The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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Thoio are 11 few months In wlilrli
to stand up f r Norfolk. Madison coun
ty ami Nebraska before llio national
campaign IB on.
Kidnappings , HUe Imnk robberies ,
appear to go In bunchim anil by
fltund | . Tlio NOWH IIIIH reported two
Bonsatlonal nffnlrH of this niitnro withIn -
In tin ) past few days , anil would not
be astonished to hoar of another noon.
Homo scientist has given It out Hint
the tallH of onmotH uro coniHHoil | of
radium , anil tlio follow wbo can lasso
n few of tliom anil brim ; thorn to earth
will Imvc his fortune made , UH the
substance IH at present iiuotod nl $1-
000,000 a ponnd.
"Hiiffalo Mill" IIUH arrlvoil liomotiHt
In ( line to go ont Into Wyoming anil
gather In n few of thorn- Crow InilluiiH
for oxhlhltlon piirponoH. They never
will bo mlHHOtl and If ho desires a
bunch of thorn ho has general consent
to maUo hlH levy on the trlbo.
If Oinnhn becomes a grain market
It will be of advantage ) to the farmers
i f NobniHlta and ( ho woat In as great
degree MH to the people of the Htato'H
metropolis , and all the people of tlio
state can afford to assist Mr. Sllcknoy
of the ( Iroat Western In realizing "l
It IH now aald , and the abortion will
bo pleasing to American people , that
crime lins not InoroaHod ever what It
vrus llfly years ago. Of course II ban
InoroaHod , hut RO IIUH the population ,
BO that there Id now Haiti to bo IOHB
orlnio. according to population , than
there was n ball' century ago.
Some Ingenious YunUoo has Invont-
oit an automatic shot gun that pnnipH
the Hhot Into the game ix fasty an a
man can pull the trigger. Sportsmen
now fear that If a few of those guns
nro iniiilo and got Into the hands of
the pot bunloni there never will bo le
gitimate sport for the legitimate
The farmers of Madison county
Imvo rulsotl Homo of the finest corn
on earth this season , and they Bbouhl
otisorvo the requests of the Nebraska
comnilHslonors of the St. Louis expo
sition and save out some of tbolr flu-
oat samples to bo sent to the world's
fair. It Is not only posulblo but prob
able that the Nebraska exhibit of this
cereal will bo the most noteworthy
of any placed on display.
The few llttlo Hurries that have oc
curred in remote parts of the business
world have not appeared to Imvo more
than n local effect , and general condi
tions are moving along soronolyxand
prosperously regardless. Really the
country seoma to bo enjoying the most
llrui and lasting prosperity ever before -
fore known , dosplto the prophecy of
Mr. Ilryan of some years ago that It
was of a Hooting nature and that the
country would soon again bo in the
grip of haul times. The indication
Is that the retrenchments that Imvo
been going on will merely operate to
the bonellt of the business conditions
of the country and that hard tlmosare
yet far In the distant future , If they
over eomo again to any extent what
llockefellar may got tlio , credit of
doing up Morgan If ho does but ho
evidently moans that the people shall
pay for the fun. Witness the rise in
the price of all grades of rollnod oil
a cent and a Irilf a gallon during the
past week. A cent and a half on
one gallon Isn't much , but on a bil
lion gallons it will add $ t.r > .000,000 to
the magnate's sinews of war. The
follow who can extract just a few
cents from the pockets of each of
the people when bo wishes has what
might bo called a cinch. The high
wayman makes one or several people
dig up , but John I ) , shows no fa
vors ho holds np everybody. The
former demands "your money or
your life. " The latter insists on
"your money or your light" similar
but different.
The eyes of the nation will bo on
Nebraska during the present election
and , regardless of what the fnslonlsts
may say , the attitude of the state
toward President Roosevelt and re
publicanism will bo gauged by the
returns of the election this fall. On
the eve of a national campaign It Is
desirable that the republicans should
stay in line for the ticket , and no ex
cuse will bo acceptable If Nebraska
falls to record Itself strongly and em
phatically In support of policies that
have proven so beneficial and satis-
tory to the people of a great and
growing country. The vote for the
of the ticket will bo the evidence of
Nebraska's loyalty to the admlnlstra
tlon under which all have prospered
and It will not do for the republicans
to remain away from the polls.
The story published In another column -
umn , of how the merchants and clti-
7.1'im of the llttlo town of Valparaiso
have provided an Income for the puo-
plo of that place at n tlmo and through
seasons when ordlnarly many of thorn
would bo making nothing , offers a val
uable suggestion to other towns
throughout tlio state that are In the
neighborhood of beet sugar factories.
