THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 85 , ! ! K1. ) ! Four Young Boys From Oak- dale Held up Foreman. ESCAPED AT POINT OF A GUN. Were Caught Placing Dolts and Spikes on Track Threatened the Section Foreman and Got Away. Jackson Will Prosecute Crowd. ( From Monday's Dnlly.1 Nollgh , Neb. , Sopt. 21. At the IKInt of a gun and with violent throats uttered against him , Section held up by four young boys from Foreman Davis , of this place , wns Onlululo , who hud placed bolts and spikes on the Northwestern tracks In nn nttempt , it Is thought , to wreck Uio train. They mndo a temporary escape from the suction foromnn but are now behind the burs of the county jail , where they were landed by Sheriff Frleshie. Warrants were made out and the matter of prosecution IH in charge of N. D. Jackson , the railroad i t attorney. The names of the boys arc : Klmor Holmes , Ltiko Alexander , Oscar Price and Clem Mllligan. They are pronounced u had lot. The Polander , In jail , charged with asaault upon n little girl north of Ne- Ugh , has little to say. He was caught only after a hard chase. ENDS LONG DISTANCE TRIP. Trooper Davis Rides From Oklahoma to West Point In 39 Days. Newburgh , N. Y. , Sept. 22. Trooper Davis of the Eighth United States cavalry has reached West Point , be ing the first of a detachment of twelva troopers who stated from Oklahoma thirty-nine days ago on a teat ride of 2,000 miles. The men were allowed to eat and sleep when they pleased , relays of horses being provided every thirty miles , the object of the ride beIng - Ing to cover the distance in the short- eat practicable time. Davis , being the lightest man of the party , led his comrades nt the start nnd thus had the advantage of getting the pick of mounts at the relay stations. Davis weighed 137 pounds when he started . and now weighs but 108 pounds. He " * * was very tired , but happy to think ho , had broken the record for the dls- v tance , which Is forty-five days. The ride Is one of scvernl tnken to test the stnmlnn of men and horses. FRANCHISE IS REFUSED. Toledo Citizens Burn Red Fire In ( Approval of Council's Action. Toledo , O. , Set. 22. The franchise ordinance granting a twenty-five-year franchise to the Toledo Railway and Light company , which had been ve toed by the mayor , was tabled by the council. A great crowd gathered , fill ing the corridors nnd overflowing into the streets. Red flro wns burned free ly outside nnd the crush Inside broke in several glass doors opening from the council chnmber. The company's solicitor nnnounced thnt It would not accept the ordinance and it wns tabled by unanimous voto. After the mayor had made an address the crowd went away quietly. SLATE FOR A NEW CABINET. It Is Said to Have Met the Approval of King Edward. London , Sopt. 22. King Edward is said to have approved the appoint ment of Austen Chamberlain , the postmaster general , to be chancellor t of the exchequer , in succession to Charles T. Ritchie ; Mr. Arnold Fors ter , secretary to the admiralty , to bo ! secretary for war , In succession to i Mr. Brodrick ; Mr. Brodrlck , the secrc- 1ary for war , to be secretary for In dia , in succession to Lord George ? Hamilton , and Lord Selbourne , first \ lord of the admiralty , to bo secretarj ' " for the colonies , In succession to JoT - T Eeph' Chamberlain. Bold Attempt to Rob Car. Chicago , Sept. 22 , A bold attempt by two men to lock themselves in a Michigan Central railroad express cai with the express messenger , overpow j er him after the train left the yardr nt Thirteenth street , and then rifle t the two safes in the car was frustrat- j ed. William Ganghlln , nn express i man , was knocked unconscious and ' gagged in the express car and then the men discovered he was not the express messenger