The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 16, 1903, Image 3

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    Till' ' ] NOIM
( OrlKlnul 1
Old Pollork , sexton of SI .lamcV
church , iind his wife were chlldhMS.
Mrs. Pollock pined because she had not
a Klrl to keep her company anil Pol
lock slimed In her wish.
Pollock linil a Imlilt of stepping to his
door every nl ht heforo KOHK ! to lied
to take a look at lilt church , not that
lie f.xpectcd to see. anything unusual -
it wns a nieie matter of habit. His
wife told him that tt was a habit tind
liegged him to hreak It up He gath
ered ! IH ! resolution for an ellorl to do MI
This effort took plaee one night In
November. At 10 o'clock Pollock put
out the lights In the house and went to
bod. This was only the hcKlnnliiK of
It. No sleep came to him , and he
tossed about stiiiKKlhiKlth a desire
to get vip , go to the dour and ItmU at
the church , after which he Knew he
would go hack to bed and to sleep
It WIIH near U o'clock In the morning
licfore he gav way ; then , rising , he
wont to the door , opened It , looked at
the chinch and was about to turn
when ho saw or thought he saw a
linn ! ) of light at one of the windows.
Putting on his clothes and taking his
lantern and the key to a door opening
Into the vestry , he hurried over to the
gloomy pile , now daik within , though
lighted dimly without by a waning
moon. Opening the door , he entered
mid , passing through an arch , stood on
the chancel steps with his lantein be
hind him , that It might not Interlere
tvlth his \ Isloii , and peered at the
pews , aisles , naves-Indeed , at those
things with peculiar names that go to
mnkc up the Interior of a church.
Seen at that hour , by the faintest
( dimmer of moonlight shining through
the windows , nothing could base been
more uninviting. Hven a sexton may
bare feeling , and old Pollock , although
be hud Been the sight many times be
fore , remarked to himself that he would
rather be opening a gnue by daylight
than standing there gay.lng over a se.i
of emptiness. Hut , not seeing anything
unusual , he was about to take his de
parture when he hoard a fumbling at
the great fiont door lock. Not wishing
to he Been , he blew out hlw light and
fc-ot Into one of the choir pew.s , where
be could watch any one entering the
Sure enough , the big door opened and
pome one came In. Then came tin
scratch and Hash of a match and the
lighting of a candle. By Its faint Ilium
Pollock .saw a man enter the church ,
leading a shrinking girl up the center
aisle , who shuddered at every step. The
pair came nearly to the chancel , where
the mnn waited , listening for a sound ,
while the girl wit In a front pew , hei
face burled in her hands. They weie
evidently expecting to meet some one.
Then the clock In the tower struck 2.
A moment later Pollock saw a light
moving in the guild rooms , and present
) y a man dressed In the vestments of a
clergyman came In , holding In bis hand
n small lamp. The man hefoie tJie
chancel met him at the mil and wills
pored something to him. Then he turn
ed to the girl.
"Grace , dear , " he said , "this Is the
Jtcv. Mr. Hartshorne , lector of this
church. He will marry us"
From this moment Pollock saw
through what was on foot as well as if
bu were intimately acquainted with tin
parties. He had served as M > \ tonltl
Dr. Hartsborne for twenty years ant
knew full well that the man hefoie bin
was not Dr Hartshorne. A young glr
was about to be ruined by u mock mat
Hut what was he to do ? He was ai
old man Incapable of overcoming thc (
two ratcals and did not think that It
appear and accuse them would be 01
nny avail. At any rate he did not dan
try It for fear of bodily injury Tin
Klrl was almost dragged to the altar
There was lllit enough for Pollock t (
see that the man was well dre oei
while the Klrl was In the pub of tin
poorer classes. The mock clei > ; ymai
began the service and had readied tin
words , "Grace , will you have thN
man" when Pollock nave a Kionn tha
echoed through the church with all tin
despair of one suffering from melan
cholia Insanity.
The groom and the mock clergyman
looked ut each other with startled faces
'Jhe bride had to be mipportcd.
"Go on , " said the fiooin under hlH
teeth with an oath , and , after consider
able urging , the service pioeeeded.
"Do yon , Grace , lw\e thin man"
There WIIH another gioan , this time
down In the body of the church , for
1'ollock had clipped around by a side
paBBage and got In among the pews.
