The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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    NOHKOMC N10WS : AY , NOVBiMMKIt ( ' , JilOf ) 15
Only a Question of the Majority
he Will Get.
World-Herald Concedes the Election
of Barnes to Supreme Bench by
Possibly 8,000 Douglas County
May Give Him Lead of 1,000.
Omaha , Nov. 4 , 4 p. in. Special to
The News : Less than half of the
precincts of Nebraska have thus for
reported but at the present rate
Judge Barnes Is elected by about 10-
OOOvotos. The republican regents for
the university are elected by good ma
Douglas county elects the ontlro re
publican ticket with the exception of
the sheriff , county clerk and district
Populists Concede Election.
Lfrfcoln , Nov. 4 , 1:20 : p. m. To The
News , Norfolk : Chairman Weaver of
the populist state committee concedes
Barnes' election by from 5,000 to 8-
000. Wo think from 8,000 to 10,000.
II. C. Lindsay.
- -
Morning Reports.
Omaha , Nov. 4. Special to The
News : At 11 o'clock this morning
the majority of Judge Barnes In Doug
las county is placed at from a few
to 1,000. Ho will not run higher
than 1,000 but he has a major
ity hero without a doubt , according to
figures received at this hour by the
Bee. The World-Herald
- now con
cedes Barnes' election by possibly 8-
000. There is no question as to his
election and the only uncertainty Is
as to the majority which will bo rolled
Lincoln , Nov. 4. Special to The
News : At 12 o'clock , noon , today , the
majority for Barnes Is estimated at
10,000. Douglas county breaks even
as nearly as can bo learned.
Early Returns. -
Lincoln , Nob. , Nov. 4. Based on
returns from 115 voting precincts out-
tide of Lancaster county ( Lincoln )
and Douglas county ( Omaha ) the Re
publican state central committee made
the claim of the election ot the entire
Republican state ticket by not less
than 10,000 plurality. This claim Is
considered conservative and newspa
per returns tend to confirm it. The
Tote for the 115 precincts gave
Barnes ( Rep. ) 9.G42 , Sullivan ( fus. )
8,192 The same precincts two years
ago gave the Republican candidate
9.615. with the fusion 8,107 , a change
BO slight that it will require a fusion
landslide from an unexpected quarter
to overcome the Republican plurality
of 12,000 of two years ago. First re
ports were all favorable to the fu-
eionists , but the fatcr returns have al
most wiped out the early gains Lan
caster county will give Barnes 2,000
plurality , and this Is expected to off
set Sullivan's expected plurality In
Douglas Returns from Itifi precincts
Including part of Lancaster countv.
give Hnrnes 14,513 Sullivan 10,7b3 a
not Republican loss of 142. or less ,
than one to n precinct. It will re
quire eight to a precinct to overcome
the Republican plurality of two years
ago on the same relative vote which
eeenis to be maintained The Repub
llcan candidates for university regents
are running'ahead of Raines
Returns are coming In slowly , 304
precincts outside of Douglas having
been heard from , casting h.oro than
45.000 votes Out of this number
Barnes had 23,934 and Sullivan , 20 ,
141 The same precincts two years
* o gave Sedgwlck a majority of 521
more than they give Barnes this year.
The count In Omaha and South
Omaha Is proceeding slowly A tabu
lation o' fifty-eight out of the 102 voting
ing districts in Douglas county gives
Barnes 4.C78 and Sullivan 4.GG1. Last
year these same precincts gave
Mickey ( Rep. ) for governor 5,135 and
Thompson ( fus. ) 0,105.
It looks as If the entire Republican
county and Judicial tickets In Doug
las county were elected , with the pos-
elblo exception of Unttt for county
cleric , although complete returns will
be necessary to make sure of this
The weather conditions throughout
the state tfero bad , BO that the vote is
euro to bo light.
Antelope county Noligh , Clcarwat-
r , Orel , Willow , Sherman , Blalno ,
Burnett , Elm , Frenchtown , Ellsworth ,
Logan , Elgin , Oakdalo gives Barnes
Bedgwick , 845 ; Hollenbeck , G35.
