The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 16, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE NORFOLK NKWS : FH1DAV , ( XTOHKK Hi. I { ) ( ) ! ! .
Shoe Toggery Talk ! Shoes that Wear
You will find in tir store the largest , MOST UP TO
DATE aiid complete line of fall footwear in the west. MONEY BACK SHOES
= =
Our store is full to the top with the latest creation in
skoennikiiig. We carry all widths And can fit all kinds of
feet. If they don't give you good service. We carry strictly
first class goods and back them up wild our guarantee
We Solicit Mail Orders and Prepay to give you good wear. We carry a complete line of the
celebrated GOODYEAR INDIA RUBBER overshoes and
rubbers , which we fully guarantee. We do not deal in
Express Charges on Same. old goods shoddy or bankrupt stock as have been flood
ing the town , but handle strictly first class and up to
We invite your inspection , date merchandise.
Norfolk Nebraska , NORFOLK SHOE CO. Winder Proprietors. & Reid ,
It * * * * * > * * : * : :
. . .
; . . . "Dy . . .
fr lop > rlKlit , 1'HU ' , lj 1 I Mu lure
[ . . . . ; . . ; . . ; . e. ; . . ; . * . ; . ;
As Jack \anstoii stepped Ihionph
Itho I'lPiHh window lulu the liln.u.v at
Cro swcll he made halt .1 motion to
4 urn hack. Lndjloxoas djlntj haul
lier hc.itl hurled in her loltk'd units tin
the bitf liln.iry table. Aunt Nan -at a
illttle way off , lio\xniiitf. jet beamim ;
over a letter. She It was who caught
fight ol .link and called to him \\ith lit
tle exi iteil breaks between her welds
"Don't jo awaj. Mriinsion. . \ on
must help me iiiiike this hcMcNtionjr
ichild listen to teason "
" 11 jibe's badlj ill need < it dislpllii ( >
piippc-O : jou let me take hei lot a xxalk
this moiidnnV" .l.iiK said , pulling a
rebellions ( ill I stia.\ed do\\li 0\ei
ilaulj loxo's noi k. "Shi1 told me jes
ltoidu.\ she hated nn > . "
.MisNanej shook her "I ( 'ail-
not pel mil the \\.ilk now" Slie put
ftnch emph.isis on the last \\oid .lack
could not i house lint ask.Vh. . \ V"
"Oh. . ! . ! - ( k ! "\lo\e \\.iiled , slum-
tip , lint keeping hei t.iie hidden "It's
IPCIIIISC she wants mo to many
fat , pin ejcd Sandy Coilew. lie he
has wiitten to hui pKiposinji-taiicy
firopo lm ; that waj"
"I at Iea t appiedato dear Sandy's
fine defeience to your xnaid-
Inn , " MisNiiniy said , sitting a
thoimht siaifihter | and laiesshiK the
Utter with two lin eis. Then. In an
nwer In the ipieslion of .lack's e.\es , she
nont on "Ot ( onr-e will ac
cept She- came heie to establish her-
" 1 didn't : It \\as- just lipianse 1
thought jnu weie lonely and wanted
mo and thenweie so mauj ot us at
Biome one ( oiild well be spaied , " Lady
love bioke in. "and I had lather co
back to daddy and the pif.s and the
c'lilcKen1 * and the diildien and have
. onl.\ ( .ilito tioUs than in airy this
' this oat "
She was standing > I' ' " ' list | woid.
one little foot st.unpiiu' haul as she
npoke. .lak ( daied not look siiaiuht at
her II lie did lie knew he should ( .Udi
her In his aims and mniloit her ' 1 hat
Avonld inin ( ' \ei.\tlilnj ; It was deail.\
n case tor diplomat lie said -ootli-
lHKl > to\lo\e. ' MitsU nan lltj
iil ! " Then to Aunt .Nam-y "I ajneo
williV-iMi , .Miss Ciesswell Sandy Cor-
lc\v Is a tine , solid lellow. who may al-
vays be depended on to do the ii lit
thitiL' . Hill please let me see his letter
I'm not asking out ol impel tuient ( n-
rloslty , " as he s.ns dental in her hue.
