The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 30, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Fanners and People often
ton Prevent a Large Loss ,
Trees In the Path of the Flames De
stroyed , and Hay and Other Prop
erty Was Threatened Farmers
Plowed Tire Lines.
fiolghton , Noli. , Oct 29. Hpoolal to
Tli NOWH. KpaikH limn u NoithwoHl-
em ongliio Hot Din to the pialiloahuut
Iho miles HoulheaHl ol thlH phico yon-
toida.v anil Inn neil o\or ulxnio 200
nnos of mention ami piiHtuio land
nml thiough 11 giovc of IIOOH thai weuo
It tliioatoiiod inucli gioator damage
ns th ( > \\linl \\I\H HvvoopliiK the llamcH
tow aid a locallt ) whom wuio slacken !
about 100 tuiiH ol liay , and ether pi op-
orty was In the path or the Ilio , lull
tlio lariuoii ) oT tlio ontlio neighborhood -
hood aHHomblod anil plowed IIro Ilium ,
vvhllo a huge iininbor ol people wont
enl fimil IhlH pluco and helped tlioin
light tlio lilu/o with Kiatlfj lug tomtits
nml the daiiKur thai thicatuncd WIIH
ovoicomo bofoio any grunt amount of
dnmago WIIH dono.
II WIIH u Ihtoatonlng hlir/o for a
tliuu and the owner H of the pmpoity
In UH path \voio hailly filhtonod | ; , the
e'licigotlo olfoitH alone piovontltiK a
liuj ; piopouy IOHH
Hymen Interested Four Popular Young
People of Knox County
Ciolghtcm , Neb , , Ocl. 29. Special to
The NOVVH : Minn Cora Day , daughter
of S A. Day of this city , and Goo F.
Nicks , who owns a farm IIvo mllcm
east of Ctolghton , woio united In mar-
ilago at the M. 13. chuieh yo.stoiday
hy Rov. J. N. Goitnor , In the piosoneo
of lolatlvcH nnd friends. After the
coi oniony Iho hildal paily and the In
vited giioHta lopnliod to the homo of
the hildo'H parents whoio the happy
ovenl was Joyfully eolobinlod.
Sntoss-Thols ,
.MlH.s Mary TholH , daughter of Nick
TholH , who HVOH olght mllon easl of
Ciolghtou , VVIIH mauled to Goorjo Sa-
toss joHlemlay noon , alter which n
splendid dlnnor wan Horvod nt the
homo ot the biido'.s paiontH. Two
liundiod guoHtH had boon Invltod and
they made a moiry tlmo of It. After
dlnnor dancing commenced and was
kept up uulll daylighl this inclining.
New York's Whirlwind Campaign.
New Yoik , Oel. 29. With election
but tour da > H awa > - holh paillos In
the stiuggglo for the contiol of Iho
KOVeminent ol Gioatoi Now Yoik
have taken oft their coats and olhei-
vvlso piopaied thomsolvo.s to inako a
whirlwind finish to ono of the
contests In the political hlntoiy of
the city.So Intense is the sfrugggle
nnd so deeply Intoiestcd Is the pub
lic In Iho lesult that even the Inva
sion of Dowlo and his band of ; : ,500
follow01 s tailed to dhoti attention
lioni the campaign. Thtoughoul the
lasl Ion da > s the nlghllj crowds til
the polttieal nilllos In Cninoglo Hall ,
Cooper I nion , Tammany Hall and
ether moetliiK plncon have i hailed
ill sl/.o Ihoso Unit Illled Ma.llson
Squato Guidon to satlnlj tholr cirri-
osity b.v soolriK the soil atipolntod
"Elijah H" The Tamman.v cohorta
have eentoted much ot tholr oflort
on the lopuhllcan stionghold of , vvlrllo thu fuslonlsts , on
the other hand , have boon whooping
It up on the Lower East Side and In
ether down town sections whoio
Tamman.v Hall has nilod the roost
for joais It IH holloved thai when
the ballots nro counted the results
will contain man.v surprises as tend
ing to show that the political Hues
aio changing about * *
Forty-Three Square Miles Will be
Covered and -440 People Will be
L > nch , Neb , Oet 29 The News
that a now iiual unite Is to bo estab
lished out of this place during No
\ember Is giatlfvlng to a largo num
ber of people.It . will cover foit.v-
threo'sqiiaio ' miles of territory and a
population of HO will bo served with
Uncle Sam's latest convenience for
the faimoi pations ot the soivlce.
