The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 02, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    THM N'lHKOIjK NKWR : FRIDAY. OC'iOUEIt 2 , 1000.
Passenger Train Crashes Into
Crowded Street Car.
Waiting at Depot Five Persons Are
Killed and Th'rce Injured at Shnron
Mill , Pa Falling Latin Kill * Two
at Columbus , Ga ,
Chicago , Oct. 1. Flvo persons wore
killed niul u score of others wcto In
Jnrod In n collision between the WIs-
rniiflln HniKc'il passenger ti l " ' "I u
Forty-third nvoinio street car. at Fifty-
fi'cond uvt'iiui' , last night. The stioet
car wnB crowded with passengers re
turning from the Harlem race track ,
and every man In the car WHB Injured.
The motorman had received the signal
to ( .TOSH and had JtiHt reached the cen
ter of the track when the passenger
train ernBhed Into hlH eur. None of
the imKHciiRcrH had tlmo to eHcapo.
The dead : F. Roberts ; William OtIf-
flth. Kansas City , helper at llawlhorno
track ; .IciHeph Under , colored ; J. Wll-
llaniB. Jockey , who rode second horBO
in last race at Harlem ; James Galln-
Kher. Klmlra , N. Y.
The Injured : Prank dray. Lexington ,
K.V. . hadly rut anl ; hrnlood ; Louis
Ktruby. log hroken and hadly Injured ;
J. M. Corrlgan. arms and lega cut ;
( leorgo Markley , hadly cut and
bruised ; Charles CroBB , Bovere ncalp
wounds ; John Kllroy. motormim ,
bruised and cut ; Dennis Enrlght , con
ductor of demolished car , ankle brok
en ; John Ludey , badly hrulsed and cut.
All of the Injured excepting Kllroy
nnd-Enrlght arc employed at the local
race tracks. In addition to those
named there wore a number of othern
Injured , but their hurts are In no man
ner serious. The blame for the acci
dent IB laid by Motorman Kllroy upon
the wet rails of the track. He saw the
< 1 anger In tlmo to avoid It and applied
the brakes , hut the car slid along the
track with locked wheels. The pas
senger train , which was running at a
blgh rate of speed , struck the street
car near the renter , cutting It squarely
1n t\vo. II was reduced to splinters
nml In an Instant the force of the col
lision was such that several of the In
jured were hurled hluli In the air and
two of the killed met their death by
striking the ground after being thrown
up from the wreck.
Five Persons Killed nnd Three Other *
Injured at Sharon Hill , Pa.
Philadelphia , Oct. 1.--A merry
Tarty composed of about a do/en per
sons was run down hy a passenger
train at Sharon Hill , seven miles south
of this city on the Philadelphia. Haiti-
more and Washington Railroad , kill
ing IIvo and Injuring three others.
The dead are : David Farmn , sr. .
"David Karran. Jr. , Jane Hrown , James
llrown , Jane Clark.
Injured : Thomas' Brown , seriously ;
Martha J. Fnrran , Miss Clara Osgood.
The accident occurred In front of the
Sharon Hill station while the party
was waiting * for a train. There had
been a family reunion at the Fa mm
home and several mem hers of the Far-
ran family had accompanied the guests
to the station. The Shamokln ac
commodation , for which the party was
waiting , usually passes the station on
the fourth track. This was known to
pome of tVo party , and when the train
was heard coming in the distance
nearly everyone passed over to the
third or first track. Hoforc anyone
could give a warning the accommo
dation tn'jn came rapidly down the
third track and plowed into the group.
Killed by a Caveln.
Columbus. On. , Oct. 1. While mak
ing some measurements In a trench
twenty feet deep. Superintendent of
Public Works Robert I > . Johnson and
n negro workman , Brad Smith , were
hilled hy a mass of dirt caving In on
them. A force of workmen were sent
Into the trench to rescue Mr. Johnson.
While these men were doing rescue
work a second caveln followed , bury
ing seven of the men. Quick work
paved the lives of five workmen who
were dug out of the trench , but two of
them were fatally hurt.
Archbishop's Kaln's Condition.
Baltimore. Oct. 1. Archbishop
Kaln Is reported to he resting quietly.
