The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    in Til 13 NORFOLK NEWS : 1'MUDAY ' , NOVBMIJKR ( I , 1003.
Valparaiso Merchants Build Up
Their Business.
A * a Conseniicncc People Have Money
to Spend Who Never Had It Before.
Profits are Largely Indirect , but the
Deet Raisers are Happy.
The ix'oplo of Valparaiso , NobniHlm ,
have tilt niton 11 method of liiHiirlni ;
romnnoratlvo ( > iuili | yini'nt mid Konoral
prosperity to tlioniHolvoM nuil to tlio
town In Konnral Hint will eoiiiiuond II- ,
m'lf to other IOWIIH In llio Htiito.
Within t\\o yt-ai-H children linvo bo-
coino well drt'HHod who hail never
boon dooontly dollied before. Old
jtrooory iicootintH linvo buou paid ,
hoiiHOH liavo boon painted , Hldnwall.H
tiiillt , and-all through an liiHplnitlon
HO Hlinplo thai n hundred lowim will
wonder why they never thought of It
A few yoai'H ago when hard Ilinon
had Mottled upon ( he country and the
poor of the largo eltlon were without
work , and often without hread , Iho
mayor of the city of Detroit made
himself fanioiiH hy an odd rcqnc.Ht.
Ho iiHluul the ownorH of vacant lotH
In the city to lay them at the dl ponnl
of the city to ho UHoil for growing po-
tatooR and ether garden produce by
tlio labor and for the benolll of the
mifTorlng poor. The plan WIIH a sno-
COSH , and though the mayor WIIH never
nftorward known by any ether nanio
than "potato" IMngroo In the funny
columns of the pri'BH , ho inado a name
for hluiHolf that will long bo remem
bered grutofully by the pcoplo whom
Jio helped to help tlioniHolvcH.
Like Plnfjrce Plan.
The people of ValparalRo may never
Imvo heard of "Potato" IMngroo , but
they are carrying out liln Idoim In a
way that In HtrlUlugly fdmplo and ef
fective. Valparalno IH a town of about
HOVOII bnndrod people , idtuated In
Oak Creek valley twonty-llvo mlloa
northwoHt of Ulncoln. It In Himiothlng
of a railroad town , being at the Junc
tion Nof the Lincoln and Omaha line
of the Union I'aelllo and the Lincoln
and Stromtihiirg branch of the HUIIIO
road. Hoyond the railroads the town
depends for UH Hiipporl largely on
the trade of the farmers In the vicin
In common with most towns of Its
Bls-.o tboro are many families In Val
paraiso who depend for their support
upon common labor. Seine work on
tlio farms In the Btimmor , many 11 ml
employment on the railroad , and In
various ether ways nmko out tholr
living. There are often moro laborers
In the town than there are jobs , and
nt Homo seasons n largo proportion
11 nd It dinicult to obtain work. In the
mi minor there ave a largo number of
lioys left without occupation by the
closing of the schools , and most of
tlieso were until recently compelled
to spend several months of the sum
mer in demoralizing Idleness. The
summer earnings of many families
were not snlllclent to carry them
through tlio Idle tlmo In the winter ,
and many of them suffered for the
necessaries of life unless some store
keeper could he found who was will
Ing to extend credit till wages should
begin to How In again In the spring.
This caused loss to the merohants ,
who , however , found It hard to refuse
credit to a suffering family.
A. K. Johnson , a prominent business
man of the town , had observed this
unsatisfactory condition of affairs
and two years ago he conceived the
Idea of making It possible for every
body In the town , lurgo or small , to
have employment at least a part of
the year. Ilia plan was to form a
company In which as many as were
willing might take an Interest , and go
Into the business of growing sugar
beets. There Is from twenty to thirty
dollars worth of hand labor In growing
nn aero of sugar beets , ami Mr. John
son's Idea was to rent some of the
rich bottom land that abounds In the
neighborhood ofrali > aralso and plant
enough sugar beets to furnish employ
ment to everybody In the vicinity
who wanted work during the spring
and fall. It was an enterprise that
did not promise much to the Investor.
Farmers In the vicinity of Valparaiso
had tried growing boots , but without
making much money by the venture.
