The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 16, 1903, Page 16, Image 16

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    10 Til 10 NOin < miC NICWS : 1'MUDAY ' , ( HTOHKR 1(1 ( ,
Pioneer Town Site Co'a.
2 33 2.03
3 33 8.10
4 33. .08
.F. J. Hate's Out Lota. .
G . ' 68
G 3.38
Highland Precinct.
Dose I/it Blk Amt
w hf Gl
whf 7 | 31 11.30
8 31 15.60
w hf 21
whf a | .12 18'Jl
Clark's Addition.
10 52 .44
3 G3 7.15
4 53 .41
10 53 .44
10 G3 .41
13 G3 .44
14 53 l58
11) Uli .41
G OS 9.25
F. W. Barnes1 Fifth
. . , .Addition
1 90 .85
7 90
ohf 8 90 1.27
10 90 10.08
Wycoff's Sub Division
of Blk. 5 , Mandamu
2 5 11.70
Dlttmar's Addition.
s hf 7 .S
no 7 .4
S 1:3
9 1.0
Robertson's Addition.
w hf 2 1.6
4 4.2
Hewitt's Addition.
1 1.2
Bauch's Addition.
DOHO Ixt Blk Amt
r > o .41
7 0 .85
8 9 .11
Park Addition.
pt VACAtUll Ht i 5.18
n 12 o 72 i
i iCn ;
ptohf i
3 ! S5
8 12.01
College Hill Addition.
1 1 .44
4 1 .44
Dnuch'i Second Addl * .
1 1 .85
West Side Park.
2 1.27
18 .85
19 ,85
20 ,85
Joac Lot Dlk Amt
W. J. Barnes' Addition.
7 89 2.37
North Addition.
1 22 1.27
l\ l3 \
3 23 ' 0.13
Fritz Addition ,
ill 2 4.70
1 3 .34
2 3 .31
3 3 1.08
4 3 .34
1 7 1.70
2 7 1.08
3 7 l38
a 55 14 .GO
18 8.91
w hf 19 0.31
ohfohf 23 8.40
29 4.28
Northwest Addition.
8 77 2.12
I 79 2.12
8 80 .00
O 82 .44
4 82 .44
4VI 4C 82 .44
Railroad Addition.
Sub Division of Lots 6 ,
7 , 8 , and 9 , Block One
of Railroad Addition.
17 10.12
Sub Division of Lots 1 ,
2 , 13 and 14 of Block
Ten of Railroad Ad
2G 1.70
Thompson's Addition.
1C 2 .14
17 2 2.03
1 4 ' 5.07
. 2 4 .14
9 4 .H
10 . 4 .14
11 4 .14
1 6 .14
2 G .08
3 5 .08
4 G .OS
5 5 .08
S .08
A. C.Johnion's Addition
1 1 6.74
2 1 .27
14 1 4.40
15 1 4.40
Behind the Scenes at the The
atre During a Show.
Every Strip of Scenery Has to be
United and Shifted Before New
Settings Can be Placed Hands
Work Like Firemen.
tKrom 8atunlny'n
1'orlmpn a Hinall proportion of the
lorsotiH who alt In the parquet at
ho theatre , and who grow weary bo-
Avoon the acts whMu the curtain is
own and there Is nothing doing , re-
ill/.o Just what IB going on behind
ho scones and just why they are
nailo to sit so long and tediously for
ho ring1 of the boll.
To watch thu show from the wings
nit once Is enough to convince the
iveragu Individual that there Is , af-
.or all , a reason and a real ono for
every mlnuto of tlmo that elapses be-
weon the end of onu act and the be
ginning of another. In fact , having
pent an evening among the property
milks and the rolls of special scen
ery while the show was on , ono rather -
or marvels that the second sitting Is
hrown open so noon alter tho. close
if the Initial ono.
Tlio pooplcLon the stage of a play-
louse tlio men who handle the
vlngs and rolls and roles seldom see
iVen a Iractloual part of the action
of tluu piece. They are too busy.