While It is admitted that his grace Is
very weak , his secretary. Father
Byrne of St. Louis , hopes that ho will
recover. T'le ' physicians in attend
ance upon the prelate agreed that the
prelate Is in a very serious condition.
Lion Attacks Its Trainer.
Mnrshnlltown , la. , Oet 1. Colonel
E. F. J. Goldsmith , trainer for the Otto
wild animal shows , on exhibition hero ,
was attacked by a lion while In Iho
cage giving a performance. His hand
was bitten and his arm terribly lacer
ated. He was rescued by an assist
Car Repairer Killed.
Marshalltown , la , , Oct. 1 Alexan
der McFadden was run down and
killed on the Great Western near Mel-
bourne. Ho was a car repairer in the
employ of Soddart of St. Paul and was
killed by ono of the locomotives uoed
In construction work.
Mllner Declines Portfolio.
London , Oct. 1. The Associated
ProES understands that Lord Mllner
has refused to accept the colonial
office portfolio. Premier Usflfour la ex
pected to make an announcement tc
this effect at the luncheon nt Sheffield
Treasurer Hohtrts Makes Public His
Annual Report ,
Washington , Oct. I. Hills II. Hob.
crtB , treasurer of the United States ,
has submitted to S.-ciotnry Shaw hla
report on the condition of the treasury
June 30 , ISMS , and Its operations dur
ing the past llht-al year. The total net
revenue for the year was $ i > fi0.3i.C74 ! ) ( ,
nn Increase of S.'IK.OPS.-I.IO over the
year preci ding , and the total expendi
tures jr > ( M.0ii.O ! ! ! ( > 7 , an Increase of J.)5.- )
7&2,03t. The surplus was $ r.Ofi7.G'-7. '
DB compared with JIM.287.175 In 19f > 2
In the receipts there was an ln-ren ( < " >
of upward of $ " 10,0(10,000 ( from customs
nnd n falling off of over $11.000.000
from Interim ! revenue , the latter being
the result of legislation enrcted with
that object. On the Bide of expendi
tures there was an Increase In every
Important account except pensions and
Interest , In which there were Blight de
creases. The expenditures f < rt- the two
military departments , which amounted
to f19l.237.rir.'l. ' forming hy far the
heavleBt outlay for any Hlnglo purpose ,
were upward of $21.000.000 greater
thnn the year boforo.
The total estimated Block of gold
was $1,252 7.11.9IO. ! constituting ncnrlv
47 per cent of the whole. The gold In
the treasurv amounted to $031120 789.
n gain of $71,220/180 In twelve months
Season for Shooting Is Opened Thurs
day Morning and Hunters Will
Be After Them.
fKrom Wodncmlny'H Dally.1
GuunerH may begin to whoot the
Boason'H prnlrlo chlckeiiH Thursday
Homing. Then , being October 1 ,
whoever ImgB the feathered gnmo in
Nebrnskn , may eat In pence and hnvo
no four of the game warden or the
line provided by law of $5 each for
each Individual killed. Chlckeim are
mild to be quite plentiful this fall in
north Nebraska , and without doubt
there will be some lively sport.
Duck hunters in the vicinity of
Norfolk are Just now enjoying rare
good Hport. The oily birds are plen
tiful along the sloughs , and every
morning before daylight a largo num
ber of local nlmrods are out nfter
Mrs. Unhnnn , of Grand Island , Is De
spondent nnd Hangs Herself.
Grand Island , Sept. 2 ! ) . Louise
Lahanu , a woman eighty years old ,
who had become despondent slnco
the death of her husband a year ago ,
committed suicide by hanging. Shu
was making her homo with a daugh
Dropped Dead.
Logan , In. , Sept. 29. Special to
The News : Isaac Turman , owner
of several fast riico horses , dropped
dead In the stables hero today.
J. Gunnlson of Albion Made an At
tempt to End His Life Yesterday ,
But Doctors Will Save Him.
Petersburg. Neb. , Oct. 1. Special
to The News : J. Gunnisoii , a farmer
living three miles north of Albion ,
made an attempt to end his life yes
tenlny hy taking n dose of rough on
rats. Ills deed was discovered before
fore the poison had time to work and
the doctors who were summoned
applied the stomach pump with good
effect and his life will probably he
CiUiinison is said to have been
drinking quite heavily previous to
his attempt on his life and it is
thought that despondency following
his Indulgence led him to take the
poison. Ho has a wife , but no chll
Discredits the Story.
