just and Miss Minnie Fuller , Uov. O. Muel ler of Lynch olllclatlng , on Wednes day , Oct. US. The contracting parties are both well known here , Mr. Just having boon raised In this vicinity and the bride taught several terms of school nour Lynch. Wo understand that they go to South Dakota to live. Lynch Journal. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Ch.imberlnln's Stomnch .and Liver Tablets. When yon feel dull after eating. When you have no appotlto. When you have a bad lasto in the mouth. When your liver l torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you fool billons. They will Improve your appetite , cleanse and Invigorate your stomach , and regulate your liver and bowels. Price 2fie PIT box. For sale by Kiesau Drug Co. Stepped Against a Hot Stove. A child of Mrs. Goo. T. llonson. when getting his usual Sunday night hath , stopped hack against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was In great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify hlni. Re membering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Halm in the house she thought she would try It. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was ( inlet and _ asleep , nnd in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. llonson Is a well known resident of Kellar , Va. Pain Halm is an antisep tic liniment and especially valuable for burns , cuts , bruises and sprains. I-or sale by Kiosau Drug Co. For sick headache- try Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver tablets ; they , vlll ward off the attack If taken in line. For sale by Kiesau Drug Co. Do you fool broken down and does your system need nourishment ? Just take Mnn-Kr-Vlno tablets , the world's greatest remedy for the nerves , brain nnd blood , nnd watch results. Kie sau Drug Co. Why suitor with your kidneys ? The discovery of Kiduoy-Ettes boa proved a' blessing to thousands of kidney sufferers who have boon re stored to perfect health. These tablets - lots drive the diseased germs out of the system , nnd wo urge all sufferers to give this scientific and successful kidney remedy a trial. Price 25 cents. Kiesau Drug Co. x Now , All Eat ! AYBE youtve had some difficulty in getting your share of Uneeda Biscuit V but now we are pre pared to satisfy every appetite so everybody can eat their fill of - " - * " * The favorite food : a little better than ever fresh , clean and crisp packed in the same way in the airtight , dust- proof , moisture-proof , In-er-seal Package the same price 5c NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY1 Removal of Roundhouse Would Relieve Crossing. WOULD FREE NORFOLK AVENUE. By a Shifting of the Switching Yards by the Railroad Company the Train Crews Would be Greatly Aided In Work and the City Relieved. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] "Now that the old roundhouse has burned down and another must bo constructed. " snld n. business man to day In spcnklng of the flro at the Union Pacific yards , Thursday night , "why wouldn't It bo a most opportune moment for the railroad' company to so arrange their switching tracks that the crossing over Norfolk avenue may not need to bo blocked with cars and engines so constantly hereafter ? " For years and years the railroad crossing over Norfolk avenue has boon n plnco of much notion with the rail road cars nnd switch engines and it has often boon cause for comment that so few accidents have thus for happened. It is a dangerous place for persons coining nnd going cither walk ing or driving and the Incessant travel nlonir this avenue Is no doubt onuallv disturbing to the railroad crows who are trying to work. By a shifting of the roundhouse to some out of the way spot the tracks could also bo moved about and the trains could bo made up and kicked about Indiscriminately with neither danger to human llfo nor inconven ience to passers-by. The company will without doubt re place the hurned building with a mod ern brick structure. The ono which burned was old nnd dry and rather too small , anyway , to accommodate all of the engines which must of necessity headquarter under its roof. The lack of pressure upon the water j during the fire was caused by the fact that someone hnd entered the building before the fire got much headway , and had turned on the hydrant inside , letting it run during the flro and tak ing a great deal of force off the stream which came from the hose. The firemen stayed at the building for flvo hours , never quitting until 11:30 : o'clock. Lo Uoy Leach of Wood Lake , our county surveyor nnd candidate for re-election , gave an exhibition of his skill with tlio rifle Wednesday after noon In the presence of a largo crowd a little north of the Episcopal church snys the Valentino Republican. Mr. Loach holds the world's champion ship for rille shooting at Hying tar gets , having twice beaten the record made by Adolph Topervein of San Antonio , Texas , who hit SOfi out of n possible 1,000 Hying targets , throe Inches in size at a dlstanco of eight foot. foot.On On August 2 , 100 ! ! , at Wood Lake Mr. Leach broke OflO ono and three- fourths inch targets at a dlstanco often ton feet and on October M. 190 ; ! , ho made the unsurpassable record of 1,000 out of a possible 1,000 at a dis tance of twenty foot , accomplishing this wonderful feat In forty minutes. While in his shooting here he did not equal his former records owing to the unfavorable condition , there being a rathqr strong gusty wind dur ing the entire afternoon , yet ho