TIIM NOHKOiMC NIOWS : I'MCIDAY ' , OCTnlJKH 80. U)03. ) HER ONE DAY OFF | . ! > By Mny Everett Glover < i 'I' . ' MrC'1'.iro She was such a little woman , and hu was a very large man. lie first no ticed her when the crowd began push ing ( oward the reviewing stand , and ho could not help thinking ( hat It must be hard for her to keep on her feet. Just then tu ! > parade was heard approaching preaching , and again ( hero was great pushing , In spite of the warnings of the policeman. The large man found himself jn.st behind her. When Ihe disappointed crowd swayed from the other direct Ion , she was Hiiddenly crowded against him , "Look out there ! " ho exclaimed to the man next to her. "Han't you set- how yon are crowding this lady ! " Then she felt an arm prot.'cllngly 11 round her. "KxciiM > me , madam , hut I am not going ( o let them crush a llt tlo mite like you. " There was mioh a free heartiness blended with anxiety In his tone that nlui laughed In spile of her indignation at the liberty he had taken. "Thank you , " she said when the crush was over and she had been re leased. She looked up for the llrsl tlmo Into the dark , handsome face un der the wide brimmed hat , which spoke BO plainly of the west. "A cowboy , " Hho thought. "I suppose that he has boon one of the rough riders. " "No thanks needed In a crowd like this. I think It Is a"-- Then he paused , r.nd Ills dark eyes scanned her qucs- tlonlngly. She felt her face Hush. "Iflxcitso me , have 1 over seen yon before - fore ? " ho asked. "Oh , 1 know you I Yen are Annul Hcg pardon. 1 mean Miss Hoynolds Mrs. llalns' cousin. " "Mrs. Halns ? Oh , Mrs. Halns out In Washington. Then you must bo Phil I moan Mr. Kdmunds , " she said In sur prise. "Yes , ICdmnnds is my name , but I nm Phil. " And there was a twinkle In the dark eyes. "I am glad that 1 found you today. 1 have your address and wanted to call on you. 1 promised Mrs. Ualns that 1 would I wanted to any way but after I got here I" llo hesitated an instant. "Well , I Just dreaded It. I am not used to ladles and never could get along very well with them. " He laughed bashfully. "So you wore afraid to call. I don't think that 1 should have frightened yon , do you ? " She smiled. "No , not at all , but I didn't know. 1 had an Idea that you wore very Inde pendent and wouldn't want to see a rough follow like me , and I didn't know how you would treat mo. " "Airs. Hiilns wrote mo that you were cast on business nnd would call to see me and toll mo alt about them , " .Mic ald pleasantly. "Hut It was strange that wo should meet In this crowd and you should recognize me. I WHS going with some friends , but In some way we mls.soil one another. " "You are alone then ? Coed ! I may take care of you today , may I not ? " ho nuked eageily. She looked rather surprised. "You sue , wo are not strangers , " ho nald apologetically. "I have heard of Cousin Anna for years , and I have looked at your picture dozens of times. Bay , I like that last ono of you with that Huffy thing around your neck 1 don't know what yon cull It. I wanted that picture the worM kind , but Mrs. Italns wouldn't ghc it to me , and when 1 took It she made me bring It back. " She laughed. Somehow she could not feel prmoUod with him. as she would have done with any ono else. There wan a ring of sincerity In his tone that mad her feel Instinctively that she could trust him. She was rather pre pared for his abrupt way. for Mrs. Bain's had written : "Yon will find that Phil Is like n boy nnd blurts out what he thinks , lie is not lit all used to ladles' society , but he has a high opinion of women. My hus band says he Is true gold. He Is quite wealthy , and no one stands higher In this locality than he docs. " "You may take care of me today. It will bo a new experience. I nm not used to being taken care of , " she sali ! after a pause. "That Is a shame. Do you know you look like Mrs. Halns , and she Is the only woman that 1 could over get along with. She Is Just like a sister to mo. You see. our ranches join , and I have known ( ho Halnses for yea IN. " "I am glad that you know them. I have not seen thoTu for so long. " "They want me to persuade you to come along home with me. You will , won't yon ? " "I couldn't think of taking such a long vacation. You know that I am n bn.sliu'Ns woman. " "Couldn't you have some business out there ? " ho asked anxiously. "I mi ht herd cattle , " she laughed. "What do you think of New York ? " "There wouldn't bo much pasture , " he said , glancing around at the push Ing , hwaylng crowd. " 1 have not been here for years-not since the year I graduated from college and thought that I knew everything , " ho laugh ed. "It seems as If I am nearly smoth ered with all these high buildings and crowds of people. I will be glad when I get back on my ranch again , where I have room to breathe. " In souio way she felt unusually free. There was something about him that tnado her feel that she was really being taken care of. It was a now sensation to have some one help her over streets , on cars and pilot her through crowds. They laughed and chatted like a couple of children suddenly let loose from chool. They even stopped at a corner aud bought peauuta and munched thyn ns ( hey wnHiftl , n jirococdliic Ilinl woulil hiivo Nhoolidl lu-r tin hour lie- iWo , Slio onnlil not help wondering wlwt IUT filimiln vviuilil Hiiy If llit-.v Hliytllll HIM1 lil'l' . I "Item I Imil nil Idi'ii Unit y u would not lie itt nil Hoclnlilt' with a IVllnw , " lie Haiti , "mill I tlilnk tlint you an > JUKI Hue. I mil Hurry lluit I iliil not ivnni1 around niul not iu'iitMlnti'il | nooni'11. " She looked up griili'dilly. Tlicy were \vnltliik' for the exlillilllon of IlivworlsH , mil lie Inid found tier a Kent where ( hey could have a good view mid not he jostled by the crowd. certainly Hhall rcnii'inher thin tiny , " nhe said. * I know that I Hhall , " and there was a HtniiiKC look on hln dark , handsome face. "I will thlnlc of It when 1 net lonely , " nho mild Hlowjy , as If half to herself. 'Do yon ever jjct lonely V" he asked. 'HoinetlmcH , I think that there In no place where a person can net an lonely IIH In a law city. Of coiirhc 1 have my work , ( ml then ; are tlincH when I foci It very much. " Her voice tmnhlcd In spile of herself. "Thcrel" Hliu ( ixclalnied Hiiddenly. "You ffre the person to whom I have over ne- knowlcdjed that I ever got lonely , " she. laughed. He leaned over mid hrnshcd n fallen loaf from her hat. Yon KCC , this IIIIH liccu my one day off , and It IIIIM spoiled me. I do not often give n | ) a day to pleasure. " They were nllent for a few mlnntcH. Cheur after cheer went tip from the crowd IIH the brilliant fireworks shot high In the air , hut they did not HCOIII to KCO them. "Do yon know that" he suddenly paused "I will got lonely too when I am on my ranch and think of yon here , and 1 Just can't go homo without yon. There It Is out ! " ho said Impulsively. "Anna , won't yon no with moV I liavn never cared for any one heforo , lint 1 think 1 have lieon loving yon for yearH. I have known it for a long time . I heard so innch about yon ami I learned to love your picture , hut when 1 got hero I could not miminon up eounigo enough to call. 1 know that 1 am ah- nipt and not used to society ; lint , Aura , will you marry mo and no homo with me ? I I do love you. " It wa.s nearly dark , and those around were taking wire of their own affairs. Ho loaned close to her. "I know that It Is a grout deal to ask you to give up everything here and go on a ranch , hut I will try to take good care of you nml do all that 1 can to make you happy , " ho said pleadingly. She did not answer. Ho waited n few mlnutoH. "Forgive me , MHH ! Reynolds , " ho said , a now dignity In his t . "I must bo wild to think for a moment that you would ever dream of marry ing me. " Ilia voice trembled. "I can't help loving you , hut yon must forget It. I thank you for the pleasure that you hiivo given mo today. It will bo the otio bright spot In my life. I Bhnll often think of It. " Still she was silent. She wns living the years to come the days with her books and papers , the lonely hours she must spend and the longing that she would feel to have some one to care for UT In spite of all her talk of womanly ndependence. And then she seemed ro feel that protecting arm that had slipped so unceremoniously iround her In the crowd and the strong liand that had guided her. She asked lierself If It had boon only for a day that she had been so taken care of , and she knew that she would miss It on the morrow unless She looked up at the man who had come so sud denly Into her life and In whom Rho felt perfect trust , who would make her life so different If she would only allow him to do so , and then she slipped her hand In his. Til go with yon , I'hll. " nho whis pered. "I don't liellevo that 1 can got along without yon. I'll miss you so. " Tin * lludlcr'n dill. "What Is the rattlesnake's rattle for ? " asked the zoo