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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1903)
TIIK NHKKOI K NHWS : KIM DA V , NOVHMIWK (5 ( , 1JJ08. 11 Boxes are Finally Draped in Rich Red Effect. GIVES HOUSE BRAND NEW TONE. The Four Boxes are Now Nicely Clothed In Crimson Curtains and the Paper is to Match Has Been Long Desire for this Finishing. The Norfolk Auditorium , which for ycuit has boon a little Born ns a theatre - atro but which has lacUoil the Mulsh ing touches lu ( Impedes and docoin- tlons that aio nlwajs so necessary to nmko a nlnjhoiiHo inottopolilnn In ev ery respect and jnotty to the eye of \ the stranger , Is now nicely clothed Ins snow go\\n of cilinson cut tains which hang giaccfully about the four boxes of the house and which give the whole lilt n tone that It has no\er Known be fore. fore.All All of the boxes 1'uvo now boon pa- h -f poied lu a handsome hue of a ilch , Oeop icd and the cm tains and ill aper ies match In o\or > way. The Interior of the house looKs like a now place with this addition to Its appoatancc. E\or since the bouse was oonstnct- ed sevoial-yoais ago , Noifolk people have longed for a time when the box- c's , which wcio hino and unattiacthe , might be diapod. The openness and the unfinished features were strikingly had to greet the taste of a visitor , as well as the town folk , and Imp'os- elons were can led away which may now be entirely overcome. Doing on a direct Hue between Lin coln and Sioux City , and being In the circuit which cmhiaccs the Grand at Sioux City , Norfolk's Auditorium gets some of the very best theatrical at tractions on the western road and for tills reason It is doubly gratifying to see the unfinished parts completed. Seat Sale Is Rushing. "The Head Walters , " will bo the flrst play to get a house in the the atre with its now diess. The seat sale opened at 8:30 : and there was a bigger demand for reservations than has liecn known in yeais. SOCIALLY SPEAKING. Supper Party for Mr. Doe. Fourteen persons were guests at a very delightful supper party given last evening by Mr and Mrs. George D. Duttoillold in their homo on Norfolk avenue , in honor of Mrs. nntterflold's father , Mr A. P. Dee of Davenport , Iowa , who is hero for a visit. Cauls gave pleasure during the evening. Another Delightful Afternoon. Mrs. T. J. Morrow was hostess yes- toiday aftcinoon for another company of ladies at her homo on South Tenth street. In a guesbing ganio which pro\cd to be gieat fun , Mis. W. II. Uiidgc won the prl/e , a handbome crjsanthomum. Delicious lefresh- ments were served aftei\\ard. Stag Party. G. A. Luikait was host last evening ut a stag paity in his homo at the corner of Noifolk aNomie and Four teenth street. Eighteen gentlemen enjoyed cigars and cards that went in making the paity a pleasant one. \ , Will Entertain. I Mrs. Simon Mayer of Lincoln has | arrived in Norfolk for a visit at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Sol G. Mayor , who will enteitain for her this evening - ing at their home on the coiner of Madison a\enuo and Tenth street. > DISASTROUS CABLE CAR WRECK , I- Grlpman Loses Control of Car and j Three People are Killed Nine teen Others Seriously Hurt. Kansas City , Nov. 1. Special to - The News : While the car was going up the steep incline at the depot here this moining over the cable route , the grlpman lost control nnd the car rushed backward down the steep grade. It gained a velocity of thirty miles an hour when It crashed Into another car coming up the incline. > > Doth cars wore crowded with passengers - songers when they met on the Tia- < luct. Three persons wore killed out right and nineteen wore Injured. Sev eral persons fell from the viaduct and were killed or injured by falling on the pavement beneath. Old Romance Recalled. Decntur , Neb , Nov. 4 Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell , an Omaha Indian woman , oldest daughter of James Dick , died at her father's home , on the reserva tion , Sunday. The body will Ho in state four days and will then bo interred with all the honors expressed in the primitive customs of the Omalmns. The death of this woman recalls a romance now dusty with ago. The father of Jim Dick was a full blood negro , nnd the flrst and only negro to amalgamate with the Omalmns. Peter Dick was his name , a runaway slave of the nnti-bollnm days , property of a rich Missouri planter , who deserted i - his master for Incessant cruelty. Dick was chased with bloodhounds where Council Bluffs Is now , nnd to evade his pursuers nnd the foroc- " x , \ ions dogs , swam the Missouri river \ although It wns late In the fall nnd the water icy cold. The negro's grit saved his life , for he was picked up by a party of Omniums on the Nebraska side , who hnd witnessed his bravo attempt , and the effort of the whlto men to nhoot the plucky dnrky while ho wna swim ming Dick was adopted Into the tribe , and admlied for his bravery In warfare - faro and his usefulness In times of pence The 'venerable slnvo died here n few joins ago , and had a sumptuous bur ial by the Omalians who said Dick had lived to an ngo few of their people ple over reach , which was about 108 > enrs Ills only living loprosontatlvo Is the son , ,11m Dick , n well preserved man of SO > enis , levered by the Omniums for bis counsel and kind ness. U Is almost a dally occurionco for Dick to walk to Decatur , reluming homo In the evening a distance of eight miles. IN POLICE COURT , Michael O'Kcefc Fined For Getting Drunk and Abuslno His Team at 2 a. in. It cost Mlchnol O'Koofo just an even half bundled dolhun to get diunlc and abuse his llo was arrested at 2 o'clock this moiulng and In ought bcfoie Police .ludgo HIIJOH The line was sucpondod on condition that O'Keefo should lo.i\o town If ho 10- mains he is to bo slapped behind the bin H on a diet of bioad and water. A wan ant has been uwoin out by City Attoinoy Koonlgsteln for the attest of GUI field Mather on the chin go of using obscene language. The little coloied bootblack who WIIH anostod on Hallowe'en for tear ing down fences , Is still In jail eating what is brought to him and no more. SALOON MEN ARE INDIGNANT. By order of Major M. C. Ilazcn the saloons of Norfolk now close at 11 o'clock at night instead of at mid night as has been tbo custom for many The older is issued on the stiongth of the city oulinance which bo provides. Saloon men in the city are worked up o\or the matter and fooling is lather stiong. They object to the move because , they claim , the hour between It and 12 o'clock is their best one fiom a business standpoint and because they contend the money which would bo tepent with thorn dur ing this hour just befoio midnight will bo spent in woise places than saloons NEBRASKA DEFEATS IOWA TEAM On a Fumble by Captain Bender , the Cornhuskers are Scored Against First Time. Lincoln , Nov 2 Special to The News. The football team of the state university letmncd last evening fiom Iowa City wheio they defeated the HawKeycs 17 to fi It was the flrst point scoicd against the CoinhusUoia in two seasons and Uooth was disap pointed at it The scoio made by Iowa was done on a fumble by Cap tain Johnnie Bender On penalties the teams were located at Nebraska's ten jard line. Bender signalled foi a tiick play , a ciissctoss , and it failed. He should have kicked out The light hailed little Dender re deemed himself , however , after the game got going by making two sen sational runs clear down the field for touchdowns The last touchdown was made ton seconds before the game ended. Two goals weio kicked by "Dog" Eager. Iowa has long steer aloof and refused to play Nebraska For this