The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 23, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Dragged to Death by His Pony
Leslie Luedc Was Driving Cattle Into
the Pasture When He was Thrown
and Dragged Eighteen Rods With
'Fntnl Results.
CrolKhtnn. Nob. , Oct. 21. Special
to The News : Leslie Luede , a hey
eleven years of ago was thrown from
his pony while driving cattle for
Charles lanch yesterday morning and
was dragged to his death by the
frightened animal.
The fatal accident occurred at the
lanch farm a mllu and a half north-
jiRt of this place at ! ) o'clock yester
day forenoon. The parents of the hey
live In town and ho had boon working
for Mr. laneh lint three days when
ho met his death. Ho had just driven
the cows Into the pen near the lauch
liomc when the pony became unman-
tigeablo and threw him off. Ono foot
caught In the stirrup and Luede was
dragged a distance of about eighteen
rods , the pony running toward the
Ijarn. As soon as Mr. lauch saw that
something was wrong ho hurried out
and caught the pony , hut the hey was
dead before ho got there.
The parents of the hey were grlof
stricken when Informed of the fatal
The funeral will bo hold this after
noon at 3 o'clock from the homo of
Ids father In this city.
Fred Luedc , the father of the hey ,
Is a carpenter by trade , and is ono of
the oldest residents of Creighton.
Burglars Enter Office at Superior ,
Wis. , and Make a Big Haul in
Superior , Wis. , Oct. 21. Special to
The News : Kobbors who broke into
the postofllco hero during the night ,
secured a haul of $10,000. There Is
no trace of the burglars thus far.
Will Try For Ducks at Wood Lake for
About Ten Days.
Meadow Grove , Nob. , Oct.21. Spec
ial to The News : A party of four
business men loft Meadow Grove to
day for a ten days' camping outing
ill Wood Lake. They wore : Andy
I > aggar of Norfolk , Dr. H. Li. Kindred ,
. Everett Warrlck , and W. G. Evans ,
formerly editor of the Press. They
expect to bo joined further west by
' another doctor.
Their camping outfit was shipped
Inst night to the camp at Wood Lake.
There arc reports that the ducks and
oese are extra plenty at Wood Lake
this fall and they anticipate splendid
Bad Fire at Bassett.
Bassett , Oct. 20. Fire started in
the middle of a hay meadow between
Bassett and Newport and before it
could bo extinguished had destroyed
forty-five stacks of hay , a Imrn and
machinery , entailing a loss of $2.000.
Farmers for ton miles around assisted
In lighting the flames.
Record Breaking Corn.
Papillion , Neb. . Oct. 20 W. II. Fao
iins just harvested two ears of corn ,
whose combined weight Is fifty-four
ounces , and which have 2,172 well de
veloped and well matured kernels.
The ears are record breakers , but are
only typical of the remainder of the
corn in this vicinity.
For Mississippi's Betterment.
Davenport , Iowa , Oct. 21. Special
to The News : In response to a call
recently circulated through Missouri ,
Iowa , Illinois , Minnesota and Wiscon
sin , about two hundred representative
business men of the states named
assembled In Davenport today and
liogan a two days' convention for the
discussion of the improvement of
the Upper Mississippi river. The
commercial organizations of St.
Paul , Minneapolis , La Crosse , Keo-
luik , Mollno , Qulncy'and other cities
along the river are well represented.
The principal work of the conven
tion will be to draft a memorial to
congress requesting an appropriation
by that body sufficient to cover the
exponsq ot fho improvements
doomed necessary to preserve the
commerce Of the river.
Weds German Attache.
Washington , D. C. , Oct. 21. Special
to The News : Miss Edith Maud
Klrkby , a prominent figure in Wash
ington society , was married today to
Mr. Charles F. Flatho , assistant
chancellor of the German embassy.
Mr. and Mrs. Flatho will sail tomor
row for Germany to visit the bride-
groom's parents.
National Baseball Meeting.
Cincclnnatl , O. , Oct. 21. Special
to the News : Pursuant to the call
of August Hermann , chairman of the
National Uasohall association , the
chief olllclals of the major and minor
! < leagues gathered In conference today
at the St. Nicholas hotel. The prin
cipal work of the mooting is to de
cide a number of cases of Importance ,
.Involving players. The magnates
mot behind closed doors and no state
ment of the proceedings was Issued
during the day.
