The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 02, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Til 10 NOUKOhK NHWS : I'HI ' DAY , ( XTOHKH 'J , lllOH ,
ffjBElcniB rfMM M w rtflnflrTiTl "gfTf ntr mrrVil wYrTfin flfTM irTmal n ra > rTii t JMi > Aj JM BwyTofiLM.MBwjf-ff > .wtliViiri ) rftTBii > ! I * hr M fTgrTTTTT rr"-n- * t * p t " '
We will give free a useful and attracth'e ' article to every purchaser of
$1.00 or over. In addition to this , we will offer the following goods at
prices that cannot be duplicated in this market , quality considered :
40 dozen Men's wool Socks in heavy and light weight , worth 25c to 35c , per pair 19c
17 dozen Men's fine imported Half Hose , Hermsdorf dye , arc regular 50c , per pair 33c ! ,
60 dozen Misses' gray ribbed and fleeced Underwear , size 18 to 34 , each only 15c
500 yards 36 = in and 38 = in part wool dress jioods , all desirable colors , yard = = 15c
50 pieces Table Oil Cloth , 5 = 4 wide , yard only 15c
J *
Daylight Store. Norfolk , Nebr.
\v. v. 111 si : .
\ \ \ \ \ . \ .
[ KHtulillHhuil US87 ]
Every tiny oxc'tipt Sunday lly ear-
rltT purvok , l& I'ontH. lly niatl pur
fur , JC.oii.
\ \ IIKI.I M\\ - .
The Noun. i : lalillNhfl. ( ISM.
Tlio Join mil. nsliilillHhod. lijS" .
BVury Krhliiv lly mail ] > or your. $1.60.
Special Notlop Adviini'u Hiiltscrlp-
tlciiiH to tliu NUUH- Journal will bo
tnkun until udolicr 10 at thu ruto of
11.00 pur your uld Miil ) erlbura limy
liavo tlio lionellt of this ruto by imy-
Intf nrn-aruKos to date at tlici logular
fiubboilptlun prloo and ono year In
ndviinco. This Hpuolul offur will bo
withdrawn Oetobur HI.
Iwiitoroil nt thu po tolllco nt Nor
folk. Neb. , as soi-ond class mattur.
Telephones : Editorial Dopnrtmont ,
No. - - . HutlnoSH Olllru and Job
Hioins , No. Ill"-1
For JudKO of tbo Supreme Court
J , H. Humes . MadlHon
Kor Ht'KuntH of State Unlvurtilty
CHarles K Allen . LanciiBtur
W. O. Wliltniuru
Ninth District.
For JudKO Ninth Judicial District
J. V , IJoyil . Antulopu
Tlio roimbllcnns had tholr say yes
tonluy niul tlio lloor Is given ever to
tlio democrats today. Perhaps they
will hold it as accoitally | for a short
tlmo as ill tlio republicans.
It Is probable that when It was
promised that work on the hospital
for the insane here would coniinonco
this fall , the Impression provalloi
with the board tlint this was next
With over n quarter iiilHIon of del
Inrs In cash on deposit In tlio various
ImnUs of the state , according to Trcus
uror Mortenson's showing , It should b0
ituposslblo to convlnco anyotio that
Nebraska bankrupt to any cortai'i
The silver smiths oC Monllan
Conn. , nro demanding a ratio of nine
to 0110 nine hours work to n Inbor
lug day and they will probably got
H as people cannot hoop house with
out silver in those days of ropublicai
Wall street's despondencies am !
panicky moods have not soomoi
to hnvo nny effect outside of the
street nnd the interests Immediately
connected therewith. Uuslncss
throughout the country has appoaroi
to proceed unconcernedly with no lo
up of the prosperity that has ills
tlngulshed it for a long time past.
llemomber that Judge IJarnes was
twice appointed supreme court com
inlsslonor by unanimous vote of the
three supreme judges , including Judge
Sullivan. Is not this pretty good ovl
denco that ho is in every way quail
lied for Judicial work on the bend
of our highest state tribunal ?
Omaha Boo.
' Promfor Hnlfour Is not having n
highly enjoyable time In trying ti
fill the places made vacant by the
resignation of members of his cabl
net. 'The men ho wants do not ap
pear anxious to assume the rosponsl
hllltlos of the positions , and those
who seek them ho will not have. Lori
Mllnor is the latest to refuse to bo-
coino n member of the cabinet
Those who are so strongly opposed
to ship subsidy in favor of building
up the American merchant marine ,
may have been the ones to advocate
the qlving of great bodies of land
and much money to the railroads that
rst crossed tlio continent. There Is
0 denying that tin-so tnins-coiitinen-
al H.VHteniH bavo done iiiueli toward
ho development of tlio country , but
1 strong line of freighting steamers
night bo of equal Importance.