Blalno Dunning , Barnes , 39 ; Sul
livan , 28. Two years ago : Sodgwlck ,
84 ; Hollonbeck , 21.
Brown Johnstown , Qarfleld , and
Sullivan 113 Two years ago : Sedg
wlck , 114 ; Hollenbeck , 104.
Buffalo Gibbon gives Barnes 1B4 ,
Sullivan 120 ; Platte , Barnes 32 , Sul
livan , 8. Judge of Twelfth Judicial
district : Armada , Hosteller , 65 ;
Hand , 45 ; Platto. Hosteller. 32 ;
Hand , 7. Two years ago : Sodgwick ,
170 ; Hollenbeclr , 118.
Elect Republican Judges.
The republicans have elected Judges
In the following clislrlcts : First , Second
end , Third , Fourlh , Elghlh , Ninth ,
Twelfth , Thirteenth and Fourteenth.
Thompson , fuslonist , and Paul , repub
lican , are elected in the Elovenlh.
The fusionisls claim Iho Fifth , Sixth ,
Seventh , Tenth and Flfteenlh but
these are not entirely conceded.
Stanton ,
Stanton , Nob. , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : Slanton county Is com
pletely democratic with the exception
of the clerk of the district court.
Knox. *
Crolghton , Nob. , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : Knox county gives Barnes
1,227 ; Sullivan Oil. The county goes
IMorco , Nob. , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : With four precincts to
hear from , Cones gets 750 and Doyd
Ncllgh , Neb. , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : Hoyd carries the county
by 800. The republican ticket Is elect
ed throughout with the exception'of '
the surveyor and the clerk of the dis
trict court.
Wayne , Nob. , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : Barnes has a vllghl lead.
Hoyd has a good majority. The tick
et IH otherwise democratic by about
Republicans Get But One of the Four
Precinct Offices , and that Is
Hayes for Justice.
Complete uiiofllclnl returns on the
precinct ticket show that the fusionIsts -
Ists have elected three out of the four
precinct ollleers , tl-o one exception
In favor of the republicans being S.
\V. lisiyes for justice of the peace.
The returns are us follows :
For Justices of the ePace.
S. W. Hayes , republican , 1st ward ,
73 ; 2nd , 110 ; lid , 20G ; 1th , 3G ; outside ,
92. Total , 520.
.T. A. Trulock , republican 1st , 57 ;
2nd , 78 ; 3d , 11U ; 4th , 30'outside ; , 87.
Total , 371.
Chester A. Fuller , fusion 1st. 78 ;
2nd , 130 ; 3d , 121 ; 4th , ' 19 ; outside ,
129. Total , CIS.
M. J. Kennedy , fusion 1st , 05 ; 2nd ,
100 ; 3d , 53 ; 4th , 52 ; outside , 114 To
tal , 381.
For Constables.
J. A. Ualney , republican 1st , 02 ;
2nd , 78 ; 3d , 159 ; 4th , 25 ; outside , 77
Total , 411.
J. M. Covert , republican 1st , CC"
2nd , 101 ; 3d , 1C9 ; 4th , 31 ; outside , 82 ;
Total , 449.
Frank Jarmor , fusion 1st , 72 ; 2nd ,
120 ; 3d , S8 ; 4th , 58 ; outside , 132 To
tal. 479.
Win. C. Ahlman , fusion 1st , 72 ;
2nd , 143 ; 3d , 80 ; 4th , 49 ; outside , 138
Total , 482.
Republicans Elect Entire State Ticket
Large Vote for Off Year.
Boston , Nov. 4 Although some
what pushed by the exertions of their
opponents , the Republicans re-elected
Governor John L. Bates by practically
the same plurality as last year The
rest of the state ticket was also
elected and the party probably will
have the usual proportion of two to
one In the legislature of 1901 The
weather was fine and the vote remark
ably large for an off year.