Postmaster McPaihind hopes to
have ov01 .vthing In s-hapo to glvo the
patrons good and piompt service , by
tlio tlmo ho Is nolille'd to commence
( loIlverlrrK mail over the route.
Chicago Firm Claims Labor Troubles
Have Stopped the Demand for I
Building Material. i
Chicago. Oct 29-Special to The ,
Xews : The Illinois Brick company
has closed clew n lib marnmolh plant' I
bore , discharging 2,000 omplo.vos , and \ I
no date has boon set for the resump
tion of business ,
An olllcor of the company states
that the cause for the suspension of
business is because labor troubles
have Interfered with building activity
and stopped the demand for brick.
Excitement Has Subsided and Dual *
ness Resumes Normal Conditions.
St L'JtilH , Oct ! i'J. ' The Blntemunt
of ProHldont Julhm H. Walsh of tlio
MlflMlHHlppI Valley TniBl company.
whoHO Hi'iitliiH'iits aio celioud In In-
lervlowH ghein to Ihu ARBOclalod PIOHH
hy other tiusl company nlllclaltt of HI
l.oulH , that "tho Bttuatlon IH thoiough-
ly In lianil , the oxtlU'im'iit Ias Mib-
sided anil from thin on wo expect IIMH
InoHHill ho ( Oinliietuil In the iiHiial
01 doily manner , " oxpiettHos the Onn |
Ion that HOOIIIU gcnmal aftct the un
wonted llnniR'lal conditions which
have | iie\alloil lioro Olllcors of all
the tuiRl ( onipanles Blato that volun-
tarj offoiH of help woic rort'lveil ftom
llniinc'lal InstllutloiiH In other cities ,
htil they wi'iu declined fui the 1011011
thai they hail sulllcleiil cash with
which to hiinillc their business ICx
profusions of conllilciH'o ami offora of
nlil on the pnrl of natloiml Imrks of
St I.onU also helpoil to si lengthen
the situation nml restore confidence
Victim of Wreck on Santa Fe Rail
road Near Marcellne , Mo ,
Kansas C'lly. Oct 1 ! ! ) Santa Fo
pa-isongoi train No 2 wan vliockod
nt noun Lnko , near Mimollno Mo
'J ho lollnwliig persntiHsoio Injnicil
MIH llniloii.Vlnllelil , Kan , danger
mm , John 11 Sol eimorhoin. DPI.VOI ,
hniul Injiitoil ; Him or llairls Chicago ,
badly ; Colonel Holland of the Halva-
tlon Army.
Tlio vvioclc wan nosed hy the
spi ending of the rail * Tin PC slpop-
01 H and the diner woio ditched , hut
the lemalnder of Ih * tialn remained
on the liael < Mm. Hooth Turner and
other rnonihoiH of the Salvation Anny
wore on the trnln Colonel Holland
was veiy hadly Injniod
A apodal ftoin Dean Laho Rays thnl
Mrs llooth Tucker was fatally In-
jtiiod In the wreck and dlod half an
hour lulor.
DCS Molnes Physician Inoculated with
Lockjaw Virus Is Now Safe.
DPR Molni'H , Oct lit ) The tlmo
fixed hy Di I ) IKomi , a piomlnont
Des Molnes physician , foi thu Ural
appearance ol thu latal lockjaw has
cxpliod and ho will live lr ) Hood ,
while attondlg n patlonl BOIIIO days
ago , iienoliatcd IIH ! thumb with the
noodle of a hypodeimlc syilngo con
taining tetaniiR Knowing thai If In
oculation took phuo hu would die
within u week , Ilio doctor telegraphed
to Out i oil for n aupplj of null tetanic
BOIurn Many piotnln < > nt physicians
have boon In attendance.
