The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 06, 1903, Image 1

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Found Dead With Horrible
Wound in the Head.
ftalo Compton , Seventeen Years Old ,
Met His Death Mysteriously Sup
posed to Have Deen an Accident as
He Carried a Gun.
" \Vnkofleld , Nob. , Nov. C. Special
to The News : The body of Halo
Compton , seventeen years of ngo ,
Tvli03o ) parents live near this place ,
was found at noon yesterday , with a
horrible gunshot wound through his
licad , and It Is supposed that his
death was accidental as ho had been
hunting and carried a gun. The
charge entered under the jaw and
came out near the eye , so that death
must have been almost Instantaneous.
Young Compton left his homo
Wednesday evening for a neighbor's
house , where ho expected to spent !
the night , and his folks wore not
alarmed about him , as ho was not ox-
Tocted home. Yesterday at noon his
body was found lying stiff and cold
In a-pool of his own blood where it
had evidently lain since the evening
An effort was made to get the cor
oner from Wayne , but ho was absent
from homo on other business and the
sheriff went to the scene of the- mys
terious tragedy and will probably hold
n inquest today.
Every appearance indicates that
the gun was accidentally discharged
Sn some manner when the muzzle was
under the young man's jaw , but it
may have been done purposely , or
there is a possibility that a murder
was committed. It is hoped that the
coroner's inquest will develop what
\r \ facts In the case are obtainable that
4he mystery surrounding the case
may be cleared away.
Bank Change at West Point.
West Point , Nob. , Nov. C. William
Gentrup has been appointed assistant
cashier of the First National bank of
this place vice Eugene P. Krause , re
signed. Mr. Gentrup has been for
some years deputy clerk of Cuming
county and is a Cuming county pro
duct , being born and bred on a farm
near this city.
Such Is Allegation Made by Officers
* of United States.
Junction City , Kan , Nov. C. F. W.
Whiting was bound over to the grand
jury on the charge of complicity In
the recent postofflce robbery at Merrill -
rill , Kan. Whiting Is charged by offi
cers with being the active officer of
the gang of robbers which has been
making things Interesting for the
banks of'the smaller towns In Kan
sas and Nebraska for some years past.
Evidence is alleged to be in the hands
of the United States district attorney
to the effect that proceeds of the rob
beries wore turned over to Whiting ,
who divided the money among the
members of the gang. A number of
the members are In penitentiaries in
Kansas , Colorado and Nebraska , and
It is charged that they received their
regular share of the stolen money by
means of postofflce money orders sent
to them by Whiting , everal sheriffs
are said to be Implicated in helping
the gang along , according to disclos
ures made by the United States au
Defense Weakens Case Made by the
Jefferson City , Mo. , Nov. C. The ev
idence has been completed in the Kar
ris bribery trial. The feature of the
trial was the reading of letters sent
by former Lieutenant Governor John
A. Leo to D. J. Kelley. Only ono of
these , seemed to have much direct
bearing on the case , and this was one
where he said ho had drawn out $7-
000 from the "bank on March 19 , 1901 ,
and sent it to Kelley. This was the
date when Lee said he drew $7,000
mid paid it to Senator Farris. Leo
denied writing the letter , but the de
fense had it identified by Paying Tel
ler Hettel of the Amarlcan Exchange
bank , St. Louis , as beinu in Lee's
handwriting. The defense Introduced
several witnesses in an endeavor to
Impeach Lee's testimony on a number
of points. It is believed the defense
weakened the case made by the state.
Capitalist Charged with Embezzle
ment Surrendered by Bondsmen.
St. Paul , Nov. 6. Casper J. Ernst ,
capitalist and promoter , who has been
out on ball pending a hearing on
charges of embezzlement and forgery
preferred by Father Metzler , a Cath
olic priest of Chlppewa Falls , was sur
rendered by his bondsmen and is now
In the custody of a deputy sheriff. The
action of his bondsmen is said to be
due to sensational developments In
the case. Ernst is said to have re
ceived largo suras from people
throughout Minnesota , Wisconsin and
astern states , to be Invested for them
at a high rate of interest. Many of
bin clients were Catholic priests , who
ient on their private fortunes for in
vestment. The total amount BO re
ceived is said to bo In the neighbor
hood of 1200,000.
