The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 02, 1903, Image 1

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Freight No. 116 Crushes Tom
Belt to Death.
Supposing That the Coupling Had
Been Released , Tom Belt Was Un
prepared When the Pin Caught and
Jerked the Car on Which he Stood.
( From Momlny'n Dally.J
Train No. 110 on the Northwestern
r md , ilue into Norfolk last night fro.i
Long Pine , jerked its faithful con
ductor , Thomas Belt , under the wheels
. at Stuart yesterday afternoon and
ground him to death. His right leg
TT S run over , the loft leg was broken
a d other internal Injuries were sus
tained which proved fatal at G o'clock
Triton , after a hard light for his life ,
Conductor Belt was relieved from his
trrible agony by the coming of a
lavrcifnl death.
Coupling Failed to Release.
Conductor Belt was standing upon
th ' top of a freight car when the ac
cident happened. The train was
switching In the yards at Stuart and
the car upon which he stood had Just
butn uncoupled from the train ahead.
The signal had been given for the
engine to move away and Mr. Bolt
supposed that his car , of course ,
ffuuld remain stationary. Instead of
this , however , the coupling pin In
sumo way slipped back into connec
tion and the fatal car was locked
tight to the train. The engine started
forward , the cars lurched after it and
tlic conductor , with no preparation
whatever for a jolt , was caught un
awares and thrown off the end of the
car. He fell to the track below , be
tween two cars , and the wheels passed
oTcr his limb.
( Surgical care was immediately
" "
"A given and it was thought at first that
the injured man might live. Ho com
plained , however , of a pain in his
chest and before the Norfolk special
train , carrying the company surgeon ,
Dr. P. II. Suiter , could arrive , Con-
ihicor Tom Bolt was dead.
Special Train.
Word of the disaster was sent to
Norfolk at once and a special train
was made up to rush toward the scene
of accident. Tills carried Superinten
dent C. H. Reynolds , Dr. P. H. Sailer ,
Mrs. Belt , the widow of Conductor
Belt ; Mrs. W. C. Roland , a friend ;
and Mrs. Al. Wilkinson , a niece. The
train was sent to Stuart as fast as
steam could carry it , but the lifeless
body of the man was all that remained
to tell the story of suffering.
The remains wore brought to Nor
folk on the early morning passenger
train today and were taken to the
home at 1001 South Second street.
They will he taken to the old homo
nt Marshalltown , Iowa , for interment ,
leaving this city Tuesday morning at
0:30 : o'clock.
Tom Belt Was Well Liked.
Tom Bolt , as he was known to all
the railroad boys , was fifty-three years
old and had learned , in twelve years
of service , every foot within the right-
of-way fence between this city and
the end of the line. Ho was faithful
to his train and underneath its wheels
he died. Ho was universally popular
among the railroad men and they
grieve over his cruel ending. He
was a lover of his home , and the llttio
woman who is today watching for the
last time over his remains , is pros
trate with grief at her husband's ter
rible fate. There are no children left
to comfort the heart-broken woman.
Mr. Belt was a member of the Broth
erhood of Railway Trainmen , the
Knights of Pythias , the Maccabees
and the Royal Highlanders. All of
these orders have done everything
possible today to bring comfort to the
stricken home as nearly as the dis
tressing circumstances would permit
and their loyalty to the honored mem
ory of Thomas Belt will long endure
after his remains are laid to rest in
Marshalltown on Tuesday.
Two Victims Within a Week.
A coincident in the distressing dis
aster which renders it no less sad , is
the fact that this same train , No. 110 ,
has now claimed two victims under
neath its deadly wheels within less
than a week. Just six days before
the life of Thomas Belt was taken ,
No. UC , coming into Norfolk after
dark , ran over the form of M. L , Mar
shall as it lay between the rails , and
cut him literally to pieces. Marshall
was dead before the train came along ,
but it was No. loG's wheels that ground
him so severely.
Brief Funeral Service at the Home ,
After Which the Remains Were
Taken Away.
( From Tuesday's Dnllv. ]
The remains of Thomas J. Bolt , the
conductor who was killed under his
train Sunday afternoon , were taken
to Marshalltown , la. , this morning for
burial. Members of his lodge , the
Royal Highlanders , mot at the Bolt
homo , 1102 South Second street , at
5:30 : o'clock and accompanied the re
mains to the station at South Nor
folk. Besides Mrs. Belt , Mrs. Asklns ,
Mrs. W. C. Holand , Mrs. Al Wilkin
son , F. Llnerodo and C. B. Hartford ,
as members of the Hoynl Highlanders
and Knights of Pythias , accompanied
the remains to Marshalltown.
