The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 30, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    * *
Two Juvenile Regiments Meet
Upon the Field.
They Spend all Day In the Cotton Pas *
ture North of the City and Finally
Get Together Represent Heights
and North Side.
While thousands mid thousands of
grown Rohllor boys In bltio were ma
neuvering and lighting sliuin battles
at Fort Ulloy all daylong , a crowd
of Norfolk youths a dozen years old
apiece and forming two diminutive ar
mies of their own of about fifteen
each , camped In Cotton's pasture a
half mile north of the city on Satur
day and pitched tholr tents in warlike
like- fashion for a stay of about eight
continuous hours.
With a real camp , every man to his
dog tent , and with real ofllccrs , rang
ing down In the one bunch from Cap
tain Warren Heeler to the humblest
private and from Captain Marquis
Reynolds on the other to his orderly ,
the regiments , having a fearful hat
red for each other , looked daggers at
be enemy's camp until the middle
of the afternoon when there became
something doing In a military way
that would have made General Grant
himself pop out his eyes In wonder
Two Rival Neighborhoods.
The soldiers wore from two rival
neighborhoods in the first place. One
hunch , under command of the gallant
leader Marquis Reynolds , marched up
from the Heights to other heights
and encountered the fighters of the
north side. It was a battle royal be
tween the north men and the south
erners , a struggle for supremacy be
tween foes of many years who have
met and fought upon the football field ,
upon the baseball diamond and for the
favorite belles of the school room.
Captain neeler with his warriors
bold were llrst on the battle ground.
12a.rly in the morning he lined up
Ids troops , gave the command to
inarch and headed oft for the vacant
pasture. Every man of the crowd
was clothed In regulation blue , the
"blue of toil and of industry the blue
of the overall. And over this was
swung a dog tent wrapped about the
shoulders of the soldiers in true reg
imental form until they looked like
the real thing headed for the Philip
At camp Cotton they pitched their
tents in company streets and each
man took Ids turn at sentry duty
along the outward lines of the field.
The guns were wooden affairs of dan
gerous build and the very sight of
them well , the sights were wooden
The enemy soon appeared creeping
over the hill. They , too , pitched
their camp and esablished a guard
line with rules that govern actual war
fare. Any deserter was to be killed
on the snot.
Hard Tack and Coffee.
For several hours the soldiers did
their cooking of dinner they had
crackers for hard tack and real coffee
for coffee despite the advertisements
that told them they might as well use
some other berry equally as invigorat
ing but lacking the effects of this nar-
eotic. They were soldiers and they
needed stimulant.
Meanwhile the generals examined
the hostile camps with their field
glasses and made plans for the at
The Fray Is On.
Of a sudden the shrill notes of the
bugle , as sounded by O nicer Graham
Humphrey , gave alarm for the fight
t ing to commence. Instantly the
blood-thirsty troops lined for action
and inarched to meet the enemy.
i "Rach marched on to victory and each
side had the vim of a well trained foot-
"ball team for their battle.
In the center of the Hold they met
and clashed. There was instantly a
battering of one another's weapons , a
smashing of the arms and a yelling
that resembles the Salvation army
war cry. Several were taken prison
er and chained to the guard tents and
many of the wounded were left dying
on the Held. They fought until their
men were exhausted and then the
generals had to get togther and call
it a draw , agreeing to meet again.
President of the Revolutionary So-
\ clety Is Murdered in London.
London , OH. 28. Sagatol Sagounl ,
president of the Armunian Revolu
tionary society , was murdered at the
doorstep of his lodgings in Nnhuad , a
suburb of London. The murder pre
sumably was committed by a follow
Armenian recently from the United
States. The assassination had a fio-
lltlcal motive and was charc'tori/ed
by a boldness to which London has
eeldom been treated. It orouteir an
sem-atlon here slnro It
unusual - , ap
pears to liavo been only an Incident
In a long vendetta between * wo fac
tions of Armenians. The Attempted
'murder of Kuroghlan In Hoston , the
recent killing in Switzerland , and the
assassination of the most prominent
Armenian In London are BO far
dchipvementfi credited 10 the Armen
ian radicals here. It Is said two mem
bers of the opposition party have
been killed In Russia.
