The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 02, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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Our Optical
always in correct work
ing order.Vc don't allow
ourselves to get behind the
times in any information
pertaining to the eye. At'-
tor examination wo can tell
the exact amount of nerve
force necessary to overcome
eye defects. We don't
guess at it , \ve liuvo a
scientific way of measuring
the refrection of tlie eye.
When in doaht almut your
oven , come and see us.
Dr , Marprcit ,
Ophthalmologist ,
As flood as Gold !
The Elkhorn B. & S. AsFocintion
will make you a loan to build or
buy , on fuvor.ible torniB.
T. E. ODIORNE. Secretary.
! - ! - - ! -1-1 = - M ? ' . l--
, , ,
City Property a Specialty ,
Special Bargains.
ct liny Inml , nnlcfc from N'ur-
folk , .ll per acre.
ICO nort's liny Int < 1. 2 miles fioni Wiir-
ucrrillo. JTi per nrvn.
4Sn ni'K'B llni > iinprmeil lanil , J27..V )
jier neri * .
SOnirct. 1 mil" fioin Norfcilk Junc'tinn ,
$ ; j"r/l ( per atie ,
Gardner & Burrows
Norfolk , Nebraska ,
Have you ordered your now shoes
for fall weai yet 1
Shi OHIK boys for school time is
now tin1 tl'oupbt of parent- , and it
brings mnoh e\iien during the
Fchool term , without you jn'ocure
bhocs that art * both well made ami
made of the host niater'alh. A pair
of our shoes for hoys or for girls will
lust the best part of the > -dmol tea-
BOD. Wo Imvo tlie finest stock of
men's , boys'and ladie.hlioes at the
lowest prices for ( Duality to be found
STAPENHORST & CO. , Proprietors.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as re
corded for the 21 hours ending at 8
n. m. today.
Maximum 70
Minimum 51
Average CO
Total rainfall for month 1.07
Barometer 20.81
Forecast for Nebraska : Threaten-
'Ingi with showers tonight and east
portion Saturday. Cooler Saturday
and west portion tonight.
Judge Bwlng of Chicago will give
a free public lecture on the subject
\ of Christian Science at Odd Fellows'
Jmll Friday evening , October 16 ,
under the auspices of the local
Mrs. J W. Humphrey Is suffering
from an iiijui ' 1 1 > < ' v liii b may pruvo
nv'Kir ni. ii- f i < j > ii l , , i ) a n il
nua r.ui the uliaip pimut through the
solo of lior shoo and Into her foot
The pain has been lult'iiso and the
\\ouud roqitlruH a nn'at deal of earn.
Tlie little thunder storm of last
nlKht dropped enough moisture to lay
tlie dust and did not afiuct the lovely
Indian summer smhihrloimncHH that
has been a prevailing font tire of thu
weather for several days. The light-
niiiK Hashes and thu thunder were
vivid enough to remind the people1 of
.Mine and July , and thu showers were
vigorous , but of short duration.
Captain S. Albertl exolllcer , ex-
engineer and ex-convict of Siberia ,
ItiiHila. arrhed in the city today and
will lecture In the M. U. clmrch tn-
nlKht , under the auspices of the Nor
folk Masonic lodge , telling of his ex
periences in Uussia and Siberia , and
presenting word pictures , true to the
Ifle. nf the habits , customs and en
vironments of the people who are
prominently before the public eye.
lie c.inies a line stcreopllean with
which to Illustrate his talk , and will
give MI-WS of the .scenery , buildings
and people of far-off Kussitt , including
a number .of moving pictures , ilo has
numerous excellent reeommoiulaUona
as an entertaining speaker , and the
people of Norfolk will have no reason
to regret It if they 1111 the church to
capacity this evening. >
A car of apples at the Crelghton
depot for sale cheap. Part In barrels.
John .Moore.
Fresh oysters at Karo's.
For Sale My property at No. 313 ,
North Ninth street. Inquire at prom
ises. Telephone 178.
H. J. Caulllold.
Members From- Surrounding Counties
Talked Over Campaign in Nor
folk Thursday.