The pretended clergyman dropped hU
"You'll burn for this ! " came a voice
from a still different direction.
By this time the groom had lost hH
nerve as well us the clergyman and.
picking up the bride , who bad fainted ,
hurried down the alule with her.
"Drop her ! ' roared a sepulchral voice.
The girl was diopped in the aKIe and
the men frantically made for the door.
Pollock. fcai Ing thej might gather cour
age to return , picked up the girl and
carried her out of the vestry door and
to his hou e.
Lena Hiu > remained with the old
couple till they died , they bPliuvlng that
Providence had caused the Hton to
take hlh ie olutlon on that very nlpht
nnd lioak It after midnight for the
purpose of saving the girl and giving
them n daughter. Lena , who was a
good , only yielded to the vil
lain's , solicitation to a clandestine mar
riage on bis promise to taUe her to n
church. No church was available ex
cept at an hour when all the woild was
nfileep Hut how they got the UP.IH old
Pollock never knew Ho did not again
think of going to bed without Ills last
look at his charge and often got up In
the night to do BO.
A Hoakluw Slirlnr.
The most \\ondiM temple In thn
world Is built on a loeUlug stone on
he HUinmlt of a mountain In northern
India which Is o\er ' 'O.dOii feet high
The ioi k \ \ < lghs iiianv thousands of
ons , but Is balanced on so tine a point
hat a eomparathcl.v light pressure Is
sulllelent to make it s\\ay Hindoo
) Hests teach their follow CM that this
( H Kiis placed In position by the help
if the gods , and tluin they add consul
erabli to the feeling of awe \ \ bleli they
leslre to cieate.
Worshipers at this shrine must tlrst
make a pctlloua amvnl of ( lie moun
tain. Then they spend HIM en days of
pieparallon In a temple built on the
solid mountain befoie the ) arc permit
ted to make the llnal passage to ( lie
mjsleiious rocking stone To reach
this It Is necessary to cross a bridge
over a great chasm , for nature and
man have combined to make tills Hin
dee shrine dllllcull of access After
crossing the bridge the pllfthn mounts
a ladder , to which he clings In tenor
for his life lie re and In the Itcicaflcr
The temple on the lock Is ncccssuilly
small. Thiee piiests olllclate there ,
but Its masteries no man Is pet milted
to reveal. Europeans him * seen It only
f10111 a distance
Tiniiiiiiiiin iimir.
The blood , muscles , bones and other
parts of the human bodj are composed
of many chemical constituents , and a
correct chemical analysis would be
long and tedious. The speclllc gravity
of the blood Is l.d'js , nnd 7711 parts ol
every 1,000 are water. Of the other
parts chloride of suillum , chloilde po
tassium , carbonate magnesia , calcium
phosphate , calcium lactale , potassium
phosphate , sodium c.u Inmate and otliei
constituents aie lound This Is generally
orally tine , with variations aKo. of
tissues and bone. The fundamental
substance of bone Is composed of or
ganic matter , lomhlned with Mirlous
Inorganic salts , in which calcium phos
phate largely predominates In addi
tion the bones contain ( alcluni caibon
nte , calcium lluorlde , magnesium phos
phate , sodium phosphate and sodium
DnttwiitiiK > ' Cont.
Buttoning a man's coat from right to
left was the original way , when our
ancestors , wrapped In skins , held the
right edge with the left hand and
naturally Inserted a fastening , thoin
with the right hand This right to left
custom has been ictaincd by the He
brew priests In their garb to this day.
When lighting men became necessary
and swoids and knives had to be
drawn by the right 1m ml from the
left side , the edge of the coat , buttoned
from right to left , was found to be In
the way , and men began buttoning
from the left. Nontlghtlng women
and priests continue to follow the old
on nn Iilnl ,
The Jewels of an Indian Idol must ho
worth stealing If many of those re-
uiaikably hideous images possess such
valuable head ornaments as one made
for the Idol Partlmsathy , In the Trlpli-
cane temple at Madras. The orna
ment Is woith home 50,000 rupees and
Is made of sovereign gold , studded with
diamonds , emeralds and rubles , the
largest emerald being valued at 1,0 < K )
rupees and the biggest inby and diamond
mend at 300 rupees apiece.
Keep MIM lux.