Sagounl , who only returned to Lon
don after settling up tha affairs of an
associate in Swlt/.crland , who was re
cently assassinated by stabbing , was
entering his residence when a man
flied tour shots nt him In quirk HIIC-
copslon , the last bullol entering the
region of the heart , The murderer
lb > d The "only oluoB to him In posnr-fl-
tlo'i of the authorities are a bhu-k
di-rby and a silver plated revolver.
Two men were with the assassin at
the time of the shooting and they ap
peared almost to force him to flro.
The murdered man , who WIIH a min
ing engineer , became wealthy and devoted -
voted his money to the Armenian
cause. Ills society was onlliolv pass
ive and oppoHod to violence and It Is
thought this attitude Inspired the ad
vanced section of Armonlans with the
di'slro for vengeance , ( ho latter claim
ing that Sapouul's society dovnteil
funds to charity whlrh would have
boon better applied to vlo'ent ' romp
dies for the Armenian grievances
President of Mexican Republic Target
for Bad Man , Who Is Arrested.
Guanajuato , Mex. , Oct 2S ex
citement was caused heie by what
looked like an attempt on the life of
President Ola/ , who was a guest of
the state government dining the fes
tivities here The president , his staff
and Kiiostftere passing by the Oant-
Bur garden on a stioet rar when a
man of the lower elans named ICIIas
Toscnno approached the car. Khotit-
lnn. and flied live shots from a re
volver at the car. fortunately doing no
harm. Paklo Ksranodon of the presl-
dent's staff rushed out of the car and
caught the man , wienchlng the ro-
voHor from his grasp. The police
took Toscano to the station. Tosnino
is 11 man with a bad reputation. The
matter will be Investigated. One the
ory ih that Topcano was drunk , and
another that ho deliberately planned
to shoot the chief magistrate.
The president remained reel and
was acclaimed by the crowd , showing
their joy at his escape.
Toscano's evil record makes the
theory of a deliberate attempt at as
sassination appear probable. The
president has received the felicitation
of the citl/.ens and diplomatic corpp
Not In Favor of Labor Unions.
Grand Rapids. Mich. , Oct. 28. The
general conference of the Wcsleyon
Methodist church of America , In ses
sion heio , passed resolutions today
stating that the church was not In
favor of labor unions because they
were secret societies. The resolu
tions also state the church Is against
the use of the boycott and the calling
out f men by unions when they are
working on contract.
Airbrake Failed to Work.
Sallda , Colo. . Oct. 28. By the air
brake failing to work on the second
section of a freight train on the Den
ver and Illo Grande on a stoop grade ,
the train ran into the rear of the first
section Three men were killed out
right and one frightfully Injured. The
dead Rnglneer Samuel Brown and
Brakcmen Henry Simons and John
Mulkahy Henry Fltzslmmons Is prob
ably fatally injured.
Contractor Kills Carpenter.
Kansas City , Oct. 28. ICdward Grog-
ger. a building contractor , shot and
killed John Nash , a carpenter , firing
from behind. In a quarrel In the south
ern limits of the city. Relatives and
neighbors of Nash made an attempt
to mob Grogger , and the latter was
only saved from violence by tha po
lice driving him furiously from the
pccne. Both men have families.
Elect Delegates to Lincoln Meeting.
Cincinnati , Oct. 28 At a meeting
of the Freedmen's Aid society of tlio
Southern Methodist Kplscopnl church
twenty delegates were elected to iep-
resent the society at Lincoln. Neb. ,
Nov. S and 0. An appropriation of
$100,000 for the forty schools In the
south was recommended It was
shown that the schools ate In a flour
ishing condition , having about 11,000
Young Woman Is Murdered.
AIIMitown. Pa , Oct. 28 Mabel II. np ° d twenty-one years , was
murdered last night and her body
plac ed in an undergrou ft alley ad
joining her home , where It was found
by her mother. Her skull was
crushed Miss Bechtel went driving
with David \Veisenberg and this waa
the last time she was seen alive.