The company must bo formed , not for
the prime purpose of making money
for the company , but to make money
for the town by the payment of wages
to the people. Tim merchants felt
that they could well afford this , for
the extra money that the people
earned would mean extra business
for them and prompt payment of ac
counts. They could afford to Invest
a few dollars without hope of receiv
ing dividends on the Investment. The
men who would llnd needed employ
ment in the beet Holds could afford
to take stock In the enterprise with
out hopeof interest , for they would
make money at nil events.
In this spirit the
company was or
ganized with n capital of about seven
thousand dollars half'of
, which wns
guaranteed by the merchants and cit
izens of Valparaiso , and the ether
half by the men who would nlso profit
by the extra beet crop , the laborers
In the sugar factory nt Ames , whither
It was proposed to ship the beets. An
experienced beet grower wns employed
to superintend the operations of the
company nt n salary of sixty dollars
a month Two hnndrd acroH of land
wait routed al a rental of llvo dollars
an aero , and with the imrchiiHO of a
loam of mnloa horHos' foot are too
big to bo tuiHtod In a boot Hold-tho
combination WIIH ready for operation.
Mistaken of the First Year.
It WIIH it now biiHlnosH for everybody
oxooiit the Hiiporlntoudont and the ro-
null was the umial ono niidor the clr-
oiiiiiHtaiicon. Two hundred anrosVIIH
too much land with the labor thai
the town afforded. The season was
wet , and moro than the ordinary
amoiinl of labor WIIH nocosHitry ro
keep the woodH out of the lloldH. The
HoiiHon was nniiminlly late. The ro-
Hiilt WIIH that the bootH cost Iho com
pany In the neighborhood of fifty dol-
In I'M an aero , whereas they hud ox-
pooled to got out at a cost of nol
,11101-0 than forty. To add to tholi'
troubled tin' last fifteen acron of bouts
was mil gathered In time , and a hard
froo/.o caught them In the ground.
ThlH wan a total IOHH of about seven
hundred dollars. Other IOHHOH were
born us the result of the liioxporlenco
of the company 111 the hoot biiHlnosn ,
and at the olid of llio HOIIHOH the com
pany found llsolf a thousand dollars
on the wrong slilo of Iho ledgor.
The stock hnd boon Hold on a basin
of $ : ! a sharo. Some of the mor-
chantH had taken an much an olght
shuroH. while many laboring men hail
aUon Hlnglo shares paying for thorn
n monthly assessments of $ l.r 0 a
This looks dlHcouraglng on Us face ,
.ml . strange to nay , there wan not a
nan to bo found who had any regrets
o express ever his Investment In the
sugar hoot business. The laboring
nun who had losl four dollars and a
naif on his ( sock bad inado a good
iiany times thai amount , by his labor
n the heel lloldH , and the business
nan who had lost all the way front--
; en to forty dollars , felt that bo bad
undo It buck moro than once In Increased -
creased business ami decreased losses
from bad accounts. They bad got oft
well for beginners at the business ,
mil at the beginning of another sea
son were ready to try II again with
ho conviction that whether tholr late
t.xporlonco would make the business
pay a dividend or not , they could not
ifford to lot the boot sugar business
More Conservative Business.
Thin tlmo moro conservative plaiiH
were adopted. 'I'lio alliance with the
laborers at Ames was not renewed ,
for the reason thai all llio capital
Lliat was needed could bo obtained al
homo , and II wan Ihongbl rather hotter -
tor to have full control of tlio busl *
nosB In the bands of the local manag
era. It wan estimated that olgbly
acres of heels would furnish employ
meiil for all who would bo ready lo
work' , and would bo as much as could
bo handled successfully wllh the la >
bor thai was available In Iho commun
ity. Accordingly a working capital
of $2,100 was raised In the same way
us before , all being subscribed In llio
town , and eighty acres of bottom land
was routed and planted.
This year , llko the last , has not
been a good ono for boot growers.