The early returns showed that Gov
ernor Bates had made slight gains In
some towns and cities , but this was
overcome by the Democrats , who
rolled up a big vote In Boston for
Colonel William A. Gaston , the Dem
ocratic candidate for governor The
hard work of the managers In this
city resulted in Colonel Ouston's plu
rality of 13.000 last year being In
creased to nearly 20OnO this year In
addition to electing their state ticket
and holding the legislature , the He-
publicans wore also successful in re
taining control of the governor's coun
cil , which will be composed of five Republicans -
publicans and one Democrat
The Socialist vote , from early re
turns , showed a falling off .from last
year and that party also lost a repre
sentative from one of the Plymouth
county districts , so that the party will
have but two members In the coming
The Prohibition and the Socialist-
Labor vote averaged about the same
as In previous years.
With returns complete from every
town and city In the state , the total
vote for governor was : Bates ( Rep )
199,393 , Gauton ( Dem. ) 163,544.
New Jersey.
Trenton , N. J. , Nov 4. The Repub
licans In New Jersey elected four of
the six state senators and enough of
the assembly to claim both houses.
The entire Democratic assembly tick
et was elected In Union county , which
is a defeat for United States Senator
Kean. The Republican nominees who
were favorable to his return to the
senate were openly opposed at the
polls by the antl-Kcan faction In that
county. The next senate will stand
fourteen Republicans and seven Dem
ocrats. In the house at least thirty-
three of the sixty members will bo
Republicans The Important elections
In the state outside of the legisla
tive contests were the mayoralty
fights In Jersey City and Trenton.
Mayor Fagan ( Rep. ) was re-elected In
Jersey City by 1,000 majority. In
Trenton Mayor Katzonbacs ( Dem. )
was ro-electod by 475 majority.
Revised returns from Monmouth
county show the election of three
Democratic mcmbors of the assembly
there The new house of assembly
will consist of thirty-eight Republicans
and twenty-four Democrat ! .
Gets Handsome Majority in
the District.
Pierce County , the Home of Judge
Douglas Cones , Is the Only One In
Which Doyd Does Not Lend Even
Wayne Is Strongly for Him.
Judge J. 1 \ Hoyd Is reelected for
the bench In the Ninth Judicial dis
trict by u majority of about 1700. He-
tuniH show that his majority In Ante
lope county IH SOD ; Madison county ,
fiJi > ; Wuyno county , 100 ; Ktiox county
100. Cones gets u majority In bin
own county , Pierce , of about 125 , ( him
giving Judge Hoyd about 1700 lead.
The returns are practically complete -
ploto on this ticket. Judge Hoyd car
ried the live counties Htrongor. as a
whole , than any olh'U1. Judge Barnes
IIIIH u slight lead In NVayno , but the
majority for Hoyd IH better.Vuyne
county Itself on the county ticket went
democratic by about 100.
The vote on district Judge In Kuox
county was stronger than on ( behead
of the ticket. There were 1,1182 voton
east for Hoytl. 991 ! for COIIOH. There
were 1,227 for Barnes and 911 for Sul
livan. The county ticket hero also
IH republican.
Handsome Majority in Antelope.
Antelope county , the home of .ludgo
Hoyd , gives him n handsome majority
of 800. The normal republican ma
jority la 50. Judge Barnes carries this )
county by about 300. The republican
ticket was elected with the exception
of the clerk of the district court. Rice ,
and the surveyor.
Madison county did well by Judge
Hoyd. IIln majority runs pretty well
with the head of the ticket which Is
iiulto a remarkable record when It
Is considered that Judge Barnes IH
from Norfolk. Madison county gives
Hoyd about 300 majority.
Pierce county Is the only one In
which , regardless of oilier candidates ,
Judge Hoyd docs not receive a major
ity. This is the home of Judge Doug
las Cones and to him his neighbors
gave a complimentary majority of
about 125. Three more precincts are
to bo heard from at this hour.
Late Election Returns.
Baltimore , Nov. } . Special to The
News : Tllo democratic candidate for
governor is elected , and there will bo
a democratic legislature , Insuring Gor
man's election to the senate.