Dominican Cruiser After French Ship.
Capo lloytlcn , Haytl , Nov. fl. A Do
minican cruiser , charged with the duty
of blockading Puerto Plata , In the belief -
lief that a French vessel was on her
way to Capo Haytlon , having on board
several revolutionary chiefs , nmoir
them Lcsquols and JI in Inez , has fitiwt-
ed for the latter port to Intercept the
French ship. The provisional govern
ment has decided that the now capital
shall bTnt ( Santiago do Los Cabal-
Landls la Deputy Clerk.
Lincoln , Nov. 0. Harry Landls of
Sewnrd was appointed deputy clerk
of the supreme court , to take the place
made vacant by the resignation of K.
W. Nelson. Mr. Landls will assume1
the duties of his. ofllco Nov. 15. Ho
Is well known In his district.
Suicides with Dynamite.
Marquette , Mich. , Nov. . Follow
ing a trivial family quarrel , John Link ,
a well-to-do farmer , wont Into a field ,
seated himself on two sticks of dyna
mite and lit the fuse. A searching
party gathered up Itis remains hi a
Former Senator From Madison Thinks
There Will be a Populist Ticket
Next Fall.
Fremont , Neb. , Nov. ' 0. Former
Senator William V. Allen passed
through hero on his way to Madison
from Lincoln. IIo was interviewed
upon the election results.
Mr. Allen does not regard the re
sult of the election in Nebraska as
a defeat for the populist party. IIo
stated that it was purely and simply
a democratic setback. The populists ,
lie thought , had no intention of aban
doning their organlMjil , but would
have a separate national ticket in
the field next year.
"Our ranks have been thinned out
to some extent , it is true , " ho said ,
"by the return o'f some members to
the republican and democratic par
ties , from which they came , but there
arc enough left to compose a good
working organization. There is no
question but that the populists will
have their own presidential ticket
next year , and their nominees will
not be those of the democratic or
the republican parties. Locally , it is
not improbable that there will con
tinue to bo fusion. "
"Mr. Bryan is too sagacious , I
think , to Indicate In advance what
his position will be If Cleveland gets
the nomination. It Is possible , but
hardly probable , that ho will sup
port Cleveland. "
Wisconsin Village Wiped Out.
Ashland , Wis. , Nov. C. Blbon , a lit
tle village on the Omaha twenty miles
south of here , was destroyed by fire
last night. The village , which is
without fire protection , wired this
city for help and engines wore sent
out on a special train. The fire start
ed In a mill of the Chicago Coal and
Lumber company , which It completely
destroyed , and spreading np to the
houses of the village consumed the en
tire village. The mill Is owned by J.
H. Kreuger of this city , who is in Min
neapolis. The loss will easily reach
$75,000. Communication between
here and Bibon has been broken by
the burning of both telegraph and tele
phone wires.
Woman Confesses to Murder.
Springfield. 111. , Nov. C. Mrs. Mary
Terry , who Is In jail charged with be
ing an accessory of her husband In
the murder of Lena Grannery , the
colored girl who was found dead last
Tuesday , confessed that she had mur
dered the girl Monday night , when ,
Mrs Terry states , while on her way
to the livery barn where her husband
was employed , she encountered the
Grannery girl. Hot words and a fight
ensued. Mrs. Terry grabbed a pop
bottle which the girl was carrying
and struck her on the head four times.
She then stamped on the girl's head.
She did that , she said , because of the
girl's relations with her husband.
Death Ends Unhappy Union.
Charleston , 111. , Nov. C. William J.
Honn , son of W. K. Honn , a wealthy
banker , has been arrested under an
indictment accusing him of having
poisoned his wife. His bond was
fixed at $7,000 and his trial set for
next week. The young man's troubles
began last January , when he was
brought to this city by a constable
and the father of Miss May Galbralth
and forced into a midnight marriage.
