The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 30, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    H1C NORFOLK NEWS : FH1DAY , ( HTOHMU JIO , 11)0:1 ) :
Lack of Water System Nearly
Was to Blame.
With a Little More Breeze the Other
Day , Wlnsldc Might Have Gone up
In Flames and Some Day , Unless
Protection Is Installed , It May.
Klro ! Fire ! This was the cry heard
nil over town a llttlo after S o'clock
last night. The church bells rang and
people ran from every direction think
ing that It was the school house. John
VanScoInk thought ho would burn
the tall weeds on his garden patch ,
just northwest of the school house ,
and ho no sooner started thollro when
tbo wind raised and It got beyond his
control. As the grass was pretty
thick and tall tbo lire spread at an
alarming rate , fanned by the high
- * 'lnd , and It looked for a time as If
Jlov , Drais' barn , the parsonage ,
church and everything would go up
in smoke. Hut a crowd of men , wo
men and children soon arrived and
managed to get control of the flro.
"With the stiong wind from the west
there Is no telling where the damage
si would have stopped had not prompt
action on the part of a few put the
lire out. Again the town Is reminded
that it needs some lire protection.
This question will not be worth con
sidering and the matter will bo neg
lected until Wlnsido has a fire that
will destroy part of the town. It Is
no time to lock the barn after the
horse Is stolen. Wlnside Tribune.
A Number of North Nebraska People
Honored by Subordinate Lodge
and Rebekah Branch.
Lincoln , Oct. 24. Special to the
News : The following officers were
elected before the adjournment of the
grand lodge of Odd Fellows in session -
sion here this week :
Grand master , C. II. Bills , Laurel ;
deputy grand master , Walter A.
Leese , Lincoln ; grand warden , F. P.
Corrick , Goad ; grand secretary , I. P.
Gage , Fremont ; grand treasurer , F.
B. Bryant , Omaha ; grand instructor ,
G. I. Loomis , Fremont ; grand mar
shal , .T. E. Morrison , Gaudy ; grand
conductor , F. M. Rathbun , McCook ;
grand guardian , F. R. Smith , Hutte ;
grand herald , Charles Sampson , Oak
land ; home trustees , AV. II. Barnes ,
Falrbury ; A. H. Wler , Lincoln ; grand
representatives , O.O. Snyder , O'Neill ;
C. A. Randall , Newman Grove.
Ofllcers of the Rebekah lodge , the
woman's auxiliary to the order , were
named as follows :
Mrs. Mary Livingston of Fremont ,
president ; Mrs. Nettie Corrick of Co-
zad , vice president ; Miss Sutherland
of Omaha , warden ; Anna B. Crawford
of Ijlncoln , secretary ; Mary E. Stuht
of Omaha , treasurer ; Mrs. Mary Da
vis of Falrbury , chaplain ; Mrs. L. De-
bow of Coleridge , marshal ; Mrs. May
A. Randall of Newman Grove , con
ductor ; Mrs. Katherine Jackson , of
Lincoln , inside guardian ; Mrs. Kors-
stead of Tllden , outside guardian.
Mrs. J. A. Ganiard Passed Away on
Tuesday and the Funeral is
Held Today. -
Petersburg , Neb. , Oct. 28. Special
to The News : Mrs. J. A. Ganiard , an
old and respected citizen of Boone
county , died at her home in this
city yesterday , aged eighty-seven
years , and the funeral is to bo held
this afternoon , from the Congrega
tional church under the auspices of
the Adventist society , of which the
deceased was a member.
Mrs. Ganiard leaves an aged hus
band and several children to mourn
her loss. The children are all grown
and make their homes here. Mrs.
Ganiard has been an Invalid and has
been unable to walk for the past
twenty years.
Nebraska University Team Lines up
Against Mountaineers.
Lincoln , Neb. , Oct. 24. Special to
The News : The football team from
Colorado lines up against the Corn-
buskers this afternoon on the Ne
braska field. The game will not be
a hard one for Nebraska nor an im
portant one in the 'varsity schedule.
The "scrubs" left last night for
Porn where they play the state nor
mal team today.
R. A. Tawney of Pierce Contributes
a Portion of His Hand to an
Expiring Brute.
