The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 02, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    IIK NKWS- I MUDAY , orroitnn a.
State Federation to Meet Octo
ber 6 , 7 and 8.
An Unusually Interesting Program
for the Meeting Has Been Arranged ,
Mrs. John R. Hays of This City to
Read a Paper Thursday.
( From TucBlt y'B Dully. )
The Nebraska Federation ofVoni -
am'ii clubs Is to be held at Fremont
ctobcr U to 8. An unusually Inter-
* Uug program has been arranged ,
which will surely bo very Interetaln-
Ing , as mill as Instructive to nil who
are fortunate enough to hear It. It
li hoped that a good many members
f the Norfolk club , aside from the
dde-gates , will he able to attend. The
following are among the many inter
esting features of the program :
The meeting will bo honored by
the presence of the national presi
dent , Mrs. Dennis T. S. Denlson.
i Tfcerc will be an address by MissJane
1 Addatns of Hull house. Mrs. Doro
Lyon and Miss Mary O. Hay , editor
I and secretary of the Club Woman
1 Uagazlnc , vflll he with us.
i Other prominent speakers outside
f tlio federation will he Chancellor
j Andrews of the university at Lincoln
\ d John C. Dana , the noted librarian
/ < j f Newark , N. J. There will be a
* , , carefully planned art exhibit and on
* Wednesday evening the Fremont club
if will give a reception in the church
j parlors.
In addition to what has already
been mentioned Mrs. John R. Hays
is to have a paper during the House
hold Economic session Thursday af-
' teruoon.
' The national vice president of the
' club , Mrs. Robert Uurdette , is to bo
present and take part In the meet-
There will ho a reduction In rail
road rates , also In the charges for
v. , " s board and lodging at Fremont.
. Home lluntlngton ,
Corresponding Secretary.
Burglars at Ewing Did Not Touch
the Vault , Which Alone Was
[ From Saturday's Dally 1
Prank Miller , representing the
American Hank Protection company
of Minneapolis , called at the olllco of
The News Saturday morning to cor
rect the idea that the burglars who
robbed the Ewing bank , succeeded in
escaping the burglar alarm which lia
only recently been installed. The re
port was in yesterday's dispatch from
Uwlng. Mr. Miller states that the
burglary was committed upon a safe
which was standing outside the vault.
This had no alarm. The vault , which
contains an electrical vault lining ,
was not disturbed in the least and the
alarm was given no chance to work.
Had the vault itself been touchedMr.
Miller is positive there could have
boon no possible escaping the alarm.
Mr. Miller lett Ewing early this
morning and at the time of his de
parture no trace whatever had boon
found as to the robbers. Within fif
teen minutes after the deed , people
. had gathered , so that the burglar had
V" . little time to escape.
H. E. Hardy returned Friday night
from a business visit in Omaha.
Mrs. S. H. McFarland is visiting
her sister , Mrs. Joseph Stelnbaugh ,
at Ueemer , who has been sick.
W. M. Robertson has returned from
bin farms In Holt county , where he
spent the greater part of the week.
The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Sol G.
Mayor , corner of Madison avenue and
Ninth street , Is receiving a new coat
of paint.
Geo. H. Spear tried his luck with
the ducks and geese that Hock to
Moon lake , southwest of Ainsworth ,
this week. He reports very good
success and an enjoyable time.
J. W. Humphrey has returned from
Sioux City with a reinforcement of
tailors. J. Scheunglc , a coat maker ,
haa also arrived. M. P. Maloney will
ff remain as cutter throughout the
Ed Hartor leaves today for Chicago
where ho will visit for a few days
and attend to business matters. Mrs.
Harter went two weeks ago and has
boon visiting with relatives. They
will return next week.
W. H. Sutherland , formerly of Nor
folk but now of Spokane , Is In the
city for a visit witli Dr. C. A. Me-
Kim. M. Sutherland is now In the
real estate business and la well
pleased with the country.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall leave Mon
day for Valparaiso where they go to
spend a few weeks. It was the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall who was so
unfortunately killed on the Northwestern -
western line Monday night.