and , fearing detec tion. fled. Younger Charged With Embezzlement. Nevada , Mo. , Sept. 22. A charge of embezzlement of ? C,000 has been made against Cole Younger , the bandit , by tbo management of n wild west show with which Frank James nnd Cole Younger have been associated since Ehortly after Younger's pardon from the Minnesota penitentiary , where ho was serving a life sentence. James end Younger had previously brought action for damages against the man- i ngemcnt , because , as they nllege , the , i ebow proper failed to equip the aggrc- j gation according to contract nnd re fused to drive nwny the gambling ele ment thnt followed the show. Both James nnd Younger assert there la v nothing In the embezzlement cbnrgo. 7 which they say Is retaliatory. Master Mechanic McCormlck Kesigns. Topeka , Kan. , Sept. 22. It is an nounced by the Rock Island author ities hero that A. McCormlck , muster mechanic of the Nebraska division of i that road , with headquaiters nt Fair- - bury , Neb. , has resigned to take the position of piaster mechanic of the Colorado Springs nnd Cripple Creek lines , with headquarters at Colorado Springs. The change Is effective at once. 8AVED BY ACCIDENTAL SHOT. bcntry Knocked Down by Rock , but Rifle It Discharged. Victor , Colo. , Sept. 22. What la bo- HfcTOd by the military authorities to 1-i.vo been a preconcerted attack on the Strntton Independence mine was frustrated by the accidental discharge of a rifle. As the sentry posted on the railroad tracks below the Independ ence wns walking ho spied three or four men acting suspiciously and as ho wns approaching them he watt sud denly knocked down by a blow from n rock on the side of the head. AH he fell his rifle In some manner wns discharge , ! . This alarmed fho other guards , nnd an the corporal and other detnlls rimhed down to the spot they found the man lying unronsolouH Ills assailants worn K nn running nway hy the sentry on the no\t lie-t. but they were out of sight too noon to permit of accurate shooting. It Is claimed thnt the Portland o < * tnte. on which union miners nre om ployed. Is being made the base of oper ations by the strikers , and Ooncrnl Hell says that hereafter this property will "bo patrolled and controlled. " FOR FAMILIES OF DRUNKARDS. Carrie Nation Deeds Property In Kan sas to CharltabTe Institution. Now York , Sept. 22. Mrs. Carrlo Nation has deeded over certain valu able property to a charitable assoola- tion In Kansas. Shu Is now writing a play , lu which she will appear her- eolf as "thu defender of homes" and advocate total abstinence. The prop erty Mrs. Nation surrendered consign of a building and two acres of ground in Kansas City , Kan. 3ho turned it over to the Benevolent asspclation of Wyandotte county , Kansas , to bo used as a home for the wives and children of drunkards. "I am the only Illo member of the board , " said Mrs. Na tion , as she signed the papers. "There arc nine other persons to serve terms of three years each. MBS ! Short will bo the superintendent of the homa and the governing trustee Is Byron J. Waterman , cashier of the Citizens' bank of Kansas City , Kan. BIG LAND DEAL IN CHICAGO. University Makes Preparations to Es tablish a Large Medical College. Chicago , Sopt. 22. One of the most extensive real estate deals In the his tory of the city has practically been completed for the University of Chi cago. The transactions Involve the purchase of the entire south front- nge of the Midway Plalsance , between Cottage Grove and Madison avenue , at a total consideration estimated at $1,000,000 for the land and $450.000 for the hulMlngs. The news of the extensive purchase confirms the re ports which have circulated In uni versity circles for some tlmo that the l.irgcst medical school in the world Is to be