Governor Mickey ban bad some
line to look Into the political sltua-
lon ami Is quoted a saying : "I bo-
eve there Is no doubt in the world
mt Judges Humes will bo elected MI-
ireino juilgo. 1 have mot men from
ill parts of the state during the last
week , and they bring reports Unit
everywhere It Is Humes and a lull
opubllcan vote. They toll mo that
the party Is well organized In every
llHtrlct , and 1 fool sure , busing my he-
let' on those reports , that wo will bo
successful also In the district judicial
lights. "
Down In Tennessee Indictments
have been returned against twenty-
seven men , charged with the murder
of u negro , Allen Small , who was
Killed during a raid on the Moore
county jail. Fourteen of the mob are
under arrest and warrants are out
for the others. All of which goes to
show Unit the solid south Is not all
bad. These tellows may succeed in
evading any heavy punishment , but
the olllcors are entitled to a great
amount of credit In making this sort
of a movement against mob law in
Tennessee. If similar action is taken
on the occasion of every mob raid in
tbo south , the time will soon coino
when the south \ \ III have a now and
belter nuino.
When a mother looks at her boy in
his new clothes , it is not to admire ,
but to jump him about the spots.
Our idea of an active imagination
is ono that can conceive that tlio old
gray haired fathers were once ro
mantic ilgures.
Wo suppose that some of the hats
the women wear are called picture
lints because tlio women look like
cbromos in them.
If you want a rocking chair for
"mother" to sit in , buy ono for every
member of the family , and give her
a chance.
The harder n man makes it for the
woman who is chasing him , the
harder she will make it for him after
ho Is caught.
An ideal father is one who is in
such abject fear of waking the baby ,
that ho' goes around like a Sherlock
Holmes in gum shoes.
Invitations to join the Don't Do
That club have been sent to all those
who went on vacation trips this sum
mer , and nro still talking.
After a girl has been off to board
ing school Pa iliuls that putting his
foot down doesn't amount to as much
as it did before she left homo.
An Atchlson girl of IS is making
wedding clothes which her mother
will wor next month ; another mile-
tone in the march of Progress.
The difference in the way your
father and mother treated you began
early ; when you cried , father snid it
was temper , nnd mother said it must
bo a pin.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local Applications as thoj cannot
reach the diseased portiuii of tbo ear
, There is only ono \\i\y to cure deafness -
, ness , ami that is by constitutional roiu-
edle.H. Deafness Is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucus lining
of the Eustachlan tube. When this
tube Is Inllniiicd you have a rumbling
Hound or Imperfect hearing , and when
It Is entirely closed , deafness Is the
result , and unless the linllaminatlon can
bo taken out and this tube restored
to Its normal condition , hearing will
bo destroyed forever. Nine cases out
ol ten are caused by catarrh , which
Is nothing but an Inllamcd condition
of the mucus surface.
Wo will give one hundred dollars
for any case of deafness ( caused by ca
tarrh ) that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs.
"So\oral years since my lungs were
so badly affected that I had many hem
orrhages , " writes A. M. Ake of Wood ,
Ind. ' 1 took trcatnieiitwlth'sovoral then
stated to take Foley'a Honey and Tar
and my lungs are now as sound as a
bullet. I recommend It in advanced
stages of lung trouble. "
Klesuu Drug Co.
Feet Swollen to Immense Size.
"I had kidney trouble RO bad that
I could not work , " says J. J. Cox of
Valley View , Ky. , "my feet wore swol
len to Immense size and I was con-
lined to my bed and physicians were
unable to give mo any relief. My
doctor llnally prescribed Foley's Kid
ney Cure which made a well man of
me. "
Klesau Drug Co.
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve ,
cures. It surpasses any other salve ,
lotion , ointment or balm for cuts ,
corns , burns , bolls , sores , felons , ul
cers , totter , salt rheum , fever sores ,
chapped hands , skin eruptions ; infal
lible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only
25c at Asa K. Leonard's , druggist.
A Purgative Pleasure.
If you ever took DeWitt's Little
Early Kisors for biliousness or con
stipation you know what a purgative
pleasure Is. These famous little pills
cleanse the liver and rid the system
of all bile \ \ ithout producing unpleas
ant effects. They do not gripe , sicken
or weaken , but give tone and strength
to the tUsnes and organs involved. W.
II. Howell of Housto.n , Texas says "no
bettor pill can bo used than DeWltt's
Little Early Risers for constipation ,
sick headache , etc. " Sold by Kies > au
Drug Co.
What of Life ?
In the last analysis nobody knows
but wo do know what It Is under strict
law. Abuse that law even slightly ,
pain results. Irregular living means i
derangement of the organs , resulting I
In constipation , headache , or liver I
trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills i
quickly readjust this. It's gentle , yet
thorough. Only 25c nt Asn K. Leon
ard's drug store.
Used for Pneumonia.
Dr. C. J. Bishop of Agnew , Mich. ,
says : "I have used Foley's Honey
nnd Tnr In three very severe cases
of pneumonia with good results in
every case. " Refuse substitutes.
Klesau Drug Co.
Doctors Could Not Help Her.
"I had kidney trouble for years , "
writes Mrs. Rnymond Conor of Shot-
ton , Wnsh. , "nnd the doctors could not
help mo. I tried Foloy's Kidney Cure
and the very llrst dose gave mo relief
and 1 am now cured. I cannot say too
much for Foloy's Kidney Cure.
Klosnu Drug Co.