New York , Nov. 4. Special to The
News : McClellond's majority for
mayor over Low will probably bo
about 70,000.
Cleveland , Nov. 4. Special to The
News : Herick carries Ohio over John
son , by a plurality of about 125,000.
The legislature will bo republican
by a majority of ninety members , in
suring the re-election of Ilanna.
Des Moines , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : Cummins' majority will
bo about 00,000 for governor of Iowa.
Lexington , Ky. , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : Beckham's majority for
governor of Kentucky will bo about
Republicans Concede the Election cl
Governor Beckham.
Louisville Ky. . Nov 4 With the
close of an election characterized by
an unusually heavy vote , numerous
disorders and evidences of many
gross irregularities , the re-election of
Governor Beckham ( Dem ) over
Colonel Morris B. Belknap ( Rep. ) by
a majority of fully 15,000 seems as
sured The Repifnlicans concede the
election of Governor Borkham
The day in Louisville was an excit
ing one and the election was bitterly
fought. The Republican managers
claim they have proofs that in thirty-
two precincts In this city the polling
places In Republican precincts were
cither kept closed all or a part of the ,
time or removed to obscure places * "
They also charge ballot box stuffing ,
the forcible ejection of Republican
officials and the Intimidation of negro
voters. Thcso conditions led to many
fights , the most serious of which oc
curred between Tom Klley , a Demo
cratic election officer , and Jacob Krieger -
gor , a Republican officer. The men
used pistols and Klley was seriously
At Danville , Ky. , Fountain Ilaeby's
skull was crushed during an election
row. At Troy , Philip Rcllly was shot
by a deputy sheriff for venturing too
near the polls At Lawronceburg Con
stable James Edwards was fatally cut
by Oliver Carey during a fight In an
election booth.
Rhode Island Is Close.
Providence , 11. I. , Nov. 4. The re
turns indicate the ro-eleellon of Gov
ernor Garvln ( Dem. ) by a greatly re
duced plurality. The vote Is very
close , however , and the result prob
ably will be In doubt until the last dis
trict Is heard from. The Republican
state central committee claimed that
later returns would o\ercome Garvln's
lead over Colonel Colt ( Rep. ) . In
Providence , Mayor Miller ( Dem ) was
re-elected. Owing to the Isolated sit
uation of many towns complete re
turns have not been received.
Democrats Sweep Virginia.
Richmond , Va. , Nov. 4 The elec
tions In Virginia for assembly have
resulted In a Democratic sweep of
the state. There were few contests ,
the fields , as a rule , bolnc loft onen
( o the Democrats Surprises , however -
over , appear In the defeat of the Dem
ocratic nominees In Holetcurt and
Kroderlel.sburg. The vote genet ally
* ns light , being In Hlchnioud Clly.
for oxaiuplc1 , only about 25 per cent of
( ho registration.
Salt Lnke Elects
Suit I ake I'liih. ' Nov 4 Complete
letlirii * xMmils \ ( ) . - ) l.fiOO tllll-
Jorlt > ou < r Kno.Itep ( ) The Dt'ino-
irnts : itl n elect tliliiouu of ( lib IIf
U'i'ii euam Union. Hlghl aru Murniuns ,
Republican State Ticket Is Elected
by GG.OOO Majority.