Cruiser Tacoma Given a Trial.
Snn rinnclbro. Cal , Get 2 ! ) The
Bhcnthed protected n nisei Tncomn
was given n contractor's trial on the
bay and exceeded all of the KO\ em
inent s dcmtiiidR , Including that of
16 12 knots The Union lion Works'
management did not give out nny fig-
HIPS hut professed to he highly
pleased In the trial The \\aishlp
will he given her olllclal trial some
time next week on Ihe Santa Bar-
hnia COUISP The Tacoina is the first
of the larger vessels to ho built on
this coast to ho sheathed with copper
This sheathing it Is expected will do
a\\a > with frequent docking
Boer War at St. Louis Exposition.
Johannoshmg. Ocl 29 The Hoeis
In South Afiica and Ihelr Into ene
inlos , the English residents have
foiiued a 8 > iulleate to cvplolt n spec
taeiilai mllltaty display at the St
Louis exposition next joar The plan
as outlined Is to show many of ( lie
picturesquefoatuies of the late war
Oi.ethlid of the noeossar > capital Is
nhrady subscribed heio and It is
hope ! to lloat the balance in the
t'nite'd Stales Goner nl Viljoon and
his ocrotaiv Immediately leave for
St I oui In connection with the un
War Game at Fort Riley.
Foil IUle > Kan. Ocl 12 ! ) The mil
Itary maneuver planned by Colonel
Wagner the chief umpire was highly
successful In fact , it was considered
hy the colonel to be one of the most
successful I hat has yet taken place
The exeiilse. loughly staled , was the
attack and defense of n convoy , and
when all things stated In the problem
are taken into consideration the situ
ation at thp closp of the days fight
ing was somewhat sev sre on the
\\npon train
Big Rally at Marshalltown.
Marshalltown. la. Oet 2U The
gic.itest political dot onstration so
far in the Iowa campaign was held
here M I ) O Council , solicitor of the
t'nited States tieasury , spoke for the
Republicans , and J n Sullivan , can
didate for governor , for the Demo
crats Jnnies Candler , a Minnesota
Prohibitionist , and Henjamln Han-
ford , a Now York Socialist , also dollv-
otcd addies es. A big barhcciio was
served to hundreds of visitors
Tragedy In New York Hotel.
New York. Oct. 20. Karly this j
morn i.y a man known ns "Jack" Hu ? 1
seI ! while sitting In the cafe of the1 I
HosHnorc hotel , was shot four times
Lv n man named O'Milon who Is said
to come f i om Philadelphia O'Hrlen
was arre 'ed 'Ihe caute of the shoot-
tnvHF not known Hussoll who was
ii U ) ( > Kinulfi vva - taken to a hospital
taul U ID a critical condition
No Trace of the Assassin.
London , Oct 29 The search of the
polite for the nuiidcrer of Sngatcl
Sngounl , piesldent of the Armenian
revolutionary society in London , who
vvae shot and killed by an unknown
atsnssln In the suburb of Nunhend ,
has been futile Several foreign rev-
olutlonaiy clubs wore raided during
the early hours of th uioinini ;
Halifax Paper Voices Dissatis
faction of Canadians
Say * Present Relations of Canada
and England Must End Thinks Lo
minion May Need Protection of the
Monroe Doctrine.