Lincoln , Sept. 28. Special to The
News : Mrs. Mickey this afternoon
stated that she discredited the story
of an attempted kidnap , of her little
girl , and believes that the man prob
ably merely picked the child up.
Mr. Kiepke.
( From Wednesday's Dally. ]
The fuuoral of Mr. Klopko was held
from Christ Lutheran church Wednes
day afternoon , the pastor , Rev , J. P.
Mueller being in charge. Mr. Klopko
died Monday of typhoid fever , after
four weeks' Illness. TJils Is the fourth
death In the family during the sum
mer nnd It is especially distressing
on that account.
A Inrgo gathering of friends were
present for the last service.
Prof. Rudolph Fnlb , tUo meteorolo
gist , is dead ut Berlin.
Edward W. McKlttrlck. deputy aud
Itor for the treasury department niu
one of the pioneer merchants of Burl
ington , la. , died of heart failure nt his
home in Washington.
Harry H. Devereaux , mayor o
Sprlngfeld , 111. , wns Indicted by tuo
grand jury on five counts churglnb
malfeasance in office , in permitting the
operation of gambling houses.
Tom O'Nell , n saloon keeper a
Cairo , 111. , shot and killed Conrad Slice
ban and fatally wounded Mlchae
Hgan. O'Nell had ordered Shcohai
nnd Egnn out of his saloon and they
hnd refused to leave.
The civil service commission has re
ceived n call from the Philippine gov
eminent for 150 male teachers , am
will hold examinations nt various cltle
on O < t < lcr 19 nnd 20. The snlarie
frun $ 0u to J1.200 per annum
British Ambassador to United
States Passes Away.
Alaskan Boundary Commission Ad
journs Out of Respect and All Pay
Tribute to His Worth News Cornea
from Swiss Health Resort.
London , Oct. 1. Sir Michael Her-
j'jrt , Hit ) British ambassador to the
United States , died at Uavos-I'lntz.
Swltz rluntl , alter a long and piucky
Ight against consumption , which term-
nutod with tragic suddenness.
The overstrain of Sir Michael's , du-
ls ! at Washington , especially In con
nection with the Venezuelan dispute ,
reacted seriously on his lung weak
ness and was largely roHpoiiblblo for
ilu end. The cllmute at Davos-Platz
appeared to cause a distinct Improve
ment In his condition , hut ten days
ago he WIIH attacked with pulmonary
lemorrhago , which resulted In a general -
oral weakening of his system , nnd he
afterwards dcilinod rapidly.
When the announcement of the am
bassador's untimely end was received
jy the Alaekan boundary commission ,
Hnnnls Taylor. In behalf of the-Uiilted
States , had finished his lengthy argu
ment , and Sir Edward Carson , the BO
llcltor general , wns replying with nn
ntrlcate argument , when Chief Justice
Alvorstono held up bin bund nnd Sir
Edward sat down. A second later the
commission , counsel , secretaries nnd
spectators sat spellbound us Lord Al-
verstone , with trembling voice nnd
tears coursing down his cheeks , an
nounced that Sir Michael Herbert was
de-id. Maps and boundaries were ut
: erly forgotten. With dramatic pathos
the tnternntlonnl contestants became
follow - sympathizers listening In
stunned nmn/oment to Ixml Alver-
etone's tribute to tbo man whoso death
nene even expected. The Intense si
lence which followed the delivery of
Lord Alverstone'B tribute was broken
by Jacob M. Dickinson of American
counsel , who voiced the American sorrow
row nnd proposed nn n'ljourninent of
the commission. Solicitor General
Carson followed , and the commission
quietly broke up until morning.
Balkan Pacification Plans Discussed
at State Luncheon.