The heavens themselves run contin
ually round ; the world Is never still ;
the sun travels to the east and to the
west ; the moon is ever changing In ItH
course ; the stars and planets have
their constant motions ; the air we
bieathe Is ( ontinuaily agitated by the
wind , and the waters never cease to
ebb and How , doubtless for the purpose
of their conservation and to tench us
that we should ever be In action.
A ContritNt In
Three human lungs lie uext one nn-
other In the anatomical museum at
Edinburgh university. The llrht Is that
of an Kskiino tind is snow white. In
life this would , of course , be ruddy
from the presence of blood. The third
Is that of a coal miner and Is coal
black. The Intermediate one Is that of
a town dweller and is a diity slate
gray , as are the lungs of all dwellers
In cities at this moment.
An 111 Clinnen S6nir.
In order to make him forget hln do
mestic troubles , which were driving
him to suicide , some fi lends of Ilerr
Gustav Krautwlnkel arranged a chenr-
fnl evening at a restaurant In "Berlin.
Unfortunately , one of the party began
to sing a song entitled "Lost Happi
ness " Hiitdly was the Hist verso tin
Ished when Herr Krautwlnkel Jumped
op , pulled a revolver fiom his pocket
and shot himself. _
The Latent ColU'K - Vt ll.
"Just as lilndys was pieparlng to
sing 'Douglas , noughts , ' Into a phonograph
graph for young Itiiihmore hiht night
a mouse ran across her ankle. "
"What happened ? "
"Kushmore swiped the phonograph
i recoid , and now his class Is said to
have the must blood curdling
yell that was ever heard. " Houston
Visitor You haven't got half us nice
a cemetery here as we have In Kim-
Prominent fltb.eii fof Ilawvllle ) No ;
I've always heard that the cemetery Is
the only part of your town that holds
out any Inducements for permanent
residents. ChU ago Tribune.
A Prnilulne 'I'llInk.
He Think twice , love , before you n-
fnne mo.
She-Why should 1 think twice ?
lieHeeause , my dear , a woman nev
er think ! twlco the same , London
" i .NU MLATQ ,
A ( lu-f > IHJH ( lie | * riiirr I'rorruM !
AtmiiNt I uliiiuu n
"A good pint of the d > spep la that
pre\aiN hiinrl li n. ' said tin- diet of
an cMhishc hotel to a Philadelphia
Itecoid v * 11' , i- "Is due to the custom of : I 'I ' ni toasting meats. We
iii > we i i meats.Ve talk glib
ly of i" ' ) ' . ' 'roast chicken' and
Boon , bin \ \\cxhuuld i say Is 'baked
beef and 'h. K d dibUen , ' for an.MliIng
cooked In ui oxen Is baked , not ioas (
cd. We dun t talk of roast biead. do
we ? Yel we cool , our meat In the oven
as our bread Is cooked
"To roast mi'iM you miisl cook II on a
spit hcfoiv the the. You must tuiu It
constantly. livery little while \MU
must baste It. It Is In ecr.wa. . . \ bet
ter ( linn meat baked It is tenderer ,
sweeter and more digestible. Also I s
appearance Is mme appetl/lng , and the
appcarnme of alimd lias a tienien
dons effect on Its digest Utility.
"Hxpeilm Mil. adnal e\perlmenl , has
shown that the sight of an appending
dish starts the gastric Juice to ( timing
Instantly and that sudi i dish dluests
much mine ipibkly and thoroughly
than an unnppi'll'/lng one Altogether ,
we ought to go bai K to the gciiub'ii '
roasting process of our aneeslors , niid
our health would Impiinc and ( lure
would be ICM talk about vegetarianism.
"Of course I and all good diets nctu
ally roast neat. Itut toasting Is with
the average cook In the n\ Aincil-
can house nn unknown piocess. "
'I'luli > nlN of n Siilnl.
The Idea of sanctity usually i an lea
with It a suggesttn | ( of poverty , and It
may seem a contradiction In icfer
to the jewels of a saint. II bus been
customary for palnleis who dioote for
their subjects saints or marl\rs to
treat them with tin- utmost slmjilldly.
In a majority of eases tbev aie deplet
ed as devoid of omamcnt or denii.i-
tlon , and In the few In
stances , as w lien the subject of the pic-
tuie Is a ruler or king , the gems aio
few and purely symbolic , helm : sulil-
dent only to denote the tank ol the In
dividual poitia.ved.