Seven Section Men Killed.
Sacramento , Oct. 28 Word i cached
this city thnt the second section of
train No. C bad run Into a work train
at Pallsfide Station on the Antral Pa
cific , In the state of Nevada , and that
seven bcction men Avete kl'lod. ' Sev
eral passengers were injured , as were
the engineer and fireman of the pas
senger train.
Wealthy Stockman Indicted.
Basin City , Wyo. , Oct. 28. The
grand jury investigating the lynching
nf Goiman and Walters returned an
indictment against George Rabin
former partner of Colonel J. L. Tor
rey. Sabln was arrested. It Is under
stood that Indictments have been
found against other wealthy stock
Rebels Capture Another Town.
Cape Haytlen , Oct. 28. The town of
I as Vegas has boon captured by In
siirgents under General Roca. It is
said hero that General Jlmlnez may
arrive at any moment at Monte Crlstl
where he will bo received by the pee
pie with enthusiasm.
Judge Estee Is Dying.
Honolulu , Oct. 28. United Stated
District Judge M. M. Esteo la dying
tiB the result of an operation per
formed two da. a ago for kidney
After a Year of Strenuous Life
Here , He Departs.
The Third Time Is the Charm and
James , Without Even Bothcrlncj to
Pack His Sunday Shirts , Hits for
the Land of North Dakota.
IC\II .Hmmlo llaynos. For .lltnmlo
las departed. Ho will not return.
To the wild and unknown regions of
ho northland. to ( ho mysterious cor-
lor of the earth painted red on the
nap and called North Dakota , on ac-
ount of Its direction from South
mUotu , has .Hmmlo llown. Thoio
wo sisters of .llmmio's reside and to
hem will Jlmmlo go lor comfort ,
I'or about a year .Hmmlo has lived
n Norfolk. And In that twelvemonth
10 has douo moro than 11(15 ( dn.\s'
Mirth of living , too. Three times ho
ins boon In jail and. as Chief of
'ollco Kane told him when the stool
ago was opened for his removal , ho
night now , In Justice to soelel > . to
> o In ( ho penitentiary instead ol'
N'orth llakota. .Hmmlo didn't know
which would ho worse and alter
( linking It all over the ollleor do-
hied that ho might really get more
genuine punishment In the land lo
which ho has gone than ho would ho
ilnd the bars of Warden Hoomer's
totol nt Lancaster. Nebraska.
In Jail Two Weeks Aoo ,
About I wo weeks ago .Hmmlo and
i married woman from Stuiiloii
mined Jensen were arrested and
irought Into police court. Tho' wo
man agreed to leave the city and did.
She didn't agree , however , not to re
turn and return she did , also , on Ib >
very next train. She has been here
over since until Monday of this \\eeu
when she wont hack to her hop.It
Stantou. For this time llnynosMII -
lined about $15 for vagrancy run In
payment of the Hue ho gave. tlr > COMII
in order upon his employer * wil ! Mi
turned out to be worthless o > cause
lames hud nothing hut a dim lmro
coming to him at the olllco.
Arrested for Fighting-
Another tlmo when the doparloil
man appeared in police court \\uu
ono morning when ho had been : u-
rested for lighting In a tough v'.i'v '
the night before. He hogged off because -
cause he claimed to be merely light
ing In self dofo "io.
The third time was the charm.
Yesterday afternoon the fellow was
found loaning after ho had promised
to sbnko the dust of Norfolk from bis
solos. After he had been locked up
for several hours ho began to bog.
"I'lease , Mr. Policeman , " says Jim-
mlo , with 'a whine to his pleading
tones , "Please lot me go. I'll prom
ise , sir , to get out of town and to
never come hack. I'll go to my sisters -
tors in North Dakota and Norfolk will
never hear of me again. "
"Could you ho gone in live minutes
by my watch ? " asked Chief Kane.
"I could , " says Jim.
"And have you anything hut the
clothes you wear' . ' " asks tlio copper.
