The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FIMDAY , NOVKMI1KII 0 , 1908 , Judge Barnes Carries Nebraska by About 8,000 , Plurality. CUMMINS TAKES IOWA DY DO.OOO. Democrats Mnkc Gain * In ths Legis lature Success o ( Governor Dsck- ham Over Dclknap In Kentucky Seems Asnurcd by 25,000 Majority. Mill-Din , Noli , Nov t IH'llnUc fig- nios on I lie election will probably bo lacking for days. HuMldum rcturna linvo liwu lorolvoil , liowovor. to malic It corlnlu Hint Barnes IIIIH boon elect- I'll HHsncliilo Justlro of tlio supreme rourl tiy from 7.000 to lo.oon. and Iho balance of tlio Itupulillniit Mate ticket by nliout 5,000 OhiilnnnnVoltr or tlio 1'opiilUt Htnto rominlttoi' ? nld on tlio faro of tlio lulimm lie com > .led Jinnies' olortlon , nnd with him tin1 two lloiinhllcun regents of the unt vorslty. Of tlio twenty-seven dialilet Judgrs in the Htnto Imllolod for Hits year , tlio Republicans elected llfloon. the liiBlontstH four nnd seven urn In doubt The Republicans nni'ln ' iinliiB In conn- ty nfllcoH In this ( Lancaster ) county the Republicans made n clean swoop , electing every county olllcoi by i/ > t lesfl tlinn 1,100 A factional fight In the First Judic ial dlfltrlot , the extreme HoulhonHtorn croup of counllos. usimlly overwhelm ingly Htipiihlloan , rosullod In ( ho do- font of ono Republican Judge nnd hnd the offocl of cutting down tlio ma jority for the Hopubllcnn Blulo ticket. The total vote of the Main. It ) B thought , will not exceed 190,000 CUMMINS WINS BY 00,802. .Total Iowa Returns Indicate This Plurality Over Sullivan. HOB MolnoH. Nov. P. Complete ro- tuniB from every county In lown ro- celvcd by Iho RoglBtor-Lcador nhow flovornor CunnuliiB' plurality over Bulllvnn , Democratic cnndldnto for goVernor , to bo fiO,802. The sl7.o of the jilurullty wna n Burpi'lso In all quarters. Governor Ctinimlnn had confidently predicted n plurality of CO.OOO or more , but nt Republican boiuUmartors no more tlinn GO.OOO was claimed nt any tltno , while nt the Democratic headquarters not more tlinu 110,000 was conceded In n largo measure tlio vsult Is concodeil a per- tonal victory for Governor Cum mins , who ran somewhat abend of the remainder of the Republican Mate ticket The Democrats will have twonty-threo of the 100 members of the noM house , a pain of six and eight of the llfty members of the senate , n loss of two. Governor Cummins received a num ber of telegrams of personal oongrntu- lutlon. Secretary Slmw telegraphed him : "Accept nf congratulations on your well deserved re-election , nnd by a very largo majority. " Other tel egrnms were In n similar vein. DEMOCRATS HOLD KENTUCKY. Governor Beckham's Victory Over Morris D. Belknap is Decisive , Louisville. Nov. fi Returns which BK complete save for n few scattered jierclnets In remote parts of the state , plvo Governor Bochhnm ( Dem ) , for governor , a majority of H0.40S over Morris n. Helliiinp. his Republican op ponent. The missing products nre In lioth Rpiih1lcan | ) nud moorntia ttroimholdH. yet the assertion seems warranted that the final and olllclal majority will not be less than 23.100 This Is the largest majority Riven to n Democratic Kitliornatorlnl candidate in fifteen years. Returns from the mountainous coun ties comprising the noith district , tive llolknnp a majority of in,353. with two or three precincts yet to be heard from. This Indicates a falling off In thp Republican vote , as this district usually returns about 20.000 majority lor that party. Tom Klloy. the Democratic election Judge who wns shot In a light with n Jlcpubllcan election sheriff. Is pro nounced out of drngor. DEMOCRATS WIN IN MARYLAND. Warfield's Plurality for Governor Will Probably Reach 8,000. Baltimore , Nov P. This morning the returns of the election from RaltJ more city nnd the state of Maryland had not nil boon received. The fig. xircs of the missing precincts i ro promised this afternoon. They will not materially change the result. In Kaltlmoro city the entire Democratic ticket , comprising Edward Warftcld of Howard county , governor ; O. T. Ack Inson of Summit county , comptroller nnd William Hryant , Baltimore , at torney general , was elected by about 