Raphael , who was pcihaps ( he icut
est painter of icllglous subecis | the
world has known , lias in most of bis
woiks nrihcicd .strictly to this rule , but
In the head of "St Cecilia" Is to be no
ticed a departuie liom It. A low of
pearls , ( o which are attached tlnee
pendants , iruamcnis her gown at the
neck , ant ! this is her only Jewehv The
hair Is ranged and uuhoiit a
Jewel of any l.ind The single row of
gems , themselves the emblems of dins
tlty , eutphiisl/es the eMpiislte simplici
ty of tlie tace
How's This ?
Wo offer ono bundled dollars ro-
waid for any case of catanh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catairh
! ' . G. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Wo the undersigned , have known
F. G Cheney for the last 15 years ,
and we believe him perfectly honor
able In all business transactions and
financially able to carry out any ob
ligations inado by their firm.
West & Truax , Wholesale Drug
gists , Toledo , O.
Waldlng , ICInnan & Mnrvin.Wholo-
sale Druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrrh Cure IB taken In
ternally , acting directly upon the
) lood and mucous BUI faces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
ill druggists.
Hall's family pills aio the boat.
No danger of consumption If you
use Koley's Honey and Tar to euro
that htubborn cough.
Klcsait Drug Co.
Broke into His House.
S. LeQuinn of Cavendish , Vt , wan
robbed of his customary health by
invasion of chronic constipation.
When Dr. King's New Llle pills broke
into his house his tioublo was ar-
icstod and now ho is entirely cured.
Thoy'ie guaranteed to cmo 2iic at
Asa K. Leonard's drug stoic.
Never Ask Advice.
When you have a cough or cold
don't ask what is good for it and get
some medicine with little or no merit
and perhaps dangeious. Ask for
Foley'H Honey and Tar , the greatest
throat and lung lemedy , it euros
coughs and colds quickly.
Klesau Drujj Co.
The Salve That Heals
without leaving a scar Is DeWitt's
The name Witch Haol Is applied to
many salves , but DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve Is the only witch hazel
salve made that contains the pine
unadulterated witch hazel. If any
other witch hazel salvo Is offered
you it is a counterfeit B. C. DoWitt
invented witch ha/el salve and De-
Witt's Witch Ha/el salve is the best
salvo In the world for cuts , bruises
bums , tetter , or blind , bleeding , Itch
ing and protruding piles. Sold by
Kiesau Drug Co.
A Perfect Painless Pill
is the ono that will cleanse the sys
tem , set the liver to action , remove
the bile , clear the complexion , euro
headachu and leave a good taste in
the mouth. The famous little pills
I lor doing such work pleasantly anil
, effectively are DoWitt's Little Harly
, Hisors. Hob Moons of LaFnyotto ,
, Ind , says : "All other pills I have
used grlpu and sic ken , while OoWitt'a
Little Early Risers aio simply per
fect " Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
A Cure for Dyspepsia ,
I had d > spopsla in Its worst form
and felt miserable most all the time.
Did not enjoy eating until after I
ubod Koilol Dyspepsia Cure which
has completely cured mo. Mrs. W.
W. Saplor , Milliard. Pa. No appe
tite , loss of strength , nervousness ,
headache , constipation , bad breath ,
sour risings , Indigestion , dyspepsia
and all stomach tumbles are fpilckly
cured by the use of Koilol. Koilol
represents the natural Juices of di
gestion combined with the greatest
knovyn tonic and reconstructive prop-
01 tied , It cleanses , purities and
Hvveetens the stomach Hold by Kle
sail Ding Co
Dieting Invites "Disease.
To oiiio dyspepsia or Indigestion
! It Is no longer necessary to live on
milk and toast Staivatloii piiiduccs
such weaknesses that the whole ays-
leiu becomes an cat ) | uey to disease
Koilol Dyspepsia Cum enables the
stomach and digestive oigans to ( II-
Kent ; uul asslmllalo all of the vvholo-
some food that one caies lo eat. and
Is a never falling cure tor Indigestion ,
dyspepsia and all ntomuch doubles.
Kodol digests v\hat you oat maketi
the Htonuich sweet. Sold by Klasati
) tig Co.
A Dozen Times A Nlyht.