The wife died suddenly.
Wentz Held for Ransom.
Bristol , Va. , Nov. G. Congressman
Slomp In Bristol has confirmed
the rumor that Edward L. Wentz , the
young Philadelphia millionaire who
disappeared , is In the hands of abduct
ors In the mountains of southwest
Virginia and that a ransom of $100-
000 IB demanded for his release.
Building Collapses , Seven Killed.
Madrid , Nov. 6. During the meet
ing of a scientific society in the
Athenaeum at Mula , the building col
lapsed , killing seven and injuring
Bimetallic Bank Assigns.
Cripple Creek , Colo. , Nov. 0. The
directors of the Bimetallic bank made
an assignment to E. P. Arthur , the
cashier. It is understood that the bank
will liquidate and co out of business.
Revolutionary Party is Now in
Full Control.
Commander Hubb.d of the Nashville
Helps Departure Instructed to
Prevent Bloodshed and Keep Rail
way Clear.
Colon , Nov. C. The Koyol Mall
piarnor Orinoco , with twenty-night
olllcors , 435 men and thirty women ,
has Bailed. The United States aux
iliary criilaor Dixie hna Just arrived.
Colonel Tom's , commander of the
Colombian troops hero , Huoing Unit
the situation was hopeless , agreed to
embark hl soldlorH on the Orinoco ,
sailing for Ciirti'iu'im. A npoclul Tain
from Pnnnnm hiought General
who also Fnllod on the Orinoco.
The people of Colon nro now jubi
lant. The ling of the now republic
Hies from the railway HtntlonH at
Gatun and llohlo Solldad , near Colon.
Tioops from Panama will doubtless
take chnrgo of the city today.
The municipal council of Colon has
Just notified the provisional govern
ment at Panama of Its adherence to
the now republic.
Panama , Nov. fi. General Tovar
and his staff have at last been con
vinced of the uscleasncss of tholr IP-
slstancc to the provisional government
and have accepted the torma offered
by the junta. They embarked for
Colon on an express train and will
leave Immediately on the Orinoco for
Cartagena. The amusement to this
end was made through the efforts of
Commander Hubbard of the United
States gunboat Nashville.
There is great rejoicing all over
the city because the stability of tin-
republic now ferns assured.
The revolution has n < " > n prortloally
bloodless , ns only two Chinamen wcro
killed during the bombardment of the
city by the government gunboat Bog
ota. The fire of the warship unioofed
one house , a shell hit the tower of HIP
cathedral and another foil on the
house of Fredorlco Bonld , a member
of the revolutionary junta.
General H. O. Jeffries , a graduate
of West Point , has been appointed
commander of the Pacific flotilla by
the provisional government.
United States to Have Free Hand
In Isthmus.
Washington , Nov. G. The Associ
ated Press Is Informed that the pres
ident probably will make a statement
today regarding the provisional gov
ernment of the republic of Panama , of
the establishment of which this gov
ernment was officially informed. In
view of the latest advices from Colon
to the effect that the junta has suc
ceeded In gaining control of the situa
tion , it is currently expected that this
government will recognlzq the newly
organized government , but It was Im
possible to secure official information
on this point.
A cablegram was received from the
American consul at Colon saying that
the 400 Colombian troops which ar
rived there Monday on the Cartagena
had sailed away.
The Associated Press Is enabled testate
state that this government will con
duct affairs with a firm hand In the
execution of the treaty of 184G.
Orders have been sent to the vari
ous naval commanders in the Car
ibbean that the isthmus Is to bo po
liced , the traffic kept open and that
bloodshed must be prevented at any
cost. This Is further than the United
States lias ever gone before , and , in
the opinion of officials here , Indicates
that the establishment of the new
government of Panama , If it proves
stable and orderly , will have the good
wishes of the United States and our
ultimate recognition and co-operation
In conducting an orderly anil perma
nent government on the isthmus Ad
vocates of the construction of the
Panama canal sa" this assures the ex
ecution of that project.