Distress After Eating Cured.
Juilgo W. T. Holland of Orcensburg ,
La. , who Is well and fnvornbly known
says : "Two yenrs ago I suftorod gieat-
ly from Indigestion. Alter eating ,
great distress would Invariably re
sult , lasting for an hour or so , and
my nights were restless. I concluded
to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it
cured me entirely. Now my sleep is
refreshing mid dlgi-Hlon perfect. Sold
by Kicsnu Drug Co
The Genuine vs. Counterfeits.
The Genuine is ahsaja bolter than
a counterfeit , but the truth of this
statement is never more forcibly re
alized or more thoroughly appreciated
tlmn when you compare the genuine
DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo with the
many counterfeits nnd worthless sub
stitutes that are on the market. W.
S. Ledbettor , of Shreveport , La. , says :
"After using numerous other reme
dies without benefit , one box of Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo cured mo. "
For blind , bleeding , Itching and pro
truding piles no remedy Is equal to
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by
Klosau Drug Co
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
'With family around expecting him
to die , and a son riding for life , IS
miles , to get Dr. King's Now Discovery
for consumption , coughs and colds ,
W. H. ilrown of Leesvillo , Ind. , en
dured death's agonies from asthma ;
but this wonderful medicine gave in
stant relief ami soon cured him. Ho
vrltes : "I now sleep soundly every
night. " Like marvelous euros of con
sumption , pneumonia , bronchitis.colds ,
coughs and grip prove Us matchless
merit for all throat and lung troubles.
Guaranteed bottles oOcand $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Asa K. Leonard's drug
Fearful Odds Against Him.
Bedridden , alone and destitute. Such
In brief was tlio condition of nn old
soldier by the mime of J. J. Havens ,
Versailles , O. For years ho was troub
led with kidney disease and neither
doctors nor medicines gave him re
lief. At length he tried Electric Bit
ters. It put him on his feet In short
order nnd now he testifies : "l"m on
the road to complete recovery. ' Best
on earth for liver and kidney troubles
and all forms of stomach and bowel
complaints. Only c'Oc. Guaranteed by
Asa K. Leonard , druggist.
Foloy's Kidney Cure inaives the dis
eased kidneys so they will eliminate
the poibons from the blood.
. Kiesnu Drug Co.
A New Jersey Editor's Testimonial.
M. T. Lynch , editor ot the Philips-
burg , N. J. Daily Post , writes : "I
have used many kinds of medicines
for coughs and colds in my family
but never anything so good as Foloy's
Honey and Tar. I cannot say too much
in pralbo of it. "
Kiesau Drug Co.
arc the most fatal of all dis
EY' Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c.and $ J.OO.
&GO ,
Members Chicago Board of Trade.
Orders for Grain and Stocks Solicited.
South Omaha.
. . . .SRI.L ON COMMISSION. . . .
Cattle , Hogs , Sheep and
Germ Infected Air.
Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swamps
and marshy regions of the country , but wherever there is
bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous
vapors and gases from sewers , and the musty air of damp
celhus are laden with the germs of this miserable disease ,
which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the U'l
blood and transmitted to every part of the body. Then
you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the
cause. No energy or appetite , dull headaches , sleepy and
tiled and completely fagged out from the .slightest exer
tion , are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling
malady. As the disease progresses and the blood becomes
more deeply poisoned , boils and abscesses and dark or
yellow spots appear upon the skin. When the poison is
left to ferment and the microbes and germs to multiply in
the blood , Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious complications often
arise. As Malaria begins and develops in the blood , die treatment to be
effective must begin there too. S. S. S. destroys
the germs and poisons and purifies the polluted
blood , and under its tonic effect the debilitated
constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is
soon clear of all signs of this depressing disease.
S. S. S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy , mild , pleasant and
harmless. Write us if you want medical advice or any special informa
tion about your case. This will cost you nothing.
( \.LUIK\KT. . t'UKsinn \ \ H. JOHNSON , CASIIIMI
The Citizens National Bank.
CAPITAL , ? r > o,000. SriU' , 10,000.
Buy ami Sell ExclmiiK' ) on this Country ntul nil parts of Europe. Farm I.onns.
sML'R VV. H. JOHNSON f'n\s. S. HHIUOK K. McGivnitN C. M. SWANB
Sweetwater Rock Spring
Scranton Hard Coal.
'PHONE 61.
.i i4 i -i M -t
The Norfolk News :
Enclosed find $ . for .
subscription to
The Norfolk Daily News , The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal ,
( Erase Ono Not Wanted. )
With it I cast votes for
of 'Nebraska , as my choice in The News $
Horse nnd Buggy Contest.
Received above amount.
. H't H'H l - -
; 44 4 W M-4 4 J M
The Norfolk News Popular Prize Contest , NO , 24
I hereby vote for
of , Nebraska , as my choice ill
The Norfolk News Pico IJorso and Buggy Contest.
( Thin Coupon , win n cliipcd from The News nud propnrly
"f ( tiilnd out counts fur olsK VUlK , if riojoslte'l before
jt noon , uetobir lu. HK)3
i-r4-tt H4 HN r