Mr Oucu Dunn of lloslon Fcny ,
W.'u , willes'l have had kidney
and bladder tumble foi yen in , and It
became so bail that I was obliged 'o
gel up at leant a do/en times a
night. I novel locelved any peiina-
noiil hcncllt horn any medicine until
I tried Foley's Kidney Cmo After
using two hollies I am ctiied"
Kiesau Ding Co
Have you stomach double , Indi
gestion , constipation , bad Iccllng af
lor eatlni ; ? Take Itoeky Mountain
I'ua If It falls ( o cmo you , will re
fund your moimy. Hfi cents.
The Kiesau Ding Co.
Watch" " the Kidneys.
"When they uro affected , life Is In
dungoi , " says Dr Abeinetby , the
gieat Kugllsh physician Kolny' "
Kidney Cum makes sounil kidney H
Kiesau 1)1 ) ui ; Co
Confessions of n Prlcot ,
Hiw. .Ino S Cox , of Wake. , Ark ,
wiltoH , "Tor 1 yeais 1 Huflnieil fiom
yellow Jaundice I consulted a mini
her of physician : * anil died all noitii
of medicines , but got no tollef Then
I began the UHO of lOleedlc Hitters
and fcnl that I am now nil eel of a
Ilsousc ( hat bad me In lln giasp for
tv\ehi yeais" 11 you want a icllii-
bio meilldne fur liver and kidney
double , stomach illHotilei in geneial
debility , get HIcetilc Mllteis It's
guaianteed by Asa K I.rotund Only
Kocky Mountain 'IVi put up In tablet
lot foim icatly for use .lust the sumo
as the tea simply concentialod for
your convenience. A duo blood and
body tonic. ; if cents
Tlio Klomiu Ding Co.
Snves Two From Dcnth.
"Our little daughter bad an almost |
fatal attack of vshooping cough and ,
bionchitlH , " writes Mrs W K Havl
hind , ol Amionk , N Y , "but , when
all other remedies failed , wo saved
her life with Dr. King's New Dlscov
cry. Our niece , who had consump
tion In an advanced stage , nhui used
this wonderful medicine and today-
she Is peifeetly well" Despeiato anil lung diseases yield to It )
King's New Discovery as to no otliei
medicine on oaith. Infallible lor
coughs and colds fide anil $1 (10 ( bottles
tles Kiiaiantccil by Asa K Leonaid
Tiial bottles fieo
Spent More Than $1,000.
W W. linker ol Plalnvlcw , Neb ,
\vritos : "My wife suffered fiom lung
trouble for fit teen veuis She tried
a number of doctois and spent over
$1,000 without relief. She became
very Iovami lost ail hope A filend
( ( commended Foloj'n Honey and
Tai and thanks to this gieat lemedy
it saved hoi lite. She enjoys better
health' than she has known in ten
yeais. " Uefuso .substitutes.
Kiosau Drug Co.
When I pioposed she said lo me ,
"Think you that 1 your wllovvoiildbo !
Your health Is gone , your stomach's
wiong ,
Co diink Homo Hocky Mountain Tea"
Danger in Fall Colds.
Pall colds are liable to hang on all
winter leaving the , seeds of pneu
monia , hionchitl.s or consumption.
Foley's Honey ami Tar cures quickly
anil prevents set ions results. It Is
old and reliable , tried and tested ,
sale and sure Contains no opiates
and will not constipate
luewiu uniK i u.
A Love Letter.
Would not Interest you If you're
looking for a suarantecil salve for
sores , burns or piles. Otto Deed , of
Ponder , Mo , wrltow : "I suffered
with nn UKly sore for a year , but a
box of Hticklon's Arnica Salvo cured
me. It's the best salvo on earth. "
25c at Asa K. Leonard's drug store
Foley's Honey and Tar cures
coughs and colds and prevents pneu
monia. Take no .substitutes.
KICHau Drug Co.
Bronchitis for Twenty Years.
Mrs Minerva Smith of Danville ,
111 , writes"I had bronchitis for
twenty yeais and never got lellef
until I used Foloy's Honey and Tar ,
which Is a sure cure "
Kiosau Drug Co.
Sandy Bottom ,
The distinctively American play ,
( k-pends to a great extent on Its pop
trayal of character and scenes , which
are to a degree of a local nature.