It In a subject worthy of consldoin-
( Ion and If every 'own that could ,
\\o\ilil \ carry out the same kind of
program It would add Immensely to
the valno of the state and to the earn
ing capacity of the people. It will
bo soon that the members of the co
operative company have not llgured
so largely on the Immediate profits as
those that have come Indirectly from
the Industry , and It may well ho be
lieved that the direct profits fiom
the business will soon be some
thing worth while. The Valparaiso
plan Is all right and there are a do/on
towns In the neighborhood of Norfolk
that could afford to begin at once to
put ( ho plan In execution In tlmo lor
the employment of their Idle men , wo-
moii and children next year. Norfolk ,
bersolf , might not find It Improfltablo
to glvo the plun serious consideration.
S.l\ months ago The News was what
Is known In the parlance of the craft
as a strictly local newspaper , with
but a limited circulation outside the
city of Norfolk.Vhllo II thoroughly
covered the local Held , It paid little
attention to telegraphic news and
consequently was not of general In
terest outside of this city. During
the past half year The News has been
promoted to an entirely different class ,
and the claim Is mndo good that It Is
a newspaper Inthe strictest SOIIHO of
the word. While the local Hold Is
still thoroughly covered , the special
telegraphic service which was Inaug
urated early In the summer and has
since been augmented by an up-to-
date market report and a service by
telephone covering the whole north
ern part of the state , makes It the
paper to ho relied upon for the very
latest news throughout this part of
The one o'clock edition which was
Inaugurated a few weeks ago , con
tains the morning market reports
from Chicago and South Onmh.i up
till the hour of going to press. It also
contains all the Important news that
Is gathered from north Nebraska
during the morning by wire , a full
associated press report In abbreviated
form covering the night service and
the latest telegraphic matter from all
over the world up till the minute the
forms are locked.
This makes a service for the lines
out of Norfolk with which no news
paper can compete. Norfolk Is the
hub of a geographical wheel. Flvo
rallioads radiate from this center and
on every line is an afternoon train
which carries the tlrst edition of the
paper to Its readers. On the same
trains north ami west are carried the
morning papers Irom other cities so
that The News is given an advantage
of about ten hours in telegraph mat
ter. The man In Honostoel or In No-
llgh gets his stock umrket and grain
reports for today early In the after
noon and Is able to ship accordingly.
The morning paper brings him only
> oslerday's report. And the morning
telegraphic matter Is ahead of any
thing that the people east as far as
Fremont , northeasjL to Sioux City and
south to Columbus are able to get
until the evening papers get to them
The live o'clock cdltlou Is for the
city circulation and for the rural
routes. It contains telegraphic matter -
tor received up till the hour of press
from all ever the world. It Is prac
tically four hours later than any other
evening paper which can reach the
city and it contains the same news ,
largely , which is published in the
morning editions of outside papers
next day.
Another feature of the progress
made is In the circulation among the
rural route people. Today the farmer
has as many advantages as anyone
in the city. Ho has his telephone , his
dally mall service and all the rest.
Ho can enjoy his dally paper just as
much as his literary brother who has
lived in town all his life and what's
moro ho can afford It today whore
dozens In town might not.
The result of the development by
The News Is that it has come to bo
recognized everywhere In Its territory
as the latest newspaper and one ex
clusive In its matter. It Is read by
everyone of any prominence In nil
of the towns that it visits and when
once they Imvo read It they are friends
always because it is clean
, up-to-tho-
minute and reliable.
To the advertisers , on this account ,
the paper is much more valuable than
It over could have boon before. It
covers practically three Holds , the
ctly , the rural routes and the outside
towns very thoroughly. Just such an
advertising medium 1ms long been
needed by many business houses In
Norfolk and the results show that It
is perfectly practical.
ClomontH for sheriff defeated I/soy
by a majority of something more than
( iOO.
Field , Clements and Lowe wore
clone competitors for the largest ma-
loiltles on the republican ticket.
Ohio didn't do a thing to Tom John-
HOII. The only question IH whether
his defeat will bo by 100,000 or moro
Dr. Frank Halter was given a band-
Home complimentary vote In Norfolk
and ran pretty close on the heels of
his competitor for coroner.
The close race appears to have been
between Cruiii anil Howling for .su
perintendent and the winner will not
have much of n margin to go on.
It looks as though but two of the
fusion candidates of Madison county
had pulled In out of the wreck Winter -
tor for county dork and Hates for
county judge.
lloyd appears to have been elected
by a record majority. The foaturoTln
his vote Is the way bo ran away from
his competitor In his home county.
Still , I'lorco did the handsome by
tbolr homo candidate , also.