Pierce , Neb. , Oct. 28. Special to
The News : R. A. Tawnoy , a well
known resident of this county , and a
member of the normal school board ,
is minus n thumb this morning , which
was crunched off by a hog that was
being butchered.
The animal was being converted
into meat for the winter yesterday af
ternoon by Mr. Tawney , and in deliv
ering tbo fatal atroko Mr. Tawnoy
unfortunately placed his thumb In the
hog's mouth during the ordeal. The
strong Jaws of the animal closed to
gether with n snap and the thumb
stayed Inside.
Mr. Tawnoy hurried to town and
bad the Httimp dressed and if blood
poisoning docs not sot In it Is bo-
llevcd that the wound will heal quick *
ly. It Is known , however , that the
bite of a hog Is frequently poisonous ,
and Mr. Tawnoy's friends will bo anx
ious until It Is known that no unfav
orable symptoms develop.
Governor Gave Consent ,
Lincoln , Oct. 28. Governor Mickey
stated that the cannon with which
the high school and university stu
dents made hideous in celebration of
their football victories was fired with
his knowledge and consent. Many
citizens complained to the police and
the latter made some effort to sup
press the outburst of enthusiasm , but
the governor's written pnrmlssion for
the boys to use the cannon , while per
haps of no legal significance , was suf
ficient for them and the police.
Charged With Assault.
Valentine , Nob. , Oct. 28. Culta
Stockman , a young man about 18
years old , was arraigned before Judge
Town on a charge of attempted crim
inal assault upon Mrs. Mlnnlo A.
Sterns , wife of F. B. Sterns , a ranch
man near Hyannls , In the southwest
ern part of this county , on the night
of October 10. In default of $1,000
ball be was committed to jail. Stock
man was in the employ of Sterns , mid
during his employer's absence , It Is
alleged , made two attempts to com
mit the crime.
Riot in the Doukhober Colony Re-
Results In Four Fatalities.
Winnipeg. Man. , Oct. 2S. Won ! has
been lucelved lieie of a ilot in tiie
HoukhobcT colony lo the north of
Swan lake , In which three per.son : ;
veic killed and another I'alally In
jured. Peter Veregin , the so-called
Christ of the sect went on a visit lethe
the Yorktown colony. Beiore heent
ho called his followers belore him ,
and while they lay piostrated bet'oie
him he .told them to follow out his
doctrine during bis absence and to
pay no heed to so-called missionaries
who might visit them. For a time all
went well until a Methodist minister
named Perkins arrived at the settle
ment and tried to proioh to them.
The community divided itself , and
ono faction of llio women snipped
themselves of clothing , as thuv have
done on several previous occasions ,
and Btartod to look for Peter Veregin ,
their leader. The men Interfeied and
a pitched battle ensued.
Placed In Custody After a Chase of
Fourteen Months.
Chicago. Oct. 2S. Alter a chase
lasting fourteen months , and in whl < h
two ( oi. nenlB were traversed with
a detective in pursuit , John MorrlEon.
assistant cashier of the Northwestern
bank of London , charged with embez
zling more than $00,000 , , has been ar
rested in Chicago.
Morrison , with Edward Weston of
the Scotland Yard detective force ,
who effected the capture , is now on
his way to England to answer the
charge of defalcation. Morrison , after
his flight , assumed many aliases.
When arrested he was conducting a
jewelry store In Forty second street
under the name of Henry Jordan. The
fugitive consented to return to Eng
land without extradition proceedings.
Robbers Use Chloroform and the
Fumes Prove Fatal.
Lead. S. D. , Oct. 2S J. A. Mar-
coux , head carpenter for the Hidden
Fortune Gold Mining company , was
murdered at his home in Lead. Chloroform
reform was used by the murderers.
Mrs. Marroux was aroused with a
choking s'oiifation. which was grad
ually forced off , and she arose and
went into the kitchen. After fully re
viving she returned lo her bed room ,
where she found her husband dead ,
with the pillow and bed quilt over
his mouth. A handkerchief saturated
with chloroform lay on the floor and
the window of the room showed plainly -
ly how the crime had been committed.