Vienna , Oct. 1. The arrival of the
czar here was not marked by the same
popular enthusiasm as was shown dur
ing the visit of King Edward and Km
jieror William. This was probably due
to the military r-nd police precautions ,
as both sides ol' the streets were lined
with Infantry , cavalry nnd artillery ,
and behind the hedge of soldiers was
n thick line of police facing the popu
At the state luncheon Emperor Fran <
cis Joseph proposed the health of the
czar and expressed the pleasure of
welcoming his majesty. Ho hoped ,
continued the emperor , that their per
feet ncco'/d of views nnd considera
tions concerning the regrettable occur
rcnces In the Balkan peninsula would
ngaln contribute to the success of the
action the two countries were taking
there In the interest of European
The cznr , in replying , said that the
cordial understanding between Rus
sin nnd Austria nnd the complete har
mony In the action of their govern
ments constituted n valuable pledge
for the success of the great work of
pacification on which they were mu
tually agreed. The humanitarian aim
expressed , continued the czar , exclud
ed all partiality and must be sustained
with firmness nnd perseverance by
methods which were most fitted to en
sure n real and permanent pacification
Ho hoped , ho said , that these efforts
would contribute to the strengthening
of genera' ' peace.
After luncheon their majesties , ac
companied by Grand Duke Francis
Ferdinand nnd n number of guests
drove to the station near Vienna
where they took train for Muerzsteg
on a hunting expedition , in the course
of which It Is expected that the Balkan
situation will bo discussed.
Turks Issue Final Appeal to Rebels In
Arms Against Government.
Sofia , Oct. 1. The Improvement In
the Unlkan sltuntion seems to bo re
fleeted by the Sofia press , which no
longer discusses the Macedonian situ
atlon. Prince Ferdinand has returnee
hero from his country sent Letters
from Monnstlr say the Turkish author
Itles are posting n final Invitation to
the Insurgents to return to their
A dispatch from the Rlla monasterj
gives a report that the whole popula
tlon of the district of Rnzlog has been
massacred or has fled. Three thous
nnd women and children , fugitives
from the Turkish soldiery , have nr
rived at Rlla. Mnny villages nround
Rnzlog nro said to be burning. The
tonn Itself is surrounded with tents
occupied by the Turkish troops. wh |
avoid fighting and , according to 'he '
dispatch , attack only Innocent people
Riots In Budapest.
Budapest , Oct. 1. A snnguinnry en
counter between the striking * / r men
took place here. Revolvers were usoi
en both sides and mnny portions were
wounded , several mortally. Fifty nr
res's were made. The collision wns
due to nn attempt of the strikers , to
ta'.llng about 2,000 men , to prevent
r.ontrikers from working , and to ftrlk
ers attacking the yards of the carriers
Heavy Liquidation Is Succeeded by
Buying In Large Volume.
New York , Sept. 30. A very decided
change came over the Block market ,
n plncc of the recent heavy llqulda-
Ion and further shrinkage uf values ,
here was buying In large volumes ,
apparently by the lending financial In-
crests , though It was more than likely
hat a goodly part of It was really In
ho nature of supporting orders. It IB
nlfio probable Hint some of the high-
grade stocks were absorbed for Invest-
nent. The bears were not slow to oh-
serve the changed coin ilons and cov
ered very extensively ; In fact , their
attitude helped In no smnll degree to
sustain the list , which was nt top
prices nt the close. Conditions nt the
outset wore not encouraging. The en-
> les reported a situation bordering on
demoralization In London , where con
sols had falleto another low record ,
with heavy declines In the leading
Americans , notably the Btccl stocks.
Acquitted on Murder Charge.
GuUirle. Okln. , Oct. 1. D. E. Cra
vens , a wealthy Heaver county ranch-
nan , tins been acquitted on the charge
of murdering n neighbor with whom
c quarreled and , ns alleged , killed In
self-defense a year ago.
Dam Is Nearlng Completion and Ele
vator Will be Built. Largest
Corn Crop Yet.
Neligh , Neb. , Or : . L Special to
1'lie News : J. W. Splrk , nmnnger of
ho Neligh roller mills , reports that
10 has been forced to refuse a largo
mantity of wheat owing to the small
capacity of the olovntor here. Work
> n the now dam , which IH success
fully blocking the Elkhorn hero , Is
icarlng completion. A large eleva
tor will bo the next addition to the
present equipment.
From recent observations made ,
Antelope county promises one of the
nrgest corn crops in her history this
Neligh Notes.
