The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 16, 1903, Image 2

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MnneiiYcrs Befi * Today an
Continue for Ton Days.
Movements ( the Troops Will E >
tend Over an Area of 225 Squar
Miles Nebraska Regulars and th
Guards VMIII rartl lp.itt.
Fort Hlloj. IUi . Oct. 1C. II.'Klr
t c U Uy Mill nrinuliiK until ( ) (
tofccr 17 Ihr uriuy reservation her
In to ln > tlii * nrviif f the | ; rnati > Ht nil
ll ry inouoiiTvrH ever conducted I
thr I'nllril Vtnlri. 'l'h * < HUCCOHK < i
tkr miurMVtr * held hero hint lull li
* fircd tUo nur ( kiiurtniciil to lay th
plants thU .Tear on u much liit'Ri'
He-nit1 'l'li < > umvi'ini'iitH of the troop
will oxti'tid over an urea of HI !
K imro mill's. jnnlt'iul of | H > | HK llni
llnl to uliu'ti't'u Miitafi > utllt'H , an tin1
were a year UKO. and the number n
troopn has hei > n ilouhleil.
The anie will he largely one o
strnti'K.v. All the iirmn ol' the HCI
tlco will luke part hi It. The aril
lery will he represented hy nine lljli
Vntleile.s the largest and Htroiirjos
force nl' Held artillery that him heei
brought toKHIiiM * In IhlH conntr ,
mnce the civil war wllh Major \V 11
Ham II. ( 'ottln In conimand. Theri
will he a hriKiide of cnvalry. unde
Don ( . ' C. ( ' . Carr , and hrlnaden of In
faith' ) coiuniandeil hy ItrlKadler ( ! en
orals Krod U. ( Jrant , ,1. Franklin llel
nnd ThoimiR A. Harry. In comniuni
of all the opcratlniiH IH Major ( U'liera
John ( ' . llatoH.
One of the moHt lniortant. | ) not d
mi ) plcturemiue , features of tliova
paine will he an attack upon < i con
vo ) of food HiipplleH. A Hiipply trail
composed as It Is of a HtrliiK of load
IM | WIIKOIIH mlh'H In length , IH oh
vioimly vulnerable to assault and cor
roHpnndliiKly dllllcult to defend. Tin
prohleni Is to fetch II through , In order
dor that the victuals In iinetillon iuu\
not KO to recruit the larder of UK
Where a railway runs ( hroiiKh i
scene of military operations , an li
this neighborhood , tlio control of II
often ileteniiliios tlio SUCCOHH of I hi
army Hence the Importance of He
curliiK the mastership of trallle ovei
tinI'nlon ' I'aolllc road. NVIilchevei
force , the hlue or the hrown. obtains
tlu'oivtlcally speaUliiMl. Hie advantam
\\lll he In a position to cry "mato1
to its adversary.
Qiu-HtloiiH of tills Hort will ho lie
U-rmined hy olllcers of lil h rank ap
pointed hy the war department
They will decide which wins , tin
Mm' army or the hrown army , whei
nil attack Is made upon a fortillei
vlHnuv. It will he their function U
determine whether an Intrenched po
sitlon lias been ( technically ) cap
tnred and whether this regiment 01
that brigade has heen ( constructive
ly ) wiped out. From their declsloi
there will he no appeal.