reason Nebraska was doublj anxious to pound them to the eaith "Wo couldn't expect to play all our lives without a point against us , ' said Coacli Booth this moinlng , "am one thing Is sure wo beat Iowa. " INJURED IN A FOOTBALL GAME Harry Nelson , Son of Bank President President , Has Knee Cap Dislo cated in Game. Creighton , Neb. , Nov 2 Special t < The News. Harry Nelson , son o Frank Nelson , president of the Nlo l rara Valley bank , nt Nlobrnra , wns severely injured in the foot ball game at Nlobrarn Saturday between the Orelghton team nnd the team fron Springfield , S. D Hie knee cnp was dislocated and It wns believed thn he hnd been Injured Internnlly for a time , but at 10 o'clock yesterday morning the doctor attending him considered that the Injury to his knee was the only serious matter. ThI may result In a stiff knee Joint , bu It is yet too early to state that this will be the result. Two other members of the Crelgh- ton tenm hnd the bienth knocked out of them , but they boon recovered after being can led from the field. Result of the Game. The Creighton football team mot the team fiom Springfield , S. D , on the gridiron at Niobrarn Saturday af ternoon at 2 o.'clock , and the points wore hotly contested from start to fin- Ishr. It was a rough game and the Spiingfleld team apparently endcav- oied to make up for its weakness in other particulars by foiclbly retiring as many of the Creighton players as possible. The score , however , was 17 to 0 In favor of the Creighton boys , who handled the game scientifically , and had' nn advantage In strength over the visitors. 7iiml Block in Pressed Brick Facing is Set. HELD UP AGAIN FOR MATERIAL The Delay This Time Lies In Attic Timbers but Superintendent Wil liams Will Nevertheless Push the Work and Finish Shortly. Not folk's new United Stales remit ititNo and poslollleo building Is vor > ast getting ( o n point of completion 'he hint block In the pressed bilck aelng has now been net upon the vails and the Htiucturo IH all tend.v or the roof. Supi-rliitondent Wll- lams IH uo\v waiting very pnlluntlv or the attic tlmbeiH. which are lim it almost any minute The pi ogress of ( he building linn boon greatly hnmpoiod all summei iy the delays In shipping material rime and again earloadH of It on or oek that worn badly needed have mil lo lie over Romewhoio on ac count of wet weather 01 the llko. Within a shot I time Iho company who hnvo serin ed thn con tiaet for wiling the building , will arrive and go to woik There an- \vlios to bo lined thioughoilt the couithouso fiom cellar to colling. The building piosonts an Imposing appearance horn Madison avenue wf.oro It faces All of the oIllclalH ibout tbo place who have soon and w Diked upon other gin eminent build IngH , declare that they have never seen one equal to this in a city no latgor than Noifolk It Is one ot the very handf > omest In the west and will compute fin DI ably with those which cities twenty times the sl/o of Norfolk aio pioud to own The time Hot oilgitmlly for getting Into the now heaihuiaitois by the government icpiesentatlves her , was liuiuary 1 This may now bo jogge.l Into 1'cbiuaiy a bit on account of tbo slow aulval of mateilal. Supoi Intendent Williams , however , Mill push tbo won : to the limit and in tendh to finish It long befoio tbo con tinct allows , in Ma\ RUSHING INTO NORTH NEBRASKA The Land Office Business at O'Neill Exceeds any Previous Month Recorded. O'Neill , Neb , No2 October has been a lecoiil-bioaKoi In the number of homesteads taken dining one month at the local land ollico , tboio having boon 100 homestead filings made , taking neaily 10,000 acres of the public domain In a single month. The eiops and gonoial conditions ha\e been BO faun able in tills pint of tbo count ! y dm Ing lecontcais that hundiods of sottlois ha\e boon coming In. In