keeper. "It Is a call , " ho resumed , answerIng - Ing his own ( inestlon. "The rattle snake with It calls his mate. A man was telling mo the other day that ho studied the rattle question last year In the west , lie said It Is mainly as a call that the rattle Is used , though dif ferent sounds can bo made with It , and those sounds appear to have different meanings. "Once this man saw seven hogs at- tnck a rattlesnake. The reptile began to tight plncklly , and while ho fought ho rattled loud and long. Three other snakes came with great speed and courage to Ids aid. A dreadful battle followed. The snakes , though they fought well , were all killed. "The rattle Is also said to charm or hypnotize birds , so that the snake can seise them easily , but in this story my friend doesn't take much stock. It's as a call , ho says , that the rattle Is used most a love call generally , with which the male snake summons hta mate. " riilladelphla Hecord. ifo lu Kilting. It is dltikult to lay down a regimen for Indiscriminate adoption. A diet that would prove one person's making would very likely unmake another. This much Is certain , a woman does not require as much food as a man. nor does a clerk In a store require the same amount and quality of food as a day laborer. A business woman may not oat so much as a man , but her needs arc as great In point of quality and regularity of food. Ilruhi workers should eat tlsh , eggs , cream , fruits and whole wheat bread. They should oat enough of such food , bo they men or women , but they should never overeat of anything. Au intelligent Idea of our physical make up and of the nutritive value of different foods would preclude much recourse to doctors for advlco when wo are overtaken with Indigestion or biliousness. American Queeu. NOT IN THE BIBLE. ( liiotnlInn * ! ' ( > | inl.'irl ' Altrlliiltvil Co I Inimiil ll.ioK. "Then1 arc a number of * ontcine < not In the Ullile which cverylind ; thinks are there1 nnld a clergyman. 'The chief of these w.'iiti MCIM l , lie Icmpcrs tin.1 wind to the shorn lan.b. ' Yon would M'liroh ' the Illblo jirel thoroughly heforo you would llud that sentence In 't.Yhore ' yon would llnd It would bo In Sterne's 'Sentimental loiirney. ' "Sterne frets a good deal of praise I'oi the orluluutl.m of this sentence , but II was originated , as a matter of fact lieforo lie WIH born. In a collection t" French proverbs published In 11)1 ) w llnd , 'Dion mesure le vent a la lirelm ( undue. ' That convicts Sterne of pla glarlsm. " 'In ( he midst of life we are In death. ' Kvcryhody thinks that hi In tin- Illhle. It If.i't , though. It Is In the burial service. " 'Thai he who runs may read. ' Tin * Is another sentence supposed , wrongly , to bo Illldlcal. It Is not Itlbllcal. though the Iliblo has somelhln ; ; very like It namely , 'That ho may run tha readi'th. ' "M'rono to sin as the sparks lly uj > ward. ' The Illblo nowhere contain- those words , ' "A nation shall be born In a day' The nearest thing to that In ( ho Good Hook Is , 'Shall a nation be born ai ' " once ? Honlli America In IOOO II. C. The greater the number of ( he wic cccdlng phases of clvlll/.atlon the more oven must ho the average length of each anil thus resemble ( ho genernl length of human periods. It Is to be seen ( hat the two central Knropea'i periods , those of IlallstaiU anil of La Tone , together embrace about a Hum- Hand years , an average of r > ( )0 ) for each. The cultured periods of I-'gypt may be oven longer. The development of Peruvian civili zation , accepting on the average live successive periods , would result In a Hlrntlllcntloiuof cultures representing between -MU ) and .1,000 years. About the year 1000 11. 0. , at the time when Solomon built his temple , the early Americans In Tern reared their mighty structures to the glory of a creator god Clvlll/.atlon In America would beyomU all doubt have worked Itself up to a high plane at some time and might have accomplished alone a peculiar but certainly brilliant development without the intervention of Kuropean clvlll/.atlon. 