The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 23, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Boarded Train for Fort Rlley
Saturday Morning.
The Thirty Soldiers From There ,
However , Will Join the Norfolk
Militiamen at Fremont Will Ar
rive at Camp Sunday.
Comimny 1 * . N. N. (3. , In command
of tholr ciiptuln , ChosU'r A. Kill lor ,
loft Norfolk at lOiiHt o'clock thin
mornliiK for Kort Hlloy , Knnmix ,
whom tlu\v will arrlvo ut mi iincor-
tain hour Smiilny morning niul ro-
iniiln In camp with other n < Klmontn
from otlior HtnU'H next weok.
Tli Norfolk mllltla hoys hoanlctl
tholr own Hpcdnl earn at the union
Htntlon anil will ho transported to
Kort Hiloy ever tlio Union I'aclllo rail'
mail. Thorn wore thirty of thorn
from Norfolk ami I ho company will
liu Inrreusmil to Itn full ( pieta at Kro-
inont liy tlio tlolallt'd corps of Stanton -
ton HOllllOI-H.
Stnnton Doys Did Not Come.
'I'ho Htiuiton boys did not coino to
Norfolk hint nlKht an had lu-on ox-
jicctcd. liiHload Ihoy will join tlio
company at Kromont. There are
thirty of thorn and tlmy are In charge
of Captain Ooorno Hhorly.
Tlio Norfolk lioyw were nndor tlio
comniand of Captain Knllor and Unit-
tenant ( "arl II. 1'llKor. Tlio olllcoi'H
nro to ho I'urnlHhod with a Htandard
Hloopor at Valley.
All through I ho week tlio momlitir.s
of tlio company luivo hcon drilling
hard and Ihoy liopo to mnko a KOOI !
nppoaraiico whim they reach tlio
camp. Tlio Twonly-llfth Infantry ,
who were here hint week , luivo hoon
at tlio fort Hlneo Tno.sday.
Dr. P. 11. Suitor IH a visitor In
Dr. .1. II. Mncliay IH ahHonl In Car
roll today In conmiltatlon ever a jui-
Mrs. A. II. NVIndor loft on the noon
train Tuesday for a visit with frlonds
at AliiHWorth.
H. T. Hood of the Norfolk Shoo
company has licon In town several
days hotwoon trips.
Mrs. Mary Campl'Mll was lioro you-
torday onrouto to her homo at Lara-
mlo , Wyoming , after a visit with
friends at Poncn.
Miss Hiuol Dunn of Kromont is In
the city for a visit with Miss Kao
Watts. Miss Dunn Is ono of thoKro-
inont tolophonn Klrls.
.lames Calahan , H lirnkomnn on the
Northwestern , who moved to Norfolk
from Kromont , will KIKMI return to
Fremont to make his homo.
I. M. Maoy returned Tuesday from
his visit to Iowa. Mr. Macy attend
ed u family reunion hold In honor of
a brother who IH departing for Cuba , j j
"Hilly" Koriitison , stage hand , has' '
resigned his position at the Auditor-
iuni. "Hilly" says ho will go on the
road with Campbell UroH. " circus
The Wednesday club will moot
with Mrs. N. A. Uainbolt Wednesday
nfternoou at 2ISO. :
Quito a number of Norfolk people
drove to Uattlo Crook today to at
tend the K. J. Halo sale of stock.
( ] . H. Seller Is not exactly paint
ing the town red , but bo Is doing just
that to his livery stable at the cor-
noof Kit'th street anil Hraasch av
Julius Altschulor mot with a pain
ful accident last evening which re
sulted In a badly sprained ankle. His |
foot was turned underneath and the
joint very wickedly wrenched. Ho
will he laid up for feme time.
Mrs. Mary A. .Latky. of Lexington ,
grand chief of honor of the Degree
of Honor , arrived In the city Tues
day morning , soovral day : ? ahead of
the time she was expected. A spec
ial meeting of the Degree of Honor
was held during the afternoon.
Trinity social guild met with Miss
Altbery last evening and decided to
rive a Hallowe'en dancing party Fri
day evening , October 30.
Mrs. Mary I < ntky , grand chief of
honor of the Degree of Honor , will
lie hero Saturday. jThere will bo a
upeclal meeting of the lodge Satur
day evening , to give the members an
opportunity to meet the grand chief
of honor.