established In the Midway. Three Fatally Hurt. Gallatln , Tenn. , Sept. 22. A run away horse attached to a delivery wagon smashed through a vehicle here , seriously injuring five persons , three fatally. The Injured : Mrs. Smith , right arm broken , hurt inter nally , will die ; Miss Ilattie Smith , left thigh dislocated ; Mamie Smith , skull fractured , both hips dislocated , will die ; Miss Mollie Saddler , Internal in juries , will die ; W. Watson , wounds on the head. Miss Saddler wns In n surrey with four other young ladles all of whom were more or less hurt. The horse , while hitched , became frightened at a toy balloon. Nebraska City Man Is Shot. Kansas City , Sept. 22. James A. Hinds , a sign painter , shot nnd killed Harvey A. MUUlleton , a paper hanger , In a rooming house hcie. through jealousy over Mlddleton's attentions to a women. Hinds escaped. The woman jumped to the ground from a second story window In an attempt to escape being shot. She was ar- icstcd and will be held for investiga tion. Mlddleton died before regaining consciousness. He came hero from Nebraska City , Neb. Nonunion Man Fatally Assaulted. Indianapolis , S"pt. 22. William II Collins , an employe of the Parry Man ufacturing company , and a nonunion man , was badly assaulted on the street by a man supposed to bo a union hodcarrier. Collins refused , it snid , to discuss the respective merits of unionism and nonunlonlsm with his assailant. The latter struck Collins n vicious blow on the head. The blow and the full caused contusion of the train , from which Collins died Inter Beatrice Man Dies by His Own Hand. Now York , Sept. 22. James D. KM Patrick of Beatrice , Neb. , committed culclde 1-ere by shooting. Ho had been In New York since July and was n membei of the firm of Kllpatrlck Brothers & Co. , of Beatrice , and a dl rector of the New York Exporting am' Importing company. Ho was twenty two years of age. Kllpatrlck's room mate said that Kllpatrlck had been brooding over 111 health. He believed thnt wns the cause of the sulcldo. Fire at State Fair Grounds. Sednlla , Mo. . Sept. 22. Fire at the Btnto fnlr grounds destroyed the entile nnd horse barns , the emergency fire engine house nnd eighteen frclghi cnrs. The Missouri , Kansas nnd Tex ns station , the sheep nnd swine build ing nnd new poultry house were partl > destroyed. The loss is estimated nt J50.000. Earthquake In Illinois , Olney , 111. , Sept. 22 Residents ol this city nnd vicinity were much dla turhcd hy an earthquake shock. Th * BOlsmlc movement was nccompanlei' by heavy ri nhllng , the .notion Boom Ing to travel from the south to Hit and continuing several seconds Pursuit of Murderer Thomas Madison is Abandoned. 6LAYER OF THREE MAY ESCAPE. Fugitive Is Well Armed and Har Stolen Team Farmer Sees Man In Cornfield Who Answer * Descrip tion of Madison. Hastings , Neb. , Sept. 22. The search lor William Miullmm , the al leged Kansas slayer , has been nhan dono.d , HO far ns the IHIHHOH from No- briiHka nnd Kansas uro concerned. The men returned to thin place IIIH night. The Webster county Hheriffrt nro supposed to ho still engaged In the search , but their whoionboutH Is unknown , A farmer named Hilrrln claims to have seen Madbon In the vicinity of Shlckley. The fugitive was In a corn fluid. Ho was provided with n horse , supposedly one of the two ctolen last Friday , and ns Harris up- pronchcd K ) mounted nnd rodu away. Smith Center , Kan. , Sopt. 22. People ple throughout this section of the Btnto nre In horror over the acts of Thomas Madison , charged with the re cent triple murder In this county. Mad ison hns successfully oludcd both oUl cers nnd bloodhounds thus far , but It Is thought thnt ho Is somewhere In the vicinity of Cowles , Nob. , about fifteen miles from the state line. Word