The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 16, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 TI1K NOKKOUC NKWR. FKIDAY , OCT01JKU 1C , 11)05. )
Tlint Htnry that tlioro wna n "rut In
tool" does not tnonn tlmt tlioro will
bo nil increased output of cut stool
The liullun summer has niimri | > ntly
come to Ktny until that snow Mlonn
buries Ilic ftiHlonlHlH from sight , iltio
In something loss than a month.
The republican tlclu't In good
onottKh for any volor , and those who
hnvo no particular political choice
nsay ho expected to line up ( or It
Japan Is giving ovury Indication
thnt fiho Is not trembling In her
koots for four of u war with Russia.
The modern training In military and
nnval tactics Him IIHH received will
Htiuid lu r In good stead In the event
of war.
Nebraska wantH to enter the up-
pumehlng national campaign with the
record of having horn redeemed Horn
fiiHlon to stay lodeotnod and the
voters of the pnrty may ho depended
HIHin to HOO that the victory thin fall
IH emphatic.
AH long as the people can ho im-
surod Hint the miiltl-mllllonulrcH will
light among thoniMolvuH they can fool ever the nniltur of being com
pletely throttk'd by any of thorn.
When octopuses are atar the com
mon people lire fairly safe from their
If the pollcomon at the whlto IIOIIHO
will hoqp right on gathering In the
cnuiUfl of the country they will bo
earning their salaries beyond a
doubt. Perhaps they arc the real
fool-killers that have horoloforo hcon
'considered something of a fahlo.
Lot the good work go on.
The non-partisan judiciary Kchomo ,
and the imuul railroad cry of the fu-
alonlsts appears to have been wholly
Ineffectual In causing any stampede
from the rop\ibllcan \ tlckot , and the
prospects are excellent for Nohr.iska
to stay In line for a rousing ropuhll-
can victory when the votes are pollod.
Since the harmony plan mapped
out before the primaries ! didn't win
out in Douglas county , how would It
bo lor there to ho ante-primary har
mony , and every repnlillcan In the
"county support the ropubllcan tlckot.
That would bo a trno test of the
.ojmlKy and ijuantlty of Jiarmony In
the country.
Now that there are so few Indiana
remaining , the signing of that Amorl-
can-Chluoso treaty will bo a welcome
outlet to the ambitions of certain
traders who have found the Indians a
fruitful people thioiigh whom to dis
pose of their goods. The Chinese will
probably prove on a par with the In
dians and the Africans as patrons of
Homo ofthe American Industries.
Uncle Kuss Sago has permitted his
farm In Hockland county , New York ,
to bo sold for taxes , there being an
accumulation of $113 charged against
it. It Is probable that the farm was
not \sorlh the cost or the lowly Mr.
Sago could have managed to dig up
tlio money somehow. It Is different
in Nobra&.ui where the soil Is fertile.
You never hear of a wealthy person
permitting his land to ho sold for
Hon. .1. 11. Barnes expresses himself
as well pleased with the prospects for
a republican victory at the coming
election. Ho falls to tlnd any reason
at all why Nebraska will not como up
with a good , old time republican ma
jority In November. There Is no evi
dence anywhere that there will bo
any detections from the republican
ranks. The party Is united on the
state ticket , and all that appears to
be necessary will bo for party work
ers to get the voters out.
Hailroad reports all show increased
earnings and no dlmlnuatlon of divi
dend producing power. This is the
fruit of the prevailing prosperity in
the agricultural sections of the coun
try , on which the business of the rail
roads is directly dependent Give the
farmers paying crops and the rail
roads will ho paying properties. Thati
however , will not restore the stocks
to the ridiculously high points to
which they had been boosted by the
speculator and jobbers , because the
real value never justiiled the amount
of Intlatiou to which they were sub
jected. Omaha Ueo.