"Do believe that ! I I haxe an idea-
thai-that jou may not haxe under-
htood unite what he meant "
Jack's liiealh came last as be said
It. He was by turns hot and nild. Hut
despeiale cases ie < | iilie dcspeiale au
dacities lie bent towaid Miss Naiiej
nnd half foiclbly took the letter , lead
H thiough twice , tolded it. lead H
jtgatn. then stood witli It in his hand ,
fehu model of ono Impelled to speak , yet
* 0nth to obey the Impulse. Miss Xnnc'j ,
xatching him as a blid watches a
611 like , .it last Huapped out ' Well ,
vhata the matter ? Do jou tlnd any-
jthlng stiange or startling in the tact
tliat a gentleman has the ( ourage and
dccencj to say outilglit he wants to
marry my niece ? "
"I do not , " Jack said ; then in a con-
etrained voice : "Hut foighe me. Miss
Kancy-has bo said hoV I think not. "
"Why ble-js and save us ! Aie jou
' ' Ctesswell demanded.
cra/.j' : Miss
' Not a bit ot U ! " .link letorlcd stout-
lj. "Unlj that jou have misunder
stood Heie in all thelirat page about
liow he has admiied jou all his life
uwd now that ho ban icaclud man's
estate 'hopes for a closer alliance. '
And then with a manly com age most
ndmhable he sums up. ' .My heart Is
bet on i j ing the ono woiniin in
the woild for mo Miss Nancy Walton
CrPFswell' Ladylove Is Nancy Walton
Cress-well on tins family legistor , but
vhooMM- heard her called so anywhere
ilseV" k
"Ob roii can't mean that ! It would
be too ndii nloiiH , " Miss Crosuwell said ,
I but IIH she said It hho turned away
1 cr lu id io hide the blush that spnad
an in her round white chin. Lady
-I i in' at her like n mud thins
, ut 'It's truth , Auntie Nan' ' It
t i < S.iti'lj ' in i1" " no
lnnl\ i Ne Vnd .Mill II laki Iinu Hid
1 11 ailoie iu\ I ndi Sainl.v Hi s nnlv
niiclj l.ii allir ill and I in MIIC u
pU s IMS i an be kind anil luniix
" '
"Lndjloxe , jou toilet jiin cir" s.iid , his volte liea\y with ic
in oof. Tlien to Miss Ciesswell "lion
estlj 1 cannot doubt that Sandj meant
jou. That was whj I Insisted upon
seeing the letter I bad beiiid him sa.\
things \\hlch made me sine jou mls-
undeistood , and I did not want jnu to
make a fjnne mistake. "
"Whj. the boj is ten jeais jouiwr
than I am. " Miss Ciesswell Mild weaU-
Ij. ste.ilimr n Klaiue at heisell In the
mantel Klass
"And looks | l\e jeais older at the
very least , " .lack said. "That Is one
luhantane ol beln so-ahem well , so
llnelj built. At least think It oxer
Ti'll him jon'll take a week to consid
er bis pioposal"
"Yon don't think I ( oiild be so In
delicate as to accept 1 mean to say
either jes 01 no under a loitnl ht. "
Miss Ciess\ ell said "I'll w I He to
Sandj that I must consult inliiother
and shall posslblj l\e him a definite
answer al the end ot a toitniulit "
With that she dntdicd the Idle ) and
i d Tin * dooi hid liaidlj * shut
behind her w lien link had l.adjlove
tifiht in ills amis mil was sijnm to
the ( m Is on the top ol hei head "lion-
ej Kill would jou bolit'M' 1 sat up t > \o
full nlubts COIKOI liim that epistle lot
the wml fat wilted SiuuhV r.\i n <
ttie hist I \\.is all aid he'd see 1hiou'li
It. although tinlj it is a dix mnent jon
can ie.ul piotty well anj way jon
choose Mj heait in innioiith
until Anniy Nan took the halt .Now
we two have plain --.liliiiir I'.eloie the
