The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 25, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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\V. N , IH'MI' ' ! , I'nliltxlirr.
IICntnlillHliPd 1887.1
lOvnry day oxoiipl Hiniiliiv , Ily rnr-
rlttf | mr wool ! , tli cuntH. Ily mull | > nf
y-M r. Jfi no.
\vr.r.Ki.v MJWS-.HMIHNAI , .
The NOWH. IJMlnbllKluMl , ISSI ,
Tlio Join mil. ICHliitillHhml , 1SS7.
Ifivrry Krlilny. Ily mall pur your , 11.50.
Bpri'liil Nnlli'ivAilvunc'i ) milimM'Ip-
tloim to OKI NowH-.limriml will liu
tnkoii until Ortohtir K nt tlio mm of
II. o l > or your. Old nul > Hi'illM rn limy
liuvo tlio luini'lll of thin rutu by pny-
\I\K \ nrrouriiKPM ' " ilnt ill tlio ri'Kulur
miliHi'rlpllon pi-lro ami iino your In
Kiivnnro. TlilH KH'i'lnl | olTur will IMI
wltlidrnwn Ootolior 1 .
HntrriMl at tlio iioHlnltlro nt Nor
folk. Nob. , an m-roinl CIIMH ) mattor.
TolophonoH : Killturlnl D
Nil , " 2. HIIHIU | > HH Ulllru anil Job
No. 3W. !
Kor .Iiuluu of tlio Hupromo Court
J. it. llarnoH MinllHon
Kor lloKiinlH of 8tato UnlvorHlty
CliurloH H. Allen t.iinriiHtor
Vf. ( \Vlittiiioro DoiiKliiH
Ninth District.
Kor JuilKo Ninth .Imlli-lal UlHlrli't
J. K. lloyil AutoJoin )
With I ho canal Hi-Kill lallnna all off.
tlio people cun now put In Iliolr tint"
nnllclpatliiK wluit Mm American eon-
jroaa may do In the prom Inns.
Now York iloiiiooratH Hcrloimly con-
toinplato Iho naming of ( it-orgo H.
McCIollim. the mm of "Ultlo Mac"
the famous Union general , for mayor
nt tholr coniltiK convention. It will
prohalily taUo moro than hln iniino for
HID HOII of IIH ! father to win In a contest -
test ajjaliiHt Mayor
This appears to ho a great HOIIMOII
among fust IIOPHOH anil the dipping
off of a few seconds hy I'rlnco Alurt ,
the fainoiiH pacer , docs not coino as
n Kroat surprise. The pacing record
has now been reduced to 1:57 : , and
the work IH gnlni ? steadily forward to
red'uco It ullll further , so that a one-
inlnuto clip may not bo as far In the
distance as HOIIIO might think .
ItOHldes ult'otliig a Hiipremo
those hold advocate.M of a nonpartisan
san judiciary see In It a chance of
having Nebraska vote a domocratle
tlckot on the eve o ? a proslduntlal
campaign miroly a very beautiful
prospect , but ono doomed In advance
to falluro. .Intlgo llarnes Is the only
kind of non-partisan judge that will
lie elected to the Kiiproinu boneli this
About the tlmo the fimionlsts be-
Kin to see that their non-partisan ju
diciary scheme. Is a real brilliant Idcn
on the part of their leaders they will
find that their manner of prompting
it Is decidedly unsatisfactory to the
voters. It Is the usual thing with
tholr paramount Issues , so they wll )
probably not. ho disappointed , but
will go ahead and try to hatch up
something now. It Is possible that they
will bo brought backto the noons-
slty of mini-slinging In order to liavo
anything at all to say that might interest
torost the voters.
With Sullivan and llolconib on the
bench and llollonbuck the fusion can-
dldato for the supreme judgeshlp two
years ago , did nuyonn hear anything
about the necessity for a non-partisan
Judiciary from a fusion source ? Not
a word. With two fusion judges on
the bench they put In their host licks
to elect HollonbecU also and make
the court ontlrely fusion , but they
failed , and now to prevent a loss of
the fusion majority in a republican
state they arc urging that the oloo-
tlon should bo on ti non-partisan ba
sis. It IB n mightly thin pretense ,
hut democrats nro used to any sort"
of makeshift that will tend to length
en tholr llfo of opposition nnd use-
IOSBUPSS. It will not work this year.
