The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 18, 1903, Image 1

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Great Excursion Into the South
Dakota Town This Morning.
Visitors are Attracted by Lands
Soon to be Opened.
A Program of Indian and Cow Boy
Sports Has Been Arranged and
There Is Something Doing all the
Time Town Taxed to Entertain.
Doncstool , S. D. , Sept. 12. From a
staff correspondent : Four hundred
and sixteen thousand acres of choice
1 land , and land which IB this year pro
ducing the finest crops In the world ,
was enough of an attraction to bring
over 2,500 persons up to Doncstecl
very early this morning from all over
Nebraska and to open their eyes with
wonderment when they had taken a
The three Immense excursion trains
over the Chicago and Northwestern
railway , which left Norfolk last night ,
drew into the terminal of the line in
this direction about an hour apart ,
a bit behind the schedule but enthu
siastic in its crowd notwithstanding.
The town Is simply Hooded with hu
manity this morning and just how the
visitors are to bo taken care of is
something of a puzzle. The citizens
of the town have done and are doing
everything in their power to royally
entertain their guests , but it Is an
assembly which would put the beds
of Norfolk or any other ordinarily
largo city out of business in mighty
short order.
Five thousand eyes are opened wide
at the things Donesteel can show.
'Situated in the midst of an agricul
tural country which is teeming with
the most magnificent kind of crops ;
edged with a vast tract of government
land which is to be opened up , in all
probability , very soon ; and filled from
end to end with business men of the
wide awake , progressive type , Bono-
titeol , South Dakota , is a town to be
envied and one with a future surely
lieforo it.
Despite the rain last night , which
lias put a damper on some of the pro
gram that had been arranged , the
sight-seers are getting their money's
worth. Camped just at the west edge
of town , in perhaps a hundred scat
tered tepees , are a large number of
Indians from the reservation , who are
in town to give their various dances.
They came in yesterday afternoon and
pitched their camp. There may be
trouble for some of the whites of the
community as a number of them are
said to have gotten firewater very
soon after their arrival. Their raid
this morning was unique to a degree
and interested many spectators.
At 10 o'clock the Twenty-second in
fantry band , from Fort Crook , gave a
delightful concert for an hour. Im
mediately afterward came the Indian
parade , typical of early modes of
travel. A mammoth Indian barbecue
Avas started at noon and two hours
later the schedule starts the train for
the reservation , where visitors go to
look over the land. A good list of
street sports will follow.
As to the opening of the reservation ,
Bonesleel people are nnanimnos in the
opinion that it will come next spring.
The News reporter interviewed sev
eral of the business men and some of
the Indians who attended Major Me-
Laughlln's council down on Ponca
creek. Thomas Cutschall , who was in
the thick of the council , states that
Major McLaughUn declared the land
would be opened whether the treaty
was signed or not. "It is too late to
complain now , " Thomas quotes the
major , "and the land will bo opened.
You might , therefore , just as well sign
and got recognition in Washington. "
The new treaty offers $2.75 an aero
for the land and the Indians want
$5.00 in cash. They figure that this
land adjacent to country selling at
$35.00 , ought to bo worth at least$5.00.
It is.of courseunimproved in anyway
and with no cultivation at all. Tom is
one of the men who gets ICO acres of
ground every time ho has a now heir ,
His wife is a fine looking squaw and
they have four handsome children ,
besides one dead. Just 800 acres is
theirs because of their addition to the
race and their blow at its decrease.
The other day Tom was offered $2 , '
000.00 for the ICO acres which his dead
boy left.
It Is probable that the land will bo
given out by the means of the lottery
system. This does not please the In
dlans who prefer the squatter's right
method. "By lottery , " said one , "a
man in Chicago or Now York has as
good a chance at the land as wo do. "
How it Produces.
Several cabbage heads , weighing
19 pounds each ; four potatoes aggregating -
gating six pounds ; a pumpkin easily
i foot and a half In diameter ; a stalk
of corn fourteen foot high ; a blade of
clover six feet tall ; and oats weighing
57 poiinds to a machine measured
bushel are samples of what Gregory
county has put forth this season. To
bacco and migar beets are also among
the -Uputs and they are llrst class.
. 'Ip Pine has just returned from
the i Unto fair and the Nebraska
state K < f d his display of crop sam
ples nro P . ly lmmonno. Much of
the corn lit % filroady rlpo andlhreo
four ° * ' of weather
or moi\ < , warm
will put It out < > < * / 'iger. Corn Is " , ute
to CO bushels \Pflt \ j acre ; oats COte
to no.