The cold wet spring inado much replanting -
planting necessary , and this took ex
tra labor and caused extra expense
for seed. The replanted boots could
not make the growth that the earlier
did , and not being fully matured at
the tlmo of _ gathering will not tesl
as high a percentage of sugar as the
early beets. In spite of these unfa
vorable features of the season the crop
promises to make a small profit for
the company , perhaps enough to make
up for the deficiency of last year. The
beets that have been harvested have
weighed out about twelve tons to the
acre , and have commanded a pre
mium of from twenty to thirty cents
per ton over the contract price'on
account of their high sugar tost. As
ono alights from the train ono of the
llrsl slgbls to greet his eye Is long
rlcljs of beets siloed near the track
awaiting shipment to the factory.
There are many towns in Nebraska
where the growing of sugar boots
makes profltaho employment for ev
erybody In and near the town who Is
willing to work , but those are the
towns .so situated that the growing
of the crop may make Jargo profits to
the capitalist who engages In tlio
business. So far , the town of Val
paraiso Is the first to go into the busi
ness from philanthropic motives , and
the success of this experiment sug
gests thai oilier towns lhal have a
surplus of Idle men and boys during
the s\immcr \ might redeem themselves
from shabblnoss to prosperity as Val
paraiso Is doing. Probably half tlio
towns In tlio state are ns favorably
situated as Valparaiso for this pur
pose , and \\oultl liavo the same chance
for success. The motive for making
the experiment can hardly bo called
philanthropy , for in the end 11 cosls
nobody anything. It is a high typo of
enlightened selfishness , to put llio
leasl favorable construction upon It.
Effect on the Town.
Just what the effect of the plan has
boon In Valparaiso Is easily learned
by anyone Interested enough to visit
the town. Everybody Is posted on the
mailer , for It Is a business that nearly
everybody owns , and If not thai , Iboy
are Interested in Its success in indi
rect ways. Ono lias only to stand
among the siloes whore Iho leamslors
are unloading Ihelr wagons of boots
as they come from the Holds , to get
an Idea of what it means to the labor
ing people. "My three lltllo boys
made five dollars and a half Salur-
day , " says ono. "Tho oldesl ono cried
nt breakfast because ho thought ho
was going to bo lato. I never saw
nuch boys to work UB they aro. I'vo
made i four and a half today myself. "
IOIeVfHteiiniH I wore engaged In haul
ing | boots when the writer was there ,
all driven by men who wouldhusk corn
later , but would have boon Idle bill
for the beet biiHlness. None of thorn
had made IOHH than four dollars thai
day , and most of/ them had children
In the Held topping beotfl and making
from a dollar for an eight or ton year
old to two or three dollars for an acl-
Ivo boy or girl of fifteen.
"II makoH Jusl Ibis difference lo
me , thin boot htiHlnesH , " said ono of
the liaulorH ; "If I hadn't had the
work , with Iho boots lasl year , I Jusl
lon'l know how I could have gel
through the winter wllh my family.
I have made ever Ihreo hundred dol-
ars out of the bootH Dial I would nol
iitvo made olhorwlso , for most of It
was inado at tlmcH when I could not
have had work at anything else. And
there are moro Ilko mo In town. I
iwn Htock In the company now , and
will take more another year whether
wo gain or lose Ihis year. " A bright
faced boy of ten or eleven years
trudged past al this moment , swing
ing his dinner pull and holding himself
with Iho proud oreetness thai always
marks Iho boy who knows Unit ho Is
good for something. "How much did
you iniiUo today , " ho was asked. "A
dollar ton , didn't do so very well , "
WIIH the reply. A little later the sumo
boy was carrying homo a sack of ban
anas an an extra luxury for the family
Htippor table.
Merchants are Pleased.
The merchants are hardly loss
pleased | with the workings of llio boot
business | Umn the people who do the
work. "It Is ono of the best things
that ever happened , " said W. I" . Al
len ; , the proprietor of a largo general
store. , "Hoys and girls wlm have al-
Tfitys lived In Idleness have become
broad i winners , and their self respect
and , general conduct has boon Im
proved Immeasiircably by Iho change.
\Vo liavo boon surprised al some of
the people who have gone to work.
In fuel work has becoino popular oven
among , the class who bad seemingly
never worked before. The fuel that
largo numbers work together inado It
something of a lark to the younger
ones , and If there Is a boy or girl
In town who has not supplied himself
with money enough to buy nil needed
clothes and moro I don't believe I
know who it is. The person who re
fuses to work now Is looked upon
with contempt , and many have gone
to work because of the sentiment.