T. H. Herd of Central City is in
own and will soon have n large ship
ment of cnttlo for his ranch and feed
ots hero.
The daughter of C.L. . Wattles , who
uis been quite low with pneumonia ,
is rapidly recovering ; .
M.V. . Llchty , county clerk , is laid
up with a liimo leg , having sprained
it quite seriously.
U. S. Pnvne a- ' 1 wife loft yesterday
morning for Elgin to attend the wed
ding of .Mr. Payne's eldest sister ,
which takes place at the family homo
on Thursday.
S. A. Chidcstor and wife of Bruns
wick spent yesterday in Neligh. Mr.
Chldestor contemplates purchasing
land near Neligh.
Young Couple Joined Hearts and
Fortunes Wednesday.
Pllger , Neb. . Oct. 1. Special to
The News : F. C. Crawford and Miss
Addle , daughter of A. Parody , were
united in marriage nt Wlsuer yester
day , and have taken up housekeeping
in the comfortable homo that had
been prepared by the groom.
Mr. Crawford Is n brickmason by
trade , has had a good share of prosperity
pority and is popular with his neigh
bors and friends. The brldo is the
( laughter of A. Parody , a' prominent
nnd well to do farmer living between
here and Wisuer. They were given
a ehrivarl Wednesday night by their
T. F. Cooney , Hurt at Hooper , Has
Unfavorable Symptoms.
Fremont , Neb. , Oct. 1. Brakeman
T. F. Cooney of the Northwestern ,
why was injured on the night of
Sei'ft-mber 22 at Hooper by being
caught and dragged some distance
by an engine pilot , is now suffering
with lockjaw nt the Fremont hospital.
Previous to the development of these
symptoms ho had been recovering
nicely , but it Is now thought that ho
has but a small chance of recovary.
Mr. Cooney is 23 years of ago , and
unmarried , his relatives living at
Hnrvard , in York county.
Fred Bodenstedt Succumbs to Injuries
Received by Falling Down Stairs ,
Altoona , Neb. , Oct. 1. Special to
The News : Prod Bodenstedt , nn
nged nnd well known farmer who
died at Golden Tuesday night ns the
result of injuries received by a fnl
down a flight of stairs , will bo buried
here tomorrow. Up to a short tlmo
ago ho had made his.homo near this
Three Given Up for Lost.
Menasha. WIs. , Sept. 29. John
Gambskl , William Gambski and Join
Frederick , nged from fifteen to twenty
three yenrs , nre missing on Lake Wtn
nebago and have been given up for
lost. They left here Sunday afternoon
In a small sailboat for the Calumet
county shore to gather hickory nuts
and have not been heard from.
Engineer Killed In Wreck.
Chattanooga. Tonu. . Sept. 2D.--Pas
Bongor train No. 2 rnn into a cow at
Glen Mary. Tenn. . nnd the engine'two
mail cars , baggage and express car left
the track and rolled down n steep em
bankinont. Engineer Frank Parker
was Instantly killed and seven inei
badly injured. J. A. Newton and J. D
Eddington fatally.
Tic Up of All Packing Plants is
Meat Cutters' Unions Voting on the
Proposition Manager Will Concede
Extra Wages Proviued Butchers Do
More Work In a Day.
Chicago , Sept. 18. ! Every packing
house plant In the United Slates Is
threatened with n gen ral strike of
butchers and afllllntcd workmen
throughout the country for the first
time In history unless the owners yield
to dcmnm'.s of the Amalgamated Meat
Cutters and Dutcher Workmen of
While the packers are willing to pay
the wages asked , a hitch In negotia
tions has arisen over the demand of
the packers that the butchers Increase
their amount of work. Every lodge of
butchers In the country 1m been
asked to vote on the demand of tle
packers , nnd meetings will be held
for the purpose throughout the coun
try todny. If the vote shall be un
favorable It Is likely a general strike
will be ordered , affecting more than
50.000 men.