many cases tbo home- stiMdois also buy lands which they consider good investments at pies- cut piico-s Dm Ing tbo last nix months 17.110 act os hiuo boon bomosteadod in Car- ! lleld county , 11,720 acics ir Wheeler count } , L'J.USO acies in Holt county and 8,010 acios in Loup count } There is jot loft open for homestead ap provlmatcly 110,000 acies in Oarllold county , about 400,000 acies in Wheel er county , about KJ8.000 acios In Loup county , so that the inflow of new sot- tiers is likely to continue lei some time It is estimated that fully 50 per cent ol the now settlers coming Into this pait of the country ate Iowa people ple SPECIALIST OFjlEPUTATION , Years of Special Practice Affording Excellent Opportunities. FACTS WORTH MENTIONING By Dr. Caldwell. Several jeais ago while in piivati practice , I thought it wiong to advot- tibo , simply because 1 had bei n told so and had not had experience i nough to Know better After a while I dis covered a valuable plan of tie.itment In certain cases , and foitunatolv oh tainod a largo number of patients , enough to fully tebt my plan and prove its success 1 theieupon pre pared a lengthy paper upon tin sub ject and lead it before the state med ical bocioty What was the usult7 A half a do/on members took the floor to say what the treatment bad been for a bundled years back and to claim that the old treatment , though unsuccessful , should be con tinued , notwithstanding that the now treatment had been succchbfitl I thought differently and continued to use the now method , and made 10- maikablo cuies of cases that had been pronounced incurable Mv bus iness Increased i.ipldly as each per son that I cured told homo friend , who came In turn and was cured ICach patient advertised mo a little What then ? In that largo city there weie not moio than 100 cases of the kind I cured every case that came to me and then had nothing to do except the ordinary business of a local physician I know there wore hundreds and thoubands of others elbovvhcio. who might bo cured II they only know ; and I advertised Cm oil hundiods of others and I have advertised over since I have re lieved more suffeilng , cured moro pa tients , made moro people happy , and done moro good genoially because 1 have told the people what I can do , and I shall go on with the good work as long as my strength will permit I advertise because I have some tiling win Hi n < h'M llrltiK lhavomado NMU'lf I'll.llll Ollt I \ M IIH if H'll'l lal Hliid.v and experience , and b.v I ho oxpeiidltuio of laigo mmm of mono ) 11) luhoi | | ; 1 place Imfinc the people ple the fat'lH whleh enable thoin lo Vnovv what I can do I thoieh ) ieiiii' HuiiiHiiiulH , who , given up b.v local | ili\HlcliuiH or uiiHucivHHfub Mealed , ve tin-nines CM up IIH Ineuiable I euio them nnd thoiohy enhiigimy Held of UHcfiilnetiM II ) no othei way than ndveiUsing could these people iiavo Known that thi < > could bo em oil l\ci ? > thillty and ptoHpcionx IIIIH ) ileus In life , Have those of law and medicine , advoitlno lieolv I.IIWVIMH In not. lot they ottl.v IIHO lu liimlni'HH what olhorH have made lot them > IMIH hcloio 'I'liej onldo , what has lieen wiltten "Itegular" diii'tuiH do nut aduMtlsc for the Haute leaHim i'j bine nothing nev\ , nothing \vhlch someone I > | HI > IIIIH not willten or told ( hem of , Ihov get their luiow ledge fiiiui Mm bookn A mini mil ) lead inedlclti'e until ho IH blind and thru Know nolbltiK of II To be HIIC losHfnl he nuiHl appl.v bin o\\n inlml Make | IH ! own loKc.iicheM , and In dn that he must have loom nnd uppm tunlt.v lie miiHt have cams huii ilrcdH of thiMu , and conipiiii ic.nlis II he diii'H not do tills ln > is a m i rhino without novell ) Hklll m in Ki'iinlly , still plowing \\llli nuunli n lilnu , Hllll Iraveling'on Inui m \ \ .1 luiek. and Ignoring the inlumiiu. , ni