A brief funeral norvlcu was held
at the homo this morning.
Last Night's Panscngcr Was Lamed
Because it Stopped so Suddenly
to Save Her Life.
[ From Monday's Unity.1
In making an exceedingly quickstep
stop in order to save the life of a
woman who stood on the track , the
engine which drew train No. ! ? , the
passenger from Chicago , into Norfolk
last night , so crippled Itself that the
train was almost nn hour delayed.
A woman who had gotten to the center -
tor of a trestle bridge near West
Point could got neither way in tlmo
to save her life , was the cause of It.
As the train came upon the bridge ,
the engineer noticed the perilous po
sition and realized that a few more
turns of the drivers would crush the
feminine form to death. The lover
was speedily reversed , the brakes ap
plied and the whole heavy train
brought to nn immediate standstill.
The engine was lame after that and
lost all the way to Norfolk , but the
life of the woman was saved.
Rev. J. F. Poucher Will Remain In
Norfolk Through Coming Year.
Wayne Wins.
fFrom Monday's Dnlly.l
Hev. ,1. F. Poucher will remain in
Norfolk as pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church during the follow
ing year. This announcement was
made officially at the conference in
Fremont yesterday afternoon. Other
appointments of interest to this sec
tion of the state were made as fol
lows :
llov. .T. M. Bothwoll will go to Mad
ison ; Hev. Mr. Howe , formerly at
Malllson , will go to Handolph ; Hov.
E. E. Shaffer will go to Tildon ; Hov.
Mr. Snick will go to Dakota City ;
Hev. C. M. Dawson will go to Wayne ;
Hev. Mr. Mueller goes to Lynch ,
The conference will be held next
year at Wayne.
Welcomed a Boy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kaufmann are
the proud parents of a new boy baby
A Boy Also.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Xitschlag of
Norfolk received a son and heir at
their homo Friday night.
Likewise a Boy.
A son was welcomed to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Havemann
in Norfolk Saturday evening.
Quits the Omaha and Winnebago
Agency on Account of III Health.
Division of the Agencies.
Ponder , Nob. , Sept. 28. Special to
The News : Word has been received
here from Washington of the accept
ance of the proffered resignation of
Charles P. Mathewson as superinten
dent of the Indian schools of the
Omaha and Winnobago reservations
by Commission of Indian Aff.ilrs
Jones. Mr. Mathewson resigns be
cause of ill health , but it is possible
that a position may he found for him
in a climate more to his liking.
Mr. Mnthowson's resignation will
enable the Indian bureau to place in
operation a plan that has long boon
contemplated , the division of the
Omaha and Winnebago reservations ,
so it is announced ,
Eventually there will be a bonded
charge of each of these great Indian
reservations instead of ono general
agent as heretofore. This is merely
following Jones , who Is gradually
taking Indian affairs out of the con
trol of agents and placing them into
the hands of bonded superintendents.
H. fl. Wilson , at present superin
tendent of the Sisseton Indian schools
has been selected to succeed Mr.
Mathowson at the Winnobago school ,
and several men , well known in the
Indian service are being considered
to take charge of the Omaha schools.
Col. S. W. Hayes , Young in I Vi.v ous
at 84 , Was host at ,1 oypr s-e
In honor of his eighty-fourth birth
day , and rejoicing with him over his
extreme activity and vigorous youth ,
the Masons of Norfolk assembled at
the homo of Col. S. W. Hayes , West
Norfolk avenue Friday evening , and
tendered him a surprise party which
will ho memorable. A largo number
of the local lodge wore present for the
event and the evening was vary thor
oughly enjoyed.
As a token of their esteem and well
wishing , the lodgomen presented Col.
Hayes with a handsome reeking
chair. The spokesman led Mr. Hayes
to the chair and simply said , "What
do you think of it ? It's yours. Sit
down. "
"Well , well , well , it's a daisy , " re
plied the host , with apparent satis
All but Three Buildings in Block
art ; Burned.
The Fiend Started Flames in
Three Separate Places.