Halifax N S.Oct 20 The dcclara
lion thai picri'iu ' relations bpiwt n
nml Oieal Htitaui ciini.ot ix
mil ; b louver wag m.ulo by Hi"
Chioniclc. thu ncivs
f-tipporter of the Ilbeial pni\
In an tiiiiiHtuilly outspoken udhoila !
on the leceiit Alaskan bounding aunul
Hi" Clironltle expresses what It eli. mate
to ho the unanimous dlssatldt.ictlon of
CniiadliiiiH at the action of the Hut-
Ich govoiiinietil In the mailer The
Cliionlelii adds that there ain now
only two coiiises open for Canada
romplcto leglslatlvo Independeii' P
within the pmplre acknowledging the
Roxeielgnty of the king of nngland
alone or the status of an Independent
nation The paper sa > s Ihoie Is mm h
to commend the latter step In pnitleu
lar. hudiimo H would free Cnnuda
from HIP danger of ever becoming
cmbioiled with thn I'nltod Stateo on
account of its Kuiopoan connection
and at the same tlmo would FCCUI
for the Domlnloii the benefit of the
protection of the Monroe doctilno
City Is Likely to Be Cut Off from Outside -
side World.
Plttsburg Ocl 2i ! A lelegiamwns
received this momlng by the Allegheny
gheny city olflclaH from lr Wl'mor
H Hall , ( iiiaiantlne olllcor al-large of
Ihe PeniiH > lvanla stale boaid of
health , announcing that at n conference
once In Washington between Halt and
Dr Lee sect clary of the bonid of
health It was decided to ciuauintlne
Allegheny The lelegiam states that
Dr Halt and other slate olllclals
would nnlve this afteinoon and the
quaiantlno iinmedlntelv will be estab
llshed City Sollcltcn Potter of Alle
ghenv btated that If Dr Halt or nny
oilier state officer tries to quarantine
the city he will Immediately order his
arrefcl A sworn statomenl hy Dr
Scandictt dlicctor of public safety of
Allegheny states that theio are but
sixteen crises of smallpox In Alle
gheny which IB located directly
across the river from Plttsburg and
has a population of 1 (50.000 ( He says
the quaiantlno Is the ic.sull of the clt.V
of Allegheny declining lo eider a
fumlgator manufactured hy n eoneein
In which a state hoard of health
ofllccr Is Interested
Russian and French Ministers Discus *
Situation In the Balkans.
Paris , Oct 29 A Fionch otllclal in
close touch with M Delcasse Infoimed
the Associated Picss thnl as a result
of the confoience between M Delcahse
and Count Lamsdoiff , Fiance iccog-
ulres the p.u amount Inipoitance of the
Inteiests of Hiissla and Austila In the
Hnlkann nnd theicfoio waives her
forniei objpctlons to repiysentatlves
of Hu so countries alone supei vising
the execution of reforms in Mace
donia Fiance thus suppoits the al
titude of Hussia in the cam ing oul
of those lefoims The situation in the
fai east also was discussed , with the
result that the- attitude of Fiance will
lot he modlll" 1 b.v the possibility of
War between nibhia and Japan.
Colombia Willing to Make Terms.
Washington , Oct. 29 Advices ie-
reived at the state depattnic nt indi
cate that theto again has been a
change In ( ho sentiment of the Co
lomblan senate respecting the Pan
ama canal and that there is a conoid-
ptable hit i ease In the stienglh of the
element which Is willing to mnke
teims with the United States The
agents of the state depaitment have
found It dilllcult to make phiin the
fact even to the Colombians , that the
Hav-Henaii canal tieaty is absolutely
and finally dead and that no act of
the Colombian senate can resurrect It
If theio Is to ho anything done In the
diiectlon of a Pnnama canal under
United States control It therefore
must be the rflsull of entirely new ne-
Charged with Embezzlement.
New Haven , Conn , Oct 29 Joseph
12 Croiun for thirty seven years a
traveling salesman for the National
Cash Heglster company , who was ar
rested In Hartford , charged with em
bezzlement from his company , was
taken to Wnterbury nnd will bo given
a heating there today Counsel for
the company said that Cronln's al
leged embezzlement amounts to near
ly 12 500
Paducah Is Fire-Swept.
Pnducah Ky , Oct. 29 Kiie which
stalled In the wholesale gioeery Mote
of M Livingstone & Son at Second
nnd Hioadway , spread to the H Well
& Son wholesale vvhlbkv house , the
Iji Oomarsino hotel. Michael Tiros.
snddlor > , Lang Dros' cling store and
the Western Union telegraph otllce.