Judge .1. K. Hoyd , candidate on the
republican ticket for re-election to
the district bench in the Ninth , was
in Norfolk Thursday and mot his
central committee during the after
noon. The inomberH tallied over the
situation thoroughly and found that
everything was in first class shape
for this coming campaign. The com
mittee will work In connection with
the other central committees for the
good of the party. Those present
wore : Chairman JI. D. Tyler , Nor
folk ; commltteemcn . D. Funk ,
liioomlleld ; A. A. Welsh , Wayne ; J.
A. Williams , I'lerce ; Isaac Towers ,
Norfolk ; Frank Hoyil , secretary of
the committee from Oalulale.
Judge Jackbon , committeman from
Antelope county , could not he present.
Wo have all kinds of houses , lots
and city property for sale. Special
bargains to offer In residence prop
erty and city lots. Call and see ns ,
got prices , etc.
G. R. Seller & Co.
Fancy veal at Karo's.
Hear the lecture of Captain Al
bert ! at the M. 13. church Friday
night. Ho will interest you.
School tablets at The News office.
Former Norfolk Woman Died at
Sedalia , Mo. , September 26.
The following communication from
Sedalia , Mo. , tolls of the death of Mrs.
| A. ' B. Campbell , who formerly lived
i in the Collnmor , house , 112 South
j BU\unlh street , and previous to mov-
I ing beio had made her homo at
' .Meadow Grove.
j .Mrs. A. 13. Campbell , formerly of
I Norfolk , Neb. , died at her homo in
| Somalia , Mo. , on Saturday , September
I'd , 11)03 ) , of stomach .trouble. She
' bad been ill the greater part of a
i year , but the disease did not develop
I dangerously until ilvo weeks before
her death. Mrs. Campbell had suf-
fured at times for years \\ith btomach
trouble , and two yeais ago had gone
Irom Nebraska with her family to
spend the winter in Kentucky in hope
of Improving tier health , and a year
ago Mr. Campbell settled his family
in Sedalia , anticipating a long and
happy lifo together , but nov , ' the
Death Angel has claimed the beloved
mother of his home , leaving the
family broken hearted. Their 0110
consolation is tlKit their loved ono
was a devout christain and died with
a sweet trust in her Heavenly Father.
Mrs. Campbell's maiden name was
Mary Frances Jameson and her girl
hood homo was near Springfield , 111. ,
where she was born December 20 ,
Ibol. In 1873 she was married to
Abel E. Campbell of Leon , N. Y. After
spending ten years of their married
life in Illinois they made their homo
in Nebraska until the fall of 1001.
She was the mother of lour chil
dren , a son and tlirco daughters , the
son d > ing In infancy. There are left
to mourn , a husband and three daugh
ters : Mrs. A. II. Uohanon of Elgin ,
Neb. , Miss Grace and Miss Ethel who
rohido at homo , all of whom were
with her when the end camo.
The lunoral services were hold at
the family residence Monday , Sop-
toinbor 28 , conducted by the Hov.
Dudley M. Claggott of. the Drundway
I'roBbyterian church oC Sedalia. The
music lor the service was conducted
by Mm. W. D. Steele , president ol
the State Music asouciaUou , and a
talented vocalist. The tloral offerings
were many mid bwitutitul. Interment
took place at Sodalla.
A big ucliuul tablet for Oc at The
News offlco.
Stockmen and Farmers Buy
Fancy Cattle and Hogs.
Canvass Erected In the Livery Yard
A Large Crowd of Duyers.Wcre Pres
ent for the Sale at Krantz Yards.
The Handsome Animals Drought
Good Prices for the Most Part.
A tontful of men Inlcrt-slcil In
liloodt'd stock gathered Friday afternoon -
noon to attend the dlHporslon sale
of Daniel Kerr's herd. The auction-
t > i > rlng began promptly at 1 'ISO o'clock
and the animals went last alter that
A number of oipocially line Indi
viduals were put up to sell and I hey
generally brought pretty good prices
Some of the animals for which Mr.
Kerr had paid a hull' thousand dollars
lars each , lulled to bring ( pillo as
much as that In the sale. Others ,
though , ran pretty well up.
