THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL PART ONE v. NORKOIiK , NKUHASKA , FIUIUY , SKl'TKMHKU 25 , 15)0,1. ) PAGES 1 TO 8 < , M. L. Marshall is Mutilated and Crushed Terribly. BODY CUT INTO MANY PIECES. Horrible Death of Norfolk Electrician Who Mistook an Engine and Rode to His Destruction Run Over by a Stock Train Afterward. [ From Tuesday's Dally. ] ! : Terribly mangled ami slashed ami torn , with parts distributed along the right of way for half a mile , the body of Martin Luther Marshall , an elec trician In Norfolk , was found on the Northwestern tracks two miles west of the city this morning. Ho went to his horrible death shortly after 9 o'clock last night , from the rear end of a locomotive to which ho was clinging and which was running at ter rific speed to Battle Creek. Marshall climbed upon the engine by mistake , thinking , at the round house , that It would carry him to the new coal chutes. Instead , It was a wild machine , starting for Battle Creek , and It carried Marshall to his death a few miles away. Story of the Accident. Martin Luther Marshall , In com pany with his father , went to the Northwestern yards at 9 o'clock last night to carry a lunch to a younger brother , Ed , who is employed In the yards as hostler's helper. When the two had reached the roundhouse they saw an engine taking water. "There is the engine , " said the fa ther , "and the boys are likely going over to the coal chutes. We'll got on and go along. " .Just then the wheels started to turn and the big machine moved away. , toward the west end of the yards. Young Marshall started In pursuit. "I think I can make it , pap"hesaid , "but I doubt If you can. " With this ho ran for the rear end of the tender and swung on. In an instant he had been carried away Into the darkness and his father had seen him for the last time alive. Mistook the Engine. The engine steamed on out of the yards , by the coal chutes and off toward the west along the main track. It began to go at terrific speed , as all wild engines do , and before it had gone a mile Marshall must have had hard work in holding his place. Shak ing Incessantly , lunging with its ponderous derous weight from side to side and having no load to hinder its gait , the engine tried all the way to shake off Its accidental passenger. Un known , of course to the crew , Mar shall was unable to make thorn hear above the roar of the wheels , and he grew weaker and weaker. The Engine Was Stronger. In the battle between locomotive and man which followed , the engine finally won. Its tremendous and con tinuous writhing was too much for human endurance and at last , with n cruel and merciless Jerk , It shook free from the hold of Martin Luther Marshall and he dropped to the ground. Instantly he was killed. The blow was severe enough to take all life from human form without a second's hesitation without one moment of pain. pain.The The locomotive , Ignorant of Its deed , dashed on toward Battle Creek and the dead body remained , lying across the rails. Ground Under Train. An hour later a stock train , heavily laden and long , came down the line from the west and under its whirling wheels the body of the dead man was ground and slashed and mutilated almost beyond recognition. For fully foalf a mile Its parts were carried , hero a limb , there a rib and here again a bit of the brain. In the dark ness of the night , however , the train passed over and beyond without a sight of the lifeless form and all through the night it lay there along the roils. The Discovery. This morning early A. J. Koenig- fltdn and Dr. R. A. MJttlestadt drove southwest for duck shooting. As they crossed the track at the John Wade farm , a human arm , torn free from the trunk , took their attention. They picked It up and found , near by , a heart , a rib and a piece of a man's llvor. With these they drove back to Norfolk at once and gave the de tails to Chief of Police Kane. Alarmed at the story , the chief , to gether with county attorney Mapes , Drs. Salter & Salter and Superintend ent Reynolds , of the railroad , board ed a switch engine and ran to the spot. Here a pitiful sight was found. Portions of the brain wore strung along for a great distance and every little way would bo found other parts of the sadly mutilated body , such as a bit of the skull , and ribs "and flesh strewn cruelly about. No