I'ho stage hands are busy every mliv
ito while the curtain Is up getting
oady to maku the shifts and niaimg-
ng the special features that come
in. And when the curtain rings down
they are about the busiest set you
over saw changing the prison cell
nto a palace or converting an attic
n to a swell parlor. The mlnuto the
indlencc loses sight of the players
the workmen got lively. With the
speed of llromon In a tenement house
.hey swing loose the ropes which
tavo hold the walls together , slide
ho Immense pieces oft the stagoaml
nto a corner , sweep the doors , nail
lown now carpets , bring In bar room
equipment where upholstered sofas
stood before , or cliango n mountain
Hide Into rolling ocean.
Getting the Wolves Ready.
Every bit of scenery Is handled In
narrow strips anil every strip has to
1)0 ) untied and put away before an
other can take Its place. In such a
spectacular production as "Queen ol
the Highway , " which was put on in
Norfolk Tuesday night , and which Is
far too heavy for ono night stands
anywhere , there are wolves to bo gotten
ton ready for ono act and horses for
another so that the animal men are
on the go all the while.
So much has to bo done , whose ef
feet is not apparent to the people In
the pit. For instance , In that show
the wolves had to bo screenei
off by means of a wire cage , which
was unseen by the average pair o
eyes In tlio audience. This cage hai
to bo unrolled and fastened on al
sides so that the animals might no
Actors Dress Quickly.
While all of this change In the
scenery is being made , the actor foil
are changing their costumes am
they have to do a little more of the
hurry up work themselves , than Is
usual with the vain young womai
dressing for a ball. However fas
the scenes are shifted , the actors
must bo ready for their entrance 01
the dot.
Sometimes during the progress o
the piece , ( ho actors have spells o
rest and then It is that they loa
about and send out for llttlo lunches
or , on some occasions , go themselves
The methods employed to get var
Ions effects are sometimes Interest
ing. For instance in making the
sound of liorsos galloping in the dls
tance , the hollowed shells of cocoa
nuts are pounded upon bricks , pro
ducing a loud or soft nloso by varla
tlons in the pressure.
Two or three men make the racko
of a howling mob by simply putting
on the mob pedal to their voices am
keeping It up. '
Don't Stay Together.
While a company appears togotho
every night as a family within thorn
solves , they are truly a lot of Indl
vldnals who do not oven stay at the
same hotels. Each gets so much a
week and railroad fare , and eacl
chooses his own stopping place
Some take the high class hotels am
others are out for cheaper prlcei
On a "call hoard , " or bulloth
board In the stairway that leads to
the dressing room , a notice Is postei
by the manager each night whicl
tolls the company where the nex
stand will ho , what tlmo the train
leaves and when It arrlyestho name
of the hotels and the prices of then
The major portion of the compan )
seldom stop at the same hotel as th
star and umnitaor , hecauso , perhaps
of a llttlo human Jealousy.
This Climate Is Good
enough for anybody with weak lungs
The patient need not travel. Ho ca :
got well here with the help of A
lun's Lung Balsam , taken frequently
when coughing and shortness o
breath after oxorclso servo nolle
upon him that serious pulmonar
trouble Is not far away. Allen'
Lung Balsam Is free from any form
of opium.
If You Were Scared
easily you might suppose that th
aln In the lower part of your hack
leant kidney trouble. But being a
urnon of Ncnno you know It Is only
nusciilar Htlffnoss , from cold , ami
Imt. prompt treatment with Perry
) avlH * Paliklller will prevent It from
; rowlng Into lumbago. Act accord-
ugly aid you will bo glad you saw
IIH. | There Is but ono painkiller ,
'orry Davis' .
Flro Department Summoned to Ser
vice for the First Time In
Several Months.
A ilro Jn n wood pile In the rear of
ho Marquardt block wan the CIUIBO
> f a Ilro alarm at noon Saturday.