lu the course of the operations ai
entire division will ho marched oni
and deployed for hattlo. An attacl
In force will he made upon an out
post , after preliminary skirmishing
aid rcconnoissancc. nud the blue am
hrown armies will llnally come Intc
collision. The forces hcinu prettj
evenly matched , tin1 losses on hull
Hides may he expected to ho lurwo
though the wounded will not remilrt
hospital treatment , and the dead will
happily , come to life ajaln after tin
One nf the most Important objects
of the manenvers is to afford to of
llrcrs of the several armies an op
vtortunity for observing the evoln
tlous and capabilities of the. othui
arms. Thus the cavalrymen will set
what the infantry and artillery an
( loins and the artillery will But u
dolinite notion of the sort of co-op
rratlou whiuh may he expected from
the Infantry and cavalry. Thevalnool
tills is obvious. Of cotirst' . the en
glneer.s will have their own import
ant part to play in the operations
constructtiiK ; inmtoon bridges ami
throwing up earthworks , while tin
HiKiial corps , with telegraphs , tele
phones and a halloon , will attend U
the business of conveying lutolll
The regular tronps outlined In tlu
maneuvers , and most of which arc
BOW on the Held , come from Forts-
Leaven worth and Hlley , Kas. ; Sill
and Reno. Oklu. : Nlohrara ami Hoh
inson. Nob. ; Lo an. Colo. : I ) . A
Jlnssell.Vo. . : Douglas. Hah ; Snell
itiR , Minn. : Lincoln. X. I ) . ; Myer
Vn. ; KeouKh. .Montana ; and JotYor-
son Harracks , .Mo.
Tiosldos the regular troups there
wfll bo an army of national guards
prcsont , as follows : Kansas , om
brlfjado , consisting of two regiments
of Infantry and two batteries ol
Held artillery : Missouri , Nebraska
lown and Arkansas , ouo regiment ol
Infantry each ; Colorado , one bat
talion of infiintry : Nebraska , a sis-
ai corps of about sixty men.
The work of establishing the camp
was practically completed today. The
cump extends several miles along
the Kansas river. The slto is well
drained and there exists n plentiful
mpply of pure water. The work of
feeding the army during the thirteen
lays is in charge of Captain A. M.
Davis , the cnmmisslary of the do-
> artinent of the Missouri. A depot
joimnisslary has been put up near
he camp , whore all articles which
) io troops may need may bo pur-
based. Arrangements 1m vo boon
to suppl ; the troops with
fri'Mh beef fresh vegetables ami frotdi
bread ( > veriluy while tln y are encamped
camped on the ivHcrvatlon Tin
Hiipply of liread will eomo from the
army bakery at Port Hlley which
will he operated day and nlht ( ; dur-
llIK Ihu Itevl two weekn.
Dread and Mowatt
New Orleans , ha. . Oct. 111.--Special
to ' 1'he News : HoxliiK IH to hi ; re-
nitiued In Now OrlcatH ) tonight mid
( he Southern Athletic club , which IH
to give thu Initial Hho\r , has ar
ranged a good program of eventH.
'I'l * ' prlnclpiil nnniher on the card IH
to be a tun ruind contest between
"Kid" Itroad of Clnvelnnd and Tom
my iMowatt of Chicago. This two
men apfiiNir to be In prime condition
and an IntcrcHthu ; contoHt IH ex
pected to result.
Emmanuel IB n Gueat of the City of
Paris Today and Wan Given n
Special Medal.
I'arlH , Oct. 111. Special to The
News : King Victor Kminanuel of
Italy was a guest of the < ! ( > of I'arlH
today. The olllclal reception look
place at the I Intel do Vlllo and was
line of the most hrllllunl events of
the kind seen In lute years. All of
Hie civic and military oillelals of the
municipality were prenenl In their
rohcH or utilformH ( d'olllce and the
proHence of numerous Indleii In ex
cellent tolletleM rendered the Beetle
Htlll more attractive.
After the olllclal greeJIngH had
been exclmuned the royal party pro
ceeded lo the mini , where the king
was presented with n medal spec
ially struck In honor of Ills visit.
President Umbel performed the preH'
eiitnllon ceremony and King Victor
Kmmanncl spolio brlelly In reply.
'I'he medal presented to the king
is a duplicate of the historical med
als made during the reign of Louis
XIV. to celebrate Iho vIsllH of for
eign HovcrelgiiH. The fumolis jeweler
chaplain , who made the modal , went
lo Home for the express purpose of
seeing the kliiK and queen , whom he
only saw imssliiK In the street , but
nevertheless the prollles of the UliiK
and his consort an < pronounced lo
bi > u pnrfcct likeness.