steam , living lull mil loainltu lln -tamo IH true of a lnd > dmtm llolovv you will find puMi h. .1 . ih < namoH and aildii'ssi'H n ! .um , ni ilu leceiit cities thai I have ina.l. lln i people's allllctloiiR vsoio umli i ilu nidlimry phvHlelan'H eaie i mislili u ii hopeliiRR , and no proHpci K lm a CII10Mrs Mrs Kato Scliall of Altitun Ni b ( mod of eataiih ol' head ami Hlnnmih MIH William /uoig ol liliu Vale , Noli , ouied ol not v mm IK ait and lemalo dlHeiiKo MIH .1 10 Connellii ) ot Aknm Neb , cm oil ol ( ancoi ol long Hland lug Mis Augiibta Sc.Mlon ol I'cniln Neb , cm cil of net v oils , livoi and Hllllllllell ( liHOIISl ) Mi 8 nila Scochnian ot Wa.vne , Neb , ( Miloil ol iheiimatlHin , lomae | illHease and Hkln disease John llaipei ot Columbus , Neb , emed of lie.ul dlHc.iHo , stomach and livei dibensc. Km inn Slalko of Claika , Neb , cuied of wklii dlHoase , limit tioublo and diopsy. "World's Fair. " A Bt Louis w 01 Id's lair liil'oi inallon Inn en u IIIIH been ostabllHhed at IdDI l'"aiiiain St , Omaha , Neb , In ehaigi ol llanj H Mootos , when > all Inlin inatlon will bo eheoiliilb tninlshoil flee ol chaige YIIIIIB tiul ) . llai\\ . i ; MIKIICK , ( ! A I' 1) FOUND AT LAST. 20,000,000 Farmers Wanted. The iectot to keep jour hogs and chickens frco from dlHoases For par tlculars send In one dollar In money oidoi lo P. S L IJ , 181 , Norfolk , Neb llerg's Sweet Laxative Chlp.s have no equal for biliousness or conntlpa lion They do not gilpo but move the hovvclH gently ami easily , cleans ing the liver and the effect gtvcc stiength to the glamlH , pieventlng f letuin of the disorder 1'ileo 10 am J5 centH Klesau Uing Co Hog Cholera CURED By SNODDY REMEDY 1CND TO GERRARD A. ZEIGLER , AQT. LOOKING GLASS OrncE MONROE , NED , rot PREt BOOK ttlllnt ALL AROUT IT 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyonn cpmlliiK n KUclrli nni1 , < 1orrl [ > nriii innj oulrUIr iiVLrtiim our npimmi frui wlMlhi-r nil Invi'iillim IH iinilmliljri'iilihlHlilo < . minimi tliiiinKtrlrilyciiitlilviitlnl HANDBOOK on I'atuiti e ( nt Iron IIMoNt niri'lirr lur pri urint ; iiutontH. I'lili'iHn tiikim IhroiiL'li .Miinii ft lo rcctlvl tptflul notice , wMtiout chiirgo , liillio Scientific Jlmerican * A h nd omcljr Illinlmtort wppklr I.nriro t rlr mjiitlon > 'l nnr npioniltlo Journal 'lirniB Hi yinr ( nnr months , $1. BciM liy nil Ilranch Offlcu. rii V KL , Wnililuulon , J ) . TEN CENTS BUYS A Three Months' Subscription to tbe industrial attics AND MINING RECORD with which is given free as a premium Two Splendid Maps of Thunder Moun tain Mining District and of Southern Idaho , showing all the mines and all the important claims , also routes , railroads ana wagon roads. The Industrial Times is a monthly of 16 big pages which give accurate in * formation regarding the movement of industrial and mining enterprises. Its regular subscription price isoncdolltrper year ; but a trial subscription is sent for three months for ten cents , including the maps. These are the only accurate maps i of Thunder Mountain and are alone worth several times the price charged. Address THE INDUSTRIALTIME8 253 BROADWAY , NEW YOU 'Mf ' . , -nTnijiizor > t-C" THE BEST TONIC ' In H H S Natttio has provided a tonic suited to evilly ieuiieuu ( | nl of the iiystem when in n debilitated , tun down condition. It contiiin.s no ntton inincinl.'i or dni s , but irt u pleasant vegetable ) iieiaintioii. | Von can find no better leinedy for toning up llionci ves nnd hiiiijiiijj ; it > ftcalling , restful iikepVlicn in a low .state of health , 01 .sick and woin out \\ilb voik 01 wony. S S. S. illtpKUes the I Imvo no hnnllnnay In rrinoiiiiniuiilliin your I.II.0. ) nimetitc. aids thedh'cs " "Mm l t Hiiilnir lonlo on thn nutrient. I imvo unml tloll Illlil l lelllloices i the ' y H' ' r iniKltoliKiH.liiit Iliul H.H M. In ho iiiulouia- mily