It had been forced up and on the out
side an empty two-ounce vial lay.
Robbery was the motive.
Burnett Granted New Trial.
Pprliigflcld. Ill , Oct. 28. In the case
of Orvllle Burnett , a Chicago dentil ,
who was convicted of murdering Char
lotte S. Nichols , and sentenced
flfteon years tn the Jollet penitentiary ,
the judgment of the trial court was
reversed by the supreme court and a
new trial is ordered. Burnett and
Mrs. Nichols were together In a Chicago
cage hotel on the night of Oct. 20 ,
1901. Mrs. Nichols WOB downhearted
and she and Burnett agreed to com
mit suicide They purchased poison
and after retiring the woman swal
lowed a sufllclent quantity to cause
Moulton Re-elected Commander.
St. Louis , Oct. 2S. The second annual -
nual national encampment of the ac >
t vo service men of the Spanish war
adjourned. The delegates took ac
tion favorable to the proposed plan
of consolidating Into ono organization
all the principal societies of soldiers
who served In the Spanish-American
and Philippine wars. If the cooperation
tion of the different organizations is
effected the new order will meet In
St. Louis next year for Its first en
campment and formal organization.
General George M. Moulton of Chicago
wai ro-elected commander-ln-chUf.
Odd Fellows' Home Might be
9 , R. McFnrland Served on Two Com
mittees and George N. Dccls Intro
duced n Resolution Which May
Open Possibility for City.
S. R. McFnrland , George N. Bcols
mid S. F. Dunn have returned from
Lincoln where they attended the stuto
convention of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Me-
1 Farland served on two committees ,
the finance committee of the grand
encampment and on the credentials
committee of the grand lodge.
The State Journal says Mr. Becls
Introduced a resolution to recelvo
bids next year for n location for the
contemplated Odd Fellows'homo. This
was voted down because only $22,000
of the $25,000 required was In sight
for nn endowment fund. It is antic
ipated that the beginning of the year
1001 will see the balance of the fund
plodgod. Such an Institution support
ed by the Odd Fellows throughout
the state would bo a valuable acqui
sition to Norfollc.
Dying , Reveals Identity.
Lincoln. Oct. 2-1. Fred L. Dollard ,
aged lit years , who was In the peni
tentiary under the name of Fred L.
Leo , dlod of lockjaw , revealing his
Identity when It became known that
ho would not live. His mother lives
at Carhondalo , III. Dollard was sent
up last May from Seward on a charge
of burglary. Two weeks ago ho hurt
his hand in a broom machine' , resultIng -
Ing in lockjaw and his death.
Author of the Puzzle In a Signed Ar
ticle , States That Ann is Just
The old question of "How old IH
Ann ? " which was started by a Bos
ton man some time ago and which ran
In several nowspapora , has Just now
been revived In this city by a number
of papers which come in from Indianapolis -
apolis , Chicago and other points. The
Indianapolis Star , which ran the feat
ure not long ago , contains a written
article by the author of the pux.x.lo In
whch he shows clearly that Ann is
eighteen years of age. One of the
answers in the column stated that
the man llgurlng it out hud come to
the conclusion that no matter how
dark the night is , she Is atill your
Infant Child Dies.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Rolimcr , living east of the city ,
died yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Xulaph of Fierce
were in the city.
Mrs.V. . II. Bncholz was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Herman Xerfus was in the city from
Lindsay on Tuesday.
Frank Owen of Wayne was a Nor
folk visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. F. J. Halo and daughters wen-
In Norfolk from Battle Creek.
Mrs. SI Kdkins of Fairfax , S. D. ,
was a visitor in Norfolk Wednesday.
Miss Georgia Harvey , who used to
make her home with her sister , 'Mrs.
Oxnam , is to be married Thursday tea
a physician in Denver.
The ladies of the missionary so
ciety of the M. E. church gave their
regular monthly tea last evening at
the home of Mrs. L , M. Becler , North
Ninth street , and received a liberal
The dance given in the Marquardt
hall Tuesday night by a committee
representing the Royal Tiger club
that nourished during the firemen's
tournament , though not largely at
tended was a delightful affair. The
Italian orchestra furnished the music
and those who participated enjoyed
the event hugely.