The Whole Section Is n Complete
Loss , With Excepton of About Half
of Frost's Merchandise Store and
Portion of Fair's ,
Plalnvlow , Noli. , Sept. 28. Special
to The News : Plalnvlow experienced
the most disastrous lireIn her his
tory early this morning , starting at
2 o'clock. Seven business houses
all but three In an entire block wore
consumed. The lire started simul
taneously in three places , and was
unquestionably of incendiary origin ,
as the lire ( lend had well prepared to
burn the town , liberal quantities of
kerosene being used to innko food
for the flames.
It Is the third disastrous llro the
town bus experienced within a year ,
and ono of the victims of the bhivio" ,
Mr. Fair , has twice before boon
burned out.
The lire was noticed almost sim
ultaneously in the Frost , Fair and
Scott buildings , and the tire lighters
having no water at hand in sulllclont
quantities the destruction of a large
portion of the business part of town
was a foregone conclusion.
The buildings destroyed :
O. J. Frost general merchandise.
About half Hie goods wore saved by
the energetic efforts of the cltlxons.
D. H. Fair , grocery. Some of the
goods wore also saved from this
building ,
L. Button , land olllce.
Dr. F. II. Nye. olllce.
The Scott machinery house.
Building occupied by the millinery
The buildings and their contents
wore an entire loss with the excep
tion of the two mentioned above.
The loss this morning had not boon
estimated , but will lie up in the thou
sands of dollars.
While no arrests have been made ,
there is a well defined suspicion
pointing to the ono who did the das
tardly work , which was planned with
careful Ilondlshnoss. The blaze was
noticed simultaneously in the Frost ,
Fair and Scott buildings , and those
earl > on the scene noted that liberal
quantities of kerosene had boon used i
to give quick fuel to the ilames , the !
three mentioned buildings In which
the lire started being well soaked with
the oil.
No arrests have been made yet ,
but that there will be arrests goes un
questioned , and if the fiend responsi
ble for tile disaster can bo proven
guilty it will go hard witli him.
Plalnview has suffered more from
the lire fiend , beyond a doubt , than
any town in north Nebraska. Two
disastrous fires occurred about this
time last year , and at that time the !
town had boon but fairly rebuilt from
a previous conflagration.
The lire is still smouldering at this
report. Dr. Nye had two tons of
hard coal on hand that will bo fuel
to keep the blaze going for some
Will Go After the Fire Fiend In a
Systematic Manner , and Deal
Justly With Him.
Plalnviow , Nob. , Sopt. 21) ) . Special
to The News : So far the fiend who
sot llro in throe separate places here
Monday morning , lias not been
brought to light and no arrests have
been made. The town , however , has
determined to employ a detective to
hunt down the incendiary and bring
him to justice. The citizens are
greatly Incensed over the outrage and
the guilty party will receive no sym
pathy if found.
Will Build Houses for Rent.
J. L. Horshlsor has purchased from
S. L. Gardner the two lots on north
Tenth street adjoining the residence
of Mrs. Cole , and also two lots at the
Junction , the consideration bolng I'JfiO '
cash. It IH stated that Mr. HorshlHor
will build two cottages on the Tenth
street lulu for rent.
Starts Season by Taking One From
Grand Island 04 to 0 New Men
Play Well.
Lincoln , Sopt. 28. The university
foollmll team had llttlo hotter than u
practice game with the Ornnd Island
loam Saturday , winning by a score
of t''l to 0. The shattered line of the
Grand Island college were unnblo lo
stop the university hacks from piling-
1'ig through toward the goal line , ex
cept at rare Intervals. Twenty and
thirty yard runs became almost a matter -
tor of course before the Mulsh of the
tlrst hall' . The university carried the
ball T7S yards during the course of the
game , while. Grand inland advanced
but lii ! yards.
The now men on the university
toain showed up well and the enthu
siasts are taking a morochoerlul view
of the situation , although the Grand
Inland team is admittedly weak.
. At the F. & M. park the Lincoln
high .school team took a game from
the Iteatrlce high school by a score
of On to 0.
Clever , Smooth and Wordy , he Was
no Match for the Versatile Pro
A long haired , wise looking "doc
tor" who struck Norfolk the other
day , wont into the Trocadoro and be
gan to look around. Ho mixed with
tin * men who were In the room and
engaged them , after the matter of his
craft. In an interesting conversation.