This sltuntion developed after the
executive committee of the Amalga
mated Cutters and Butchers' Work
men had conferred Snturday with rep
resentatives of the packing houses on
demands mnde by the union some
weeks ago , baturdav the formal de
mand for a 10 per cent Increase wns
received. It was accompanied by the
butchers' statement that they had
shown conclusively the national union
was capable of controlling Its mem
bers and In a position to assure the
packers that there would be no strikes
during the life of the proposed agree
The packers' representatives n"-
swered that butchers would bo paid
$5 n day under certnln conditions , and
the settlement of the controversy de
pends on the reception of these condi
tion's meet at the hnnds of the union
rnnk nnd file.
After the conference Mlchnel Don-
nellv. president of the butchers , and
members of the executive committee
sent teleirrams to every local Hdee
of buU'iers In the United States de
tailing the condition of affairs and or-
dorlntr a votr > on the packers' demands
for extra work.
Mounted Infantry and Militia Ars
Still on Guard.
Sniilt Ste. Marie , Mich. , Oct. 1.
.Mounted infantry and detachments of
the Cnnndlan militia nro patrolling the
Canadian See generally and points
where the Consolidated Lake Superior
company has feared trouble from the
discharged men.
Absolute quiet prevailed in the city
and throughout the region In which
the company is interested. About 300
men employed In the woods nt Wilde ,
to have been detained at that point
hy the company for several days , ar-
rlvfii op the Algomn Central road in
chnrge of soldiers. The men received
their pay checks , were given tickets
for several meals and departed with
out causiim trouble. Colonel Buchan
an , in command of the troops , is con
fident that the serious phase of the sit-
ua'lon Is practically over. There nro
EOO or Gnn men still to be brought In
by the company.
Mob Seeks Preacher to Hang.
Ventura , Cal. , Oct. 1. A. F. Al
len , a wealthy Free Methodist minister
of Santa Paula. Is under arrest
chat god with assaulting Drusllla Larsen -
sen nged eleven. Allen wns nlso ar
rested on a warrant charging attempt
ed assault on May Richardson , nged
nine. At midnight n mob attempted
to lynch Allen. A rope was secured
and the mob marched to the city fall
and demanded the prisoner. The de
termine ! stand of the officers pre
vented the mob from breaking In the
door Allen is sixty years of age nnd
Missouri Murderer Captured.
Moorhend. Minn. , Oct. 1. Frank
Irle is in the custody of the sheriff
here awaiting requisition papers from
Savannah , Mo. , where he is said to
be wanted on a charge of Jail-breaking
and murder. Irle Is charged with mur
dering Guy Shellelan and a man
named Speth at Savannah In 1899.
While In jail awaiting trial for his al
leged crime Irlo and another prisoner
escaped and were cot again heard
from until yesterday , when'he was
identified by a former acquaintance
and placed under arrest.
Chicago Press Feeders Ordered Out.
Chicago. Oct. 1. Franklin union
No. 4. Press Feeders , will strike Mon
day morning in more than 4(10 ( book
and job offices in Chicago unless the
Chicago Typothetao grants the de
mands of the union for an Increase In
wages of $2 and $3 n week. The or
der calling the 2,000 members of the
union out wns issued nfter n meeting
of n committee of the union with that
of the Typothetae , at which 110 agree
ment was reached.
Drlggs Indictment Upheld.
New York. Sept. 29. The validity of
Indictments against ex-Congressman
Edmund II. Drlggs of Brooklyn nnd
GeorRO F. Miller , Now York agent of
the Brandt-Dent Automatic Cashier
company , charging them with partici
pation In the postal frauds , was uphold
In the decision handed down today by
Judge Thomas In the United States
district court In Brooklyn.
Would Abolish Transmlssourl Bureau
and Trunk Line Committee. ,
Knnnns City. Oct. 1. A suit wns
filed In the United Stnto ? circuit court
hero bv Commissioner Trlcket against
the Missouri Pncllle am ! Milwaukee
roads , which nttncks the legality of the
trnnpnilFBoiirl freight bureau nnd
the western trunk Hue committee , or-
gnnlzntlonB formed hy the rntlronds for
the regulation of freight rntes. All
the roads entering Knnsns City belong
to ono or the other of these nssocln-
tlonB. The mil nttncks these as
sociations on the ground that they
arc In violation of the Interstate commerce -
merce law. which prohibits pooling. It
Is the contention of the Hay Dealers'
nosorlntlon that these organizations
are n hindrance to competition , every
road belonging to them , so the hay
dealer. " assert , being compelled to put
Into effect any rate agreed on by the
association . _
Mattnewson Resigns.