Postmaster John R , Hays Is attend
ing the mooting of postmasters of the
state at Lincoln. At the opening ses
sion Tuesday ho responded to the ad
dresses of welcome extended by Post
master Sizer and Mayor Adams.
Those who know Mr. Hays' ability to
give a pithy address will realize that
his part in the program proved de
lightful to bis hearers.
J. L. Dunn was a Norfolk visitor
L. R. Prlchard was a Norfolk visitor
Tuesday ,
John Cook was a Norfolk visitor
Mrs. Robert Alyea Is on the sick
list this week.
I. G. Alyea made a business trip to
Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Morris of Battle Creek visited
with Mrs. Guy * Deuol Wednesday.
Owen O'Neill and T. D. Preeco wore
Meadow Grove visitors Wednesday.
Geo. Zimmerman of Battle Creek
was a Meadow Grove visitor Friday.
Gus Kurdlna arrived on Wednes
day evening's train for a few days'
Mrs. Fleming of Wlsnor , mother of
Mrs J. A. llroHslor , Is visiting with
the latter this wook.
C1 R IClsloy , republican candidate
for county Judge , wmi In Meadow
firovo Wodiii'sday on nn extended
Mr. mid Mrs. C. T. Mullloy loft on
Monday for Denver , Colo. , where they
will visit for a short tlmo. They ox-
poet to ninUn tholr homo mumnvhuro
In Colorado hut have not as yet de
cided on any particular place.
Mrs. Mlko Sulllvnn , who has hunn
visiting with Mert Sullivan for the
past two weeks loft for Crolghton on
Thumliiy'ti train to visit for a few
days heforo returning to her homo at
llutto , Montuna. Meadow Grove
A Queer Mouse.
A bouiio built entirely of llsh bonus
will be ono of the oddities encoun
tered at the world's fair. A HI. Au
gust luo , Florida , negro IH thn archl'
toet nf the unique structure. It will
ho 1 fix 13 fool mid thn gable ends will
be mi o.xae.t reproduction of the old
city gates of St. Augustluo. The
scales of the drum are exclusively
used for Iho work as they are SUB-
ceptablo to cliomlcnl treatment which
renders them peculiarly adai'led for
building purposes. The hones used
are these of the shark and an oc
casional saw llsh. Thn furnlturn Is
also a novel addition. Tbo mattressns
mid pillows for the hod ave made of
bims scales which by a certain pro
cess are rendered as soft as foath-
ors. Nine barrels of drum llsh
scales wore required to complete the
house and these have to ho carefully
assorted as to sl/o to Inmiro uniform
The burglar alarm at the IMorco
County bank wont off about 7 o'clock
Tuesday morning. Tbo alarm ( Mime
at a very inopportune lime , being Iho
next morning after the robbery at
Foster , and caused cold chills to run
up and down the spines of our eltl-
/ens for a few moments. An employe
of the bank accidentally sot off the
alarm in entering the building and It
was several minutes before someone
arrived that understood how to turn
off the switch. Plorco Call.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parshall arrived
in I'lorco last Sunday from a wedding
tour of several weeks at Hot Springs ,
Dcadwood , Lead and other pleasant
resorts In the west. Mrs. I'arshall Is
pleased with Nebraska and especially
Pierce , which she thinks Is a neat
and pretty llttlo city. Mr. and Mrs.
Parshall will visit here a few weeks
and then go east to spend the winter.
They will probably return hero In
the spring and purchase a residence
and make this their homo. Plorco
The juveiillo band that was organ
ized hero lately bids fair to become
ono of tbo best In the valley. These
boys show a natural aptitude for mu
sic and uro steady workers at prac
tice. They will give a concert some
time this winter to show the progress
made. The names of those In the
band are : Ernst Scbeole , director ,
Chas. Scbeele , Art Wunner , Frank
Carrier , Henry Schnltz , Ralph Apple-
by , Roy Stucker , Walter Kren/eln ,
Frank Schultz , Henry Hollsteln , Roy
Whalen , Fred Schultx , Louis Schultz ,
Louis Xandor , Claude Hawks , Willie
Page , Herman King , Harry McFar-
land and John Becker. Stanton Reg
Child Adopted In Sioux City and Heir
to Nebraska Fortune May
Lose Legacy.