Corn were his topic. The doctor
could euro any sort of corns that ever
grow. Slowly , and by systematic pro-
eos'i , he worked the subject around
to his point. He displayed a largo
variety of corns of different shapes
anil kinds , explained how they all hap
pened and why. Finally ho produced
a microscope and allowed the lookers
to peek through a magnifying Ions
at OIK ; of ( hi1 little growths. His
speech , as smooth as a ( lowing brook ,
was bathed In any amount of the pur
est Latin , and punctuated with quo-
tn'loim ' from Shakespeare and Cicero
combined , which would have stag
gered the eminent ancients thorn-
Grasping the microscope In a trag
ic way , the doctor held it above his
hand. "That. " ho exclaimed , "that is
my hand. " Then bo paused for ar
tistic effect.
"You think , perchance , that you ob
serve that hand by moans of the op-
vidi , vici. And now I can convince
you , also. You perceive , my fellowmen -
men , by the brain , and the eye Is
merely an auxiliary to it. "
Then he stopped. He turned to
the proprietor and with a glare that
was dramatic to a degree , declared ,
"Light ! What , sir , is light ? "
Without a smile or a sign of mirth
playing upon his facial features ,
Harry Lodor' replied , very calmly ,
"Business , sir. Business is d n
light. "
And the doctor bought the drinks.
Son of Judge and Mrs. Bates Buried
at Madison The Mother
is Trebly Afflicted.
Madison , Neb. , Sopt. 2 ! ) . Special
to The News : The funeral of Willie ,
the ItS-year-old son of Judge and Mrs.
Win. Bates , that was held from the
Catholic church in this city today ,
was perhaps the largest attended fu
neral of a young person over he'd ' in
Madison. The high school was ad
journed and the pupils and teachers
attended in a body. The funeral rites
were very impressive and the sympa
thy shown the bereaved parents.
Sympathy is particularly with Mrs.
Bates , who Is almost trebly alfllctoil.
The news of the death of her mothur.
Mrs. Adam Kost , at Norfolk , coming
with the loss of her son , was bad
enough , but in addition to this * h < ;
lias received word that her slsto.- ,
Mrs. George Fit/gorald is very low
at Hot Springs , S. D.
Willie Bates hnd numerous friends
among the young people of Madinon ,
who sincerely mourn his death. Ills
long and uncomplaining suffering has
seemed to intensify those friendships
and the expressions of sorrow today
were heartfelt and sincere. Ho bad
advanced to the Ninth grade 'n ' the
high school and was a bright and lov
able boy.
Found on Operating Table With the
Gas Turned on at the Jets In
His Room.
Omaha , Sopt. 20. Special to The
News : The body of Dr. Hamilton
Warren , 1310 Dodge street , was
found this morning lying on the op
erating table In his office. The gas
jots in the office were turned on and
the physician had mot his death from
It was considered that it was a case
of miicldo.
Local Playrrs Have Not Devel
oped Much Enthusiasm.
University of Nebraska Lines up
Against Grand Island Collcac on
Saturday Afternoon List of the
Old Men Have Returned.
While the IIO.VH of tin. Norfolk high
Mchool have not as yet scheduled any
games for the prcmMil Mention , I here
are Home prospects ( hat football may
have a turn at altraollnj ; the atten
tion of sportsmen In the city before
the dual gridiron contests on Thanks
Many people are Interested In fhe
University of Nebraska's team. The
llne-np IH a hit weak on account of
a dropping out. The old men hack
are llorg , center ; Hunter and Itlngur ,
guards ; Wlbion and Mason , tackles ;
Homier , quarterback ; Boll , halfback ;
llenedlck , fullback. The llrst game
was agahiHl Grand Inland , Saturday
afternoon , September 2li.
Football Is here for I ho seation of
P.iiCI. Games of the practice variety
begin at several of the big eastern
colleges thin week , and another fort
night will nee the playing season In
augurated In eaniOHl. Candidates fertile
tile various elevens have been in
training at several of the prominent
limtltntloiiH for more than two wookH ,
coaches havn been busy " 'inlying the
rules and skirmishing for prominent
players , and the rooters have already
begun to dream of the vlctorlcn 'ind
championships which are coming to
their favorite teams as sure as docs
Thanksgiving day. From today until
the last of November the long-haired
youths all over the country will hold
undisputed po < Hosslon of the athludc
There Is every Indication that the
football season In die east will ho
one of the most miccimnful since the
Introduction of the game Into Ameri
can college life. With the exception
of the differences between Annapolis
and West Point all Is harmony among
the prominent Institutions. The sched
ules for the most purl are practically
the same as In past , years. Whore
changes have been niado they t'avo
been In the way of renewing old ties
which bad been temporarily broken.