A Louisiana mob , largely of negroes ,
lynched and burned a negro wbo had
killed three other negroes with an
ax. This Is something different from
the usual run of lynching and burnIng -
Ing stories that come up from the
south , but really It Is of the sort that
should bo retired with the rest off the
outlawries of the kind.
No doubt the usual number of people
ple remained out of bed np to a Into
hour last night and had the customary
feeling of disappointment in not be
ing absolutely certain np to the tlmo
they webt to bed of who was elected.
Nevertheless they would not forego
the Interest and the excitement they
are able to gather In from election
night for a few extra hours of sloop.
Madison county did the handsome
thing by Harnos , giving him a majority
of between 500 and (500whileCJovornor (
Mickey carried the county last year
by a plurality of but 2U. : It Is an
evidence of the nelghborllnoss of the
people of the county that will bo
appreciated , by Judge llarnes , bis
friends , and an Hem tor admiration to
the people of every party everywhere
who admire a community that will
stand by a home man.
If the ordinary American citi .cn
does not realize that It costs consid
erably moro than the two cents bo
places on the envelope to deliver bis
letter ho should take a glance at the
Hgures of the postolllco department.
Postmaster General Payne has esti
mated the appropriation his depart
ment will need to carry on business
during the tlscal year ending Juno 110 ,
lllOS , and places the figure at $1(58- (
008,000 , which will leave a deficit of
something more than eight millions ,
representing the gap between the re
ceipts of the department and Its ex
In the lllack Hills forest reserve
theft have boon employed twelve for
est rangers and Hvo lire patrol men ,
whose work has been so effective that
there have been no serious forest fires
during this season. Several have
started , but all have been extinguished
before any large amount of damage
was done. It has been a well defined
policy of the American people for
years to protect from lire the limber
that has gone Into construction of
buildings and houses , but only recent
ly has it been deemed advisable to
protect the timber In its raw state.
The rapid advance In the value of
timber , however , affords ample and
sufficient reason why the forests of
the country should be protected from
detsructlon If possible and the em
ployment of men to keep a lookout for
fires and extinguish them should bo
as necessary as It is to protect build
ings from destruction.
It Is a pertinent tlmo to suggest
that the Union Pacific , Northwestern
and M. & O. officials might get to
gether , and plan the rebuilding of the
Union PaclHc engine house with a
view to uniting on the construction of
a union depot. Perhaps the recon
struction of the Union Pacific round
house would not bear directly upon
construction of a union depot , and
then again It might , anyway the sug
gestion of getting together at this
time with that end In view might not
bo deemed Inadvisable and inappro
priate. Norfolk would like the union
station , and It may bo depended upon
that the business men and citizens
wlfl lo wirat mlght b"o requfrod of
them to attain that object
Another , and moro important
thought in connection with the sub
ject , is the removal of the switching
yards from across Main street , as sug
gested by one of Norfolk's business
men. The arrangements of those
yards have always been u menace to
the public who use the streets and an
annoyance to the trainmen and offic
ials of the road under whoso observa
tion they have come. It should bo
required that a flagman bo kept at
the crossing by the railway company.
This Is an expense that the company
might overcome by a ro-arraiigomout
of the yurdn. AH now conducted the
flagman's duties are somollincs looked
after mid sometimes not , and If there
should be an accident on the crossing
during the non-attendance of a flag
man , the expense to the company
might bo much greater than It would
be to move the tracks and the yards.
It Is therefore conclusive to many
that It would bo a wise policy for the
company to re-arrange Its yards when
the now round house Is erected , and
such an arrangement will bo decidedly
appreciated by the people of Norfolk
who have occasion to cross the tracks.
Fiction Is lepleto and history 1ms
given an honoied place to the post
rider , who , before the advent of the
steam and electric railways , made
perilous trips through the wild
trails In the uninhabited portions of
the country on duty bent. His was
a perilous position at best and bis
courage In facing all varieties of
weather ami all manner of wild boasts
and human enemies won for him a ,
place In the hearts of the people of
America and of the world. The mod
ern America has his prototype In the
man who delivers mall ever thorural
routes. True bo does not so frequent
ly encounter the perils that confront
ed the post rldor , but his duty Is pres
sing , and sufferings are frequently as
Intense as were those of the man who
wont through the wilds on horseback.
The Omaha News of recent date
pu > s tribute to the rural man In the
following language :
"There are heroes In plenty In the
postal service , and the greatest of
them is the rural carrier.
"The railway mall clerk risks his
llfo every day In the discharge of his
duty and too much cannot bo said In
honor of bis devotion.