Sioux City , Iowa , Oct. 27. Upon
the question of the validity of the
adoption of a child six years ago de
pends the dispensation of an estate
of $80,000 left by James H. Blenklron
of Ilartington , Neb. Suit was brought
three weeks ago at Ilartington , Nob. ,
by three brothers and six sisters of
Mr. Blenkiron. Leonard Blenklron of
Coleridge , Neb. , who was interested
In property with the deceased , Is the
only one who declined to participate
in the legal tight and ho has been
made a defendant. J. E. Blenklron
of Sioux City Is one of the plaintiffs.
James H. Blenkiron and wife came
to Sioux City six years ago to llnd
a child to adopt and upon the recom
mendation of Mrs. J. A. Thurston , po
lice matron , took homo with them a
1-months-old baby.son ofNcttieSmlth ,
Four years later Mr. Blenklron was
killed by the editor of a Belden news
paper in an altercation over the pub
lication of an article.
He loft no will , so under the Ne
braska law , the property became the
life estate of Mrs. Blenklron , to bo
inherited by the son after her death.
Mr. and Mrs. Blenklron became at
tached to the child. Karl LeRoyBIcnk-
Iron , and the widow , who has since
married Henry Globlnk of Alton , la. ,
has employed Judge R. E. Evans of
Dakota City to defend. The plaint
iffs are represented by Judge Robin
son of Ilartington. Tbo Issue consists
entirely of whether or not the adop
tion of a son under Iowa laws by
Nebraska parents was legal.
Berg's Sweet Laxative Chips have
no equal for biliousness or constipa
tion. They do not gripe but move
the bowels gently and easily , cleansIng -
Ing the liver and the effect gives
strength to the glands , preventing a
return of the disorder. Price 10 and
25 cunts. Klesau Drug Co.
Mammoth Conflagration Was
Narrowly Averted.
Two Doxcs of Matches , Wrapped for
Delivery , Suddenly Go Off With a
Puff and a Flame While the Store
Is Filled With Shoppers.
What might very easily have
turned Into one of the lloreesl llres
Norfolk ever unw , mid what Incident
ally explains perfectly clearly how
many of Iho tires of mysterious ori
gin are really slnrled , look place at
( ho Fair sloro Saturday al'lornoon
when Iho InimoiiHo building was
crowded with people mirglni , ' In and
mil , paekod logolhor In all depart-
The trouble- nil lay In two tiny and
appparontly Innocent boxes of
Searchlight matches which hud boon
sold to a woman mid which , wrapped
In paper , had been placed upon a
counter to wait iiulll the purchaser
might want to carry the package
homo. With no 0110 In the Immedi
ate vicinity of Iho package of
matches , there was suddenly a puff
mid an outburst of llmnos on llm
counter. In an instant the two boxoii
bad been completely eoimuiiiod and
In another Instant , but for the hasty
work of a salesman , the store might
have been allrti.
Nothing to Set the Fire.
There was nothing to set the lire ,
There Is no explanation save that of
spontaneous combiislloii and from
this , above all other things , are
matches supposed to bo free. The
boxes themselves wore closed an
they always are In manufaclurlng
and around them was the nir-tlght
wrapping of paper. Vet all of this
was not enough to prevent , the heat
getting the bettor of the brlmstono
and the sulphur head on every little
stick of wood was eaten off by the
Explains Many Mysteries.
Just this Incident , Insignificant as
It Is in Itself , may explain many
mysteries in the tire line and may
reveal the start of many blazes that
are discovered In the night and for
which there Is never any definitely
known cause. Very many llros have
occurred in the history of Norfolk for
which no reason could IK ; assigned
and It Is possible that Just such a
voluntary lighting of matches may
have done the mischief.
"Wo have often received boxes of
matches from the factory , " said P.
A. Slinrlz , one of the proprietors of
the Fair store , "and It Is not at all
uncommon lo discover that some of
the beads of the matches have al
ready been burned. "
Clilcago-Omah.i Lines Decide to Put
in New Grain Rats.