"Tho effect upon the business men
has boon easily observed. The larger
part of the money from the boots goes
10 a class of people who had boon
conllnod to the barest necessities of
life , before , and Ihoy were so poor
that the merchant took a great risk
In allowing thorn to run up an account.
Now they buy good clothes and many
things that were beyond tholr reach
before. If they need anything before
pay day their crodll Is good. Small
boys whom wo could not have trusted
for a cent two years ago can buy a
suit of clolhcs on credll till pay day
If they want to. The lotal of Ibrce
or four thousand dollars that Is
brought to town by tlio boot growing
Is nol a largo amount , but Iho import
ant thing Is the way it is distributed
Tlio people got the money who ncei !
11 mosl , and so small an amount as
Ihis makes llio difference between
comfort and poverty in dozens ol
homos , and makes a difference to the
whole town. Old nccounls are being
gradually paid up , that wo had given
up for lost long ago. In many cases
the boys of the family are devoting
their earnings to this purpose. At
the same tlmo thai they are earning
money they are acquiring habits of
Industry such as will make the dlf
forenco between prosperous men aiu
novor-do-wolls in the course of time.
Many a man or boy has found out for
Iho llrsl tlmo that work Is not such
a bad thing after all , and It Is mak
ing hotter citizens of thorn. I should
want to Invest some of my money in
the business every year In the face
of a constant deficit. There Is no
need of losing anything in the busi
ness , and I do nol think wo shall ,
after Iho experience that wo have
had. That is a secondary considera
tion , however , with most of us. "
Good for Everybody.
The views expressed by Mr. Allen are
endorsed In various keys by the busi
ness men generally. The experiment
has boon a good Ihlng for everybody
In llio town. There Is not an excep
tion so far as could bo learned. . La
boring men carry a now dignity when
they speak of the company as "wo. "
" \Vo are making this thing win , " said
one man , as bo hoisted a heavy buck
etful of beets oul of his wagon.
"There's lots of hard work about it ,
but it Is easy to work bard when
wo are paying ourselves well for 11.
My olghl year old boy makes a dollar
and a quarter every day topping boots ,
and I make four or ttvo dollars myself.
Thai soms pretty good to mo. "
"Uolng in Iho hardware business , I
do nol fcol Die dlrccl effects so strong
ly ns llio general merchants , " said
W. J. Collier , ono of Iho directors of
the company. "I bad Iwo hundreds
dollars worlh of slock lasl year and
lost thirty-six dollars , but I don't figure -
uro that I lost anything oven in Iho
hardware business. " Mr. Collier men-
Honed llio facl that the town has ar
ranged for a lecture course Ihis win-
lor with season tickets selling for
$1.75 , and many of the boys and girls
of the town have bought tickols , payIng -
Ing for Ihem with tholr own money
made In the bcol fields.
There la no thought but that the
business will bo continued Indefinitely
and on a growing scale. The gossip
if the stores and of the streets Is on
ho wholesome mibject of sugar heels.
Money Is jingling In Iho pockets or
standing to the credll of boys who
linvo gone around In shabby trousers
mil dresses bill yeslerday , nnd Die
; lrls are earning tholr own ribbons.
I'liero Is no worry anywhere over Iho
whorowlth to buy the winter's con ) ,
nnd thlH condition IH too satlsfaclory
( i ho changed by voluntary consent.
Nebraska Slalo Journal.
Lecture Delivered by Rev. Father
Shync of St. Louis.
Key. Father Sliyno who linn just
come hero from Kentucky leclured al
7 : "it al the Sacred Heart church.
Pho unpleasant weather did not keep
the crowds away for when the lectur
er ascended the altnr stops there was
no vacant , spol In the church. Ho Is
well known In Omaha , SI. Louis and
Memphis and has visited nearly all
of the largo cities of the country.
Ills subject was "Is Life Worth Liv
ing' ' " He showed the ethical argu
ment for serving God.
"Man Is an opltomy of all creation.
Ho wows , and so does the plant ; ho
ows and 1'ee.lH , and so docs Iho an
imal ; ho 'Ihlnks a thing which
neither plant nor animal can do.