1'rofessor Max Ulile In Harper's Magazine. KRiM'l of Ilnlii Upon AiilinnlH. "Tho effects of a rainy day upon ani mals of a zoo , " said a keeper the other day , "are as Interesting to watch as anything I know In connection with a collection of beasts. Now , that big wolf over there Just revels In a rainy day and skips about as gay as you please. All the wolves are the same. Haiti cheers them up. Hut the lions are different. They fret and fume and growl and snarl unless you give them an extra allowance of meat or a hi ; ; pan of warm milk. Then they will sleep , but a rainy day seems to get on the nerves of a lion or any of the cat family. Snakes are kept lu Just a cer tain temperature all the time , and you would think that the damp air would never reach them. IVrhaps It doesn't , but 1 have always noticed that all the reptiles are active and cheerful , If a reptile can be said to be cheerful , when It ralns.-Tlt-lWs. lit * Hint n ) | ; ! ( < > r. "You hare a daughter , have yon unl. sir ? " said a minister to an old gentle man with whom ho had formed a casu al acquaintance as a fellow passenger. The old gentleman essayed to answer , but the question had strangely nlTcctcd him. "I beg your pardon , " said the mini * tor , "if I have thoughtlessly awakened in your mind recollections of a palufu : nature. The world Is full of sorrow sir , and perhafis my question recalls t < your memory a fair , beautiful ; ; ! ; whose blossoming young life had with eretl In Its bloom. Am I right , sir'/ " "No , not exactly. " replied the old gen tleman sadly. " 1 have live unmarried darters mister , an' the youngest of the lot Is twenty-eight years old.1 The Teni'lier' * l < 'lllllt. Teacher Why , Freddy , how did yoi got those black and blue welts on youi arm ? Scholar Them's your fault , teacher. Teacher My fault ? What do yoi moan ? Scholar ( sobbing remlnlscently ) - Why , you told me It was a poor rule that didn't work both ways. So whet I went home I took pa's now two fee rule that doubles up on a hinge am bent It back till It worked both ways and then pa said I'd broken the Joints and ho went and got his razor strop. llnvlnir it lluril Time. "Hero I've been running for years , said the hall clock , "and I haven't moved an Inch. I wouldn't mind tha so much , but every evening about S"i : the young lady of the family turns tin hack because she says I'm lee fast and then In the morning the old mai comes along and grumbles because I'm too slow. " l-'iiupjr Work. "Do' > s your wife do much fancy work ? " "Fancy work ? She won't oven let a porous plaster come Into the house without crocheting a rod border round It and running a yellow ribbon through the holes. " A 1'ninpcrpil Ambition. "That boy says his only ambition Is to make a living without working. " "What are his parents going to defer for him ? " "Make n politician out of him. " De troit Free Press. A SEXTON'S ' HABIT [ Orlulni'l. ) Old Pollock , Hcxt'iu ' of ! U. .liiniP.V church , and his wife were chlldliMS. drs. Pollock pined because she had not n girl to keep her company and Pol- ook shared In her wish. Pollock had a habit of sloppier to his door every night before going to bode o take a look at Ids church , not that 10 expected to see anything unusual t was a mere matter of habit. Ills wife told him that It was a habit and begged him ( o break It up. He gath ered his resolution for an effort to do so. This effort took place one night In November. At 10 o'clock Pollock put out the lights In the house and went to jcd. This was only the beginning of t. No sleep came to him , and ho : ossed about struggling wllh a desire .o get up , go to ( ho door and look at the church , after which ho knew he would go hack to bed and to sleep. It was near U o'clock In ( he morning before ho gave way ; then , rising , he wont to the door , opened It , looked at the church and was about to turn when he saw or thought ho saw a Hash of light at one of the windows. Putting on Ids clothes and taking Ida lantern and the key to a door opening Into the vestry , ho hurried over to the jloomy pile , now dark within , though [ Ightod dimly without by a waning moon. Opening the door , lie entered and , passing through an arch , stood on the chancel stops with his lantern bo- lilud him , that it might not interfere with his vision , and peered at the pews , aisles , naves Indeed , at tlioso things with peculiar names that go to make up the Interior of a church. Seen at that hour , by the faintest Dimmer of moonlight shining through .he windows , nothing could have been more uninviting. Hven a sexton may : mvo fooling , and old Pollock , although tie had soon the sight many times be fore , remarked to himself that he would rather bo opening a grave by daylight than standing there gazing over a sea of emptiness. Hut , not seeing anything unusual , he was about to take his de parture when ho heard a fumbling at the great front door lock. Not wishing