6,000 plurality. The Democrats elect ed in llaltimore city three state sen ntors and fifteen members of the Louse by large majorities The Re publicans elected one state senator and six members of the house of dele gates. The returns from all the conn ties of' the state have not been re celvcd , but enough reports nre in hnni ! to assure an overwhelming ictr.o cratlc majority on Joint ballot Gen eral Warfield's plurality In the state will probably reach 8,000 Garvln Wins In Rhode Island. Providence , R. I. , Nov. 5 Complete returns from the 152 districts of tlio etaic received re-elect Governor L. P. n Gorvln bv 1.6R7 nlnrnlltv a decrease - crease of 6,151 votes. The v/jto for Colt ( Rep , ) was 29,304 , for Garviu ( Dem. ) 30,891. The Republicans elect : the entire state tlck t with the excep tion of governor. SIX MEN DLOWN TO ATOMS. Naval Arsenal on lena Island In the Hudson River bxplodes. lena Inland , N V , Nov 6 Six men were killed and ten slifthtly wmmilo'l by an explosion at the United Status i.iviiI lU-MMini , ono of the .argent mag fi 71 lies In thu United States The explosion plosion of urrod while men wcro dinwlng the explosive clmrguH horn a consignment of old shells recently fiont here from the battleship Mussa chusetts Throe massive t = hul ! houses wore to'nlly dim , yod and n rain of fragments of projectiles of nil was scattered In uvery direction The force of the exploHlon or series of explosions , bioko windows nt Pooksklll , throu miles below on the opposite sldo of thu Hudson and the detonation was heard for man- ' miles Adjacent buildings Including two otoiohouscM for fixed nmmiinltlon , wuro ilddlud with the 1'rnntnontH and the < | iini tors of the eleven marlnos composing the garrison , were com pletely demolished. The dead , all of whom \voro work men employed by the naval ordnance department , nro Fred Ward , George Morehond , Fred 0. Locke , Patrick Cur- ran. Fred llrowu and .lames Connelly The bodies wore frlghtfiily mangled , fragments being hurled for huudrcdu of fee > CARS CRASH ON INCLINE. Frightful Accident Occurs During a Fog at Kansas City , KniibiiH City , Mo , Nov fi Ono per- KOII was killed outright and llfty-ono ethers Injured , two of them perhaps fatally , In the collision of two cable .cars In n fog on the stoop Twelfth street viaduct. Most of the Injured wore shopgirls on tholr way from tholr homes In Kansas City , Kim. , to the big department stores on the Mis souri side The dead girl. Nellie Lus- combe , aged twenty , a cleric , was killed Instantly. She was found burled beneath the debris of the wrecked trains. A small piece of steel , the size of a Icndponcll , had boon driven Into the girl's skull between the eyes nnd the left side of her head was crushed , Of the Injured , Carrlo Mooney - oy , also n dry goods clerk , who suf fered both lens broken , nnd Herman Wntklnu , n clerk In the Methodist Hook Concern , whose jnw was broken and who was otherwise hurt , will die. it Is believed. Victor Bank Closes Its Doors. Victor. Colo. . Nov. r. The First Nil tlonal hank of Vletor.fir-sod Its doors by order of Hank Kxnminer Lazoar. Shrinkage of deposits as n result of long-continued minors' strikes Is giv en as the reason for suspension of business. I'losidont F , M. Woods states that all depositors will ho paid In full The closing of the bank causes no apprehension In linnnclal circles olthor In Cripple Creek or Col orado Springs. Funeral of Lieutenant Beecber. Newport , R I. , Nov. 5. The funeral of Lieutenant Albert M. Heecher , ordnance - nanco olllcor of the battleship Maine , who was Killed by u fall on board the ship , wo. held on the battles-hip The casket wns covered by the stars nnd stripes and floral tributes from the otllcors and crew. Many naval otn cors wore present nt the services The body wns taken to New York In charge of Paymaster Heecher , V. S N , who will accompany the remains to Foil Dodge. Kan. , the homo of the deceased. Carmen Voting on Strike. Chicago , Nov. 5. Employes of the Chicago City Railway company com menced voting on the question of a strike nt 4 o'clock this morning. The polls will remain open all day and un til -t o'clock Friday. There may bo a