Under Iho heads tire engraved the
words , "Victor ISmmtiimol 111 and
Helena. " 'I'he dedication IH on the
reverse : "To Their Majesties , the
King and Queen of Italy , from the
French Hcpublie. "
Christian Missionary Convention. .
Detroit , Mich. . Oct. Ml. Special
to The News : The International mis
sionary convention of the Christian
churches , one of the largest and
most aggressive missionary bodies In
America , began Its annual session In
lletrolt today with an attendance of
several thousand delegate.s and twice
as many lay visitors. The opening
session was given over to ( he Chris
tian woniens' hohrd of missions and
the chief feature of the program was
tile annual address of the president
of the hoard , Mrs. N. 10. Atkinson ot
Indiana. The president's address
and the reports of the various olll
cers and committees showed that
( he past year has been one of great
activity and successful effort for the
An Interesting program has heen
arranged for the opening session this
evening. One of the Interesting
features Is to he an address by YY.
M. Forrest of Calcutta , India , who
will tell of the good work accom
plished hy the Christian missionary
hoards In India.
To Adjust Immigrant Rates.
Cliieago , Oct. Ki.-Speclal to The
News : The question of Immigrant
rates is the principal matter to be
discussed at , the meeting of the
Trans-Continental lines In session
liero today. The question has long
threatened the stability of the pas
senger rates and It Is hoped as well
.is expected that the conference will
result lu a satisfactory adjustment
of the matter.
Kanuus Lodge , However , Will Sue
Topeka Lawyers for Its Value.
Wichita , Kan. , Oct. 13.- The grand
lodge of the Odd Fellows of Kansas ,
In session hero , notilled Trout man &
Stone , attorneys at Topeka , that they
would he sued for the return of J.V > . -
000 In connection with the 11. anctal
operations of the lloisbiere odd Fel
lows' home at Silkvllle , Franklin
coii..ty The Odd Fellows have a--
knowledged thir loss of the title to
this estate through litigation , hut
will attempt to rei-over the money
spent ti , clearing their original title
to It ami Improvements. Troutman &
Stone came into possession of the
estate by purchase of the claim of
Mine. Martiuelli. sister of lloisslt-re.
Engineer and Conductor Killed.
Maron , Ca. . Oct. 15. A freight
train on the HawUlnsvlllo and Florida
Southern crashed Into a work train
f .rty miles south of Hawklnsvlllo and
killed Kugiueer Kd Willlford and Con
ductor Oeorse Allen. Engineer Oakes
of the work train was probably fa
tally hurt and several other train
men wore painfully Injured.
Autumn Arbor Dny.
Harrlsburg. Pa. , Oct. 10. Special
to the News : In respouso to the
request of Superintendent of Public
Instruction Schaefer today was Quito
senerully observed throughout Penn
sylvania as Autumn Arbor Day. The
public schools and colleges observed
the day by the planting of trees and
by ether suitable exorcises.
Addresses Members of Commer
cial Club of Chicago.
Orover Cleveland Delivers Speech on
"Good Citizenship" Is Given an
Ent..u&lnstlc Reception by the Two
Hundred Banqueters.
Cliuago , Oct. 15. " ( Ihu lo oui IKJ-
plo Nimictlilng that wlil conceiitrato
their common a.Tt'ctlon and solicitous
care , and let that bo their country's
good ; give them u purpose that stim
ulates them to unite lu lofty en
deavor , and let that purpose he a dcm-
oiiHtralinn for efficiency and benell-
cence of our popular rule , "
This was the solution offered by
former President drover Cleveland an
a remedy for corrupt politics lu a
speech before the members of the
Commercial club at their annual ban
quet , given at the Auditorium hotel
last night. The subject discussed by
Mr. Cleveland \viin "American ( Jood
Cltl/.eiiHhlp , " and ho dwelt at lengthen
on the necessity of every cltl/en doIng -
Ing his part to make political acllon
what It Bhoiild he. The American re
public , In his opinion. Is the best
form of government for pntrlotH. but
the worst form for others. This Is the
first ( line In eight years that Cleve
land has vlfltcd Chicago , and he re
ceived an "iithuslastic reception by
the 1MO bamiuelern when he appeared
nt the speakers' table.