The business men of Uonesteol are
progressive. They go into t'iclr pock
ets on all occasions to raise fund1 ?
that will help the town and they are
making It win.
Among the features of the place
that are really worth whllo is the
Gregory County Pilot , odltoil imd man
aged by U. V. Wood , formerly of Mad
ison. The Pilot is as pretty a paper
as ono could care to ilnd In u day's
journey and it contains moro actual
typo than any other weekly paper In
this section , with the exception of the
Norfolk NowH-.Iournal. The Givgory
County News is the only other paper
liere. The Pilot makes a specialty of
county news and keeps land seekers
In touch with every detail on the res
The Forbes Locating Agency is an
other feature which does a good busi
ness and is eminently high grade. It
is managed by H. W. Forbes , who has
been in Omaha during the week and
who accompanied the excursionists
to Uonesteol this morning.
A neat program of the day's events
has been Issued by Hathman & Keller ,
prominent real estate ilrm.
Bonestcol itself is of course a ty
pical frontier town. About COO people
live here already and It. is expected
that many moro will come when the
land is opened up.
The train gets people Into the sta
tion at 5 in the evening and carries
them away at 15 : ! in the morning.
And every train coming in is loaded.
Until midnight last night the store
keepers and real estate dealers were
busy getting ready for the Influx of
nests. Many temporary lunch count
ers were put up , and even this addi
tion has been nimble to feed everyone
on time.
The day has been a good deal like
the famous frontier day at Cheyenne ,
with nhouting redskins wild cow boys
and other features of a new and unde
veloped territory.
Appreciate Daly News.
Among the townsfolk , and especially
with the enterprising classes , who
appreciate a good thing , the fact that
a special noon edition of The Norfolk
Dally News is to be Issued for Bone-
steel made a hit. They universally
realize that they can get telegraphic
news in this paper about ten hours
later each day than in any morning
dally in the field anywhere. Theyalso
appreciate the fact that a special cor
respondent has been sent by the paper
to do justice to the program that
comes off this afternoon.
Charles Dougan of Norfolk was
among the early arrivals.
Decision .of Supreme Court Gives
Them Power ReportofMajor Me-
Laughlln's Recall Erroneous.
Sioux City , Sept. 12. Special to
The News : "The report that Major
McLaughlin , Indian agent at Rosebud
agency , was recalled to Washington ,
D.C."said EdHaakinson of Bonestoel ,
S. D. , who formerly lived here , to a
Tribune reporter , "Is incorrect. The
major is still on duty at the reserva
tion. Bonesteel citizens returning
from the agency tell mo the major
knows nothing of the story which was
printed a week or more ago saying ho
had been recalled. The story inti
mated the' move of the government
had some bearing on the reservation
question and shows Its unwillingness
to open up for settlement the 410,000
acres of land.
"Nothing more will bo done until
congress meets. That body has it
in its power to open the land under
the old treaty or under the new bill.
Some years ago the reservation occu
pied by the Comanchos was opened
for settlement and less than one-third
of the legal signers signed the treaty.
Chief Lone Wolf opposed the treaty
and began a suit against 'the govern
ment. The case was taken to the supreme
premo court , which held that the gov >
eminent as guardian might do what
it deemed best for its wards with or
without their consent. The treaty to
open the Rosebud reservation now has
fully one-third of the legal signatures
attached. It now rests with congress
to see to the opening of those lands
during the next session. Wo have
every assurance from the delegation
that the bill will pass. All Bonesteol
enthusiastically believes this. The
excursion over the Northwestern to
night Is to show those who come to
the town the line topography of the
land and its apparent agricultural
qualities. It will bo a gala day for
Bonesteel. The Fort Crook military
band will bo there and a big athletic
program has boon arranged. "
Whoever wins will have a beautiful
outfit this Mag and the rubber tired
runabout. The vehicle may bo scon
at Battler's.
Meet at Plainview Today for
Second Annual Picnic.
Weather Was Uncertain , Out the
Gathering Lacked Nothing of En
thusiasm on that Account Many
Strangers In the Town.