Dos Molnus , la. , Nov. I. HetuniH
Indicate tliu reelection of Governor
Cummins by a plurality of 5i,0l)0 ; ) and
of his associates on the Hepubllcan
ticket by substantially the BIIIUU plu
million. At Demonnik' headiiinuturs
PO laige a pluiallly IK not admitted
The IcgUlnlmo i etui us , iiMhotigh not
complete , Indicate innti'iliil Demo
cratlc gulnn OM r two MMI * ngo when
the hou. = e i uiilnliUMl eighty two Hepiib
llcans anil eighteen P < mot tuts , ut.d
tliu Hcniito fotty Hepulilli mm unit ten
Dcniocniia , but the Republi , rum will
have a uuoilorklnu innnx't ) in both
Thotunn Slaploton was elected HUH-
ator by Democrats In the lowu-.lohn-
eon dlBiilrl in the Hremur-llutlur
senatorial dlottlcls the Democrat *
elected John Wade over 13 W Sous-
be In llaidln counly there WIIH lac
tlonnl lighting , Wllllnm Weldon , boltIng -
Ing Ropiibllcan , wan elected ever
Mark Fun ay , regular nominee. In
the Wlnnelmgo-Worth district Oleson
was elected over Miller In the same
way. In O'Hrlen county George Whit-
mer va elected ever Donahuo. lu
Cass county the DcnioriatH elected
Delano over I'lppur.
The following iMiitements wetn
made :
Govcinor Cummins "I had esti
mated I would receive a plurality of
fiO.OOO and did not Heo how I could go
above that However , If the picscnt
rate Is Kept up I will go higher. "
Chairman Hpence of the Hepubllcan
Commit tei"Tho i etui us are coming
In slowly and It Is Impossible to esti
mate the character of the leglslaturo
at this lime. I had expected a plural
ity of fin HMD for Cummins , hut the In
dications point to at loaBt GO.iiOO "
Chaliman Jackson of Ihe Demo
cratic Committee "I still hold that
Cummins plurality will not be over
30.001) ) We win Bovernl menthols of
Iho legislature "
J H Sullivan , Democratic candidate
for goVeinor , at his homo In Crcston.
without giving llgiiies expressed n
belief the Democrats had made a run
terlal gain aver two years ago , when
Cummins waa elected by 811,000 , and
oxpresfaed satisfaction with the out
come of the campaign.
Sullivan carried DUB Moliics county
by about 2'jO ' plurality. Two years
ago Cummins can led the county by
fourteen plurality.
Marshall county elves CummliiB , for
governor , a plurality of l.fjuo , about
the f.'inio t.j that of t\v < . > years ago
Ro'uin. " fioni 1GG juc-i inotn In Scott
county , show that tbo Democrats cur
ried the count ? l.y DOO plurality ,
agbMikt ISa DouK'r.nUio p'uralily ' last
He-turns from all hut Ponton towo-
hip ( Jive Cummin * about sl ( .y rlu
rallty In Dos Molina , or a gitiri of Ot < -
ty-slx over two 30,11 a ftgo.
The entile Republic an ticket In
Wapollo county was elected by GdO
Ten out of Iwenly precincts In Ma-
hnsha county give Ciirunilns l.fiZO , Sul-
l.iitiG In I'.IOI same trave u H v
i.ij tpnjorltv of 450. The es-.i
niiite.i Republican majority in tr.e
counila 700
Crui-ion I'omiiloto gives Cumnitiiv
774 , Siilllvun V14 , a net Dotou.'intk
gain of 175 over last year Crcston
Is Mr Sullivan's homo city.
Sioux City gave Cu.nmins , for gov
ernor 2.800 Sullivan 1,443
Six precincts in Keolutk city , com
plete , give Cummins 1.499 , Sullivan
1,393 Twenty-eight precincts of Leo
county , complete , glvo Cummins
3.5S2. Sullivan 3,557.
Newspaper Man Kills Himself on the
Day Set for Marriage.
Philadelphia , Nov 5. "Tell Ltllle
she will find my dead body In the
bath room and notify Worthlngton
lhat he need not tend the cab , as
there will bo no wedding tonight. "
Having writlon Iho above on a piece
of paper and placed It under the fronl
door of his newly furnished house ,
William Warren , aged forty-five years ,
a newspaper man of Chcsler , wenl lo
Iho bath room and blow out his brains
with a revolver. Warren was to have
been married to Miss Lillian Robert
son of this city.
Receiver of Defunct Institution Finds
that Funds Have Been Taken.