Tlio department responded with sev
eral hose carts , and the hook and
adder truck , hut no service except
hat of one hone company was neecs-
The flro caught In BO mo mysterious
nanuer In a stack of cord wood
> wncd hy A. .T. Durlaml , that had
been piled In the rear of the Mar-
liiardt block to kcop up the ( Ires In
ho furnaces of the building during
ho winter. The lire boll gave the
Uarm and the department was soon
in the scene , and the blaze was
quickly extinguished by ono stream
> f water. It Is the first service the
lopartmont has been called upon to
lerform flinco the rear end of the
lees building was burned In Juno.
Ohio Honors Her Dead.
Sharpsburg , Mtl. , Oct. 13. Special
o The News : The monuments
erected by Ohio In honor of the
roops from that state who fought
and fell on the battle field of Antic-
.am were dedicated today with
simple but Imposing ceremonies. The
exorcises opened with prayer by Rev.
William II. Parsons , chaplain of the
Sixty-sixth O. V. I. Major David
Cunningham , president of the state
commission , formally presented the
nonuments to Governor Nash , who In
: urn transferred them on behalf of
; ho state of Ohio to the national gov
ernment , for whom they were ac
cepted by Hon. Robert Shaw Oliver ,
acting secretary of war. The orations
of the day were delivered by General
Robert P. Kennedy , Twenty-third O.
V. I. , and General Powell , Sixty-sixth
0. V. I.
The monuments are ten hi number ,
representing the various Ohio regi
ments engaged In the historic battle.
One of the shafts Is especially erected
to the memory of William McKinlcy ,
then commissary sergeant of the
Twenty-third O. V. I. , and marks the
spot from which ho furnished hot
coffee and hot rations to the Ohio
troops on the firing line.
Present Season at the Auditorium
Promises to be the Best In
Norfolk's History.
The Auditorium season in Norfolk
this year promises to bo better than
over and the people of the city are
Indicating that they are becoming
aware of the fact that they are re
colvlng special privileges In the the
atrlcal line and are giving the attrac
tlons Increased patronage. Already
the play house has held several goo <
audiences and they have been wel
entertained. City attractions are 01
the program and some of the best
entertainments that over visied Norfolk
folk are promised.
Hampton & Hopkins' beautlfu
drama , "Sandy Bottom , " which has
been hero before , comes for a return
engagement on Friday night. The
company Is now In Lincoln. It Is
one of the good , clean plays tha1
have entertained the people of Nor
folk In the past and the house- should
bo filled to capacity.
Plays that are promised for the future
turo are S. Miller Kent In the pop
ular comedy , "Facing the Music. " I
Is said that this will bo thd best show
that has yet visited Norfolk. Later
In the season will bo the farce com
edy , "Head Walters" with n largo
cast. It Is a good show and the com
pany first class , so that people shoulc
bo turned away from the : Auditorium
for lack of standing room. *
Other attractions of equal merit
are on for dates , and it should bo a
delightful season for the theatre-go
D. G. Holt , a Resident of Crelghton
nnd the County for Thirty
Years , Dies.
Crolghton , Neb. , Oct. 13. Specia
to The News : D. G. Holt , a wol
known and respected resident o
Knox county during the last thirty
years , died at his homo In this cit >
during the night , of dd age. Mr
Holt was seventy-nine years old. Ho
leaves a widow ml seven children to
mourn his death. Mrs. G. II. Rock
well of Crelghton Is a daughter. Mrs
George Thomas of Bristol , where she
conducts a drug store , Is anotho
daughter. S. A. Holt , of Gross , a
druggist , is a son ,
Mr , Holt came to Nebraska from
Maine and from that state ho en
listed In the civil war. Ho was ono
of the best known of the old soldiers
anywhere in this section of the state
and It Is hoped that a large nuinbo
of the members of the Grand Army
of the Republic will arrive In Crelgh
ton on Wednesday for the funeral
The services will bo hold from G. A
R. hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
Ed G. Howard Was Located in
Two Officers From Brunswick Who
Had Traced Their Mnn to Norfolk
and Had Been Here Three Days ,
Finally Found Him Kane Assisted
After being traced to Norfolk and
for three days hunted , Ed G. How
ard , alias M. Hubbard , from Bruns
wick , was located Saturday noon by
.wo deputized odlcers and taken back
on the train to answer a charge of
contempt of court.