The guests al Ihe La OomaiMno hotel
arc all safe , although thej haiely had
lime to don their clothes and get out.
Loss. $200.000.
Three Seal Hunters Lost.
Victoria. B C. Oct. 29. The scal
ing schooner Jessie , which arrived
from Helirlng sea. reports that the
schooner Umbrlna lost her mate. Qua
Holgrcn nnd two hunters In the Debr-
! UK sea.
Will Decide Question of Strike at
All Centers ,
Chicago Oct . ' ! ) One thou and
canning emplo > es ol the sttrK viuda
will go on strike tod.i ) hpcaug" o ;
the refti'a ! of the packers lo concede
the ilemnndR of tne union lor In
creased wages Thin IH the second
il for a sirlko In the stock yards
l siipl within a week Koailul Dial
no further nriresslons would be made
to tlio sixteen oilier unions which
Imvt ) demanded better wages the lend
ers In the pur king IIOIIPC unions on
the advice of Michael Donnelly ptof )
Idcnl ls ued a hurried rail foi a p °
clal meeting of the Packing Trades
council of Milt-ago and evety packing
ccn'er ' In the countrv to he held H !
uidnv night for Ihe purpose of votIng
Ing on 'he qii' " Mon of orderlnu a gen
einl Mi'k" ' of the 53000 members of
the association unless a settlement
shall be inn do In the matter of ( he
demands of the sausage makers nnd
Authority for Colorado Strike Said to
Have Been Received.
Denver , Oct 29 A special from
Cilpple Cieek HIV The authority
Horn PreMdenl Mitchell of the L'nltod
Mine Woikeis for Ihe calling ol a
slulii : of eoal miners In dlatilc1 No
I. was biought hy "Mother1 Jones ,
who retuined from Indianapolis nnd
It Is undo.i stood thai nest Mondav Is
the date fixed foi the walkout This
could not he positively continued hut
Pie ldent William Hov\fll of dWiin
No 15 admitted that the strike would
be railed hut the call had not > ct
been n.ade
Find Dynamite Uider Station.
Seattle , Oct 29 Twelve sticks of
d > namile , with ( uses attached all leady
for lighting , have been found iindoi
the Tnroma Seattle Inteiurban mil-
wa > station The lint ! caused gieat
excitement owing to lecent explosions
at nUhl al n aiby points , which did
no damage The police think the sta
tion was to have been blown up to
night Theie was enough ot the u.x
plosive to have blown up all the
buildings within a radius of two
blocks and to damage piopcrty foi n
distance of ten blocks from the depot
The dlscoveiy was made hv a laboier
named Wi < oii who srvv the package
behind the washstand In the ti\ > t
room , which Is located In the base
ment of the building.
Urga Special Session of Legislature.
Helena , Oet 29 Commlttecb lep
resenting the mlneib and smelter-
mens' union presented to Governor
Toole i evolutions asking him lo call
an extra session of the leglslatuio
The governor stated that ho would
give the leuolutlons caieful eonsideia-
tion and reply to them at an early
date. Memhuis of the committee told
the goveinor that they had given the
subject much thought and that an ex
tra session appeared to he a piactlcal
way to settle the diffeiences They
told the goveinor that unless the
mines lesumed operations much suf
fering would follow
Strike is Now Expected.
New Yoik , Oct 29 Piesident Bu
chanan of Ihe Intei national Associa
tion of Hrldge and Stiuctuial lion
AYoikeis who has been endeavoring
to patch up the dllllculticB between
the lion league and the House-smiths'
union has icceived a letter timn the
eecietaiv of the league lefusing to
meet the executive committee of the
Intel national association It Is ex
pected a strike will be oideied on all
the contracts held by members of the
Iron league out of town
Alleged Lynchers Indicted.