to bo seen , ho blow out his light and got into one of the choir pews , where lie could watch any one entering the church. Sure enough , the big door opened and some one came In. "Then came the scratch and Hash of a match and the lighting of a candle. Hy Its faint ( lame Pollock saw a man enter the church , leading a shrinking girl up the center nlslo , who shuddered at every step. The pair came nearly to the chancel , whore the man waited , listening for a sound , while the girl sat In a front pew , her face burled In her hands. They were evidently expecting to meet some one. Then the clock In the tower struck 2. A moment later Pollock saw a light moving In the guild rooms , and present ly a man dressed in the vestments of a clergyman came In , holding In his hand n small lamp. The man before the chancel mot him at the rail and whis pered something to him. Then ho turn ed to the girl. "Grace , dear , " ho said , "this Is the Her. Mr. Hartshorne , rector of this church , lie will marry us. " From this moment Pollock saw through what was on foot as well as if he were intimately aequaintod'wlth the parties , lie had served as sexton with Dr. Ilarlshorne for twenty years and know full well that the man before him was not Dr. Ilarlshorne. A young girl was about to lie ruined by a mod : mar riage. Hut what was ho to do ? Ho Avas an old man Incapable of overcoming these two rascals and did not think that to appear and accuse them would ho of any avail. At any rate he did not dare try It for fear of bodily Injury. Tin girl was almost dragged to the altar. There was light enough for Pollock to see that the man was well dressed while the jrlrl was In the garb of the poorer classes. The mock clergyman began the service and had reached the words , "Grace , will you have this man" when Pollock gave a groan that echoed through the church with all the despair of one suffering from melan cholia lnsantj\ | _ The groom and the mock clergyman looked ut each other with startled faces. The bride had to bo supported. "Go on , " said the groom under his teeth with an oath , and , after consider able urging , the service proceeded. "Do you , Grace , have this man" There was another groan , this time down In the body of the church , for Pollock had slipped around by a side passage and got In among the pews. The pretended clergyman dropped his book. "You'll burn for this ! " came n voice from a still different direction. By this time the groom had lost his nerve as well as the elorgyman and , picking up the bride , who had fainted hurried down the aisle with her. "Drop her ! " roared a sepulchral voice The girl was dropped in the aisle and the men frantically made for the door Pollock , fearing they might gather cour age to return , picked up the girl am ! carried her out of the vestry door and to his house. Lena Hruco remained with the oh1 couple till they died , they believing that Providence had caused the sexton to take his resolution on that very night nnd break it after midnight for the purpose of savins the girl and giving thorn a daughter. Lena , who was a good Christian , only yielded to the vil lain's solicitation , to n clandestine mar riage on his promise to take her to a church. No church was available ex cept at an hour when all the world was asleep. Hut how they got the keys old Pollock never knew. lie did not again think of going to bed without his last look at his charge and often got up la the ulght to do BO. BO.BELLE BELLE ATWOOD. Tlipiitrlrnl I'ay Inr . Every legitimate theater In New fork has two pay days-union and non union , The union employees , which In clude ( he men In the orchestra , the nlage hands , property men and stage carpenters , are paid , as their union reg ulations demand , on Saturday night. The aVtorB , who 1mvo no union , are not paid until TnoKday , although their week ends on Saturday with the night's per formance. Their salaries are held up two days merely to Insure their reap pearance at the theater on Monday. If the company were paid off on Sat urday night unreliable or disaffected members of the organization might not show up on Monday for rehearsal or Ihe evening performance , thus weaken ing the production , but If the week's salary Is held back they are reasonably Biiro to report on Monday In order not to lose what is coming to them. Ac tors are distinctly temperamental and capricious , and If a manager were to pay off on Saturday night and there ex isted any temporary dissatisfaction lu the company ho