All through the morning stockmen
from this section of the stale passed
through the barns examining the cat
tle which were to bo sold , and get
ting the pedigrees. I'edigice counts
for much in this sort of sale and the
catalogues contained a description of
each animal to bo sold ,
All preparations for the sale of Dan
iel Kerr's herd of pure blooded Scotch
and Scotch-topped shorthornstogeth
er \\ltli a magnlllceut lot of Poland-
China hogs , bad been made by noon
today and prospects were good for n
mammoth attendance at the tout this
afternoon. ,
A great canvas had boon stretched
In the Krantx. Vards , and here , In a
ring surrounded by amphitheatre
seats , tile blooded animals , ono at a
time , were led and sold under the
hammer. A large crowd of stockmen
trom over the entire section were
present. Tom Callahan acted as auc
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Only three in the family , no
children. Wages , $1 per woe-k. Mrs.
G. I ! . Sailer , 111 North Ninth street.
Choice celery at Karo's.
Dr. F. G. Walters succeeds to 'die
practice of Dr. Klcsuu. 'I'liono , of
fice nnd residence 18.
"An American Hobo" Pleased a
Crowded House Last Night , the
Second of the Week.
Norfolk people are going to the
theatre this winter. That is evident
from the fact that they have lllled
the Auditorium twice this week , two
nights apart. Last night the house
was crowded for "An American
Hobo , " a comedy mclo-dramu In Icmr
acts which is filled with soul-stiniiiK
situations , blood curdling moments
and a current of sparkling humor
John Porter , known as Happy .hick ,
a relic of the circus , as taken by .1.
11.V. . Uryne , was all that the ordi
nary American hobo is , and more. lie
won out with the audlonco early.
Virginia Melville , as Delia Dool.-y , a
friend in .need , played the Uooley
part of tlie game , even to the singing
of "Mr. Dooley , In clever fashion.
She was tjpical to a degree and \\as
given a hand at every appearance.
"An American Hobo , " Is a play
with a plot and the audience was
pretty well pleased with the whole
performance. The ijoxt attraction is
"Queen of the Highway , " on Monday
night. Tills is an immense spectac
ular event , for which are .carried M-V-
eral horses trained to the stage , and
other animals that appear.
Tlie box oirice seat sale opens at
12:30 : on the date of the show.
Wm. Salmon is very sick at this
A daughter wan born to Mr. and
Mrs.V. . D. Fuerst Saturday.
Hy. Massman , who has been very
sick , is up and around town again.
Owen Wade wont to Omaha Wed
nesday to attend a medical college.
Charles Jenkins and son of Norfolk
wore Uattlo Crook visitors Friday.
W. II. Daniel bought the Lorenz
Wolz farm in Highland precinct laht
Mr. and Mrs. NVonzol Koryta were
visiting with relatives at Emerick
Henry Hlokonburg wont to Sioux
City Wednesday for treatment in a
Alt Hooves and Creed Phlpps re
turned Friday from their visit in
Old Virginia.
Conrad Kamrath of Newman Grove
was lioro on business the fore part
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Holnhold Holmors of
Pierce were visiting hero Sunday
with relatives.
Four of five precincts were not
represented with delegates at the
domo-pop convention.
John Wragor and family of Pierce
wore visiting here several days at
the homo ot James Drozock.
Herman Claus , our pioneer shoe
maker , carries his left arm In a sling
because of a sore on the Index finger.
A two > i > ai old stci > r bHuniMr. ; tit
J V , Hi ! v , i Uil'i ' ,1 , | , \ i ,1 , i , ,
* * " ' I ' v III til p I I II i' \ \ | oM
Mr ul. < l MI > lly bt.ili. u1. . . ui i
| Miss Clara Mudnt were visiting Sun-
i da > at ( he Kudut liiiinn In Norfolk.
The bani , two mulcH and sonic
grain belonging lit Mrs. Drury < H-
born , south of ( own , wcro di < strocd
b > lire Sunday noun.
Deputy County Clerk Joseph Daniel
and family of Madison wcrn visiting
hi'ro Sunday with his brothers , War
ner II. and Fletcher Danlol.
Owen O'Neill , Joseph Severn , Mlkn
IMoii/.eli , Sam Schneider and Frank
Smolek went to Hot SprlngH , S. I ) ,
Friday , returning Wednesday.