Dr. P. H. Salter leaves Monday for
Chicago , where ho goes to ongngo a
trained nurse for his hospital service ,
soon to open. Ho promises that ho
will ho satisfied with none hut the
host. Dr. C. A. McKim will go with
him , and will bo operated on for his
With some sixty candidates on the
gridiron for Nebraska's football team
this season , Norfolk and this vicin
ity will watch with Interest the play
ing of Frank Perry , who plnyod-In the
Ilrnt gamu of the season. Hl noconil
trjout has been booked for Saturday
With the closing of the county fairs
which have been going In all noctloiiH
of north Nebraska , tlio horsemen and
i concessionaires , who have been busy
* throughout , will close up shop and
ijult the game for winter. A number
of mldsvay attractions which hnvo op
erated lu this territory will likely
headquarter In Norfolk this season.
The cold wave spoken for by the
Chicago forecaster and foretold by
the drop In the barometer IHTO yes-
terda > , arrived some Mini1 last night
I and the mercury in the thermometer
has been going down during today
In quite nn emphatic manner. The
maximum temperature yesterday was
ninety degrees , a summer heat that
was somewhat too warm for comfort
hut appreciated nevertheless.
One year ago this week Norfolk was
having a bad time with an attempted
street fair and carnival. The city
tlayod In hard luck throughout , how-
; ver , as the oqulnoxtal storms butted
n and stopped the procession for fair.
Mud , rain , wind , hall and cold all
combined to knock out the decora
tions , and they pretty nearly sue-
ceded. There wore , for all of that ,
lowevor , a few confetti battles In the
light time a little hit of celebration
n spite of the weather.
Just two moro weeks , plus a few
lays , remain for the famous horse
mil buggy contest that is now being
carried on by ' 1 ne Nows. Never In
this section of the state has anything
icon douo In the way of contests
o equal this. Everything about the.
nit lit the handsome animal , the beau
tiful rubber tired runabout and the
superior harness are strictly high
-radp In every way and the person
whose coupons make her owner will
rnvij a right to he proud to own 'er.
It has been suggested among the
folk of Norfolk who euro for the friv
olous , that a dancing club , firmly or
ganized at the start and with parties
at regular Intervals throughout the
winter , would he a very popular fea
ture of the social season just coming
on. Not for several years has the
city taken to dancing parties as favor
ably as It seems willing to do now
not for many years has there been
the one time spirit that did prevail.
Each year there have been perhaps
three or four clubs holding regular
parties , but there was a time when
something was doing In some hall
almost every night.
Four Candidates Were Initiated Sat
urday Night and Social Session
ivorl'olk Elks had a good time Sat
urday night. Aside from the regular
meetings and initiation , a social ses
sion , at which Hon.V. . M. Robertson ,
exalted ruler , was host , was the fea-
tuie ol the evening.
Four candidates wore initiated
S. IX Bert , L. H. Pheasant , H. H.
Skcen.of Pierce ; C. M. Jack , of Hush-
ville .
A large number of visitors were in.
Among thorn were C. 13. Uurnham , C.
A. Smith , C. M. Wurzbacher , Dr. S.
A. Campbell of Tilden ; W. G. Hirons ,
Pierce ; Willis MclJride , Madison ;
Sanford Parker , Spencer ; C. M. Hath-
burne , Columbus ; Sam Davis , Wayne.
A. N. McGinnis Will Move In.
G. E. Moore has sold his residence
in North Tenth street to A. N. Me-
( Munis of Warnervllle precinct , who
will move to Norfolk and occupy his
uowlv acquired property , this fall.
Mr. McGinnis is 0110 of the prosper
ous farmers of this vicinity , and has
decided that he will not longer devote
his personal interest to farm work ,
hut will move to the city and take
things comfortable. He has consid
ered such a move for some time , and
is now to bring about its realization.
Some Rounds Were Pulled off Last
Night , and Interest Was Stirred
up Considerably.
[ From Tuesday's Dally.1
The boys of Company L , N. N. G. ,
got together in Armory hall last night
and enjoyed an athletic evening. The
mats remaining over from the wrest
ling match between Dwyer and Son-
nenschein wore used for the sport
and some merry contests were put
Hainoy and Maanske wrestled to
start things. Madsen and 1 light fol
lowed and as a closing feature , I light
and Hainoy took the floor.
Frank Dwyer and II. T. Sonnen-
scheln , both of whom wrestled In Ar
mory hall last summer , were present.
But For a Change In the Wind , the
Flames Would Have Done
Great Damage.
Iloncstcol , S. D. , Sept. 28. Special
to The News : The fierce prairlo lire
which raged here all of Saturday and
until late Saturday night , did not do
do as much damage as was feared nt
the outset. A stretch of country ton
miles square was burned and hun
dreds of tons of hay wore consumed.