"A few shirts , " says Jiminie , "hut
they're at my room and I'll let 'em
stay. Don't need 'em anyhow , sir ,
in North Dakota , " says he.
So the big iron binges were swung
and Jimmlo walked out of his cage
and Into the open air , free once moro.
Then , without turning to the right or
to the loft , he hit the stralghtost ,
shortest path that would loud Jilm to
Sioux City and merely coming In
contact with the altltudliious features
of his route , Jiminie Hnynos made
his getaway.
MANAGER WANTED in this county
anil adjoining territories to represent
and advertise an old established
wealthy business house of solid 11-
nancial standing. Salary , $ : il weekly
with expenses additional , paid each
Monday by check direct from head
quarters. Expenses advanced and
horse and carriage furnished when
necessary. Position permanent. Ad
dress Secretary , COO Monon building ,
Chicago , 111.
He Learned a Great Truth.
It Is said of John Wesley that ho
once said to Mistress Wesley :
"Why do you tell that child the same
thing over and over again ? " "John
Wesley , because once telling is not
enough. " It is for this same reason
that you are told again and again
that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
cures colds and grip ; that it counter
acts any tendency of these diseases
to result in pneumonia , and that it
is pleasant and safe to take. For
sale by the Kiesau Drug Company.
For a pleasant physic take Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
Easy to tako. Pleasant in effect.
For sale by Kiesau Drug Co.
Nothing so Wonderful in the Days of
Dr. Caldwell.
The success of Dr. Caldwell Is at
tributed to her special study of spec
ialism. Dr. Caldwell , student , philan
thropist and physician of wide repu
tation , having given her entire time
and practice to a line of speclt' . dis
eases , which enables her from long
oxpurlonoo In handling HIOHO troubles
to certainly ccnno forward an a imiHtor
HpoelallHl. Her faculty for mtiMtorltiK
dlBeami , bur ability to ( Hii noHo , and
her plan of treatment IH excelled
by few other phytdelaiiH. Dr. Caldwell ,
although a young woman In llfn , a
plain woman , and ono who IH used to
the iipn and dowiiH In life , putH her-
Holf on a level with her patlontH and
doo.M not pretend to practice the nld
plan of faHhhm. which In lo look wlmi
and say nothing- Him known dlHoaHO ,
and the spot where located , and most
of all Him UIIOWH from oxporlonco ,
from what HIO ! ban done In the | mnt ,
idiu can certainly do for others In the
futuio. It IH H\ld : by Dr. ( 'aldwolPii
fi'lendn that nlio can dhiKUoHo a dlH-
earn ) of any patlont without asking
( hum a single quoiitlon , that boliiK
thu case , Him IH no ) HUoly to doctor
them for a wroni ; alliuont ; she will
not tuko an Incurable C.UHU and load
the patjunt to bollovo that Hho can
euro them when thorn IH really no hope
for thorn. Hoc huHinoKtt IH lar e and
Hho IUIH plenty to do. even , at tliium ,
moro than she can do , without tiiltliu ; '
Incurable diseased and deceiving her
patients. Dr. Caldwell Is a graduate ,
from ono of the host schools In Amor- '
lea. She IUIH practiced her profession
In some of the principal hospitals of
this country. Her specialty Cdinprlstm
that class of diseases which ( bo or
dinary homo doctor falls to oiiiv , such
as foinalo diseases , hoait diseases
diseases of children and I bo many
Mpocla ) 'IsouhO'i ' of hidden nature
I lor practice Is mostly among the
plain , hard working people who are
unable to come lo her oily olllco foi
tioalmcnt ; she Is reasonable In her
charges and very lenient with those
who are not able to pay. Khe IH char
liable , and It Is said has never luioun
to roluso to treat a patient \\lio Is
worthy and in need. A numher ol' the
Important ensos that wo horohy take
the liberty lo publish , which'might
bo of Interest to some who wish to
know more of Dr. Caldwoll's great
Sophia Kran , Albion , Nob. , cured
of a bad skin dlsoaso.
Mrs. Lulu Towsley , David City ,
Neb. , Cured of female trouble and female
male weakness.