State Organizer Hurgis. of the
Tribe of Hen Hur , met with the local
court at tholr regular meeting Mon
day evening. In bis very pleasing
and entertaining manner , ho ad
dressed the court upon the various
phases of its work. After the close
f the court the members Indulged in
It Is reported In railroad circles
that there will soon bo In course of
construction a railroad planned to
connect nonesteel , the present terminus -
minus of the Northwestern from this
city , with Sioux City. The plans are
not far enough advanced to dotor-
uilno just how tlio connections are
to bo made.
Here Is a puz/lo that puzzles ev
erybody : Take the number of your
living brothers , double the amount ,
ndd to It throe , multiply by five , add
to It the number of living sisters , mul
tiply the result by ten and add the
number of deaths of brothers and sis
ters and subtract ICO from the result.
' 1 ho right Htfiiro . .rl bo the numiici
of deaths , the middle will bo the 1111111-
lior of living Hlstors and the first will
bo the number of living brothers.
Large Attendance at Second Day of
Coursing Meet at Kearney.
Knniney , Nob. , Oct. 21.Tho sccon-l
day of the MlBSouil V-lli'j HI.II , | IIK
meeting brought out a hi * ation.uiiiro
snd the si'ort win uxrellont. The
HVH' and second tics In tlu > futurity
wore run off. blinking down tlio con-
toH'.antH to fourlo"u. Ill the sefond
ties Tracy Pasha boat Prestlna , Mltw
l.lddlo heat Mls Illiigllng. Talleh
hrnt llanlsome Harry. Sinclair heat.
lnciiffl Kirk , Rurprlne Mo boat Ap
ple nioHHOin , Not folk boat Yankee
Dime. Hopeless Harry heat Clover
osooi'i. AdvorllSv'd heal 'Krlnco Line.
Palhllndor boat Moral ( Hit Paul
.Font's bent Koomitln. Celtic bent
Strong City Olrl. The Hard beat
Krank. Lady Ilrlirht boat Howe Hill
Maid. Lady Ilrash beat- Hill Dngan ,
Monnlc Clalr ran a byu with Cloth of
Three of the Former Are Killed In
Dattle Lasting Twenty Minutes.
New Orleans , Oct. I ! I. In an en
counter between a band of ne''roes ,
led by a white man , and a i-oiiHl.iblo's
posse , three negroes were killed and
flovcn or eight wounded near Peran
( Jrovo plantation In St. Charles parish.
The surviving negroes and their white
leader tied to the swamps and are beIng -
Ing ni'iirchoil for. Kurtlior trouble Is
President Issues' Proclamation Con
vening Congress No. 9.
Washington. Oct. 21. The president
Issued a proclamation calling the Klf-
ty-olghth congress In extraordinary
session on Nov. a , at 12 o'clock. The
proclamation statoH that the purpose
of the session Is to consider the com
mercial convention between the
United States and Cuba , which re
quires the approval of congress.
Lou Dillon Beats Major Deltnar.
Memphis. Tenn. , Oct. 21. What
was expected to be one of the great
est harness horse contests In local
history proved to bo a very tame
affair. Lou Dillon gave Major Del
mar a decisive beating in two straight
h"a'u In ordinary tlmo. The two mln-
nte trotters mot In the second renewal
of the Memphis gold cup. Hoth heats
were trotted In 2 :
Cruzen Indictment Moiled.
San .Iiian. P. U. . Oct. 20.The fed.
ernl grand jury has found an Indict
ment ag-ilnst Collector of Customs
Cru/en for having received unlawful
emoluments of smuggled goods , and I ]
> bas Indicted Captain Andrew Diinlap
of the United States navy , command
ant of the naval station huro , ami
Hobert flles. ! a former contractor In
Porto HIco. for smuggling District
Attorney PctliiiKlll Immediately uollei !
the Indictment against Mr. Cruzen
Great efforts were made before the
gr.ind jury to Indict Mr. Cruzen on
other charges , but they failed.
The Mapleton. Minn. . State bank Is
Closed , .i . ! < ; an iiiNCi.'jgiitlnn ol
the bool of th > assl-tnnt cashier ,
Alfred A. Huck , who has disappeared ,
Kd ward Cralgln of New York am !
W. .1. Cook of Oregon have been up
pointed agents of the Nicaragua ! !
govotnment to represent It In eana !