could never tell wheth er he would have a chorus with which to open up the week on Monday even ing. New York Press. TinOrlxln of l'yr Knii lty. About a century ago an artist named Cnuich was standing one day In front of a lire In his homo at Axmlnster. Over the fireplace was an oaken man telpiece , and It otciirred to rraneh that this expanse of wood inlulit bo Im proved by a little ornamentation. Ho picked up the poker , heated It red hot and began to sketch In a bold design. The result pleased him so much that ho elaborated his work and began to at tempt other lire pictures on panels of wood. These mot with a ready sale , and Crunch soon gave all his time to his new art. This was the beginning of what Is now known as pyrograpliy. The poker artist of today uses many different shaped tools and has a special furna.ce In which they are kept heated. The art has boon elaborated greatly. The knots , curls nnd fibers of the wood arc often worked Into the design and delicate tinting produced by scorching the panel. Cure For the Tnlklnyr Ilalilt. One part horse sense and two parts of manly determination to keep still. Mix well with an unlimited amount of the host quality of thought. It is Impos sible for a woman to talk all the time without saying a lot of things that she shouldn't or without proving n jolly bore to everybody about her. This tat tling habit Is not confined entirely to women , though. Some men have the nllllctlon terribly. Sometimes it's wheat , sometimes It's chess , some times It's baseball. A steady diet of one kind conversation Is always tire some. Take a nibble of this and a nibble of that , and your chatter will be more Interesting , particularly if there arc plenty of rests between nibbles. Talking Improves when there's silence by-way of contrast. Philadelphia In quirer. JMc'Uiit'Nt Triiilt'rw lit tin * World. There Is a colony of Syrian merchants In Kingston , the capital of Jamaica , who could give cards and spades even to the bland Chinaman "for ways that are dark and tricks that are vain. " They take one match out of every box they sell until they have enough match es to 1111 another box and so make an extra cent. They shave tiny flukes off cnkoi of soap and boll them down to mulio other cakes. They put a thin layer of molasses on the bottom of the scoop wllh which they serve rice so that a few grains will stick to the bet tom. These are only a few of their thousand tricks to turn a dishonest penny. Without doubt they are the tneauest traders In the world. Iloiv I'lant * Uoiiinlii Uj If a flowerpot is laid on its side the stalk of the plant growing in It grad ually curves upward until it resumes the vertical position. This Is called gcotrOple curvature , and 'the question Is by what means the plant Is stimu lated to change Its direction of growth One theory avers that movable starch guiins in the plant cells fall to the low er side as the position is changed and by their pressure inlluoncc the mech anism of growth. 11 rceclll oud orh. Breecliloading in artillery nnd small nrms Is popularly supposed to bo an invention of the middle of last century , but such Is by no moans the case. In a Dublin gunsmith's shop at Cork HI1 ! Is on view a breechloading rifle offered to the British war oUlcc at the close of the eighteenth century nnd rejected , as It was considered to need too much ammunition ! The AV'iijr It GOCN. "I heard Kronnlck remark that ho never had such luck In his business us he's having now , but I didn't catch whether It was good luck or bud. " > "Oh , ho meant bad luck , of course If it were good luck ho wouldn't speak of It as luck at all. " Philadelphia Press. Sen ii n I lip ? IIIx Motive. You can't be dead sure that a young- man Is saving to get married Just because cause he stops smoking cigars and bo Kins to smoke n pipe. Hoston Globe. No , ho may be smoking the pipe to get even with the neighbors. Cleveland - land Plain Dealer. How It AnVotcil Him. Mrs. Hrownovich I understand your husband Is seriously 111. Mrs. Smithlnsky Yes ; he's too 111 to do anything except make good resolu tlons. Cincinnati Enquirer. It MlKht He. "Is kissing dangerous ? " "Well , I wouldn't try It on nn nth letlc girl without her consent" Obi c&go Post. While the Short Hand of the clock travels twice around the dial Perry Davis' Painkiller will euro u cold ; will case the tightness across the chest and hcnco will banish the fear of pneumonia. "Just a llttlo cold" does not become a misery that clings until roses bloom if you hnvo recourse to this novor-falling help. There Is but ono Painkiller , Perry All Day Long on may have comparative comfort mtll laughter , reading aloud or nor- DUS excitement brings on the fit of coughing which racks you until your cry hones ncho. Do not suffer need- ossly. Kveu when a cold on the ungs scorns to have you fast In Us Iroadful power , Allen's Lung Uulsani vill loosen the mucus , allay the In- lamination , heal the aching throat , and finally overcome the enemy com- ilotoly. Why suffer with your kidneys ? 