Th ( > members of the Lutheran con
gregation will hold their < | imrl rly
lumlncss meeting Sunday nltnruooii.
Tlielr services will commence from
ne\t Sunday at 10 o'clock a. in.
! Our
I and
n o
t >
| are ready 1v v 1 > >
' !
14 t
4' for your tV 4V >
4 ; V >
\ *
\ * >
J inspection. v \ * > >
/ V
\ >
The t >
44 44 4' 4' < Star !
We have decided lo
close out tlie entire
stock of
Men's , Boys'
and Children's
at less that manufac
turing prices , as we
have no room lo
carry a complete line
of clothing.
The Norfolk ItulMlnn "ml I < > Jn AssoUntlon
Hindi * ilcpo-i | ! triiin uiiini'ii I IniniiiiiiKii
mi'iit IIIIK KIICII i- inn ml KtnilN in lln-ir rixiimi |
mould mill ifi-iiiilIiliMil of licinuiililiKIII In ilipiu
( . II Dt'IL\Mi. ! Siictnri. .
6. R , SEILEIt.
SALK mull
Cou.viw HHAAHCII AVI : .
AND Timtn ST.
Telephone , No. 44.
i i i n : i 111J-M-J-
I YOH Can't ' Get Blood i
out of a tin nip , lull t.
you can gi I MiliMliirlinn f !
nut ol n | milnl I'lnl < yc'H
\\lien ilHiTip nf vinliin are .j < .
corrected \\ilh properly <
tilted glasses.
K. W. WILI IA MS , !
12 UlSHuP liLUCK. 4
' ' ' , ' ' i ' ' ' i | I I I I I- i I fc
Good Second-Ha.nd Organ
Ala Very Low Price.
4 4 4 4 Ovir Record for 1903 to Dale : |
4 4 23 Pianos Sold , 45 Organs Sold , *
4' '
4' V *
4" "
4 ;
We si ill do Wiildi work ai llici old if.
stand. The fjnsili'sl drawback * * *
with our walHi-work is that il , al v >
4i ways k'ives wil isfjirl ion. *
4' '
1 i i i ! i 1-11-1 i-i
I will offer for private sale at the
Piano building for cash or on time
the following property :
One pair freldiii - . ' .hunt Hi years old , weight liiOU Ihs. each.
One pair Miiinlnnl liieil day K1'I'"KH ( ' , well matched , weight
1100 Jiis each , -I ami f > j'tarH old.
Oneppun hay horses , weight ii)0 ! ( ) llm. each , 7 nnil 8 years Olil.
Two thorc.UKlibied .Inrhey cows
Ono line new trap , manufactured by Kiinta & HnuL'Cnriingo
Co. Terre Haute , I ml. . ,
One topliuuw , < > 'l ' condition. ' !
One niblcir tire runabout. oed Rhupu. A.
Ouo nearly new lifjht double liarncNH.
Ouo heavy Concord double ImrnoHS , nearly new.
One double work hnrneHH.
Olio power feed grinder.
3H - H4fr HfrHii -1--1 ! - : ' - * . - ; : ! ! -1 11 - ! -1 -i i1 -
You want to build a barn. t < l >
* You want to repair the roof. ' > >
You would like to fix the tt
fence , tt
You would add to the old t- *
wood shed. h
t >
You would use wood of any K
kind for anything K h
Let the Chicago Lumber Company >
figure with you. They're progressive. > >
< >
1iica'o Lumber Company frI It' * It- (
IN. B. DOLSEN , Manager.
I *
'Phone 91. NORFOLK , NEB.
: K..X..K : * M
* "There are no birds in last year's i\esi" |
t Don't delay getting your new hat until next season , thinking - J
* > ing they will be cheaper then. $
We do not carry over old stock. |
* *
We have made a very excellent selection of the best that
millinery fashions for the fall of 1903 afford , and we will $
! work to please every taste. We will fit the hat , and |
I secure the most becoming effects. |
That is what we pay a trimmer for. $
7&/F J fl 7 V VI 7 1L.T TST 1H7 * "fc
Her hats have an individuality that is refreshing. t V
.K' * * * * * * * * < X'M' * <