Nebraska Js not yet after Califor
nia's reputation as a great peach pro
ducing sUite , but neither does she
propose to submit to any sort of ru-
inor to the effect that she has been
hopolosssly distanced along thnt line ,
or for that matter along any line of
production , fruit or otherwise. Dan
Kiser , a wealthy farmer residing near
Murray , marketed over COO bushels
f neachos this > oar and could have
disposed of us many moro. Ho ro-
eclrod from $1.60 to $2.00 n bushel for
tt o fruit and Jnu joined the great
ion ! of farmorH who hnvo found that
t pa > s to till NohniHlm poll.
( Mir. Hehnvhind , candidate. ' for
county troiiHiirer , Iw HO well known
throughout the county that ho scarce-
y needs to bo "boomed" for the po
sition , but bin hustling abilities are
well known and It may ho taknn for
granted from the start that ho will
allow no grass to grow under his
feet between now and election day.
He lias served t.lie people faithfully
is clerk of tho'dlstrlet court , and It Is
well realized that no Imttur man for
treasurershlp Is available In any
party. Ho IH conscientious and sys-
temntle In the performance of his du
ties and his record speaks emphati
cally for himself.
W. II. Field of .lofforson , candidate
for clerk of the district court. Is
known by his friends lo possess just
the necessary ( inallllcatlons for the
position. It can ho hankod on that
Jefferson precinct , where ho Is best
known , will go for him , almost to a
man. Mr. Field was early thrown on
his own resources by I ho death of
his father and since moving to Til-
den ho has made It evident that ho
was abundantly ahlo to care for his
own , Ho has served In responsible
positions In Antelope county with
satisfaction to all , and the district
clerkship may ho safely entrusted to
him. A vole for Field will not bo
The postolllco department has ruled
that the ashes of a friend may ho
sent through the malls at merchan
dise rales. This la another victory
for the cromatlonlsts. Think of the
convenience of shipping the remains
of an unfortunate , dying far away
from homo In a pasteboard bo\ with a
postage stamp attached , ns compared
with the grows < mio heavy long box In
a freight rarwlth double passenger
rates to pay. And the only difference
Is that a quantity of gas and water
has been dispensed with by the cre
mation. All that Is substantial and
permanent about a dead body Is pre
served In the little box of ashes.
State Journal.
To those who are strictly unpreju
diced the attempts of organised labor
to force the' , government to employ
union men Is as reprehenslblo as It
would bo for-any monopoly to en
deavor to secure control of any de
partment ( if the government. The
United Hlatuh govunimnl is complete
within itself , and Is the one pos
session of the people that should be
kept tree from all organizations of
every kind , whether they ho of capi
tal or labor. .Merit and desirability
should ho the only requirement of
government employes , as quality and
cheapness should be required In the
government's purchase of supplies.
Any departure from those is against
the Interests of all the people , and
It Is to be hoped that the government
may continue to bo free from any
such alliances.
The national bureau of labor has
been Investigating the stock argu
ments of the antl-admlnlstratlonlsts
to the effect that while wages have
advanced ten to fifteen per cent , the
cost of living has Increased fully
thirty per cent , and proposes to give
the public the llgures soon so that It
wilt know something about the bust-
ness when the argument Is again pre
sented. U Is already given out that
the two have Increased In equal pro
portion , the increase being between
fifteen and seventeen per cent. This
does not take Into consideration the
fact that whereas there wore thou
sands of men idle under the Cleveland -
land administration , since the repub
licans took charge every man who
has desired employment and is com
petent has received it almost con
tinuously , so that there would really
ho a largo balance In favor of labor.
The Increase in wages must bo
figured on the basis of those who
were employed during both eras.
One of the most popular young
men In Waterloo was married the
other day. If you don't believe ho
was popular just look at what his
friends did to him. The bride and
groom were followed to the train ,
where they were captured and bound
together with real handcuffs in such
fashion that no man except the pos
sessor of the key could put them
asunder. Then a barrel of rice was
procured and bride and groom were
properly stuffed with it. When the
train pulled in it was found to bo
gayly decorated. The manacled pris
oners were led aboard , an orchestra
appeared , and the whole party start
ed to share the wedding trip. Of course
there wore placards nnd all the con
volitional doings. It was not unti
Oel eln was reached that the koj
to the handcuffs was produced am
the popular young man and his Jieau
tlful young bride loft in peace. Now
the question arises , if "Waterloo
would do all that to ono of its most
popular young won what would 1
do to n unpopular ono in case he
should furnish similar occasion fet
attention ? Sioux City Journal.