After three mouths of Idleness operations
orations were resumed at the Stafford
cotton mills at. Kail IHvor. The com
puny operates three mills and employs
nearly 1 000 hand * .
The pru-ato bunk of .1. K. Hrown
& Co at Olinl < 5worlh. III. , assigned
and will be closed pending a settle
ment for the benefit of creditors. The
liabilities are estimated at $ : tr..OOI )
According to one of his friends
Nick Volsah , who Is In jail in Now-
port. Ind , awnltlng ( rial for house
breaking , is worth $4ii.niM ) . mill also
heir to a larmo estate in Ormany.
By dressing a 1 , 200-pound steer In
three minutes and thirty-eight see
ends , Jacob llaor , employed In u Dun
ver plant , has reduced the world's
record bv twenty seconds , and Incl
dentally won the western champion
An Klgln , Jollet and Eastern pas
senger train running between Jollel
and Aurora , went Into the ditch near
Plalnficld. The coaches were turnud
\ipslde down. Several passengers
were injured , but the > only person
fatally hurt is Patrick Mulloy , a brake-
Janitors' Union Enjoined.
Chicago , Oct. 20. De.-lurhiff tha
tholr tenants were threatened with
the cutting off of all suppling and wltl
suffering from cold because of tin
strike of the janitors , backed hy _ tin
Flat Janitors' union , whli-h hud se
cured the aid of the teamsters union
the owners of a big apartment build
Ing on Forty-third street secured fron
Judge Holdom an Injunction guardlnt ;
their property Uy the writ the Jan
Itors' union Is restrained from picket
Ing the building.
One Faction Names Hunter.
Mlddleshoro. Ky. , Oct. 20. Dr. W
Oodlrey Hunter , who was nomtnntci
by his and the Ramsey factions In th
Klovcmli .ll-hict congressional 'con
volition in Mils city , has gone to
Krnnkfoit , Ky. , where he will illo hi
.certificate of nomination bpforo Pec
rotary of State Hill. Dr. Hunter wll
get an order lostralnlnj ; D. C Kd
ward * , who was nominated at I ondoi
by his faction , from tiling bis certlfl
cate. TUIs throws the matter Intc
P , O. Hirscli Has Realized His
One Ambition.
\fter Laboring for Forty Yenrs , n
Veteran Norfolk Craftsman Com
pletes nn Instrument Which Mean-
ures the Human Shape.
After having dovotoil forty yearn
f his lifetime anil that IncoHHiuitly.
nil iiftur giving lil whole tlmo mill
bought to It during the past two
oars , P. O. llli'Hch , a veteran tailor
) r Norfolk , IIIIH llnolly completed an
nvontlon hy which It IH hoped to
ovolutIonize the present system of
ihyHlcal measurement hy the mom-
IOI-H of hl craft.
The liiHtriiment IUIH boon given to
he manufacturer and two Hainplcn
uivo Must heen received by the In-
' - . 1'acUod neatly at the
'aetory , thu little long box which
came to Mr. MlrKch through the
oxproHH. meant very much to
ilm. It meant that thu box carried
o him a realization of all lilHdreaniH ,
ill IIH ! thought , all hlH anibltloiiH ami
lopoH through two wcoro years ol'hlH
ixlstciu'i1 , and those- two score years
coming as they do right In the prime
if his usefulness.
How it Works.
The purpose of the device Is not
inly to take measurements of the
liumaii form hut also to take the ox-
ict shape of the man whose clothing
would lit. Ily an arrangement of lit-
In compasses and tape linen and
raduated rulers of Iluxililo cellullod ,
Mr. Illrtit'h has created an article
which will draw a picture of the form
t has measured , after the man is
; ono. So dollcato Is the apparatus
thlil the slightest curve in the back ,
he tiniest , hollow under the armpit ,
the smallest rounding out on the
chest or stomach , will all bo record
d so accurately that the pattern
may bo drawn to cover the human
frame In every particular within a
fraction of an Inch.
The machine Is made of celluliod
mil may be curved In any manner ,
to lit the llgiire. The standard sets
In the left arm pit and from here the
measuring is done. Tlio tapes are
drawn to the small of the back , to
the chest , etc. , all simultaneously.
I'ho compasses register every curve
and the lot of ligures make a pic
ture of the man.
Needed for Yenrs for Tnilors.
