ONETHE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL ' ° tll ( ' " . . . , , , , , . PART ONE / ; NOHKOhK NKHUASKA Fill HAY OCTOHKR ! > MKW. PAGES 1 TO 8 Wheels of Norfolk Factory Be gan Today. DROPPED FIRST BEET AT 7 A.M. Superintendent N. A. Lockwood Performed - formed the Feat Tomorrow Morn ing Will Turn the Root out In 'White Sugar Deets Testing Well. [ From Monclny's Dully. ] The sugar campaign at the factory of the American Ilect Sugar company in Norfolk IB on. The wheels of the Institution started moving at ? o'clock this morning and ever since then a constant string of great , fat beets have been journeying sugarward through the hundreds of passageways - ways , chutes , knives and tanks at 4he factory. The First Beet. The very first beet to bo thrown into the trough for the campaign of 3003 was tossed Into the channel by the superintendent , N. A. Ixickwood At 7. A swift current of water washed it quickly into the inter ior of the factory and from here it Vihot up to the top to bo chopped into shreds. Then it started In to go the rounds of the various chemical pro cesses and by tomorrow morning it will fall out , a bunch of tiny white > granules of sweetness , Into a , sack. After it is tied tightly the sack will he packed into a freight car and shipped to a jobber in Omaha and be fore many days arc gone someone TV ill be eating the prepared beet in the breakfast coffee. The stream of water was started into the factory about an hour before the main machinery began to whirl , And by 7 o'clock the entire force of laborers and mechanics had begun their campaign's work. There are 250 men hired at the factory and the revenue from their labor , which is high and steady , is all spent among the merchants of Norfolk. The force which began work this morning are on duty for twelve hours straight , the shift changing at 7 tonight. Every other week the shifts change about so that those who work nights now may work during the daytime. The factory is expected , according to Manager .1. N. Bundlck , to have the largest average run this year it has ever known. The increased ca pacity is duo to extensive improve ments which were made during the summer. Beets have been coming into the sheds for the past week and they are testing up" better than had been ex pected. The wet weather has not injured the saccharine roots what soever. From now on trainloads and wagon- loads will be moving into the fac tory yards at all hours of the day. ARRANGE A PROGRAM , Superintendent O'Connor Was in Lin coln Saturday to Attend a Meet- Jng of Teachers Committee. [ From Monday's Dally. ] Superintendent D. C. O'Connor at tended a meeting of the executive committee of the state teachers as sociation of which lie is a member , at Lincoln Saturday , and the pro gram for the holiday meeting of the association was arranged. The com mittee instructed Mr. O'Connor to r < construct a draft for a constitution and present it at the coming meet ing for adoption , in accordance with an expression at the last meeting. The present constitution has been considered too prolix and bulky for further use and Mr. O'Connor's work will he one of condensation. The state meeting will convene in Lin coln December 30 , for a three days' session. The speakers of note for the even ing meetings this year include Frank Roborson , who will deliver his illus trated lecture on Norway ; ex-Chan cellor James II. Canfleld , whose topic has not yet been announced , and Rev. Joseph F. Nugent of DCS irfoines , a very eloquent pulpit orator , who will speak on "The Philosophy of Civilization. " For the general instructional work , the committee has secured the pros- nco of Dr. Hale , professor of Ro man literature of Chicago university , and for primary instruction , Miss Adelnido llolton , formerly of Salt Lake City but now supervisor of pri mary instruction in Minneapolis , and Miss Cooper , supervisor of pri mary work In Omaha. Rules and arrangements for the "spoiling contest on Friday afternoon wore adopted , and is intended to re vive a lost art of some Nebraska schools. Four classes of contests will bo hold , class A for rural and grammar schools , class B for non- accredited high schools , chms C for the accredited high schools and class D for the normal schools and busi ness colleges. There will bo high grade theatrical attractions for each evening. Com plete programs will soon bo pub lished and distributed. Need Philippine Teachers. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] A civil service examination Is an nounced for Nebraska on October 19 and 20. It will bo for the purpose of selecting teachers for the Philippine Islands. There arc needed ICO male teachers and they will receive from $900 to $1,200 per year. Grand Island , Lincoln and Omaha nro the places sot In Nebraska. FIRE TRUCKS COLLIDE. Six Firemen Injured In an Accident at St. Louis During a Run. St. Louis , Oct. fi. Special to The News : While making a run to a tire hero this morning two of the Ilro trucks collided with a street car. Both were overturned and six fire men were badly injured. NEBRASKA WINS EASILY , Takes First Collegiate Football Game From South Dakota Without Appreciable Opposition. Lincoln , Oct. 5. Hcforo ft crowd of from 1,200 to l.fiOO Nebraska uni versity took the first collegiate game of football from South Dakota on the homo grounds by a score of 21 ! to 0 , scoring four touchdowns and three goals. Coach OootH kept a line-up of the old war horses until the vis itors' line had been badly battered and then placed substitutes to llnlHh the game and secure practice In a real battle. This accounts for Ne braska's score being BO low , but will be of value In future games when the substitutes are called upon to participate. WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS , Nebraska State Convention to Open Tomorrow at Nebraska City For Three Days. Nebraska City , Neb. , Oct. fi Special to The News : Arrangements are complete for the Nebraska state woman's suffrage convention which opens hero tomorrow for a three days' session , and the program is n very excellent one. Tuesday will be largely devoted to the preliminary work of the conven tion which will not open until even ing , when addresses ol welcome and responses will bo the feature , to bo followed by the address of the presi dent , Mrs. Clara A. Young , of Broken Bow. Wednesday forenoon will he de voted to reports of officers , the after noon to conferences and papers , and in the evening Miss Gull Laughlln of Now York will address the delegates , her subject being , " "The Moving Finger Writes. " The election of officers will como during Thursday morning , and in the afternoon an interesting feature will 1)0 a symposium the results achieved in states and counties whore women vote. The session will close in the even ing with an address by Ilov. Anna 11. Shaw of 1'hlludolphin on "Tho Futo of the Republics. " LECTURE ON SIBERIAN EXILES. Captain S. Albert ! Pleased an Audi ence Last Night. An electrical storm together with a sprinkling of rain which promised to develop into a shower at any mo ment last night , kept a number of persons who had intended to hoar him , away from Captain S. Alborti's lecture at the Methodist Episcopal church. Despite the weather , however - over , a good st/.ed audience listened to the tale of exile life in Siberia and ftf the frightful conditions of. servi tude which there exist. The subject is intensely interesting just now to the American public , because of Its unknown quantity , and hearers were generally vjry we 1 pleased with tl.e lecture. It was given under the aus pices of the Masonic lodge. STANTON REPUBLICANS MEET , County Ticket Named and Judge J. B. Barnes Addresses the Con vention , Stanton , Nob. , Oct. 5. The repub licans of this county met In delegate convention here Saturday and nom inated the following ticket : A. W. Forbes , county treasurer ; Ivor S. Johnson , county clerk ; Alex Peters , county assessor ; S. W. Wood ruff , county judge ; W. T. McFarland , clerk of district court ; William C. Mash , county superintendent ; Dr. W. L. Bowman , coroner ; Tobias Mack , surveyor. Hon. John B , Barnes , re publican candidate for supreme , judge was present , and made a short ad dress to the delegates. G. A. Eborly resigned us chairman of the central committee and the vacancy was filled by the election of Charles McLeod. Lively Trading Saturday. Large numbers of farmers were In Norfolk Saturday doing their week's trading , and the merchants and their clerks were kept on the move all day to provide for the wants of patrons. The summer work on the farms Is done , with tho" exception of some thrashing. The corn crop Is far enough along to demonstrate that there will bo an abundance of the grain to feed and some left to sell , and the farmers are feeling rather