The people arc "Rotting next" onrly ,
nml the republicans will Insist that
if the election Is to bo on non-partisan
Hues It will bo republican nonpartisanship
tisanship rind not democratic.
The Lincoln correspondent of the
Omaha Uoe. has boon investigating
the clmucoa for a fusion victory ns
shown by the returns of preceding
campaigns , and considers tholr chances
altogether hopeless , comparing the
vote of the last judicial uloctlon and
tlio state election of a year ago. Four
years ngo it was found that in eight
out of the fifteen Judicial districts
fusionista were elected , in many In
stances the majority ranging over the
thousand mark. At the election of
last year , based on the vote of Secretary -
rotary Marsh the republican tlckot
received a majority in every district
but the Sixth , and oven there the fus
ion majority was reduced by over n
thousand votes. The republicans lost
some votes in several of the districts
but not sntllclently to afford oncour-
ngomont to the fusionists.
In n study of the following figures
It will bo well to remember that tlie
most liopoloss of them have boon
chosen for the grand stand play , that
of urging a non-partisan judiciary nnd
endeavoring to make it appear that
they arc sincere by endorsing repub
lican candidates in the Second , Third
nnd Fourth districts. Voters will do
well to study these flguros before fall
ing over themselves to repay tlio great
generosity of the fusion parties by
voting for their candidate for supreme
Judge :
First District dago. Jefferson ,
.lohnson , Neinaha , I'nwnee , Richard-
mm. Highest republican majority In
18H ! ) . I.2IU ; Secrelary Mnhsh's major
ity In MIDI ! . 'Mill. ,
Second District Cass , Otoe. High
est republican majority In IS ! ) ! ) , 710 ;
Secretary Marsh's majority In 11)02 ) ,
Third District Lancaster. Highest
Miubllcan majority In IH'.i ' ! ) . 1,1S ! : ! ;
ecrolnry Marsh's majority In I'.Kil ! ,
Fourth District Hurt , Douglas ,
urpy , Washington. Highest repub-
can majority In IK ! ) ! ) . ; Hecre-
nry Marsh's majority In I IXC' , 1.U77.
Fifth District llutlor. Hamilton ,
'oik. ' Haundors. Seward , York. High-
st fusion majority In IS ! ) ! ) . ! , ( ( ) ! ) ; -
. lary Marsh's majority In lliou , lOii.
Sixth District Colfax , Dodge. Mor
els , Nance , I'lalte. Highest fusion
lajorlly In IS ! ) ! ) , l.filli ) ; Powers' ma-
irlly in I'.KiL' ' . mis.
Seventh District -Clay. Fillmore.
uckolls , Kallne , Thayer , Fusion
uijorlty In IS ! ) ! ) , 127 ; Secretary
larsh's majority In I'.mi ! , 1'jiu.
Eighth District Cedar , turning ,
lakota , Dlxoii , Stanton , Thiii'ston.
'uslon ' majority In IS'.i'.i ' , 581 ; Score-
iry Marsh's majority In 11)01 ) ! , 1M. !
Ninth District Antelope. Knox ,
ladlson , Pierce , Wayne. Fusion ma-
irlly In IS ! ) ! ) , , : ; Secretary
.larsh'H . majority In I'.IOU. ' 1,001 ! .
Vnth District 'Adaiiin , Franklin ,
larlan , Kearney , Phelps. Wohster.
'uslon majority In IS ! ) ! ) , I.KiU ; Secro-
iiry Marsh's majority In I'.iOi ' ! , : ( ) ! .
Eleventh District Ulalne , lloone.
' 'alrlleld , ( iwnt , ( Sri'doy , Hall , I look-
r , Howard , Loup , Thomas , Valley ,
Vheelor. Fimlon majority of highest
oto , ISli ! ! , 1,177 ; Secretary Marsh's
lalorlty , IDti : ! , ll8. !
Twelfth District Buffalo. Custer ,
) awsiti ) , Shormnn. Fusion majority ,
8 ! ) ! ) , 1/liii ) ; Secretary Marsh , major
ty , 11)02. ) r. : > 7.
Thirteenth District Hannor , Chey
line , Deuol , Keith , Klmball , Lincoln ,
.ognn , McPherson , Perkins , Scotts
llnlT. llepuldlcan majority In 18 ! ) ! ) .