"Hut for every day , week In and
week ont , unromantlc and homely
work for the benefit of the public ,
the man who carries the mall over
the rural route comes first.
"For the meagre allowance of $500
a year the cmtntry mall carrier gives
his own service , provides a horse , or
horses , and a mall cart , and then , for
good measure , gives to the public and
to the service his comfort , often his
health , and sometimes his life.
"ISvery day , In good weather or In
bail , ever smooth roads or over rough ,
braving now beat and now cold ,
through rain or through blizzard , this
messenger of civilization makes bis
"Ho puts the rural dwellers upon
an equality with the city resident.
"Today tlio farmer Is in touch with
his markets and with the news of the
greater outside world. Dally his pa
per comes to his door. His comfort
as a man and his usefulness as a
citizen are broadened.
. "And it is the rural carrier who has
done It.
"More than anyone else , this agent
of advance , with uncomplaining , pro
saic round of duty , has united the
man of the farm and the man of the
shop or desk.
"Such a laborer is surely worthy
of tils hire.
"Money alone cannot buy the en
ergy and the faithfulness which are
the everyday attributes of the rural
carrier , but money can moro nearly
repay him for work honestly done
than does the beggarly sum bo now
"While congress Is voting millions
for departments and projects for , po
litical reasons , it would do no harm
to give a moment of the tlmo and a
fraction of that money to men who
are worthy of attention and recogni
"Comfort and progress even over a
small area \\onld bo cheap at much
moro than $ ( iOO n year.
"Give the rural mail carrier moro
money. He earns it. "
J. II. Herrynmn loft on Friday for
u business trip to Kansas City and
Joplln , Mo. Ho returned homo on
J. L. Seely of Sioux City arrived In
town Monday for a short visit with
bis son Fred and family.
Kugeno Romlg went down to Stanton -
ton Sunday morning for a short visit
with his sister , Mrs. Ray Evans. He
came homo Tuesday.
Rob't. M. Peyton was A passenger
to Omaha Sunday , going from there
to Lincoln on business. Ho returned
Wednesday , accompanied homo by
Mrs. Peyton , wbo has been visiting
in Llttlo Sioux , lown.
John K. Carlson returned homo Mon
day from a six months visit In Eu
rope. Mr. Carlson visited his birth
place In Sweden and was in Norway ,
Zealand and Lapland. Ho reports a
splendid and healthful trip.
Mrs. John Howes and daughter ,
Mrs. Walter Russell went down to
Norfolk Junction Friday to visit their
daughter and sister , Mrs. Frank Idlo.
Mrs. Rnssol returned to her homo In
Verdlgro Saturday and Mrs , Howes
went on down to Stanton to visit her
son Luther and family.
You can't satisfy Mr. Fool.
Some families have everything , and
still have nothing.
When a man Is bow-legged , you al
ways catch him at It.
Absence makes the man grow fond
er , of the other girl.
Everyone classes his friends as so
many sheep and goats.
Everybody's hand Is against a cat ,
a spider , a rat and a crow.
Advice to bad dogs : Wbon a bull
dog has a hone , let him keep It.
When apologies begin to creep Into
a friendship , It Is growing slinky.
If you want fame , don't write a
book ; Invent a washing machine.
According to your notion , what pro
portion of the people are "hard up. "
A college student cats more In the
football season than two section hands.
The real evidence of hospitality Is
to cook enough for three when one is
Even the clover Edward Hok does
not pretend that there Is any cure for
old age.
If you Intend to pay your bills , pay
them as soon as possible , and get the
bother over with.
When a man emphasizes that he Is
going to tell the truth , it is well to
verify his statements.
There- one thing no man will
stand : To let another man inonop-
oll/.o the conversation.
A woman likes to taste of every
thing on the table when she Is a guest ,
chiefly to "sco how It Is made. "
What has become of the old-fash
ioned man who used to whittle and
litter the sidewalk with shavings ?
To the old girls : Get out of a bug
gy forward as long ns you can ; to
get ont backward Is a sign of age.
A bridegroom , colnparcd with the
chest of silver and the cut glass ,
makes n mighty poor showing at a
Some one should write a true love
story. Millions of people are fooling
with love who do not know anything
about It.
Somehow , wo admire a boy of twelve
all the more if he has no more use
for a parlor than he would have for
a powder puff.
What contempt an idle man's wo
men folks have for him ! We should
think this would shame him into doIng -
Ing something.
This Is the season when that appre
hensive feeling that the skirt and
waist have parted In the back , is about
to bo covered by a cloak.
The man who tells everything ho
knows to his wife , usually knows
nothing beyond when preaching be
gins and church lots out.