The dispatch received from the ex
ecutive board of the new government
announcing the establishment of the
provisional government of the repub
lic of Panama , statnj that its action
was In response to a popular demand
on the part of the isthmian people ,
and that the board was assured of
the necessary military strength to
tarry out its determination.
The departure of the troops from
Colon greatly relieves the seriousness
of the situation and the arrival of the
Dixie relieved the general apprehen
sion here regarding the safety of
American lives and property.
This government , It was said , Is In
terested , but not suprprised , to note
the European approval of Its policy ,
as shown in the Associated Press dis
patches from London , Berlin and
Paris , but It was added by a high
official , that the restoration of order
on the Isthmus and Its maintenance
had been long desired by the Euro
pean powers , and that the United
States was in reality doing them and
their interests a service.
Coal Miners to Strike.
Denver , Nov. G. Governor Peabody
and Commissioner of I ibor Montgom
ery Imvo practically given up hope of
being able to avert a general strike of
coal miners in district 15 , which in
cludes Colorado , New Mexico , Utah
and Wyoming. Notices have been
posted nl soronil of the Million order
ing the IIIPII to lull work on Nov. 9.
They are signed by John Mitchell , na
tional president.
Representative Men of Missouri Val
ley Meet to Ask Aid of Connrens
Omaha , Nov. G. With the object of
exerting organized offoit to Inditru
the national government to perma
nently protect cities , towns mid IniidH
from Hoods of the Mlmtourl river , Illty
delegates from the Htntos of No-
hrntOui. MlHHourl , Iowa and South Da
kota met hero. The gat'iei'lni ' ; wan
named the Missouri Klver Impiovo-
inent convention and wan called by
coveral wow of pimnlnont men. The
opening ROHHlon WIIH upent listening
to pa porn and HpooehoR mid making
prcpanitioim for a poruianent organ
ization. Captain H. M. Chlttendeii ,
U. S. A. , of Sioux City , who In llio
engineer In charge of the Missouri
river valley , mndn the principal -id-
dross , and II. T. Clarke , Dr. Geou-o
L. Miller and other ploiieei'H added to
his remarks on fortlf > lng contiguous
Supreme Court of Wyoming RcFusea
New Trial for Tom Horn.
Cheyeiiuo , Wyo. , Nov. li. The Rluto
supreme court sent UH mandate In the
Tom lloin murder CUBO back to I ho
district court and lloiu was officially
notified by an official of the court of
the death penalty.
In the meantlmo Horn IH lying In hlH
cell In the county jail , nnxloimly await
ing the action of the governor on hlH
InHt appeal , which action will either
Bend him to the penitentiary for llfo
or to the gallows.
The governor has advlsod the pros-
edition that ho will pontpono the date
of hearing its argument ! ) against
Horn's appeal until Monday.
Draw Pay for Sixty Days.
Lincoln , Neb , Nov. G. The supreme
premo court dlsmlRRfd the suit attack
ing the constitutionality of the amend
ment passed In 1887 , providing for a
sixty Instead of a forty-day HUHBOII | of
the IcglHlaturo , and Increasing I ho sal
aries of incmboni from $ . ' ! to $5 a day.
The court declares the amnndui' it
legally adopted and properly can
vassed. Just before the clew of hint
winter's legislative session the state
auditor was enjoined from paying
mcmhurH salaries for the last twenty
days of the session , and It was nought
to declare that all uctn of the last
twenty days wore Illegal. The dis
trict court upheld the Injunction , hut
the supreme court overruled and d.H-
missed it.
Women Missionaries Adjourn.
Baltimore , Nov. fi. Tho. thirty-
fourth annual convention of the Wom
an's Missionary society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church , which has
boon In session In this city olnco last
Thursday , adjourned to meet next
year somewhere In the jurisdiction of
the DCS Molnes branch. The sum of
$459.351 was appropriated to carry
out the missionary work In nil purls
of the world. I ist year the sum of
$431,351 was appropriated for this pur
Young Woman Is Missing.
