The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 25, 1903, Image 9

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, , .
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Vault Door Blown Off With
Charge of Dynamite.
Shock of the Explosion Rouses
the Town.
Attempt on Bank's Funds Made at 1
O'clock This Morning Robbers
Make Their Escape But arc Being
Traced Loss Covered by Insuranc
Ewing , Nob. , Sept. 25. Special to
The News : The Ewlng bank was en
tered this morning about 1 o'clock by
burglars , the vault door blown off by
dynamite nnd the robbers succeeded
In making their escape after securing
but a small amount of cash for their
A dozen people wore aroused at
nbout the hour stated by a terrific ex
plosion. They dressed hastily and
started an investigation to find that
the bank vault had been blown open
and the banking room littered with
The burglars gained entrance to
the building by prying open the front
door , and breaking the bolts , this be
ing accomplished with a heavy ham
mer and other tools that were found
lying on the front door steps. When
they had gained access to the build
ing they drew the blinds and proceed
ed deliberately with the work in hand ,
drilling the door of the vault and plac
ing the dynamite where it would have
the most effect. The wreckage ac
complished and the noise of the ex
plosion indicates that the thieves
made sure of this portion of their
work by using about three sticks of
The robbers failed to gain access
to the inner vault whore the bulk of
the bank's cash and the valuable pa
pers were kept , being frightened
away' before they had a chance to
complete their work. All they se
cured was a small amount of cash
that had been left in the tray that was
placed in the book department. Some
of the money from this tray was scat-
tored among the wreckage and picked
up this morning.
The bank had boon recently
equipped with a burglar alarm , but
the robbers succeeded In evading the
wires so that it was not set off , and
their tracks Indicated that they care
fully avoided setting it going.
The Comstock bloodhound from
Oakdale that was hero tracing the
Brunswick burglars , was secured and
sot on the trail which was followed a
short distance west of town where
tracks indicated that the burglars had
entered a buggy and driven away.
Officers and citizens are this morning
attempting to follow the trail and
hope to overtake the thieves. Tito of
ficers in the country round about have
been notified of the crime and will
keep a close lookout for strange men
and strange rigs.
Cashier Fisher was early on the
scene of the crime , but found that out
side of the damage done by the explo
sion , the hank had sustained but little
loss , this loss is fully covered by burg
lar Insurance in one of the leading
This crime , following closely on the
Brunswick affair , the robbers from
that place having been traced through
Ewlng , has given the people n series
of excitement such as they have not
experienced for years , and they are
given to wondering what will next
turn up to disturb the usual peace
of the town.
Stranger Answering the Description
of Madison Appealed for Food.
Got Morphine.
Upland , Neb. , Sopt. 21. Special to
The News : A stranger answering
the description of Murderer Madison
in every detail , appeared at a farm
-liouso near here and appealed for
food. The follow was fed nnd was
nlso given BOino morphine pills. Be
fore the drug had had time , however ,
to bi'como thoroughly effective , the
man supposed to ho Madison esoapod.
Novel Plan of a Condemned Man to
End His Life ,
Choyi'itue , Sopl. 115. Special to The
News : According to a dlspalch from
hnndor , thltt Htiito. .Inmea Koffor , who
to bo hanged there today , will act
as bin own oxocutlonor. The arrange-
minit has been made at the iviiuost
of the condemned man. The gallows
has boon HO constructed that when
Koffor stops upon the trap the iiclion
will draw a plug from a pall filled
with water. When the water runs
low a counterbalance will throw the
catch which holds the trap , and the
doomed man will have hanged him
self. Koffer's crime was the murder
two yours ago of William Warren , a
stage tender.
Norfolk District Has Been Prosperous
During Year Sala May be a
Fremont , Nob. , Sopt. 2H. Special to
The News : The conference of the
.Methodist church of north Nebraska
continues here with Increased Inter
est. Tills morning Dr. Andrews , the
presiding bishop , delivered a strong
address to which the public generally
wore invited.