did some excellent shooting , the most skillful that has ever boon witnessed bore. Had the wind been lighter ho doubtless would have equalled some of his previous records. As it was ho hit 95 out of 100 targets at the commencement of the shoot and af ter having hit all sorts of objects , in cluding pennies , small rubber balls , short shells , pins , souvenirs , pocket mirrors , match heads and lead pen cils ho concluded the exhibition by hlttiift 211 targets out of a possible 211 at distances ranging from ten to sixty feet. Ho also made several doubles on double targets and several doubles on single tnrgets nnd hit n small tin can four times while in the air. A bullet was driven through a rubber tube the si/.o of the bullet , hold In the hand of a boy. and ho exploded a 22 shell , striking it on end at twenty-five feet. The most re- mnrknblo font wns the hitting of three ordinary brass pins thrown In the nlr. Mr. Leach says he had never tried this before and has never heard of anyone else attempting such a shot. He uses a repeating rifle with solid ball nnd shoots off hand. Besides his reputation as the world's champion rifle shot Mr. Loach Is a clover writer and has a national reputation as the author of Orl/el , a classic poetical legend , of which there have been throe editions published. Ho has also written a novelette entitled Don Homoro , a Mexican romance. The Illinois Horse Co. can supply ( JO pedigreed draft stallions ; 30 of them imported ; 5 breeds Perchoron , French Drnft , English Shire , Belgian Clyde ; 5 colors blnck , brown , bay , ronn. gray ; rich blood , extra shlro breeders 2 to 5 years old. Some will mnko 2400 pound horses. Easy pay ments. The general manager will bo In Sioux City for a week. 22 Balton block. Permanent address , DCS Molnes , Iowa. Pass Through Norfolk On Their Way Home from Ft. Riley. ARE ENROUTE TO VALENTINE. Travel in Pullman Cars and Tourist Sleepers Again Express Their Ad miration for Norfolk and Norfolk People Met by Guardsmen. The Twenty-fifth regiment , United States regulars , were In Norfolk for several hours Monday on their way home from the Fort Hiloy encamp ment , and expected to bo In quarters at Fort Nlobrara , near Valentino some time "Monday night or early Tuesday morning. Tlio regiment came in on a special train , the officers having Pullman sleepers and the men tourist sleeping cars for their comfort and conven ience. They are traveling homo over the Northwestern. The special arrived in Norfolk Junction soon after 10 o'clock and left for Valentino after 1 o'clock , giv ing them several hours hero and of ficers and men were permitted to come up town , make purchases and renew some of the acquaintances they made on the trip down. They are the soldiers who marched to Norfolk from Valentine , nnd camped at the race track north of the city for a couple of days. A num ber of the national guard officers and men wont to the train to meet thorn and the regulars roltoraled their high estimation of Norfolk and Norfolk people and expressed regret that they could not remain here longer on their return trip. MONDAY MENTION. A. K. Barnes Is In the city from Lincoln and will remain until after ho has voted. Arthur Pllgor , deputy county treas urer , Is expected In Norfolk tomor row to meet his old frlonds and work in the interest of the straight repub lican ticket. Hemnn Walker arrived In the city from Lincoln to vote for Judg Barnes. Mr. Walker is In his third year of university work and Is tak ing the medical course. Judge J. B. Barnes , who has been campaigning in the southern part of the stale , is homo to see his friends and vote the ticket tomorrow. Ho has boon kept busy since his return , shaking hands. That load of coal that was set on fire during the burning of the round house Is still burning and sending up smudges of smoke. To the person with an empty coal bin nnd a flat pocket book it looks like one of the most serious losses of the fire. Stanton Register : Yesterday after noon Judge Vlnlng united In marrlago Mr. J. V. Johnson of Norfolk and Miss Ada Ogden of the same placo. The groom is 2fi and n native of Illinois and tlio bride is 21 and a native of Iowa. May their future over bo as pleasant as at the present time. S. R. McFnrland , acting for the Knights of the Maccabees , has effected a settement of the death claim of Mrs. Luther Marshall , whose husband was killed some time ago on the North western track north of the Fred Krantz 1 > lnce by falling from a wild engine and being later cut to pieces by a passing freight. The beneficiary certificate maintained by Mr. Marshall called for $1,000 and this amount was paid over to his widow. The Best Remedy for Croup. [ From the Atchison , Kan. , Dally Globe. ] This is th8 season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible tnings in the world is to bo awakened In the middle of the night by a whoop from ono of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to he lost , in case of croup , as n revolver is sure to bo lost in cnse of burglars. There used to bo nn old-fashioned remedy for croup , known as hive syrup and tolu , but some modern mothers say that Cham , berlain's Cough Remedy Is the better , and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker , and gives relief in a shorter time. Give this remedy ns soon ns the croupy cough nppears nnd it will prevent the nttnck. It never fnllsand is pleasnnt to tnke. For sale by Kie- snu Drug co , A FREE inside each package of Lion Coffee 60 different games.