Plainview , Nob. , Sopl. 12. From a
Staff Correspondent : The second an-
inual reunion and picnic of the Pierce
county ( dd settlers IH in progress here
today. A largo number of the old
timers , with their families and friends ,
ire here from all over the county , and
that they are having a good time IH
very apparent. The rain of last night
ind this morning has not materially
Interfered with the program , although
it made the grounds rather wet fur
the opening of the picnic and the
threatening aspect of the we.Uhor IIIM
undoubtedly served to keep ninny of
the more timid ones at. home , but the
ardor of those who came In has ap
parently not boon In the least dam
Some of the old follows from dis
tant parts of the county have not seen
'iich ' other for years , and when Ihuy
; ct together there Is something u >
Well filled baskets may bo seen in
[ ibundance , and when noon and dinner
time comes there will bo feast from
which no 0110 may depart hungry
That good , old-time Nebraska hospi
tality Is present In great bunches and
10 stranger will bo permitted to enter
the gates but who Is furnished sub
stantial evidence of its inclusive qual
The Pierce County Old Settlers'
association was organized last year
and the llrst picnic held at Pierce ,
the county seat , on August 21 ! .
The first olllcers of the association
were R. Lucas , Foster , secretary ami
treasurer ; August Hiiebnor , Hndar ,
president ; Hason Turner , Pierce , vice
lirosldon. OUlcers this year are the
same , with the exception of president ,
Win. Alexander of Plainview being
president this year.
The association members now mini
her about seventy-five , most of them
lioads of families , HO that the entire
families are counted in for all picnic
and similar purposes , making a good
crowd which has been swelled by nonmembers -
members , who are welcome to partlc
ipate , and enjoy the events of the day ,
open to all. It Is expected that a
large number of new members will
ho taken in today. The requisites
for membership are an admission fee
of twenty-five cents , and that the ap
plicant shall have been a resident of
Pierce county for ten years or more.
Both men and women are on the rolls'
The object of the association is to
have a picnic every year , whereat the
old pioneers and their families can
ct together , talk over old times , ex
change reminiscences of the early
days when the wolves howled at night
and houses were few and far between
and not much at that.
Thousands of people throughout the
county and in neighboring counties
had planned to attend this second
meeting ofthe association , but of
course the crowd has been consider
ably reduced by the storm of last
night and the threatening character
of the weather this morning , especially
on the part of those who arecompelled
to drive.
A beautiful grove in the town limits
has been chosen and fitted up for the
event , but if the weather will not ad
mit of an outdoor meeting adjourn
ment will be taken to the opera house
or some other building that will ac
commodate the people attending to the
best advantage.
KxSenator William V. Allen of
Madison and Hon. W. M. Robertson of
Norfolk , who are to deliver the prin
cipal addresses of the day , are here ,
and the program promises to bo car
ried out without a hitch. Rev. J. .1.
Parker , pastor of the Congregational
church is to deliver the address of
welcome , and Hvc-mlnuto talks are
to be made by Rev. Mr. Leldy , Rev.
Mr. Hlllyar , G. P. Watson , O. J. Frost
and Robert Lucas. Music will Inter
sperse the program and furnish an
entertainment of merit and decidedly
worth listening to.
The program of sports to be glvon
at II o'clock this afternoon , will occu
py the balance of the day. Good prizes
are offered and many are hero for the
solo purpose of entering the contests ,
The present prospects are that the
weather will clear in tlmo to leave the
grounds in excellent condition for the
Weather Man Said One Was Possible ,
But it Didn't Come Last Year
It Froze Plenty.
fFrom Saturday'H Daily. ]
Ono year ago last night all growing
vegetation was emphatically and sue
cessfiilly retired from activity by a
freeze that left a scum of Ice on still
water and sent a chill through the
hearts of the people who were con
fident that a corn crop and other
crops had boon ruined. It developed
later , however , that there was plenty
of corn , and that none but tender veg
etables were ruined , although the
value of other crops miffurcd depre
ciation In value.
The weather man yesterday feared
that ( hero would be a front hiHl nlghl
and his prediction of a possible frost
In the north portion wore homo out
by the Inky black clouds thatgathored
In the north early In the evening.
The Houth wind braced Itmdf for a
contest with HoreitH. however , and the
Imttlo WIIH a pretty one , the mmth
wind coming out triumphant and driv
ing hack the Hlorm that threatened
to be followed by freezing tempera
ture , and Instead It was alumni uncom
fortably warm , the minimum tempera-
lure being < Jfi degrees , the warmeHl
It luiii been for about a week.
The showers that , reunited from the
content of ( lie elcmcntM WIIH not de
sired , hut II was HO light that It did
little more that lay the ilitHt which
IIIIH been bothering for several days.