Ranchers on the reservation had
hard work to save their homos ,
About 100 Donesteol men wont out
to assist in fighting the Humes , but
their efforts were of no avail. The
shifting of the wind saved tlio day.
Deputy Warden Rainey Brings
Them Into Court.
Dun Halversteln Went Hunting and
Dagged Three of a Kind , Which he
Paid for Very Dearly Law Will be
out November 1.
I From Momhiy'H Dally. )
The llrst inmlls at 15 per hlrd which
have come up before a court this sea
son , or lor that matter for many seasons -
| sons past , won- paid for at the city
hall this morning whou Hun Halvor-
stein told thu court just how ho did It ,
admitting that he had hrokon the law
and was assessed $ lfi for three birds
[ lulled.
I An accident brought to view the
dead birds which Hun , \\lio IH a 111'-
tt'i'ti-yoar-old youth ot South Norfolk ,
hud killed. lt > puty Cltimn Warden
Juke Kalnt'y was waiting at tlio South
Norfolk railroad cms.sliiK lor a man
whom ho Hiispi'cteil of violating the
game law. Hun dime driving homo
and had a gun in sight. This deputy
searched the rig and found the birds.
Hun , who Is n good shot , admitted
that ho had broken the law and plead
oil guilty before Judge Hayes. The
statutes provide a tine of | 5 for every
bird shot.
Not until the first of November will
It be lawful to kill quail. Tlitm for a
month th ( ! season Is open. Tlio pro
tcctlon Is made upon those birds be
cause they are so valuable to thi'
agricultural Interests of any commu
nity and because the killing of everj
bird , moans death to do/.ens of others
In the nest.
The Fine Wasn't Paid , However , Be-
cauce George Was Broke.
A Sunday night jag cost ( Jeorgo II.
Sullivan , a hack driver , Just | 10 ami
cowls , when he appealed before his
loner , Judge Hayes Monday noon
CU'orge had no money and agreed to
lit the high places on a railroad If
released. The judge called him , ami
tin1 fellow struck for the northwest
Man Who Will Lecture at the M. E.
Church Friday Night.
Following Is a brief sketch of the
e.xpc'rk'iices of Captain S. Albert ! , who
tas been engaged by Mosaic lodge
No. 55 , A. F. & A. M. for a Icctuie
in Russia ami Siberia for next Frl
lay night , October 2 :
Captain S. Albert ! , having lately es
caped from Siberia through friendly
assistance , is able to give one of the
most thrilling and Interesting exper
iences ever presented to the Amer
ican public. Having Korvod as an ol-
llcor In the Russian army eloveu
years , two years in Turkey , three
years In the Caucasian mountains and
six years in Siberia in different ca
pacities , namely , as engineer In the
mines and exile transporter from jilace
to place ; thus knowing practically
the every day life throughout Hussia
and. Siberia.
He cunio to America several years
ago , but had to return to Russia for
the purjiose of settling some business
in regard to an estate loft him by a
near relative , when he was taken
prisoner and sent back to Siberia , on
tliis occasion not to serve the country
in an lionary cajiacity hut as an ex
ile. He managed to make his escape
through Irieihlly assistance , anil will
impart to all the world his experience
and what actually exists In Russia
and Siberia , whore there is so much
suffering and torture.
It will be time well spent by any
one to attend this lecture , as it is in-
Htructive and elevating , giving them
an opportunity to learn something
they will never forget in U lifetime ,
and It is not given by a person that
has traveled through .that country for
pleasure , but from the evory-day life
of one that has passed through Its
C. C. Hughes and G. F. Bidwell Pass
[ From Monday's Dally. )
Superintendent C. H. Reynolds of
the Northwestern , who came in from
Stuart at C this morning , Iqft at 5:30 :
for Fremont where ho wont to meet
fieneral Superintendent C. C. Hughes
and Manager G. F. Bldwoll. These
olllclals paused through Norfolk at
noon for Long Pine , where they go
on an Inspection tour over this di
Miss Slsson visited in Fremont Sat
Wixxls Cones was In the city yes
terday from I'Icrco.
Rev. J. P. Mueller preached in
West Point yesterday.
Willis McBride of Madison was a
Norfolk visitor ever Sunday.