Mm only lonlo Mini will hulld nil iho HyMmn. I .system , Illlil its joe ; < l of"l" | ' ' > k" ph'nHimi In tdlllmc nil whom I think. In . . . * ' . liooil of I , n uonil ) oed tonio ol your innillolnn. frctSIIICMCtlllltlKtstftdlU VOIIM truly. lillWlU H Y'lllllKIt tilt ! Hist dose It lict.'l Omn Htoll , llnnilltoii * Oo. ImxIiiKlnii , JCy. pioiuptly ill ( u-fcsof rhioiiiedyspepsia , indict'ilionninl nil fitoinnch tioiiblcs , ntid doisnwav with the uiu ( iiufoiliilile fulliu'.s naimen , .shoitne.ssof Inc.lib , diowsluess niiil ( h//iiH'ss that so oft ( u emne nftit eating. H S S is not only the be < .t tonie luil possuises nlleinlive or imiifyiii } ; jitopeities , mid if thete. i-i ntiv tiiint , liuinoi 01 poison in the blood it sciiiehi'S limit , and lemoves it. Many timis a low .slate of health i.s due ton li.ul eoudttion of lliL blood and ( an only be H UK died by a blood ptitillcr and tonic loinlniud , ni . < IK b a uttudv as K S S If \ ( \ \ \ Millit f i Min ihbilititiMiiuni , ) , tuixntiMU'ss loss of appetite , bad di isliuii nr nnnf tin \ inplnnm of a di-uidi n d blnml iiitbitirvill ) pn > .IHHI put \inir Miinil in ( iiiiditiun HIM ) in iti and tone up the TllC SWIFTSPCCtHC CO. . ATLANTA. GA. Aim- DYSPEPTIC TAI'lSOKM Aica I'nsilnc l HIP fni Initialsltoii , I in i l 11 in I ion , I \ i\i i , l'oii I nnil vM'iik St o niiu hk A i u ili di ] IK tin of Clnuijii Matul lu- Iii IKciln Mir box ol Slouim's NVoim Cake \\uiild gisc mi u i u IK f than f. > 0 uotlli ul uidmiirr doitui M Itts 1'ilcc MCH. ) ( by mall < M"y- n. v. SLOCUM 725 W. North Avenue , Chlcnuo , III. YOU MUST NOT FORGET Tlial uc n ro consiuntly rouiii in Ilio art of inaKin IMIIC IMiolus , and our products will al ways ho found lo ( Miihracc the and Nowcst Styles in Cards and KmKli Wo also carry n fine line of Moldings siataMo for all kinds of framing. THE NORFOLK BUSINESS COLLEGE ! THIRD YEAR. Conservative Manaucmciit , Thorough Equipment. Commodious Rooms , Superior Instruction. F\iII Business Covirses. t It will pay you to attend this School. INo va- { cations. Enter any time. J Addrusb , | C. H. BRAKE , Norfolk , Neb. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Norfolk Mercantile Co. WILL OPEN. . . A brand nou gone .store in the Asinus huildiny , SATURDAY. OCT. 10. 1903. \Vp will handle only first class goods and uill soil them on a cash basis as reason- * ' abl ) as can be done , quality considered. II We uill carry a complete line of GROCERIES , NOTIONS . . and DRY GOODS i * , , u L-mMm-,1JL.-- - - * and nearly everything needed in a houset hold. We talce all farmer's produce and will 1 pay the highest market price for it. 5 We do not expect all of the trade , but we ask a share of it , and will make prices * that \\ill .secure it * * Come and See Us Saturday. * * Norfolk Mercantile Co. | Asmus Building. | CORNER MAIN AND THIRD STREET. NORPOLK , NfiB. i : -H : ' 4""j } H H"j : " : j" > * 'j''H' * * An ibfolut * ipcclllc nd intl-teptlc pr p- ration for ill klndi ot SORE TIIllOAT. BIMPLY A OAEQLB. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. A turo cur * ( or llonrjtnci , TonillltU , Qtilnijr , In 'imtd , Ulctrtted nd Citirrhil Ser Throat. A pre > entlv ol Croup , Whooping Cough and Diphtheria. rimiFYiNO nnAMNO BOOTIIINO Endorttd br th Uoit Eminent Throat Bp oUl- liti In the country. IhonM U kept ID Terj horn * . Price 80 OcnU > Ucdlclne Co. , l > ei Moluca , lotrm. KIKSAU DRUG COMPANY. IIAS A. McKIM , M. D. O. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate Chicago \Tetorinary College. Assistant State Veterinarian. " Ofllco : Brunson's Livery , South Third Strpot 'Phone 185. CURES A GOLD IN ONE DA < CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS THIS BIONATUHB SWA BIVST Al'I'KAU ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE School tablets at The Nowo office.