clue was known as to the man's identity. Chief of Police Kane thought ho had never seen the person before , although the hat bore a Nor folk merchant's mark. What could bo found of the mutilated flesh was carefully and tenderly sealed in a box and brought back to the city. At the undertaking rooms of Ses sions & Boll , Pardon Marshall , who last saw his son alive , recognized the clothing and identified the remains without a doubt. It was hard to see the body of his boy thus cut and torn , but Mr. Marshall still has the last chuery words of his son ringing In his oars "I think 1 can make it , pap , but I doubt if you can. " His Life. Marshall was thirty years of ago , Ho was married and lived , with his wife , and two bright llttlo boys at 207 South Ninth street. To thorn the news of his suddun death is , of course , a terrible shock , and Mrs. Marshall Is prostrated with grief. Hy trade , Marshall was an electric ian. He was employed at the elec tric light works and was yesterday engaged at wiring the Interior of the Mast block. Ho has done most of the Inside wiring In Norfolk. Felt Something Would Happen. All summer long , according to his father , Marshall has felt that some thing was going to happen to him. "Ho was nearly killed by th dropping of a transformer once and from things I huvo heard him say , I thought ho seemed to fool that something was about to happen to him , " said his father , In speaking of the disaster. Two brothers living nine miles north of the city have been notified , and will bo brought to town tonight. BRAKEMAN GROUND TO DEATH , Aurora Man Fell Between the Bump ers and Was Crushed to Death Today. Aurora , Sept. 22. Special to The News : Brakeman Firth was caught between the bumpers of a train hero this morning and ground to death. Ills body was badly mutilated when picked up. THIRD WEEK IN CITY SCHOOLS , Prospects for Accomplishing Much This Year are Better Than Ever Before. The Norfolk public schools are moving off OH the third week of the present term with brighter prospects than have ever before greeted the starting of the year. Everything Is running in an ideal nianner already , already the students throughout Uie various grades have gotten down tea a steady routine and indications at present promise an enormous lot of good work before the nine months are ended. The high school is larger this year , in point of attendance , than it has over been before in the history of the Institution. With 125 students enrolled In the four classes of this department , the big assembly room Is crowded very nearly to the limit right now. More freshmen are In this year's class than ever before. Fifty-three constitute the beginning class in the high school work , and they are an or derly lot , withal. The seniors , too , liave more in numbers than any pre vious graduating class. There are just twenty-three who will receive diplomas next spring , and the larg est number ever before graduated has been seventeen. Four teachers are required every minute of the day to handle the high school. Principal Powers , who Is tak ing an Interest in athletics and who is well liked by the entire school , Is assisted by Miss Sisson , who last year so successfully taught a part of the high school work ; Miss Miller , a specialist In science from the state university , where she made an enviable - viable record throughout ; and Miss McCoy , of the Peru normal school. There is this year no friction in the high school as there has been during a few of the past seasons. Every pu pil seems to like all four teachers and they all realize more than over that the school is for them. Superintendent O'Connor Is very well pleased with the way things are starting and feels eminently encour aged over the outlook for the coming months. A new feature in the high school is the chapel period in the middle of the morning , which has proven a great success. INSPECTOR FOR NORTH NEBRASKA United States Veterinary Inspector is Stationed In Norfolk for Future. fFrom Wedi > psdav'n Dally.1 Owing to the importance of this section of Nebraskathe United States government has located In Norfolk a government veterinary Inspector , who will have charge of the territory west from this city and north on the Bono- steel line. Dr. W. F. Jones , until re cently In charge of a territory out of Denver , has been stationed here and has arrived to make