Dr. P. II. Sailor and Dr. C. A. Me-
Kim loft nt noon for Chicago.
Miss Hattlo Allbory returned yes
terday from a visit In Fremont.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Snyder returned
last night from a trip to Fromont.
Mr. and Mrs.V. . S. Dalrd of Grand
Island are lu the city for n few days.
Miss Mattie McNiah went to Tilden
Sunday night to remain for a week.
Clarence Clark la homo from Omaha
where be has been since Wednesday.
Dr. nnd airs. Prank Snltor will on-
tortaln the Wont Sldo Whlnt club
Thursday evening of this week
Mrs Darius MathowHimoutertaliu'd
at a I o'clock lunchron Saturday ,
Mrs II. I. Whitney of Omaha being
tlio guest of honor.
Mrs P. T. HIrcliiml and children of
Omaha are guests of Mm. A. J Our-
land. In Tlio Heights.
MlKH Kutu Stafford , Miss I'Mmi ' Slut-
ford and John Stafford spent Sunday
with their piirentM nt Scrlhuor.
Mis C. D. Jiniklus went lo the farm
at Kahumr/oo today to spimd a week
with Mr. Mini Mrs. Corl Jenkins.
Judge DoughiH Cones \MIH in Nor
folk Monday , oanviiHtlng among liln
friends lor their ballot murks at ttie
routing election In the Ninth illntrk'1
Miss Ora Crum came down Satur
day night from Valentine , where hn
has hold a position lu the bank , mid
IIIIM accepted a position with the
Vmcrti-an Heel Sugar company , In the
Norlolk fai'tory.
I. . U. Hemlio continues very slclt ,
uud little If any Improvement Is no
tlceuhlo In his condition. It has been
ilellultely determined that lie Is mif-
leilng trom typhoid fever , and he is
o low that none hut those limned !
ilely concerned are admitted to his
Misses Mattie Davenpnil. Kdlth
\lc < 'lar.v. Daisy Mai tin , Fannie Nor
ton and Hutli Daniels drove over lethe
the farm ot Corl Jenkins lu Kalama
/oo precinct Saturday morning , re
turning Sunday. They had a jolly
time in their short farm lite e\per
After having suffered for four weeks
\\llh typhoid lever , Mr. Kltiplu > , arcs
ideul of South Twelfth street , died
it his home in Norfolk this morning.
He was forty years old. The funeral
ill he held Wednesday from Christ
Lutheran church. Mr. KlepUe hmt a
brother tour weeks nnd has been III
e\or since.
Sunday was a day to attract people
nut of doors and the woods were full
nl those desiring a breath of tlio
.plendid Indian Hummer air. Any old
\cusi' for getting out answered for
a day llko yesterday , and the people
weie all then1. The \\lud was tiom
( he south and It was \\arm , almost
lot The tiles , Hie lievs and the IIIOH-
rultos buzzed about and the day was
ilmost like midsummer.
Much Interest IH taken In the re-
nihllcnu county convention which
nets at Hatllo Creek tomorrow alter-
looii , by the politicians of Norfolk ,
md particularly by the delegates who
iave been chosen to represent the
various wards and the outside pre-
Inct , so that It is likely that tinpro -
iuct will he by a full
lelegatlon. Not tor years has thoru
leen as much Interest taken In the
naming of a county ticket , ami the
contest for places promises to he spir
ited. Hut there are no Indications of
II feeling ever the matter. The par
ly Is united and tlio ticket named will
luivo the full support of the party.
Tlio fuslonlsts will meet Wednesday ,
and after that date the campaign will
lie wide upon , lacking only the nam
ing of the precinct candidates jus
tices of the peace , constables and
road overseers to make the various
tickets complete.
Will Get Just as Much Done Before
the Snow Comes , as Possible.
Added Forces.
Everything at the United States
Court house building In this city is
booming. Superintendent Williams is
rushng to get just as much of the
work done as possible before the snow
begins to lly. A large additional ? orco
of brickmasons has Just boon put on
the walls and the little oblong bits
of baked clay are slapping Into line
with a pretty good clip.
Another carload of cornice stone
and hcAiitifnl bits of art they arc
in themselves arrived yesterday.
It is Announced That a Second Crowe
Will Go to Boncsteel on Octo
ber 15.