A patent has been applied for hy
Illrsch. There have been millions of
tailors , says Mr. Hirsch , who have
needed and wanted just this kind of
an instrument. Hver since the irrlt,1'
was begun away back in the time
that people began to wearany clothes
at all , the tailor has wanted some ma
chine by which ho could make a pic
ture and get the shape of the subject.
To accomplish this end the venerable
Norfolk craftsman has given up the
best of his life and now his creative
fancy and his whole thought have
been crowned with u real , practical ,
llnisbed product to give to Ills fellow
May Make n Fortune.
Mr. Illrsch may , and his friends
hope he will , make a fortune from
the scheme. The instrument will be
wrapped In a box and the meas
uring device will he sold for not less
than $ L'ii each. They are said to bo
worth $ Ui ) > to any tailor who Is old
at the business.
Worked for Forty Years.
Mr. Ilirscli , the Inventor , has la
bored for forty years and for the last
two years he has given his whole
attention. In his efforts he has
been assisted materially by P. .1.
Fuesler. For six months ho was en
gaged In trying to get a llrm to man
ufacture the article. Finally , from a
little card advertisement , he dropped
upon a name which helped him out
and now a factory in Hrooklyn is
turning out the product of his brain.
The factory does not know what the ]
machine they are making is for , hut
Illrsch does and that is enough.
Don't take defeat too easy.
In some Joke Hooks , you will not
11 nd a single joke.
Whether a prtrl 1s pretty , or wheth
er she thinks she is , she acts the
Ethics Is something you must not
Violate If you are going to bo caught
at it.
When a man is alvout to get mar
ried , in spite of his best efforts to
got away ho is particularly mean
about It.
Wo should think that running a
boarding house would bo a great
deal like giving throe church sup
pers a day.
Joe Alnsworth , the brakeman , says
bo notices a great many people carryIng -
Ing passes that ought to bo investi
An Atchlson woman Is not only
looking death In the face , and Is not
afraid , but she Is laughing about it.
Could yon do It ?
Iloro Is an argument : A man who
has dyspepsia says It Is responsible
for bis Irritable disposition. . Others
In the family suggest that his irrlt-
,1' nihjiosition IH Minn CIUIHOH dys
Aii/ut ! MX moi.t'.M utter a man has
iiarrled for a home , llli wife beglmt
ii flhow IlKiirp * proving thai It <
honpor to hoard.
Wo hnve observed that when a
iiimhor of women got together , nome
mo declares Unit "hot1 church doesn't
nvo a cent. "
When a hey stops going around
to the back door on his neighborhood
v ! < HH , and HOPS to the front door ,
bo also stops going HO often , and
doesn't have as good a tlmo.
A Leavonworth woman Is very In
dignant. She advertised for a hus
band and the newspapers mentioned
the affair. She thinks newspapers
ought to have some regard for the
sacredness of one's "prlvato affairs. "
Two Atchlson bums wont to Leav-
onworth some tlmo ago , and loafed
at a certain saloon until the proprie
tor was sick of them. The proprie
tor tried again and again to got
rid ol the bums , but bis efforts were
In vain. Then ho thought of a
scheme. Ho went out and bought
an enormous imitation diamond for
a dime. Ho pretended to get drunk
and go to sloop In the hack room.
Half an hour later the saloon keeper
was minus his imitation diamond ,
and the two bums were hitting the
railroad tics for Atchison.
A little Atchlson girl Is very fond
of her klu ; waits on them and Is
affectionate with them. One day ,
during ono of her little love feasts ,
one of her aunts said : "Why do you
love us so much ? Of course wo love
you hecaiiso you are a sweet pretty
little girl , but wo are not pretty and
sweet , and are often disngrcoablot so
why are you so fond of us ? " The
little girl looked very much sur
prised at such a ridiculous question ,
and said : "Why , I love you because
you are my relatives. " The last reason
older people have for loving each
other Is hecaiiso they are relatives.
Healy Placed on Trial for an Old
Crime at Chicago.