Oklahoma City , Okla , Nov. 5 Upon
opening the safe of the bank of the
Chlckasaw nation at Tlshomlngo ,
which closed Its doors last week , Re
ceiver Foster found but $50 , which
wan in silver. It Is alleged that the
president. Klrby Purdon , who disap
peared at the tlmo of the failure , took
the funds with him. The bank was
the official depository of the Chleka-
saw nation and had a capital stock of
$50,000 , with largo private deposits.
Earth Shakes In St. Louis.
St. Louis , Nov. 5. This city and rl-
clnlty experienced a decided earth
quake shock , or series of shocks.
There Is a difference of opinion as to
how many. A telephone message from
Louisiana , Mo. , says that a percepti
ble shock was felt there about the
same tlmo.
Comity Officers arc Nearly All
The County Gives Darncs and Doycl
HnnclGoiuo Majorities The Majori
ties on County Offices Will Range
From Thirty to Six Hundred ,
Tim weather WUH dcclddolydlHiigrca-
ablu on election d.iy throughout Mad-
HUM county. The Hhoworn fell at In-
tervalH , and Iho HUH peeped through
[ inly Hllghlly at rare oecuHloim. Keg
mid inlHtH were In evidence IIIOH ! of
the day , and Iliu air wan qulto chilly ,
though not IIH much HO IIH IH miHtoiu-
iirj on election day In tlilii latitude.
The inolHliirci that Tell and ( hat ban
been falling lor Hovernl ilayii nmdo n
eli ) Hiirfueo of mud , which , under
the feet of votei'H , candidates , paity
workers , and ordinary every day , ie-
dcstrlumi WIIH worked up over the
crossings , HIetched ( HH ullmy length
limit ; the wnlkn , and Invndud the poll
ing hoothu. if the weather clerk had
made an extra offer to proiluco a
miHty day In which to teat the de
termination of tliu votcrH to register
i choice ho could hard ! ) have drawn
ml n WOI'HO ono In ovury particular.
Itoulil naturally have been mip-
posed that the vote , under Hiich condl-
Llonu , would have boon exceedingly
light. Combined \\llh the fact that
lu wau what IH known In political par-
liinco as an "olf year , " that IH thai
I hero wan no national itlucllon on , or
it her Important mattem hol'oro the
people calculated to draw out a lull
vote , WUH thlH dlBugroeablo nuHllnosH
that hud been provided by Iho wcmlliur
department. Hut the vote WIIH good ,
undoubtedly ono of the largest ( hat
IIUH over been euHt In tbo county out-
Hldo of presidential election yearn.
The farmufH Were uniiblo lo work In
the fields and they turned out to the
voting pluccH In force , and , IIH WIIH
anticipated by the repiilillcaiiH but
denied by tlnj fusIoulHts , they volod
the republican ticket , very generally ,
going toward Increasing the repub
lican majority ,
Thu total vote polled In the county
an about ll.lliii ) , an Incrcaso over tin ;
vote of hiHt year of Hoiuulhlng Ilko
100 votoH , ( ho total vote of hint year
being , ! ( ) ! , when an ontlro iitiito
ticket wan In the Hold , Including cau-
dhlutcH for governor.
The vote IIIIH been very Htrongly re
publican , and yd It uppeant that no
HH than three of tbo county fusion
candidates have been able to crawl
out from under the wreck. ThoHO nro
Winter for county clerk , BateH for
county judge and probably Criim for
county superintendent. The county
K-ent Htrongly lor HarnoH , and for
Bayd and gave the balance of the
county ticket a good strong voto.
Barnes ban curried the county by
majority of about 401. Doyd
IIOH carried the county by u majority
of something less , tbo estimate being
I ! ! ! ! ! , over Cone.s , fusion nominee for
district judge.
Schavhind'H majority IH IJOfi.
Smith wan elected commlsHlonor by
a majority of about 1(05 ( with two
preclnctH not reported.
Kindred and Sailor are running
close on coroner , the former's major
ity being estimated at anywhere from
twelve to fifty.
Rynoarsou'H majority ever 1'roeco
IH about 100.
Field's majority Is about IS87.