Kcporls were hoard yesterday after
noon. Under the efficient care of Dr.
V. M. Slsson , the Norfolk district lias
had prosperous growth. Twenty-one
old church debts have been paid. Im
provements have been made all along
the line ; twenty old churches have boon
repaired ; seven now churches built ;
there is loss than $1,000 against the
church 'property of this district ; $70-
000 has been paid in the last four
yours In old debts. The report was
well received.
The name of each effective older
in the Norfolk district was called and
they reported their collodions. The
following answered : W. A. Hoinln-
gor , D. C. McGregor , .T. U Phillips , .1.
II. Johnston , II. II. St. Louis , W. D.
Shambaugh , T. S. Watson , K. 13. Shaf
fer , 13. 13. Ilosman , R A. High , .1. R
Puncher , 13. T. Antrim , It. W. Wllcox ,
W. It. Peters , C. M. arilllth , C. S.
Hughes , O. P. Mueller , C. N. Dawson ,
J. I ) . Priest.
One Pastor Quits.
D. W. Malhews was allowed to with
draw from the church in order to en
gage in independent Christian work
at San Francisco.
F. M. Wright was transferred to the
North Minnesota conference.
Lay Conference Tomorrow.
The lay electoral conference began
this morning. Three delegates arc
to bo elected for the Los Angeles con
ference in May. This is the lirsttime
women have been eligible. V. A. Sala
of 13wing Is strongly mentioned and
is being pushed by friends of the Ne-
ligli district. Charles Goss and Mrs.
M. .1. Monnette , of Omaha , are men
Mllner Declines Portfolio.
London , Sept. 25. A king's men-
Danger , who was sent to Lord Mllner
at Carlsbad , returned with an answer ,
and as nothing is announced it is In
ferred that Lord M liner has declined
to accept the portfolio of the colonies.
The public is beginning to display
impatience at the prolongation of the
cabinet crisis.
Unlversallsts to Meet.
Washington , Sopt. 25. Announce
ment is made that the biennial session
of the Unlversallst general convention
will bo hold In Washington , October
23 to 2S. Tills body Is the supreme
authority for all the Univcrsalists In
the United States and Canada.
The Sank bank at Prairie du Sac ,
Wls. , was robbed of $2,000 by robbers ,
who made their escape.
In a running exchange of shots on
the streets of Philadoli/.iia , Policeman
John Donovan and Samuel Archer , a
negro , were fatally wounded
Six persons were injured , two fa
tally , by the explosion of the boiler at
James Wise's sawmill , Nashville , Ind.
Several adjacent houses were partly
A farmer at Sound Reach , Conn. ,
has found , upon pulling up a. corn
stalk , a heavy gold ring encircling the
stalk. Through engraving on the In
side it was Identified as one lost in
The Illinois State National Guard
team won the WaHliburn trophy In the
Interstate rlfto contest at Lake City ,
Minn. The total scores stood : Illi
nois , 2,315 ; Minnesota , 2,148 ; Iowa ,
James Mr.Cord , aged seventy-eight ,
died at ills home In St. Joseph , Mo.
He was the controlling factor in many
largo business enterprises In several
western cities and is rated several
times a millionaire.
At Oconomowoc , Wls. , George Dally
attempted to shoot his wife , shot his
brother-in-law , Cliff Kellogg , sot flro
to his liouso and barn and finally com
mitted suicide by blowing his head
off in his burning house- .
Commissioner Hlchards of the gen
eral lard office named November 10 as
the date of the opening to settlement
of the 750,000 acres of Chlppowa lands
in Minnesota , recently segregated
from the timber land of that HJierva-
Next Meeting Will Be Held at
Extension of Rural Free Delivery nnd
Postal Savings Banks Favored Ca
nadian Reciprocity Resolution Is
Finally Killed.