cbanco of settling the dllllculty even after the vote Is taken , nlthough ofllolnls of the union declare all no gotlntions for pence have ended anil the future course of action now rests with the ballots of the indlvldua members of the organizations. Barred from the Malls. Kansas City , Nov 5 Judge Hall master-in-chnncery. who hoard the evidence In the Homo Co-operative company of Kansas City , which was denied the use of the malls-11111110 his report upon the facts and the law ir the case to Judge Phillips , sustaining the action of Postmaster Harris li excluding the company's mails The company WHS a lottery concern an < had hundreds of subscribers , most o whom wore worklngmen. Letton to be Commissioner. Lincoln Nov. 5. Judge Charles B I.i'tton of Jefferson county was ap pointed supreme court commissione to take the place of Roscoe Pound who resigned to become dean of the law department of the university Judge Letton has for two terms been district judge of the First district am his appointment has been expectei for some time. Tenant Shoots Landlord. Kansas City. Nov. 5. As a result o a dispute over n water bill of (1.25 George N. Redman , n salesman for a cracker company , shot and mortnll > wounded A. W. Burns nnd his brother John Burns , contractors , in the pnrlo of A. W Burns' residence. Redman Is n tenant In n flat owned by A. W. Burns. He Justifies his act on the plea of self-defense. Not tlio Sump. "Come along , " said Mr. Is'upop , fresh from his interview with the Janitor. "We'll have to look at Hats elsewhere. " "Hut why can't we take this ? " de manded Mrs. Nnpop , "It's like heaven here , and" "Not much U Isn't , and that's the trouble. They take children la heav en. " Philadelphia Press. England and Germany Will Keep Out. U. S. MAY DEAL WITH COLOMBIA. ountrlcs Having Large Interests at the Isthmus Will Not Take n Hand. Dixie Due at Colon Tonight Anx iously Awaited , London , Nov. -Special to The OWB : The HrlllHli government IIIIB ocldoil that It will not Interfere If ho United States c'culduH to triko n and In the Colombian omlimgllo. AdvlcoB from Horlln nro to ( ho of- oct that Uormnny will maintain u oiitral position during the sottlomcut. Doth Knglnnd nud ( ionmuiy lnivo nrgo IntoroBlH at the American Isth- ins. U. S. Gunboat Due Tonight. Colon , Nov. ( i. Spoclal to The JowHi - The commotion nshoro hero H InluiiBo nnd It IK fonrod that fur- Imiors may como to harm. The Ainorlunii gunboat Dlxlo In duo ioro tonight nnd it coining in anx- oiisly uwnltod by Iho Americans oHo HVOH nnd property nro In dan- jor. SETS UP NEW REPUBLIC. Act of Independence Is Slgnca at Panama. Colon , Colombia , Nov 6 \\iii.otit .ho firing of n shot and amid F < < r.o ] of great enthusiasm the Independence of the Isthmus nnd the departnuir of t'unama was declared The clt > of Panama is now In the hands of revo- utlonlsts nnd no serious attempt has 3oen made to recapture It The Co- omblan gunboat Bogota arrived and : hrcw n few shells into the city with out damage Perfect order prevails in Colon and trains arc running with out Interruption. In Pniuunn the new flag. In colors of red , white nnd blue , floats over the government buildings. The movement for independence has been in progress since the rejection by the congress nt Bogota of the Hay Herrnn canal treaty , but its sudden ripening was duo to the news of tlio unexpected arrival nt Colon of the Colombian gunboat Cartagena , with Generals Tovnr and Amaya and a number of troops. The movement h been promoted by prominent an' wealthy isthmians , nnd Governor Oh nldla of the department of Pnnann , on computing the troops and citizens In favor of Independence , found that they numbered at least 1.POO The advocates of Independence both at Panama and Colon are now Jubilant The presence of tlio United Staler gunboat Nashville nt Colon , which has la ml ad fifty blue Jackets , Is bo llevod to hnvo resulted in tlio avoid nnco of serious trouble As the ro suit of n conference hero. Colonel Torres , commanding the troops .it Colon , has sent on a special train to Panama n representative to confer with General Tovnr , whoso unrondl tlonal release is demanded. In reliable quarters