clover and happy , and buying liber ally of what they need to carry thorn ever Sunday and through the week. Wanner Boy Succumbs to In juries Received at School. FUNERAL HELD YESTERDAY. Dead Boy Claimed He Was Abused and Forced to Eat Sand , but Cor oner's Jury Falls to Find Evidence That Will Hold Accused for Trial. Oakdalo. Nob. , Oct. fi. Special to The News : The funeral of the five year-old son of Fred Wagner wast held yesterday afternoon and was largely attended by his schoolmates and others Interested In Ills sad death. The little fellow came home from school Friday afternoon and com plained to his parents that ho had boon mistreated by a niimbor of his schoolmates , that they had knocked him down and abused him and forced a quantity of sand In his month which ho was made to eat , and that his neck had been hurt. Ho grow worse rapidly and died during the night. A coroner's jury was summoned Saturday and two boys named Black and Wilson , who had boon Implicated , were summoned before It. They de nied In tote the statement of young Wagner and stated that ho had been struck and knocked down accident ally while playing ball and that lie had fallen In the sand , which filled his month. Other boys were con nected with the story and after hear ing all the evidence obtainable- the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the little Wagner boy had come to his death through an Injury to the spine , received In some manner that' tlie evidence did not adduce. The people of Oakdalo have taken a deep interest In the case and there is a division of sentiment with refer ence to the manner of death. There was not sufficient evidence to hold the hoys Implicated for trial and they have been released. A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. Papillion Young Man Ground to Bits in a Grain Separator Monday Morning. Papillion , Neb. , Oct. fi. Special to The News : A young man named Schroeder met death in a horrible ID an nor hero tills morning. Ho was engaged in feeding a thrashing ma chine when ho fell Into the swiftly revolving cylinder .and was ground Into bits before the machinery could lo stopped. Small pieces of the un fortunate man were delivered by the straw slacker and others came out with the grain. The people of the neighborhood wore horrified by the awful news. FIND OLD SOLDIER DEAD IN BED , Moses Head , a Well Known G. A. R. Man Near Madison , Died Dur ing the Night. Madison , Nob. , Oct. -Special to The. News : Moses lluad , an old set tler and a well known member of the Grand Army of the Republic , was found dead in bed at bin homo five miles northwest of here this morning. Heart Iron bio is thought to havoliceii the cnusu of his death. Tliore was no sign of any pain , nor was there any sound during the night. Mr. Head was a man about sixty- flvo years of age. Ho had only hur led his wife three years ago. He was well liked throughout Madison county. The funeral will be held in Madison Wednesday afternoon. MORE STONE FOR COURT HOUSE Two Cars of Cornice Rock Arrive and are Being Unloaded. [ From Monday's Dally. ] Two more- cars of cornice stone , a very beautiful style of rock , has ar rived at the United States court house building and is being unloaded. Work was begun on the flooring for the third story , the supporting Um bers going in now. The brick work is progressing rapidly and % tlio entire force- are hurrying the work as fast as possible to take advantage of the open weather. WOMAN'S ' CLUBS AT FREMONT , Ninth Annual Meeting of the Ne braska Federation Has Enthu siastic Opening Today. Fremont , Neb. , Oct. 0. Special to The News : Tlie opening today of the ninth annual meeting of the Ne braska Federation of Women's clubs was marked by a great display of enthusiasm. Delegates from local organizations throughout the state filled the auditorium of the First Congregational church , when the gathering was callled to order early this afternoon. Tlie church Was pret tily decorated for the occasion. Mrs. W. K. Page of Beatrice pre sided and the invocation was de livered by Ilov. Mary ( i. Andrews of Omaha. Addresses of welcome and responses , Interspersed by musical selections occupied the opening hour. These were followed by the annual address of the president and the re ports of the other ofllceni and com mlttces. ICducatlnnul discussions and papers nro scheduled for this oven- Ing. Some of the prominent speakers whoso names are