Ho Is ( lod's noblest master-piece
upon the earth. Ho Is the head and
culminating point of the grand scr
ies of organic nature. Thought Is
the crown of his being. Look nt the
coal beds all 'ronnt' us hero ! It Is
by thought thai man has transformed
Ihelr hidden heal Into the energy that
sends your trains speeding ever llio
What could have moved God to
create ns ? Nothing but an Impulse
of his goodness. Ho would not bean
an Infinitely perfect God , an Infinitely
happy God , had he created us for any
other end but himself. Wo are all
made for God , and all things else
created are made to help us to reach
God.Vo are made to praise , rev
erence and servo God , and thus save
our souls. Wo all yearn for happi
ness. Wo cnnnol shako off Ihis de
sire. II is Implanted In our nature
by divine providence , nnd ho never
does anything In vain. Now wo can
not be perfectly happy hero. The
millionaire wants moro wealth ; saint
more sanctity ; the sensual , corrupt
man wants moro beastly and Inhuman
ways of satisfying his passions. It
follows then , thai this happiness Is
reorved for us In the life to come ,
provided wo do , not our will , but
God's" .
As a logical sequence of this lec
ture , Father Shyno will speak next
on "The Great Obstacle to Happl
ness. "
Whllo the mission Is for Calhollcs ,
non-Catholics are welcome to attend ,
but the aim of Iho mission is nol lo
make converts from other religions
but to make poor Catholics good ones
and good ones bettor.
The order of exercise during the
week will be as follows :
( i a.m. Mass and short Instruction.
9 a. in. Mass , sermon , children's
mission , blessing of objects of de
7:110 : p. in. Rosary , lecluro nnd
Interested Persons Held Meeting In
O'Neill. '
O'Neill , Neb. , Nov. 5. A Inrge
number representing the various de-
noniinallons of the county who are
interested in Sunday school work holil
a convention or Institute at the
Methodist church in O'Neill says the
Frontier. One of Iho interesting
fealuros was n talk from Miss
Hnlnes , slate suporlnlondont of pri
mary work. The galhorlng wns al
together enjoyable and profilablo.
Thinking to piny n joke on Will
O'Connor , some of his gent friends
cut the lariet rope of ono of his horses
and saw llial Iho horse fell into the
hands of Pound Master Huff. Then
there was a dollar damages to pay ,
bul Iho jokers miscarried In Iheir cal
calculallons In Ihis connecllon , as Will
declared Iho horse wasn't worlh n
dollar and refused lo pay.
Three chap * of young nnd tender
years from n neighboring villngo
visited O'Neill the first of the week
One of them , nn exceedingly "vealy1
lad , became so badly bewildered from
"tangle foot" thai his moro sober
companions had to convoy him lo the
depot and put him aboard the train
upon their departure. Perhaps this
lad thought ho was doing a real man
ly thing In thus making n Jackass of
himself , but wo don't believe ho
would want his mother to see him at
thai lime.
Luther Jackson , while working In
the sand pit during the conslructlon
of the cement walks , sustained an
Injury by a cave-In that requires bin
gelling aboul on crutches. The Joints
of ono of his limbs were badly
sprained by the weight of a grea
quantity of sand , but no bones were
O. O. Snyder wns highly honored
nt the Odd Fellows grand lodge n
Lincoln last week when ho was
chosen grand representative for Ne
brnskn to the annual grand lodge o
the world which meets nt San Fran
Cisco next Soplombor. II Is an honor
for which Ihoro are a good many ap
plicanls and Iho one lo whom 11 falls
usually ranks high in Odd Follow clr
cles , The honor shown Mr. Snyder
is well bestowed.
State Journal Discusses Two
Matters of interest.
Ex-Banker of Norfolk Furnishes Food
for Thought to the Commercial In
terests of the State A , Premium
Placed on Dishonesty.
( From Thursday's Dnlly.l
Nebraska bankers do not like the
tntlonnl bankruptcy law. They re
solved to that effect with the same
leflnlteness thai marked Ihelr opinion
) f the asset currency proposition. It
s only three years since Iho bank-
uptcy law wont Into effect , and the
ictlon of the bankers In declaring
ignlnsl II HO soon Is significant. The
case against the law was sot out by
N. A. Ualnbolt of Norfolk In an ad-
Ircss on Iho subjccl , nnd his liullct-
nenl IH severe enough to start the
icoplo generally to thinking aboul llio
natter. "If no one would lake ndvan-
ago of the law , " ho says , "but those
for whom It was Intended there would
[ Jo no opposlllon to It. Hut wlroroono
lesorvlng seeks relief , llvo or moro
inworthy rosorl lo ils use. I exam-
ned Ihe records of ninety-four cases
> f bankruptcy In the district where I
llvo. With twonly-ono of Iho bank
rupts I was personally acquainted.