Niagara Falls , N. V. , Sopt. 25. The
Farmers' National eniigri'HH Hosed Us
annual meet Ing hero. The farmers
will not urge much Hpoelllr national
legislation this your , rontoiitlng thorn-
solves with generalities. A set of res- '
olutlons favoring the extension of the
rural free delivery and the parcels
post system , a postal telegraph system
and postal savings banks , waa adopted.
The admission of Oklahoma IIH a state
Is favored by the congress. Oilier res
olutions adopted wore favoring a class
ified enumeration of Janus and farm
products every live years ; recommend
ing that each state pay the expense of
delegates to congress ; favoring the
adoption of the referendum , the oloc--
tlon of Unllod States senators by di
rect vote and the sending of live delegates -
gates to the coming meeting of the
National Civic federation at Chicago.
An anti-trust resolution was also put
through after much deliberation. The
resolution was mild , calling for strict
er legislation against combinations
known OB trusts , and the enforcement
of existing laws against them.
A resolution favoring reciprocity
with Canada was llimlly killed and the
quest Inn of a ship subsidy found no
supporters In this session.
Two papers wore road , the first by
Prof. F. M. Webster of Urlmmt , III. ,
on "Insert Pests. " Prof. Webster said
that the loss each year by Insects eat
ing farm produce was greater than the
loss by fire in the United States , and
ho urged that more attention bo paid
the subject.
Prof. Frmik Parsons read a paper
on "The History of Governmental
Ownership of Public Utilities. " Ho
thought government ownership wns
gaining ground and said the United
States was more backward In this
question than any other.
The next mooting will bo hold at
Mllwaul-ee. The date will bo settled
by the executive committee ,
Engineer Killed and Three Others In
jured Near St. Louis.
St. Louis , Sopt. 2B. By the spreadIng -
Ing of a rail on the Missouri Pacific
just west of St. Louis , an oastbouml
freight was wrecked , resulting In ono
death and Injuries to three others. The
wreckage covered the second trade
and a westbound passenger train
crashed Into It , overturning the en
gine and derailing the mail car.
Dead : James Wills , passenger engi
neer , Sedalla , Mo.
Injured : W. W. Dougherty , bruised ;
C. 13. Dillon , cut and bruised ; Freight
Engineer James Brown , bruised.
All the Injured live In St. Ixmis. The
freight was running at the rate of
twonty-flve miles an hour when the
rails spread , throwing the onglno into !
an embankment and piling up fifteen
cars loaded with grain and merchan
Before the passenger train could bo
flagged It dashed into the wreckage ,
hut the speed had been reduced and
the train was not badly wrecked.
Four Perish In Hotel Fire.
Rochester , N. 11. , Sept. 25. At
least four lives wore lost in a fire
which destroyed the Hotel Brunswick
early today. The bodies wore taken
from the third floor and are not Iden
About forty guests , most of them
visitors to the annual county fair held
hero , wore In the building when the
fire broke out about 1 a. m. It Is be
lieved that the remains of other
guests not accounted for will b found
In the ruins. The register of the ho
tel was destroyed In the flro and the
list of guests could not be secured.
The fire originated in the explosion of
a kerosene lamp , and by the time the
flro companies had arrived the build
ing was In flames.
Three Killed in Wreck.
Marlou , Ind. , Sopt. 25. A work train
on the Indiana Traction line and a pas
senger train over the Cincinnati.
Richmond and Munclo railroad col
lided in South Marlon. Thrco men
were almost instantly killed and two
probably fatally Injured. Joseph Wolf
was almost decapitated. Ho was the
flroman on the passenger train. Fif
teen workmen escaped by jumping.
John Armour and W. A. Ladd of West
Marlon , employed on the work train ,
wore almost instantly killed. The
others Injured were David Moore of
Marlon , bruised and cut about body :
John Caldwell , Injured Internally. The
brake on the motor of the work train
refused to work.