Brooklyn Delegates Remain Awny
from Tammany Ratification.
New York , Oct. 15. All other feat
ures of the political campaign were
overshadowed In Interest by the al
most positive assurance that the fac
tional Democratic light In Itrooklyn
would he continued and that peace
between tin .Mcl.aughlln ( action and
Tammany hall Is as far distant as
ever. Colonel McClellan declined an
Invitation to attend the Itrooklyn rat
ification meeting unless the full Dem
ocratic ticket was endorsed , and Sen
ator .McCarren called at Tammany
headquarters to express his approval
of MiClellan's course. A bitter strug
gle for supremacy Is predicted at the
approaching meeting of the Itrooklyn
county committee called at the Instance -
stance of McCarren. Tammany hall
held an enthusiastic' ratification meetIng -
Ing , at which the ItrooKlyn delegates
were not present. Appeals for cam
paign funds were sent out by the Clt-
l/.ens' Union and Republican organiza
Master Horseshoers Meet.
St. Paul. Oct. 15. According to n
report made to the national conven
tlon of master horseshoers by .1. C
llnckley of Detroit , editor of tht
Sheers' .Journal , out of 3'Ji" cities froir
which he received replies to his qnes
tlon as to the effect of the automobile
on the horseshoeing business , not om
reported unfavorably. Preliminary ar
rangements for an exhibit at the St
I.ouls exposition next year by the na
tlonal association weie made , and he
fore the convention adjourns it is ex
pected thai an appropriation of $115.
Ono to pay the cost of the exhibit wll
he made.
Union Veterans' Union Elects.
Louisville. Oct. 15.--Uy a fair sl/ei !
majority the members of the Unloi
Veterans' union voted down a resolu
tlon disclaiming any Intention ti
wound the feelings of southerners li :
singing "We'll Hang .left' Davis Oi
a Sour Apple Tree. " The election ol
olllcers resulted in the selection of A
M. I.egge of Washington as com
mauder-tn-chief , to succeed Genera
Dyrenforth. .1. W. Hammond o !
Louisville was elected first deputj
Vommander-ln-clilef , and .1. W. Kills
of Maquoketa. la. , second deputy com
- - .
Dowie's Host on Way East.
Fort Wayne , 1ml. . Oct. l. > . .loin ;
Alexander Dowie's "restoration" trait :
bearing Dowie himself passed throng ! )
Fort Wayne on the Nickel Plate road
The train slopped only long enoiigli
to change locomotives. Dowie so
eluded himself in his prhatt- car anil
a guard stood at either door to hat
nut reporters and others. Deacon
Stern said "Dr. " Dowie would see nc
one until New York was reached.
There was a great crowd at the sta
lion in hopes of seeing the leader of
the "restoration host , " but they were
General Chase Under Arrest.
Denver , Oct. 15. Itrigadier d en oral
John Chase , who was relieved of the
command of the National Guard In
Cripple Creek by Governor Peabody
ton days , ago , was formally placed un
der arrest this afternoon on charges
in connectli.n with his attempt to
take possession of the military pay-
ro'ls. ' and will bo tried before a court-
martial which is to convene next
Momlav The general will not bo de
prived of his liberty. Similar action
will he taken In the cases ol other
officers aualnst whom charges have
been preferred.
Six Fastest Heats Ever Trotted.
Lexington , Ky. , Oct. 15. The sl.x
fastest hosts over trotted In one r-ce
failed to produce n winner in the Mc
Dowell stake. The rncn IB for 2:10 :
trotters , purse $5,000. Two heats
each have been won by Monte Carlo.