To Purchase Crystal River.
Denver , Colo. , Oct. 21. Special to
The News , The principal business
before today's special meeting of
the stockholders of the Denver &
Itlo Grande Ilallroad company Is to
authorize the purchase of the Crys
tal Hlvcr railroad. For the impose of
making the purchase and for future
capital requirements the llrst pre
ferred capital stock Is to bo In
creased by Jfi.fiOO.OOO. This will
raise the total llrst preferred capital
stock of the Ulo Grande to $50,000-
000. The regular annual meeting of
the road will bo held here tomorrow.
Governor Goes to Fort Rlley.
Lincoln. Oct. 21. Special to The
News : Governor Mickey loaves to
morrow for Fort Hlloy to witness the
review of the state troops on Friday.
Ho will rank as a brigadier general.
Adjutant General Culver and Major
1'holps have already gone.
Local Capitalists Hnvc Invested In .in
Industry That the Town Hns
Long Been After.
fl-'roin TupBclny'n Dally.1
For the past ten years one of the
chief necessities In the way of local
enterprise has been a lloiirlng mill.
Time and again the attempt has been
made to Interest outsiders as well as
residents of the town In such a luisl-
ness Institution. In 1807 a meeting
of the business men of Tildou result
ed In $1,000 being raised as a bonus
to any person or linn who would put
up a mill of moderate capacity and
operate it for a year ; but all to no
purpose. The negotiations all foil
through just short of coming to an
agreement , and , until the last fo\v
days , the mill was apparently nothing
but a remote possibility. The llrst
Intimation the general public received
to the contrary was in the early part
of the week when building material
began to arrive In carload lots , con
signed to Francis Corklo. Inquiries
elicited the very satisfactory Informa
tion that Frank and Will Corklo and
Dan Dauphin huvo associated thorn-
solves In a business partnership , the
object of which is to put up and op
erate a steam mill of not loss than
eighty barrel capacity , on the tract of
land just north of the railroad track ,
which takes In a part of the baseball
ground and extends to the west line
of the town site. The Corklos ac
quired title to this reality some weeks
ago but the use to which they intend
ed to put it was kept a secret until
they wore ready to begin active work
on their new venture. In addition to
the mill an elevator will bo built , and
all will bo llttcd out with the most
modern and perfect machinery Imag
inable. After the repeated and un
successful attempts to coax and buy
niou of means to Invest their loose
capital In such nn enterprise , the
completed arrangements for Us real
ization by a few of our homo men
proved a very gratifying surprise to
the whole town , and , to the limners
living in our tributary territory the
news will bo little loss welcome. It
is unnecessary for the Citizen to point
( nit the direct advantages widen will
accrue to Tildon from this addition
to its permanent business concerns.
Added to those , the confident invest
ment of so largo an amount of capital
by home men will have a tendency
to attract other enterprises and the
results are bound to prove both profit
able and lasting.
The members of the firm have am
ple means to establish the now busi
ness on a substantial basis and the
Citizen is sure it voices the sentiment
of the whole town and neighborhood
in wishing the highest financial suc
cess to Messrs. Corkle & Dauphin's
commendable tribute towards Increas
ing the business importance of Til-
den. Tilden Citizen.
Demanding Four Cents and Board
From Farmers of Cedar County
and the Latter Refuse.
Randolph , Nob. . Oct. 20. Farmers
in this section are having difficulty
In pccurlng help for corn picking. A
combination among pickers seems to
have been formed and they are ask
ing four cents a bushel for their work ,
including board. Farmers are refus
ing to pay tills exorbitant price and
declare they will turn stock into the
fields rather than submit to the de
mands of the pickers. Some farmers
I'-'Ve cotuprou : ! cli 3cantc. . The
corn yield will ho better than earlier
Carnegie Coming Home.
London , OcU 21. Special to The
News : Andrew Carnegie , accom
panied by his wife and daughter ,
sailed for Now York today on the
White Star steamship , Cedric.