Mrs. C. W. Kllllan , Wnkollold , Nob. ,
cured of u tumor and liver and stomach
ach troubles.
Mrs. 10. A. Studor , Wayne , Nob. ,
cured of female and nervous troubles.
Mrs. C. Linn , Ilosklns , Nob. , cured
of ovarian trouble and hladdortroublo.
1 < \ .1. Rob , Albln , Nob. , cured of
bronchial trouble , enlarged liver and
Mrs. Minnie Rudat , Columbus , Nob. ,
cured of skin dlseaso and kidney
Mrs. W. D. Uurr , David City , Nob. ,
cured of skin dlsoaso , nervousness
and loss of appetite.
MrH. Chas. Mlllor , Wayno. Nob. ,
cured of dropsy , kidney and liver
troubles and nervousness. She had
been troubled for years.
Mrs. C. W. Anderson , Norfolk. Neb. ,
cured of general debility , enlarged
liver and pain In the chest.
Mrs. John Uaumaii , Ilonton , Nob. ,
cured of bladder trouble and consti
Airs. S. P. Amlck , Tckamah. Nob. ,
cured of tumor , womb trouble , loss
of appctito and constipation.
Watch the Kidneys.
"When they are affected , life Is In
danger , " says Dr. Abornothy , the
great ISnglltdi physician. Foloy's
Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys.
Klcsau Drug Co.
Do you feel broken down and does
your system need nourishment ? Just
take Man-Kr-VIno tablets , the world's
greatest remedy for the nerves , brain
and blood , and watch results. Kle-
sail Drug Co.
Gained Forty Pounds in Thirty Days. '
For several months our younger
brother had been troubled with Indi
gestion. Ho tried several remedies
but got no benefit from them. Wo
purchased some of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and ho
commenced taking them. Inside of
thirty days ho bad gained forty
pounds in llosb. Ho Is now fully re
covered. Wo have a good trade on
the tablets. Holloy tiros. , mer
chants , Long Hranch , Mo. For sale
by Klesan Drug Co.
Anrononcnrtlni ; nrkdrli nnd (1r crli > llon m r
' ' lucortnln our opinion frue wliMhcr an
Invontinii In protinMf ptitpntntiln. <
_ . reniillilcnttal. HANDBOOK on I'nlcnu >
split ( r < * . Olilrat HL'onrf lor i-ccuririit palrnm. i
I'uli'MU Inkon tlirouuli .Miinii < V Co. rrcelie
tptcM nutlet , vr'lliout ' cliHTiic , In the
Scientific American.
A Imnrt nmplf HIiiKtrntoil wooklf T.nrtfp t fir-
riilntlnn of iinr icleiuldn Jiiiiriuil , ' 1 criim , f.l r '
Titiir : lciiirnniiilh , fl. IJoliUjyall Ticn ilcjiliT .
MUNN&Co,301BfMd New York
llrancli offlco. iSS K Ht. . Wimtiliiiflmi. . C.
A Three Months' Subaorlpllon toOK -
OK Industrial Cimes
with which is given free as a premium
i Two Splendid Maps of Thunder Moun >
[ tain Mining District and of Southern
j Idaho , showing all the mines and all the
important claims , also routes , railroads
I and wagon roads.
The Industrial Times Is a monthly of
16 big pages which give accurate in
formation regarding the movement of
Industrial and mining enterprises. Its
regularsubscription price isoncdollarpcr
year ; but a trial subscription Is sent for
three months for ten cents , including the
maps. These are the only accurate maps
of Thunder Mountain and are alone
worth several times the price charged.