on the program are Chancellor Andrews of tlie Uni versity of NebraskaMiss ; Jane Ad- damn of Hull House , Chicago , and Mrs. I ) . T. S. DennlHon of New York , president f the general federa tion. The sessions are ( o continue through Thursday. SHADE-ON'S COLTS. Result of the Exhibition of Famous Trotter's Get at Ewlng. , Kwlug , Noli. . CHuT ( lSp"och l i to Tin1 News : Seven handsome Shade On cells were shown In the exhibit held here yesterday that hud been Inaugurated by the famous Nebraska trotter's owner , J. M. Kay , who bail offered good prizes to get out an ex- lillill of ( lie young animals. A num ber of them give promise of future tpcod that may astonish the people of the state. A number of turf men and others wore Interested In the exhibit. A yearling animal , the property of Albert Ilothlonlcr , from Johnny Al len's mare , took the llrst prize , and ( he second was taken by a suckling colt from a contrast mure , the prop erty of L. A. Coombs. The best Shade On cell , or at least the one that has made the best record thus far , Is owned by Mr. Kay himself , Shudlo Battle , having a track record of - : , bill has gone a mile In 2:09Mi : , almost equalling that of the sire which is 2:084. : . SOLDIERS BEHIND SCHEDULE , Should Have Been Clcarwatcr Today , But Will be Unable to Make the Distance. Cloiirwator , Neb. , Oct. ( ! . Special in The News : The troops from Foil Nlobrara that were scheduled to ar rive hero today will not bo able 'o ' make It. They were In O'Neill Insl night and their next stop IH to lie at Stafford HO that they are about a dav behind on tin ; trip , and their arrival .it Norfolk may not ho expected nut.I . .dine time after the ( Into Hot. The troops were scheduled to make ( if- teen miles a day , but there have boon various obstacles to prevent their making that distance. BROKEN LEG INSTEAD OF DEATH , Charles Hilton , a Teamster , Fell-on Track Ahead of Train , but Crawled Off. [ From Tuesilny'B Dully.1 What might have resulted In an- of her death beneath the wheels of an engine yesterday afternoon mere ly ended in the breaking of Charles Hilton's leg. Hilton IR a tonmstor employed at the sugar factory and in < rossing a series of sidetracks ho be came so entangled between rolling stock that the situation was very ser ious for a minute. In driving across one track , Hilton saw that a switch engine had kicked two cars down toward him. Ho whipped up to get off the rails and landed on another track just In tlmo to see the engine with a string of cars back down toward him. In or der to escape thn wheels , ho made a sharp turn of the team which sent him out of the seat. His log fell upon the rails and was broken. Ho had the nerve to crawl gff just in time to get away from the train as It rolled down by. Hilton Is a stranger here and the sugar company took hlnu in charge , placing him in care of a nurse down town and doing ovorythlng possible for ills comfort. There is no bluinu attached to thn accident except unfortunate - fortunate circumstance. ! , and Hilton is glad today that lie is alive. LIGHTNING AT NELIGH , Bolt Struck Antelope County Court House , Entering Three Office Rooms. Neligh , Nob. , Oct. fi. Special to The News : During the severe thunder - dor storm that prevailed hero tills morning , lightning struck the Ante lope county court house. The bolt split on striking the building and en tered three o the office rooms those of District Judge J. F. Boyd , Sheriff Frisbie and County Clerk Lichty. Fortunately no one was injured and it Is'considered ' that the damage done to the building is light and can bo repaired. WISNER TO HAVE A CARNIVAL. Will Give a Street Fair on October 15 and 16. Winner. Noli. , Oct. 7. The mer chants and business men of this city will give a kern karnlval on October 15 and 1C , which will bo a great drawIng - Ing card. A largo number of first class special features have been ar ranged. Hale's Sale Postponed , Battle Creek , Oct. 7.Tho largo clearing sale of surplus stock which was to have been hold yesterday , has been postponed on account of the storm until Tuesday , October 20 , at 11 o'clock. C. P. Michael Threatens Fre mont Newsdealers. WARNED LOCAL MERCHANTS. Sayii People Must Stop Selling Sen sational Yellowback Journals or he Will Have Them Prosecuted Fre mont People Still Sell. ll'Ydiii Tlli'mlny'H Dallv. ] C. P. Michael of ( tils city , claimIng - Ing to represent ( ho International