New York , Nov. ( ! . Much excite
ment has been caused among the resi
dents of East Orange , N. J. , by the
mysterious disappearance of Miss
Clara J. Coffin , daughter of a Now
York broker. She was a leader in
the younger social sot of Orange.
The school authoiltlcs bellevo her
mind has given away under the strain
of overwork. She was last seen on
Tuesday evening , when she started
to visit a friend at a house a few
steps from her own home.
Boll Weevil Convention.
Dallas Tex. , Nov. G. The boll wco-
vll convention opened today. Seen1-
tary of Agriculture Wilson delivered
an address. Many Louisiana planters
called on Secretary Wilson and urged
the ordering of a quarantine against
Texas cotton. Secretary Wilson re
plied that he did not believe the boll
weevil could bo kept from spreading
that way , and said such a course
would not bo proper.
Dies as Result of Fall.
Cedar Falls , la. , Nov. G. Mrs. Do-
witt Hill died from injurtos by a fall
from her porch.
Poisoned by Canned Salmon.
Columbus , Neb. , Nov. G. The SOT-
en-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Kolioe , living on a farm near
hero , is dead , the result , physicians
say , of poisoning caused by eating
canned salmon. Other members of
the family are ill. The salmon was
purchased at Platte Center and much
of It had been sold from the same
Three Men Badly Burned.
St. Louis , Nov. G. While at work
on a gas pipe of the LaClodo Gas
Light company , three men were badly
burned by an explosion of the gas.
George Anweilor was literally cooked
about the head , shoulders and arms
and cannot live. John Ur > .Mn and Tom
Noonan were severely burned.
Negro Lynched In Mississippi.
New Orleans , Nov. 6. Sam Adams ,
A young negro who criminally assaulted -
saulted Mrs. Peter Lnudusso at Pass
Christian , Miss , escaped , but was cap
tured and a mob took him from the
Jail , which had been guarded by
armed men , and hanged him to a tree.
Wins Out in Clash With Fcdcr-
al Authorities
Government Tnkeo Steps to Protect
Legal Rights of Indians Accused
of Killing Sheriff and Deputy.
Lynching Is Feared.
Cheyeiiuo , Wyo. , Nov. G.Tho ro
quoHl of Governor Chat tot ton on the
fodeinI io\eminent ; lor the letiirn of
ntnu ImlliuiH who woio eaptuied near
Kdgemont , H. D. , WIIH compucd with
and the prlmmcm worn turned over to
iShurllT .Kirk McDonnutl and ponmt at
Ciawfoid. They will ln < churned with
lUimlurliiK Sheriff Miner and Dopuly
United States Marnlml Hudnol ban
received orders IrouiViinliliiitnn ; to
proroM at OIKO to Doi. hm Mini take
the necesHiirv stops to pioteet the.
Sioux prisoners from mooting with
sniiiiuiiry vnngoaiu'o at the handn of
a hoHlllo mob. Govoinor C'luitlovioii
denies ( hat nuy danger exists , but
will protect Iho prlmiucis at all haz
ards , oven to the extent of calling
out the mllltla. District Attorney
Dunce has hern ordered by the attor
ney Kouoial of the United Slates to
proceed at once to Douglas in , | prepare -
pare for the legal defense of the In
dians , who have been lodged In the
Converse county Jail at Douglas.
The Indians confess that thev were
In the parly that killed the sheriff
and deputy. It Is feared that It will
IIP difficult to get an unpiojiidlced
Jury to try the ease.
President Acknowledges Years of
Faithful Service.
Washington Nov. 0. The president
has accepted the resignation of Oliver
P. Shiran , judge of Iho fodeial court
for the noi thorn district of Iowa , to
take effect Nov. 1. In accepting the
resignation , Piesldent Koosuvelt expressed -
pressed himself In the following com
plimentary lultor : "It Is with great
regret that 1 accept your resignation.
I cannot allow the occasion to pass
without congratulating you upon the
signal success which has marked your
lahois on the federal hunch , and I
trust that the period of retirement
upon which you are about to outer ,
and which you havn earned so well ,
will bo as full of satisfaction to you
as the period of your service was full
of usefulness to the nation. "
Senators Confer on Cuban Treaty.