For coroner llr , II. I , . Kindred of
Meadow Orovo Is thoroughly quallllcd ,
Ho has boon In practice for yearn
tlioro and will receive n largo compli
mentary vote from HIOHO who know
ilm best.
James Curtln of Madison , porhnpH
hn the hardest race on the tlckot ,
nit bis friends are confident thnt ho
will show Mr. Winter a hard fight
mil nro satisfied that ho will give
the utmoHt satisfaction lo the people
of the county If elected.
W. W. Lowe Is perhaps the ono man
In the county qualified for county sur
veyor. Ho has held It without oppo-
filttlon for several terms and will
unquestionably ho ro-electcd. Ho
known every foot of land In the
county and Is the man for the place.
The ropubllcan candidate for county
judge , C. F. lUlsoloy of Norfolk , la ono
of the pioneer RettlerH of the county.
Ho at ono time was honored with n
aoat in the legislature and Is fully
competent to alt on the county bench.
Ills selection will mightily please
many friends.
Next year la the presidential elec
tion and Nebraska republicans should
undertake to see that the' slalo la
kept In line I'or the republican ticket ,
that they may enter the coming cam
paign with something on which to
base their assurance of republican
success in the national campaign.
The democrats of Norfolk product
met In convention Saturday night and
the republicans will place their
tlckot before the people tonight , thus
closing the preliminaries to the cam
paign and all that now remains la
for the candidates to hustle , the party
workers to do their stunt and the
people to do the voting on the third.
Jefferson precinct republicans Imvo
not often asked for anything In the
way of olllce , but when they have the
candidates have been making a los
ing campaign. This would be a good
year to recognl/.o Jefferson republi
canism by electing their candidate for
the district clerkship to the otllco ho
, T. .1. Clements , candidate for sher
iff on the republican ticket , has twice
been elected to the position , and Is
fully competent to look after the du
ties of the otlice. lie is well known
throughout the county , and his quiet ,
unassuming ways have won him
many friends who will rejoice at his
If the election were held tomorrrow
t Is believed that there would bo a
ack of thousands of a full vote , in-
Heating that if It Is desired to have
a full vote out when election day does
xrrive , It will ho necessary for the
vorkera of the party to hustle and
mow no let up. The people are
may. they have had little time to
cultivate an interest In politics , and
mill such Interest is aroused it will
10 useless to count on a fulll vote.
Prof. Win. Dowllng of Madison Is
ibundantly qualltled to take the olllce
) f superintendent of public instruc
tion , for which ho has been placed in
lonilnntlnn. Ho lias been especially
educated In school work and has had
years of practical experience In the
school room as Instructor that has
shown him the defects nnd needs of
x school system , so that his expert-
Mice Is ono that will bo valuable to
schools and school children of the
Judge .1. F. Hoyd has lltted himself
for his judicial duties by a thorough
legal education which has been on-
lianced and broadened by years of
practice before the 'courts of the
state , both high and low , and during
Ills present term of olllce ho has
shown that ho has hack of that know
ledge excellent common sense , so that
he is fitted for the position in abund
ant degree. He Is the man for the
place and the people of the district
will undertake to see that ho is
For commissioner of the Second
district the many friends of Oeo. D.
Smith will tell you that ho is all
right and will prove a competent ,
trustworthy olllcor. Ho is ono of the
old settlers of this vicinity and has
earned the recognition of the voters
of his party beyond a doubt , by faith
ful and energetic work In the party's
behalf. He has largo property Inter
ests here , and may he depended upon
to look nfler the interests of the
county as though they were his own.
A ballot not cast for Mr. Smith will
bo incomplete.