ftn Imuhl is up we ( an lie '
" \\hatV" Ladjlove asked bieathless
lj. In cin heiselt and -lamliim in lioni
of him onTlploe lie ( iinphl both hei
hands and made hei a ICMMCIUC. a\
\\K \ ] \ sofily. "Happj and maiiied M\
KOM'i not sji 'id hir home tluee dajs Just let him Ket heie. and 111
Hhow the ji---ip 1m noUi Ii bad
mali h lei jon as jhej li.i\c tried to
mak ( > mi1 out He meant to staj awaj
anothei jeai. but I ( .iblcd him how mj
liles hapjdness was at stake. Oh , I
dnln'l doilht .Mill , not the least. I
knew jon'd be eniial to luxe in a cot-
time. It is our liiendlj enemies I
w anted to ( onlonnd "
"I \\ondeihiK. . " Lad.\lo\e said In
an nlinosi awesiimk whisper , "what
Aunl .Nan s aiisw er w ill be. "
"I hope jes. lor Sandj s sake. " .lack
Mild , "lint one ( an iiexer tell what I"
piiii to happen when one man pui
po-os as another man disposes. "
* * *
The Kosslp. , df I'lesion weie duly
ronlounded. .lack inaiiud Ladjlove ,
with Aunt Nan's beaming appioval , the
day beloie Sandj Coilew s pioliatlon
ended. Such a piece ol newof ( omse.
ran Ihioimli the couniij llle wildllie
Sandj heaid it about smidnw n and lode
str.iiu'lit and haul to Ciesswell He
toiind Mi-s Ciesswell upon the poicli
tbeie , u HKUIC of niadoiislj matuie
woniiinhoiid , wondeilnllj endianlliu
In the sotieniiiK dll-k In spite of fc ( I
Int ; he had bc > ( > n looted and plajed
with , Sandj could not speak e\en
Kinilly when lie asked , "What's all
this ( ink and bull sioij of Ladjlove
mnrijlni : that artist chap \ansion and
Koint ; oil with him in a coadi and
font V"
"Oh , it's n leal romance , a beautiful
one ! " .Miss Ciesswell h.iid. lisinj ? and
ghhiB him her h.nnl. She did It half
shjly , as though leaiim ; it ml lit lie
detained. It was aerj white hand ,
plump and dimpled as a babj's Sanih
hold It between both his own bl
palms , while the ownei of it 1.111 on
"You s ( > e it was love at Hist sl bt with
Jack and Ladjlove , but 1 had to be
cool to him because he was strange
Not a soul we knew had e\cr heaid of
him. He understood and teally acted
very well ; waited until his lather came
to speak up foi him. 'Jinn theie was
i no withstanding thorn. I had to lut
them many oil hand"
"I think jou mlKht have at least
told me , " Sandy said , half lesentfully.
MUs Cresswell blushed uluMicd un
mistakably and said : "Theieeie rca
BoiiB against It. I you t-eo , 1 did not
nulto Know my own mind. Itcsidcs H
uilKht have beonunl to you well , pro
"No such flilnu , " Sandy said stoutly
nven through his donrfenesB bo beuiu
to see Uow tlio land lay. HP began tc
EOO , too , how ho could snvo hla vanltj
from sniBi't Mlaa Cresswell was rlcl
and h indsome and kind At the Wois
' , < M 114 n i him
\ii\\ I 111II III 1C ( i II Illi \ nil II III II I J
nn Chiislma- ' In v < nl on niisicilnl
lj Mi-s ( iess\\ll said linlbliu dUb-
lct him lake liei in bis ,11 ins
l'i\e ininntes lati i slui wlnspeied
kolllj " \oii owe , liiK siimetlniin San
dj until he lead join letlci 1 thought
j on wanted Ladj line "
"Oh. .link Is a w Ke KIIJ ' " Sandj said ,
wltli tin' ai 11 nt of ionU lion
'Mi.- Mini \\lin KmII Ml.
A Sixth incline ini el Milan's hoj up
pe.ued on the onli with a uit tiap in
his hand 'Iwentj pedesti inns stopped
at onto and tlncc do s balked and
leaped at the pilsouer.