Hawthorne and Dr. Strong. The de
ciding heat was postponed on account
of darkness. The sis heats were
trctted in an average of 308& .
Michael Donnelly Has Narrow Escapi
from Murucr In Chlcayo.
Chicago , Oil. lu. Mltnaei uonnelly
Internal lunal president of tau Ainai
gamatcii Meat Cutters und Hun ner
men , HI-H at hiu home iccuMMMiig nun
a vicious assault that VTUH alUgcd U
have heuii Instigated bylae lahoi
leaders , who are opposing hit * iu
tempts to purify the ( jniuigo t'udcra
lion oi Labor. Donnelly was attacks
on the nielli of Sept. M , while return
Ing from a mec'lng of the Pncklnv
Trades co.mcil. For ten days tin
doctoiH CAiiiesscd little hope of hit
recovery. Private detectives were sei
to work and they have just announce !
that the guilty men are known am
will he ai rested as soon as the limit
gators of thu assault aie known.
When Donnelly on July u charged
the secretary of a large Pinployeis
association with "fixing" labor lead
urs , he was told by outside parties ti
"koep his hands off. " lie continued
the fight , and as a result uhargct
were made against sevetal of tin
most important olllclals of tradct
unions In the city. Then came threat *
of personal violence , but these Don
iielly Igmiied , declaring that he would
clear up the case at any cost.
Collector Flanagan Asks for Prolea
tlon of Blncks In Husk County , Tex.
Austin , 'lex. , Oct. lo.- - Ueiioialeb -
stor Flanagan , United States collecloi
of Internal revenue lor this district ,
applied lo Governor l.aiihiun 'asking
that ( lie Mate render protection to
the ncgroc * ot Husk county and aid in
bringing to justice the white men
guilty of torturing to death two inof-
I'eiiHho blacks. General I'Managaii
who has jimt returned from Uusk
county , sa > s all publication of news
of the horrible treatment of the negroes -
groes has been mippiossod. Ho said :
"No one can poitray the cruelty to
which the negroes of Uusk county
have been subjected. 1C the state
does not take prompt action , 1 shall
appeal to the federal authorities. A
few nights before my arrival two ol
the most pitiable and inoffensive no-
goes were stripped and tied to trees
and then whipped , one of the ne
groes died and the other cannot re
cover. They want to make It n
white man's country. "
Armed Men Gunrd Farm.
Dartlord City. 1ml. , Oct. 15. The
fai m of Samuel Welch Is guarded by
twenty-eight anned drillers of the
Ohio Oil company , who have pickets
posted and \\lio are camping on the
giound. The company has a lease of
the larm for nine years , hut has not
drilled. Weli-h , desiring to have the
farm developed for oil. rci'used to re
new the lease and leased It to Austin
Lewis , who hauled derrick timbers on
the lease preparatory to drilling. Tue
Ohio company started to haul the tim
bers off the farm , insist Ing that it
held the lease- . Welch got a shotgun
and a vicious dog to help him resist
the removal. His daughter climbed
on the timbers , but although the dog
bit the company's foreman the tim
bers were dragged off the farm with
Miss Welch silting on top of them ,
Welch Is summoning the farmers tc
his assistance and the Ohio company
has rushed the drillers from Mo-it-
clalr , who are guarding the property
Trouble Is feared.
Troops at Fort Riley.
Junction City , Kan , OH. 15. All
the troops which will take part In
the maneuvers at l-'ori Hlley have ur
rived witli the exception ol eight mm
panics of the Twenty first Infantry ,
now on their way from Port Sii.' . ,
Minn. Itrigadier Geneial Thomas
Harry has arrived and Xlaiur General
Hales , who will command the man
euvers , is expected ibis evening
More rain has fallen and the groun < lq
of the reservation are in a had condi-
t'on. The mud Is knee ileep In the
roads. Unless there is an improve ,
nient in the weather It was - ited at
headquarters that the maneuver pro
gram would likely be abridged to
POIUP extent.
Kain Funeral Arr.v | ements.