.1. L. llynearson is another of the
republican candidates who need little
Introduction to the people of the
county. In a way ho has been before
fore the people for years , and his
qualifications for the position of
county assessor nro not subject to
criticism. His years of work in the
Interest of the , Madison County Ag
ricultural society hnvo brought him
In contact with the people who nro
most interested in the work of the
r'B ollco nnd has glvon him
the knowledge necoHonry to form n
correct oatlmnto of vnlnca nnd his
ability to perform the duties of the
now office la unquestioned. Republi
cans should hnvo no hesitancy In re
questing the votes of their friends for
Mr. IlynearKon.
The sudden dropping off of prices
on the Nebraska market la being
charged up against the packers , who
evidently have under way n systematic
attempt to lower the prices at which
they buy , nnd will endeavor to mnln-
tain the soiling price. Thla , as might
be Imagined , la unsatisfactory to
both the stock raiser and the con
sumer and there la likely to bo an
objection , long and loud Issuing from
both aldoa of the fence , It la ostim-
mated that the farmera of Nobraaka
were from three to five million dollars
lars poorer at the beginning of the
week than they wore at the anme
time laat week , and there may ho
n movement made for co-operntlvo
packing planta , conducted on the
same plan as co-operative elevators
unless the packers will consent to do
the fnlr thing by the farmers and
U has never been moro pertinent
than now for Norfolk to consider mat
ters of trade exteiieion , and The News
Is in It lo do Its full share. Norfolk
la the business and geographical cen
ter of a large territory that Is In
creasing in Importance each year ,
and the business interests of Norfolk
should be In Imtimalo touch with
that territory. The News would not
favor an attempt to compete with the
country merchants of surrounding
towns. They are entitled to live anil
hold all the trade of which they are
capable , hut there are thousands of
dollars that go through Norfolk every
week and find their way into the big
mall order houses of the east and the
large department stores. This drain
on the country should be stopped , not
only In the Intoresta of the business
men but of the farmers and towns-
p'eoplc who are spending the money.
The Stantou Picket recently gave
n short sermon , appealing to the peo-
people there to spend their money at
home or us near homo as possible ,
that was the height of wisdom. It
advised its readers to trade at home ,
but If they were compelled to buy
away from homo to go to the nearest
possible trading point to spend their
money , ami it Is an appeal that should
bo made in every town1 In this sec
tion of the state. They should buy
at home If the goods they wish are
obtainable there , if not they should
come to Norfolk. If Norfolk cannot
supply their demands , then to Fremont
mont or Lincoln or Omaha. What is
desired is to have the money remain
in the state and be of benefit to al
the interests thereof. This can bo
done In a large extent by the mer
chants themselves. Millions of dollars
lars go out of the state every yeai
for goods that are handled in the
state , and this money should be kept
at home , to the advantage of every
business Interest and property owner
Those who have been careful in theli
comparisons between purchases fron
mail order houses and homo mer
chants , find .that there is no saving
to ho made , and that the mall order
business is unsatisfactory , but the
mail order houses make it their busl
ness to interest the people and mak <
it convenient for them to trade. I
should be the business of Norfolk am
other state merchants to approximate
their methods , They can meet the
competition , but the people do no
reali/e it and a campaign or educa
tion should bo inaugurated
The News Is attempting to conver
this territory and interest the pco
pie In Norfolk , and has met with gral
Ifylng encouragement since it was
determined to enlarge the scope o
its service. It finds that it can nice
competition in evoy particular , ant
proposes to widen Its field to a large
extent. It wishes the co-operation o
the merchants , and will do its fill
share by them. There should bo a
mutual effort toward this end on th
part of all the business people. Kee
the money at home.
Charles Toler Arrived In Norfolk to
Find that He Had Been Dead
Several Weeks.
Charles Toler , formerly of Norfolk
but now of Ladoga , In. , had a pecu
liar experience when ho returned to
Norfolk last Saturday for a visit.
He was supposed to bo dead. Ho
had the pleasure of learning of his
death several times and nearly pvery
ono he met asked him how it hap
pened that ho was still on earth.
"I thought you were killed in an
express robbery down in Knnsas , "
they nil snid. "It wns in the papers
that you were running as express
messenger on a railroad nnd thnt in
a hold-up you were shot. "
Then Charlie understood. One
Charles Toler , nn express mossoiv-
gor , had been killed and his friends
hero who had not hoard from him
for niRiiy moons mistook the case.