Reform society , has stirred up con siderable excitement In Fremont by giving warning to all newsdealers there that they would have to quit selling yellowback novels and period icals like Vanity Fair and the Stan dard. Before operating thorn Mr. Michael warned all newsdealers In Norfolk that , they must stop Helling the stuff or be prosecuted , and some of them have compiled with tint de mand. The Fremont Tribune lias this to say regarding the action thorn : Fremont dealers who continue to sell yellowback novels and period icals like tlie Police ( In/otto and Van ity Fair , stand threatened with pros ecution by a man living at Norfolk , who claims to represent the Interna tional Reform society. Tills Individ ual Is O. P. Michael. Ho was In thn city Saturday and took occasion to visit every flows and book sloro and Inform ttie proprietors that they must take objectionable publication ! ) from off tlioir shelves and refuse to handle them , or suffer the alternative of pun ishment undur an alleged state law that lie quoted. This is the first time that any such stop has over boon taken In Fremont , and no ono here Hooms to know any thing about It. Michael is a stranger hero and so far as Is known has not secured the cooperation of any local organization In his campaign to ox- pnngo cheap and sensational litera tim ) from the counters of ( lie news stores. Tlie dealers look upon his appearance here as an Intrusion on the part of a rank outsider who has no interest In Fremont. They are considerably Incensed over the throats of prosecution and unless confronted witli an Ironclad section of the statutes on the subject , will probably go ahead as before without any regard to tlie warning of the gen tleman from Norfolk In justice to the dealers , It should bi > said that none of them have been making any attempt to enlarge tin1 sale of the class of litoraturoobjoctod to , lint as there is a considerable call for those publications they feel obliged to carry them in stock in or der to satisfy tlie demand. The cru sade against the nickel and dime nov els is based on the theory that they are corrupting the boys who read them. The dealers , however , say thai more of those.1 stories are sold to men and women than to hoys. Never Heard of Sappho. When making Ills ( tails upon the dealers , Michael did not at once state wlio lie was , merely saying that lie represented the International Itoforin society. Finally he gave his name' and said lie was from Norfolk. Ho said that his society was determined to stamp out "blood and thunder" lit erature , storkw of crime and immoral and sensational publications , to the host of Its ability. "Don't yon know that when yon start out to suppress a paper or a book on the ground of Indecency , yon merely advertise it ? " asked ono of the men who suits nil kinds of liter ature. "Don't yon remember the boom 'Sappho' had when thoattcmpls were being made to rule it off the stage and out of print ? " "Sappho. What is that ? 1 never heard of it , " rescinded tlie gentle man. "Von never. Well , I suppose yon have read 'The Story of Mary Mac- Lane. ' " "No. I have hoard of It , but don't know what sort of a book it Is. " "Ferninst" Stories of Crime. " Michael declared that his society was attempting to stop the sale of all "bhxid and thunder" books as well as stories of crime , on account of their effect on young minds. Ono of tlie dealers told him that lie had better begin by cutting off tlie sale of all newspapers , which were largely tilled with accounts of crime , and that If all stories containing that el ement were ruled out , the supply of literature remaining would bo very scanty. it is not known here whether any similar effort has boon made else where in the state to do away with the sale of trashy and sensational lit erature. The dealers In Fremont are careful , as a rule , about letting these stories and papers go out. There are four principal merchants who handle them , who generally take Into con sideration the ago and mental ca pacity of anyone who asks to buy thorn. Instances are frequent where young boys who have asked for them have gone away without them. There Is not much fear on the part of the dealers that the threats of prosecution will bo carried out They are now looking up the state laws to see just what ground they occupy , and if they do not find any absolute retitrlcllons ( hey will probably con tinue to supply