Tims "Arizona" deals with the cltt
/ens of the fur western state of that
nnrne , and "Sandy Hottom , " which Is
shortly to bo soon here , with the
peaceful lives of those who live In
the picturesque Arkansas lillls. Ad
'mlttlng ' as it docs of elaborate scenic
Hlfocts , this advantage It Is said Mnu
I ngers Hampton & Hopkins have
eagerly seized to supply their patrons
| something out of the ordinary In the
way of stage illusion. It IB also
stated that they have secured Uio
services of an exceptionally goot
company for the portrayal of the
characters in "Sandy Dottom , " those
pucullatly adapted to Impersonate th
typo of people living In the state o
Arkansas. "Sandy Dottom" Is an
nouncud at the Auditorium for Fr
day evening ,
I Toltetiud out ftiini haul w.tik 01 liudily
cxoni .t i' iialuial and list is the titiudv , Iml
tin to is nn exhaustion without plivsnal i x ( i
tlon and a tind , iiivc i iistnl fn line ' viau
ness without wmk that is ami f.lutws
Lome MiidUHdisdidei is tliic.iti IIIIIK the health One of the chief causes of
that "Alwavs tind , never lesUd coiiilitinu" is impute Mood and had circu
lation Uulesii thcliddy is iiotinshcd with liih , pine Mood tin re i" lai k of
iieivous foice , the inns
clcsl.itomcvuau . , the di- . . . . . ' ' . ( . ! . ! ! ( . " . . ! > ! L' . . > "l.'r' ' ! ' HufTmml with.m.rnl . , , iimt
} ' , cstion initaiied | , n 11 d unilnlii , who luul Imnii liiiicllli l hy H. H. H . tnlil inn
ittidiil It. I trlml It mill II
i-nciul diMitdci oiiriul no l liimrtlly ro-
H. II H to nil who limy fnol thn noml of
thmnnhdiit the 'nstein thoioiiKhly uood hlooil loiilo. Vnurn truly ,
Jclnlilinsdtunia ) , , . , , , M M..JOHI A. lIUtl-'l'AIN. '
\ , uci- 4 I W. Ninth HI. , ( Joliiiiiliht , Tonn ,
vousness , uiilii'.istion ,
dyspepsia , loss of appetite , .sticiiKth and cncij-y , and Hie huiidieds of little
- ailment s weofK n have ate due dncdly In a liad ton-
< htioii of Hie lilniid nnd t iieiilation , and the iiiukist |
V to ( ; < t lid of tin m is by | HIM\ ! iiij ; and luiildini ;
tii | the liliiod , and fm tins puipuse no lemedy ciiali |
S. H. H , whit h cdiilaius the best in tidicnts for
K t lie Moiid and tdinntrtip I lie ! .vst ( m ltisn\ ( j ; ( table blood puiificr
and tiuui loniliined , th it t in i > be. tbelibidd , nnd tbiuiiv.h it tbecnliie .system
ia iiouiihhul luul icficitlini } ; slc pi nuns to the tind , m\ti tested body
Ink.-1 hiKI.iim , ( , i > rlirlnnl
. . ,
| .0rv. f.'OUr TAIN TT
ft1 . mlIn M nlMl fl MCI
U.lHi . i VM < >
Mil > m n
i n II , > .iU.
l N I '
arc the most fatal of all dis
I ULLI d Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the uest for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICK SOc. and Jt.OO.
W 11. HUOIIOJPremdenl
i AlK.HKAH , Vicfl President
K VVUTX , CaHhior.
National Bank
The Oldest Established Bank in Northeast Nebraska. i |
Capital , $100,000,00 , - - Surplus , $20,000,00 ,
DoCS ° a General HnyH jand Soils IKxoluinKo. IntorcHt Paid
on Time DnpONitu. Drnftn nnrl Money
BtlSllieSS rori.rH , , Hold on imyPomfc in Kurope A
mill KorofKii I'.ihSiiKolHuHiiKws Trnnmictod.
A. HKAH. K. P. IIANhON , K. .1. HALK. W. H. MJOHOLH , "
fit fi
, t
> ,
4i i
5i 5
* ! >
ASM ) Tiiiiin Sr.
Telephone , No. 4-4- .
You want to build a barn.
You want to repair the roof , |
You would like to fix the ?
fence , i
You would add to the old >
wood shed , |
You would use wood of any |
kind for anything *
* K Let the Chicago Lumber Company
* * figure with you. They're progressive.
| Chicago Lumber Company
II I N. B. DOLSEIN , Manager.
I 'Phone 91. NORFOLK , NEB.
. .TRY THE. .
Daily News Job Department