The outlook Is reported unusually
bright at Harvard , Yale , Cornell ,
Pennsylvania , Princeton and Colum
bia , while die smaller Institutions ,
such as Williams , Lchlgh , Dartmouth ,
Trinity and Rutgers , art1 likewise look
ing forward to a successful season.
Erratic River Bites a Chunk of Farm
Land East of Omaha , and
Farmers Object.
Omaha , Sept. 21 ! . Special to The
News : The Missouri rlvor washed
away eight acres of land cast of
Omaha last night.
The tanners who are being injured
in their property have called a con
vention to devise some plan whereby
the ravages of the river may bo
The Inmate at the Jail Has Been
Here Often Before.
"I was shot In Sioux ( Jity about a
week ago , " explained the tough lookIng -
Ing mark at the city jail , who was
taken up by the police. Ills wounds
are quite severe and need constant
dressing. He was simply in jail on
suspicion and this morning Chief
of Police Kane bad the follow carried
to a railroad station and told him to
get out. He knew all of the police ,
having been locked up four times be
fore in Norfolk.
State Association Will Convene in
Lincoln October 13 and 14.
An Excellent Program.
The hankers of Nebraska will meet
in convention at Lincoln October 13
and M , and a first class program has
been prepared for the mooting , that
will bo attended by all the prominent
bankers of the state. N. A. Halnbolt
of tills city , former president of the
Norfolk National bank , is on the pro
gram for an address on the subject ,
"Should the Bankruptcy Law bo Re
pealed or Modified ? "
The regular reports of the standIng -
Ing committees will ho of inoro than
ordinary the committee
on bank money orders will make an
extended report , as will also the com
mittee on rewards for the detection
and conviction of burglars. Whore
a member of this association has
boon robbed , or any attempt nmdo to
do so , the committee has decided to
recommend that a largo reward bo
offered. This action is sure to bring
a largo membership to llioussociation.
There is now $1,100 In the reward
fund. Another Interesting sot of re
ports will bo from the presidents of
the nine groups In the state asso
Congressman Hill of the Fourth
district of Connecticut , who is also
\lce president of the Norwalk Nation-
M | lunik of that Hlnlo. will iniiko an utl-
drown upon "Amint Cum.'iiry. " A. J.
Frame , president of the WnuUonlia
Natlonnl hank of Waukoidia , Win. , will
reply lo this , his subject being "N w
Nn.lloiml Financial Legislation. " Mr.
Frame IH well known among the hank
ers an a man who stampeded the I'OTT-
lor hill men nl die Wisconsin llunk r
atiNoeladon , and IIP IH a tory ntrunc
mini for believers In our present ur
ii'111'.v H.uitom.
Other piipern lo he given by ntnt *
hankers lire thi < following :
"What Arc Wo lloro Kor ? " .1 , It.
Culn , cushlor liiiuU at Htelln.
"Hills of I , mllng. " John Donolim ,
ciitdilci1 hank of Weeping Wiitur.
Address , by 10. Rojrco , neeroWiry
Stall' Hanking hoard ,
"Trust Companion , " ( iiirdon VI.
Wattli'H , president Union Natluial
hunk. Omiiliii.
"Commercial I'npi < r as iin liif nt-
nionl by Country Hankers. " ( ! . > ' .
Itcntloy , cashier First National ba k
( fraud Inland.
"The Prey of the YoggniKii. " Job
A MorrlHiin , Minneapolis , iiiaiuiK r
llimK llurglnry department , IhoOcvw * ,
Accident tt ( inarantee I'orpuratldii.
"Legal Di'i'lidonii of Interetit t
llnnhM" Hun. W. C. naming * , Ull-
Dliihop Andrews Announces the Lo
cations of North Nebraska Min
isters for Ensuing Year.
Fremont , Not ) . Hept. 2t.- ! The Moth-
odluls of north Nebraska , who bav *
been In annual con Terence hero , l ft
for their respective home * juntordaj
morning. The meeting closed with a
Mernmn by lll.'dmp Andiewn SuiuUy
morning , lie taking for bin text Uut'm-
e\v I0il : ! ! , IK ) , on "Tim Prorldonuii W
( ! oil. " A large audience nas prcncit
and the bishop's remarks were ur-
noHt and touching.