Wreck on Erie Railroad.
Now York , Sept. 25. A passenger
train running at a high speed on a
branch of the T3rlo railway crashed
Into n freight train standing at Over-
brook , N. J. The engineer of the pas
senger and fotir women passengers
wcro hurt , the former seriously. Seven
freight cars were reduced to kindling
Alleged Bank Robbers Arrested.
Council Grove , Kan. , Sept. 25. W.
H full and .lumen Hutlor. who nvo
ui i-iici'd of robbing the Wllnoy , Kan. ,
bunk of $2r > ou. have been arrested
near llerrliiRton. A rmvunl of $100
IB outstanding far their i-jTost.
Took the Game from Clenrwnter at
Nellgh by a Score of 7 to 3.
Nt > llih ; , Neb. . Kept. 2i.Special ! ID
The Nown : An interesting game of
ball was played hero yesterday after
noon by Out American Indians of
llnuostool , S. I ) . , ami the Cloarwntor
bull team which resulted In n score
of 7 to ; i In favor of tinIndians. . A
largo and Interested crowd witnessed
the contest.
After the game a fool nieo was ar
ranged for a purno of $25 between one
of ( lie Indians and a local Hprlnter.
The aboriginal American took Iho
pin-He after an IntoroHllug run.
Man Believed to be Lender of Horse
Thieves Talccn at Bone-steel by
Gregory County Officers.
llouoHtool , S. 1) ) . , Sept.2.r. . . Special
In The News : It Is believed that 111
( lie arrest of John fonmyor , who wan
tiKen ; hero yesterday , the olllcern
Inve In their hands I lie much wauled
leader of a band of horse thieves who
have boon a terror lo the tttook nils-
ors of western Gregory county and
I lie country adjoining.
( 'ornoyer , who Is said to have got
Ins education from the fiiiiinuii Jack
Sulley has boon ( alien to Oacoma fur
Ms preliminary hearing , and It IH he
lloed that an Interesting trial will
result. The stock men hope thai at
least a warning will be given lo the
runtlcrfl that they are after them and
that they may be discouraged from at-
icmpling any further depredations.
Issues Note of Warning to Turkey
and Bulgaria.
London , Sept. 25 , Dispatches from
Sofia report the arrival ( hero of war
< Hi-respondents from all parts of Iho
world , and further state that the In-
turnout leaders have given orders to
Hie bands not to resort to retaliutlve
operations for pome days longer. It la
tuitiouncod from Salonlea that the
Turkish military authorities have or
dered to have nil bayonets , etc. , sharp
An olllclal not similar lo that Issued
by the Russian government has boon
published In Vienna. These warning
lo Turkey and Bulgaria , coming on
the eve of the visit of the czar and
Count LaniRdorf to Vienna , are ospo-
daily Rlmilficiuit. The Dally Mall's
corroHpondent at llnrllu hears that Iho
Russl'in foreign ministers is bringing
to Vienna a new mhiHiin of Mace
donian KMuriiiH aim uinti u | iuin
consideration according to which Tur
key will bo allowed to fight nulgarla
and Sorvla , and having beaten them
Bho shall exercise suzerainty under
the bupervision of Austria and Rus
The bollof prevails at Sofia that it is
unlikely that any great development
In ( he military situation will develop
before the general elections In October -
tober are concluded.
Austria Said to Have Made Arrange-
merit for German Aid in that Cvent.
London , Sept. 25. The Daily Mail's
correspondent at IJorlin telegraphs the
sensational staloment that there is
the possibility of a Kossutliist revolu
tion In Hungary. Ho says that as a
result of the German emperor's visit
to Vienna , Germany has promised to
nsslst Austria with troops should Aus
tria bo faced with the necessity of
using armed force in Macedonia anil
Einmltanoously suppressing a revolu
tion In Hungary. That the latter is
not Impossible , continues the correspondent
pendent , may bo gathered from the
fact that General von Heck , chief ol
the Austrian staff , submit ! -d a plan ol
mobilization to Emperor William last
Porto Rico Socialists Released.