St. Louis. Oct. 15. The funeral
services over the remains of the late
Archbishop ,1. J. Kaln , who died in
Haltiniore. will he held Wednesday
next at 10 o'clock in the old cathedral.
Cardinal Gibbons will celebrate pontifical
tifical solemn high mass and Arch
bishop Keauo of Duhuquc has been
asked to preach the sermon. Twelve
priests were selected to go to Haiti-
more and escort the remains to this
Henry C. Jarrett , formerly of the
theatrical firm of Jarrett & Palmer ,
New York , died suddenly in London.
Mother Stewart , th temperance
crusader and one of the organizers of
the W. C. T. V. , died at Auburn Park ,
Chicago , Wednesday.
The Hownrd hotel at Lake Charles ,
l.a. , burned , with a loss of J50.000. C.
M. Aborts jumped from a third-story
window and was killed.
After a week's search the wreck of
the ( earner Hackleya - located be
tween Kgg Harbor and Menomlnee
on the east side of Green island. No
bod'es ' were recovered.
KvGovernor Henry I , . Mitchell of
Florida died at his homo in Tampa of
general debility. Ho was seventy
years old and his health had been
Tailing for a year past.
A verdict of murder In the second
Jegree was returned in the case of
William Ia Pair , charred with the
lulling of Eheu T. Masscy. Itoth were
prominent ranchmen of the Vnawpep
rountry in Mesa county. Colorado ,
tind th trouble arose over Irrigation
diseases and affections of every nature
SKIN in" Chared Away
A new skin prescrlptlen ah powerful In treatment of parasitic
breaks in the skta. Not greasy or unpleasant , but a clean
liquid , sopped er atomized over the affected parts , Instantly
relieves all itching burning pains or soreness ,
Cleared Away nnd Entirely Cured in 21 Days. i
The following testimony snonks for itself. It Is n mnttor of humanity
to toll everybody with n skin cllsoaso about this medicament.
Astonishing quick aiul < oiuiilt'tt ! t uroof all varieties of skin diseases InD D.
D h.ive lu-i-n fnllv vculiccl in nine cases nut of overv ten h.ivts coinu under
our observation In uvurv < asu it did its unrl ; in . ' > to II weeks time. It is to our
knowledge thu most wonderful curative ntfent in all Mtilerin Mfiiicu for diseases
of tlio skin. Its rPhidts nru marvelous , sonu ! casut of year.Mamling wuru clcnrud
awav in a few L' ' iys almobt hufnru our eves.
\Vi give this piibl'c ' aUuo\sied irni'iu ! in response to a request from the D. D.
D. Company as to our honest opinion ol this medicament.Vu have no hesitancy
in expressing ourselves positively concerning it , as its clficncy has be n proven to
us beyond the \ > issibility of doubt.
Geo. B. Christoph , Norfolk. Neb.
D. D. D. is now used by every family physician who has investigated it. It
is used by the greatest skin specialists in the country. It is used in the Cook
County Hospital , Chicago. It will clear away any parasitic break in the shin in
from .5 lotlO days time. It is a medical triumph. In Eczema , Salt Hhuuni , Uar-
ber's Itch , Itching Piles and all skin affections , iu the invariable success this local
treatment proves it is a skin parasitic that causes the trouble and that it is not the
blood that is to blame.
D D. D. clears it all away absolutely and quickly , too.
The above druggies will fill mailorders on receipt ol price Si. 00 a bottle
Compounded for druggists everywhere by thu D. D. D. Company , 70 Dearborn
Street , Chicago , Illinois.
Friday Evening Oct. 16
lii'ostl Scenic Production
A plain story of plain people
from the hills and valleys of
\rl < ansa . See the Passing-
Steamboat. See the Escape
from the Moonshiners.
Hear the Village Quartette ,
A Dramatic Story of Unusual Force-
Prices , 35. 50 and 75 Cen&
\ '
feat it
ones for Its patrons
they sell tba Goods try one