House With Capital of $2,000,000 Goes ,
Issuing no Statement.
Plttsburg , Oct. 21. Special to The
News : The federal National bank
has boon closed hero. The capital Is
$2,000.000. No statement has boon Is
Italian Cabinet Resigns.
Homo , Oct. 22.- The cabinet has re
signed The decision was reache-l at
a ministerial count. 11 and after Pie-
mlor Xanardolll had announced that
he had sent In hla resignation In con
Bfiipicnco of falling health The res-
Ipnntlon of the premier was tendered
to King Victor Kminnnuel and Is In
no way connected with UIQ political
Corruption Unearthed all Alony ;
Pacific Coast.
Government Detectives Have Brought
to Light Another Case of Fraud
Which Will be Very Rigorously
Prosecuted Land Grants In It.
Portland , Ore. . Oct. 21.-Special to
The News : Government detectives
have unearthed a scandal In connec
tion with the land grant affairs , which
has been spread all along the I'acllle
Many prominent olllclals are Impli
cated In Hie affair and all'will bo vig
orously prosecuted.
Stickney Throws Down Gauntlet to
Other Roads on Grain Ti.idic.
Omaha. Oct. -PicHldcnt Slick-
noy of the Chicago Gioat Western
hat ; down the K'.iuntlrt to his
competltois and annuuiici .1 a ptopor-
( local tariff on grain slilpmoiiu to
Chicago , placing Omaha on the fame
level with Knn is City
This applies ( o all gniln shipped
Into Omaha fiom the \\CHI and allows
a 'J-cont rate on whetit and lluur and
an Scent rate on coin to Chicago. In
stead of 11 and lit could , us al ptosent
The liuillnglon was the only olllcc
which had leielved a notlliciitloii of
tills cut General Freight Agent Ives
had a copy of the now tailn" sheet on
his desk lie said IIP inuld not yet
announce what action his mud or
others would take , hut that It was
probable all would coaler on the mat
Final Ceremonies at St , Louis Attend
ed by Vast Assemblage
St. Louis Oc't 22. Fiineial servl
ccs wore conducted in the old rathe
dial o\er the body of the late Arch
bishop .lohn F Kaln of this diocese ,
who died lust week in naltliuoro M'l '
The linal ciMcnmnlcs wcie attended
by a vast assemblage. Caidlnal Gibbons
bens celebrated the puntlllral high
requiem mass and five archbishops
perloiini'd the rite of absolution
Archbishop Koano of Dulniquo olllcl-
ated In delivering the funeral sermon.
When Archbishop had con
cluded absolution was prommnred
over the blor and oppoitimlty was
given those assembled to take * a fare
well view of the remains The cor
tege then proceeded to Calvary come
tery. where lntormpntjvaj > _ made.
Ring with HeadquarUiu m San Fran
cisco Operates on Extensive Scale.
I'uitlaml. Oio. Oct. 22. The gov
ernment has uncaithod a stupendous
"land graft" ring that luih been cany-
ing on business in < ; u-ry veil tim
bered aiea on the Pacific slope.
The ring has not ouly acquired
"base" lands by dummies and other
fraudulent means , but It has de
bauched stite ; land olllclals , making
them hirelings or partneib In the biih-
iness ; it has maintained in the ; < ; < 'ii-
( > ial land ofllee at Washington agema
whose duty it was to "leak Inloi ( na
tion ahum proposed leserves and
other profitable mnttcis and by use of
nioiioy has iulltiunced phu-ing of ! <
serves lo its own InteleM- . The cen
tral figuies of tbo conspliaty lesald
to he in San Fiunclsco. V lam .1.
Burns , in the societ scrvl * the
tieasury dciuutnient , and A. li. I'ligh ,
assistant attoiney genoial In the in
terior depaitment , v > eie In Portland
last week gathering nviiimw"
Right Guard of Baltimore Medlca
Succumbs to Heart Disease.
AnnapollH , Oct. 22. In the game
between the Navy and Baltimore Med
Iral college , Robert K LPWI'U of I'laln-
fleld. N. H. , soc-ond year classman of
the Baltimore Medical collogp. was
killed. The opposing t fa ins had
swayed back and forth over the field
about evenly matched The Navy , by
line bucking , haa pushed the Baltl-
mores lo within ten yards of the vis.