San Juan , P. R. , Sept. 25. The ills
trlct court has ordered the release of
Eduardo Condo and Loonldas Gulllot
socialists who recently were sen
tonccd to six months' Imprison
ment for Insulting the American flag
and threatening the life of Governor
Hunt. The majority of the judges of
that court are natives. The Amor !
cans condemn the decision to release
the two men. Certain newspapers
continue to abuse Governor Hunt am
fire Inciting a black flag domonstratloi
when ho returns Irero October 1.
Fourth Attempt to Wreck Train.
Helena , Mont. , Sopt. 25 A special to
the Independent from Klllston slales
I that another attempt was made by
dynamiters to wreck a Northern Pa
rifle train. Ono or two sticks of dy
finmito were placed on the rails a
Sampson Siding , four miles cast of
Elllston , and were exploded by the
engine of a westbound freight. The
track was badly damaged , but no ono
was Injured. This Is the fourth at
tempt made In two weeks to blow up
Northern Pacific trains on this dlvslon.
RmporinKar7Sopt. [ . 25. Dr. Chas.
Gardlnor , ono of the most prominent
surgeons in the state , died of heart
failure whllo performing a serious op-
cratlon. The patient suffered a severe -
voro hemorrhage before another pay-
Iclau could bo summoned.
udgc Seeds Decides That Civil
Law is Supreme.
Court Orders General Chase to Turn
Prlsonero Over to Shcrllt Governor
Will Instruct Him to Comply with
Court's Ruling.
Crlpplo C'reoU , Colo. , Sept. 25.
udgo William Seeds of Iho district
ourt decided against thu military
uthorltlos In the habeas corpim pro-
oodlnts ; In the cases ol three men
vlio have been held primmer by the
nllllary for ahniil two weeks without
variants and with no formal chargcH
igalimt them. General Chano , In coin-
uand of the Iroops , declined lo roroK-
ilsso the authority of the court until
irdorcd by the governor lo do no. It
s loaruod that Urn governor has In-
tnu-Uil Adjutant l'oiicral ! Moll , wlm hi
n Cripple Creek , to IHHUO an order to
lOiiornl Chase lo turn over all prison
ers lo the civil uulhorlllon hereafter.
A strike of Iho union minors waa or-
lered al Cripple Creek about the mld-
llo of AiiRUHl by Iho Western Fodoru-
Ion of Miners , lu support of the mill
nen at Colorado City and oilier point ! ! ,
vlio had been for a long I line coiilend-
\\K \ \ for an eight-hour day. The mine
nvnors , alleging that a large percent-
igo of the men desired to work If pro-
ocllon wan assured , called upon Gov
ernor Pouhody for troops , although the
civil authorities denied the noroRHlty
'or such a coiirso , Tim governor , how
ever , decided that troops were needed
mil ordered ulnumt the entire national
guard of the stole , about 1,000 , to Iho
Ihitrlct under command of General
liaso. Rlnco that tlmo novoral prom-
nent momboni of Iho Minors' union ,
Deluding all the members of the ox-
onullve coiniullleo , which hud the
nlrlko In charge , have been arresled
without warrant and held In the guard
IOURO. Habeas corpus proceedings
wore begun lu Iheh- behalf lafll weolt.
General Chnse and his legal advisors
iclil that though martial law had not
linen formally declared , It was really
put in force by the order Issued by Iho
governor directing ( ho troops lo main-
Lain order , and that thon-foro Iho civil
court hurt no Jurisdiction.