, OI7 ! ; Secretary Marsh's majority ,
1102 , 5711.
Fourteenth District Chase , Dmiily ,
You tier. Furiias , ( losper , Hayes ,
litchcock , Ited Willow. Republican
imjorlty , IS'.i ' ! ) , III ! ; Secretary Marsh ,
u.ijorlty , i)02 ! ) , 117:1. :
Fifteenth District Mox. Hut to , Iloyd
Jrown. Cherry. Dawes , Holt , Keya
'aha. Hock , Sheridan , Sioux. Fusion
majority of highest vote , IS ! ) ! ) , I.177 ;
Secretary Marsh , majority. 11)02 ) , 8 ! ) I
Judge llolconib was elected sir
ironic judge on the fusion ticket b >
majority of lfi.107 , and Secretarj
Marsh on the republican ticket was
elected by a majority of KS.OIS votes
Some people refuse to grow because
ho town doesn't grow.
Apple sauce Isn't good unless the
lostess made it herself and calls 1
'sass. "
A bad habit that Is growing : Com
mentlng adversely on the ono win
just wont out of the door.
When a man is n failure , ho remembers
members where others fnllod him li
tlnio of need but forgets his own nils
Wo have noticed that when a rah
storm , interrupts callers , it always-
shuts Iho wrong person In your house
and the right person out.
How do you wear your features
Of Into , helpful hints to women ii
tnaga/.lnoH bnvo a great deal to
about tlio proper way of wearing one's
This Is the season of the year whoi
the woman who was not Invited ti
Join a card club last season , gets uj
0110 that is very select , lu order lha
she may got even.
Now that the price of coal has gone
up. it might not ho shocking to asl
If thcro Is anything Iho matter will
the old fashioned custom of keopln
warm by sleeping throe In a bod.
Apples will cost three tiniosas iniicl
as usual this winter , which moan
that mothers will cat thorn at aftoi
noon receptions , and that childrei
will liavo to go to school without then
in their pockets.
The women find that gradually n
they grow older they are plannini
moro and moro for the pleasure o
the young folks about them , and gi\
Ing up a llttlo moro every day. TJi
Lancaster literary society Is asked t
decide If this is'good for the voun
folks ,
At a missionary society inootin. .
this afternoon , two members proson
it was voted by the secretary , th
balance of the society making it unai
imo'us. that this country ought to d
something to protect the Christians 1
Turkey ; that our Indifference is
slmmo and a blot on civilization. Ho
froshmonts were passed , and n
enough had been prepared for twont
people , the ono guest made out
square meal.
A girl , evidently under the imnros
slon that the Qlobo has a heart-to
heart department , asks how to wl
n lover back after there has been
quarrel. Wo would ndvlso the glr
to take advantage of the temporary
separation to make It permanent and
get rid of the man for good. Think
bow much misery you would liavo
boon spared if your mother nnd
father bad stopped with the first
quarrel in their courtship , and had
never made It up nnd married. The
girl 1ms a great opportunity , nnd the
Glebe hopog she will taUo it , and
shako tiio man.
Festival Program Will Open
Saturday Afternoon ,
ne Hundredth Anniversary of Flrot
White Settlement Will be Splen
didly Commemorated Festivities
Will Continue for a Week.
Chicago , Sept. 25. Special to The
ows : The work of decorating for
10 centennial celebration was begun
i earnest today. Oroat progress has
een made , and by tomorrow night
Chicago will be In such a glory of
olor that It will not know itself. The
oeorntions consist largely of the tin-
lonnl colors and of the familiar Hag
f terra cotta and white , the distlnc-
Ive emblem of the city. Electricity
I be an Important factor In the
vork of decoration , and when the de
igns are carried out Iho streets will
10 a bla/e of lire every night.
Preliminary Inillcatfons , the olll-
lals of the railway companies say.are
hat with pleasant weather the rail-
vays will bring at least people
nto town , who will come from many
tales to assist. In the celebration.
I'ho freedom of the city will bo given
he visitors to enjoy themselves In
uch manner as they see lit. No one
ilnill go away without having a good
line If Chicago can prevent It.