Of these twenty-ono I found one wor-
: hy case , six unworthy or dishonest
cases , nine doubtful and five fnrclal.
Ninety-one of the cases had small
llvldends each , not exceeding 10 per
: ont. In Ihe Iwo years ending Sep
tember .10 , 1902 , there wore In the
United States 2G.97C voluntary cases
closed. Of those G.SG9 had liabilities
ess than $100 ; more than half had
liabilities less than $5,000 , and nearly
mo-half or 12,981 cases had no as
sets. "
These figures scorn to Indicate thai
Iho law , as 11 operates at present , Is
pretty much a farce. A man who
goes through bankruptcy to escape 11-
Abilities of less than one hundred dollars
lars Is hardly a subjccl for Ihe benev
olence of Ihe law makers. The law
is made for llio bonefil of the honest
man who is unfortunate and If this
class docs nol Inko advantage of the
law il is worse than of no effect. Mr.
Rainbolt asserts that of Ihoso who
liavo had financial reverses very few
really worthy men have over appealed
to a court of bankruptcy , and ho cites
William McKlnloy , Sir Walter Scotl
and Mark Twain as examples of men
who wore wrecked financially but
were too honorable to ask for relief
from Ihelr dobls. The Nebraska con
gressmen will therefore bo asked to
work for the repeal of Iho bankruptcy
act , and as both the Nebraska senat
ors are bankers , it Is reasonable lo
expecl lhal some effort will bo made
to carry out the suggestion.
The situallon against the bankruptcy -
cy law calls lo mind Iho fighl that
some of the business men of the state
are making for n modification of llio
exemption laws. As these statutes
now stand the payment of debts is
purely a volutary matlor with a very
largo proportion of the men who are
heads of families , nnd the business
men , especially the retail dealers ,
claim thai such laws pul n premium
on dishonesly , and servo only for Iho
protection of deadbcats. Moreover ,
the honest man suffers by the ex
emption laws , bis credit being limited
by reason of the fact that ho need
not pay unless ho wants to do so.
After a winter of strenuous effort the
state grocorymen's associallon lasl
year gel a measure through the leg
islature that they considered an im
provement in tlio law. This bill pro
vldod thai 20 per cent of a man's sal
ary should bo subjocl to garnishment ,
provided the amount attached did not
reduce the total income to less than
thirty dollars n month. This bill was
in the nature of a compromise , insur
ing the householder against being de
prived of a living , and giving his
creditors a chance to collect part of
his salary In case ho would not pay
voluntarily. This bill wns passed In
the last days of the session , and
Governor Mickey vetoed It after the
legislature had adjourned. This act
of the governor is Ihe cause of the
resolution of the grocers at their re
cent meeting in Omaha to make an
effort to prevent his renominotion or
ro-olectlon , In tlio hope that a different
governor may bo willing to approve
the bill which they will try lo pass
through the legislature at its next
session. Nebraska State Journal.
Mrs. Geo. Kuder went to Omaha
Saturday morning , returning in the
Kit Amos was down from Holt
county visiting friends the fore pnrt
of the week.
S. Schneider loft on Tuesday's
train for an extended Irlp through
Cherry county.
Mrs. Berl Riser wenl lo Slanton
Saturday to visit with her parents
for a few days. ,
The Meadow Grove Telephone com
pany have placed eight now 'phones
In Emorlck nnd vicinity.
Pat Inglesby of Dattlo Creole is
looking after S. Schneider's saloon
during the absence of Iho Inltor.
J. R. Dow nnd J. R. Pierce drove
seventy-five head of cattle down from
Holt county , which Ihoy will feed Ihis
Dr. II. L. Kindred , Q. E. Wnrrlck ,
Absolutely Pure
and W. P. Evans returned Wednesday
from Wood Lake and report n way
up time.