Judge Seeds said that he could not
subscribe to the doctrine advanced by
Iho respondent , that the military law
was supremo. The court said that the
question involved wan : Does the ex-
oeutlvo order calling troops coiiRlllnto
a justification of arrest ? Ho hold that ,
civil law had not been overthrown In
Teller county , and no evidence had
lioon adduced that law breakers were
IHH ui no piiuiHiicii ny mo civil au
thorities. Judge Seeds also Rlrongly
rebuUeil the presence of operators 111
the court room.
Not a Street Car Running Except Un
der Police Guard.
Newark , N. J. , Sept. 25. The big
gest strike In Newark In the past
twenty years began lust night and not
a street railway car wns running ex
cept under police guard. It is ex
pected that the strike will extend lethe
the power houses , including Ihoso
lliat supply Iho lighting circuits. The
gas house employes are said to bo
ready to go out and complete the tloup.
The Newark trolley car inon declare
the strike will bo general all through
I3ssox , Hudson , Possalc and Union
counties. The men have demanded 22
cents an hour and recognition of the
Coming as It did at the busiest traf
fic hour of Iho day. Iho strike caught
thousands of working people and
shoppers unprepared. Many of them
were compelled to walk mlles to their
homes In the suburbs.
The executive commlttoo of the
Amalgamated association was sent by
a mooting hold in Lyric hall to con
fer with President McCarter. After a
short and spirited debate the motion
to resume work was carried.
He Says That President Buchanan
Will Be Deposed.
Kansas City , Sopt. 25. Sam Parks
and ills followers are now practically
In control of the convention of the In
ternational Association of Bridge and
Structural Iron Workers. Parks and
his friends are retltont about saying
what they will do with their powers ,
but it Is claimed by the Parks clement
that R. 13. Noldlg , president of the
union of which they are members In
Now York , and Frank Buchanan , pres
ident of the international association ,
have boon repudiated and will bo de
posed. The delegates , after much dis
cussion , voted to allow the insldo
shopmen to join the association. This
action will more than double the mem
bership of the international associa
tion. It is generally bollovod by the
delegates that President Buchanan
will bo defeated If he allows his name
to go before the convention for ro-
Ultimatum to Mine Owners.
Pueblo. Colo. , Sept. 25. After con
siderable discussion ever the matter ,
the convention of the Fifteenth district
of United Mine Workers of America
decided tlmt no strike would bo de
clared until after an ultimatum had
been submitted to the mluo owners of
I hi' ili' < li let. The < ( invention will
adopt a Hi-liednlo of ileiniindM that will
lie ltinlnlrd upon , and In the event
cHe are mil compiled with by Ilia
owners It U oxpucled Unit a slrlliu will
bo ordoiiid.
harles Stropc Died Lnot Night of
Black Erysipelas ,
OrolKhlnii , Neb. , Hepl. 2fi. Spoulul
10 The NOWH : Clmrlnn , Iho I l-yoar-
ild Kim of Lou Htrope , n promliionl
Tanner living nine miles imrlli of Or-
churd , died law ! night nf black ory *
HlpeliiH , after a dlHlroHHlng Illuenn of
Iwo \voohn duration during which ho
had tin1 host of medical skill ( hat
could he furnlMhed. The hey bun boon
troubled by the disease for minm I line ,
lull II has not been until recently that.
11 look a HcrlnUH turn.
The funeral will lie held Saturday
_ _
Twenty-Seventh Annual Convention
Formally Opened nt Wlnona
this Morning.
Wliinnu , Minn. , Kept. 25. Special
lo The NOWH : KnlliimlnHin was the
predominant note among the scorou
of doloiiulOH to Mil' twenly-riovontll Hll-
nual convention of the MlnncRotn W.