Itors1 goal when the latter hurled the
midshipmen back. The medics made
gains of throe and five yards and had
just Hard up for another effort when
Lewin. right guard for the Haiti-
moreans. fell lo the ground His limbs
Iniiiii-di'itfly became rigid. He was
carried from the field and five mln
utps later was pronounced dead by
HIP attending physician , Dr. Hennlng I
of Baltiiuoro The cause of death Is | |
given out as cardiac syncope. i
Two Blasts Kill Three Men Em.
ployed on Railroad in Missouri.
Auroia , Mo. , Oct. 22 Two uu-n
were killed and eighteen seiloufcly in
juicd by an explosion of dynamiti'
used for blasting on the construction
work of tile White River road in
Stone county. The dead Jack Hea
Icy , Kansas City ; an Austrian , name
Both were employed on the work of
the road Ilealey's body was blown
fifty feet high.
Another telephone message from
Slone county , the sreno of the ex
plosion , says that a second explosion
occurred at tunnel C , ten miles below
there , killing the foreman of the work
and Injuring seven others.
Exploding .Boiler Kills Four.
Klklns , W. Va. . Oct. 21. The ex
plosion of the holler of a West Vlr-
ilnm Central railroad freight engine
! a > , ; . > . juiu liuiu i.diifau , ! iho d MS Hi or
William U l.lttlo eiiKlnetT ! Henry
Collctt. fireman , .1 T Harper. mn >
cl.lnlst. and Mrs Kate ItiiMii.l Mrn
Hnblu'tt wns In her homo G"0 foot
from the HPOIIO of the o\plo lon A
piece of flying Iron struck lie- .
Coursing Meet nt Kcnrney.
Kearney. Nob. On L'2 The Mis-
tdfltflppl VnU\v ! coinslng fulur"v
rhanifilnnphlp for 10'vl ' io iw between
four dons MNfl I.lddel N'orlolk Path
finr ni'd l.ndv Prti" ! ) . Ti.o o four
\\ill content In the c'uil tlnnlu.
Association Interested in the Missis
sippi Meets at Davcnpoit ,
Davenport , la. , Oil Hi ! 'I ho lip
pur MIxslKslppl Ither Impnm-mcni
nssorliii u opened Its Hctciiid annual
tun-til g ittM't' , adopting the lepiut of
thecixeiullvo ( otiiiiilttco , which rec-
ointnciids Unit a nienuulal ilciiminlliu'
| .M . mm , ( nt liupiovemc'iu of America o
KU'iilcHt iiiitmnl waleiiiy ho | in >
united by a lummlltee appearing In
IIOIHOU hcluip HIP president of ( lie
I'liltt'd State's and thp nailonul inn
jH'SH Ooveii.oi S. 11. Van Saul of Mu >
tic sola. CoiijircbFiiian KM h nf U'IM I.M. .
Bin and ( uugicst-nmn Wade of li.uu
adilri'HHPil fie c ( inventIon lllliu IM
Mlfhotirl , .Mlniippola niid Iowa \\cio
MM icM-ulrd at thc > IMII i tlin iiy
iilioni ino liiislncHH mm nn.-th . fiuu
owup along the ilvor
Crisis Is Expected Soon.
Yokohama. Ort. 22 - The ministerial
ronhTi'iico , naval prepaiatlnns and.
i.otably. Iho appointment of Vice Ad
inliiil Toga , known as a "Unhung a < l
mlral. " to command llm landing
Fpiadrun ( , luivo led lo a u-iiewnl nf
the nntlolpatlnn of tronblo
Some ilPcldod develiipiiicnlw In Hi"
c'rlals are expi'dc'd tihcirllv The
Rtcamahlp and rullioiul companies arc
icporlod to have IIPPII noll'b'd ' to bu
In ri'iidlnoss for oinorgoneli" *
Squeezed to Dentil by SnnUc.
llerlin , Oc-t 22--A young woman
Vis ( pii'C'xed to dentil by a boa con
mlclnr al Velkllngc'ii , I'liisHla , while
ghlng a pc-rfoi nianei * In a mciiageilc1
The * spectntorH thought at Mint thai
lu > r MMoams and liuntlc Htruggles as
( he MiaKi- tightened Its cells woic part
of the show and applauded the "real-
Ism' of her iictlnp . The altcMidants ,
howpvi-r , saw the woman's dnngor ,
uin In bent Hie snake and t-hisheil it
with knives. The woman was dead ]
\Uien released
Quarantine Against San Antonio.