Washington , Sept. 28. Superintend
ent C. P. Matthewson of the Omaha
and Wlnnobago agency has resigned.
In his letter of resignation to Commls- .
eloner Jones , Mr. Matthewson states , _ Vs.
that his separation from the Indian j
icrvhe Is due solely to Ill-health " .
For Then She Will be Her Own Mis
tress and It Is the Eve of Her
Wedding Day.
Lincoln , Neb. , Oct. 1. Special to
The News : Tomorrow will be a " " " * '
happy day for Miss Ruth Bryan. In
the first placolt will bo her eighteenth'
birthday , the day on which she be
comes her own mistress , and natur
ally a day of rejoicing for any young :
woman. But a still more potent
cause contributes to the happiness
of Miss Bryan. It will be the eve of
her wedding day , for Saturday she
Is to become the brldo of William
Homer Leavltt , an artist who came
out from the east nnd won the heart
of the fair western girl while paint
ing the portrait of her father , Col.
Bryan. * " M
The happiness of Miss Bryan Is
not lessened in looking forward to
the felicitous event of Saturday , by
contemplating what might have been ,
for , as has become publicly known , _ \
both Col. and Mrs. Bryan were nt
first opposed to their daughter's wod- v ,
ding and , in fact , stoutly refused to { jf
give their consent. The principal \t ;
cause of their opposition was the
youth of the bride-to-be. But Miss
Bryan inherits the firmness and
strength of character possessed by
her father and after vainly trying to
get her parents' consent boldly an
nounced that with or without it she
was determined to marry the man oE
her choice on the very day she be
came her own mistress.
But the determination of the young
woman was not put to the supreme
tost. Both Co. . Bryan and his wife
relented and after a few more impor
tunities from their daughter and
from her ( lance the parents decided
that they were not at all opposed to
the match and In fact would gladly
bestow the parental blessing on the
couple. This is why Miss Bryan is
so happy. Surrounded by relatives
and friends who have gathered from
far and near she will celebrate her
birthday in the midst of prep
arations for the wedding day. The
ceremony is scheduled to take place
at Falrvlew , the home of the Bry- V
ans. The Rev. Dr. Swenringeii , pastor - ,
tor of the First Presbyterian church
of which Mr. Bryan is a member , will
Republicans of the Precinct Met In
Convention There.
Warnerville , Neb. , Oct. 1. Special
to The News : At the republican
caucus held last Saturday the follov-
ing nominations wore made for pre
cinct officers : Justice of the peace ,
0. A. Sleeper , , J. G. Cuplin ; consta
bles , H. R. Harrington , G. M. Carlet-
ton ; road overseer in district No. 9 ,
H. J. Morris ; road overseer Ic dis
trict No. 1C , Zell McGinnis.
Frank Terry came down from
Sheridnii county Mondny nnd io visit-
iiiK his brother , Fred.
P. H. Carberry shipped In a carload
of lumber Monday , which he will use
in his new barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Miller nro the
proud parents of a baby boy which
came to their home Thursday.
Ralph Miller will go to Omaha I
Saturday to visit his mother , and to
attend carnival.
William Lovoll went to Boyd coun
ty Thursday for a week's visit with
relatives. From there ho will go
to South Dakota to look at land
with a view of locating. t
Guy Peterson will go to Antelope 1
county the latter part of the week to , '
look for a suitable location to opeu ,
n blacksmith shop.
Knocks Him Out Before the First
Round Is Concluded.
Philadelphia. Oct. 1. Con Coughlln ,
popularly known ns the "Irish Giant. "
was to have fought six rounds with
Bob Fitzslmmons nt the Washington
Sporting club , but ho was so greatly
outclassed by the former pugilistic
chnmplon tlmt ho quit before the ex-
piratlon of the first round. At no tlmo
during the two minutes nnd fifty-two i
seconds the round lasted did Coughlln
have n show , nnd In tlmt brief time ho
wns knocked down three times. Ho
seemed to bo scnrcd nnd wanted to
quit before ho did , but his second
would not ponnlt him to throw up the
sponire. Ho wns taken to his corner
In a half-dazed condition.