1'ho discovery of Kldney-Ettes has irovcd a blessing to thousands of < idnuy sufferers who have boon re stored to perfect health. These tab * ots drive the diseased germs out otf * he system , and wo urge all sufferers o give this scientific and successful iidnoy remedy a trial. Price 25 cents. Klesnu Drug Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day Pake Laxative UromoQuinine Tablets. Ml drugghits refund the money if it ails to euro. E. W. Grove's slgna'iuro s on each box. 25c. Do Good It Pays. A Chicago man has observed that 'Good deeds are bettor than real es- ate deeds some of the latter are vorthloss. Act kindly and gently , show sympathy and lend a helping land. You cannot possibly lose by t. " Most men appreciate a kind vord and encouragement more than substantial help. There are persons n this community who might truth fully say : "My good friend , cheer ip. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold , nnd there is no danger whatever from pneumonia when you use that nediclne. It always cures. I know t for It has helped mo out many a line. " Sold by ICiesau Drug Coin- > any. Can You Imagine a spook of mntter 1-150 of nn inch In llameter. Some of the nir cells In 4 .ho human lungs are no bigger than hat. When you hnvo a cold , these tiny cells are clogged with mucous or phlegm. Allen's Lung Balsam , in curing a cold , clears the tiny air wssnges of effete matter and heals i\ \ .he inflammation In the bronchial lubes. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Thl3 preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ol food. It gives instant relief and novel fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the fond you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics hi"e : been cured al'teroverythinsj else failed. la unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with wea1' stomachs thrive on it. Cures all eiQiinaofr trcubJes ' ' " ' ' . ' by hi. ( ' . IKtrrA.iv > . , t.'lilcajjc .l ' . ' ' " ' t'r ' tstlu'SOo. slaa- Sold by Klesau Drug Co. V LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES one size emiUlcr jitter usin , ; Allen's Voot-Kaie , a licnvdur lo lie ( .Imlxcn raw thu fchii'a. It UKikcu tighter or new Blioca feel easy ; yivs inslant relief lo conn and bunions. H'a the crc.iic t comfort discovery of thooije. t'iirpsninlpruvciUHi.\v.llcn fret , blisters , callous nnd fcore spots. Allen's Fuot-Va-o In a cer tain euro for sweating , li"t , aching feet. At all ilrugsUUamlfilinortiirvr , tt.tr. Trial i i < kngePItEB by m.i J. AdU < B | Allen S. Oinwted , Lo Jtoy , N. Y. Sick Headache ? Food doesn't digest well ? Appetite poor ? Bowels constipated ? Tongue coated ? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills ; they cure dys pepsia , biliousness. _ 25c. All druggists. Want your inntiit.ich or beard a beautiful brown or rlrb black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S ' DYEl ors JO CTl. 0 > O.UOCHTI , on R P. H IL A CO. , N'lHiM , N.H. r NOW HEADY > The Many Adventures of FOXY GRANDPA Including all the merry plctnrce con- tRinpil in Hio two volumee , entitled " ? ? ! ? of Foxy G 'l ' | "nml "Fnrtlior Adventures of Foxy Grand- tRt Mr. Sclinlt/olsnid to mo ono day nt lunch : ' What do yon think of a Mrln of comic ilrnwIiiKgdnallni ; wttha urand- father nnd hit two gramlfoiib ? " Lot Krntulfat'iorhn ' Uio clover nuo ofthotrm. In mo.t of the otlior cacoe tlie.ynnnir.fnlk have IKMHI smarter than t IB old iwoplo upon \\hom they J thnirjokos. Lot' * reverfco it. " The MirctjY of the series in the Now Hernld uas instantaiiooim , for " " 1"0" The jolly old soutloniHii , dear to grown pnoplo an well OB children , might almost ho called the Mr. I'ickwfcl or . comic pictures. EDWAHD MAUSHALL. To ( irandfatheig Who Are And To 'how ' Who Are To He , I Merrily Dedicate ThU Hook. V "HUNNV. " r.M801 FT,8'/0 / I18'1 ' ' on receipt of ONE pOLLAU cunoncy or postal order ; no chocki received. I. R. HAMERSLEY CO 49 Wall Street , New York.