C. T. U. today. The withering was
formally opened I bin morning by the
Htnto pronldont , MI-H. MOHHOj. ! \ . Scov-
ell. The iiHiial consecration norvtca
and Iho reporlH of the recording GOO
rotary and the Hiiperlulondonla occu
pied the forenoon. The olllcorn * re
port H Klio we'd that I lie past year had
been one of moro than ordinary no-
llvlly for Urn organization with u
large per c < ; nUmo of gain In moinbor-
ship. Routine hiiHlncHH occupied the
afternoon. Tin- welcoming program
will bo carried out tonight , whan
( hero will bo addresses of greeting
on behalf of the city of Wlnoim , Iho
local churches and Iho woman's or-
gaiii/.atlonn , witli ro.spoiiROH by prom
inent women among the delegates.
The proceed I IIKH commenced today
will be continued until Tuesday. The
program IH one of usual interest.
Foremost among the attractive fctt
turos will be the annual sermon to bo
delivered Sunday by the Rov. Anna
Howard Shaw of Philadelphia. Allot
the di-legnti'H nnd visitors are bolng
handsomely entertained.
Six Hundred Reported Killed.
Sofia , Sept. 25. According to a tol-
cgrain received hero from ICostendit ,
Jorly-three miles from Hotlii , GOi ) Turks
were killed In n fight at Kali-haul. The
Turkish force numbered 7,000. After
the light the Iroops pillaged tmd
l 'rn ii a number of Bulgarian vil
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations ,
CMi'iipi , Si ] > i. ji.viimt won Htcndy In
( Inn i-ni-l.v , lint tnniiilvink mill clnxpil
wlih DiTMiibi-r % ' luwrr. Corn wns nn-
M'llliMl , ( ml ( lie lute iinii'l.i-t WOK very
\ vak. . Dcci'inliiT t1nlNti ) > iI l'i umlor ypslcr-
( tny. ( HUB riilcil wi-iik iiinl rPmc-il % c lower ,
wild pi-iixlslniiii down 10c. < 'lotting prtcua :
WliiiitHijit. . , 7J'jiUic. ' ; . , TUVUTO&e ;
May. 7x'y. '
Corn s.-pt. , ir.'V ' ; PPO. , 4Wr : May , -15 4.
OnlB-Si-pt. , mVif Pi-c. , : i7'V ; May , ! IS % .
I'oi-k-Mii.v. $ rJ.'iO ; Jim. , ifU.-lO.
Kuril HI-I.I. , $ IO.i : ! ) . , $7.5 ; Jan. $0.02
IllliMKi pi. , $ ! l.ll ) ; Oi-t. , t'.l.u : ) ; Jan. , $0.0'J.
Clili-iiK" ' 'n"li I'rlii'HNn. . 2imh corn ,
47M H" ' ir : No. ! t mull i-orn. IT'i17'Xic ' ; No.
a ycllott corn. ll > ly"-IW l > ; No. 2 mull onls ,
HflM.,1NII. : . -J wlilh > ( Mild , 3fHUe ! ; No , 3
will to outn , 3SV/-/- ! ) .
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , Bi-pt. St. Caltli'Hcrclpts , 12- ,
000 , lurliulliiK W TI-XIIIIH unit Il.lnXl west
er IIH ; KIMII ! to pi-line Hit-cm , $ , * > . , < V > Q0.1U ;
poolto ini-illiiiii , $ : I.IKKJ. . " ; Mockers uml
fccilcrn , S-J.-IWi I. 'JO ; oow i , :
hclfcrs. S-.iiO'Vf.Yi-n ' : canniTK , $ ! . -tOfili.7.'i ;
linllM.J < i'/4.V ( ) : i-iilrcN. * : t.r.K77..V ) ; Tcxus
fed uti'iTN , $ L'.S.V \ . \ Sicjilini ; &toi-M , .f.'I.OO
( I I. III. IIO S lIci-clptH. K.W ; CHlllllIltl'll
tomorrow , I.YOOO ; mlxi-il unil
$ r > .r.yiiti ; : ; p , , , , ! to ciuiic < > ui-uvy ,
IJ.'JO : roilKli liciivy. $ ri.tO'.YSO ; llKlit , .