received hero says Madison Is armed with two revolvers nnd plenty of ammunition and that he had held up a numb r of people , threatening to shoot them If they told of his pres ence hi the country. He entered a farm house near Cowles and forced the woman to give him a meal. He has stolen a team of horses and seems to be thoroughly at home In th neigh borhood. MAN 8HOOT3 HIS FRIEND. Point * Gun at Him and Pulls Trigger , Thinking It Is Not Loaded. Hnrtington. Neb. , Sept. 22. John Houscr Is dead and August Schmidt is In jail as a result of the same old Btory "didn't know It wns loaded. " John Cyril and Peter Houser went hunting and met JOBS Miller and Au gust Schmidt , and the latter two were asked to get In the rig and join In the hunt. After driving about n mile all got out of the rig when , nccordlng to the story of the witnesses , August Schmidt levelled his gun nt John Houser , nt the same time remarking , "I'll fix you. " The gun was dls- chnrged nnd most of the contents took effect In Houser's neck , severing the jugular vein , death following about two hours later. Schmidt says ho did not know the gun wns loaded nnd merely made the remark "I'll fix you" In a Joking way. Schmidt Is twenty-flve years of ago and Houser about twenty. Both were employed on farms five miles west of town. Part of the charge took effect In Peter Houser's back , but nothing dangerous will result. MORO FANATIC IS KILLED. Priest , Single Handed , Attacks a Boat Load of American Soldiers. Manila , Sept. 22. A detachment of the Twenty-eighth Infantry embarked in boats had a sharp engagement on loros lake , Lanao , on the 10th lnnt. with a band of fanatical Mores , dur ing which Private E. O. Barnett was killed. One of the leaders of the enemy , a priest , slnglo handed , at tacked a boat load of the American boldlers. He was killed , A band of Indrones attacked the town of Tnlsnn , In the province of Bntnngns , Luzon , and secured the guns of the munlclpnl police. They met with no reslstnnce during their rnld nnd subsequently escaped unmo lested. The town of San Francisco Annnao , in the district of Tlngan , Luzon , was subsequently attacked , but they were repulsed. During the fight at this llace one policeman was killed. Evans Criticises Sentence. Washington , Sept. 22. The com plete record of the court-martial case of Assistant Paymaster Nicholson on the Asiatic station , received at the navy department , contains a severe criticism by Rear Admiral Evans of the members of the court which tried Nicholson because of the Inadequacy cf the punishment Inflicted by the court. At Chefoo , Nicholson became Intoxicated and assaulted an elderly civilian. The sentence of the court was that Nicholson be reduced flvo rumbers In his grade. Rear Admiral Evans , in reviewing the case , says the evidence was of such a character that the sentence should have been nothing less than dismissal from the navy. Anti-Duelling League Meets. Berlin , Sept. 22. A meeting of the Anti-Duelling league , attended by for ty delegates , was hold at Frankfort , under the presidency of Prince Ixow- cnstein. Dr. Kolh of Darmstadt re ported that the largest number of duels took place in Austria and Ger many took second place. Mayor An- tonl of Fulda proposed that an Inter national antl-duolling agreement should be brought about. Entire Train Leaves Track. Independence , Knn. , Sept. 22. A Missouri Pacific passenger train \\n > wrecked about two miles north oi hi dependence. Apparently an nttomp : to wreck the train hud boon made , a H rail on each side had been pi.oi loose nnd the llshplnto Inserted i. ' twoen it nnd the next rail. The en glno nnd nil the cnrs loft the track font remained upright. No ono wns in jurcd. SERVIAN ASSASSINS IN POWER Many of the Officer * Arc Conspiring