It Is bollevotl that peaceful results will follow n proposal Just made to Colonel Torres and that the American troops will return turn to the Nashville If he piarantoes to maintain order. This proposal was accepted hy Colonel Torres. The British consu has suggested that If requested a con tlngent of troops will bo sent to Colon from the British cruiser Amphlon , now at Panama. It Is believed tha the Nashville will hardly bo sufficient for all emergencies It is reporteil that the Dixie will soon arrive here Public alarm in Colon is now some what abated. The act of indcpend ence has Just been signed at Panama During the excitement the blue Jackets from the Nashville quickly placed bales of cotton on the tops o freight cars , forming excellent harri cades. Many of the citizens were armed with rifles and revolvers. Sov ernl Americans nnd other foreigner took refuge on board the German steamer Mnrkomannla The opinion of everybody here Is that the isthmian canal Is now assured. PANAMA WANTS RECOGNITION Requests Washington to Grant I Rights Accorded to Nations. Washington , Nov. 5. The state department partmont received n prompt rcqucs from the representatives of the revo lutlonary department of Panama tha the United States recognize the nov state of Panama , but pending ofllcla advices from United States consula ofllcors at Panama that a new govern ment has been established and Is a d facto government , the state depart ment refused to commit Itself. However over , attention wns called to the fac that It is the Invariable policy of th United States to deal with the d facto government In any country This statement is taken as favorabl to recognition should the new Pana ma government have an active exls enco. News was received of the slicl' ' ing of Panama by the Colombian gun boat Bogota , and instructions were a once cabled to the United States vie consul there to protest against thl bombardment , whllo the commander o the cruiser Boston wns directed t prevent the Bogota resuming firing , It early became apparent that thl government Intended to take actlv stops to protect life and property o : the fsthmus and to take an advance position. Instructions were cabled commanders of warships on their way fo the Isthmus or already there to re- Eort to any necessary measures to prevent bloodahead. West Point Republican. West Point , Nob. , Nov. fi. West Point IB hy 192. The coun ty IB democratic with the exception of Kloko , Bhorlff , nnd possibly Moycr , treasurer , nnd Lliim-i/mn / , clerk , nnd the outcome on judgu IB uncertain , but favoring Lnntiip. Dcsplto the fact ( lint rain brought out u full democratic vote , the fnnnorH being nnablo to do Hold labor , the majorities are cut down considerably , a fact notlccahlo In the punt two elections. Sullivan , demo cratic candidate for Biipramo judge , IB In the load here with about 210 ma jority. URE COLLEGE SPIRIT WON IT , he Nrbrast-p Boys Loved Booth and they Would Have Worked Till Carried Off the Field. Lincoln , Nov. fi. Spirit genuine Hplrlt won the giimo for No- ranka at Iowa City. Booth thought o and Booth knowH. Seldom has ion1 boon BOOH a team , working in 10 faoo of nngry onomloB , where such lyulty IIIIB boon shown , where every inn worked with .such determination , s In the Kiimo last Saturday. With ' holstoroiiH , mndilonoil , uncoiilrolhi- lo mob on the aldo lines , ongor to ( art n riot on the gridiron , tlio SOIIB f Nebraska worked llko fiends and von a wolf earned victory. Iowa's touchdown wns unforlmmtu. fho ball was kicked off to Iho No- raska l.wenty-llvo yard lino. Watson ere around loft end for Ilvo yards , ut the umpire took the ball back .wonty-llvo yards for holding , placing t on NcbniHka'H five yard line. The Jornliuskoi-B tried a line buck nnd in ho scriminago the ball was fumbled. own got it and the Iowa rooters wont A-ild. Suddenly the crowd wns qulot s death. Iowa made a yard , and lion two. Nebraska was holding' , 1ml omo Cornhuskor got off side and Iowa > vas given her first down with the mil on Nebraska's two yard lino. It ivas. all over and the next play the sa- : rcd goal line of Nebraska was crossed 'or the first tlmo In two years. No irnsknns