Chicago , Oct. 28 The ( onlcrencL'
of executive otlliial ? held here 'o ' try
to induce the Great Western to mod
liy Us proportional ratu ilnuugli ( ) ma-
ha i-o as not to affect the > hrough
rate , failed of imilts Although mam
talnlng * , hat they did not desire to dis
turb existing ratc-b wherever unnecoB-
sary. the Great \Vosteri. otllviala In-
MEtcd thnt the through line ! * filionhl
raise their rates west of the river If
! tbev did not want the through late
disturbed. This , of course , will not
be duiio The rates announced liy the
Chicago Great , Western will be mot
by all line ? and will be chocked In at
a meeting of the freight agents to
day. It was said that one eftect of
these ratr-8 would be to make lower
through rates via Omaha than via
Kansas Cltv and St. Joseph.
Business Agent of Chic ; 13 Machin
ists' Union Set Upon by Four Men.
Chicago , Oct. 28. William Ilossell.
a member of the nuance committee
of the Chicago Federation of Labor
and former burlncss agent of the In
ternational Association of Machinists ,
Is at his home Buffering from an at
tack made upon him by four uniden
tified men. Rossell , after being
drugged , was horribly boat en by the
quartet , which then left him lying In
a gutter for dead. The circumstances
of the attack are almost exactly Blm-
liar to thos > o surromr"ng thn attack
a few weeks ago on Michael Donnelly ,
president of the butchers' union.
Grand Jury Indicts One Woman and
Two Men for Forgery.
Portland , Ore. , Oct. 28. The grand
Jury returned indictments against
three persons on charges of forgery
In connection with the entry of pub
lic lands In the southern Oregon dis
trict. The persons Indlct d are Miss
Mary L. Ware , Horace G. Mclvlnloy
and S. A. D. Putor. The specific
charges are that thcEo thrco persons
forged the names of fictitious per
sons to homestead applications and
final proofs. Miss Wnro formerly
was United States land commissioner
at Eugene , but was removed several
months ago by Judge Bellinger on
charges of fraud. McKlnloy and Pu-
ter arc timber land operators and It
IB alleged that they fraudulently secured
cured large tracts of timber lands by
working In connection with Mlet
Ware , United States commissioner.
The indictments mark the efforts of
months on the pan of Special Agent
Green of the Interior department and
Uall to unnartb ulmt U ii -
llove < l in In1 llio i h'vori'nt ntiil
aiii'i' " ! -fiil '
- i nii'iplrncy yet ( llxovflfrt
to deli Mini llm government of Intnl.
Lull In Copper War.
Hullo , Mont. , Oct. 28-Tiioio la a
hill In OKI Amalgamated IIHn/.o war ,
Illllll HlllCM to thu Kill Ikjll' llpptUCMItly ,
lyliiK on ( Jiclr uriUH awaiting llio riuxt'
mine by ( ho opposition. Tlio nevt
tiff nil to Kcliln ( lid controversy , II la
believed , will bo liy ii inoillatlun e.oni
ntlrMnn lonni'il ut. llm miKgoHtioil of
thu HuduoHH Men's iiKHnclatlnn or
( Iron I 1'nllH. The mumbi-m of this
nii'illiillini rominlMHloii will mont In
iibdiil In.IP days. Pro I cut William
trillion oi1 Ihii Annrnnilu i'0iilnuiy |
mill I" AuxuHliis IIHuzo luivn lio'h '
slitnlllod their wlllliuMioB * to most
wlib llio < nnimlxRlnn mill iH'i'tm the
Boiiom"iii | of tint Issues.
Six Pernona Injured , One Seriously ,
In CMcio ( ) Street Cnr Accident ,
nruiBo. Oct. 28.A North CInrk
Hired rlp < nr timl ir'illnr ' crushed
touotlior , llm grip mr prm llml'y ' tel
oscopltiK ibi' Inttep. Hlx pnrnon * wro
liijiirivl M-ploiiHly. of wliom one will
lliovhllon sroro of imRneliBi'l'U WQfO
hnilnod ni'iil Hlialion tip.