Agalnat Regicide * . London , Hopt. 22. The Times' cot respondent At Belgrade Bonds n ro Tlow of the situation In Horvln , In which ho nays the military connplrncy at Nlah , directed against the rvglcldcv , Is far greater thnn the government dnro acknowledge. Of n total of 1.M10 officers , 1,000 nro said to ho concerned In It nnd probably thn bulk of the nn tion secretly sympathizes with them The clique of aRnn.RHlnn. however , hold nil the chief civil nnd military olllcon the keys of the arsonnl and thn tionn nry , nnd any ono oroHHlng their pnlh Is doomed. The king IH mirroiindod nnd under thu ruin of the IIHHUHHMH | , nnd ninny doubt If ho will ever shako h'nifiolf free. Minister Genii-hitch. In nhoHo house the regicide plot watt hutched , and who condurteo the no crol negotiations with King Peter. IH nllegod to POHHCSH nn Incriminating letter which Is Kept hanging over the roynl head. DECLARE DOY WAS KILLED. After Body Is Found In L.ike Play mates Charge Man With Crime. Chicago , Sept. 22. For two d yn the police have been searching for Aitht.r Eaton , the eleven-year-old m > n of C W. Eaton of 318 Washington boule % vrd , and last night his body WHH found floating In Lake Michigan. Two of young Eaton's playmates doclnro that the boy , while playing with them , wan seized nnd dragged away hy Al- bnrt Khupe , who licensed young Kuton of stealing $5. Shupn has been ar rested and Hcvcrnl of IIH ! conflicting stories an to his whereabouts when the boy disappeared huvu proven false. It Is thought by the parents of the boy that Shupc dragged the boy to the lake and threw him In. Pension Pay Roll Decreasing. Topeka , .Kan. , Sept. 22. The pay roll of the Topeka pennlou agency for the quarter was $60,000 IL-UH than for the same quarter Innt your. This Indi cated that the tide has turned end fiom now on the pension rolls will de crease. "The only dnss of enBlonn now Increasing Is the $12 class , " said Captain Drew of the pension office. "This Is duo to the fact that ninny pensioners who have boon receiving from $ C to $8 n month nre having their pensions Increased to $12 a month. The $ C nnd $8 classes nro both do- cn-aslng. So are the higher claHHOH the $30 , $45 and $72. As a rule the Boldlor who Is drawing from $ HO to $72 a month pension was pielty badly shot to pieces and It Is natural that they should die flrnt. " Parks May Not Be Seated. Kansas Ctly , Sept. 22. Thu commit tee on credentials of the Bridge and Structural Iron Workers' convention It Is Raid will report ngnlnst the Kent ing of the New York union. The re port ngnliiRt seating the suspended New York union will , It Is said , be signed by flvo of the seven monitors cf the committee. DelegatcB Flaherty of PIttshurg and O'Brien of Pueblo will bring In a minority report , favor Ing the seating of Parks nnd the other delegates from Now York. Parks nnd his followers will make a strong light In the convention , but the outlook for success on their part Is not the bright est. No Sunday Ball at Topeka. Topeka , Kan. , Sept. 22. The police Sunday afternoon bioke up a ball game at the fair grounds and construc tively placed the players In jail. A Sunday excursion hnd been tun from Kansas City to Topeka and a local team and the Kansas City Schmclzers were on lh < > diamond with n largo crowd pri'tiont. Suddenly the police swooped down and took the players In charge. Later they wore lolousod un der piomlsc to abandon the game. Urge Miller's Dismissal. Washington , Sopt. 22. The Central Labor union of this city took supple mental action In the case of W. A. Miller and adopted strong resolutions , which were sent to Piesident Ilooso- volt , urging Miller's dismissal. The union earnestly requests the presi dent to modify his orders of last July to Secretary Cortelyou , In which