Our idea of a good Joke is this :
When any person from Kansas City
goes to Now York , ho is regarded as
green and from the country.
Fashion note : ' Momen' sleeves
this winter will again be of the style
which will cause them to drag in the
butter and soup when passing things
at the table.
Farmers have been fleeced so much
that they are very wary ; it is dlHlcult
to rob them. The Wise Boys are
easier than farmers. One of the
smartest men In Atchlson , a prom
inent physician , is anxious to invest
in Thunder mountain.
An Atchison man says ho wants to
move on a farm and get rid of the ex
citement , bother and bore of business.
Wo are In the burly-burly a llttlo , but
wo don't know where the excitement
comes In. 'ho rest of it is true , but
there Is no excitement.
In the play at the theatre last
night , a woman was killed , but no ono
in the audience ever did flnd out who
killed her. When there Is a murder
on the stage the murderer should bo
found Intho last act by a detective ,
and punished. People have a right
to expect this for their ten , twenty or
thirty cents.
An Atchlson woman , whoso fear of
the men is exaggerated every time
she reads about them In the ne\\spa
pors , recently rode sovonty-flvo mlles
on a train , and didn't pull her hand
kerchief out once , though her nose
clamored for It. Her reason was that
"some horrid man might sco her get
it ont , and think she was trying to
flirt with him.
Dasoy Maymo Appleton was Invit
ed to visit her uncle's family , living
In a Central Branch town. She wont
last Sunday , expecting to remain three
months , but came back last night , j
She found that owing to the shortage
of freight cars , not only were the
barns , granaries , cribs and other out
houses filled with wheat , but the par
lor was tilled with It , and she had to
Don't forget the old man
with the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years lie
has been traveling around the V
world , and is still traveling ,
bringing health and comfort
wherever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
children he gives rich and
strengthening food.
To thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
rich red blood.
Children who first saw the
old man with the fish are now
nfrown up and have children
of their own.
I le stands for Scott's Emul-
-.ioii . of pure cod liver oil a
Iclighlful food and a natural
onic for childrenfor old folks
\m\ \ for all who need flesh and
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists.
4O9-4I5 Pearl Street. New York.
GOc. and $ I.OO : all druggists.
sleep on a wheat-Hllfcd straw tick. The
lounges were stuffed with It , the jar
dinieres were filled , and there hadn't
been a washing for a month because
the tubs and boiler were holding
wheat. When she started home , she
found she had to walk to the station ,
as the wagon was also holding wheat.
Dasey Maymo has written a piece
about the situation In which she roasts
the railroads real hard.
An Atchison woman went to Kan
sas City yesterday and happened to
become acquainted with a real swell ;
a woman wbo wears a "gown" when
she steps over to see a neighbor.
The Kansas City woman seemed in
terested in Atchison and accepted an
invitation to visit here. The Atchi
son woman lives in a four-room house ,
and may have to make all the neigh
bors leave homo to provide a place
to bunk the Kansas City woman's ret
It cost $ I2 ! to kiss a Topeka woman
against her will. A judge yesterday
fined a man that amount for indulgence
gence In such practices. Wo don't 1
see why anyone wants to steal kisses.
A stolen kiss tastes of teeth and hair.
Nothing that is stolen tastes good.
A stolen apple has a flavor indicating
that it was plucked from the wrong
tree , and a stolen melon is warm and
green. By using a little diplomacy ,
a man can go comfortable through
life without either stealing green ap
ples , warm melons or toothy kisses.
There are hundreds of parents in
Atchlson who make daily secrillces
for their children. How many chil
dren in Atchison Tnake sacrifices for
their parents ? Do the children love
parents as much as parents love chil
dren ? Probably not. Old people ,
when feeble and cross because of 111-
ness , are seldom treated with the
consideration that sick children re
ceive. Every sick child receives at
tention and affection. Not ono oltl
and sick person in a thousand re
ceives attention , kindness and affec
Dark / / air <
" I have used Aytr's Hair Vigor
for a great many years , and al
though I am past eighty years of
ge , yet I have not a gray hair in
my head. "
Geo. Yellott , Towspn , Md.
We mean all that rich ,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it's gray now ,
no matter ; for Ayer's
Hair Vigor always re-
storey color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
long ; and it stops falling
of the hair , too.
JI.OO a bollle. All
? " "r tlr"Kl8t cannot supply jon.
, , ' ! ' , " ' llr" alll > W0 l I Ml'rCM
, , ' " " ° ' " 'lKUe the name
jour nearest .
express ollVeo. Address.
J. C. AVKU CO. , Ixjwell , Maw.