The following appointment * w r
uinmmiced lor two of the four Jin-
trietH :
Norfolk District.
Presiding older , F. M. Slsson , Nor
folk ; Allen , W. A. Hominger ; iiai-
ner , W. T. ( inlley ; lleomer , J. T. Low
King ; liloomllidd , I ) . W. ( Iregor ;
Illnoinlleld circiit , mippllile ; Carroll ,
C. S. Hughes ; Coleridge and lleldeu ,
.1. II. .lohimloii ; Creston , II. II. St.
Louis : Dakota City , J. C. Slilck ; le-
catnr , William Slinmlmiigli ; ICmorHoi ,
W. II. Warren ; llnrtlngton , F. M.
Drullner ; Homer , supplied ; Hum
phry and Pintle Center , W. ( ! . Fowler
ler ; Laurel , J. L. Phillips ; Leigh , W.
( ! . Langley ; LyoiiH , 10. 10. Hosmaii ;
MadlHon , J. M. Ilolhwoll ; McLean ,
supplied ; Norfolk , J. F. Poucher ;
Norfolk circuit , W. H. Peters ; Pen-
dor , 10. K. Carter ; Pllger , 10. T. An-
trim ; I'onca , it. W. Wilcox ; Randolph ,
F. A. High ; St. James , Moses Ander-
son ; Scrlbner , supplied ; South Sioux
City , Allen MlKliop ; Stanton , C. M.
Grlllldi ; Wakulli'ld and Pleasant Val
ley , C. H. Mnoro ; Wansa.,1. H. Smith ;
Wlimldo. S. A. Drain ; Winner , W. II.
Faroat ; Wayne , C. N. Dawson ; J. A.
Young left without appointment t *
attend school.
Neligh District.
Presiding elder , Thomas liithnJ ,
Ne.ligh ; Albion , 10. T. George ; BattU
Creek , Oncar lOggleston ; Hnttlu Creek
circuit , supplied ; lloone , J. S. ( Sreenc ;
Brunswick , .Insso Crinitli ; Chambers ,
10. It. KoonU ; Clearwater , H. P. Wil
liams ; Croighton , J. N. Gortnor ; HI-
gin , C. O. Trump ; Hmerlck , d. A.
Marker ; lowing and Venus , H. .
Mitchell ; Cross and Spencer , Dailtl
A. Keene ; Inmnn , 15. W. Wilcox ;
Lindsay , H. J. Callow ; Loretto , W. C.
Kelly ; Lynch and Highland , Oscar
Mueller ; Mononi , J. H. Alien ; Nellgfc.
J. H. Ramsey ; Newman drove , L. A.
Cook ; NIobrara , L. H. Heddun ; Oak-
dale , H. J. McKonxlu ; O'Neill , Amos
; Osmond , K. J. T. Connoly ;
Paddoc. B. H. Marten ; Page , J. C.
Galloway ; Pierce , J. H. McDonald ;
Plalnvlow , J. M. Leidy ; Plalnvlew
circuit , H. A. Hornudy ; Savage , T. B.
Of former Norfolk pastors , not i -
eluded in those districts : Dr. J , Tf.
Jennings is returned as presiding el
der of the Omaha district. Her. J. B.
Priest gees to Hlair ; Dr. WllliaBt
Corst to Seward street churtik ,
Omaha ; Hov. ( ! . H. Main to Walnut
Hill , Omaha , and Hev. J. B. LeeduM
to Silver Creek.
Martin Kane Was Badly Bitten by a
Vicious Cur Dog , Which Fought
to a Finish.
I From Monday's Dallv.I
Chief of Polleo Kami Is cripplud
with two badly wounded hands whlck
render him practically helpless who
it comes l.o handling men. The holes
in his hands are the effects of a fu
rious light which the oftlccr engaged
In Monday morning , and in which , for
the tlmo being , his adversary had th
bettor of the fray.
It was no man who got the better
of Chief Martin Kane. It was a vic
ious dog , whoso teeth sank into his
palms to the limit , and left them
blooding and gashed. It was a vicious
cur dog which has been prowling ;
in the west end , and which last week
bit Postmaster Hays. When the of- '
llcor wont after his game , the dor
showed fight to a finish. Later
the otllcer went back'and ' shot U *