the president says there shall he no dis crimination between union and non union labor. Wanamaker Wins Victory. Beaver , Pa. , Sept. 22. The slanile. suit brought against ex-Postmnt > tc : General John Wanamaker by forme. . State Printer Robinson , has ended Ii n victory for the defendant. Tlit sealed verdict was read in ccurt and found for the defendant. How to Get Rid of a Cold. "Shall I over get rid of this cold ? " Thin Is the dully question of a man racked by a cough that seems to tear his lungs. Let him cheer up and take Allen's Lung Balsam. This remedy not merely overcomesordlnarycoughs and colds , however obstinate , but it Is recommended oven in the first stages of consumption. Every Mother Knows how hard It is to keep the children covered up at night. They will kick the quilts off and take cold. No not give them medicine contalnlngoplum. Allen's Lung Balsam , free from nar cotic driigH , Is never more useful than when It rids the children of cold and saves the mothers anxiety. It makes a friend of everyone who uses it. The Great American Climate. On the heels of a bright mild day comes a howling blizzard and the next thing you know the weather is fipring-ltko again. No wonder people have colds nnd sore chests nnd stiff hacks. Lucidly , I'orry Davis' Pain killer Is nt hand to glvo rollof. Take It Internally nnd rub it into the ach ing llosh. All druggists soil It. There is but one 1'nliikillor. Perry Davis' . Turks and Bulgarians Skirmish on Frontier. MASSING TROOPS AT PALANKA. General Impression Thnt War Is Only Question of a Few Days Insur gents Kill Five Hundred Turks. Zontcheff Defeated. London , Sept. 22.A dlxpntch from ( itiltHchovo , on thn Turko-ltulKurmn trout lor , ( o the Dully Mall icpoiiH lluil great excitement ptoviills lu the district bociuiHo of u HklrmlHh that orcuncd between Turkltih and ltulia ; rliin troom | on the mountain nmr.o vhleli , forniw Hie border lino. Tbo gen cral ImproHHlon IH ( hut war IH only u ( lUOHtloii of a few iluyn and the pee ' pie me reuniting their pioporty fiom the lioiitlor dlHlrlelH to places of mire ty. The dispatch nddn that Turkey IR iiinHHlng toODD tioopH In and mound Pitlnuku , ten Milieu from ( lie Ilulgutlan frontier , tiMiiliiHt which foice the llul KlllillllM IllltlJ Ulll.V 1.1MMI llll'll 111 l\lfn tonilll. The Turkish fionller ofllecis report that the liiHUi'KontH under ( Ion cral Xontchoff have boon dofontod with great slaughter near Molnlk and a number of BulgarlanM wont miiHHn- cred In thn neighboring vllliiKOH , HCV cral of which are butnlliK Sofia. Sept 22. The unfavorable re ply of Austria and RUHRII | to Bulgaria's hint note , coupled with thu nllOKutlonH that one of thn powern Is encouraging the military party nt Ylldlr Kloxk , ban uervt'il to cronta u loss hopeful fooling here. There Is , however , no perceptl bio change In the situation Vnrlotm reports are In circulation regarding ncgotlfttlonH between Turkey and Bul garia lookltiK to a solution of thn Macedonian situation Thn Dnnvnlk rayn Turkey has presented a note to BulRurlu asking for the hitter's nn- tlntancn In reaching a peaceful solu tion. Bulgaria replied that Turkey must end the masnncros , withdraw her frontier forces , guarantee peace nnd protection to the vlllngorn desiring to rctuin to their homos , nmncHty to the political offenders and Introduce such governmental reforms UK will pacify Maccdrnla nnd Adrlnnoplc. The Bulgarian reply concluded : "If the present situation continues the Bulgarian government will bo compelled polled to yield to public opinion and send an army to the fiontler. " According to the Information re lelved at revolutionary headquarters. 