Howard had suddenly left Bruns-
vlck and had taken with him several
articles , a razor being Identified , be
sides some money which ho owed to
citizens. Ho was arrested by .7. O.
louse and J. A. Harris. Chief of Po-
Ice Kane assisted thorn In locating
toward nnd a lot of goods.
For Contempt of Court.
Howard , It seems , was arrested In
Jrunswick. Ho was given a warrant
for himself by the justice and was In
structed to go out and find a con
stable , who would servo the docu-
nent and place him under arrest.
That all sounded good enough to
Howard until ho bagan to think It
over outside the office and after that
10 ono over know what ho did think
'or when they came to look for the
'ellow ho was gone. Ho is wanted
'Or several things at Brunswick but
; ho warrant merely stated contempt
of court.
The two officers had boon In Nor
folk since Thursday morning.
State Association Opens its Annual
Session To Continue Through
Lincoln , Oct. 13. Special to The
News : The Nebraska Bankers' as
sociation began Its annual meeting
In this city today with an attendance
of several hundred of the leading
bankers and financiers of the state.
The opening session , which was called
to order by President S. II. Burnham ,
was devoted to addresses of welcome
and responses and to the annual re
ports of the officers , committees and
group chairman. For tlio succeeding
sessions of the convention , which
lasts through tomorrow , an excellent
program has been arranged. Among
the leading features will bo an ad
dress by President Frauds' of the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition and a
discussion of Mo financial legislation
led by Congressman Fowler of New
Jersey , ex-Comptroller Eckels , A. J.
Frame of Waukcsha , Wis. , and H. W.
Yatcs of Omaha.
The Hon. E. J. Hill , congressman
from the Fourth district of Connecti
cut , and a member of the committee on
banking and currency , will give an
address on "Present Financial Con
ditions and Proposed Legislation. "
Mr. Frame , president of the First
National bank of Waukeshaw , Wls. ,
will reply.
Mr. Frame Is well known among
the bankers as a man who stampeded
the Fowler bill men at the Wisconsin
bankers' association , and ho Is a very
strong man for believers In the pres
ent currency system.
The following papers will be given
by bankers of this state :
"What arc Wo Hero For ? ? " J. R
Cain , cashier of the Stella bank.
"Should the Bankruptcy law be Re
pealed or Modified ? " N. A. Rainbolt
ox-president of the Norfolk National
"Bills of Lading , " John Donelan ,
cashier bank of Weeping Water.
Address by E. Royce , secretary
state banking board.
"Trust Companies , " George W
Wattles , president Union National
bank , Omaha.
"Commercial Paper as an Invest
ment by Country Bankers , " C. F
Bentley , cashier of the First National
bank , , Grand Island.
"Tho Prey of the Ycggmen , " John
A. Morrison , Minneapolis , manager
of bank burglary department , The
Ocean Accident and Guarantee cor
"Legal Decisions of Interest to
Banks , " by Hon. W. G. Hastings
The regular reports of the stand
Ing committees will be of more than
ordinary Importance this year , as the
committee on bank money orders wil
make an extended report ; as will also
the 'committee on offering rewards
for the detection and conviction of
burglars. It has been decided upon
by this committee to recommend the
offering of a largo reward where a
member of the association has been
burglarized , or an atempt made at It
This Is mire to bring into the asso
elation a very largo membership. The
association now has in its rowan
fund something over $1,100.
A report will also bo given from
each of the nine group In the state
by Its president , and these are al
ways an Interesting feature of the
Meeting of Passenger Men.
Now Orleans , La , , Oct. 13. Specia
toiTho News : Representatives of
nearly every Important railroad sys
tcm of America , members of the
American Association of Genera
Passenger and Ticket agents , as
somblcd In annual convention toda >
at tlio St. Charles Hotel to consider
Absolutely Pure.
a number of matters that concern
that branch of railroad work with
which the members are connected.