The committee on arrangements
innounced today the practical com
iletlon of the festival program. The
'ostlval will open tomorrow afternoon
vlth the dedication of eight memorial
ablets marking events In the history
if the city. One hundred tons of rod
Ire will be placed on top of the sky
scrapers and on the roofs of all the
aller buildings In the area covered
ty the great 11 ro of 1871. All the
; iowder will be Ignited simultaneously
ind kept burning for an hour or so.
I'ho mimic conflagration will bo seen
for miles and from the lake an espcc-
ally line view will be presented. At
what used to bo the O'Loary homo on
DoKoven street , where the lire of 1871
was started by the famous O'Lonrj
cow kicking over a lamp there will
bo an appropriate display of pyrotec
Sunday will be given to special ser
vices In many of the churches , whort
Chicago , the real and the ideal , wil
bo the theme. In the afternoon there
will be n big patriotic mass mooting
and concerts will bo given afternooi
and evening in the Auditorium.
Having burned Chicago on Satur
day , reconstruction will be the 'ordo
Monday. The reproduced Fort Dear
born will bo opened to the public ii
the morning and near by will bo the
Indian village in which the descend
ants of the rod men who lived on Chicago
cage territory in the earliest day *
will hold their picturesque sports
Monday evening an automobile pa
rndo will bo given.
If the estimate of the arrangements-
committee Is not too sanguine , the
Industrial parade planned for Tues
day night will bo something to marl
a new era In that sort of thing Ii
Chicago. The entries Indicate a pro
cession stupendous In slxo and of ar
tistic splendor. The history of tin
city will be symbolized in tableaux
and Chicago's merchants , trades or
ganlxations and foreign societies wll
unite In a pageant showing the struggle
glo of youth and the accompllshmon
of maturity. Itesldes the many floats-
the parade will contain the city's oh
and new llro departments , its old mil
Itary organizations and Its proson
lluo military regiments.
Wednesday morning the stockyards
will bo thrown open to visitors. The
big packing district will bo n mass
of bunting and uniformed guides wil
escort the 1100,000 visitors expected
A route will bo formed , and all the
plants will run with full capacity ti
supply a spectacle to sightseers. Ho
sides the exposition of processes
many diversions will bo furnished
Cowboy sports , contests In killing am
dressing and such features will b
provided. Wednesday afternoon th
aquatic sports , to last two days , wll
begin In Lincoln park. Those wil
draw the best swimmers and oarsmei
In the country , the big athletic club
and colleges sending representatives
Wednesday evening a twenty thou
sand dollar display of fireworks wil
bo given on the luKe front. The sain
evening the Daughters of the Amoi
lean Revolution will give a recoptlot
to distinguished visitors in Memorla
hall. Two thousand guests are ex
pected. The hall will bo decoratec
In the style of moro than a contur ,
ago , and the the refreshments wl !
consist of old-fashioned dishes.
Thursday afternoon , besides th
second day of aquatic sports , ther
will bo an old settlors' reunion ii
Memorial hall. In the evening th
jubilee week will close with a bar
quet to the mayors of the larger cltte
in the Auditorium theatre , whor
covers will bo laid for 1,000 banquc' '
ors. Mayor Low of Now York , Mnyo
Weaver of Philadelphia and man
others have accepted invitations t
attend. In the oratory , Chicago-
past , present and future will bo th
The special guests of the festiva
will include the descendants of th
men and women who took promlnen
parts in the settlement nnd dovolo ]
meiit of the city , and many of when
are coming from distant parts of tu <
country to lake part In the elaborat
Dcnfncsa Cannot be Cured
by local applications ns they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the oar.
'hero Is only ono way to euro deaf-
ess , and that Is by constitutional rcm-
dies. Deafness Is caused by an hi-
ainod condition of the mucus lining
f the Eustachlan tube. When this
ilio Is Inflamed you have n rumbling
oiind or Imperfect hearing , and when
t Is entirely closed , deafness Is the
esnlt.and unless the ( Inflammation can
o taken out and this tuba restored
o Its normal condition , bearing will
0 destroyed forever. Nine cases out
1 ton are caused by catarrh , which
a nothing but an Inflamed condition
f the mucus surface.
Wo will glvo ono hundred dollars
or any case of deafness ( caused by ca-
arrh ) that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Fearful Odds Against Him.