130 persons perished lu their burning villages near Knntorla. More than 1,200 bodies of women nnd children nro Hnld to ho lying unhurlod In the ftohls and on the roadsides around that place. Turks Lose Five Hundred. Sofia , Bulgaria , Sept. 22. According to fugitives who have uirlvod at Kiln from Djoumla , a serious engagement has occurred at Pckln , near Molnlk , In which the Turks arc said to hnvo lost GOO men killed , Including two col Cincls , Most of the villages in tin district of Molnlk nre In the hnndu of the Insurgents. Many of the vll Ingcs are In llnmos. It Is reported that fiOO Turks havf been killed with dynamite while fight Ing against a body of Insurgents In the Krcsna dcfllo. Not n Minute to Lose If you are wet and feel chilled to the bono , after a trump htroiigh a storm. Get Into dry clothes at oiicoandwarm your ItiKldes with a teaHpoonful of Perry Davln1 Painkiller. In hot water with a little Kiigar. TlniH you will avoid a cold , and , possibly , a long Hlckness. The precaution IH worth while. There i.s hut ono painkiller Perry DuvlH1. His Life Saved by Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "H. L. Byer , n well Known cooper of this town , HayH ho believes Chamber- Iain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy waved his llfo last minimer. Ilo had been Hick for a month with what the doctors call hllloiiH dysen tery , and could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave him immediate relief , " nays B. T. Llttlo , merchant , Hancock , Md. For Halo by KloHau Drug Co. Man-or-vliio Tablets. The nerve tonic for men and women. Build up the system and make you feel bright and cheerful. For Halo by Klesuu Drug Co. Ov/es His Life to a Neighbor's Kind ness. Mr. D. P Dnugherty , well known throughout Mercer and Stunner coun ties , W. Va. , most likely owes his llfo to the kindness of a neighbor. Ho was almost hopelessly afflicted with diarrhoea ; was attended by two phy sicians who gave him little , If any , relief , when a neighbor hearing of hia Morions condition , brought him 11 bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy , which cured him In loss thnn wenty-four hours. For snlo by Klesnu Drug Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LaxatlvoBroinoQulnino Tablets. All druggists refund.tho money It It falls to euro. E. W. Grove's Hlgnavnro Is on each box. 2fic. When you feel constipated , have sour stomach or biliousness , try Borg's Sweet Laxative Chips. They do 'iho work. 10 nnd 25 cents. For sale by Klosau Drug Co. A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has n remarkable record. It has been In use for ever thirty years , during which tlmo many million bottles have been sold nnd used. It 1ms long been tlio standard and iiinin reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes , yol during nil this time no case SUFFERED 25 YEARS With Catarrh of the Stomach- Po-ru-na Cured - - , til n roonnt Idler to Dr. llnrlin&n , ( 'ongrcHHinun Hot kin nayx : "My Dcur Doctor It given tuo puu ) nro to certify to the oxoollont ciirntlva or your inodlclnoM Purunannn Muiinlln. 1 have boon ullllcUxl inoro or ICMH for a < | tiiirt ref a century with c turrit of thu Htomuch and ronntlpntlnn. A rctfliluncoln Wellington iiaolncrua-Mxl tlioHo trouble * . A few iMittloM of your imidtc.lno liavo glvon mo almost coin- jiloto rollnf , and 1 am Hiiro that a contin uation of liioin will off out a permanent cure. " .l. 1) . llotkln. Mr. L. Y. Vordury , a prominent r al estate agunt , of Augusta , ( la. . Tfrlton : " / hmve been a gremt nufterer from c l rrLul dyipcptf * . I tried manyphy * tlclaat , vltlted m good mmay uprtnr * , but I believe Perun * tint done more tor me than all ot tke mbovo put together , tteel Ilkem oew penoa. * ' L. P. Verdery. This moit common form of lumnxir catarrh la catarrh of the stomach. Thl In generally known aaclynpcpiiia. 