The scalper and ways of preventing
| lm from plying his vocation forms
ono of the chief topics to bo con
sidered. The rough handling of bag
gage , or , In more common vernacular ,
'llaggago smashing , " Is to bo dis
cussed and it is possible that the
association may devise some method
for abollsMng the smasher. Techni
cal questions concerning the issuance
of various forms of tickets will bo
considered as usual. Elaborate en
tertainment has been provided by the
local railroad officials for the visitors
during their stay In the Crescent
Wyoming Town Is Visited by a Re
markable Feature In the Be
havior of Elements.
Hilllard , Wyo. , Oct. 13. Special to
The News : A shower of little frogs
here last night astonished the citi
zens and set the section Into a whirl
of excitement last night.
Nothing so Wonderful in the f
Days of Specialism.
Dr. Caldwell.
The success of Dr. Caldwell Is at
tributed to her special study of spec
ialism. Dr. Caldwell , student , philan
thropist and physician of wide repu
tation , having given her entire tlmo
and practice to a line of speclfc. dis
eases , which enables her Irom long
oxperlenco ln handling these troubles
to certainly come forward as a master
specialist. Her faculty for mastering :
disease , her ability to diagnose , and
her plan of treatment Is excelled
by few other physicians. Dr. Caldwell ,
although a young woman In life , a
plain woman , and one who Js used to
the ups and downs In life , puts her
self on a level with her patients and
does not pretend to practice the old
plan of fashion , which Is to look wise
and say nothing. She knows disease ,
and the spot where located , and most
of all she knows from experience ,
from what she has done In the past ,
she can certainly do for others In the
future. It Is said by Dr. Csldwell's
friends that she can diagnose a dis
ease of any patient without asking
them a single question , that being
the case , she Is not likely to doctor
them for a wrong ailment ; she will
not take an Incurable case and lead
the patient to believe that she can
cure them when there Is really no hope
for them. Her business Is large and
she has plenty to do , even , at times ,
more than she can do , without taking
Incurable diseases and deceiving her
patients. Dr. Caldwell is a graduate
from one of the best schools in Amer
ica. She has practiced her profession
In some of the principal hospitals of
this country. Her specialty comprises
that class of diseases which the or
dinary home doctor falls to cure , such
as female diseases , heart diseases ,
diseases of children and the many
special Diseases of hidden nature.
Her practice Is mostly among the
plain , hard working people who are
unable to como to her city office for
treatment ; she Is reasonable In her
charges and very lenient with those
who are not able to pay. She Is char
itable , and It Is said has never known
to refuse to treat a patient who Is
worthy and In need. A number of the
Important cases that wo hereby take
the liberty to publish , which might
bo of Interest to some who wish to
know more of Dr. Caldwell's great
Sophia Rran , Albion , Nob. , cured
of a bad skin disease.
Mrs. Lulu Towsley , David City ,
Nob. , Cured of female trouble and fe
male weakness.
Mrs. C. W. Klllian , Wakofield , Neb. ,
cured of a tumor and liver and stomach
ach troubles.
Mrs. E. A. Studer , Wayne , Nob. ,
cured of female and nervous troubles.
Mrs. C. Linn , Hoskins , Neb. , cured
of ovarian trouble and bladder trouble.
F. J. Rob , Albia , Neb. , cured of
bronchial trouble , enlarged liver and
Mrs. Minnie Rudat , Columbus , Neb. ,
cured of skin disease and kidney
Mrs. W. D. Burr , David City , Neb. ,
cured of skin disease , nervousness
and loss of appetite.
Mrs. Chas. Miller , WayneNob. . ,
cured of dropsy , kidney and liver
troubles and nervousness. She had
been troubled for years.
Mrs. C. W. Anderson , Norfolk , Nob. ,
cured of general debility , enlarged
liver and pain In the chest.
Mrs. John Bauman , Benton , Neb. ,
cured of bladder trouble and consti
Mrs. S. P. Amlck , Tokamah , Nob. ,
cured of tumor , womb trouble , loss
of appetite and constipation.