Modrlddon , alouo and destitute. Such
n brief was the condition of an old
oldler by the name of J. J. Havens ,
Versailles , O. For years ho was troub-
ed with kidney dlscaso nnd neither
lectors nor medicines gave him ro-
lef. At length ho tried Electric IJIt-
ers. It put him on his foot in short
irder and now ho testifies : "I"m on
ho road to complete recovery. ' Heat
) ii earth for liver and kidney troubles
uul all forms of stomach and bowel
complaints. Only C > 0c. Guaranteed by
Vsa K. Leonard , druggist.
Foloy's Kidney Cure maucs the dis
eased kidneys so they will eliminate
the poisons from the blood.
Klosau Drug Co.
A New Jersey Editor's Testimonial.
M. T. Lynch , editor of the Philips-
jurg , N. J. Dally Post , writes : "I
HIVO used many kinds of medicines
'or coughs and colds In my family
) iit never anything so good as Foloy's
ilonoy and Tar. I cannot say too much
n pralso of It. "
Klcsau Drug Co.
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs.
"Several years since my lungs were
so badly affected that I had many hemorrhages -
orrhages , " writes A. M. Ako of Wood ,
Ind. ' 1 took treatment wlth'soveral then
stated to take Foloy's Honey nnd Tar
ind my lungs are now as sound as a
bullet. 1 recommend It In advanced
stages of lung trouble. "
Klosau Drug Co.
Avoid serious results of kidney or
bladder disorder by taking Foloy's
Kidney Cure.
Klcsau Drug Co.
Feet Swollen to Immense Size.
"I had kidney trouble so bad that
I could not work , " says J. J. Cox of
Valley View , Ky. , "my feet wore swol
len to immense size and I was con
fined to my bed and physicians were
unable to glvo mo any relief. My
doctor finally proscribed Foley's Kid
ney Cure which made n well man of
me. "
Kiesau Drug Co.
Used for Pneumonia.
Dr.1 C. J. Bishop of Agnew , Mich. ,
says : "I have used Foley's Honey
and Tar in three very severe cases
of pneumonia with good results in
every case. " Refuse substitutes.
Kiesau Drug Co.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve ,
cures. It surpasses any other salve ,
lotion , ointment or balm for cuts ,
corns , burns , bolls , sores , felons , ul
cers , tetter , salt rheum , fever sores ,
chapped hands , skin eruptions ; infal
lible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only
25c at Asa K. Leonard's , druggist.
A Purgative Pleasure.
If you over took DoWitt's Little
Early Hlsors for biliousness or con
stipation you know what a purgative
pleasure is. Those famous llttlo pills
cleanse the liver and rid the system
of all bile without producing unpleas
ant effects. They do not gripe , sicken
or weaken , but give tone and strength
to the tUsuos and organs Involved. W.
II. Howell of Houston , Texas says "no
better pill can be used than DoWitt's
Little Early Risers for constipation ,
sick headache , etc. " Sold by Kiesau
Drug Co.
What of Life ?
In the last analysis nobody knows
but wo do know what It is under strict
law. Abuse that law oven slightly ,
pain results. Irregular living means
derangement of the organs , resulting
In constipation , headache , or liver
trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills
quickly readjust this. It's gentle , yet
thorough. Only 25c at Asa K. Leon
ard's drug store.
Doctors Could Not Help Her.
"I had kidney trouble for years , "
writes Mrs. Raymond Conor of Shelton -
ton , Wash. , "and the doctors could not
help mo. I tried Foloy's Kidney Cure
and the very first dose gave mo relief
and I am now cured. I cannot say too
much for Foley's Kidney Cure.
Kiesau Drug Co.
Distress After Eating Cured.
Judge W. T. Holland of Greensburg ,
La. , who is well and favorably known
says : "Two years ago I suftered gicat-
ly from indigestion. Alter eating ,
great distress would invariably re
sult , lasting for an hour or so , nnd
my nights were restless" I concluded
to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it
cured mo entirely. Now my sleep is
refreshing and digestion perfect. Sold
by Kiesau Drug Co.
The Genuine vs. Counterfeits.
The genuine Is always better than
a counterfeit , but the truth of this
statement Is never moro forcibly re
alized or moro thoroughly appreciated
than when you compare the genuine
DoWitt's Witch llazol Salvo with the
many counterfeits nnd worthless sub
stitutes that are on the market. W.