Chicago , Oct. 21. Charged with a
murder committed here seventeen
years ago , Hcaly was placed on trial
today. Former friends and acquaint
ances , now in their old age , who had
nearly forgotten the man and the
deed will retell the story of the old
crime and identify Healy , despite his
changed appearance. Ilcaly Is said to
have shot and killed Ferdinand Pom
merauz In the yard of the hitter's
home July 3. ISSfi. At the time Healy
escaped and has since traveled about
the world. In the meant line a mur
der was committed In Kansas City ,
the victim being a woman , the keeper
of a little grocery , who was shot down
by hold-up men. and Healy. under th
name of Hedmond , was charged with
the crime. After the Kansas City
murder he joined Roosevelt's Hough
Riders , but deserted.
| Independent Concern Meets at Denver
to Decide Upon Policy.
Denver. Ocl 20. The directors of
the Independent racKin.n company
met here today for U > o purpose of
cleci'ng olllccrs and outlining the fu
tmv po'h-y of thi > c'-mp ny.
Among those pre.-t'iit were H. F ,
npathridgc of Mis.souil , Paul Russell
nf Kins.V. ! . F. Knto , jr. of Mis
souri , Noah Nowbanl.s of South Da
kola , \j. \ F. Wilson of Texas and A
W. Atkins of N'tibi.-.sKn
The trust agreement by which 15
per cent of the sin' ! \ Is lo tie held In
ecciow was adopted and a trust com
puny appointed. It WHS decided to
postpone thi > election of president un
til the meeting of the National Live
stock association nt Portland. Ore. ,
on Jan. 1'next. .
T. F. Wilson of Te-vtis was elected
vice president , F. W. Flato of Mis
souri , treasurer , mid C. F. Martin ol
Colorado , secretary. The capital ol
the company is $ . 1,000,000.
President Issues Pardon.
Washington. Oct. 21. The presl
dent has commuted , to expire Imme
diately , the sentences of Marion Mar
shall. Cyrus Rains and Burton Harper ,
coal miners , who were convicted in
West Virginia of resisting a United
States deputy marshal. They were
sentenced on June 11 , 1903 , Marshall
and Harper to Imprisonment for
eight months nnrt Mains to Imprison
ment for tive months in the Raleigh
county Jail.
Terry McOovern , former feather-
wrlght champion of the world , was
given the decision over Jimmy Brlggs
after a hard fifteen-round battle at
Willis Wood , the theater and note
proprietor of Kansas City and St
Joseph , and Miss Jewell Lincoln ol
Kansas City were united in marriage
at Independence. Mo.
Robert J. Nelson , president of the
Afro-American Republican league , is
sued a call for a national negro suff
rage convention , to bo hold In Wash
ington. Dec. 14 and 15.
The St. Louis court of appeals
handed down a decision that the In
surance cot pony has not the right to
repair damage done to property by
flro without the consent of the
sit red.
Major General Samnol S. Sumner
who Is now In Washington On leave
of absence , has arranged to assume
command of the Department of the
Missouri , with headquarters at Oma
ta , ou Nov. 20.
'cople Want Route No. Two
Drove Over the Territory Covered by
Route No. 2 and by Route No. 4 ,
but Refuses to Give any Informa
tion Regarding Prospects.
Rural Route Inspector Kngorton Is
n Norfolk from Onmlm and will drive
ver two of tlio rural routes leading
from tlio city with n view to chaiig-
ng the directions of the present
courses , according to petitions filed
' the farming patrons.
Mr. Kagerton dro-e ever route No.
2 , west of the city , on Tnosday morn-
ng. In company with Carrier Roiuie.
3r rather Mr , House uccom'"ilcd
Mr. Kagorton , for tlio rural rof0' ' n-
specter hired a livery team and drove
.ho carrier around the section.
Change at Ray Corner.
Patrons In the neighborhood of the
[ lay corner , six miles west , want a
chnngo by which the carrier will
Irlvo north and tnko In an extra mile
or BO of territory. A change is also
asked in the neighborhood of the Om-
merman farm. /
In order to make this addition three
lio'.es that are now covered , would
lie omitted from the list. Another
change Is asked south of the Ray corner -
nor but It Is not likely that this will
ho granted.
On Wednesday morning Mir. Fagor-
ton will drive ever route No. ! and
will then return to Omaha. Ho re
fused to glvo any information regardIng -
Ing prospective changes , whatsoever.
Thieves Blow Open Safe and Get
Thlrty-five Hundred Dollars.
Pleasantdale , Neb. , Oct. 21. The
safe ot I he First State bank here was
blown open with nitro-gl > ceilno short
ly before a. m. and $ : t,500 stolen.