Honcsteol , S D. , Sept. 2'J. Speclit
to The News : It Is announced tha
Houestfrol will -have another oxrursloi
on October IB , from Norfolk , Omaha
Sioux City and other western points
This is to give people a chance if
BOO the great reservation which i
likely it > bo opened here next spring
There were 1,500 on the last excur
Broken Into by Unknown Man an
Touched for All in Sight.
Humphrey , Nob. , Sept. 29. The sa
loons of Cornlea wore broken opei
and robbed of all the inonoy In sight
One owned by George Hrodfuhror wa
touched for ? 22. The casli register
and slot machines wore broken.
At J. M. Spocht's saloon , 7fi cents
was taken. An unknown man Is 1111
dor arrest on suspicion. <
Fire at St. Bernard.
Humphrey , Nob. , Sept. 28. A fire
occurred at St. Ilernard last nigh
in the postoltlco and grocer } ' store
owned by D. Bchulte , dun to the ex
plosion of a lamp. The building and
contents were completely destroyed.
Lois about ( BOO.
The building adjoining , owned by
Joseph Druppel , was also destroyed.
Ho hai $500 Insurance ; loss , about
She Suffered for Years and
Felt Her Case Was Hope
less Cured by
Peruna ,
MIIS. ANNA II. 3.1KI1AUTY , iwonl
Hupiirlntmidi-nt of Ihu W. 0. T. U.
hoMlquurtorH , ul ( iuhmburg , III. , wax for
tenyimrHoiHMif Ihulumltng women then' .
Her liiiNlmml , when living , -\vn \ llrnt
PruHldi'til of dm Nuhrn L.u , Wimluymi
Unlvuwlty , Hi Lincoln , Nob.
In a lollor written from 401 Nlxty-
Bovcnth HtniolV. . , Chlt'tigo , 111. , MI'N.
ITk'hnrtjr uuyii the following In rugunl lo
Poruiia :
"Having lived * very cllvollfnni wife
will working ] iurtimrof x. huny mliilMler ,
my health fulled me n few yourH ago. I
lost my huHhumi about Ihu uuino tlmo ,
mid griuluiilly 1 noutnod to IOMO health
rnnl HiilHt. My iluii liUir U a , continued
Ittvnllil , uiul vro liolli f U grunt nocd of
Ail Invlgorutor.
" One t > f my nclfltbora advised mete
to try Peruna. A buttle was Immediate
ly secured and u urcat change took
place In my itauxliler'a MH well an In
my own health. Our appetites Im
proved very sreatly , the digestion
teemed much helped , mud restful bleep
teen Improved us , so that we seemed
like new women.
" I would not be without Peruna for
ten times its coat. " Mrs. Anna U.
"What , lined In ho culled fomiilo ( llHonHCH
by tlio medical profcHHlou IH now culled
pulvlo c.uturih. It IIIIH been found by
xpurlunro tliiitoulitrrliiil dlH'jiincn of Iho
polvieorguiw nro thocnimoof iiiontciimm
O' foimilodlKoasu.
Dr. llnrlniiui WIIH among thu llrHt of
Aimirlcii'H grout phynlciutiH lo ' nko Mil *
iHcovcry. J'Vir forty yciirrt lie luiri been
renting illHcam'H peculiar towomen , uud
Ollg ago ho renchcil the conclunlon Hull
woman ontlrcly frco from riiUirrlml
affection of tlirno nrpuiH would imt be
nbjoct to fenmlodlfCiiHO. IIo Iheicfore
K'giiu lining 1'eruuii for thexo cm-cH and
omul It HO ndinli.'ibly udnplnl to their
Kjrmaiienl. cure tluil IViumi ImM now
) t'como Ibo mow ! famous remedy fur
J'tlllllo tllsea'-i'M ever kllOWll. I'.SViy
Where the women um lining II and pruK-
tig It. IVrunu N ii"t 11 ] iitllliitlvu Hlm-
) ly ; It cup's by removing tlio CIIUHU ol
umalo ( Ihieiiin.
Dr. Ilurlmim him probably cured more
Ti'omun of female nllnieiil-i than any
ilber living iiliynleiuti. H(1 makes tlmw
ouri't ) simply by iulug unit ruuummund-
, u n 1'oruuo ,
Not n Minute to Lone
if you an- wet and feel chilled to the
hone , after a trump littough a storm.