" ( Jet out in the Htieell" shouted a
\oii e.
" ( ! l\e that uit a show ! " added a second
"Hold on (111 ( 1 f'et my do ; ; ! " piped
a boy.
"Snj. bull. " intcipo cd a fat man
with n cnne as he pushed Ids way Into
the ( lowd. "ha\e jon had nnj expeil
ince with ralsV 'i'heie's onlj one waj
to handle 'em Let me lake the tiap. "
\\ith bad raie the hoj siniendeicd
It , and while some one held the tat
man'i i.ine he lidd the trap hlili oxer
the stleet \\lnn the spi Inn dool xxaw
opened \ 01 e\eu dons xxeie xxailin .
and the rat didn't like the looks ol
things He spi.ui ( loin the door , twist
ed to the top ol the tiap and then
jumped to the tat man's shonldei
The ( loxxd noisilj Icll b.n k The fat
man jellid The do s hulled In One
d ( K Hot the 'at ' and lour do s ot the
tat man's le s When thai ? ; enlleinan
: uo-c. his silk hat iniind. he demanded
his cane 'I he holder hid di < npp ( aied.
"Hals ! " shouted the ( lewd
And the tat man sieanud fussily
( low n the axenne.-New Yoik 1'iess.
A 'Inlc of u Illll.-d IIUIi.
Theie Is a i liarmint , ' sioij told ol the
1:1 cut I'lciuh palntei Coiot Heinx
hosiitablc ] he heipieiitlj assembled his
ti lends to dmnei , and a ili-li ol had
dink an I polaloes , which exeijliodj
hatid , liiMinably lollowed ( be smip
The 11 lends , xx ho thought Coiot par
tial to the dish , alwajs mixe it when
he dined xxltli themt last. In leplj
to the palnlerS iuerj | , tliex admitted
that Ibex deiexti d the disli , but sup
posi d he liked it.
Coiot was minnliiir bioadly "Mj
diar lell'ixx. it jon onlx knew how I
hale the -\j\\\ \ \ \ \ of it oxen Hilt Adele.
mj i link slmplj .nidi cs h uldoi k and
potatoes And it In no oed I dale not
'o airainst her wishes Ii is as iniidi
as my phue is woith Not foi woild *
would mx awe of Adele indiue me to
iinded'ixe her as ic raids the \nlne 1
attadi to this one paiticnlar aitlcle ot
diet "
And fin the sake of Adele this little
poiip o | i.' painteis had lor thlrtj
jeais hi en eating a disli they could
none of them bear.
Wluit 1 jiiicrNiuiViintril. .
"Those who knew Mi. L'mersou
best , " said Mlsn I.ouls.i M Alcott ,
"were assuied that what hcemcd the
decline of Ids fai ultles In Ids latter
years was hugely but a HpemliiK It
was only wotd * he could not command
at will. His. xery for etlulness of the
names of things xxonld often KX-P ! occa-
Blon for a Hash of his quaint , slucxxd
wit I remembei once he started tor
his usual walk , when a llsbl shower
came up , and IIP retuined for his um
"He could not i ( 'member the word inn-
brelln , and we , who had not noticed the
hoxver , had no clexv to what he w as
Marching for. Another xvalklng stick
vraB brought him , another hat , a frc" h
kerchief , only to be refUBed with thai
pei-plpxcd shake of the head 'I want.
Bald ho at last 'I want tint tblnt , ' -
that your f ends always-bonow aia
neverbilunr back" Could any one tai
to lecognixe that dpac'rlpllouV
Few people leall/e that there au
other Pugs I esldeh tho-e of hens whlcl
have enorn ous cominerc'lalalue. . Ii
HiiKland so oalli'd "plovers' egK" . '
which arc really the p of lapwings , are
hont to the ( Ity nmikets I'mm tlm rum
districts by hundreds of thousands
They are esteemed n sreut delicacy uiu
fetch a veiy high nilcp , the o
thorn beluK for that reason confined al
most exclusively to the aristocracy nnd
other luxurious persons. Being only
about the sl/.o of piteous' e gs. U guoi
many of them arc * required to make a
dish. Men make ti business of gather-
inn them from the in-xts in murfihfs
nnd W ( t In I'1 I MIH' ' Si d ml
.11111(111 ( J I I Mill I M \\lll ( \\CIC XlMIIT"
Sill I I --.I 111 III Illllllc.