such literature an the public calls for. The dime novel and sonmilinnul weekly miles In Fremont are not a large Item in tlie business of the lo cal dealers , who find the monthly mngay.lnc.M and standard weeklies far the hotter seller * HUGH HERDISON DIES SUDDENLY. Formerly Lived In Madison but ban Hccn In Charter Oak , Iowa , For About a Year. Madison , Noli. Oct. 7. Spodlal to The NOWII : A dispatch wan roe.olvcil hero thin morning announcing the death of Hugh Hcrhhton. former ! j with the Union Valley Roller , mill * and at one time a member of the city council , representing tlie First ward , at bin home In ( 'barter Oak , Iowa. It had not been known that he was slcli and the announcement , of his dentil comeii with a shock to III * many frlendu hero , who are nnxlom to learn the particulars of bin sud den ending. Mr. Ilorblson moved from Madlnon to Charter Oak about a year ago. He was a man about ftrty five years old , and lias a family of four children , one daughter and throe sons. Par ticulars about the funeral have not been learned , but Mossni. Bloy of the roller mills left this morning for Nor folk to take the I o'clock train for Charter Oak to be present at the fu neral and render what ii.'tHliUanou they may to tlie bereaved family. GIVE RECEPTION TO ROUGHER , Members of the Methodist Congrega tion Celebrate the Return of their Pastor. I I'Yom ' WnliH'-ilfiy's Dally. ] The liK'inbcni of thn M. K. church gave their pastor , Ilov. .1. F. Poiichor , ami wife , an enjoyable reception in the church parlors Tuesday evening iiH an opening of ( he new conference year. Mimic on the now piano of the Aid society , Hoclal conversation and refreshments of doughnuts and cof fee went toward filling out a few bourn most onjoyahly. Ilov. Mr. I'ouclier has been returned to Norfolk for a third year by the conference recently hold In Fremont , although It hi understood thai Blair had In a bid for him and came very near getting him. The members of the church hero sent In a unanimous appeal for ills return and when tills was cmiHldnred ( lie. bishop decided to inulio no clinngo of paiUors horo. Mr. I'oiichor Is ouo of tin ; rising young mlnlHturs of the conference and Ills Norfolk congregation ishlghly pleased to gel him back for another year. Ills friends confidently expect to HOD him advanced to some of the host ! > < > unions In the gift of the conference before many years have passed. This opinion IH t'liiph.'tsi/.u'd by the fact that lie lias served in Norfolk , minister. ! from here having boon advanced reg ularly Hlnco the pastorate of Dr. Jen nings. WOULD BRING FACTORIES HERE , No Reason Why Norfolk Should Not Support Industries the Same as Other Cities. I From WuOiU'Mlay'H Dally. 1 "There Is no reason why Norfolk should not have a number of factories and Industries siic.ii as other cities of its class support , and I believe the Commercial club would do well to provide moans for Inducing to come in. " said a prominent Norfolk business man today and ono who lias done a great deal , himself , in building up Industries for the city. " are a great many things that could thrive here , such as factories dealing with oils , paint , starch and the liko. There are a number of in dustries which could lie made paying pro | > sitlons here as we.ll as anywhere else , and with a little inducement they could bo brought in. We could well afford to send a committee out to in vestigate the Institutions which could live Other places do it why not Norfolk ? " MARRIAGE IN MILITARY OIROLES , Daughter of General Young and Lieu tenant Hannay Married Today in Washington. Washington , D. C. . Oct. 7. Special to The News : The President and Mrs. Itoosovelt and a distinguished military company witnessed the marriage today of Miss Kll/.abeth Young , daughter of Oon. S. B. M. Young , chief of stuff of the army , and Llout. John K. K. Hunnny. U. S. A. The ceremony was performed In St. Thomas' church , which was pret tily decorated for the occasion. Tlie bridal party had as maid of honor Miss Margaret Knight , a niece of the bride , and daughter of Major John W. Knight , U. S. A. The best man and ushers were all companions in arms of the jgroom. Following the ceremony at the church the bridal party and guests adjourned to the homo of Oen. Young , where an elab orate reception was held. A few weeks hence Lieut. Hannay , with hli bride , will sail with his regiment for the Philippines.