Mr. Tolor Is still very much alive ,
however , nnd his Norfolk friends
were glad to see him.
It la so easy to fnll into n habit
hat calls for less work.
So many people try to begin nt the
op , Instead of nt the bottom ,
A whlto vest nnd nn empty pocket
look nre n mighty poor combination.
People never charge to hard luck
inythlng that hnppena to a reckless
nan ,
A free ticket never improves n
nan's real opinion of a aho\v- after
la over.
In the rearrangement of unreliable
icoplo , the tnllor la to pnas nhend of
ho ( Iresamnkcr.
Our Iden of a clover person is ono
vho can any something bright down
in ear trumpet.
It Is getting to bo the case thnt n
nnn cnn as easily afford n fnst horse
ns ho cnn n son-ln-lnw.
T3ver notice whnt nice things nre
said about those you dislike , on
such little provocntlon ?
"Thnt man is tough enough , " n
irnkeman said of nn enemy today ,
'to chew smoking tobacco. "
The kind of people who tie a string
) ii the linger are the kind who never
emoinbor why they tied it there.
When a child keeps its dresa clean
is long as n half day , a wise mother
vill look at its tongue , and _ | cel its
You cnn't offend a man of forty by
saying thnt ho la seventy , but ho
will get mad if you hint that ho la
The kind of n man who deserts
ils family is the kind that comes
jack when they are doing well with-
nit him.
Everything seems to have como
) iit of the national dressmakers' con
vention in Chicago , except advice to
spend loss on clothes.
If you nro to hnvo fried chicken ,
t is perfectlyt proper for your invi-
atlous to state that you will "enter-
: aln with a chicken. "
So many men are to bo married in
I'opeka this fall who can't afford to
< eep a wife , that there is talk of get
ting out injunctions.
When a woman passes her thirty-
fifth birthday , and her waist line is
lost , her friends say she has the
"middle aged spread. "
When a man tells of what ho has
done for a friend , ho usually con
cludes his story by saying : "He
wouldn't do as much for ino. "
The sentimental are greatly disap
pointed. A girl's lover died , and she ,
instead of dying too , went on living
with new pink feathers in her hat.
Wo like best to spend our time
with those persons who make us feel
as if we were sitting with our slip
per on , In the big rocking chair nt
When a girl makes her choice , hoi
older kin look at his income , and her
younger kin judge him by the qual
ities that couldn't earn him n flap
A public celebration is not n sue
cesss unless there arc a great manj
women on the streets carrying very
big lunch baskets , and very small
After people have lived next dooi
neighbors for a great number o
years they are like kin ; know al
about each other , and don't get along
very woll.
"Hiawatha" isn't so bad when a
band plays it. The girl next door is
responsible for the uprising of the
mob determined to got the lifo of the
man who wrote the piece.
Wo wish wo could make a business
Investment that would pay as wel
as n wedding invitation : Two cents
postage , 11 cents for cards ; returns
a present costing all the way from $5
to $25.
When a woman with a big fnmlly
of children issues invitations to n
party , it is with the prayer that the
children will not como down with
the me.xsles , whooping cough or
scarlet fever before the date of the
At n meeting of the Mother' club
yesterday , one woman confessed that
she spent the first six months of her
married lifo in bumping her head
against n rock wall. After that , she
found out It was useless and began to
do things her husband's way. Other
sisters told experiences as harrowing.
No effort to amount to something
Is really ever wasted. An Atchlson
girl who studied voice culture at $5
un hour , married a farmer. Kvory-
0110 thought her talent was wasted ,
but , on the contrary , she found just
the field for it ; she uses It to call
the men from the harvest fields to
their meals , and it has n wider range
than any cow boll or horn used in
thnt section.