Houston. Tex , Oct. 22--The dty of
IloiiFton and the counties of Hewitt.
Victoria , Fayolto and Niiocos. UPP
Comal and Hayes havp Inaiii-.uratPil nn
iinnclad quarantine against HIP city
of San Antonio This followed the
ofllrial report from Stale Ilcallh OIH-
per Tabor lhai thorp hail boon deaths
from yellow TPVPT at San Antonio
The quarantine will not affect train
scivico out of Houston
Illinois Bank Closes Doors.
.Toilet. 111. . Oct 22 The Kxchango
bank , the only Institiiliuii of Its kli. 1
at Lockport , closed Its doois , throwIng -
Ing the town into a state ot consld
eiahle excilenii'iit as nuiiicrous sunll
ilepotlloiH mo nffpclod Tim lianli
was enpltnli/oil at $2..iiuo tiud 'lu > : le
posits au > thought to be In ihc. ' nulgh
borhood of $10,000.
Big Plttsburg Bank Fails.
PltlsbuiK , Oct. 22. When the an-
noniicemcin was made that the Foil-
oial National hank had Hu pi-nded
steps wore taken by local banks to
loitn n jiool lo be used in ease of
eineigency , and within a short tlmo
between $2,11110,000 and $ U.OOO.uiiO was
subsetIhcd It Is the opinion of bank
ers that the situation In Plttslnirg Is
far 11om bad and that there is not
the slightest reason for further
Falls from Upper Window
Indianapolis , Get 22 Sainiiol 1C.
Moiss , editor of the Indianapolis Sentinel -
tinel , fell from the thiid Moty nf the
SPiilinol building and lived but ( if-
tpcn minute's Tlie window fiom
whlc'h he fell was In his pilvale
office No onp was with him at the
time Mr. Morss has IIPCII In had
health for SOIIIP time Financial
troubles have been worrying him.
Elliott to Be President.
New York , Oct 22 Howard KllloU
was olpcted pteslilcnt of the Not thorn
Pacific lallroacl Mr FJllott is from
St. Louis. 'He succeeds C. S Molten
A. C. ONO , A. M. . LL. II. , Pros. , Omaha.
I'lior. A. J. LOWRY , ,
ll.inUiiiul | MISIH" | S men.
$10.000 In Koll Tun Di'sks , Hunk Fixtures und
M TyiH-wrltiTS. Stncli-ntsc-un work furliuanl.
SM'iiil fur ( rep ( ntutoKiip , Ixiiinil In alll iiKir ,
llnt CUT miltllsliril by u llnslni-ss foUt'ife. I
Jtciul ll anil you will attend tinN. . II. C' I
A Three Months' Subscription to
OK Industrial Cimcs
with which is given free as a premium
Two Splendid Maps of Thunder Moun
tain Mining District and of Southern
Idaho , showing all the mines and all the
important claims , also routes , railroads
and wagon roads.
The Industrial Times is a monthly of
16 big pages which give accurate In
formation regarding- the movement of
industrial and mining enterprises. Its
regular subscription price isoncdollarptr
year ; but a trUI subscription is lent ( or
three months for ten cents , including the
maps. These are the only accurate maps
i of Thunder Mountain and are alone
1 worth several times the price charged.