( Jet Into dry clothes at onceaiid warm
your lusides with a teaspooiitul ol
Perry Davis' Painkiller , in hot water
with a Mttlo sugar. Thus yon will
avoid a cold , and , possibly , a long
sickni'HH , The precaution Is worth
while. There Is but ono painkiller
Perry Davis' .
How are your kidneys. ' It Is d-in-
-ivwM to delay when the kldnoyH am
Ick. Kldht y Ulti't ( no tlio mn t won-
ilerlul euro for all Kidney and backache -
ache comiihilnts. Try them. 'J5
rents. l'"or sale by Kiesau Drug Co
His Life Saved by Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
"H. L. Hyor , a well known cooper of
this town , says ho believes Chamber
lain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
rtomi'dv saved Ills life last summer.
IIo had bi'en sick for a month with
what the doctorn call bilious dysen
tery , and could get nothing to do him
any good until ho tried this remedy.
U gave him Immediate relief , " says
I ! . T. Little , merchant , Hancock. Mil.
For Halo by Kiesau Drug Co.
Man-nr-vlno Tablets. Tlio norvj
tonic for moil and women , llnlld up
the system and maUo you fool bright
and rlumrful. For Biilo by Kiosau
Drug Co.
Every Mother Knows
how hard It 5s to hoop the children
covered op at night. They will kick
the imiltH off and take cold. No not
give thorn medicine contalnlngoplum
Allon's Luns Halfiani , free from nar
cotic dniKS , Is never moro useful than
when H rids the children of cold and
Haven the mothers anxiety. It makes
a friend of everyone who uses It.
Owes His Life to a Neighbor's Kind-
Mr. D. P. DaiiKhcrty , well known
throughout Murcor and Siimner coun
ties , \V. Va , most llely ; owes his Ufa
to the kindness of a nelKhhor. IIo
was almost hopelessly ailllcted with
diarrhoea ; was attended by two phy
sicians who gave him little , If any ,
relief , when a neighbor hearing of
his serious condition , brought him a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy , which
cured him in less than wonty-four
hours. For Bale by Klosaii Drug Co.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take LaxativellromoQulnino Tablets.
All druggists roftind the money if It
fulls to cure. K.V. . Qrovo's slgim'curo
Is on each box. 2Gc.
WUon you fool constipated. Itavo
sour Htomach or biliousness , try
Bora's Sweet Laxative Chios. They
do the work. 10 and 20 cents. For
sale by Kiosau DHIK Co.
A Remarkable Record.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy lias n
remarkable record. It has boon lu
use for over thirty yours , during which
time many million bottles have been
sold and used. It has long been the
standard and main reliance in the
treatment of croup In thousands of
homes , yet during all this time no ease
1ms ever been reported to the manu
facturers In which It failed to effect
n euro. When given as soon aa the
Mr * . 1C. I , , llrowii , XS ) Klllolt utroot
MomphlH , Tenn. , WI'PH | | :
"t miffenxl forni'veral yonrri with hoiul *
ai'ho hroiilil | on by nervoiiH proHtrutlon.
I WUM nlno iiUlleled with ItiHomnla. I
would got up lu the mornlni ; moro wciiry
tliuuwlien I retired uiul I lined lo drcnil
the iipproiieh of nl hl. Purunn cumu
Into my homo ux u welcomu IICH ) , and
\\lthlit Ihreo nhort montliH I was llko
anolhor womiiii. I hitvo now unjuyud
purfuet hciillh for ever n year , imd thoco
who huvo Hiiirered MH I did will know
how happy 1 urn. " Mri * . ! ' . Ii. llrowii.
> rrn. KHlhor M.MIInor , Do ( IrulT , Ohio ,
wrlti'H :
" I M'IIM a Inrrlhlii HUlTernr from female
WituknuHH uiul had the headuehii eiuitln-
uoiiHly. I was not able to do my IIOIIHC-
work for nij'M'lf and hu.'diund. I wrolo
you and dimcrlbed my condition iw near
art poHHlhlu. You rccoinminde ) < l I'orimu.
I took four bottlcH and \vnn complolcly
cured. I think 1'oniniia wonderful med-
li'lno. " MM. KHther M. Mllner.