City. W.vo. Oct 29 The
grand Jurv concluded Its work uml
was dischaiged Right additional in
dictments were found in connection
with the fioiman nnd Walters Ivnch-
Ing hut as the arrests have not been
made the names are withheld The
bonds for Pat Ixick and Sahln have
LCPII placpd at $10000 each The
men aie still In Jail The sheriff Jeff
town with wajrants
Theater is Gutted by Fire.
Philadelphia , Oct 29 The Glrard
nvenue theater was gutted hy fire ,
entailing a loss of $50.000 of which
$25,000 was on the building and the
jemalnder on the contents The fire
started about 3 a m on the stage and
is supposed to have been caused by
an electric light wire A traveling
company was producing "The Mini
Istei's Daughter" AH of the compa
ny's scenery and costumes were lost
Oil Well Catches Fire.
Fort Wayne. Ind , Oct 29 A heavy
flowing oil well located near Haldwln ,
Ind , caught fire and in efforts to
save the pioperty Charles Jackway ,
n dilller was burned to a crlhp Oiln
Dlck'-on was fatall > burned and R C
Rhodes supeilntendent , was seriously
Injuied The well , which Is new tcr-
rltorj is still burning
Giolittl to Form Cabinet.
Rome Oct 29 Senor Giolittl form-
nllv accepted the task given him by-
King \Mctor Emmanuel of forming n
new cabinet The Indications are
thnl this cnbinel will for the first
time In the history of the kingdom of
Italy bring the rndlcnls into power In
the prison of Slgnor Gacchml , their
leader , and some of his followers.
Turks nd Bulgarians Still Fighting.
Vienna Oct 29 Turkey has sus
pended the demobilization of troops In
Macedonia , according to an official
dispatch from Constantinoole. This <
tuppOECd to be in accordance with
the Austro Russian plans Conflicts
ire reported between Turks and Bul
garians , several being killed in the
KttBtcrU district
Strike at Bilbao Assuming
Proportion of Revolution.
Cavalry Charges Strikers and Many
Are Killed or Injured Reports Are
That Socialists and Anarchists Have
Planned Demonstration.
Madrid , Oct. 29 General Velnsco ,
the mllltaiy commandant at Bilbao.
tulegiapliH the goveinment that nt
da > hi oak the garrison occupied all
Btialegle ] ositlnns with the view of
pioteetlng the banks public buildings ,
fwctoilos and maikelb and especially
the Jesuit and olher leliglous houses ,
which the rloteis seem detcimined to
( lonoial Volasco reports that the
cavahy iepentedl > charged the rioters
In the old part of the city Some of
the iloleiH were killed and many
wounded Many levolvors and stones
and other missiles Goiieial Vela'-eO
adds wore used hv Ihe iloteis In their
bl tiggle With the soldleis
The govpinment has tolegiaphed
Geneial Volasco approving hi energy
and ofloihm reiufoicements Seveial
thousand men are held In leadlness
In Mailh ! ! and othei towns It Is be
lieved hero thai the movement In
and mound Bilbao Is assuming the
piopoitlons of a social revolution a
revolution planned hy socialists and
anarchists as was done In Barcelona
two veais ago Piemier Vlllaveide
has deteimined to establish eider at
nny cosl.
Newspaper repot Is of Ihe disorder
In Bilbao lopiosent the stiikets as
having established a lelgu of tenor. attacked and pillaged market
stalls and sho'is and goigod them
selves with food and drink After de
stroying what they were unable to
consume they proceeded to eiect bar
ricades in the streets As theie weie
only 5000 tioops In Bilbao reiuloice-
ments vveie summoned The stiikeis
defended banlcades with reckless
courage and desperate fight Ing en
sued Five jlotcrs were killed and
mam injmed Manv soldiers were
wounded with revolver shots As the
Innlcades were captured they were
destroved and the rloteis were ex
pelled from the main stieets by cav-
nliy , who charged with drawn subeis.
Accoidlng to the latest accounts ic
ceived here , the rioters have again
started to pillage shops and are en
deavoring to raise new barricades.