this his homo. The work was formerly done by a government Inspector located at Fre mont. HARTINGTON FAIR OPENS. Tomorrow and Friday Will be the Big Days of the Week. Hartlngton , Nob. , Sept. 23. Special to The News : The Cedar county fair began hero this morning and will last for three days. A crowd of people came in for the start. Races , dis plays and sports will occupy the tlmo. Tomorrow and Friday are expected to bo big days. Campaign Will Begin on the Fifth of October. BETTER RUN THAN LAST YEAR , Supplies arc Now on the Ground and Only the Beets are Wanting Or ders to Harvest Will be Given Thursday. fKrotn Tnomlay's Dullv.l The annual run on sugar beets at the Norfolk factory will commence on the fifth of next month and the prospects now are for a long and suc cessful campaign. Two hundred and fifty men will be employed In turn ing the roots into commercial sweet ness. All of those men have boon hired , many of them are now em ployed and others will be asked to register at the factory on the morn ing set for the start. The factory was thoroughly tested In all departments last week , water being run through the various pro cesses , and everything was found to bo In excellent condition for the open ing of the campaign. All that is now lacking for the start Is the raw material the beets which will soon be dug out of their loamy beds and started toward the factory. It Is hoped that they will show a high test , but the few days between now and the harvest may have an Important bearing on this matter. Harvesting orders will bo Issued next Thursday morning and the agriculturalists will bo expected to have many tons of beets In the yards by Monday. It Is expected that a thirty-thousand ton run will bo made this year. Last year the biggest average ever made In the factory's history was the re sult of the campaign , but It is ox- pccted to exceed that showing this year , owing to the Improvements that have been made In the plant and it is judged from the acreage of beets OH hand and the anticipated tonnage that the work of grinding out the sugar will bo continued until the now year. Among the improvements to the factory that have been made during the summer is the installation of a new and powerful vacuum pump and the raising of the small vacuum pan , which Is expected to add greatly to the facilities of the plant. Supplies for the campaign have been coming In for some time. A force of a score of men has been employed since the first of the month unloading a portion of the coal that will bo required in making the run. The heaps of black diamonds make a pleasing picture to those who are compelled to purchase this necessity , but all will bo used , and more too , in feeding the capacious furnaces un der the hollers. Eight thousand tons of the fuel will be required In con verting the Norfolk beets Into coffee sweetening. Four thousand tons of limo rock will also bo required In the processes , and six hundred tons of coke will be consumed in turning the lime rock into lime. The most of these supplies are on the ground now and nothing but the beets are lackIng - Ing to start the ponderous wheels to turning on their annual run. BONESTEEL INDIANS WINNERS , Beat Clearwater at a Game of Base Ball Yesterday and Will Play at Nellgh. Ciearwatcr , Nob. , Sept. 22. Special to The News : In a rattling good game of baseball here yesterday af ternoon , the local club went down to defeat before the Indians of the Rose bud agency , score 5 to 4. The sport was watched by 500 people. The boys put up first class ball from start to finish and the victory was only pounded out in the final inning of the playing. The line-up for Clearwater was : G. McGoff.r.f. ; R , Sharp , S.B. ; Geo. Me- Anley , c. ; Geo. Fosburg , 2 b. ; B. Al- stott , 3 b. ; T. Marwood , c. f. ; B. OH- more , 1 b. ; J. Elston , 1. f. ; A. C. Smith , P. Indians : Rogers , c. ; Scisson , 1. f. ; Gogon , c. f. ; Miller , s. s , ; Llneger , p. ; Irving , 2 b. ; Westcott , 3 b. ; Bltncy , 1 b. ; Johnston , r. f. By innings : Clcarwator 20000011 0 4 Indians 00011120 1 6 A game will be played at Nolighon Thursday , Sept 21 , between Clearwater - water and the Indians. NORFOLK ARTIST GETS PREMIUM Miss Elizabeth ShnrplessClever With the Brush , Has Many Prizes. Ono of Norfolk's talented young ar tists has been making a showing In this section of Nebraska and has , as a certificate , a largo number of first prizes from county fairs. Miss Eliz abeth Sharpless , who has been so suc cessful in her work with china paint ing , brought homo eleven premiums from Madison as a mark of merit , and has just returned from Stanton whore she received a largo number of their prizes. Every exhibition In the china painting line which Miss SharplosB made , received a first prlzo and this was In competition with a number of others in each place. Her cash prizes amount to a very consld crahlo mini and her friends are dc lighted with this recognition. AFTER BAlTLE CREEK MAN. Sheriff Clements has a Warrant fo the Arrest of Chandler. Madison , Neb. , Sept. lit. Special t < The News : Sheriff Clements luu found no trace of Chandler , the nun who shot a man at llattlo Creek immoi Pierce during the recent race meet \ warrant , however , has been Issuei for the shooter's arrest. It was at Urn thought the matter would be dropped but Pierce Insists on satisfaction It the courts. WAYNE HERALD SOLD , Leading Republican Paper of thni County Passes Into Hands of E. W. HUBC. Wayne , Sept. 19. Special to The Mows : The Wayne Herald was sold this morning by W. 11. McNoal to 12 \V. Huso , who Is to tuko possession the first of October. The Herald It considered the strongest republican paper in th county and It Is one ol the most inlluuntlal In the northern part of the state. Mr. MeNeal Is alsc postmaster and ho Is soiling the pa per because ho finds that the com blued duties of editor and postmastei are too heavy , and ho will devote lik whole Umo to the government's bus ! ness. Mr. Hum ; has been a puhltHhoi nil his llfo. Until four years ago lit was ono of the editors of the Pones Journal , established by his fathei thirty years previously. Ho has jusl returned from Oregon where he wan engaged In the newspaper business NORFOLK DELEGATION FOR SMITH Meeting Last Night Decided Whom They Would Support In County Convention for Commissioner. [ From WeilncMiliiy'B Dully 1 The delegates of Norfolk precinct In the county convention at Haltli1 Creek next Tuesday met In the city hall last night to decide as to which of the several candidates for county commissioner on the republican ticket should receive their support In ( lit ( { invention that nominates a county ticket next Tuesday. Only two 1ml lots wuro required to show that Gee I ) . Smith was the favorite , although other candidates had good support. .lack Koonlgstein presided as chair man of the meeting and S. U. McFur land was secretary. The business ol the meeting was quickly disposed of. Tim ( iifnrmnl Imllnt t-nMtiltnd n fnl. lows : Geo. D. Smith , 9 ; A. L. Carter 8 ; W. L. Kern , I ! ; A , N. McGlnnls , 1 The formal ballot : Smith , 12 ; Carter tor , ! ) ; Kern , 2 , and on motion Mr Smith was declared the choice of Hit delegation and his name will be pro seated to the convention at Battk Creek next Tuesday as Norfolk's pro ferret ! candidate. No action was taken regarding Hit other candidates for county olllco thai will como" before the convention. FIND A DENTAL CYST , Two Teeth Growing at the Base of i Horse's Ear are Found by Dr. C. A. McKlm. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] A case of dental cyst , a most re markable growth upon a horse , wat found and operated upon yesterdaj morning In Norfolk by Dr. C. A. Me Klin , veterinarian. The animal wat the property of A. L. LIndccum , ant was suffering from a monstroui growth at the base of an ear , whlcl the doctors considered a tumor. Re moving the large lump , Dr. McICln discovered that right beneath tin horse's ear two great teeth hue grown and these caused the lump It Is the first case of the kind Dr McKim has over seen In twelve yean experience , and the first , also , tha has over come to the notice of Dr. W F. Jones , the United States veterlnar ; inspector stationed in this city. SLOT MACHINES' ' FAREWELL , Like Jo Jefferson , This Is Positive ! ; Their Last Appearance In Town. Must Vacate. ( From Monday's Dntly. ] Tonight the slot machines In Noi folk will play their last games. Tc day they have a sort of farewell lool upon their faces and remind you o Jo Jefferson's advertisements , will "positively the lastappearance"prom Inontly in the foreground. Tomorrow , according to orders if sued by the mayor and chief of pc llco last week , every ono of the wheel will have gotten cold feet and