Tlio most hulhsonie and tcpnlsivt- all
living IhiiiKS is the seipent. and the anil
most dog-lading-of all htimaii diseases in Coiitajjioiis lllood 1'oison. Tha
MM pi-lit.sinks IN fiiiiKM into the Jlesh ami almost in.slantly Iho poison i. . isses
IhioiiuV the entire body.
lllood Poison , beinnintr } with n little
ulcer , muni wntaimnateMovc.yd.opof . . blood mi ( | ftpread.s tlirouHionl the
whole SVSIMII Pa.nfnl . .swellings appear in ( he K.oins . , a red rash ami
copper eoloied splotches bteak ( nit on the body , the iiioulh and throat
become-iilcciatcd , and the bail and eye lit OWN fall out ; liiilllicsc Hyimitnma
aiiMiiildcoiiipaied lo the wictchedncssandHulTerin ; that come in the latter
Bl p of the disease wlu-ii it attack the IHIIK-H and mete vital pailn .f . the
body. ( ltislhiMi that Conlagioun lllood Poison is wen in nil its liidcous-
IMWH. llu'dcop iat.iiabsmsMs . , and HiVk.-ninn nl , , -ts and tuinom nhovr
whole . is roiiptt.l , , and -
.system . ( poisom-d , and unless u-lii-f comes soon
tins w-ipi-ni ( tiKlilon-J its coils and crushes out the life. The only
antidote fr the auful YJIS , , is S. S. S. It is nnttirn'it romotly , com.
jioscd i-iititcly of vegetable ingtvdicnts. S. S. S.
dcslKA.s evety vestige of the poison , pmih'cs the
blood and iciiioves all danger of tnuiHinittin } ; the
awful taint lo otheis. Nuthinp : else will do'thin.
Strung" mini-nil icmedies , like inmnivntul potash ,
dry up the soies and diiviin the disuise , but do nolciiio iieimaiiently.
Suul for our hoiui' tieatiuinl boi-lt anil wnleiis if in nml of medical
advice or tpccial ; information. This \\tll cost yon nothing- .
Atca Positive ( . 'me for lndij
C. oiislipntioii , I'UIM-IS , I'oiilnii i
Stimuli In. A iiolftldnc'loi of C. ! i
Htaleil that he lichevcd a TiOr
Stocnnr.s Worm CaKe won1 I
iuou'ulu-1 Ihiin f-r > 0 woilhof o' I irv
doetm s lees Price .SOcts. b ( tuill
OII | > ' . V. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avenue , Cliicnno ' .I .
Tliiil \ \ < > iiro coiislanl ly fjfi'ouin in t.lio : irt of
making Kim * Photos , and our products will al
ways lie found to embrace Uie
and Nowcsl , Styles in Cards and Kinisli Wo also
carry a line line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
j ; Conservative Management.
Thorough Equipment ,
Commodious Rooms.
Superior Instruction.
Fvill Business Coxirses.
: It will pay you to attend this School. No va
cations. Enter any time.
C. H. BRAKE. Norfolk. Neb.
* *
Norfolk Mercantile Co. |
. * .
I WILL OPEN. . . * *
A brand now onera ! stiitD in tlio Asinns
building ,
SATURDAY. OCT. 10. 1903.
\Vo will handle only lirst , class ( roods and
\\ill sell tlinin on a cash basis as roaso i- * *
ablas can bo done , ( juality considorod.
\ Voill carry a complete line of
* t
and nearly everything needed in a house *
\\'e ialcc all fanner's produce and will
pay the highest market price for it. $ *
Wo do not expect : ill of the trade , lint \\o
. ; . ask a share of it , and will make prices
* that will secure it
Come and See Us Saturday. * *
Norfolk Mercantile Co. * t *
Asm us Building.
An b olut fptcltl * and intNtrptlcprip-
ratlon ( or nil klndt ol
A lire cur * far lloarj Re > , Tunillltlj , Qnlniy ,
In im * < ] , Ulcnted and C t rrlnl SoraThroat.
A ( > re\cntlva ol Croup , Whooping Cough and
Endorud b ; Ihe Moit KralnrnlThroat Uptolal *
liu In the country.
Stupid b kept In tT rr bomo. I'rlce SB Cent * .
ll rjf Aledlclne Co. , Dot MuluBt , Iowa.
( MIAS. A. MoKIM , M. D. O.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist.
Graduate Chicago Veterinary College.
' Asuihtimt State Veterinarian.
Ofllce : Hrnnson's Livery , South Third
Street 'Phono 185.
lll'NT Al'l'KAK
School tablet * mt The News ofQoa.