Thad. M. Million , of
, Pa. , Avrltim :
/ take pleasure In commending your
Peruna nit n snhttanllal tonic uiul a
good catarrh remedy. " T. M , Mahon ,
If you do not ileiive prompt , and sallH-
factory reHiillti fmm the UMI of Permm ,
wrltoat ( iiii-n ! < InIliirtmiin , giving a
full Nlaliinuiiiliif yimr eiiso nnd ho will
ho plcam-d to glvu you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
AddroMH Dr. Hurl mini , President of
The Jltirtiiniu Hanlturliun , Cohimbun ,
ehlld liecomeH hearse or oven as soon
as the cioupy cough appears , It will
prevent tlio attack. It Is pleasant to
take , many chlldieii llko It. It con
tains no opium or other harmful sub
stance ami may bo given as confident
ly to a baby as to an adult. For sale
by Kiesau Drug Co.
The Pleasure of Eating.
T'orsoiiH suffering from indigestion ,
dyspepsia or other stomach trouble
will llnd that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you oat and makes the
stomach sweet. Tills remedy Is n.
never-falling cure for indigestion and
dyspepsia and all complaints affecting
the stomach or digestive tract. When
you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure every
thing you eat tastes good , and every
bit of tlio nutriment that your food
contains Is assimilated and appropii-
ated by the blood and tissues. Sold
by Kiesau Drug Co.
Stomach Trouble.
"I have been troubled with my stomach
ach for the past four years , " says I ) .
L. Hotich , of Clover Nook farm , Green-
Hold , Mass. "A low days a o I was
Induc'-'d to buy : i box of Chamberlain's
.Stomach and I.Ivor Tablets. I liavo
taken part of them and fuel a great
deal better. " If you have any trouble
with your stomach try a box of these
tablets. You are certain to bo pleased
with the result Price L'5 cents. For
sale by Kiesau Drug Co.
For a bilious attack , take Chamber
lain's Htomach and Liver Tablets and
a quick cure is certain. For sale by
Kiesau Drug Co.
Allcii'n root-case , a jiowilrr. It cures gainful ,
* marling , nervous feet find ingrowing nails , anil In-
flanUyUkustlioHtlnuotitof cornsniuUiunlons It's
the ( tri'nicntrniiifurtiliBCovery of tlui KU. Allen's
Koot-liisaiiinkuHtlKlitoriiewiiliwffi'eleaMy. 11 Is a
< crtnln euro fur sweating , rallou ) mul liot , tired , cli.
liiKfctt. Try it ' < - < ' / / . Sold lir nil druL'tllntaamlslioe
stofs. lly mallf ir' Sc. In iMmiH. TtlAl imckaco
KUKI ! . Aililrttu , Ailui S. OlnutuJ , Ix ) Key , N. Y.
The Many Adventures of
InriiHluif l | tlinnii'rrj iiictnroni-o'i-
IHU wl in Oio iw volume ? , i > nlul i\ \
"AilvrnluriH < f Foxiriin < ljui" niiij
"KiirtliiTAdNputiin-bof Foxy Uruiiil-
t > t
Jlr. . < { ' | * | to mo mm day at
Ililirli : ' "I'm ilotiin tluiikiif H Minns
ot r .miiM IriiwIiiKidtnliiiK witlia Krnlid-
miluirtiml hie . "
two iHtid.O' ' b ?
' l. -t tinuramlfiU' IN l-c thu clover ciio
iirilioiriu. liiiiiua nMliA otliAr cft e
t jimnc'i.U li.n-rt IIM-I. . Mimrti.r tlmn
tii [ > M ikxiiiln Hi , , n uluini they plaiwl
. ' Urn l * < tVii > ti. | > oit. "
Jl next iiinrninit li ratnn lu my of.
1ri > nit * . glcptclioK ( or Imlf „ , & , ,
8 " ' ' ' " " '
V.V . nnme'Tox } Urr.ucl-
p in liu hand.
T"io MI cw , of ilm . .nrg In thi. xw
1 " HerId ns iimtmitanomiB. f.u
who In ii"l " hoard of "Koxy Orandim"
eti'l Uunnr" ,
Tim j'Hl > old vnntloriiHii , duar to
ttr W tp < > | > lo s i ) l ill , n'lKh'
' . , „ ' | . cillwl the Mr. 1'iokwlcL . .f
rmnic pic ori'fi
iiif'l | > i rVi i ) \i0 ind
'o 'l.o eHn | ireT
I Url >
* " * ' < . ? .v f < > ! > ! ' " rweljit of ONK
I"1' ( Alt in ruroi. , j nr jiosU nnlor-
u , i ' rw ive I
49 Wall Street. New York.