The oHcnpo of the country from
frost visitation again last night gives
( he optimists renewed courage In the
liollcf that the corn Is rapidly harden
ing and another week without frost
will develop a yield that will be a rec
ord-breaker beyond a doubt.
Three Heavy Trains Carried the Vis
itors Through Norfolk Last Night
to the South Dakota Town.
IKriini Siitimlnv'H Pnllv I
It was a great excursion that panned
through Norfolk last night over the
Northwestern for HoiiOHleel. The ex-
t-iirHlonlstH were gathered here during
the early hours of the evening by the
regular trains and will by Hpeelabi
to their destination. The News' spec
ial from llonesteel gives the number
who arrived there at 2.5(10 ( , but It JH
probable that the correct number Is
, > 00 to 1 SOO.
The regular No. t ! from the east last
night on the Northwestern brought
about 'U)0 ) excursionists , and this was
followed by a second section glvnu
over entirely to Honesteel people ,
bringing between oOO and SOO. About
i ISO came from the west'on the North
western anil nearly as many more
were picked up by the trains belwoon
hero and Hone.stool. Quito a number
went from hero.
The excursion was sent out in three
trains. The llrst loft at y : : ! ( ) with
eight coaches , the second at 10:10 :
with thirteen coaches , and the third
at 1:15 : this morning. The llrst train
arrived in llonesteel at 50 : ! this morn
ing on schedule time , and the others
followed about an hour apart.
A big time has been laid out for the
entertainment of the visitors at Bono-
steel and It will bo an experience long
to be I'jinonibored.
Many Norfolk People Left the City
for Their Several Campus
IKroin Monilny'H Dully. ]
College doors are open again for
another term of class work and the
trains going out of Norfolk In every
direction today bore living evidence
of the fact. Dozens of young men and
women left the- city or passed through
today enroll to to their college halls.
Many of them are just entering their
freshman year and will have lots to
learn. They will ho the servants of
seniors and the subjects for jests for
many months to come and within three
weeks their letters will look blue for
fair ; some , too , are going for their
last time , preparing to enter this wnok
their final year's work at college and
planning to get started Into the world
immediately after. There were many
touching farewells at the railroad sta
tions as the trains drew away many
wavlngs of handkerchiefs just at the
last moment before the wheels began
to turn.
The Hospital Established by Drs. Sal
ter & Salter Will be Started
October 1.
[ From Monday's Dally.l
The sanitarium which was cstab'
lishcd In Norfolk several years ago
and which was so successfully con
ducted for several seasons by Drn.
Salter & Sailor , Is to bo reopened in
Norfolk October 1. For some time
the need of a hospital in this city has
been felt and especially now , since
the Bonesteel country has been so well
opened up and since the section is dl
rectly Irlbulary to Norfolk. Plans
have just been completed for the re
establishment of the institution and
within two weeks the ill and Injured
will bo well taken care of hero.
Eight Persons Injured by the Falling
of the Stone Coping From the
Flat Iron Building.
Now York , Sept. 15. Special to The
News : The coping on the big Flat
Iron building fell this morning , with
out the slightest warning. The street
was full of tralllc at the time and
the flying Ktoncs came down the )
crashed Into a passing street car
which was totally wrecked. Eight 01
the passengers were badly Injured
but none fatally. It is considered mi
raculous that none were killed.
Pueblo , Denver , Maniton , and
Other Places Visited.
Mrs. MiiRselman of this City Tolls of
the Dcautles of Nature on a Tour
of Central Colorado The Silver
Plume Mine.
I Krntn Hiiliiriliiy'H Dully. ]
Wo left ( 'olmnhiiB at 7IK : ) p. in. on
ho Flyer over ( ho Union Pacific rail
road for a trip to Pueblo , ( ' ( dorado
Springs. Manltou and Denver. Iteached
Denver at ! ) o'clock In the morning
MI TuoHday , AiigiiHt 25 , waited until
11:15 : then hoarded our train on the
Colorado Southern for Pueblo.
The Hcenery between Denver and
'aimer lake (7,000 ( feel above HCU
evel ) was , to our unaccustomed eyim ,
. cry beautiful , but from there to
'uoblo tin1 country IH almoHl barren.
It was a long , ledloim rldo and wo
were relieved when we reached the
.Mid of our Journey for I ho day nt
I : , ' ! 0 In the afternoon. Wo were taken
.o the home of my brother , whore ,
ifter a clean-up and rout , wo were
greatly refreshed and anxious to
"seo" Pueblo , which might truly be
named the "City of the Desert. " 1
lieard one lady remark , "Well , ( hero
ire no 'Imy-HoedH1 here ; every ono
Ives In town , " which was true , HH
we Haw very few farnui.