'I he iMik' nl Mxa mn "I llu > most
eminent snlilnis ol the sKlcinih ten
( mj , nexei tliionchoiil his Ion ; ; and
exentl'nl ( iieer lost a battle 'I lie
nn hblshop M | Cologne xxi's stiiuk bj
hlscft'oil touxold a ( ontlid. haxiiiKon
one occasion niK < 'd him Io en nue the
"The obeit | of n neneial , " icplled
Aha , "Is not Io ll hl. lint to i onqiicr
lie liirhls einniKh xho obtains ( he xie
toiy. "
Oliver Cioiuwell tinou lmul his mill
IlllJ cincci nexer ln l a bailie , though
lie neiiilj sustained a ieise ( at Dim
bar.The Duke of Mai Ihoi onxli loimht
sevcrnl bailies against the most e\
peiieiKed ueinials in Kmope and was
nexer once ddeated
The lamnus Itnsshin general Snxa
loll' xvas another ( onimnnder destined
nexer Io snllei deleat lie ualiied sex-
era I \b lories imainsi the 'I m Us and
HfMhiHt tlie 1'iilcs. and In II ilj lii > was
nppo < cd bx Moieall , and , belli * . ; com
plelelj' oiilnnnibeied. be elicited a
brilliant oxei the mountains of
Sw ! l/.eilaiid. ihion li ( iciniaiij. inlo
The Dnkc \YelliliKlon Ililniuhnill
his htllliant ( ampiiiKiis , bolli in India
and in the peninsula , picscixed Io him-
selt' a leni likable icuud ol nninicr
rnpled sin i es es I loin Hie Illsl battle
In whii h lie was xcslcd wilh siipieme
omnnind Iliniuyliont ( he peninsular
war. In w hidi he delealed llle ablest
if Napdleotrs niaishals , until the
ventliil d ix' atYaleiloo
All I ml niliiiR lltlill 1'i-iui ui'c.
No ( ininlix sullied to dlomOlt Is
wilhont It" own pcudiar method of
hiipiillealiiiK lor rain That in Knmaoii ,
loithein India , is not tlie least ( iiiioiis
of them
In a niimliy wheie the population
s almost cnliiely dependent ll
is a means of snbsUstelK e
neins laiiiine and siaivation I Mil in ; ;
i dioiiKlii In Knmaoii a Hindoo fakir
niposid , i peiiamc on hlmsell and was
suspended bj Ills leet 11 oil ) a wooden
beam. In this position lie was swum ;
liaik and loilh lot a ( onsldciable time
iy means ol a lope attadnd to his
lodj and tmlleil hj a lelloxx fakh
Hoth men xxiii bespi inkled xxilh aslies
and mud uid weie iniiins all dothim ;
e\iepl lot a small doth aionnd the
It Is to lie levelled that Midi pious
zeal should liaxe uone wilhont the e\
peeled lew ud lei the chlonh ler sadly
related tint no rain tell until xveeks
\ lllll Of lll'lllll ( . -I N.
It Is s.uil llnit a tepoiler xx ho had
been assigned to talk xxitli an Ameil-
can million me on an Impoitnnt iiics- |
tlon xvas icpeatedly lelilscd admittance
to his house Thru he sought out a
bcnntor wlm xxas a pi > isonal fiiend of
the million ilie and petitioned tor his
aid. Aimed with the senators ( aid
he relnincd to the mlllionalie's house
nnd sent in Ins talisman. Tills time lie
xvas admitti d
"Young man , " said the millionaire. ]
"do jou know that sKlecn icpoiteis
have called upon me todaj about this
veiy ( piL'stion and that I have icfusc-d
to see ( hem all ? "
"I ought to know It , sir , " responded
the \lsltor , "for I am the whole six
teen ! " I'M riiiilirnni'n.