Mr. Mead and wlfo of Boomer , par
ents of Mrs. Goo. Cnrlor , arrived In
Meadow Grove Tuesday lo visit for
few days.
W. T. Recroft and mother of Nor
folk visited with G. II. Recroft and
family Sunday , departing Monday for
Nollgh to visit for a short tlmo.
Goo. Mills and Chas. Cook and fam
ily returned from Holt county Sat
urday where they have been visiting
for a week with W. W. Mills and
family. Meadow Grove Press.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for al llio postofllco at Norfolk , Neb. ,
November 3 , 19\)3 ) :
A. D. Julllnrd , J. II. Lyon , Frank
Smith , Miss Dora Smith , Dee Wilkin
son , John Wilson , Robert Wilson.
If not called for in flfleon days will
bo senl lo Iho dnad lotor ofllco.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say , "advertised. "
John R. Hays , P. M.
The Mission Week at Sacred Heart
Church is'Drawing Overcrowded
Sacred Heart church was overcrowd
ed by the lecluro of Rov. Father
Sliyno , S. J. , upon the loplc of "Con
fession in Iho Calholic Church. "
Falher Shyno is a brilliant speaker
and Iho audience Is grenler each evenIng -
Ing during Ihe mission work. Tonight
will bo a sermon upon Iho loplc ,
"Man's Grealesl Help lo Happiness. "
On Sunday n mission will begin at
Daltlo Creek. .
She Has Cured Thousands
Given up to Die ,
Practicing Aleopathy , Home
opsithy , Electric and Gen
eral Medicine.
Will , by request , \leit professionally
returning every four eolB Consult her wlillo
the opportunity IB at band ,
DH. CALDWEI.L limits her prscfce to tLo
special treatment of UUraees of the ore , ear ,
note , tlirout , IUIIRH , fomnlo diseases , diemieos of
children find all chronic. norvou nnd nnrjical
iliseiisoB of a curable nature Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh , chronic
catarrh , hotuliuhe , condiimtlo. , stomach and
bowel tronb es. rheumatism. nenralBla , sci-
alien , Hriirtit'e dlB iiBekliluoy diseases , ditoRsee
of the liver and uUilder , dizziness , uorvousneas ,
indlRocttnn , obps ty. intoiruptod i utrUiou ,
BlowKrowtliinchlldror. Bud all wasting ilia-
OHe in adults , dnformltio' clnh-feot
lure of theepino , dlteneoa of the bruin , paraly
sis. heart dleeaso , dropby , spelling of the limbs.
stricture , npou sores , pain in the bonen , Brann-
lor onlarRemeiitB and all lonK-etandluit dls-
eases properly treated ,
Itlooil Hlid Skin ,
. Pimples , b'otchos , eruptions , liver spots , fall
nut of the hair , bad complexion , eczema , throat
ulc r . bo-e rains , bladder tumbles , weak
buck , ImroliiR ariiie. pa Binff nrlna too ofteH.
Thn otToct * of constitutional sickness or the
tukimj of ton much Injurious medicine receives
searching treatment , prompt relief and u cure
for life.
niseatos ofvomon. . irregular menstruation.
falling of the womb , hearing down pains ,
foma o iileplacomentfl , lack of sexual tone.
K0" ? , 1r"V. ' Bterl"t ) or barrenness , consult
Dr Caldwell and she lll fhow them the cauia
of their trouble and the way to become cnrod.
t'tiic ! r , Ooltnr , FUtnlii , I'llm
and enlarged glands treated with tlio snbcu.
tanootiB Inject on method , absolutely without
pain and without the Joes of a drop of blood.
is one of her own d scoverlc-s and is really tlio
most scientific method of tble advanced
UT. I aldwell has practiced her profession aga in
some of the largest hospitals throughout the
country , fahe hni no superior in the treating
and diagnosing dieoafcos , deformities , etc. Sim
has lately opened an ollloe inOmaha , Nebraska ,
where she will spend a iHirllon of each week
treatlrg her maoy patlnnts. Nn incurable
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation
examination and advice , ono dollar tn those In
erese d. Du. Oux CALDWKM , & Co
Address all mall to Hoe Bulldlng Omahu'
Neb ,