Pueblo has for Its leading liuhmlry
the great steel works which employ
many hundreds of men , and IH dubbed
Lho "backbone" of Pueblo. No ono
IH allowed to enter HIOHO work.'i ex
cept the management and employes ,
because of the great and constant
langor to life and limb. I wan told
that but fnw days passed that did not
< co one or more fatal accidents , ono
> r more men being killed or badly
hurt , HO wo contented oiirmtlvoH with
i look from a high viaduct Into the
yards. It wan a very wonderful sight.
Rows of tall , black smokestacks ,
belching inky clouds of mnoku ; re
torts spitting out lurid llaiues ; boilers
uul engines pulling away , while every
lltllo whllo explosions , "blowouls"
were heard , and above and around IIH
for mlloH the night WIIH brightened by
those lights. Altogether It wan n
sight which might bo likened to the
description of that old fashioned
place wo were laiight when a child
to bcllovo was a real place.
Wo Hpent two bourn in the com
pany's hospital , were taken by a very
courleoiis guldo through each depart
ment , shown the main operallng room
with all Its growHomo appliances.
There are no steps , nor do they use
elevators , the distance from ono floor
to another being covered by Inclined
planes. All floors are made from a
certain kind of cement and all cook
ing Is done by steam. It is said that
this Is one of the best equipped hospi
tals there Is.
We left Pueblo for Colorado Springs
Monday morning , reaching our desti
nation at 1 o'clock In the afternoon.
We took a carriage and a guide and
were driven through that wonderful
creation , "Tho Garden of the Gods. "
MI formations are of a kind of red
sandstone. We stood in awe before
the Balanced Rock , a rock of many
tons weight resting upon a very
slight pedestal , looking as though a
very slight wind or movement would
throw It upon IIH , and wo felt like
stepping back. Then the Washer
woman , a perfect imitation of a
woman bending over the tub , per
fectly natural , you need not use Im
agination to gut her picture. Then the
KiHHlng Camels , showing the heads
of two camels In clone proximity , giv
Ing the rock the name. The Three
GraceH are lliree flat ( perpendicular )
slabs standing many feet high , with
openings between in which a man
can walk upright , and many more
curious formallons which I Haw which
Impressed me with feelings of awe
and wonder. Wo relumed to and
passed through the Gateway , then
were driven along one of the most
perfecl counlry roads I ever saw , to
Glen Hyrle , which Is the property
and where is the palatial home of
General Palmer. At its entrance
stands that wonderful Major Dome ,
apparently guarding that beautiful
domain which this good man calls
homo. Kvei ; turn of our carriage
gave us some moro beautiful sight ,
which must bo seen to bo understood
and appreciated. After being un
loaded at the hack stand , our place
of slarllng , wo look a car for Man !
ton and Pike's peak , and spent the
rest of the day Ihero viewing Hie
beautiful litllc city lying snuggled up
among the mountains.
At C:30 : wo took the Irain for Den
ver , reaching Ihat most beautiful city
and were safely housed by 11 in the
evening. At 7:30 : Tuesday morning
wo boarded the train lo go over the
celebrated Georgetown Loop , at a distance
tanco of somelhing over 10,000 feel
above sea level. You may read of
and hear this part of Colorado dls
cussed by those who have seen It ,
but no ono can realize what Clear
Creek canon is without you actually
see It for yourself. The train nar
row guago enters the canon several
miles out from the city , Tumbling
and sporting over the rocks and down
steeps Is the stream from which the
gotH Un iiamn , Clear creek , but
anything but what ltn name hn-
IIH you first 1100 It , emerging
from lln rough Journey down the
inomilaln Hide. UH waters horn are
if a dirty Hlnto color , caiiHcd by Hut
washing of quanlltleit of ere In the
llfferent iiilm-H , but IIH wo follow Un
windings up the mountain , our llttlo
'iiglno pulling and throwing back up-
HI IIH clouilH of Htiiolui dust and
IndeiM , I ho water hecomeii beautiful-
y clear , tinged with a'delicate green ,
nibbling and rolling , hiHlilug llm'ir
iilo cloudH of foam ; falling over great
telghlH lo throw up cloudH of rain-
io\\ lored Hprny ; then again placid
mil tranquil , It makes Itn way on
ward and downward. Thin Hlream wait
me of the tiioHl beautiful fdghls I
vor Haw. Arriving at Georgetown wit
went over the loop , and could HIJO ait
we looked hack Hie little city nuHtlliiK
u ( ho valley , Hurrounded on every
Hide by high rugged mouutaliiH , which
if theiiiHelvoH , were a nceno never tote
to forgotten. Then on up the moiiii-
alimlde to Silver Plume mine , named
'or the knight of I lie Hllvur plume ;
Hpeut three IIOUI-H , dabbling In llin
tear , cold mountain Hi roam , going
ver HO Illlle way up I In ; narrow pallu ;
made by the burro , maiiyof our crowd ,
adieu and gentlemen , hiring imo of
Ilii'de patient , gentle , Hiirel'ooted itnl-
mabi for a ride ; climbed lo the dump
it the mouth of the mine , gatherltii ;
beautiful HpeclmeiiH of ore , rocks anil
llowerH , growing , It. iieemed to mo ,
from out of I he rockH. Thou , when
( he tdgtml ( tame , "all aboard" board-
ug our train for the trip down the
mountains to Denver , reaching that ,
place at. fiiO : : In ( he evening , oh HO
llrly , worn and weary , but carrying
with UH delight fill memories of the
ihiy Hpenl al Sliver 1'liiino mine.