Criim Is probably elected ever Dow-
ling for superintendent by about 90.
Clements for sheriff has ono of the
big majorities on-Uio ticket over Loaoy
and will win by between . " 00 aii.l i'00.
Hates Is elected Judge ever Klsoloy
by about 310.
Winter , for county clerk , Is elected
ever Curtis by about I572.
Returns Show a Landslide From the
Fuslonlsts More Republicans
Elected thnn Ever Before.
Pierce , Neb. , Nov. 4. Special to
The News : The returns Indicate
that Pierce county has turned almost
a complclo Kommorsault , and the fu
sion majority Is practically wiped out.
For the llrsl time since the county
has been organl/.cd there will bo n
republican treasurer and for the first
tlmo In fifteen years Ihcro will bo n
republican county clerk.
The counly gave Cones a handsome
complimentary vote , and the fusion
candidates for sheriff , county super
intendent and assessor , were about
the only consolation the fuslonlsts
The majority of Barnes for supreme
Judge was 27 ; Cones was honored by
his homo people with n majority of
91 for dlstricl judge.
The majorily for N. M. Nelson , re
publican , for counly treasurer was
211 ; W. G. Hlrons , republican , for
county clerk , was elected by a major
ily of about 40 ; B. M. Jones , fusion ,
for sheriff , got it by 187 ; J. A. Wil
liams , republican , for county judge ,
won out with 232 ; Frank Pllgcr , fu
sion , for superintendent , had a close
race but won with 45 ; W. B. Chilvors ,
republican , was olcctocl clerk of the
district court by 132 ; Frank Strolow ,
fuslonlst , was chosen counly assessor
ser by Iho narrow margin of 49.
Slayer Commits Suicide W'icn ' HI *
Escape IB Cut Off.
London , Nov 5.- The diaiuatlc mur-
dur of HiuiHiul ; , piuHlilont ol the Ar
menian i evolutionary Hociety In Lon
don on the night of Oct 21 IIIIH bt.'im
followed by tliu UMiiaHsllhUloii of tw
mom dclcKUlou to Hie AtniiMilan con
vention hero. The HUlclilo of Iho an-
BUhtiln , though hu IIIIH not > ut been
Idcnilllcil , given goml matum to hu-
lluvu that hu alho WIIH the Mayor of
Kngoiril Tim inuiilurH wctiu carrhvl
out In the inunt dining manner , mure
ho than WIIH tliu inunler of Hagounl.
They look place COHO ) to the Aiiniin-
Inn Ic'iiiUiuartuiH at I'ecUhain Itye.
Thu two viclliiiH were nhot down fro I
behind nt ( losu lange. The iiiurilurui"
II i ( Ml twice at a third member of llm
group , bul missed him , and then at
tempted to lice Seeing that hlH jv
cape WIIH cut off , IK drew another to
volvcr and shot himself \\ltli Ills Inft
liiiixl U in CUUH"ICI | | | a blgnillcniil
luct that the MRHUHHIM ( , f Qaguunl win
also Icrthandod.
The nainen of the murdeioiliiuml -
atH wonAgrnm Ciiciarinii i. .Igran
It it. alleged that a letter round on
the Armenian murderer ti body Idonll-
HCR him uixlur Iho i > amo of Georgia
Czar and P.mpcror nt Wiesbaden.
Berlin , Nov. n. The court tinln
bearing the czar , I'niuo Henry of
I'niHHia ' , Count LammlorlT and the
C/IU'B .suite , nnlved nt WIcRlmdou
fiom DainiHladt. lOinpcror William
ill CM o up wealing a ItusHlan iinllonn
ai.d muM'd to the Imnt of the 1'adur-
born leglmeni gum ding the depot.
Near the car containing the czar
Blair \\i\t\ \ \ placed and the HuHHlau.
ruler duHeoniled to an ImprovImM
tent , where the ompeior and bin Hullo
were In uniting. The c/ar and em
peror lilBHed ouch other ulforilonaloly
Unco limes. The e/ur then gave bin
hand to Count von Huelow , and Iho
kalHiir did Iho name to ( 'mint Lanm-
dorff. Then ( hu icgluienl dellled , the
band playing the ItUHHlan national an
them. An the royal gucHlH lefl tliu
depot they were eheeied by I'm ' crowd.