Some fears are entertained that the
rloteis will unite In force and altack
thp troops before relnfoi cements ar
Police Find Incriminating Factc at
Home of Woman.
Allentown , Pa , Oct 29 With
David Weisenheig under $ . ) i)0 ) ball
supplied b > Congressman Kline and
vvilh Thomas Bechtel her brother
and Aided ICckstcin hoi ace i edited
lover , locked up in a police station
cell the Allentown police arc IPS 'I > E ;
their woik on the Mabel H Bechtel
murder ca = o until the coioner > - In
quest this evening The mvtoiy U
still practically unsolved except | | lat
Indications point to n familv io\v in
which I'ckbtefn may have flgni d
The police 'ncline ' to the belief thn *
the girl was not away 'rom home on
Monday that a quarrel occuiied over
the glil supposed dupllrltv lo Hfk
stein ar 1 her attachment for WeUen
berg , that the blow was suitek In
anger which mav have been more e
vero than was Intended and that the
girl's death was thus accomplished
and the bodv disposed of as found thp
storv being concocted as relited h )
the mothei Who struck the fatal
blow m blows Is onlv couje , tine nnd
may devolon at the inquest
Want Government to Build Levee.
New Oileaiib Oct 29 The Inter
state Mississippi River Improvement
and Levee association convention
closed its session after adopting a
seiies of i evolutions In favoi of gov
ernment juiItilictlou ot levees and
adequate appiopiiatioiib for their
speedj const i net ion if goveinment
control Is not advisable , and endorsIng
Ing the pioposecl wateiway trom the
gieat lakes to the gulf and the Chicago
cage sanitary canal as a part of that
project. The feature of the session
was Judge Robert S Ta > lor's appeal
against the proposed movement for
covet nmcnt ovv net ship
St. Louis Express Drivers Strike.
St Louis. Oct 29 The unusual ac
tion of union cxpiess wagon drivers
In the employ of vailous local ex-
pre = s companies , who Inaugurated a
strike with a view to forcing a setlle-
ment from Ihe Paclllc Express company -
pany caused practically a suspension
of business ordinarily handled by the
companies affected In St. Louis It Is
charged by nearly all of the com
panies that their employes bioke faith
with them nfter having given their
word that they would not participate
In n R > mpath > stilko The companies
affected aio the Adams. National ,
American Wells Fargo and Pacific
Dynamite Wrecks Des Molnes Factory
Dos Molno * . Oct 29 The two story
brli k biilldlui ; owned nnd occupied by
the Prouly soap factory , nt East Third
and Market slicels , was wleeked by
a cl > nnmivfl explosion last night Night
Wnt'limim At wood , who was In the
building at tlio time of the explosion ,
WHB burled beneath a pile ot debris
and seriously Injured. Window glass
In other buildings In the vicinity of
tb t factory was ahatterad and bricks
wure scatteied for Buveral blocks.
Methodist Episcopal Church Passes
Resolutions Regarding Macedonia ,
Wasnington , Oct. 2'j. by a unniit-
tnotib vocu thu following icsolullonu
condemning the Macedonian atiocltlus
vvoie ailojucd al tlio session of the
mlsslomuy council of. th'i Pioleslant
Episcopal church :
"Resolved , Thai this council dcslrea
lo put on lecord an oxpiesslou ot 113
hoi 101 and Indignation at the whole-
&alu atiocltiHs that have been and
are Ftill being pcrpettalcd upon our
tbllow CtuitUhuis In the province ) of
Macedonia.Vo otTci them our pro-
Ijiind sympathy In the lloi > trials
thiough which they are passing nml
we pi ay God in his mercy to send
them dellveiaiico. We would further
express the hope that the moral In
fluence ol the goveinment ot this
great lepubllc may bu thrown Into the
scale In lav or of such lofoinib as may
give to the Macedonian pcoplo the
protection ot law against Injusllco
and oppiesslon , and where Ihoso who
survive this terrible persecution nro
now perishing trom dlscnsu , cold nnd
hunger wo commend to nil Chtlstlati
people the1 piompt and eneigellc enf"
ploiiuent ot whniovei measuies may
contribute to the succor ot this af
flicted people and especially such con
tributions tib niaj iclievo tholr soio
necessities "
Attorney for English Agitator Call *
Anarchy a Religion.