Washington , Nov. G. Senatois Al
lison , Aldrlch , Spooner and Platt of
Connecticut arrived In Washington
and Immediately went Into conference
In Senator Allison's npaitmonts nt
the Arlington hotel. At the conclu
sion Senator Allison said ho bolloved
the Cuban treaty would bo made op
erative by Joint resolution. Ho cited
the method adopted by congress In re
lation to the Mexican treaty as a pre
cedent. The special coinmlttco ap
pointed by the senate at the last ses
sion to prepare a financial hill to 1,3
submitted for consideration of the
fifty-eighth session of congress has not
prepared a draft of Its Ideas and Sen
ator Allison said ho does not look for
much financial legislation.
W. C. T. U. Elects Officers.
Cleveland , O. , Nov. G. The na-
tl nal convention of the Non-partisan
Woman's Christian Temperance union
closed with addresses nnd rending of
reports by several prominent workers.
The election of officers resulted : Pres
ident , Mrs. George W. Coblcntz , Ann
Arbor , Mich. ; general secretary , Mrs.
Ellen J. Phlnnoy , Cleveland ; recordIng -
Ing secretary , Mrs. Morris T. Wood ,
Doe Hun , Pa. ; treasurer , Mrs. Hiram
Harroan. Mansfiuld , O. ; vice presi
dent , Mrs. E. B. Hurford , Indlanola ,
Mormons After Old Landmarks.
Salt Lake , Utah , Nov. ( i. Officials
of the Mormon church say that the
announcement of the purchase of the
old Jail at Carthage , 111. , whcie Joseph -
soph Smith was put to death , is pre
mature , although negotiations for Its
purchase are pending. The intention
of the leaders of the church Is to pre
serve the old prison as n memorial
building and to probably keep there
mementoes and relics of the prophet
and of the struggles of the church
in early days.
Oppose Reduction on Cuban Sugar.
Detroit , Mich. , Nov. G. Three Mh-
Isan congressmen who passed through
hero on their way to Washington expressed -
pressed opposition to a reduction of
the duty on Cuban sugar. They were
Congressman Loud of the Tenth dis
trict , Fordney of the Eighth nnd Bar-
ragh of the Eleventh. Congressman
William Alden Smith had already
taken the same attitude.
Humberts Must Serve Sentence.
Paris , Nov. G. The court of cassa
tion rejected the appeals of the mem
bers of the Humbert family , who Aug.
22 last were sentenced to terms of
Imprisonment varying from two to
five years , on the charge of fraud in
connection with the so-called Craw
ford millions.
Engineers of River Boats to Strike.
Louisville , Ky. , Nov. G. Marine en
gineers have boon ordered on strike
for higher wages , The men art em-
ployed on thn packet linen between
Louisville , Evansvlllu and Cincinnati.
The demiind has been granted every
where except hotwoeu Jefferson rllle
nnd Evansvllln ,
Homescekers * Mates to at.inci.
Chicago , Nov. 0. It wan expected
that a new executive committee and
n chairman to preside over that body
would bo oltrtitod today by Iho West
ern Passenger association , hut the
election was put off until the session
lo bo hold In January. The present
homoHookors' rates will stand until
action hi taken by the association.
Cuban Senate Taken Up Lottery Bill.
Havana , Nov. li.The senate took
up the national lottery bill and passed
Iho first artlclo. II Is bellved the bill
will puss both houses of congress ,
but the majorities In Its favor will
not bo millU lent to override the cer
tain veto of President I'alnia.
Orange Crop Is Heavy.
Ixis Angeles , Nov. ( ] . Ituportn con-
coining the orange , lemon and celery
shipments from southern California ,
during the season Just opening , show
that there \\11 ! bo soul east l.fiOO car
loads of celery , Ji.ouu cam of lemons
and about IM..HW ciirloadu of oranues.