Here nro n few moro passages
from the unpublished letters of Do-
Coursey to hla wife : "Dear Km :
Has Jimmy got ever the whooping
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease i
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must eat the
right food for gr.owth.Bones. . f.
must have bone food , blood
must have' blood food and SO' t
on through the list. t *
Scott's Emulsion is the right .
treatment for soft bones in
children. Lit tie doses every day-
give the stiffness and shape . , . ;
that healthy bones should have. i
Kow legs become straighter , . 1
loose joints grow stronger and --l
firmifess comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the-
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott'.s-
Emulsion has proven to be tlv.r 'i
right food for soft bones in. y , {
Send for free sample.
SOOTT St. BOWNE , Chemists ,
' - > - < -13 Pearl Cvroat , New York.
SQC. niul ft ( to- nil < tru jivs. '
cough ? 1 hope you will not gad T
around and try to figure in society t
and neglect him. Keep that Parson ' -
Hulwieks from loafing around the
house under the pretense of inquirIng - j
Ing after the health of .llinmy. The ' -f
first thing 1 know he will have you '
worked for a big subscription for the ?
heathen , or some other foolishness. , ' j
Don't act like n million dollars when- " (
you are only thirty cents ; it costs
money to maintain high representa- I
lions. You know well enough that I '
get only n hundred dollars for those i
stories the publishers say they glvo ,
mo a thousand for. Advertising is ' * J\ \
one thing , facts another. Always re- > s > 1
member this. 1 nm now engaged in. "t
writing a * tory I cannot understand .
myseT and I am certain it will set
the critics wild , because each wilt
claim to be the only one who cam
fully appreciate it. I am sitting in.
n room in the twenty-fifth story , of
the Handout house , writing. Across i
from me a new building is going up ,
and as [ watch the stone masons
drawing $ o a day it makes my heart
yearn tor that exalted occupation.
Here I am , grinding out love and adventure -
venture for about ? ! ! per , for what
is accepted , and blowing in what L
make on postage stamps for what . |
Is not accepted. I intend to try to- t
raise enough money to got home1 ,
soon. Don't bother about the warts J
on Jimmy's hands ; let 'em alone. j
Your lovinghusband. " ' ' . ]
Atchlson people will be interested
in the newly furnltlied home of Silaa j
JulipOr nilderson on North Ninth j
street. The society reporter , at the „ .
special Invitation of Mrs. Cy , called : t
at the nifderson home this morning '
and made a note of the swell outfit. '
First , there was the swell colonial
carved front china closet. It is a.
beauty , having been bought with |
95,000 tobaccco tags. Cy must have
chewed himself almost to death get
ting the wherewithal to possess the
article. There are some rare specl- ,
mens of cut glass in the china closet , <
which were secured with 2,000 Muscle
Hilda which had to be bought in
order to got the coupons. The dining -
ing room table is something that is
worth going miles to see. It is said I
that It took three men two years to |
put the pollslon the top. The fam
ily has been eating cheese for live
years in order to get the 800 tickets
necessary to draw the table. The
.family used nothing but condensed
milk for nine years before they
caught the words "O'Hoolohan's
Host , " which entitled them to the
grand upright piano which ornaments
the parlor. The swell ancestral clock
which stands eight feet high , came
with a wagon load of baking powder.
It is a beautiful ornament , and higlb
ly varnished , finished in golden oak ,
the latest stylo. There are other ar
ticles of furniture too numerous to
mention secured with hams , health
foods , whiskey , rouge , powder and.
chewing gum. There is so much up
holstered plush furniture in the
house that a person could fall down
almost anywhere and not get hurt.
My Lungs
An attack of la grippe left me
with a bad cough. My friends said
I had consumption. I then tried
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it
cured me promptlv. "
A. K. Randies , Nokomis , 111.
You forgot to buy a bottle
tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral when your cold first
came on , so you let it run
along. Even now , with
all your hard coughing , it
will not disappoint you.
There's a record of sixty
years to fall back on.
Three iliei : 2Jc , SOc , $ | . All dmnliti. iWinr If lie .ay take It.
then do H li ii > . . K ho toll * you not
tn take tt then ilmi't take It. lt know .
Leave U wllli him \ Yinrnllllni ; .
J. U. AYlIIt CO. , LOHvlt. Mail.