0.37'/j : bulkf MiiliH.7.V tl.u.Y ( Sliwp-
Itt-cclplH , 'J-J.UUO ; uli-aitj in lOe lowur ;
tooil to clmlcc wilier * . J.l. Wit l.a.'i ; fair
to choice mlxi-il , $ -J.-.V < ii. : in ; western slieop ,
JU.7.VI. ( ' . ' " > ; unlive InioliH , $3.iij.5j ( ( ! west
ern lumiiH , ? : i.7.Vj.-u.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knni 8 City. Sept. 21. Cuttle Ilc-
rflpts , I ) . OK ) ; wenk ; cliotciiiecf stourx ,
$ -i. : > n' < i.vii > : r ir to KI > I | . * i ooTM.i M : stock-
era mill fceilers , $ J. IfKnl.Il. , ; western fed
nU-ers , $ 'J..Vyn l.l'ii ) ; Texus mill Inillnu
Mcers , $ 'J. ! )1ti.'l.'i ) : , TPXIIH eotVH , TI.05'31- ' ! . ' :
native liclfei-c. ? l.nvii 1.1.1 : eanncrs
1..V ) : bulls. $ L'.V'ta. ( i : c.ilves , S
Hous-ltccclptH , 7. < x ) ; extremes of
prices .le higher to lOe lower : top ,
lilllk of sales. Jd.O.V.iO.l.l ; Heiivy.
0.10 ; mlxiMl packers , Sli.O-JUyfitl.lS ; light ,
( "i.mKlO.L'O ; yorkci-H , $ ( l.1Kii0.11l ( ; pigs , ? , YM
tin 10. ShiepItefelpts , 'Unto : niitlvu lambs
fi.i.Vdt..Vi : : : ; - tern Iniiili * . fJ.IHWQ.irt ; fed
ewes , $ -J.V'aJ.7.1 : ! ( : ; Texiu clipped.
4.00. TexitH clipped hUeep , J .
Btoc-kcrs and fc-eders , $ J.OJi.t.4S.
South Omaha Live Stock.
Polltli ( linulia. Sept. .M. - Cuttle Itecclpts ,
7,500 ; steady to stronger ; native blet'rs ,
$ l.-.Vi.1.7.1 ; cows uml heifers. ? 3.00g-I.OO ;
western Bteers. $ .1.2.VfM..V ) ; Tpxns steers ,
$2.7.V < | . ' ! .8.1 ; cows nnd heifers. $ : i.00ft3.2o ;
eanuers. Sl.0'astorkers ! ; nnd fecderc ,
f2.73t/l.tO : enlves. $ : i.OViiri.X ) : bulls , Ktfics ,
etc..owi..v : ) . Ilput cut tie closed lower.
llogItceelptH , 4.000light steady , Others -
ers MMOe lower : heavy. $ .1.l.1tfr .7. i ;
0.7.1 ; bulk of sales , $ .1.70' < M.7n.
Shcep-lteeclpts , 0,000 : hleady to KtrOtlS !
woiitern yearlings , $ n.t > tii-t.CK ) ; wethers ,
5,1. IO'i/a.70 ; ewes , $2.7.KE < . ' 1..1 : cnininnii RiiJ
stocVurs , $ ' . ' .uyaJ.rK ! ) ; lambs , fl.OOGS.OO ,
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Sept. .M.-Ciittlei-Uecclpts.
8,370 ; steady to lOo lower : natives , fa.8T > 4J
ri.CO ; eowa and heifers. $ l.W > 2 > t.S.5 ; stockers -
ers nnd feeder * , $2.fX'n-t.-3. Hogs He-
eelpt * . 5,137 ; stendy to lower ; Hsht , $5.00
(30.15 ( ; medium nnd hruvy , $5.75@0.0o.
Sheep IlpcolpU , S J ; lOtfirie lower ; native
Umbs , $ .1.'J.1 ; natlre wvtherg , $100 ; na-
tlr * ewes ,