Opening Quotations In Chicago Till *
Morning The South Omaha
Live Stock Market.
fTlils market furnished by CTard ,
Harnos , Wilder & Co. , Commission
merchants , 221 Board of Trade ,
Omaha , Nob. , members Chicago boar ?
of trade. ]
Chicago , Nov. 0. The opening
prices on grain thin morning are ai
follows :
December whenOSft.
December corn 41 % .
December oats 115 % .
Prevailing Prices at the Yards This
[ This market furnished by Jackson ,
HlggliiH & Co. , Live Stock Commla *
sloe merchants , Stock Exchange
Hiilldlng , South Oiniihn. ]
South Omaha , Nov. B. Cattle Re
ceipts , 2,000. The market on steoru
Is strong , that on cows stronger , and
the demand for feeders active.
HogH DocolplH , 4,800. Prices are
n shade lower , the bulk of the salet )
going at $1.7 ! > to $1.85.
Sheep Receipts , 7,000. Prices nro
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
N v. u. Uenuml lliillilntloii | of
oicmlii'i tt unit WUM ii nln n Out mo to
tin ) uinl t-iiiihiMl a fuitlier decline In vul-
Ill'ti , till ! Clone llt-'llIK itUl < . - lOHl-l. DfCL'Ul
bel ( III II VM1K lll'/.jl ' , < JUU UUIU % e llltU-
ui mill Jim limy | uui.ilous weiiIiuiu 71/40
to 10c liitu-i lo It IK higher. Closlin : pllcea :
Wlii-ul iH'i- . , i&/4'Ui6 > .i ; ; May , ihiwc ;
JiHi , ill ' 7 'Kc. ' ,
Coin .Not. , iic ; ice. , 4l'io ' ; May , WARt
< ! * ? ( ; Jtil ) , -i.l' ' e.
u a ( - o\ . , .i.i/if ; Uee. , iKHtWiKe ; Mar ,
au'Ac ' ; Jin > , a i "AC. "
I'uiK-Jun. , + U.I7 ; Miiy , iflJ.irr.
l.uiilI lee. , tli.Ui ; Jan. , ! ; May , | U.D3.
Itllm-Jiili. , $ U.O ; ; MHJ , U. 1 .
I'll leu uo t'n u I'lk-cH : \ \ bi-ut Nu. ii red ,
blc , .Nil. U icil , IIKuMJc ; .No. _ ' bjiiliiK , bU J
b3c ; .No. .1 Hiilnir | , fiU7Uc ; No. li limit , 7Ue ;
No. o liiuil , 7t > 'UiSr. C'oiu-\o. U cuuh ,
J'UtClMli/.je > . - ) i-llow , Wi'tlW/jU. UulH
No. : ! eiiHli , .ll'H.U'/'jcj ' .No. J ttlille , U
auc ; No. aiiiu ,
Chicago Live Stock Market.
mto , Nov. 0. L'utllc lti'ioPU | , 10-
000 , liii'liulliit ; .1,000 Tui HUM ; oi > il to prime
Mtu'iu , $ .I.INJ , I'oui' tu iiiiMllimi , $11. lOy-l.bO ;
toeki'iN unil feuilt-rb , -.t < O/ ) , : } , cuw ,
fi.uo' , iidffiH , : ! .ooi.i.i ! euuut-rn ,
JLOO-U--M , bullH , $ iXJu.lU ! ; eiilvm , * i4U
tUl.70 , 'JVxi fcil Hivuiu , ti.WuH.f : > 0 ; wi-nl-
cm Bin-IB , lMWiM.- ! . HOBHKiiolplH to-
ill ! ) , I.I.IHH ) , t-Niiiiiiilril tomonow , 1JUOU ;
10u hltflH'l , lulled und bulclaTB' , 1 1.7041
S.Ju , food lo iliolci- unit } , 4 l.X > u i. O ;
touch Unit ) , fi.-Utui.M ) , light , H.iOijo.-J5 ;
liulk of Mih'H , $ I.M > U.I.OU. hlin-p-ltcei-lplB ,
-L',000 , UK ! U\UT ; iuiul > 4 Hlnuiy ; piotl to
elinlci' urllii'ib , $ a.u > ij.i.iO , fair In eliolcu
InlM'il , . * - ' . . lO'ir-.T. ' , urhli'iii Hlin'p , * l.V > 4 {
u.7 > > ; liutlti' liuuliH , fL.VK'j.i.uO ,
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
KUIIKMK City , Nov. 5. t'alllu Iti-ci-lptii ,
lil.uoo , ou-m-il | stmily , HOMM cul , ciioieu
liei-f Mli't-iH , jL.Vt'H.i. iu , fair to food , J4.00
( jl.oo ; ttuichi'id .inn iivm-rK , v- . . > < tjj.HJ ,
Hi'bU-iii fi'il Htt-uix , $1 ! IM10 ; Tcius anil
lnillmi stccru , JI.K/ . > . . , , , , TI-XUH town ,
Jl.ll.'iH I - ' . . " > ' . liuthu lii'lfi-m , Jl'.Vij-l.lXJ ; eau-
IICIK , fl.uuYc..U ) , iHillx , | 1.734jll.ia ; ealven.