Sorlowly Injured' Oerlnnlp flrohs ,
will die ; Christopher. Kroiinnhrrgur ,
log * bvtlen ( mid rut ; ln\vi HO ttliiie ,
lii'iul nnd body ; Minn Mntllo Stark ,
Imnil crushed , thpi'o fliiRerx rut OfC {
Otio A. Sunnier , rut about bond ninl
lindv , umy Innn nlKhl ; . .lameVllinor ,
grlpnian. cut mid iiuide tux onsHom.
A ilnsci'ii women fit In I oil or were
tnnde hyi-lPi'lcnl by fright.
Stern Meld to Grand Jury.
Wut-hliiKton. Oct. us - Tbp prollml *
unry hearing In llio rnso of Leopold
.1. Stern of Raltlinn'-o , liidloto.d ifor
roinpllclty In postal rranilH , wna eon-
eluded In polled rniirl mid Stern was
held In ffi.HOO ball to nwiill llio action
of Hie grand Jury , which was furn-
Isbed. niul hn WIIR veleiiHCil. Jndgu
Rcnll said ho believed enough ovl-
denrc had been iiddneci ! lo aiithorlzo
him to bull ! the defendant lor thu In-
vo.Mlgatlon of tbo higher trlhiitial. Ho
roniniented on tint statements made
by the poHlollIro Inspectors of the r < v
unit of I heir roiivorflallons with Stern ,
mid the latter'R claims that ho hud
written authority for the iiniifiirnlMh-
Ing of the straps , mid th < * n Ills fiillnro
to produee the doeiiinent In qilHtlon.
Patrick Loses Will Case.
Albuny , NT. V. , Oil. 28. The court
of npponlK placed n flnnl negative on
the attempt or Albert 1'iHrlck to ob-
tnln Ihe vast fortune of the iloroasod
millionaire , William M. lllce , for
whoho murder he WIIH under sentence
of death at. Sing Ring. Tbo rourt hatt'l- '
od down a dcclslnn nfllimlng HiRt of
the lowop eoiirls which threw out an
n forgery llio alleged will of Mr Hlc < .
which I'atrlrU urged an superseding
that admitted to prolmin. The will of
Mr. Hlco ( bus fw-t. nrd makes no
nipntlon of Patrick , llio bulk of the
oslato. oF'linalPil atI.OOO.OOO pr
tnoro. being bequeathed to the pro
posed W. M Itlco Inntliutn for Iho a'l-
vain ernent of llterntnro , Bciencfo ami
rt of Houston , Tc-x.
Vnnderbllt Hns Close Call.
Cenlralla. III. Oct. 28 W. K. Van-
dorbllt. John Jacob Astor , General
Manager llarahan and other momhorB
of the Illinois Cent nil railroad di
rectorate , narrowly escaped Injury in
an act Idout lo the apodal train at
Carbondnk1. Through sonio mlsunder-
standing another train uudcitook to
leave u sidetrack as the Hporlnl coma
along Two coaches of the spoclal
weio "i-ldo-nwlped , " HKJ sides of tfcQ
conches being torn away.
Blair May Recover.
St. I.ouls , Oct. 28. The physicians
attending James L. IJInlr , who has
boon in u very prerarions eonilltlon
fclnce bis fall down a [ light of stone
Ft"ps at his homo hiHt Saturday eVenIng -
Ing as the result of a. physical col-
lappe , stated for the first time since
the accident thnt Mr. Mlalr has now
nn even ( bunco for recovery. The In
vestigation Into the cl.argos made
against Mr Illulr IB being pursued by
the grand Jury.
War Situation Less Acute.
Yokohama , Oct. 28. Mysterious
movements of Russians In Korea con
tinue to he reported. \ detachment
of 200 U Bstun troops IK said to have
crossed the river Tumi Into Korea.
The newflpapcrs here regard the situ-
nllon as being easier and hnllove that
Baroii de Hosn. . the Russian in'nlster ,
rnd Foielgn Minls'er Koni'ira are
ricarer to reaching nn agreement.
20,000,000 Farmers Wanted.
The secret to keep your hogs and
chickens free from diseases. For par-
tlcnlars send In one dollar In money
order to P. S. L. B. , 481 , Norfolk , Nob.
A FREE game inside
each package of
Lion Coffee
60 different games.