1'eruoa ouraa those CM * * llko magic. If you do not derive prompt and Mtift- factory reuulU from the HBO of Porutm , rrrltoatonco to Dr. Ilartman , giving ftill dtatonicnt of your cawo , and ho will bo plowed to giro you his valuable aa- Ylno gratli. Address Dr. Ilartman , Provident of Th HartmanB anltarlum , Goluuibtui. O. IUIH over boon reported to tlio mnnu- fuctnrorH In which It fulled to effect a euro. When given an noon IIH tlio child booomoH liourHn or cvon an wxnt IIH tlio croupy cough appears , It will prevent tlio attack. It In pleasant to take , many chllilron llko It. It con- taliiH no opium or other harmful Hub- stance and may ho given aH confidently - ly to a baby IIH to an adult. For aulo hy KloRiiu Drug Co. The Pleasure of Eating. Porfloim Buffering from indlgcHtlon , dynpopHla or other stomach trouble will llnd that Kodol DynpopHla Cure dlgoHtH what you cat and million tbo Htoinach Bwoet. ThlH remedy IB a novor-falling euro for Indigestion and dyHpopMlii and all compIalntH affecting tlio Htoinach or digestive tract. When you take Kodol DyHpopola Cure every thing you oat tiiHtCH good , and every hit of tbo nutrlimmt that your food contalim IH aHHlmllatod and appropri- ntod hy the hlood and UBHIICH. Sold hy KloBun Drug Co. Stomnch Trouble. "I have huoii trouhlod with my stom- noli for the past four yoarw , " Hays D. L. Hoach , of Clever Nook farm , Green- Hold , MIIHB. "A few dayH ago I was Induced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TahletH. I have taken part of them and fool a great deal bettor. " If you have any trouble with your Htoinach try a box of these tabk'lH. Yon are certain to bo plea.sed with the result 1'rlco 25 cents. For Halo by KloHiui Drug Co. How are your kidneys. ' It IH dan- KoroiiH to delay when the klduoys aio sick Kldiioy-litti't are the most won derful euro for all kidney and backache ' ache complaints. Try them. 25 eentH. For sale hy KloHau Urug Co. For a hllloiiH attack , take Chamber- lain'H Stomach and Liver Tablets and a ( | iilck euro IH certain. For sale by Klosau Drug Co. MOTHERGRAY'SSWEETPUWDERS ' for Children. Mnllicr ( fray , for yi-nrii n uurtc In th * ( Jlnlilri'ir * lloinv n New \i k , trfMtil ihiMun iu- cr fully wall n remedy , now pri-pnriil mid plnreil in tindmi ; Htonscnllcd Mollierdray's Swtt't l'imilrr for I li ulri'ti. 'I licy arc lisnnlius im mill. , pit UMIIU to nku indIICWT fall. \ ccrlnln ciirvfnrfctirUliuiN- , < -nintlnitMi. | lirnilicho , HcUiliit' nntl Htonmrli illpor- IcrDiinlri-inoM wnnnii. Atnllclnii.Timi'.VSc. Don't iirrpl niiVHiiiintinitiSainnli'xcnt I HUE. Aililnrt Mien s. Oinmtnl , | .c Koy.N \ . NOW HEADY Tlie Many Adventures of FOXY GRANDPA Including all llmmcrrj plctnrci con tained In tlie two volume * , entitled "Adventures of Foxy ( Irnudiw" nnil "KiirthurAd\euturi of Foxj Urand- ua. " Mr. Hclmlt/e Jnald to IHO onu day at limclr "What ilo yon think of u turles of comic driiwIiiKMiBnllnR with n grand- ( atlinrHiiil lilt two eranil > nn 7" ' Let tliii Kraudfatnor Ixi tlio clever one of tlio trio , In most of the other citxai the > onni ; folk have been smarter than the old iwiple noon whom they played thalr jokeit. Lot reverse It. " Tlio next morning he cama to my of- tico with eUctclion for half a dozen crlen , and with the name "Foxy Grand pa" lu lilt head. The UK-conn of the srrleg In the New York Hxrald wng liiBlaiitanooup , for who l a not heard of "Foxy Qrandpu" and "liniiiifl" Thn jollj old ri > ntlnmi < n , dear to grown people aa ucll BB children , ml ht almoet liu ctilltxl thu Mr , I'lckwlck of comic picture * HOWARD MARSHALL. To Ornndfatl'org WI'O Are And To 1 ho o Who Are T. . He , 1 Meirily DodlcnuiTlilK hook. "HUNNY. " Sunt ixistflB" pnld ou receipt nt ONB DOLI.VII In cur oncj or ponul onlur ; noclii'O.v rvc > ITPI ! L. R. HAMERSLEY CO. 49 Wall Street , New York.