Cntmth begins with n Ktiibhntn ti.ld in the head , iiillainiiintion or i
ness of the membrane ( ir liniiurof the- nose , dischuti ; < ' of mucus niiiller ,
hcuduchei. tuMimliMu and diilicult l.tcMihnitf , and e\ni in this mily stsij-e
| H almost intoleiihlo Hut wlii-n thelilthv .sccietioiis lnln to ( hop back
into the tluoat mid stomach , ami the blood becomes polluted and the
system contaminated
] 1"11' ' " c'Diitliiuiil liniuliicilin cluinlin liiicl
liv the . rnliiiilinl iiiiiu , inv urown
. mi. c inn nun -
u. ) poiHinirpln , inv tuinn WIIM itlwuvn nloiiiicul up , > ny ( irnulli
Oil , then the mttlcicr . > loUiniliiMuml illiiKiinlliitr oclor , nnil I onn rli < l
. iiicinHHiintlv. I hmiril of H. H. H. mill iiniiunnnoiil to nun
lici'iiKi In nvi1l-/f >
/ n
ltcllisi0icail/c ) lit II . .
, , U1 , , , , ,
jt | „ „ tlm,1K. HOV riil bultlpN I wnn nurml nnd
( IlSjJUSillljy mill NIC ken * lijivn nnviulno Intel tlio KllMlitiiHl Hyniilniii | cif tin
inj disease Calm ill is. Immmi. MHH | MAUV li. HTU1IM.
Wortliwimt Uor 7th nncl J'oHx Htn. , HI. JOHOIIU , Mo.
It affects the kidneys
and .stomach as well as oilier paits of the body. U is n constitutional
disease and as inh.iliiii' niixtuies , salves , ointtiieiiH , ct < \ , ate never more
than palliative or helpful , even in the hetriimmjr of Cataith , what can
you expect fiom such tieatiuent when it becomes ehionic mid the whole
syMcm alTected ? Only .such a icmedy as S. S. S. can leach this obsti
nate , deep seated disease ami puitfc the blood of the
e.itaithai poison. H. S. S. polities mid builds up the
diseased blood , mid the iiill.iiued nieiiibianes arc
healed and the e.\c-essive secretion of mnciiH ceases
when tic'w , iich blood in coming to the diseased
parts , and a pennant-tit cute s the lesult.
S H. vS is iMhitantcul pmcly vej'clablc and a lelt.ihle remedy for
( .atatih in all l.ica.Vnte | if in need of medical advice , this will cost
you nothing . .
Thai weave constantly < fnmiiikr in the url of
making Hue Photos , and our products will al
ways In1 found to embrace the
and Newest Styles in Curds and Finish We also
carry a line line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing.
I. 3VE-
Conservative Management.
Thorough Equipment ,
Commodious Rooms ,
Superior Instruction.
Fxill Business Covirses.
It will pay you to attend this School. No va- f
cations. Enter any time.
Address ,
C. H. BRAKE. Norfolk , INub. t
Norfolk Mercantile Co. +
WILL OPEN. . . * *
* +
* *
t * Come and See Us Saturday.
Norfolk Mercantile Co. *
* * * '
An absolute specific nd intNicptlc prtj > -
rillon lor all kind * al
A ' re cur * for lloarirmi , Tonillltls , Qulniy.
In um d , Ulctntecl ind Catarrhil Sore Thrott.
A presently * ol Croup , Wliooplnjr Cough and
Kodornd ! > / the lloit Eminent Throat Bp ell >
litt In thucoiiuirr
Bh mid b kept in e trr tioma. 1'rlc * 85 Crntt.
JteUlelno Co. , Of Mulnei , lawn.
QH\S. A. Mc-IvlM , M 1) . ( !
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist.
( Jrnduuto Ohicn'o ( V tcriunry Collugo.
Assihtnnt State Veterinarian.
Ofliru : Hrnnsou'H Livery , South Third
'PhoiiB IS.'i.
i 1L11J i\uil U
AtfM 1'iiMiivc Ciin4 lor Indigestion ,
C iiiiMi | itii > u , I CUM i * . I'niil .mil uculc
Stimuli In. A nott 'liliH tin i if I'liii'M o
Htitlrcl he believed a filK.n \ \ \ < > (
Slocum'H Worm Cake \\nnlil iivc
iiinu lelu I than f.VIorlti nl uidinary
doi'toi'H itrs Price SOcts. l > y umll
" " ' > ' R. V. SLOCUM
725 W. North Avonuo. Cliicniio. HI
Ccbcol tablets ut : 'o\V3 uffica.