A book on Nantiukot lonlains home
Btoiies that aie well known to lo\eis
of the ( > od old town , but maj not haxe
been xvidelj repeated One of them
hanss on the ( junker custom of num
beriny ; the months and the dajs of the
week Instead of nsinn the profane
mythological names.
A Quaker M hoolmaster set this copy
on the blackboard for his wilting class :
lluauty fndelh .soon ,
Lilit a ioao In Kixlli month.
It was piobubly the same man who
read to his st holars about Hobinson
Orusoo and bU teed man "Sixth Daj. "
bold Him Mix ( MMl llniiU.
A | , ( in a 1'aiiu bookstoie
the other daj and usLed for a xolunic
of liulxac. The clerk showed him a
rare oditlon , asking 40 francs for It.
When the < iistotnc'i' mild thut was too
much the clerk advised him to o Into
the proprietor's oHIco and see If he
could got U chcnpcr. Out the cuatom
er WMit i' I i 'led ' It for ' _ ' " > fi ID s
and tin piMpi Idol pmnipllx pnld the
sum nut illiixx.ud - - his h ir-
In tin i In k
.1.ill II \llrtl' * XX K.
While In toneless "Pilxnte" John
Allen of Ml dsslppl > nld haidlj be In-
dilceil to K\\C \ a seiIons nnsxxer to n
set Ions iiu | > tlon The older nicnihcro
Icnexv this and seldom went to the
Koulhein wit for Infoi million , but new
men ellen came to j-'ilrf bx doliiK HO
Khoilly after Mr. Llllletleld of Malnii
hud taken his sent lor his Hist term
lie xx anted some Denies In n Imrrj
Tinning to Mr Allen he said"I'anhin
me , sli , but jon xxeie at ( lOlljshtiiK
Can xon tell me hoxv nianx l'"edenil
mildieiH weie killed onliliht there ? " "I
am xeij soi iy , veij HOI ix. indeed , ( hat
I can't iKCoinmodnte jon. " u plied the
"piUnle" Hut ( he I'acl Is thai I XMIH
so hnsj that I clean foi ol to lount my
shots "
llaxe jon hcnid from
.lolUlej shut he went Io M'llia ?
'I liiiiKUiubnli He sent me txxo lllthl
lion i nhs the ollici daj.
McllKL'i I he idea' ' Anv
'I liln iiinbiib \ cnid tied to the neck
of one of them , uhlili lead. "I hope
thise lew lions xdll linil jou xvell. "
rhdadelphhi 1'iess.
IllKInu Illslorr.
"Tint hlsioih nl mix el of yours
doesn't lead as if jon had studied his-
toi v milch. " said ciltie.
"Tli. ink jou" said the anthoi xvhoin
nothing disioni eits "This Is the llitt
time xon liaxculxen me ciedlt for orlu-
Inulltj. " Washington Star.
\ \ Illllllll'l IIIS , Imlll'll.
NewedI would like a pound of
jour best ( hccse.
( InneiYes , ma'am
Mis Newed ( evaiiilniii } ; It ) Why ,
tills cheese is lull ol holes !
Onxei es , ma'am ; that's tlie way
It i oiiics
Mrs Nexxid Well. I don't want any
of it I'm not KoIiiK I" PIIJ I' ' " ' i > pound
of cheese Hint ( onlnins a luilf pound of
holes' '
Till. 11 Hi X u io I'mm ( Insu lijt-i-l. *
When I'tedeihk lioliel Non ol HllKht
on , Illi' irat pn < iichei who hid xviitteli
nun Ii nliont Tennjsons pnems and tor
whom ilie poet had a IIIK ! ) le unl. Ills !
called upon him. "I Icll. " said Teiinv
hull 'as if he had i nine l < > pindv out
the heat I of my injsleiy so I talki d
to him about nothing lint beer"
( lull'1 Ili-lllii-i nli- .