New Yoiii , Oct 29 Judge Lacombe
listened to aigumonts In the habeas
corpus proceedings on behalf of John
Tinner , the English anaielilbt , whoso
deportation has been ordered by the
goveinment Defendant's counsel
made a stiong plea for Turner , alleg
ing that auatchy was not a crime ,
but a lollglon , and that the deporla-
tlon of his client was piohlhlted by
the bill of lights. The allotney for
the goveinment made but little at
tempt to answer this argument , but
requested permission to submit a
bilef , to which Judge Lacomhe as
sented He named Friday as the day
for the filing of papers Meantluia
Tinner is remanded wlthoul ball.
Sees In Present Labor Condition *
Menace to the Republic. '
Chicago , Oct 29 D. M Parry of
the National Manufactureis' associa
tion , speaking of the purposes ot the
convention of employers' associations
which opens here today , said : "The
greatest work , perhaps , will be an
effoit to save the republic Conditions
are so bad thai il will nol be long before -
fore tiie nnture of our government la
changed and we shall have socialism.
We propose to see thai there Is no
change in our government and that
the existing condition of affairs is pre
served We will show the workingman -
man a betler way to Improve his con
dition than through the unions as
they now exist or through socialism. "
Methodist Church Merger.
Grand Rapids , Mich , Oct 29. Tha
geneial conference of the Weslejan
Methodist church of America took ac
tion looking toward the merging of
thai chinch with the Free Methodist
church A committee of five members
was appointed to confer with n sim
ilar committee from the Free Meth
odist church and to leport al Ihe next
meeting The matter was brought he-
fore the confeience by a delegate
from the Fiee Methodist chiircli The
confoience adopted a resolulion which
requests nil voting members of th < 5
church to vote the ticket of the Pro
hibition party.
Comb Factory Burns.
Lcominster , Mass , Oct 29. Four
women leceived seiious burns arid
ijMilops TPI ! sixtv other emplojes nar
rowly escaped with their lives from a
fne thai gutted the lactory of the
Columbia Comb company , manutao
lureis of celluloid goods
Meeting of Czar and Emperor.
Beilin Oct 29 Accoidlng to tbcj
presenl airangemenls , Emperor Wil
liam and the cnr will meet first at
Darmsladt , the former traveling
thither to meet his brother monarch.
The car afterwards will return tbt
visit at Wiesbaden.
Report of Receiver Not Ready.
New York , Oct 29 Asslstanl Re
ceiver Degnan of the United Statea
Shipbuilding company said that the
report of Receiver Smith has not yet
been completed and would probably
not be ready for publication befor
Rev Osman A Hall , M D , medical
missionary al Chung King. Is dead.
Hal Haivey , oldesl son of W H.
( "Coin' ) Haivey , was killed at Hugo ,
1 T while coupling cars
Geoige Jaggeis was lodged In jail
al Newton. N J , chnrged with the
murder of Mrs Vlclor E Bevans at
Peters Valley
While attempting to secure nor
husband -who lived near Jennings ,
Fla. a mob shot to death Jennie Me-
Call , a negress
Karl Haggenjos. city treasurer of
East Onlesbiirg , 111 , was anosted at
Kansas City , charged with embezzling
JLSOO of city funds.
The bolloi makers on the entire sys
tem of the Erie railroad struck because -
cause of the discharge of men In all
the shops of the ciunpnny
Goveinor Otero of Now Mexico has
Issued a proclamation establishing a
quarantine against cattle brought
from Colorado , Texas , Oklahoma and
Mexico on account of the nlltged ex-
Islence of splonatlc fever , mance and
ether diseases.