S. Ledbottor , of Shreveport , La. , says :
"After using numerous other reme
dies without benefit , ono box of Do-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo cured mo. "
For blind , bleeding , itching and pro
truding piles no remedy is equal to
DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Sold by
Kiesau Drug Co.
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for chronic throat troubles
nnd will positively euro bronchitis ,
hoarseness and all bronchial diseases.
Refuse substitutes.
Klcsau Drug Co.
arc the most fatal of all dis
Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and $1.00.
DeWIlt Is tha name to lock for when
you go to buy Witch M ! Sa > ve.
DeWltfs Witch Hazel Salve is the
original and only genuine. In fact
DeWltfsIs the only Witch Hazel Salve
'Itut Is made from the unadulterated
Witcli = HazeI
All others are counterfeits base Imi
tations , cheap and worthless - even
dangerous D"Wilt s Witch Hazel Salvo
Is i specific for Piles : Blind. Bleeding ,
Itching and Protruding Piles. AlsoCuts ,
Burns. Bruises. Sprains. Lact itlons ,
Contusions , Boils. Carbuncles Eczema.
Tetter. Salt Rheum , and all other Skin
Diseases ,
rllKI'AHKI ) 111'
E.G. DeWitt 4 Co.Chicago
All Work Guaranteed.
Corn or of Urnn to
Avo. nnil l-oiirtli
CliU'iiRO nnil Nortliwriitcrn ,
Bust. Arrive , Depart.
Omnlm PaBsengor 6:03 : a in. . C:03am :
VerUlBroViiy F't 7:10 : pm.
iltincHtecl Froltfht. ! ) :00 | m.
VordlKru Wny F't. 8:10 : n in. 8:15 : a m
Honcsteel I'asrnB'r.l2BO : pin. 12:50 : p m
Kimt. Arrive. Depart.
Omaha I'lissengor
main line 6:05 : am
Onialiii Passenger ,
HonuHtcol llnu . . 0:10 : a in. . 6:30 : am
Way Freight , ,
main llnu 0:45 : pm
Stock Freight ,
main line 0:30 : pin
\Vay Freight ,
JionoHteul lino. . . . 7:20 : pin
Honcstcol Freight ,
Uoncsleol lino. . . . 0:16 : pin
Wny Freight
miiln line IS2nm !
Vordlgro Freight . . SiOOam
HonoHtccl Puss. . . . 11:55 : am. . 12:40 : p m
'hong Pine Pass. . . 12:20 : pm
Way Freight
inn In line G:50pm :
ninoU Hills Pass. . 7:30 : pm. . 70pm :
Freight trains nro liable to bo nn-
nulcil without notice , they do not como
to Htatlon platforms nnd some ilo not
curry baggage.II.
II. C. Mntrau , Agent ,
Union I'nrilio.
Kast. Depart.
Columbus Accommodation . . 3'op : in
Omnlm , Denver anil Paclllo
Const 10:50 : a m
North. Arrive.
Colurnbns Accommodation . .11:15 : um
Omaha , Denver and Paclllo
Const 0:15pm :
Connects at Norfnllc with C. & N.
W. , going west and nortli , and with
the C. St. P. M. it O. for points north
and cast.
J. B. Rlsoffor , Agont.
riili'iiK * ' , St. I'niil , MlimcnpollH null
South. Depart.
Sliiux City anil Omaha Pnss. C:30am :
Sioux City Passenger 12 : ( " . n m
West. Arrive.
oinnx r-ty | PasfOiiRer 10:50 : am
Sioux City and Omaha Pass. . 7:37 : inn
oiiiiui.iti at NoriolU with C. & N. W. ,
Bolne west anil north , nnd with the
U. P. for points south.
J. U. Elscftor , Agent.
Dally except Sunday.
No. 117 Fourth Street.
Cheapest anil Itest. Norfolk A\cnie. |
No disease causes so much bodily discomfort , or itches , and burns like . ' W
Eczema , beginning- often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually
spreads , followed by pustules or blisters from which n gummy , sticky fluid
oozes which dries and scales off or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It ap
pears on different parts of the body but of tencst upon the back , arms , hands ,
legs and face , and is a ,
In 1800 I experienced at times patches on the Inside
veritable torment at
side of my hands that itched and burned , causinsr
times , especially at much discomfort. As time went by it
tjrew worse , and I was convinced that
night or when over I was aillictod with Eczema. I con
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