not on naughty nickle will be able to locat a slot to drop through. PONCA STREET FAIR IS ON. Carnival and Fall Festival Opens Ur der Favorable Sky. Ponca , Neb. , Sept. 23. Special t The News : Under favorable clrcun stances the fall carnival and strec fair opened hero this morning. , largo crowd of people are attendln from throughout DIxon county. Thl afternoon a ball game Is on botwco Huhbard and Ponca. Everything i free to the guests of the town. Second Regiment of Nebraska Go to Ft. Riicy. CAMP BETWEEN OCT. 18 AND 27. Norfolk Company Under Captain Ches ter A. Fuller , Will Get Ready at Once Regulars From West Will March to Thla City. ( From Haturdiiy'n Dully.1 The soldier boys 01 I no hecnnd reg iment of Nebraska mllltla will io ; Into camp at Fort Illley. Kansas , on Octo ber IS and will remain there until October 27. An order to that effect has been received by Captain Chester A. Fuller , commanding Company Lof Norfolk and his troops will begin at once to prepare for the camp. The order comes under the head of general orders No. Ill ) , Issued by J. II. Culver , adjutant general. It was Issued September Hi. There will be from 12,000 to 15,000 troops camped at Ft. Hlloy , and the Nebraska hoys present will bo the Second regiment , the signal corps and a detachment ( If the hospital corps. Company commanders are ordered to hold their commands In readiness to move In accordance with Ilium later to be outlined by the war department. It Is designed to fill the ranks to sixty-five men , the additional numbers to be detailed from the enlisted men of the First regiment , who huvo al ready been In camp this year at York , Neb. The men will be selected as a reward for efficiency In drill and soldierly conduct. The Stanton boys will bo taken to fill the Norfolk quota. This Is the announcement made to Captain Ful ler. The Madison men will bo taken to (111 ( the Albion company. All First regiment troops will huvo representa tion In some company or other. Armory hall In Norfolk will ho a busy place from now on until the orders come for moving away. Cap tain Fuller has already begun with the preliminary work for the en campment. Members of the company have been patiently waiting for the orders during the past several weeks and they are all glad that they have ut length received something dollulto In the way of Instructions. The annual encampment of the mll ltla Is the big feature of the year and the boys always have the time of their lives. Camp llfo at Ft. Rlloy will bo worth while In many ways and every day will count. REGULARS MARCH TO NORFOLK , Troops From Ft. Robinson WIN Come Across Country , as Far as Here. fFroin Saturday's Dnlly.l Regular troops from Ft. Robinson will march over the entire distance from their jwist to Norfolk. Here they will take the train for Ft. Rlley and It Is probable that they will go out at the same time as the local company of mllltla. A rumor has been going to this effect for several weeks and It has been confirmed by a telegram received In Norfolk this morning. A message from the quartermaster at the fort , came to I ) . Rees , govern ment contractor , asking for ton cords of wood to be delivered along the route. The wood Is wanted at O'Neill , Stuart , Ix > ng Pine and Wood lake. This would Indicate that the troops expect to stop at those several places for a bit of rest and camping. Just exactly whore ton cords of wood are to come from in this section of the country , Is a question that is not at all easy. Mr. Recs will probably not furnish the wood as he is just now kept very busy with other govern ment contracts. He is receiving or ders every day for oats to bo deliv ered In many parts of the country. Some of the material is to be deliv ered at Norfolk , some at Ft.Rlloy and some at other points. It is though probable that the troops will pass through most of the towns directly west of Norfolk. WHAT THEY NEED EACH DAY. The troops from Ft Nlobrara who are to march to Norfolk and to board a train hero for the Kansas encamp ment , will arrive in Norfolk October 9 , and bo hero several days. They will start on September 2G. Their schedule is as follows : Sept. 25 , Woodlake. Sept. 2C and 27 , Johnston and Alns- worth. Sept. 28 , Long Pino. Sept. 30 , five miles east of Bassett. Oct. 1 , Stuart. Oct. 2 , flvo miles cast of Atkinson. Oct. 3 and -I , O'Neill. Oct. 5. Stafford. Oct. G , Clcarwator. Oct. 7 , Oakdalo. Oct. 8 , three miles east of Meadow Grovo. Oct. 9 , Norfolk. They will possibly bo In Norfolk for several days , await ing transportation. The materials needed for ono day by the troops , are six cords of wood ; 1,400 pounds of hay ; 1,000 pounds of oats. This will have to bo furnished all along the route , and much of It will be handled by I ) . Hees , govern ment contractor , of this city. There are twenty olllcers , 480 men ami 100 animals. INDIANS PLAY AT CLEARWATER. Will be a Great Day In the Town on Monday , With Big Ball. Cleurwuter. Nob. , Sept. I-Special ! ) to The News : On Monday afternoon the famous Indian baseball club which bus been making a tour of the country , and which halls from the well known lesurviillou near Mono- steel. H I ) , will be here for a con * lent with the local team. A big dance Is planned for the evening after. M'KE HAS BEEN SOLD , One of the Dig Qr.iy Express Horses Leaves the Wagon After Seven Years. ( From Tui'Kilny'H Dally. ] Mike has been sold. A now Mlko IH In bin place. The old 0110 , Urn ono who bad ( tune to be MO well known In Norfolk , and who has met every train during the past seven yoarH , was a hiuidiioino gray horse driven on the American Express wagon. Tim team of grays were often an object of remark because of their quality and of their strength. They looked like a team of ( tingling Urns' , circuit horses. The new Mike Is a mammoth black animal , heavy and strong , who came to Norfolk direct from Chicago. Ho now helps draw ono of the heavy ex press wagons and Is fast making friends. Names on an express wagon team never change. When ono Mlko leaves , the horse to fill his place IH named Mlko the mlnuto ho gets Into the harness. WILL RENAME LOW FOR MAYOR , The Citizens' Union of New York Holds Its Nominating Con vention Tonight. New York , Sept 211. Special to The News : The ( 'Ill/ens' union , composed of Independent voters of both purlieu and which may be said In a way to bold the balance of ixilltlcul power In tireater New York at the present time , holds Its nominating convention tonight and the result Is awaited with Intense Interest In political circles. The reiiiinilnatloii of Mayor Seth Low seems to bo a foregone conclusion , despite the recently developed revolt of District Attorney Joroino. The at titude of Mr. .leroine Is not likely to defeat the reiiomliiatloii of Mayor Low , but It may wonUon the solid sup port accorded by the Citizens' union lo the reform element In defeating Tammany at the coining election and retaining the Low administration In power. PRIEST HURT AT MADISON TODAY New York City Catholic Priest is Injured - jured on Train , While Enroute to Norfolk. Madison , Neb. , Sept. 23. Special to The News : A Catholic priest going from Columbus to Norfolk on the Un ion Pacific freight train this after noon , was quite badly hurt hero at 2:30 : o'clock. Ho got off the train to Icxik around and the train started off. In getting on ho was caught and thrown under. His arm was broken In two places and ho was otherwise Injured , but how badly Is not known. Ho Is from Now York city and was In Norfolk last Monday. His name Is Father Lettorhouso. Ho Is accompanied by his neighbor , Mr. Myer. SHAW WILL REFUND BONDS , Secretary of the Treasury Announces Taking up of Twenty Million Two Per Cents. Washington , Sept 23. Special to The News : Secretary Losllo M. Shaw of the treasury department an nounces officially that ho will imme diately take up and refund twenty million dollars' worth of the two per cent government bonds. It is expected that this will h&ro a good effect on the money market at a tlmo when much money is required for the moving of grain. TURTLE MOUNTAIN CRAWLS , The British Columbian Volcano Again Shows Activity and the People are Leaving. Nelson , B. C. , Sept. 23. Special to The News : Turtle mountain Is again sliding and showing other indications of activity. The people are excited and everyone - ono is deserting the towns in the near vicinity of the volcano. STANTON BOYS WILL DANCE. Company B Will Entertain and Nor * folk Boys are Invited. The Stanton mllltla boys , Company B of the First regiment , are planning : a dancing party for Wednesday even ing , September 30 , and have extended a cordial invitation to all Norfolk sol dier boys for the event. A largo num ber of the Company L mon will attond.