turned pale , the bravo men bad defended the line so gnllant- y hardly know what to do. They loomed almost .stunned , and for the llrst tlmo In two seasons of football , Nebraska lined up under the goal nnd saw a llnwkcye man kick onl. It was not a sight for jollill- mtion. Captain Bender did not at empt to cover up his sorrow and very Cornhuskor countenance here ho signs of inward chagrin. But how manfully they rallied was soon in the second half. Some teams night hnvo become discouraged , but mo of Coach Booth's little heart to icart talks during the intermissions fixed maltoi-H and sealed tlio fnto of own. As 0110 of the players said , At'lor hearing BooUi wo just had to win. Ho didn't say much , but when wo started in that second half every nan would have fought until carried ) ff the field. Wo told him wo never would go back to Nebraska if wo lost the game. " Conch Booth said in speaking of the so.oro against his team : "Winning , iviiiniug , winning Is that all there Is in football ? I would not coach a lick if I thought winning was the ob ject of my coaching. Victory is all right , but it is not tlio best thing in football. " Republicans Win. Randolph , Neb. , Nov. fi. This pre cinct is republican by 58 on the state ticket to 100 on the county ticket : Barnes , 188 ; Sullivan , 130 ; Robinson , for judge , 205 ; Graves , 132. On supreme - promo judge there Is a loss of 13 over two years ago. There wcro nearly 200 scratched ballots. The republican county ticket is successful. Burt County Republican. Lyons , Nob. , Nov. 5. Burt county gives a republican majority of be tween -100 and 500. In Kvorett town ship the vote on supreme judge Is as follows : Barnes , 108 ; Sullivan , 81. Citizens Carry Dakota County. Dakota Cit , Nob. , Nov. 5. Incom plete returns from Dakota county In- dlcato the carrying of the entire citi- /ens' ticket by a good majority. Stanton Very Democratic. Stanton , Nov. 5. Stanton county , which usually gives a democratic ma jority of less than 100 , turned In an overwhelming vote for that party at this election. The district clerk is the only man who was not elected by the democrats and the majority runs about 500. BAD FIRE AT CRESTON. Columbus , Nov. 4. Flro at an early hour Monday morning destroyed the village of Creston , twenty miles north of here. The flro started in a furni ture store owned by Theodore Wolf and burned to the end of the block. The loss will bo $ lo,000 , with but little tlo Insurance. The origin of the flro is unknown. Penitentiary Report. Lincoln , Nov. 4. It cost the state 7 cents a day to food the Inmates of the penitentiary last month , accord ing to the report of Warden Boomer filed with the secretary of state. Guards and other employes consumed food to the amount of 12 cents a day. The largest number of prisoners con fined any ono day was 270 , of whom five were females. Ten now prison ers were received , flvo discharged , two paroled and ono died. Agent Asks That Indians Under Arrest Be Released. WOULD KEEP REDS ON AGENCY. Governor Chatterton of Wyoming .In sists Upon Holding Braves Who Killed Sheriff No Answer Received from Governor of South Dakota. Cheyonno. Wyo. , Nov C. There Is n prospect of a clash between KitVy > Po oming authorities and the govern inenl over the Indian troubles The Indian agent' wishes Governor Chat- torton to order the release of nine bucks hold at Udgcmonl , S U Gov ernor Clinttorton lotelvcd the follow ing j toll-gram from Edgemont , signed by Indian Agent J R Bronnan : "From best Information I tun get the killing of seven Indians In Con verse county on last Saturday \va ? totally unjustifiable Indians wore traveling on road with thulr lamllio ? In wagons when fired Into by bherlll nnd posseTho Indians and their families under arrest here and hold by order of sheriff of Conveise toun ty. To avoid any further trouble would recommend you order tbctr re lonso nnd allow them to return to ngoncy. I will bo responsible for them and after an Investigation , if any of thorn are wanted , will turn thorn over to proper officers. They wcro arrested In Dakota Ly one of your sheriffs , " In aiibwor the governor wired as follows : "You cannot expect