The burglars escaped In a buggy ,
followed by a crowd of citizens who
were awakened by the explosion.
Over a dozen shots were flred at t.tom
ns they drove down the street , hut
whether any of the shots tooli effect
is not known. Lincoln and all the sur
rounding towns wore notified and the
sheriff. Detective Mnlone and his
bloodhounds and the police were in
the search for the men before li
o'clock. It Is supposed the job was
done by tluve men. Kiuranco was
gained to the bank by unlocking the
front door with a skeleton key , after
which the vault door was picked anil
the men got access to the safe. Hero
they drilled a hole and used nitre-gly
cerine. The explosion smashed a
hole in the side of the safe and jarred
nearly every house in the village.
Mr. , Ackorman , who Is an oflicer of
the bank , with a number of neighbors
who heard the explosion , rushed to
the bank just as the men started
down the street In a buggy. The command -
mand to halt was given and was
answered by a shout to the horses.
Ackerman and his men then flred at
least a dozen times at the llcMng hup
gles. The buggy , which was so relentlessly -
lontlossly pursued by the posse , did
not contain the robbers , as was at
first supposed , but was occupied by
Ocorge Mnrdhenke. bis wile and two
daughters. The rear end of the bug
py testifies to the good marksmanship
of the p-isse. It is riddled and the
wheels are marked In a dozen places.
Murdhenke and his family reached
Ploasantdalo from tholr homo near
here about . " > o'clock en route to Lin
coin. They were driving slowly past
tlio saloon when some one called out
for them to halt. Mrs. Murdhenke
said "drive" and the head of the house
did. None of them was struck by the
Charged with Big Theft.
Boston , Oct. 21. An alleged theft
of $20,000 from the Hoston National
Union last November was revealed
when Elmer E. Lcavltt of this city
was arraigned In court charged with
the deed.
Leavet pleaded not guilty and was
held for a hearing Nov. 4 In ball of
Vice Consul Johnson Exonerated ,
Mont rose , Colo. , Oct. 21. Dr. A.
Johnson of Motrose received a cable
gram from his son. Carl Johnson , vice
consul at Amoy , China , against whom
charges wore recently made of con
nection with the smuggling of Chi
nese Into the Philippines. It reads :
"After a thorough investigation am
fully exonerated. "
New Irrigation Congress Formed.
Bismarck , N. D. , Oct. 21. A new
Irrigation congress , primarily a tat
organization indirectly affecting the
northwest , was formed here , and
while only a preliminary organiza
tion was formed , James J. Hill , presi
dent of the Northern Securities com
pany , delivered an address. Mr. Hill
talked on irrigation and Its relation
to the development of the northwest ,
and Incidentally referred to the merg
er case , the trade of the Orient and
Its effect on the northwest. A letter
from Senator Hansbrough of North
Dakota on the subject' of Irrigation
was read and O. II. Plumely presented
the report of tlio delegates from Ogden -
don , showing the. advantages which
accrued if > the waste places of Utah
and oilier states from Irrigation. Tlio
report urged the convention to work
In evorvvv possible for the expon'M-
turo of North Dakota's Irrigation fund
within the border of the state.
Decision In Famous Parker Case.
Davenport , la. , Oct. 21. The fam
ous Parker will case was decided by
Judge Wolf today. He holds that
Francis Parker , Bon of Mrs. Frals-
salnot and Frederick Parker of Oma
ha , was acknowledged In deeds to bo-
the son of Frederick Parker , anil
hence Is heir to one-half of the $1,0'0-
000 estate of James Monroe Parkorr
as liplr of the grandfather. Ho hold
that M Frnlssnlnot was a servant
and not Parker's wife.
Many People Are Killed.
Austin. Tex. , Oct. 21. Advices re
ceived hero from Mazatlan. Mex. ,
state that the terrific storm which
visited that city and port a few days
ago caused considerable loss of life.
In the city sixteen people were killed
and n number of others Injured. The
ships In the harbor also suffered
much damage , The Danish schooner
Clara w s entirely wrecked and the
captain and fourteen sailors drowned ,
Total Amount of Defalcation of Treas
urer Is $59,000 ,
New York. Oct. 20. Rev. John H ,
Peters of St. Michael's Protestant v
Episcopal church , has announced that
the defalcation of the church funds by
Henry T. Edson , treasurer of the par
ish , who killed Mrs. Kaiinlo Puller *
and committed suicide several months
ago , amounted to S..fl.OOO.