Thu wiy to the ciiHtlu v < lined by
numeii'iis regiments , vlu- , Imniln
played HID HusBlau niii , < .tiul hymn.
Wants Pardon that He Might Murder.
Ueq MIIIIIUH , Nov. 5 ( lovurnor
CiimiiiliiB IIIIH been nmdo acipnilnlud
will ) Iho lad that Al MeKitnioy , now
nerving tlmo In the peiiUeiillary for
having uhot at Itev. K ( ' . l.omiiclc , U
Keel < lnn' a pardon for the purpimu of
getting out to kill Mr. l.onmck. Mo-
Klnney was HcntoiK eil for Ihreo yoar.i
bedtime ho nhot the pieiiehur whllo
the hitler WIIH wulUng with a woman
whom hit afterwmd murilud. Now
Mrs. l.omack has secured a dlvorcio
and McKlnney wrote to her Bonking
her iiHHlRinncn In Hocuilng a pardon.
McKlnnoy vowed thai If ho securoil
pardon ho would first Kill I.omaVk ,
llien marry IIH ! divot ceil wife. She
did not Ilko this program and told tint
governor what nlio had learned. All
parties are colored.
Iowa Insurance Men Combine.
Des Molncs , Nov. C. The Iowa llro
IliBimuiro men held u meeting huro ,
with nearly 200 present , and proceeded
to foim a state itHsociatlon 01 comblno.
Tills would have been done long ago
but for tin * existence of a strong anti-
compact law which has recently been
declined of no force In this Htato by
.Judge Mcl'hurson. Now they fuel
frco lo organize1 and agree on matters
relating to their biiHlnuss It Is repotted -
potted -that all Iho largo clllos have
lie-en organised since the defcal of
the anti-compact law. The organiza
tion will have general charge of the
huBlnc-ss ot the state
Report of Commissioner of Education.
Washington , No 5. The rcpoit of
Ihe commissioner of education for Iho
la t fiscal year places Iho total num
ber of pupils enrolled In the common
schools during the year at 15,925,887 ,
or over 20 per cent of Hie onilid pop
ulation The average dally attendance -
anco for 1902 was 10,999,27:1 : , being G'J '
per cent of Iho total number enrolled.
This Is the largest avetngo attend
ance to the number enrolled ever reported -
ported in the United Slaics.
Boy Is Accidentally Shot.
Benkluman , Nob. , Nov. 5 A sorcn- .
year-old nephew of A. Lawman was
accidentally shot and killed by one of
Iho Lawman children Mr. lawman
had been butchering hogs and hail
laid the gun nslclo and thought noth
ing more about It until the report of
the discharge was heard and the lad
was found dead a few moments afterwards -
wards with his face and hands badly
Two Killed In Kentucky Fight.
Jackson Ky. , Nov. 0. Two men
are dead as the result of a fight at
Middle Fork. Jacob Spencer called
Curtis Gross out of his house and
shot him dead without a worn. Sam
uel Gross , son of Curtis Gross , sprang
out and Blabbed Spencer to death , the
knlfo puncturing his heart. The
cauao was an old grudge.
Volcano of Malasplna Active.
Manila , Nov. 5 The volcano of Mal
asplna In Ncgros Is In a state of violent
lent eruption. Malasplna is the lofti
est summit of Iho central mountain
chain of Iho Island of Ncgros , being
8,192 feet high. It has never boon
entirely quiescent.
Freight Train Derailed by Cow.
Davenport , la. , Nov. C. A Chicago.
Rock Island and Pacific freight train
ran Into a cow near Dlxon , la. , and
the englno and seven cars rolled down
a fifteen-foot embankment. Benjamin
Sywillla of Cedar Rapids was killed
ADC ! Engineer By r'i leg was broken.