Wyom ing to waive right to conduct Investi gation as to violation of Its laws The supreme court of the United States , In the Rnco Horse case , passed upon these rights. I would advlso respect now , though late , for this state's rights. I must Insist upon these In dians returning with our sheriff , just as I would for the return of a white man charged with crime. My Informa tion regarding killing differs from yours as stated. A legal Investigation , In my judgment , Is to the Interest of your Indians. " No answer up to this tlmo has been received to his telegram to the gov ernor of South Dakota asking that the Indians be turned over to the sheriff of Converse county INDIANS GIVE UP THEIR GUNS. Decide After a Conference that They Will Surrender to Officers. Edgomont , S. D. , Nov 5. The posse which started from hero Monday night captured twenty of the Indians at Halt-rook. The Indians prepared fern n fight , but the Indian policeman , Charley Black Elk , with a posse , went to them and after a talk of two hours the Indians mounted their horses and gave up their guns and asked to betaken taken to Edgomont. The Indians have arrived In Edge- mint and are a sorry looking lot. They say they were attacked three times. Ono old man lost his fourteen- year-old son nnd had been crying There arc still two wounded Indians out. but they will be brought In at once. The Indians were shut up In a store for the night. Women Missionaries Meet. Baltimore , Nov. 5 The session of the Women's Foreign Missionary society cioty was devoted to reports of stand Ing committees nnd offlcial corres pondence. Miss M. 13. Vickory , who works In Rome , made a report of the conditions in Italy and laid especial stress on the opposition offered by the Catholic church to Methodist mis sionaries. She stated that It was very much to bo regretted that the now pope , whose liberality has been widely proclaimed , has directed that renewed efforts be made to check the activity of her fellow workers In Rome. Refuse to Honor Catholic Bishop , Detroit , Nov. 5. Twenty Lutheran ministers of Detroit have sent a let ter to Mayor Maybury declining to act on a reception committee at a civic reception to be tendered Bishop Foley of the Roman Catholic diocese of Do trolt tonight , on the bishop's seven tieth birthday. The Lutheran clerg > say : "We are loyal Americans am' our loyalty forbids us to do honor tea a poison representing a church which Is opposed to the fundamental prlncl pies of our great country and which condemns government by tha people as a boundless license. " Chamberlain Speaks at Birmingham London , Nov. 5. Joseph Chamber lain made a speech last night to 9,000 of his fellow-townsmen at Binning ham. It was by far the largest audl ence the former colonial secretary hat faced during the fiscal campaign am the enthusiasm , naturally , exceeded the remarkable scenes in the other cities and was emphasized by the Chnmberlalnite victory at the munlcl pal election In Birmingham. Anarchist Arrested at Milan. Milan , Nov. B. The foreign anarch 1st arrested hero has been Identified as Slgfried Macht of Vienna , who was arrested lait summer at Gibraltar a1 the time of Kins Edward's arrlva there on his way to Naples It Is thought that Macht was premeditating an attempt , on the life of the king. Two Burned to Death. Montpellor , Ind. , Nov. 6. drove Gosi and Harry Eltzrach of Marloi were burned to death , Ray Ward o Greenville , O. , fatally burned and Mil ton Crozier seriously Injured in fire which destroyed tha McDonald livery burni here. TRAGEDY IN DLACK HILL9. Rancher Kills Sweetheart and Then Cuts His Throat. Sioux Falls. S D. , Nov 5. I'nrtlcu- are have reached here of a double raged } ' , In which a young rancher Ivlng In the western portion of the Black Hllla and his sweetheart wcro ho principals Albert Jensen , .rancher , killed his woothenrt. Tina Johnson , by striking T on the head with a shotgun , and hen took his own life by cutting his hroat The tragedy occurred In Jen- en's rabln , near the home of the ohnsoiu : Three Shot by Unknown Man. Strand , Okla. , Nov 5. A man rode' ip to the Ames house , nine miles south of Stroud , nnd phot Mrs. Amos , and