Of this amount $10,000 , the rector
stntod. had been returned to the
church by the wife of Mr. Edson In
making over to the church two lll'o
Insurance policies. A pirt : of the re
mainder will fall upon u bank through
Its liability In connection with thff
Decides Against Venezuela.
Port of Spain , Oct. 21. Jackson II ,
II. Ralston of Washington , the um
pire of the Italian commission at
Caracas , has decided against Venezu
ela In the claim for the double pay
ment of the double local taxes , which
decision applies In principle to the
attempts now being made by the.
Venezuelan government to collect a.
second tax on goods Imported at
Cludnd Hollvar under the recent revo
lutionary govern.nont at that point.
Yellow Fever at San Antonio.
Laredo , Tex. , Oct. 21. Yellow fever
bulletin- New cases , " > ; deaths , 2 ;
total number cases to date , 471 ; total
deaths , 37. One of the victims who
died was an American , a lawyer
named George B. Hayford. Word was.
received in this city that there ar
two cases of yellow fever in San An
tonio. The report has not been con
firmed , but the authorities have In
stituted a strict quarantine aea.lnst
that city and prohibited tha running
of trains from that country to the
She Has Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Praclicinjj ; Aleopatliy , Home
oputhy , Electric nnd Gen-
em !
Will , by reqnoet , vUit
returnini etary four wwki. Con ullh r wlil !
lh opportcnitj ii cl build.
DR. CALDWKLLllmltaher pricl'ca to tl , -
ipoclal treatment of dloraiei of th me. e r
ni ° f"i hroatj 'np8' ' f alB dii a es , dl aie of
clmureu aud llcunmie. norron and inrelral
dl.eaiM of curable
nature Karly .
tion , brottchltli , bronchial catarrh , con.ump- cbronlf
catarrh , headache , cADitipatioi , itomach andt
' .weltt8 . ? ? ! * ! . rh 0 ? H m. neuralgia , tci.
; dleosekidneT ; dlneatoi.dlteaie *
of the Ityer and bladder , diuioeia , neriomuei. ,
Indl e'tlnD , oboBJty. Interrupted i nlrltlon.
slowBrowthjnclilldrer.and all wasting dli
ea e. in adnlts , defoTinitlot clnb-feet cnrra.
nre of the plno , dlteaaea of the bruin , paralr-
ie. henrtdiBeuee , dropsy , Bwolllnir of the limli.
fltrlftnro , open aores , pain In the bone * , grana'
lar enlarsementa nnd all
long-itanding dl-
eaeed properly treated.
Illood Hiid Skin .
rimplee. blotches , ernpUonn , liver epota , fall
lug of the hair , had complexion , eczema , throal
ulcers , tone palm , bladder tioublea , , weak
back , burning urine , paslag urine too often.
The effects of conatitntional ulckuoca or the-
takimr of too much injurious medicine receive *
eeitrchlng treatment , prompt relief and it cure-
for life.
Diseneea of womou , irregular ineuBtrimtiou.
fallifc cif the omh , beariutr down n\int : ,
fomn e > < iilncementa | , lack of senml toiin.
I enc rrheii tteriltty or onrreiiuH's. couanlt
D r Laid well iiuri blio will ( how them the came
of their trouble and the way to becomn cured.
CnnrurH , fioller , riatulii , Piles
nn-1 enlarged K. nud treated with the Huhcu-
Inneotih inject ou mothoil. absolutely without
naiu and without thn l"b f a drop of blood.
IB OMB of herowti diceovorios and U really the
moBt bcleutine niolhod nf HUB advanced
Ur. ( aldnell liaa.racticed | ) her profusion in
Foment the Inrt'OBt boapitalH throiiRhrmt the
country. She luu uu aupori"r ii the treating
niiddiaKimsiiiidie < tni'n . de'ormitinB , o'c. She
ling lately opened mi olllcu in Omaha , Nohraeka ,
whoretihu uill p < > nd a ponton of each weak
tientli K h r miiuy pntlaMn. No inrtirablo
canon uccoptod for treatment. Consultation
oxiimliintliin mid ndvicn. nun dollnr t < > the < n In
tm i il. , . n. OUA k CO
I'hlcHgo III.
Aildrese all mull to Dos DuildliiK , Ornah a