"I am uliul to sax" remnikod Mr
Seekton. "that I nexer spoke a hasty
xxoid to jou "
"No , Li onldas , " iinMveied hNxlfo
lather tientlj : "I'm willlim to i\'e jou
d edit for not hniijini ; about any
tblnt ; "
In a tlillj lieiolc life theie Is no per
adxenline It Is ilxx us either dolliK
or dx nm Hit ( In01 k
Throng iiout
Under the now ownership a
Complete Now Ser\ ice has been in-
sta''ed ' lively modern convenience
New Carpct.s ,
New Decorations ,
New Furniture.
C. H. YAIL , Manager.
Urns , . ' milk
running r\M'\ < la >
I'nic , tioli iinilx at d rri'.im.
( .ivi : r \ THIVL
hlriiMi mill > in ItiucNti'i ii.
n.iv cm si \ i ION
Iliisl Vu | M- linn n l
Omaha I'MH iniW'l Ii il.l a in 0 III a in
Ni'ldlKluav I't 7 III pill
lliiiH'siiM'l Kit'lulil II ill ) ii in.
Vi-i ilium U'av 11" I R I0n ill. 8,15 ii m
lloni-HliM'l I'aH'llK't' . 12 (10 ( pin. liiftO : n in
liiHl ! Atllxu. Dopurt.
niiiiii linn . . . o on a in
Onmlm I'tiMMoiiKur ,
HOIK Hii'i'i iinu . . o 10 n in. . 0toam : :
\\.iv PiolKht
iiiiiln linn . n Ili p in
HlmU l-'iclKht.
iiiiiln linn . U 30 | i ill
\ \ nI'lulKlit. . |
Itlilll'Hil'Ol Hill ) . . . 7 HO | l III 1
MollCHllMll llllO. . . . 0 IB III
Way I'lolwlit .
iniiin linn . 7:00 : o in
. . S:00nii : )
I 'HUH. . . 11 lis a in. .18:10 : p m
I.IIIIK nun I'IIHH. . . 12:20 : ii m
Uuv KiolKlil
iniiin iinu . . . . n no p m
Him It IllllH I'IINH . Tlinptn. . 7-DOpm
1'iulKlii Ira I MM mo llniilo to bo nn-
inilcil without luillco I hey ilu not eoino
In Million plnlfoi IIIH inn ] Homo do nut
i in i y It iKKiiK"
II C Mali an , Agent.
I'llliin rui'lllc.
KIIK ! Depart.
* ( ' < iiimlniH | A ( I'oiiiinoilatlon . . 3 I 0 p ill
Oliuili.i tlitiixot anil I'aclllp
CoiiMt 10 50 n in
Noith Antvo
CnliiiiiliiiH Ai i niiiiriodallon . .Ill5ain
Onmlm Denver and Parlllo
Count . . . . 0:1 : fi p m
CiiiineelH at Noifallc with C .t N.
W . KoliiK xx tHt and noitli , nnil with
tinc Hi I' AI .v O for points north
nnil uiiHl
J M tiscffor , Asont.
( lilrnjxii , M. I'linl * M lMiiriiii | lln nnil
Oninliii ,
South Dupait.
Hloiix City ninl Onmlm PIIHH. ( i ' 111 a m
Sioux City I'aHHuiiKur . I24"iii in
Went Arrive ,
Sioux City I'n'ifiniiKor . lO.fiflnm
Blonx City and Omaha I'IIHS . 7 fl pui
Connm-tH nt Not folk with C ft N. SV. .
tfnliiK xx out and ninth , and with thw
U. I' for polntH Hiintli
.1 It niNPffor.
Dullj ox < ( > pt Hunil iy
Clir.iu | t mill IUM Ninfnlk A\tnnr
S II , I . mill si , , i t
< MMIITlif lllUHbdl
XM. 111.1 lourtli
That baj ; of Hour > on ordered is at
your door when promised next tuna
you'll probably ord r double tin quantity
for Hon Ton Hour has a little way of
plmiNiiiK peojilc , v.liuh makes it a wel
come usitor KverybiKlv and his wife
known the superior ( pialtty of Hon Ton
( lonr
SagarGity Cereal IVIilk
Plumbing ,
Steam and Hot
Water Fittiiuj.
. .All Kinds of Pumps. . . ,
'Phono No. 97.