On Thursday I "miw Denver" from
d three-neated automobile filled with
HlghlHcerH like myself ; was taken In
thlH wonderful hornoloHS carriage
through all the beautiful streets ,
imoiig the beautiful homes , through
the capltol grounds , the city park and
Into every part of the city that waste
to be Heen.
Left Denver at IO'IO : at night ,
liomo at 10:110 : p. m.Friday , very worn
mil weary , but so glad to have had
ipportunlty to HCO the sights I did
nee. I could tell of much moro that
1 saw , hud I Hpace.
Anna MiiHselman.
Two Cars on n Freight Were Derailed
and the Passenger was Six
Hours Late.
fKrmn Momlnv'w Ilnllv.l
The train from HoiieHlcol , S. D. ,
due here at ( i o'clock this morning ,
did not arrive until noon , the delay
being occasioned by the ditching of
two cars of stock between Anoka and
Fairfax. The softness of the track
bed owing to recent rains was ac
countable for the accident. Fortu-
niitoly none of the derailed cars were
overturned , none of cattle Injured and
little damage done.
Early Settler of Madison County.
Il'mm Monilnv'H Hnily 1
Walter Mend , ngod suvonty years ,
died at the home of his daughter , Mrs.
Win. Whltla. at Anoka , Doyd county ,
Saturday night at 10 o'clock and the
body was brought down from there
on the Honesteel passenger , reaching
Norfolk at noon today , anil was hero
transferred to the train for Madison ,
the former homo of l\\p \ \ deceased ,
where Interment-will take place. Mrs.
Mead and Mr. and Mrs. Whltla ac
companied the remains. Arrange
ments for the funeral have not yet
been completed , but It will bo held ,
probably , tomorrow afternoon , or pos
sibly Wednesday , depending on the
arrival of other relatives and friends.
The deceased was an early settler
of Madison county. Ho was horn in
New York and came to Madison county
thirty-two years ago , settling on a
farm southeast of Madison , where ho
lived until fifteen wears ago , when
he moved to Madison. Ho has been
feeble for a number of years , but foil
better since going to Anoka with his
'lfn In July than ho had for a long
time past. Ho seemed to bo feeling
particularly well Saturday afternoon
and evening , but at 10 o'clock ho sud
denly turned over in Ills bed , gasped
and expired.
His wife and two daughters survive
him. The other daughter Is Mrs. * C.
H. Swallow , whose husband Is editor
of the Democrat at that place. She
has been in St. Louis with a little
son who has been taking treatment ,
hut Is expected to arrive in Madison
Mrs. Agnes Whltla and Miss Mabel
Whltla , mother and sister of Mr.
Whltla , joined the funeral party here
and will accompany them to Madison.
Suffers Attack of Appendicitis In
Chicago. Sept. 1C. Special to The
News : Sir Thomas LIpton , the yachtIng -
Ing cup challenger , was stricken with
u severe attack of appendicitis at the
Auditorium annex this morning , and
has slnco been suffering intensely. It
is probable that an operation will bo
required before ho can recover his
The Meadow Grove hotel for tale or
trade. Inqlureof Mrs. M. Storey , Mea
dow Grovo.