Jackson , the hired man , and voundod Miss Ames , nineteen years old , by. shooting her in the shoulder. The murderer first forced Jackson and Miss Ames Into the collar at the mint of a pistol. They heard n shot and ran to the head of the stairs , and ound that Mrs Ames had been killed. Jackson wns next killed. The young voinan fell with a bullet In her should er , hut when the murderer went to he collar and shot Jackson agalnyahe regained consciousness and ran to tha lolghbors She says the murderer vas a young man. Cevcral ofllcors Rre in pursuit of him. Farmer Hangs Himself. Butte , Neb Nov. 5 Jacob Bu- cbol7..a farm r residing near Gross , lianged himself in his brother's barn. No cause is known for the act. LEFT HANDED WICKEDNESS. llc-i ilH of au UiiUMiml by I'l-ofcMKor Professor ( 'enure Lombroso , the Ital ian scientist skilled in detecting traces : > f abnormality , explains in tlio North American Review the imperfections of the loft haiulcd. People who are more ngilo with the left than with the right hand are most numerous among "women , children , savages and criminals. " The percent age Is about 4 per cent among men ( operatives and soldiers ) , G to 8 per cent among women nnd about the sumo niiiong lunntlcs. But among criminals Professor Mar- ro found lu per cent of the men ami 22 per cent of the women left handed. Swindlers offered a greater perccntnp no loss than . ' > . ' > , and murderers nnd ravlshors only from I ) lo 10 per cent. Professor Lombroso also discusses the fur more complex subject of "left Bldodnoss. " Certain people arc more sensitive upon the left side than upon the right. This condition has no con nection with loft handedncss and Is highest in lunatics , 4-1 per cent. Parrots nro left handed , and so nre lions. Rollot found in twenty-seven monkeys the loft shoulder heavier than the right. Women , children and primitive races uniko gestures and simple movements from right to left. This Is why wom en button tholr garments In n different direction from men and why early languages , like the Arabic , are written - ton from right to Ipft. Very old chro nometers were wound from right to left , not from left to right , us at pres ent. However , Professor Lombroso hedges by. saying : "One can without dllllculty find nniong good men real left handcil- ness , as among the greatest evildoers there nre some who have not that char acteristic. I do not dream at all of say ing that all left handed people are wick ed , but that loft hniuleilness , united to many other traits , may contribute to \ form one of the worst characters among the human species. " A DISAPPOINTED MAN. lie took life too seriously. He did not choose upward. He starved from mental poverty. IIo saved his money , but starved his mind. Ills social faculties atrophied from disuse. IIo thought he could not be happy without wealth. IIo did not develop his manhood along with his business. He murdered his capacity for happi ness in getting ready for it. IIo sacrificed the friends of his youth and hail no tlmo to make new ones. IIo never learned the art of extract ing enjoyment from common things. IIo had developed a colossal power for receiving , but had never learned to give. give.He He was a victim of habit and rou tine ; he never could rise above his vo cation. Ills only enjoyment was In repeating what he had been doing all his busi ness life. Ho had never learned to enjoy ns he went along , but found that postponed happiness was n delusion. Success. Too Stronir. "My boy tolls me you discharged him , " said the late office boy's mother. "You advertised for a strong boy , nnd I certainly thought he was strong enough. " "Madam , " replied the merchant , "he was too strong. Ho broke nil the rules of the olllce nnd some of the furniture In the two days he was with us. " Hard LuoU. "Did yer git anything ? " whispered the burglar on guard as his mate emerged from the window. "No. The chap wet lives hero Is a lawyer , " replied the other In disgust "That's hard luck. " replied the first. "Did yer lose anything ? " Short anil Merry. He I have saved up enough for ns to live nt the rate of $10,000 a year. She For how long ? He Oh , ono year. Life.