fj.uKUu.7u. iioM-Ui-ci-ip : 4
( > , o.two ; felloe
hlL'liwr ; pit ; * , "low unil loni-r ; toy , > . ! & ;
bulk ot mile * , $4.'joj- , ui'tivy , t-l.T&in
5.00 ; nilxuil puekuro , $4.H ! > u0.1D ; light , 4.U. >
ttf > .l , yorkfi-B , $5.U.V < i0.1iWj : plK , $4.73
tiu.lU. Shi'i-p Uvci-lpu , 8,000 ; steady ;
IniuliKunk , native lambs , Ji.lVj5.I0 : ,
ui-Mti-ru lumbx , f.MKxtta.UU ; fcedi-m , * ; i. < > xj
8.7u , TCMIH ellppvil yearling * , fJ.EX > ii4.0U ;
anil fcudcra. f..O
South Omaha Live Stock Market
South Umalia , Nor. 5. CaitluItcevlptt ,
1,000 ; ucthu anil Htron i-r , native Btvvrs ,
$3boru.ri.40 ; town anil liulfeia , fJ.7 ( a.7C ;
mull-Hi xtrcru , $ a.UU 4.0 ; TUXHH ulceri ,
f.'Joiia.oU ; range cows anil lieirem , fJ.UOQ
a.lU , caiinvrn , fl.'JIxy-.OO ; ktockt-rB * ud
fucurrx , f..WX < i.00 ; cnlven , fa.OtKaO.UO ;
biilln , slutfri , ute. , | 1.CK > .75. Hoi'a-Ue-
CTlpU4.00 ; uftlOe lower ; licmy , J4.0U ®
4.75 ; mixed , * i.70 4.78 ; Jlsht , * 4.85 4.W ;
plgx , $4.MN3-i.Uo ; bulk of KUlea , I4.lx > u-1.73.
Bhvvp-ltuoclptii , 14,000 ; uti-ady to lower ;
wvvtcru yrarlliies. $ a.X ! > U3.73 ; wethera ,
f.I.oo'fta.riU , c-ive , $ i. .riO4ii.ou ; common anil
( tocLera , ' .OO a O , Ulubs , sa.704lQ.00.
St. Joseph Llvo Stock Market
St. Josi-pb , Nov. 0. Cattle-Uccelpts
2,700 ; steady ; native * , $ a.7C < & 3.40 ; Texas
and weiteruti , fJE > 0it-l.0 ( ; COWH and heif
er * , Jl.OOiH.W ; Tunis , fJ.DOtiO/.tt ; bull * and
itaca , $ l.MXin.23 ; yturllugs and calrmi ,
fJ.UOft4.00 , stockers and fceJera , fJ.&OQ
S.bu. Hogs Uecelpts , " ,893 ; ncroug to 5c
higher ; light and light ulxrd , i3.OOQ3.10 ;
medium and heavy , $4.7CK30.00 ; bulk , $4.00
QS.OO. Bhevp-ltieelpti , 63 ; flm ; natlri
wttturi , S3.CO.